Episode 31: The Birds of Bad Feathers
Time has passed since the adventure at Shamouti Island, and the group of friends are now sailing in the ocean of the Orange Islands. Tomo and Ten are relaxing with some of the Pokemon while Tracey is looking around with his binoculars. Misty is polishing her egg while Mew is practicing with the shell flute Melody has given to her, and playing Lugia's song to her egg. In fact, everyone feels relaxed by the music.
Tracey looks around and notices something ahead, "Hey guys, look over there."
Mew and the others, including the Pokemon stop what they're doing and look to where Tracey is looking through the binoculars. What they see is a large island that has mountains and trees, and clouds around the top of the mountain.
"It's an island," Misty says.
Then Tracey says, "That's Ava Island."
"Ava Island?" Jen asks.
"Ava Island is an Island that is well known to be inhabited by Bird-like Pokemon, and is known for using strong Flying Type attacks," Tracey says.
"Do you think we'll get to see some?" Mew asks.
"Maybe," Tracey says.
"I really like to get some rest," Misty says.
"Me too," Jen replies.
"Good idea," Mew says.
Then turns to Lapras, "Alright Lapras, let's head to Ava Island."
Lapras squeals with a smile and begins to swim to Ava Island.
Somewhere on Ava Island, there is a cave somewhere on the highest part of the mountain. Inside the darkness of the cave, there are seven pairs of eyes. They watch as they see Mew and her friends on Lapras swimming towards the Island.
Sometime later, Mew and the others arrive on the beach of the island.
Mew calls back Lapras, "You get a good rest, Lapras." and Lapras returns to his Pokeball.
Suddenly, Mew hears laughter and turns to see Tomo, Jen, Meloetta, Skwovet, and Amaura playing close to the water. Mew giggles with a smile on her face.
Misty looks around and says, "The Island is so amazing."
"I agree. It feels so peaceful," Mew says.
Then Tracey says, "Yeah. I can't wait to explore and sketch some Flying Type Pokemon."
"Smeargle," (I agree.) Smeargle says, and holds out his tail.
"Looks like Smeargle agrees," Mew says.
The three humans begin laughing.
Then Misty turns to Togpei and Pichu, along with the others, "Maybe you all can play with Tomo and the others while the rest of us get things ready for lunch."
Togepi, Pichu, and the other Pokemon nod their heads in reply. And so, the Pokemon play with Tomo and the others while Misty, Mew, and Tracey prepare lunch for everyone. However, unknown to the group, they're being spied on by six flying figures and are led by one who is at the front of the group.
Just then, the leader then shouts, "Chatot Chatot Chatot!" (Alright gang, let's dive down and catch them by surprise when their guard is down)
Soon, other chatters happen and sneak at an unknown location to take Mew and her friends by surprise.
Back on the beach, Tomo, Jen, and the Pokemon are still playing as Mew is cooking soup as Misty and Tracey set up the table, plates, utensils, and the bowls for the Pokemon food.
"I hope we have enough food for the Pokemon. I sometimes forget how many Pokemon we have caught so far," Misty says.
"I'm sure we have more than enough, and there seems to be some fruits and berries in the woods if we need to get some more," Tracey says.
Then turns to Mew, "How's the soup going?"
"The soup looks great. It should be finished soon. Maybe you can let the others know that it's almost time for lunch. So we can start serving the Pokemon some food," Mew says.
"I'll go get them, "Misty says.
Meanwhile, Tomo, Jen, and the other Pokemon are busy playing, building sand castles, playing in the water as they splash it at each other, relaxing in the sand, and all kinds of fun and relaxation. However, unknown to the group, the figures are flying down right towards them.
Just then, Misty walks over, "Tomo! Jen! Everyone!"
Soon, everyone stops playing and turns to Misty who is walking over.
"Lunch is almost ready, we could use help serving food to the Pokemon," Misty says.
"Okay," Jen happily says.
Then Tomo says, "Sure."
And so everyone begins to head to the table where Tracey and Mew are at and manage to get the bowls and table set. Just then, Pikachu and Eevee's ears begins twitching. They both turn around to see two Pokemon flying towards them.
Pikachu and Eevee scream, "PIKA!/EEV!" (LOOK OUT!)
Hearing the Pokemons' scream, Misty and the others look behind to see the two flying Pokemon diving towards them.
Misty screams, "Get down!"
Everyone quickly gets on the ground as the two Pokemon swoosh just over them and fly into the sky. Then they all look up to see two Pokemon flying in the sky.
The first one is a vulture-like Pokémon, particularly resembling a turkey vulture. It has a bare, pink head and neck, along with a notched black beak and red eyes. There are black eyelashes or eyeliner-like markings above its eyes. A long brown tuft with a bone in the middle extends from the back of its head. It has a tan ruff at the base of its neck, and shaggy darker brown wings with gray tips. It also has shaggy brown tail feathers. Its pink feet have black talons. It has decorated itself with bones — a jaw with sharp teeth — to form a skirt.
The second is a silver-gray, avian Pokémon with a long, metallic blue neck, legs, and tail. It has yellow eyes, a pointed beak with several pointed teeth, and a triangular crest on its head. There are red feathers under the sheaths that cover its sharp wings, and each feather can be moved independently. Its wings are actually hollow. Its feet have three toes on them, two in front and one in back, and its tail has hooked ends.
"Those are Pokemon," Jen says, surprised.
"They just came down from out of nowhere," Misty says.
Then Tomo panics, "They're coming back."
