Episode 35: An Out of This World Experience

Still sailing over the ocean blue, Mew and her friends continue their journey to the next island so Mew can compete for her fourth and final gym battle. So far, the ride across the sea is smooth sailing.

Jen asks, "So Mew, where do you think the next gym is?"

Mew looks at the map and answers, "According to the map, it seems that the next gym we need to go is at Kumquat Island, but it will take us a while longer to get there."

"And since it will be the last gym we need to go to, I imagine the Gym Leader would be tough," Misty says.

"You're right. And who knows what kind of challenge will have to face," Mew says.

Then Tracey says, "Maybe we can go find a place to rest and have some dinner."

"Yeah. I'm getting hungry," Tomo says.

Tracey looks at the map Mew is holding and says, "According to the Map, the closest island within our course to Kumquat Island is a place called Cosmic Island."

"Cosmic Island?" Misty asks.

"Yeah. I remember reading Cosmic Island. It's an island where they say you can find Pokemon that are rumored to come from space," Tracey says.

"Sounds amazing," Jen says.

"Bet we can find some cool Pokemon over there," Tomo says.

Just then, Pichu notices something and calls out, "Pichu Pichu! Pichu Pichu!" (Look over there! Look over there!)

Everyone turns to Pichu, and Pichu calls out again, "Pichu Pichu! Pichu Pichu!" (Look over there! Look over there!)

Everyone looks to where Pichu is pointing to see an island a short distance on the left side.

Mew looks at the map and says, "That must be Cosmic Island."

"It sure is. We can go over there and take a break," Tracey says.

"And get something to eat," Misty says.

"Then let's go," Mew says.

Then Mew says to Lapras, "Alright Lapras, we're going to make a detour for Cosmic Island."

Lapras happily lets out a cry and begins to swim towards Cosmic Island for their next adventure. Somewhere on Cosmic Island, in some cave, there is a strange light coming towards it. Inside the cave, revealing two glowing eyes. Little do Mew and her friends know, their next adventure is going to be out of this world.

Sometime later, Mew and the others arrive on Cosmic Island.

Mew calls back Lapras, "Lapras, return."

And Lapras returns to his Pokeball.

"So this is Cosmic Island," Mew says, turning to the island.

"It looks really peaceful," Misty says.

"And it looks pretty. There's even a big mountain in the center of the island," Jen says.

Soon, Tomo's stomach begins growling, along with Skwovet, Jen, and Amaura's stomachs. Mew and the others turn to the group and begin giggling.

"I guess we should have some dinner first," Misty says.

"Yeah. Let's go find somewhere to eat," Mew says.

"Yeah!" Tomo and Jen happily cheer.

The group of friends head out into the woods to find a good place to have their dinner. Unknown to the group, Team Rocket is spying on them again through the periscope of their submarine.

"There they are!" Jessie says.

"You mean the twerps?" James questions.

"That's right. They're on another island, which means, we can sneak up to them and swipe Pikachu and Eevee," Jessie says.

Meowth says with a smile, "Then we can take them to the boss."

"But how are we going to get them?" Jessie asks.

"We do what we always do. Now keep pedaling, the sooner we get to that island, the sooner we'll catch Pikachu and Eevee, and will catch the rest of the Pokemon while we're adding it," Jessie says.

With that, Team Rocket begins pedaling towards the island. Unknown to them, another submarine is secretly following them from behind.

Back on the island, Mew and the others are able to find a nice place to have their dinner, which is near a lake. Mew and Tracey are busy cooking dinner while Misty, Tomo, and Jen help set the table, plates, utensils, and essentials. Pikachu, Eevee, Meloetta, Skwovet, Pichu, Togepi, Smeargle, Stufful, and Amaura are helping set the blankets and the bowls on ground for them to eat.

Misty looks at the lake as it sparkles, "The lake looks really nice. It practically sparkles like stars."

"You're right. It's beautiful," Mew says.

Tomo walks to Mew and asks, "Is dinner ready yet."

"Not yet, but it's almost done," Mew says.

"If you want, you can help me make some peanut butter and fruit sandwiches for desserts," Tracey says.

"Sure," Tomo says.

Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "Well well, I didn't expect to see you here, Mew."

Mew and the others turn their heads to see Gary Oak. This cause the others to be surprised, especially Mew.

"Gary?!" Mew says, surprised with a smile.

"Hey Mew," Gary says.

Tomo walks over, "Hi Gary, we didn't expect to see you here."

"Hey Tomo," Gary says.

Then sees Misty, "Hello to you too, Misty."

"Hi Gary, we didn't expect to see you on Cosmic Island," Misty says.

"I've decided to do a little training and to clear my head on a few things. So what brings you here?" Gary replies.

"We decided to come here to have a little break, and we're about to have some dinner. Want to join us?" Mew says.

"Sure," Gary says.

Then notices Tracey and Jen, "And I have to guess you're Tracy and Jen."

Then Amaura walks to Jen as Gary says, "And that's Amaura."

"Um hello. And uh, who are you?" Jen replies.

Mew walks over and says, "Oh right, you guys haven't met yet."

Then gives them an introduction, "Gary, these are the friends we travel with,Tracey with his Pokemon, Smeargle, and Stufful. And this is Jen with Amaura. And guys, this is my friend Gary Oak. He's from Pallet Town too."

"Gary Oak?" Jen says, confused.

Then asks, "You wouldn't have to be related to Professor Oak?"

