Episode 4: Cerulean Cave's Mega Evolution Battle

While arriving at Cerulean City, Mew and her friends have heard about a mysteriously strong Pokemon in Cerulean Cave, even from Misty's sisters. With that, they decide to investigate. After traveling deep in the cave, they find that the treasures are Mega Stones. Then, they end up meeting a Mewtwo that ends up attacking them. Before the Mewtwo can attack them, they end up meeting the Mewtwo they knew from New Island. With Mewtwo's help, Mew has the Mega Stones and is able to use them to help her Pokemon begin to Mega Evolve.

Now in the cave, Mew calls out, "Mega Evolve!"

Soon, Charizard is the first to Mega Evolve and transform to a new form. Soon, all of Mew's other Pokemon begin to Mega Evolve too.

When Aerodactyl Mega Evolves, its eyes turn green and its body begins to turn to stone, which some researchers believe was its original appearance before fossilization. It grows larger and sprouts jagged black spikes all over its body: five spikes at the wrist joint of each wing replacing its hands, three small spikes along its tail, one spike on each ear, and a long spike on its chin. The spike on its back and its rear talons have also become black and stony. Rocky plates cover its eyebrows and the corners of its jaw. Similar stone ornaments are present on its chest on its torso: two small ridges flanking a longer ridge.

Next Beedrill gains more defined features. The antennae are shorter and T-shaped. Its eyes become longer and sleeker. It now has three pairs of wings; the uppermost pair is larger with a black trim along the top. Its stingers become longer and larger, resembling lances. Additional conical, black-and-yellow stingers with white tips take the place of its legs. Its abdomen becomes larger, grooved and is attached to its thorax by a black structure. A similar black structure connects its head and thorax. The stinger on its abdomen is now a pale yellow, and it now has black stripes over its entire body.

Then Gengar. Now a portion of its body sinks into the ground and its arms and tail lengthen. The lower portions turn a more reddish-purple, and a third eye appears on its forehead. This new unblinking eye is oval, yellow, and allows it to see into other dimensions.[2] The spikes on Mega Gengar's back are more numerous and pointed, and additional spikes appear on its hands and tail. Its ears are now considerably longer and tilt backward.

Next is Gyarados, it becomes bulkier. The fins on its cheeks become longer and gain a yellow tint. Its crest is larger and black, and its barbels also gain considerable length. A large spike extends downward underneath its chin, and it now has a black underside with a red stripe around the edges. The yellow spots along its body are replaced by raised red scales. Two large yellow fins with blue spines appear on its back. Most of the other fins along its back disappear, replaced by two rows of blue spikes. There are now four yellowish, spiky fins near its tail: two on its back and two on its underside.

And finally Pidgeot, it develops a larger body and longer, broader wings. Its wingtips and tail feathers are tipped with cyan, and its cream coloring is now white. Its eyes turn magenta and its pupils turn white. Mega Pidgeot has an even more elaborate crest on its head, with a streamer-like magenta plume extending from a mane of yellow feathers. A magenta feather projects from the front of its crest and there is a single magenta highlight on the left side.

Soon, all of Mew's Pokemon she has out have Mega Evolved. Misty and the others are amazed.

"So cool!" Tomo shouts excitedly.

"All of Mew's Pokemon Mega Evolved," Misty says, astonished.

"I'm not too surprised. After all, Mew has strong bonds with her Pokemon, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's able to help them reach new heights," Brock says.

Mew calls out, "Alright everyone, the only way we're going to defeat Mewtwo is if we work together."

"You got it, sis," Tomo says.

Just then, the Guardian Mewtwo begins to use Psybeam.

"Everyone, dodge!" Mew calls out.

With that, the Pokemon including Mew and her friends move out of the way as the Guardian Mewtwo is using an even powerful Psybeam to attack them.

Then Mew calls out, Charizard, use Air Slash! Gyarados, use Water Pulse!"

Both Mega Charizard and Mega Gyarados perform their attacks. The Mega Guardian Mewtwo quickly dodges and uses Agility Attack to dodge away from the attack.