The girls look up to see the two flying Pokemon coming back from behind them. Everyone ducks their heads again as they fly past them from above. Then they look up to see the two Pokemon are flying close by.
"Why are they attacking us?" Jen asks.
"I don't know, but we gotta tell Tracey and Mew!" Misty answers frantically.
"Let's hurry!" Tomo says.
With that, Misty and the others quickly get up and rush to where Mew and Tracey are. Back at the spot, Mew and Tracey have just finished with the lunch preparations.
"There, lunch is all ready," Mew says.
"The Pokemon food is all set too. Now we just have to wait for Misty and the others to get here," Tracey says.
Suddenly, they hear a loud cry, catching them off guard.
"What was that?" Mew asks.
"I'm not sure. It sounds like it's coming from above us," Tracey answers.
Suddenly, two flying figures swoosh past then, and knock the two off their feet and they fall in the sand. Then, two more fishes swoosh down and knock the pot of soup and tail down to the ground.
"What's going on?" Mew asks.
"I think we're being attacked!" Tracey panics.
"Mew! Tracey!" Misty's voice cries out.
Mew and Tracey turn their heads to see they're being chased by the two Pokemon from before.
"What's going on?" Tracry asks.
"I don't know," Mew asks.
Misty, Tomo, Jen, and the Pokemon soon join the other group. And soon, they find themselves surrounded by seven Pokemon. The two Pokemon that have attacked Tomo, Jen, and Misty, along with five others. One of them is a Fearow, and four others.
The second is a swan-like Pokémon with primarily white plumage. Its beak is long and yellow topped with a black cere, and it has several white feathery features adorning its head. The more rounded of the features are to the sides of its head, and the more pointed feature is atop. It possesses a long, curving neck. With a fluid neck and a strong bill, Swanna is capable of very accurate jabbing and thrusting attacks. Two light-blue feathery features, similar to those on the sides of its head, are present on its underside, and Swanna's large wings are positioned so that they curve away from its body. Its legs are small, and its webbed feet are dark.
The third Pokemon is a bipedal, birdlike Pokémon with colorful plumage. Its head curves into a beak-shape in the front, but its mouth is located in a white patch under the beak's curve. It has a blue-green mask-like marking across its face, an orange blaze running from its forehead to the back of its neck, an orange ring around each eye, and a small, red patch at the tip of its beak. There is black space around its eyes, which are yellow with paler yellow sclerae. On the back of its head are two rectangular, tassel-like feathers. Its red, cape-like wings have blue-green undersides and are connected to its feathery tail. Near the tip of each wing is a three-clawed hand. Its front is white with a line of red along its neck and the top of its chest. It has small, yellow feet with three toes each.
The fourth Pokemon is a blue avian Pokémon resembling a cormorant. It has bright green, large, circular eyes with small pupils and a large, thin yellow beak. It has a ruff of light gray feathers that goes around its torso and sticks out at the back, making them resemble a bib. Its tail feathers have a small dot-shaped marking of this same shade of gray. It has a ruff of feathers on its head, with the largest clump pointing backward and being surrounded by small singular feathers. Its feet are black, webbed, and have three toes. Its wings seem to be perpetually extended.
And the last one is an avian Pokémon similar to a parakeet. Its head is black and resembles an eighth note, while its black tail resembles a metronome. Its plumage is brightly colored with blue wings, a yellow chest and feet, a green stomach, and a pink, hooked beak and eyelids. Additionally, there is a ruff of white feathers around its neck.
"We're surrounded!" Tracey panics.
"And I don't think they're the welcoming committee," Misty says, worried.
Just then, all Pokemon get into one side and use their wings to create a powerful wind. That causes the group to be sent flying across the beach and land in the sand.
Just then, the silver gray Pokemon along with the uses Wing Attack, the buzzard Pokemon uses Whirlwind. And the Fearow also performs Wing Attack as well.
"Watch out!" Tracey cries out.
Everyone quickly moves out of the way before the attacks can hit them. And with that, the Pokemon then swoop down and begin to try pecking at their heads, including the Pokemon's.
Jen panics, "Stop pecking at us."
"Cut it out!" Tomo screams.
Just then, Fearow begins to swoop down with Mew distracted to attack her. Pikachu and Eevee notice it and push Mew out of the way in time and they fall to the ground. Mew looks up to see Fearow and lets out a cry and it sounds angry. Then swoops down and tries to attack Mew once more.
Pikachu quickly steps forward and shouts, "PIKACHUUUUUUU!" and performs Thunderbolt at Fearow and the other Pokemon, stunning them.
Mew quickly gets up and says, "Come on guys, let's go!"
Agreeing to the idea, everyone begins to run off into the woods to get away from the flying Pokemon. The gang of Flying Pokemon are able to regain themselves and fly off to find Mew and her friends to attack them. However, Fearow is more determined to follow them, especially Mew.
Somewhere in the woods, Mew and the others continue to run through the thick woods to get away from the gang of Flying Pokemon.
"Do you think they're still behind us?" Jen asks.
Misty turns her head back, "It doesn't look like it, but they'll find us if we don't find a place to hide."
"But where can we hide?" Jen asks.
Tracey soon looks ahead and says, "In that cave!"
The group soon look ahead to see a large cave on their right.
"That's as good a place as any," Mew says.
The group then hurries inside the cave before the group of flying Pokemon could find them. Mew then takes a peek outside to see if the gang are still around.
"Are they out there?" Jen asks.