"Sure am. Professor Oak is my grandfather," Gary says.

"Wow. It's nice to meet you, Gary," Jen says.

"Amaura," (Hello)" Amaura says.

"So what are you doing on Cosmic Island, are you doing any research or are you training?" Tracey asks.

"A bit of both, but I'm also here so it can help me clear my head of a few things," Gary says.

"Are you competing in the Orange League too?" Mew asks.

"Nah. I've decided to head to the Orange Island to do some training. Then grandpa told me you're competing against the Orange Crew," Gary says.

"That's right," Mew says.

Then presents Gary her three badges, "I've already got three badges, and needed one more. Our next stop will be Kumquat Island for my fourth and final gym battle."

"Great. So I'll wish you good luck at the Orange League," Gary says.

"Thanks," Mew says.

Tomo asks, "So Gary, what's this stuff that you want to clear your head about?"

"Well, you remember the mysterious Pokemon at the Viridian Gym?" Gary asks.

"Mysterious Pokemon?" Tracey asks.

"I remember you mentioning it before. Isn't that the Pokemon that was incredibly powerful that you weren't able to beat?" Mew replies.

"The same," Gary says.

As Mew, Gary, and the others talk, and unknown to anyone one of Mew's Pokeballs in her bag begins to shake. And suddenly, the Pokeball begins to open.

"And I'm still wondering what the mysterious Pokemon is. Even though I'll never know what it is, especially under all that armor," Gary says.

"It's too bad we didn't get to see it," Tomo says.

"Maybe we'll see it someday," Misty says.

Just then, Mew's bag opens and one of her Pokemon materializes right in front of the group, causing them to be surprised. It's more surprising to see Mewtwo, the younger one. Gary, Tracey, and Jen gasp in shock. Mew, Misty, and Tomo are shocked, but for another reason.

"Mew... Mewtwo?" Misty says, shocked.

"Oh no!" Tomo says, shocked.

"Mewtwo?" Jen says, confused.

Tracey turns to Mew and asks in a panic, "Mew, what is that Pokemon?! I've never seen it before in my life! How come you never showed it to us?! Is it a very rare new Pokemon?!"

"Clam down Tracey," Mew says.

Gary walks over to the Pokemon and squints his eyes a bit. Suddenly, Gary ends up remembering where he sees the shape.

Flashback: Viridian Gym -Gary's Gym Battle

Just then, the gym leader begins to step out of the shadow of the throne.

The gym leader questions, "Is that what you think, little one?"

"It is!" Gary answers.

The gym leader steps forward to reveal a man wearing an orange suit who has dark black hair, brown eyes."

"Maybe I can have just one more battle to test out my most, powerful Pokemon," Giovanni says and snaps his fingers.

Just the door rises up to reveal a Pokemon, but it's wearing armor to consider the identity. Just then, the Pokemon releases a blue aura and glowing blue eyes to show off its power. Then the Pokemon levitates Arcanine in the air and slams it to the wall.

Shocked, Gary wonders, "How did it do that? What kind of Pokemon is that?"

And brings out his Pokedex, but Dexter says, "Pokemon unknown. No available data."

"No data?" Gary questions.

"Now, as I was saying, my friend, I'd like to test out this Pokemon of mine in battle. And go ahead and use more than one Pokemon if you're afraid to lose," The gym leader says

"I'm not afraid of anything!" Gary angrily says.

The gym leader says, "Well, let's get started."

"Alright!" Gary says.

Then throws out a Pokeball as he calls out, "Nidoking, go! You too, Arcanine. Go!"

Nidoking and Arcanine charge at the mysterious Pokemon.

"Is that your best?" The gym leader questions.

Both Pokemon continue to charge, but the creature glows blue and its eyes light up again. It uses its psychic abilities to lift Nidoking and Arcanine in the air, and both Pokemon are soon feeling pain and pressure from the attack.

"Arcanine! Nidoking!" Gary says, shocked and actually frightened.

"Don't waste your time. This is the ultimate Pokemon! It can never be defeated," The gym leader says.

Gary soon begins to cower in fear to see how frightening and powerful the Pokemon is.

Flashback Ends:

Gary then gasps in shock, making Mew and the others worried.

"Uh Gary, are you okay?" Misty asks.

"That... that's it..." Gary answers.

"What's it?" Tomo asks.

Gary points at the Young Mewtwo, "That's the Mysterious Pokemon! The one the Viridian Gym leader had!"

"The Viridian..." Mew begins to asks. Then realizes in shock, "The Pokemon from the gym!"

"You're saying that it's Mewtwo?" Misty asks, shocked.

"I'm positive. It was difficult to tell from the armor, but I'm positive that's the Pokemon that defeated me and my Pokemon at the Viridian Gym," Gary explains.

Then turns to Mew and asks, "How did you catch that?!"

"But this Mewtwo was hiding in the Cerulean Cave after escaping from the lab on New Island," Mew says.

"Are you sure that's the same one?" Misty asks.

"I'm sure," Gary says.

Then looks at Mewtwo and says, "But now that I'm looking at it, the one I saw was actually bigger."

Mewtwo looks at Gary and says, "You must be referring to my older brother."

"Older brother?" Gary says, confused.

Mew turns to Misty and Tomo, "Guys, I think it's best we explain this to the others."

Misty and Tomo nod their heads in agreement."

"Explain what?" Jen asks, confused

"What are you talking about?" Tracey asks.