Misty calls out, "Tenacruel, Goldduck, use Hydro Pump! Staryu, use Water Gun!"

Tentacruel and Golduck perform Hydro Pump and Staryu uses Water Gun.

The Mega Guardian Mewtwo uses a Barrier to protect itself. Then, it bounces the attack at Misty's Pokemon, sending them crashing to the ground. Knocking them out instantly.

Misty calls out, "Tentacruel, Golduck, Staryu, return now!"

Then returns them to their Pokeballs.

Then Brock calls out, "Onix, use Rock Slide!"

Onix then performs Rock Slide and is able to strike at Mewtwo, which causes a bit of damage.

Then Mew calls out, "Pidgeot, use Aerial Ace!"

Soon Pidgeot uses Aerial Ace and strikes at Mewtwo, causing it a lot of damage. Suddenly, Guardian Mewtwo then heals itself and is back to perfect health.

Brock notices, "It used Recover!"

"Didn't know it can use that attack," Mew says.

Then Brock calls out, "Vulpix, use Fire Spin! Machoke, use Vacuum Wave!"

Vupix then takes a deep breath and performs Fire Spin while Machoke uses Vacuum Wave. Mega Guardian Mew Two then flies in the air, and is able to use Swift Attack to counter the Fire Spin Attack.

Misty calls out, "Jigglypuff, use Hyper Voice!"

"Mama Kangaskhan, use Hyper Beam!" Tomo calls out.

"Gengar, use Dark Pulse! Aerodactyl, Wing Attack!" Mew calls out.

Mega Gengar performs Dark Pulse while Mega Aerodactyl uses Wing Attack. Mama Kangaskhan performs Hyper Beam and Jigglypuff uses Hyper Voice. All the attacks fly towards the Guardian Mega Mewtwo, but the Mewtwo quickly uses its Psychic to dodge and even repel the attacks. Then it strikes at Jigglypuff, Onix, Vulpix, and Machoke with it's Psybeam Attack. And all of them are knocked out.

Brock calls them back into their Pokeballs, "Return."

"Return Jigglypuff!" Misty calls it back into the Pokeball.

Misty turns to see the Mega Evolved Pokemon, "That Mewtwo is strong."

"It may be strong, but we don't plan on giving up," Mew says.

Then calls out, "Gyarados, use Water Pulse! Pidgeot, use Gust Attack!"

Mega Gyarados and Mega Pidgeot then perform their attacks. Guardian Mewtwo flies out of the way.

But then Mewtwo uses Shadow Ball at the Guardian as it tries to dodge, and pushes it back to the ground. Guardian Mewtwo struggles to get up.

Mew brings out her Pokeball, "Let's see if this is enough!"

"Go Pokeball!" Then throws her Pokeball at the Guardian Mewtwo.

Guardian Mewtwo is pulled inside. The Pokeball shakes at least twice, but then the Pokeball bursts out, shattering and Guardian Mewtwo is free again.

"Looks like Mewtwo is still strong enough to fight," Tomo says.

"Then we'll have to battle it more," Mew says.

Then calls out, "Charizard, use Fire Blast!"

Charizard then flaunches a Fire Blast as Mewtwo also uses Psybeam at the Guardian Mega Mewtwo. Both of the attacks are able to strike at the Guardian Mewtwo.

"Gengar, use Dark Pulse!" Mew calls out.

Then Tomo calls out, "Mama Kangaskhan, use Last Resort!"

Mega Gengar uses Dark Pulse and Kangaskhan uses Last Resort and are able to strike at the Mega Guardian Mewtwo. The Mega Mewtwo then uses Recover again, and heals itself.

Then Mew calls out, "Gyarados, use Hurricane!"

Mega Gyarados then performs Hurricane with full force and is able to Strike at the Mega Guardian Mewtwo.

"Beedrill, use Poison Jab!" Mew calls out.