"No, but it's best we keep our guard up," Mew says.
Then walks back into the cave.
Misty then sits down with a sigh, "That was too close. I thought those Pokemon were going to get."
Then Jen asks, "What kind of Pokemon are they?"
"Well, there was a Fearow, along with a Chatot, Swanna, a Cramorant..." Tracey says.
"There's also a Mandibuzz, Hawlucha, and a Skarmory," Mew adds.
Then Mew takes out her Pokedex, "Let's see what Dexter has to say about them."
And so Dexter begins to give out information on each Pokemon.
"Chatot, the Music Note Pokemon, A Normal and Flying Type. A versatile performer skilled in the imitation of human speech. It is said that older, more experienced Chatot can even understand the meaning of the words they mimic."
"Cramorant, the Gulp Pokemon. A Flying and Water Type. Cramorant's gluttony led it to try to swallow an Arrokuda whole, which in turn led to Cramorant getting an Arrokuda stuck in its throat."
"Skarmory, the Armor Bird Pokemon. A Steel and Flying Type. Skarmory's steel wings become tattered and bashed in from repeated battles. Once a year, the battered wings grow back completely, restoring the cutting edges to their pristine state."
"Mandibuzz, the Bone Vulture Pokemon, and the evolved form of Vullaby A Dark and Flying Pokemon. They adorn themselves with bones. There seem to be fashion trends among them, as different bones come into and fall out of popularity."
"Swanna, the White Bird Pokemon, and the evolved form of Ducklett. A Water and Flying Type. Despite their elegant appearance, they can flap their wings strongly and fly for thousands of miles."
"Hawlucha, the Wrestling Pokemon. A Fighting and Flying Type. In combat, Hawlucha leaps nimbly about, taking advantage of its opponents' blind spots. It's also skilled at using superb submission holds."
"Fearow, the Beak Pokemon, and the evolved form of Spearow. A Normal and Flying Type. It's tough and has excellent stamina. It has no problem flying continuously for a whole day carrying a heavy load."
"Sounds like those Pokemon are pretty powerful," Misty says.
Then Tracey turns to Mew, "Hey Mew, why did that Fearow try to attack you like that."
"I'm not sure..." Mew answers.
But soon Mew begins to have an idea, "Wait a minute, you don't think that..."
Mew soon remembers the incident in the forest outside of Pallet Town and the battle Mew and Pidgeot have with Fearow and the flocks of Spearow.
"It must be that Fearow," Mew says.
Tomo asks, "You don't mean the Fearow that attacked us before and attacked you Pikachu, and Eevee when it was a Spearow?"
"I think it is," Mew says.
"It must have a real grudge against you after the last time you battled it," Misty says.
"Uh, what are you talking about?" Jen asks.
"That Fearow is the same Fearow that attacked me, Pikachu, and Eevee when we were back at Pallet Town. Both when I started my Pokemon Journey when it's a Spearow and attacked the rest of us when we were leaving for Valencia Island," Mew explains.
"And you're sure it's the same one?" Tracey asks.
"Oh we're sure of it," Mew says.
"That Fearow must have been really mad," Jen says.
"I think it is. Still, we gotta do something about it," Mew says.
"But how did Fearow get involved with the other Bird Pokemon?" Misty asks.
"I'm not sure," Mew says.
"And how are we going to deal with them?" Tomo asks.
"Well, it might work if we use Electric Type Pokemon, maybe also Rock Type and Ice Types.
Suddenly, Jen hears a strange noise coming from inside the cave as the others discuss the situation. Curious, Jen decides to look inside the cave to find the source of the sound. Jen slowly walks deeper into the cave until she finds something or rather, someone lying on the floor of the cave. That something is a Pokemon. The Pokemon is a large avian Pokemon with a gray and white feathered body. The Pokemon's tail is shaped like a jet that has white tail feathers. The wings are shaped to resemble a white hand with black feathers underneath. The head feather is shaped like a hat. Its plumes have changed into purple flames with light blue eye markings on them. Its legs are long and thick with yellow feet that each have a digit facing backward, and three facing forward. Each digit is tipped by a short, thick, black claw.
Jen turns her head back and calls out, "Guys, take a look over here."
Mew and the others stop their discussion and walk to where Jen is.
"What is it, Jen?" Mew asks.
"Look over there," Jen says, pointing to the source.
Mew and the others turn their heads and look to see the Pokemon.
"It's a Pokemon," Tomo says.
"What's a Pokemon like that doing in a cave?" Misty asks.
"I'm not sure," Mew says.
"What kind of Pokemon is it?" Jen asks.
"I think it's a Braviary, but it looks different than the ones I've seen," Tracey says.
"Let's see," Mew says, and brings out her Pokedex.
The Pokdex shows a picture of a Braviary, like the one before them.
The Pokedex says, "Braviary, the Battle Cry Pokemon, and the evolved form of Rufflet, Hisuian Form. A Psychic and Flying Type. Screaming a bloodcurdling battle cry, this huge and ferocious bird Pokémon goes out on the hunt. It blasts lakes with shock waves, then scoops up any prey that floats to the water's surface. No other date has been confirmed."
"That's interesting," Misty says.
Then Jen asks, "What does the normal Braviary look like?"
Mew shows Jen the Pokedex of the other Braviary.
This one has dark red feathers on its back and dark blue feathers on its underside. Its tail feathers are red, turning to yellow, and then blue at the tips. Braviary's legs are long and thick with yellow feet that each have a digit facing backward, and three facing forward. Each digit is tipped by a short, thick, black claw.