Mew turns to Gary and the others, "Alright guys, what we're about to tell you was only known by me, Tomo, Misty, Brock and some of our Pokrmon. So no matter what, you must not tell a soul."

Gary, Tracey, and Jen look at each other and nod their heads.

"Alright then, dinner is going to be done soon, so we'll explain when it's done," Mew says.

Then turns to Mewtwo, "So Mewtwo, you wanna join us for dinner?"

Mewtwo thinks about it and nods his head in reply. Then turns to the woods, and looks at it with a serious expression, almost like he senses something.

Sometime later, after dinner is done, Mew, Misty, and Tomo, explain everything to Gary, Jen and Tracey as they are having their meal.

"So both the Mewtwo you've met at New Island and the Cerulean Cave were both cloned from the Mythical Pokemon, Mew?" Tracey asks, shocked.

"And they both had strong distrust in humans?" Jen asks.

"That's right. The older Mewtwo was so resentful towards humans that it created a storm to destroy every human and Pokemon because he's been treated like a slave," Misty says.

"Poor Mewtwo," Jen says, feeling bad for Mewtwo.

"I still can't believe that really happened, especially what happened to you, Mew," Gary says, turning to Mew.

"He's right. I can't believe you tried to prevent a massive Pokemon battle," Tracey says.

Mew sheepishly says, "Uh yeah, that was a very dangerous moment, but I wanted them to stop, so I try to stop them without thinking."

"That sounds like you, but still, you could have been killed," Gary says.

"But you're okay now, so it went well in the end," Jen says.

"It sure did, and glad the storm was over too," Misty says.

Then Gary asks, "So whatever happened to the other Mewtwo and the Clone Pokemon?"

"We're not sure, but we all hope that they were able to find a home for them to live where they can have some peace and away from humans who want to harm them," Mew says.

"I hope so. After what Mewtwo went through. I hope they can live in peace without disturbance," Tracey says.

Gary says, "And don't worry Mew, we'll promise to keep all of this a secret."

"Thanks guys," Mew says.

Mew turns to see Mewtwo is eating the food along with the Pokeon. Togepi and Pichu, who have already finished eating, are playing with Mewtwo's tail. Mewtwo turns to see the two playing, and decides to leave them be.

"Mewtwo seems to be getting along with the Pokemon," Misty says.

"Yeah. I think it's nice to see him happy. At least, I think he's happy," Mew says.

Later in the night, Mew and the others are now fast asleep for the night in their sleeping bags. Unknown to the group, something appears before them in a bright light right over Tomo, Jen, and their Pokemon. It's so bright, it's hard to tell if anyone is there. In the next moment, Jen, Amaura, Tomo, Meloetta, Skwovet, and even their backpacks and sleeping bags have disappeared.

The next day, Mew and the others begin to wake up from their sleep. Mew is the first to sit up and stretches her arms with a yawn. Pikachu and Eevee stretch and yawn as well.

"That was a good sleep," Mew says.

Then turns her head, and notices Tomo, Jen, Meloetta, Skwovet, and Amaura are not here, not even their sleeping bags and things.

"Tomo?! Jen?!" Mew asks, confused.

Pikachu and Eevee notice Meloetta is gone as well.

"Eevee?!" (Amaura?) Eevee asks.

Pikachu looks around and calls out, "Pika pi! Pikachu!" (Meloetta! Skwovet!)

Mew turns to the others and calls out, "Guys! Wake up!" Tomo and Jen are gone!"

Gary is the first to wake up, "What do you mean they're gone?"

"Like they're not here! They disappeared. Meloetta, Skwovet, and Amaura are gone too!" Mew says.

Misty, Tracey, and their Pokemon wake up as well.

"What's going on?" Misty asks.

"What's all the shouting?" Tracey adds.

"Guys, Tomo and Jen are gone? They disappeared. Meloetta, Skwovet, and Amaura are gone," Mew explains.

"They're all gone?" Tracey asks.

Misty looks around and notices, "Even their backpacks and sleeping bags are gone."

"Where could have disappeared to?" Tracey asks.

"I don't know. There doesn't seem to be a trace of them," Mew says.

Suddenly, Mew's back opens up again and once again, Mew two comes out of its Pokeball.

"Oh hi Mewtwo, what are you doing out?" Mew asks.

"I couldn't help but hear the situation, and I've sensed a bit of Psychic powers being used here last night," Mewtwo says.

"Are you sure?" Misty asks.

Mewtwo nods his head in reply.

"So it's possible a Pokemon may have used its Psychic powers last night and carried Tomo and Jen away," Tracey says.

Then Mew turns to Mewtwo, "Can you help figure out where they went?"

"I shall try," Mewtwo says.

Then floats ahead, "Follow me."

Mew and the others gather their things and follow Mewtwo through the forest to find Tomo and Jen, and their Pokemon. The group continues to follow Mewtwo out of the forest and soon find something they aren't expecting to see. What they see is a town in the open area of the forest. The budiings seem to be decorated with stars, planets, and almost like a space theme town. Of course, many of the people in town have Pokemon like Starmie, Staryu, Cleffa, Clefairy, Lunatone and Solrock and other types of Pokemon.

"Wow. Look at this place," Mew says.

"It's like a Space station or a space convention," Misty says.

"Either way, this is a town, so we can ask if anyone has seen Tomo and Jen," Gary says.

"Good idea Gary," Mew says.