Beedrill speeds fast and is able to strike at Poison Jab at the Mega evolved Mewtwo. Just then, the Mega Mewtwo uses Swift on them. Mewtwo then uses Barrier to block the attack.

Then Mew calls out, "Charizard, use Swift as well!"

Mega Charizard then performs Swift as well. Mega Guardian Mewtwo quickly uses Agility to dodge the attack.

Then Mew calls out, "Pidgeot, use Air Slash!"

Mega Pidgeot then performs Air Slash that is able to strike at Mega Guardian Mewtwo with full force.

Then Mew calls out, "Charizard, use Slash!"

Mega Charizard then performs Slash at Mega Guardian Mewtwo.

Mewtwo then turns to Mew and says, "Mew, allow me to finish this."

"You go for it!" Mew says.

Then calls out, "Charixard, dodge, Mewtwo is coming your way!"

Hearing his trainer, Mega Charizard then moves out of the way. Then Mewtwo speeds to the Guardian Mega Mewtwo and is able to perform a strong Psychic Attack. That pushes the Guardian Mewtwo back and it slams to one of the large boulders hard.

"Wow. that's a powerful attack," Misty says.

"Yeah. That was PsyStrike," Brock says.

"Now that's an attack," Tomo says.

The group looks to see Mega Guardian Mewtwo revert back to its normal state. The Mewtwo is on the verge of collapsing and isn't able to stand any longer.

Mew quickly brings out her Pokeball, "It's now or never!"

Then throws her Pokeball, "Go Pokeball!"

The Pokeball spins and flies towards the Guardian Mewtwo. Then the Pokeball taps it on the head, and is pulled into the Pokeball. Mew and her friends watch patiently to see the Pokeball shake as the button on the Pokeball beeps and flickers red. Soon, it stops. But then, it begins to move and flicker again some more. Finally, it comes to a stop, the blinker stops, and the Pokeball lets out a click.

Everyone sighs in relief.

"Alright sis, you caught Mewtwo!" Tomo cheers.

"Well, the newer Mewtwo anyway," Misty says.

Mew walks over and picks up the Pokeball. She looks to see the Pokeball that Mewtwo is now inside.

"That was really close, but at least we were able to catch it," Mew says.

Soon, all of Mew's Pokemon are able to revert back to their original forms and the Mega Stones, excluding Charizard's have been levitated by the original Mewtwo's powers and levitated to Mew for her to take in her other hand.

Mew turns to Mewtwo, "Thank goodness that you were able to help us Mewtwo."

"Yeah. It was really close. You really helped us out of that mess," Misty says.

Then Brock asks, "But what are you doing here?"

"Yeah. We don't know where you went after you left New Island," Tomo says.

"I've sensed a familiar psychic energy coming from the cave and decided to find the source. Little did I suspect that I'm not the only artificial Pokemon after all," Mewtwo says.

Then turns to Mew, "And never expected to find you all here."

"We kind of heard about the mysterious Pokemon guarding some treasure and decided to see what it is. We didn't expect to find another one like you over here," Mew says.

"And that Mewtwo acted kind of aggressive as you did, in a way," Misty says, nervously.

Brock then says, "Still, I wonder where that other Mewtwo came from. I didn't remember seeing it on New Island."

"I have to believe that whoever created him might have created another version of me in case I didn't make it," Mewtwo says.

"So it's like a backup copy," Misty says.

"Probably. I might have to assume that when I was with Giovanni for my 'training,' this Mewtwo might have been asleep from all this. It might have woken up, escaped, and decided to take refuge in the caves," Mewtwo says.

"And it must have remained in the cave and scared anyone who tries to come here," Brock suspects.

"It sounds kind of lonely," Misty says.

"That kind of possibility can't be ruled out," Mew says.

She then looks at the Pokeball, "Maybe he can tell us the answer."

Misty becomes worried, "Uh, are you really going to let it out?"

"Don't worry, maybe Mewtwo can help calm it down," Mew says.

Mew then turns to Mewtwo and nods his head in reply.

"Alright Mewtwo, time to come out," Mew says, and opens the Pokeball.