Dexter says, "Braviary, the Valiant Pokemon and the evolved form of Rufflet. A Normal and Flying Type. The more scars it has on its front, the more heroic it's considered to be. Those with many scars on their back are mocked by the flock."
"Wow. So there are two different kinds of Braviary," Misty says.
"That's pretty cool," Tomo says.
"But what's a Braviary doing in a cave?" Tracey wonders.
Jen looks at the Braviary and notices that it has some scratches and bruises on its body.
Jen speaks out in concern, "I think it's hurt. There are scratches and bruises on its body."
"I think she's right," Mew says.
"You don't think those other Flying Pokemon have anything to do with it?" Misty asks, worried.
"It's possible, but right now, we gotta help this Braviary," Mew says.
"Can I help?" Jen asks.
"Sure," Mew says.
Mew and Jen then sit down and check on the injuries the Braviary has.
"How is it Mew?" Misty asks.
"Braviary is badly injured, and I think it's wing is sprained. Luckily, it's not broken, but it seems that it's not going to be able to fly for a short while," Mew says.
"Poor Braviary," Jen sadly says, and gently rubs Braviary's head.
Just then, Braviary slowly opens its eyes and looks to see Jen who is giving him a gentle smile.
"Hello Braviary, I'm glad to see you're awake," Jen says.
And so she continues to help Mew with the treatment. A little time later, Mew and Jen are able to bandage the Braviary, especially his right wing.
"This should do for the time being," Mew says.
Then Jen shows some mashed fruits like Oran berries, Sitrus berries, apples, and other berries to help him heal. Jen then presents a bowl with a spoon and tries to feed it to them.
"Here you go, you must be very hungry," Jen says.
Braviary slowly reaches out and takes the bite of the food and the spoon. Soon, Braviary eats the food from the spoon and is starting to feel a little better. Jen gives it a gentle smile and continues to feed the Pokemon.
"Glad to see that Braviary is doing okay," Tracey says.
"I agree," Mew says.
Then Misty wonders, "But I have to wonder how it ended up injured."
"Yeah," Tomo replies.
Then Mew thinks and questions, "I wonder if Chatot, Fearow, and the other Flying Pokemon have anything to do with Braviary's injury."
Suddenly, Braviary lets out a slow cry sound. Tomo and Mew hear Braviary and sit next to him to hear what he's saying.
"What is it, Braviary?" Tomo asks.
Braviary begins to let out his voice calmly and slowly as Jen gently rubs its feathers.
"What's Braviary saying?" Misty asks.
"Well, according to Braviary, he was actually the original leader of those Pokemon that attacked us," Mew says.
This leaves Jen, Tracey, Misty, and the Pokemon in shock.
"Their leader?" Tracey replies, shocked.
"Yeah. This Braviary was the original leader of the gang of the Flying Type Pokemon, but they never acted hostile towards visitors," Tomo says.
"But according to Braviary, Fearow and Chatot showed up and Chatot, despite his small size, was able to defeat Braviary with powerful attacks. It's able to use Peck, Hyper Voice, Air Slash, and... shockingly enough it's able to use Hurricane. And with Fearow helping Chatot, Braviary didn't stand a chance," Mew explains.
"So that's what happened," Misty says.
"We gotta do something about this," Tracey says.
"You're right. We gotta put a stop to them before they attack us," Mew says.
"But what can we do?" Misty asks.
Just then, Pikachu and Eevee rush to Mew's bag and backpack. Eevee then takes out Mew's Keystone with the bracelet, along with the Pidgeotite with her mouth. Pikachu then takes out a Pokeball. Pikachu then presses the button and Pidgeot comes out.
"It's Pidgeot!" Tomo says, surprised.
"Pika Pika Pikachu!" (Pidgeot we can really use your help!) Pikachu says.
"Pidgeot!" (Of course!) Pidgeot says.
Eevee then passes the stones to Mew.
Then Mew understands, "I think Pikachu and Eevee just gave me an idea."
"How?" Misty asks.
Mew turns to Pidgeot and asks, "Pidgeot, the Fearow we fought before is here, and have gathered a group of Flying Pokemon to attack us. We need your help to defeat them. Can you help?"
"Pidgeot Pidgeot! Pidge Pdige Pidgeot Pidgeot!" (I sure will! I have a feeling we'll be having Fearow again eventually!) Pidgeot says.
"Alright then," Mew says, and places the Keystone band around her wrist. ""Let's get ready to battle those Pokemon."
Then Pidgeot let out a cry, "Pidgeo!"
Meanwhile, Chatot, Fearow, and the other Flying Type Pokemon are searching for Mew and her friends to mess with them. Fearow seems to have a determined look on his face. Fearow is determined to have another battle with Mew, along with her Pidgeot. And plans to beat them this time around.
Back in the cave, Mew takes the Charizardite off of the metal-plated collar, and places the Pidgeotite in its place. Then places the collar around Pidgeot's neck.
"Alright guys, here's the plan, Pidgeot and I are going to battle Fearow, Chatot, and the other Pokemon. Misty, Tracey, and Tomo will catch them in the Pokeballs the best you can. That way, we can get them to settle down after they're weakened," Mew explains.
Then turns to Jen, "Jen, you along with Meloetta, Skwovet, Smeargle, Stufful, and Amuara to watch over Braviary and make sure he heals properly."
"Right," Jen replies with a nod.
Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee then climb on Pidgeot's back.