And with that, Mew and the others walk into town. Soon, they begin to talk to the locals. However, everyone says practically the same thing.

"No, I haven't seen them," A Mother says.

A carpenter man says, "No. I haven't seen your friends come here."

Then they come across some children and they say, "No. We haven't seen them."

However, when they ask some of the other locals, an old man says, "A glowing light. I think your friends were abducted by aliens."

"Aliens?" Mew says, confused.

Misty asks a few women and one says, "Maybe your friends were abducted by aliens."

Then another says, "We heard about strange bright light coming from the woods and many think aliens might have come here from their spaceship."

Another man saya, "Aliens, I tell ya. your friends have been taken by aliens. They plan to take over the island and then the whole world."

Hearing the people's statement, Mew, Misty, Tracey, and Gary question, "Aliens?!"

The group meet up and are confused.

"Why would they think Tomo and Jen are taken by aliens?" Jen asks.

"Because they're been strange going on around the island," A voice says.

Everyone turns their heads to see a young girl around Mew's age. She has light green short hair, blue eyes, and has a star flower hair accessory on her head. She is also wearing a bright green blouse with a peach color skirt and green sandals. She is accompanied by Shiny Cleffa. She has a pale pink appearance with green colored ears.

"Hello. My name is Cosmo, and this is my little Cleffa," The girl, Cosmo says. "I couldn't help but hear that you were missing a few from your party."

"Yeah. Some of our friends are missing and people think that they were taken by aliens," Mew says.

"And said there are some strange things going on here," Gary says.

"If you want, Cleffa and I can show you where it is," Cosmo says.

"You can?" Mew asks.

"Yes. I might have a pretty good idea," Cosmo says.

"Can you really lead us?" Misty asks.

"Of course, follow me," Comso says.

Meanwhile, Tomo, Jen, and their Pokemon begin to wake up and feel very tired. Tomo is the first to wake up as he sits up and stretches. He rubs his eyes and opens them, but soon opens his eyes in shock to find himself no longer at the campsite. Tomo soon finds himself in a large cave. He turns to see Jen, and their Pokemon are here as well, but Mew and the others aren't.

Tomo shakes Jen and says, "Hey Jen, wake up! Wake up Jen!"

Jen soon wakes up as she lets out a yawn.

She turns to Tomo and says, "Good morning."

Then notices that she's in the cave, "What? How did we get here?"

"I don't know. I just woke up," Tomo says.

Meloetta, Skwovet, and Amaura wake up and are confused to find themselves in the cave as well.

"Melo Meloetta?" (How did we get in this cave?) Meloetta asks.

"Skwovet," (Who knows.) Skwovet replies.

Tomo gets up and gets his backpack and sleeping bags, "Come on, we better go find a way out of this."

Jen grabs her backpack and sleeping bag, "Good idea."

And with that, the group begins to walk down the cave to see if they can find a way out. They walk down to see one of the caves has a large group of Clefairy and Cleffa.

"Wow. Look at the Clefairy and Cleffa," Jen says.

"Yeah," Tomo replies.

They quietly continue to walk down the cave to find their way out.

They soon take a peek in another cave to see more Pokemon.

A few of the Pokemon are round, green Pokémon surrounded by a darker green, gel-like substance. Its inner body has dark, oval eyes and a red diamond-shaped mouth. On the upper left side of its head is a curly, yellow growth that resembles the endoplasmic reticulum of a cell. It uses psychic powers to communicate with telepathy, as well as to drive away potential threats.

And some Pokemon are pale green Pokémon with a large head, stubby arms, and a body that tapers to a point at the bottom. It has oval, black eyes, and a red, diamond-shaped mouth. It is encased in a darker green, gelatinous substance that forms small, round bumps on the lower sides and over its head. A small circular piece of matter floats inside this substance over this Pokémon's head. It has two brains as well.

"Wow. Look at those Pokemon," Jen whispers.

"Yeah. I have never seen these Pokemon before," Tomo says.

Then says, "We better keep going."

"Right," Jen says.

The group continues forward in trying to find a way out and make sure the Pokemon doesn't see them. Finally, they are able to hide from these Pokemon.

The Pokemon are looking around the area, almost like they're on guard. They are light blue extraterrestrial Pokémon with an oblong head with depressions on either side. It has black, symmetrical lines going down the front of its head. On the front of its head are shiny, green button-like eyes. Its hands have three finger-like digits: one red, one green, and one yellow. It has short, stubby legs and a small tail.

"Wow. Those Pokemon are amazing," Jen says.

"They look like space aliens to me," Tomo says.

Tehn whispers, "Let's see if we can find a way out."

Jen and the Pokemon nod their heads and begin to sneak past the Pokemon without them noticing. As they sneak past them, Jen turns to notice two eggs. One of them is pink with white stars, and the other is light pink with swirls around them. Not wanting to leave them behind, Jen picks up the eggs and places them in her bags for safe keeping. Tomo and Jen continue to sneak around the cave and soon see a light coming from the cave.

"Look, that must be the way out," Tomo says. "Let's hurry."

Tomo, Jen, and the Pokemon begin to reach for the exit, but then, someone blocks their way out. The group comes to a stop in their tracks to find themselves encountering a Lucario and a Riolu. They both stand in front of them with serious looks in their eyes. The group find themselves cornered by them.

Meanwhile, Cosmo and her Cleffa are leading Mew and the others up the hill to where the mountain is. Mew and the others can't help but be curious to where they're going.