With that, the younger Mewtwo is able to stand and shakes his head in reply. The younger Mewtwo then looks around to notice the original Mewtwo, Mew and her friends, including the Pokemon, are looking at it with confused looks. The younger Mewtwo quickly gets back and about to use a Shadow Ball.

But the original Mewtwo says, "Enough of this senseless fighting. You must still be worn out from the battle."

The younger Mewtwo looks at the original one to see that its words are true. Finally, the younger Mewtwo cancels the Shadow Ball and calms down, much to the other's relief.

Mew walks over and asks, "So how are you feeling? Are you feeling okay?"

The younger Mewtwo turns his head a little.

"Where did you come from? How did you get here?" Mew questions.

The younger Mewtwo looks at Mew and senses something, honest in her eyes.

Finally, the younger Mewtwo answers, "I... I came from somewhere, far away."

This makes the group a little surprised.

"So it can talk," Misty says.

Then Brock says, "It's telepathy."

It's a good start. I'm glad that we can talk without any more confrontations," Mew says.

Then asks, "So where are you from?"

"I'm... I'm not entirely sure. I came from somewhere, far away. I've sent most of my life asleep. Hearing voices. Saying that I'm like a backup in case the other didn't make it. Said that the experiments have failed multiple times, and so far one of them still survived, and so have I. The voices continue that if things went well, I would have also lived and would have been considered a 'younger sibling' of the first one," The Younger Mewtwo says.

"Younger sibling?" Tomo says, confused.

"In other words, if this Mewtwo survived with the other one, they'll be considered siblings," Brock says.

Mew happily says, "More like brothers. He sounds like a boy too, and he looks exactly like him, except a little younger."

"So then, how did he end up in Cerulean Cave?" Misty wonders.

Mew turns to the younger Mewtwo, "So how did you?"

"It was sometime ago. I woke up due to a strong Psychic energy, and heard screams, panicking, all sorts of noise. Then, a man who was badly injured reached me, and saw I was awake. He then said that they wanted to create the strongest Pokemon... and they succeeded. And now, we ended up with two. He then pressed the buttons and I was let free," Mewtwo explains.

He then says, "For his final word, he told me to leave, live my own life, leave before it's too late. And before he left, he gave me this strange stone."

"A stone?" Misty says, curious.

The Younger Mewtwo shows the other the stone. It's glowing, and round. It's light gray with different shades of purple in it.

"It's a Mega Stone," Brock says.

"So that's how you Mega Evolved," Mew says.

"Yes. He said that he had two of them made. He gave this one to me. He calls it a Mewtwonite Y," Younger Mewtwo says, looking at the stone

Then explains, "And that's what I did. I left and traveled around to see so many things I never experienced, but was... scared... Then I found this cave and made it my home. These stones have always been here for as long as I remember. I was living peacefully, until humans showed up and tried to battle me. I defeat them of course. And more came and I defeated them all."

Hearing it, Mew and the others are starting to understand the situation.

"So that's what happened," The Original Mewtwo says.

"You know something about it?" Tomo asks.

"Yes. This Mewtwo was to act as a backup in case I didn't survive. When I destroyed the lab, the scientist who was in charge of my creation must have sent him free, and he found his way to the cave until humans found him," The Original Mewtwo explains.

"That makes sense, but now what?" Misty asks.

Mew walks to the younger Mewtwo and asks, "Mewtwo, what do you wanna do? I know that I caught you, but I want you to make your own choice. I want you to choose the life that you want. You can either stay with me and my friends and we can travel. You can also be with your brother and go to where he and the other Clone Pokemon live. Or... you can live your own life and make new friends and adventure. Either way, I want you to have a choice on how you want to live your life." then has the Pokeball out to it.

The Younger Mewtwo begins to think for a bit, and looks at Mew, her friends, the original Mewtwo, and thinks some more. The Younger Mewtwo thinks a bit more and has made his decision. The younger Mewtwo approaches Mew, taps on the Pokeball, and goes inside with no problem.