Then Mew asks, "Ready Pidgeot?!"
"Pidg," (Ready.) Pidgeot answers with a nod.
"Then let's go," Mew says.
And with that, Pidgeot then flies out of the cave. Tracey, Misty, and Tomo run out of the cave and into the woods. Jen, who remains in the cave with help from Meloetta and the others, continues to tend to Braviary's wound.
Jen gently pets Braviary, "Don't worry Braviary, I promise to take good care of you. In the meantime, the others can help deal with those Bird Pokemon."
Braviary shows Jen a calm smile and begins to rest.
Meanwhile, Tracey, Misty, and Tomo reach towards the beach where they first have been attacked by the Flying Pokemon.
"Alright, now we just wait here until Mew could get the Flying Pokemon's attention," Misty says.
"Right. And once Mew is able to defeat them, we'll catch them in the Pokeballs," Tracey says, and holds out his Pokeballs.
"Right," Tomo says, and takes out his Pokeballs.
Misty then takes out her Pokeballs as she nods her head.
Meanwhile up in the sky, Mew along with Pikachu, and Eevee are riding on Pidgeot's back as they search around for the gang of Flying Pokemon.
"Hmm, where could they be?" Mew wonders.
"Eevee Eevee," (They could be anywhere.) Eevee replies.
Just then Pidgeot looks ahead and says, "Pidge Pidge Pidgeot!" (We've got company ahead!)
Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee turn their heads to see seven figures up ahead. Mew brings out the scope and uses it to zoom in to see Chatot and Fearow.
"That's them alright," Mew says.
Then says, "Pikachu, Eevee, get in my backpack and hang on!"
"Pika!/Eev!" (Right!) Pikachu and Eevee answer with a nod and climb into Mew's backpack.
Mew then turns to Pidgeot, "Alright Pidgeot, let's go!"
"Pidgeo!" (Right!) Pidgeot says.
With that, Pidgeot flies towards the Flying Pokemon Gang.
Meanwhile, straight ahead, the Flying Pokemon are still in search of Mew and the others. Just then, Pidgeot with Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee fly right past them, catching them all by surprise. The Flying Pokemon becomes startled and turns to see Pidgeot turning back around and flyt to where they are.
Mew calls out, "Hey Fearow! Chatot! You guys think you're so tough, how about a fight against me and Pidgeot!"
Just then Chatot says, "A fight! A fight! A fight!"
Then turns to the Pokemon, "Chatot Chatot!" (Alright guys, let's get them) "Fight fight fight!"
Fearow is more than eager to start the first attack. Fearow then begins to perform Wing Attack at Pidgeot.
Mew calls out, "Pidgeot, dodge and use Quick Attack!"
Pidgeot then dodges Fearow's Wing Attack and performs Wing Attack.
Just then, Swanna performs Bubble Beam at Pidgeot. Mandibuzz performs Dark Pulse. Cramorant also performs Hydro Pump.
Mew then calls out, "Pidgeot, fly high!"
Pidgeot then begins to fly high in the air as he dodges the attack.
Just then, Fearow and Chatot are waiting for Mew and the others from above. Fearow then begins to perform Drill Peck and flies towards Pidgeot.
Eevee notices and cries out, "Eevee!" (Watch out!)
"Pidgeot, look out!" Mew calls out.
Pidgeot quickly dodges Fearow's Drill Peck in the neck of time. But then, Chatot performs the move known as Hurricane. Chatot then flaps and creates a powerful wind tornado. Mew and the Pokemon end up being caught in the Hurricane attack. And soon, Fearow. Skarmory, Mandibuzz perform Whirlwind. Swanna, Cramorant, and Chatot perform Hurricane. Trapped in the attack, Pidgeot struggles to fly a Mew, Pikachu and Eevee struggle to hang on.
"Hang on everyone, this is a powerful storm!" Mew says.
Just then, Hawlucha then performs a Sky Attack into the Tornado. Pidgeot senses trouble and tries to avoid the Sky Attack that is traveling inside the Tornado.
Meanwhile, back at the beach, Misty and the others are waiting for Mew and the others, but notices the strong wind current picking up.
"Wow. The wind sure is blowing," Misty says.
With his binocular, Tracey says, "And I know why. I think Mew and the others are in trouble."
"I hope they're okay," Misty says, concerned.
"I know Mew and Pidgeot can do it," Tomo says.
Misty and Tracy watch as the Hurricane increases into a tornado.
Meanwhile, in the cave, Jen and the other Pokemon continue to watch over Braviary. Jen is feeding him some more mashed berries as Braviary is lying on the ground. After eating, Braviary continues to sleep so he can regain his strength.
Jen turns to the entryway of the cave and says in concern, "I hope the others are alright."
Inside the Tornado, Mew and the others are trapped inside as Pidgeot struggles to fly in the giant whirlwind.
"Hang on everyone," Mew calls out.
Pikachu and Eevee have trouble answering, but nod their heads and quickly hide in the backpack.
Mew turns to Pidgeot, "Alright Pidgeot, I think it's time for us to show these guys what we can really do."
Pidgeot nods his head in reply.
Mew then places her two fingers on the Key Stone and it begins to glow. She closes her eyes and feels the strong energy from the Stone. Just then, the Pidgeotite begins to glow as well as Pidgeot lets out a cry and spreads his wings high.
Then Mew calls out, "It's time for our bond to continue as we become one with the wind!"