"Where are we going, Cosmo?" Misty asks.

"Yeah. We've been walking for a while," Gary adds.

"We're heading towards the mountains. There is a large cave at the base of the mountain that is full of tunnels, and the spaceship is deep in the cave," Cosmo says.

"How do you know that?" Tracey asks.

"I've been here plenty of times. Don't worry, just trust me and follow me," Cosmo says.

"If you say so," Mew says.

Mew is starting to grow suspicious about Cosmo and Cleffa.

Mewtwo turns to Mew and says, "I sensed the Psychic energy is getting stronger."

"Which means we're getting closer to the source," Mew replies.

Then says, "Remember to keep your guard up just in case anything happens."

Mewtwo nods his head in reply.

The group continues to follow Cosmo and her Cleffa, and soon reach the cave. And soon, the group walks inside the cave, with Cosmo and Cleffa guiding them.

Unknown to the group, Jessie, James, and Meowth from Team Rocket peek out of the bushes.

"So the twerps are going in this cave," Mewoth says.

"I wonder why they're going in there," James wonders.

Jessie chuckles, "Well, whatever they're doing, they might be able to find some Pokemon for us."

"And we might even see space aliens," Meowth says.

Then Jessie says, "Let's follow them."

And with that, Team Rocket sneaks into the cave. However, unknown to this Team Rocket member, another Team Rocket Team, Cassidy and Butch are on the scene as they stand in the trees.

"Whoever thought we find those losers here," Butch says.

"Along with those kids, and a very unusual Pokemon," Cassidy says.

Butch turns to Cassidy and says, "Doesn't that Pokemon look familiar."

"Hmm, it kind of does. But remember, we're here to find any unusual Pokemon, and this spaceship that's rumored to be here," Cassidy says.

"Right. Let's follow them," Butch says.

And with that Cassidy and Butch begins to follow them into the cave.

Meanwhile, Tomo, Jen and her Pokemon are being escorted by the Lucario and Riolu who have stopped them from the cave to a colossal cavern in the cave. To their shock, they see a large silver spaceship with a large glass hatch on the top. Tomo, Jen, and the Pokemon are shocked to see it. Just then, the hatch of the spacecraft opens up and four different Pokemon come out of the capsule.

One of them is a pale green Pokémon surrounded by a blob of translucent, green gelatinous substance. It has a large, round head with a thin stripe down the center. Its eyes are black and oval, while its mouth is red and triangular. Its body is small with stubby arms and legs. However, there are several round objects floating next to its arms. These objects increase in size and darken in color the further they are from the body and form arm-like appendages. The gel around these appendages forms three-fingered hands. Above its head, two rounded, triangular objects are suspended in the gel, giving the impression of horns or ears. The gel forms a stubby, round tail at the base of its body.

The second is a brown extraterrestrial Pokémon with an oblong head that features depressions on both sides. It has black, symmetrical lines going down the front of its head. Under the rim of its head, there lay two green eyes with small black pupils. It has a lighter brown 'collar' and four dots on its chest of the same color. Its arms have three finger-like digits: one red, one green, and one yellow. It has a rim underneath its main body, under which are two small legs.

Tomo, Jen, and the Pokemon grow a little scared to see the Pokemon here.

They become shocked to see two other Pokemon come out of the spaceship. They're both alien-like, bipedal Pokémon. They are a red color, a light blue face, and three light blue dots on its back arranged in a triangle. Typically, there is a purple stripe running down the center of its face. They also have legs with a segmented, vertical, blue stripe on the upper portion. The abdomen is black with vertical lines, while the majority of its skin is reddish-orange. The arms are capable of taking different forms, usually a pair of tentacles coiled in a double helix. One tentacle is the primary skin color, while the other is light blue. It has a blunt protrusion with a single blue stripe on either side of its head and stubby tail.

The one on the left has a purple, crystalline organ in its chest. Its white, circular eyes are set inside rectangular, black eye sockets. While the other one has a green crystalline organ and facial stripe.

"What are these Pokemon?" Tomo wonders.

"I don't know," Jen says, worried.

Then hides behind Tomo, "But they look kind of scary."

And coming out of the shop behind them and in the center of the group. To Tomo, Jen, and the Pokemon's shock, the last one to come out is a boy, probably a few years older than Brock. He has dark blue hair with white highlights, fair skin, and blue color eyes. He is wearing what appears to be a space suit.

"Who... who are you?" Jen asks.

The boy says, "Welcome human beings, the name is Comet, and I travel across the galaxy and into your planet to explore with my many creatures you see before you."

"What do you want with us?" Tomo asks.

"Well, if you must know, we brought you here to ask you a few questions, but since you tried to escape, you'll become our slaves and will be coming back to our home planet," Comet says.

"What?" Jen asks, shocked.

"No way we're going to be your slaves," Tomo says, not agreeing to this.

Comt says, "You little humans don't have a choice. I'll have my friends bring you on board the spaceship."

"Knock it off, Comet!" A shout of a young girl appears.

Comet and the Pokemon turn their heads to see Cosmo and her Cleffa coming out of the cave. Mew, Misty, Tracey, Gary, and their Pokemon follow after.

"Tomo!" Misty happily calls out.

Misty calls out, "Jen!"

"Mew! Misty!" Jen happily says.

"Tracye! Gary! Boy are we glad to see you!" Tomo says, relieved.