Mew calmly smiles and looks at the Pokeball, "I guess this is your choice."

Then the Pokeball nods its head in reply.

"Looks like Mewtwo is going to be part of the group for now on," Misty says.

"Yeah. We got a new friend," Tomo happily says.

Just then, the original Mewtwo turns to Mew and says, "Well then, I have no doubt that you will take better care of my younger brother. I know you will not make the same mistake the man did."

Then turns away and says in thought, "The man I thought was my partner."

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of him. Do you think we'll see you again?" Mew replies.

"Maybe someday, our paths will cross again," Mewtwo says.

He then presents something to Mew and gives it to her. Mew looks at her hand to see the stone is another Mega Stone. It has a light gray with a pale purple and a blue color.

"It's a Mega Stone," Mew says, surprised.

"Indeed. It's called a Mewtwonite X. Giovanni gave it to me for another part of my training, to use Mega Evolution. It might be useful on your journey," Mewtwo says.

"Thanks Mewtwo," Mew says.

Mewtwo then uses its Psychic energy to fly in the air.

Mew calls out, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of him."

Misty waves, "Bye."

"Hope to see you again!" Tomo calls out.

"See you around!" Brock says.

The Pokemon waves goodbye as well. Mewtwo simply nods his head and flies out of the opening in the cave and leaves to where all the Clone Pokemon are. Mew and the others begin to wonder if they'll meet him again.

After that, Mew and her friends leave Cerulean Cave and find themselves in the bright sun. It's a long journey to leave the cave, but they are out now, and are going to continue their journey. On the outskirts of Cerulean City, Mew and her friends meet up with Misty's sisters to say their goodbyes.

"So you were able to figure out the mysterious Pokemon?" Daisy asks.

"And you caught it?" Violet asks, surprised.

"Yeah. We decided to stay with me for now on. I hope I'll be able to take care of him," Mew says, looking at her Pokeball.

"And I'm sure it will be in good care," Brock says.

Then Misty turns to her sisters, "We're going to get going, but maybe we'll see each other sometimes."

"Kay," the three sisters answer.

Soon, Mew and her friends begin to head off on their journey as they say and wave goodbye to Misty's sisters. Misty's sister send their farewells as well. At the end of their adventure of Cerulean Cave, they end up with a new friend and gain Mega Stones. Now, they're continuing their Pokemon Journey to Valencia Island.

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Squirtle (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Castform (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Aerodactyl (Male). Porygon. Wartortle (Female). Pansear (Male). Ledyba (Female). Lileep (Female). Magnemite. Makuhita (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Miltank (Female). Tauros (Male). Shiny Ditto. Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Meditite (Female). Floette (Female). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male). Pidgeot (Male). Wooloo (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Yamask (Male). Diglett (Male). Haunter (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shaymin (Male). Primeape (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Younger Mewtwo (Male).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Papa A.K.A Zeraora (Male). Tsareena (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolain Raichu (Female). Arcanine (Male). Poliwrath (Male). Roserade (Female). Galarian Rapidash (Female). Liepard (Female). Beautifly (Female). Cinderace (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Mawile (Female). Muk (Male). Fraxure (Male). Ursaring (Male). Beedrill (Female). Meowstic (Male) Lunatone. Sandslash (Male).

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite. 2 Pokemon Egg. Pidgeotite. Beedrillite. Aerodactylite. Gyaradosite. Blastoisinite. Venusaurite. Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge. Volcano Badge. Earth Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female).

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). Goldeen (Female). Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Swampertite. Slowbronite.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball. 1 Dive Ball.

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male). Hoppip (Female). Sneasel (Female). Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Slugma (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male). Shiny Cherubi (Male). Winter A.K.A Alolan Vulpix (Female). Bagon (Male).

From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Pokemon at Pewter Gym: Rhyhorn (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Baltoy. Sandile (Male). Dwebble (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male).

Item: 2 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Metal Coat. Aggronite.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

Tomo Files

Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Banettite. Kangaskhanite. Lucarionite. Alakazite.

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