Just then, the two energies of both stones begin to merge with one another. Outside of the tornado, the flying Type Pokemon are bewild to see what is happening. Tracey, Misty, and Tomo from below are surprised to see the same.
"What's happening?" Tracey asks.
"I think they're doing it," Misty says.
"Yeah. They're going to do it!" Tomo cheers.
In the tornado, Mew shouts, "Mega Evolve!"
And with that, the power of the Pidgeotite begins to glow and Pidgeot begins to change his shape and size. Soon, Pigeot's body becomes larger and longer, with broader wings. Its wingtips and tail feathers are tipped with cyan, and its cream coloring is now white. Its eyes turn magenta and its pupils turn white. It also has an even more elaborate crest on its head, with a streamer-like magenta plume extending from a mane of yellow feathers.
Mega Pidgeot lets out a battle cry as he flaps his wings with full force. Soon, the cyclone burst appears and everyone, including the Pokemon, ends up being pushed away by the wind. Tracey and the others feel the strong wind from the beach and cover themselves with their arms. Soon, the wind comes to a stop, and they look up in shock to see Mega Pidgeot.
"Wow. that's so cool," Tomo says, amazed.
"That's Mega Pidgeot!" Misty says.
"That's amazing! I wish I had time to sketch you," Tracey says.
"Now's not the time!" Misty shouts.
"Oh right," Tracey replies.
The Flying Pokemon are shocked to see Pidgeot has taken a different form."
Chatot says, "Chat Chatot Chat Chat! Chat Chat Chato!" (Don't let this intimate us! It's still seven against one, so we can have the advantage!)
Fearow is more than eager to fight against the Pidgeot, while the others agree with some reluctance.
Mew turns to Mega Pidgeot, "Alright Pidgeot, it looks like they're ready to fight. Let's do this."
Pidgeot nods his head in reply, and with that, Mega Pidgeot flies to the group with full force.
Chatot then calls out, "Chat Chatot!" (Alright, let's take them out of the sky!)
Soon, Chatot and the rest of the Flying Type Pokemon fly towards Pidgeot for the attack. Swanna, MandiBuzz, and Skarmory use Air Slash for the first attack.
"Incoming Air Slash, Pidgeot! We need to dodge them!" Mew says.
Mega Pidgeot nods in reply, and begins to dodge the Air Slash at top speed. Then Fearow and Cramorant perform Drill Peck towards Mega Pidgeot.
"We need to dodge them fast!" Mew calls out.
Mega Pidgeot quickly dodge the attack.
Then Mew calls out, "Alright Pidgeot, use Aerial Ace!"
Mega Pidgeot then begins to perform the Aerial Ace Attack and begins to fly faster. Chatot, Fearow, Swanna, Mandibuzz, Cramorant, Skarmory, and Hawlucha begin to perform Aerial Ace at the same time. Soon, it becomes an Aerial Ace battle in the sky. Misty, Tracey, and Tomo are surprised to see all the Bird Pokemon perform Aerial Ace and are brawling against one another.
Then, Mew calls out, "Use Agility!"
Mega Pidgeot then performs Agility to dodge all the attacks and fly up into the sky over Skarmory and Swanna.
Then Mew calls out, "Aerial Ace!"
Mega Pidgeot then performs an Aerial Ace and is able to strike Skarmory and Swanna at the same time. Soon, the two Pokemon are falling out of the sky.
"Here they come!" Tracey says.
"I'll catch Swanna!" Misty says.
"And I'll catch Skarmory!" Tomo says.
Then they both throw their Pokeballs at the same time as they shout, "Go Pokeball!"
The two Pokeballs fly into the air and they both hit Skarmory and Swanna. They both are put in the Pokeballs and the Pokeballs click instantly. Then Tomo and Misty catch the Pokeballs.
"We got them!" Misty and Tomo cheer.
Just then, Hawlucha jumps off of Cramorant and begins to glide down towards Mega Pidgeot and begins to perform a High Jump Kick.
"Look out!" Mew calls out.
However, Hawlucha is able to get a hit on Mega Pidgeot's side, almost making him lose his balance.
"Hang in there, Pidgeot!" Mew calls out.
Pidgeot manages to regain his balance, and continues to fly into the sky. Then they watch Hawlucha land on top of Cramorant's back. Just then, Cramorant performs Hydro Pump at Mega Pidgeot.
Mew calls out, "Pidgeot, use Hurricane!"
Mega Pidgeot then performs a Hurricane and it becomes so powerful that it ends up sucking the Hydro Pump and turns it into a water tornado. Cramorant and Hawlucka try to move out of the way, but Hawlucha ends up caught in the water tornado. And then it ends up catching Mandibuzz. Mandibuzz manages to burst free from the tornado, but because Hawlucka is dizzy, it begins to fall out of the sky.
Tracey throws his Pokeball, "Pokeball go!"
And catches Hawlucha inside the Pokeball, and Tracy catches it when it falls out of the sky.
"Got it," Tracey says.
"Three down, four more to go," Misty says.
"I hope Mew and Pidgeot are able to handle it," Tracey says.
"I know they can beat them," Tomo says.
Up in the sky, Mew continues to fight off the four remaining Pokemon in the sky. Cramorant then performs Hydro Pump again at Mega Pidgeot, but dodges.
"Alright Pidgeot, use Quick Attack!" Mew calls out.
Mega Pidgeot flies towards Cramorant and the bird Pokemon dodges the attack. Then Mandibuzz performs Bone Rush as it flies.
"Use Agility!" Mew calls out.