Comet blushes and says, "Aw Cosmo, you spoil my fun."

"Sorry Comet, but mom told me to stop you and the Pokemon if you continue with these pranks. Even if everyone in the village knows it.

"Wait, you mean, you knew this whole time?" Gray asks.

"And you already know about the spaceship and these Pokemon?" Tracey asks.

"Um yeah," Cosmo says.

Then Comet calls out, "Alright everyone, you can come out. There's no reason to hide anymore.

Just then, many Cleffa, Clefary, and the other Pokemons from before come out of their hiding places, Mew and the others are surprised to see so many of them.

"Wow. Look at all these Pokemon," Tracey says.

"There's so many," Misty says.

"Lets see," Mew says as she takes out her Pokedex.

"I've seen some of these Pokemon before," Gary adds and also takes out his Pokedex.

Mew points to the three green floating Pokemon.

Mew's Pokedex, Dexter says, "Solosis, the Cell Pokemon. A Psychic Type. Because their bodies are enveloped in a special liquid, they are fine in any environment, no matter how severe."

"Duosion, the Mitosis Pokemon and the evolved form of Solosis. A Psychic Type. When their two divided brains think the same thoughts, their psychic power is maximized."

" Reuniclus, the Multiplying Pokemon, and the final evolved form of Solosis. A Psychic Type. They use psychic power to control their arms, which are made of a special liquid. They can crush boulders psychically."

Gary's Pokedex says, "Elgyem, the Cerebral Pokemon. A Psychic Type. Rumors of its origin are linked to a UFO crash site in the desert 50 years ago. It uses its strong psychic power to squeeze its opponent's brain, causing unendurable headaches."

"Beheeyem, the Cerebral Pokemon, and the evolved form of Elgyem. A Psychic Type. It has strong psychic powers. Using its fingers that flash three different colors, it controls its opponents and rewrites their memories."

Misty turns to the two Red Pokemon, "And what about them?"

Mew points her Pokedex to the two Pokemon, and Dexter says, "Deoxys, the DNA Pokemon. A Psychic Type. Deoxys emerged from a virus that came from space. It is highly intelligent and wields psychokinetic powers. This Pokémon shoots lasers from the crystalline organ on its chest."

"Wow. You have a lot of Pokemon friends here," Mew says.

"Yeah. And you said that everyone knows about this?" Tracey asks.

"Well, everyone in town anyway," Cosmo says.

Then Comet says, "You see, when me and Cosmo were younger, and when the town was still being built, a spacecraft crashed into the mountain and landed in a large cavern in the cave years ago. Deoxys, the Elgem and their evolved form, Solosis and their evolved forms, Cleffa and their evolved forms, were brought here from that spacecraft. Cosmo and I were the ones who found and became friends. The Lucario and Riolu who lived on the island before we decided to hang out with us too."

"Soon, many of us also become friends with the Pokemon, and some even start to become friends with the town and help get it started. We all had fun and the town flourished over the years, and now everyone has Pokemon relatives to space one way or another," Como says.

"But what's with the abduction stuff you did to me and Jen?" Tomo asks.

"That's actually part of the challenge I was doing. You see, I want to become part of the Orange Crew and specialize with Pokemon that are legends to come from space. At first the Pokemon took things and abducted the townspeople to observe them, with a bit of a prank, and decided to make it part of the challenge. Of course the townspeople laugh," Comet says.

"How does that go?" Jen asks.

"Well, my Pokemon would abduct the trainer, which were actually my Beheeyem and Reunicles with their Psychic abilities and find their way to the main control room while avoiding the other Pokemon, and have to fight them if they get caught. Once in the control room, is when they get to battle me, and will be using Beheeyem, Reuniclus, and one of the Deoxys. So it will be a Three Pokemom battle. If the trainer can defeat all my Pokemon, they'll win their 'freedom,' and will also get a badge as well," Comet says.

"Sounds like your Gym Challenge is out of this world," Misty says.

"And it has so many different Pokemon that might be space Pokemon," Mew says.

Then everyone begins laughing.

Suddenly, they hear Jessie's voice, "It really is out of this world?"

"Almost enough to see stars," James' voice says.

"And looks like we're here for a galactic time," Meowth's voice adds.

The group turns to see Jessie James and Mewoth once more.

"You three," Mew exclaims.

"That's right. You twerps better prepare for trouble," Jessie says.

"And make it double," James says, beginning the motto.

Suddenly, they hear another familiar voice, "You're the one who has to prepare for trouble."

"And you better make it trouble on the double," Another voice says.

Everyone turn their heads at the cave entrance to see Cassidy and Butch from Team Rocket.

"Oh no," Misty says in dismay.

"Not Cassidy and Butch too," Tomo adds.

Jessie glares at Cassidy and demands, "What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you, since we're the one who'll be stealing these Pokemon," Cassidy says.

"Not if we have anything to say about it," James says.

"That's right, so you should prepare for trouble," Jessie says.

"You're the one who would prepare for trouble," Casisdy says.

"Well, you're going to have to make it double," James says.

"You're the one who will be in trouble on the double," Butch says.

And with that, Team Rocket begin to rant the mottos, both Team Rocket members.


To protect the world from devastation!


To infect the world with devastation!


To unite all peoples within our nation!


To blight all peoples in every nation!


To denounce the evils of truth and love!


The GOODNESS of truth and love!


Reach to the stars above!


WRATH to the stars above!










Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!


Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!