Mega Pidgeot uses Agility as Mandibuzz uses Bone Rush. Then Cramorant tries to perform Furry Attack from behind.
Mew turns around and calls out, "Pidgeot, fly up!"
Mega Pidgeot then flies up and it causes Cramorant to ram into Mandibuzz in shock.
"Now, use Air Slash!" Mew calls out.
Mega Pidgeot then uses Air Slash, and strikes at them with full force. As the attack takes effect, something flies out of Cramorant's mouth, catching Mew's attention.
"What's that?" Mew asks.
Then turns to Mega Pidgeot, "Let's take a look."
Pidgeot nods his head and flies to the object, allowing Mew to catch it in her arms. When she looks at the object, she can see that it's an egg, it's a light or sky blue on the top, and on the small bottom area is a cream color.
"An egg? What was that doing here?" Mew wonders.
Meanwhile, Mandibuzz and Cramorant fall out of the sky. Misty and Tomo use their Pokeballs to catch them. Misty catches Cramorant while Tomo catches Mandibuzz.
"Now we only have Fearow and Chatot to deal with," Tracey says.
"I think Mew should catch them. After all, Pidgeot and Fearow kind of have a score to settle," Misty says.
"I think so too," Tomo says.
The three then look up in the sky to see the battle is not over yet.
In the sky, Mew decides to place the Pokemon egg in her bag for safe keeping. She and Mega Pidgeot look to see Fearow and Chato are viciously glaring at them, and ready to attack at any moment.
"Alright Pidgeot, you ready?" Mew asks.
Mega Pidgeot nods his head in reply.
"Alright, let's do this!" Mew says.
And with that, Chatot, and Fearow fly in for an attack. Mega Pidgeot charges for the same attack. Just then, Fearow begins to perform Drill Peck and aims to attack Pidgeot.
Mew calls out, "Pidgeot, use Agility!"
Mega Pidgeot then begins to use Agility in order to dodge Fearow's attack, but Fearow is still using Drill Peck and trying to attack Mega Pidgeot. Just then, Chatot tries to tackle Mega Pidgeot using Aerial Ace. Mega Pidgeot dodges the attack as fast as he can and Chatot and Fearow try to attack them. Misty, Tracey, and Tomo watch an epic Flying Type Battle going on.
"Alright Pidgeot, let's beat them! Use Aerial Ace!" Mew says.
Mega Pidgeot then begins to use Aerial Ace to try to strike at them. Just then, Chatot and Fearow begin to perform Aerial Ace as well. All three perform the attack and try to strike at once another. They even fly low close to the sand and fly up again, and are not as high up in the sky. Luckily, Mega Pidgeot is able to fly away from them and make a U-Turn.
Then Mew calls you, "Aerial Ace!"
And with that Mega Pidgeot uses Aerial Ace and strikes at Fearow and Chatot with full force. Soon, Fearow and Chatot are knocked out of the sky and fall to the ground. They are dizzy and knocked out.
Mew turns to Pideot, "Alright you did it, Pidgeot."
Then Mega Pidgeot let out a cry," PIDGEOOOOOO!"
Then Mega Pidgeot lands on the ground where Fearow and Chatot are.
Mew brings out her Pokeballs and throws them, "Go Pokeballs!"
The Pokeballs hit both Fearow and Chatot and are pulled in the Pokeballs. Both balls begin shaking as soon as they land on the sand. At first, they come to a stop, but soon they both begin shaking some more. Soon, both Pokeballs stop and make a click sound.
Mew picks them up and says, "Alright, Fearow and Chatot are mine!"
Just then, Tracey, Misty, and Tomo run over to see the event.
"You did it, Mew!" Tracey cheers.
"That was an amazing battle," Misty says.
Then Tomo says, "And Mega Pidgeot is so cool!"
"Pidgeot," (Thank you.) Mega Pidgeot says.
Then Mega Pidgeot changes back to normal Pidgeot. Mew then snuggles Pidgeot, and Pidgeot does the same with Mew.
Later in the day, Braviary has been back to full health so Jen, Braviary, and the Pokemon along with the others meet up with Mew and the rest of the gang at the beach. Mew and the others let out the group of Flying Type Pokemon, and lower their heads and say in their language as they show some remorse.
Mew turns to the others, "Chatot, Fearow and the others say their sorry for attacking us like that. And apologizes for hurting Braviary the way they did."
Braviary then talks to the Pokemon and the group are surprised.
Then Tomo says, "Braviary says that he forgives them, but wants them to promise not to cause trouble from now on, especially to trainers."
All the Flying Type Pokemon smile and accept.
Just then, Fearow and Pidgeot walk towards each other and are staring at each other with serious glares. Just then, Fearow reaches his wing out, and Pidgeot does the same. Then, in a way, they both shake each other as they talk in their language.
"What did they say?" Tracey asks.
"Fearow says, 'You put up a great battle, Pidgeot.'" Tomo translated.
Then Mew says, "Then Pidgeot says 'You too.'"
"Looks like they've earned each other's respect," Misty says.
"Yay!" Jen happily says.
"And it looks like they might become friends, or friendly rivals if any," Mew says.
"Friendly rivals," Chatot says and lands on Mew's shoulder.
Then Braviary then walks to Jen and snuggles her.
"I think Braviary likes you," Misty says.
"I think he wants to come along," Mew says.
Jen turns to Braviary and asks, "Want to come with us?"
Braviary nods his head in reply.
"I'm glad you get to stay with us," Jen happily says.