Surrender now, or prepare to fight!


Surrender to us now, or you'll surely lose the fight!


Meowth, that's right!



Soon, both Team Rocket teams are tired from their motto. Seeing the brawling motto make Mew, her friends, Comet and Cosmo, and all the Pokemon dumbfounded.

"Who are these weirdos?" Comso asks.

"Are they from space or just a bunch of weird people?" Comet asks.

"Trust me, they're not space aliens, but they are weirdos," Mew says.

"No kidding. But they're always out of this world," Gary says.

"And crashes back to earth," Tracey says.

"Hey!" Jessie shouts, catching their attention.

"If you think you can be dumbfounded by us, you got another thing coming!" Jessie shouts.

"It's time we capture these space Pokemon along with Pikachu and Eevee," James says.

"Yeah. Fire the net launchers," Meowth says.

But Cassidy says, "Not if we capture them first."

"Yeah. We're going to catch these Pokemon for Giovanni," Butch says.

Just then, all of Team Rocket bring out net launchers and fire them at the Pokemon. Soon, they're starting to catch Elgyem, Solosis, Duosion, Clefairy, Cleffa, and other Pokemon.

Just then, one of the nets is heading towards the Deoxys.

Tomo quickly throws her Pokeball and calls out, "No you don't.! Riolu, use Metal Claw!"

Riolu comes out of the Pokeball, and uses Metal Claw to cut the ropes, saving Deoxys in the process.

"I'll help Tomo," Mew says.

Then throws her Pokeball as well, "Lucario, use Metal Claw to cut the other nets!"

And with that, Lucario comes out of his Pokeball and cuts the nets off the Pokemon.

"We're not letting you take what we're going to steal," Cassidy angrily says.

Then calls out, "Raticate, use Double-Edge on those Clefairy and Cleffa!"

Raticate charges towards the group Clefairy and Cleffa

Tracey says, "Not if I have anything to say about it! Stufful Hammer Arm!"

Stufful then begins to use Hammer Arm and strikes at Raticate with full force, saving the group of Clefairy and Cleffa.

Jessie angrily calls out her Pokemon, "Arbok, use Bite! Lickitung, use Knock off!"

Arbok and Lickitung come out of the Pokeball and charge towards Solosis and Duosion.

Misty and Gary throw their Pokeballs, "Vespiquen/Beedrill, I choose you!"

And with that, Vespiquen and Beedrill come out of their Pokeballs.

Misty and Gary call out, "Pin Missile!"

Vesequen and Beedrill perform Pin Missile attacking Arbok and Lickitung.

James calls out, "Weezing! Victreebel! Go!"

And with that, Weezing and Victrebeel come out of their Pokeballs. And of course, Victreebel takes a chomp on James' head.

James panics, "Not me, them!"

Weezing performs Smug as Victrebeel performs Vine Whip.

Mew calls out, "Lucario, use Bone Rush on the Vine Whip. Mewtwo, use Shadow Ball on Weezing!"

Mewtwo nods his head, "Of course."

"With pleasure," Lucario says.

Lucario then uses Bone Rush and uses it to swat the Vine Whip away. Then Mewtwo then performs Shadow Ball at Weezing and is right on the mark.

Then Butch throws his Pokeball and calls out, "Mightyena, use Shadow Ball!"

Then Mightyana fires at the other Riolu.

Jen quickly runs over as she calls out, "Look out, Riolu!"

Jen quickly pushes Riolu out of the way before the Shadow ball can hit them both. Laying on the ground, Jen and Riolu sit up and feel a bit bruised from the fall.

Jen turns to Riolu and asks, "Are you okay?"

"Riolu Ri Riolu," (I'm okay. Thank you for saving me.) Riolu says, and hugs Jen.

Jen giggles and says, "You're welcome."

Then Butch calls out, "Grab them Mightyana."

Jen gasps to see Mightyana charging towards them.

Just then, the other Lucario intervenes and performs Aura Sphere at Mightyena, sending it back.

Riolu happily says, "Riolu!" (You go, big bro!)

Jen happily says, "Thank you Lucario."

And with that, the Pokemon continue to perform their attacks at Team Rocket's Pokemon, then send them crashing to their trainers.

"I'm guessing this isn't going so well," James says.

"No kidding," Butch says.

Mew then says, "Now to finish this up!"

Just then, Mewtwo floats forward, and says, "Allow me to finish this."

"Alright Mewtwo, give it your best shot," Mew says.

Mewtwo nods his head, "I think my Psystrike shall do the trick."

Mewtwo then unleashes a wave of energy and sends it at Team Rocket, making them scream in fear. With a loud explosion, sends both Team Rocket teams flying out of the cave and blasting off.

All Team Rocket scream, "We're blasting off again!"

Soon, Team Rocket is gone.

After the day they have, Mew and the others, including Gary, are about ready to depart. Of course, they end up with new Pokemon friends in the process. One of the Elgyem is with Mew. A Solosis is with Misty. Tracey ends up with a Clefairy. The Lucario and Riolu decide to go with Jen. And Gary has Duosion. Even Deoxys, the one with the green crystal, wants to be with Tomo, since Tomo has saved him and ends up taking a liking to him.

"Thanks you guys for the save there," Comet says.

"Yeah. We were worried for our friends, so we really appreciate it," Cosmo says.

"You're welcome, and we hope that someday you'll open your gym," Mew says.

"Me too," Comet says.