Braviary then wraps his wing around Jen and gives her a slight hug.
"Aww," Misty says.
Just then, Mew remembers, "Oh yeah. Take a look at what I found."
Mew then takes out the Pokemon Egg.
"It's a Pokemon Egg," Misty says.
"Where do you find it?" Tracey asks.
"It was in Cramorant's mouth," Mew says.
Cormorant is a bit surprised, but soon begins to explain, "Cramorant Cram Cram Cramorant Cram Cram Cramorant."
"What did Cramorant say?" Misty asks.
"She said that she found it a few days ago, and decided to keep it in her mouth to keep it safe. She hides it from the group, worrying that they think she's going soft," Mew says.
Cramorant blushes and turns away with a shy smile.
"Don't worry, you were doing a good thing. So no need to be embarrassed," Misty says.
Then turns to Mew, "Still, that's a rather big egg, I wonder what's in it."
Then Misty reaches for the egg to touch it. Just then, the pokemon egg begins to glow, catching everyone by surprise.
"The egg is starting to hatch!" Tracey says, surprised.
"Already?!" Misty and Mew exclaim in surprise.
Both of them continue to hold the egg, and begin to crack all over. And then with a burst, and the egg has hatched. However, to the group's surprise, there's not one, but two little baby Lapras inside the egg. One of them is a normal Lapras and the other one is a light purple color, and the underbelly is a bit of a darker cream color, almost like a buttercream color.
"Oh wow, the egg has two Lapras inside. It's actually very rare for twin Pokemon to be born in the same egg. And one of them is a Shiny Lapras no less," Tracey says, amazed.
The normal Lapras sees Misty and snuggles her. The Shiny does the same with Mew.
"Hello Lapras, my name is Mew, and this is Misty. It's nice to meet you," Mew says.
The two Lapras let out a cry with smiles, making everyone laugh with smiles on their faces, even the Pokemon begin laughing.
After that, Fearow, Chatot, and the other Pokemon decide to accompany Mew and the others. And Pidgeot and Fearow end up becoming in a way friends, but also rivals for each other.
And so, Mew and the others ride on Lapras, and leave Ava Island behind. And above them, Pidgeot and Fearow fly in the air and soon begin to race one another. They may become friends, but still rivals when it comes to battling and flying competitions.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Squirtle (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Castform (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Aerodactyl (Male). Porygon. Wartortle (Female). Pansear (Male). Ledyba (Female). Lileep (Female). Magneton. Makuhita (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Miltank (Female). Tauros (Male). Shiny Ditto. Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Meditite (Female). Floette (Female). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male). Pidgeot (Male). Wooloo (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Yamask (Male). Diglett (Male). Haunter (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shaymin (Male). Primeape (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Younger Mewtwo (Male). Plusle (Male). Minun (Female). Baby Lapras (Male). Drowzee (Male). Snorlax (Male). Grubbin (Male). Blipbug (Male). Fomantis (Male). Shiny Eevee (Male).Muk (Male). Shiny Feebas (Female). Burmy (Male). Burmy (Female). Jumpluff (Female) Emolga (Female). Furret (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Lucario (Male). Archen (Female). Fearow (Male). Chatot (Male). Shiny Lapras (Female).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Papa A.K.A Zeraora (Male). Tsareena (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolain Raichu (Female). Arcanine (Male). Poliwrath (Male). Roserade (Female). Galarian Rapidash (Female). Liepard (Female). Beautifly (Female). Cinderace (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Mawile (Female).Fraxure (Male). Ursaring (Male). Beedrill (Female). Meowstic (Male) Lunatone. Sandslash (Male).
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Special Item: Rainbow Colored Feather. Moltres Feather. Zapdos Feather. Articuno Feather. Lugia Feather A.K.A Silver Wing. Lugia Egg.
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite. Pidgeotite. Beedrillite. Aerodactylite. Gyaradosite. Blastoisinite. Venusaurite. Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y. GS Ball.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale
Badges: Coral-Eye Badge. Sea Ruby Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male) Masquerain (Female). Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Vesiquen (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female). Goldeen (Female). Pink Frillish (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Fomantis (Female). Dewpider (Male). Sizzlipede (Male). Volbeat (Male). Illumise (Female). Red-Striped Form Basculin (Female). Blue-Striped Form Basculin (Male). Wimpod (Male). Wurmple (Female). Budew (Female). Delibird (Male). Eevee (Female). Pancham (Male). Anorith (Male). Swanna (Female). Cramorant (Female) Lapras (Male).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Swampertite. Slowbronite. Pokemon Egg
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball. 1 Dive Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Sealeo (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male). Munchlax (Male). Caterpie (Female). Joltik (Male). Bulbasar A.K.A Sage (Male). Wooper (Male). Barboach (Male). Shinx (Male). Blitzel (Female). Girafarig (Female). Rufflet (Male). Bidoof (Male). Clobbopus (Male). Cranidos (Male). Skarmory (Male). Mandibuzz (Female).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Banettite. Kangaskhanite. Lucarionite. Alakazite.
Tracey Files
Pokemon: Venonat (Male). Marill (Female). Blue Frillish (Male). Scyther (Male). Sewaddle (Female). Smeargle (Male). Stufful (Female). Mankey (Male). Eevee (Male). Fire Darumaka (Male). Ice Darumaka (Male). Phantump (Male). Mienfoo (Female). Kabuto (Male). Hawlucha (Male).
Jen Files
Pokemon: Amaura (Female). Braviary Hisui Form (Male).
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