Cosmo walks to Tomo and says, "We hope you'll take care of Deoxys."

"Don't worry, I promise to take care of him," Tomo says.

Then Cosmo turns to Deoxys, "And I hope you can come visit someday."

"Don't worry we will," Tomo says.

Then turns to Comet, "Maybe someday, I'll go to the Orange Island and we can challenge your gym, Comet."

"And I'll be waiting when it happens," Comet says.

Suddenly, Jen's backpack begins shaking and moving.

Misty notices, "Uh Jen, why is your backpack moving?"

"It must be because of the eggs I found in the cave," Jen quickly says.

She opens her backpack and takes out the two eggs. What she sees is the eggs beginning to glow and shake. They soon glow bright and begin hatching. Soon enough, both eggs hatched. They hatched into an Igglybuff and a Cleffa."

After that, the group soon left, while Gary went by boat, the others went on Lapras, while each got a pokemon of the spaceship, since they saved them, while the eggs hatched to be a Shiny Cleffa like Cosmo's, and a Shiny Igglybuff, that is a little more pink and a little more pink eyes.

"And it looks like you got more friends Jen," Misty says.

"They're an Igglybuff and Cleffa! They're cute," Jen happily says.

Cleffa and Igglybuff turn to Jen and quickly begin snuggling her.

After that, Gary leaves the island on a boat while Mew and the others ride on Lapras in the opposite direction. Cosmo, Comet, and the Pokemon say goodbye and wish Mew good luck. Mew and the others continue on their adventure across the Orange Island for the next challenge.

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Squirtle (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Castform (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Aerodactyl (Male). Porygon. Wartortle (Female). Pansear (Male). Ledyba (Female). Lileep (Female). Magneton. Makuhita (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Miltank (Female). Tauros (Male). Shiny Ditto. Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Meditite (Female). Floette (Female). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male). Pidgeot (Male). Wooloo (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Yamask (Male). Diglett (Male). Haunter (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shaymin (Male). Primeape (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Younger Mewtwo (Male). Plusle (Male). Minun (Female). Baby Lapras (Male). Drowzee (Male). Snorlax (Male). Grubbin (Male). Blipbug (Male). Fomantis (Male). Shiny Eevee (Male).Muk (Male). Shiny Feebas (Female). Burmy (Male). Burmy (Female). Jumpluff (Female) Emolga (Female). Furret (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Lucario (Male). Archen (Female). Fearow (Male). Chatot (Male). Shiny Lapras (Female). Ursaluna (Male). Shiny Hisuian Zorua A.K.A. Zo. (Female). Shiny Hisuian Lilligant (Female). Elgyem (Male).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Papa A.K.A Zeraora (Male). Tsareena (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolain Raichu (Female). Arcanine (Male). Poliwrath (Male). Roserade (Female). Galarian Rapidash (Female). Liepard (Female). Beautifly (Female). Cinderace (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Mawile (Female).Fraxure (Male). Ursaring (Male). Beedrill (Female). Meowstic (Male) Lunatone. Sandslash (Male).

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Temporarily: Sneasler (Female).

Special Item: Rainbow Colored Feather. Moltres Feather. Zapdos Feather. Articuno Feather. Lugia Feather A.K.A Silver Wing. Lugia Egg.

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite. Pidgeotite. Beedrillite. Aerodactylite. Gyaradosite. Blastoisinite. Venusaurite. Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y. GS Ball.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale

Badges: Coral-Eye Badge. Sea Ruby Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male) Masquerain (Female). Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Vesiquen (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female). Goldeen (Female). Pink Frillish (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Fomantis (Female). Dewpider (Male). Sizzlipede (Male). Volbeat (Male). Illumise (Female). Red-Striped Form Basculin (Female). Blue-Striped Form Basculin (Male). Wimpod (Male). Wurmple (Female). Budew (Female). Delibird (Male). Eevee (Female). Pancham (Male). Anorith (Male). Swanna (Female). Cramorant (Female) Lapras (Male). White-Striped Basculegion (Female). Solosis (Female).

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). . Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). . Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Swampertite. Slowbronite. Pokemon Egg

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball. 1 Dive Ball.

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Tomo Files

Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Sealeo (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male). Munchlax (Male). Caterpie (Female). Joltik (Male). Bulbasar A.K.A Sage (Male). Wooper (Male). Barboach (Male). Shinx (Male). Blitzel (Female). Girafarig (Female). Rufflet (Male). Bidoof (Male). Clobbopus (Male). Cranidos (Male). Skarmory (Male). Mandibuzz (Female). Wyrdeer (Male). Deoxys (Male).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Banettite. Kangaskhanite. Lucarionite. Alakazite.

Tracey Files

Pokemon: Venonat (Male). Marill (Female). Blue Frillish (Male). Scyther (Male). Sewaddle (Female). Smeargle (Male). Stufful (Female). Mankey (Male). Eevee (Male). Fire Darumaka (Male). Ice Darumaka (Male). Phantump (Male). Mienfoo (Female). Kabuto (Male). Hawlucha (Male). Kleavor (Male). Clefairy (Male).

Jen Files

Pokemon: Amaura (Female). Braviary Hisui Form (Male). Overqwil (Female). Hisuian Zorua (Female). Unova Zoroark (Female). Hisuian Growlithe (Male). Hisuian Voltorb. Hisuian Lilligant (Female). Lucario (Male). Riolu (Male). Cleffa (Female). Igglybuff (Female).

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