Episode 25: Get Along, Little Pokemon
Mew and her friend find themselves trekking across a rugged desert landscape on Mandarin Island so Mew can get to the next Orange League Gym in Trovita. However, with the desert landscape and the hot sun, the group is getting pretty tired.
"Tracey, how much longer is it gonna take us to get to Trovita?" Misty asks, feeling tied.
"I dunno. I'd say, maybe, three days," Tracey answers.
"Three days?" Misty exclaims.
"Oh, man! That feels like forever!" Mew whines.
Then Tomo says, "I'm not gonna make it!
Then Mew asks, "Trace, isn't there any place close where we could stop and rest?"
"Yeah, Tracey, there must be some place," Misty adds.
Tracey looks at the map and says, "Well, there is a town nearby. We could be there tomorrow morning."
"Tomorrow?" Mew and Tomo say, shocked.
Then Misty complains, "Why isn't there anything closer?!"
"I didn't make the map, Misty," Tracey replies.
Misty falls on her back, "I can't walk for another whole day!"
Mew sits down along with the Pokemon, "I don't think I can either."
"I guess we're tired because we haven't been doing much walking lately," Misty says.
"Yeah, we didn't get much exercise riding every place on Lapras' back," Mew agrees.
"I have to agree. We've been riding on Lapras on the ocean to travel from Island to Island," Tomo adds.
Tracey turns to the others, "Well, I don't think Lapras will be able to help us out in this place."
As Tracey explains, dark clouds gather behind them. Mew, Pikachu, Eevee, Tomo, Meloetta, and Skwovet quickly notice.
Mew calls out, "Hey, look."
"Look at what?" Tracey asks.
"Those clouds!" Tracey calls out.
Thunder begins to boom into the sky. Everyone looks to see the dark clouds, indicating a storm is coming their way. Soon, everyone starts running to get away from the storm.
"I think I'd rather be hot and tired than wet and tired!" Tomo says.
"I just can't believe how fast this storm came up!" Mew says.
Then Tracey calls out, "We better look for cover!"
Soon, Misty collapses from exhaustion.
Tracey and Mew turn and call out, "Come on!"
The thunder continues to boom.
Mew looks up, "This is bad! The lightning's getting closer!"
Tracey soon finds shelter, "Let's head for that big rock over there!"
Everyone heads towards the rock. They arrive in the nick of time, and stay under as they sit to rest.
"The storm's close! Stay low!" Tracey says.
And everyone ducks down. Just then, a lightning bolt comes down towards them. The group brace themselves for the lighting, but they suddenly hear something. Suddenly, Pikachu hears something and looks up to see lightning collected in one place and notices something in the center.
Pikachu asks, "Pika?" (What the..?)
Mew and the others look up to see the multiple round beings in the sky.
Tomo asks, "Are those..?"
"Magnemite?" Tracey adds.
The group looks up to see a herd Magnemite is collecting the lightning.
Mew brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Magnemite, the Magnet Pokémon. An Electric Type and Steel Type. Is able to float through the air and emits Thunder Wave through its magnet shaped units located on its sides.
"I wonder what a bunch of Magnemite would be doing all the way out here," Tomo replies.
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes from the sky towards the Magnemite as the others watch.
"Look at that," Mew says, amazed.
"Looks like the Magnemite are absorbing the lightning!" Tracey says.
Soon, the group hears a, "Jolt! Jolt!"
The group turns their heads to see a Jolteon running on top of the small cliff close by.
Tracey says, surprised, "Guys, that's a Jolteon!"
Mew points Dexter at Jolteon and Dexter says, "Jolteon, the Lightning Pokémon. An Electric Type. When angered or frightened, the hairs on Jolteon's body become like needles that are fired at its opponents. It absorbs charged atoms and produce ten thousand volts of electricity.
Jolteon soon starts emitting electricity from its body, and the Magnemite are drawn to it. And then a wagon pulls up behind the Pokemon. There, they see a man wearing a western outfit: Dark brown cap, gray shirt, dark vest, brown pants, black boots, and a red scarf. He is in a wagon being pulled by two Tauros. The Magnemite float to the
The man calls out, "Hop in, pilgrims!"
The group then looks at each other, and decides to hurry to the wagon.
But the man says, "Hurry! You'll be safe from the lightning in here."
Mew and the group climb aboard the wagon as another bolt of lighting strikes the Magnemite. Everyone watches as the Magnemite absorbs the lighting, but is also safe.
Later, the storm is clear, and the cowboy explains to them about him, his Magnemite, and his work.
"A Magnemite ranch?" Mew asks.
"Yep." The man answers, "A heap of lightning falls out in these parts. I have my Magnemite suck up all that electric energy from the storms and I take it right on to neighboring towns and villages to power em up!"
"Wow! I bet chasing after lightning storms must be a really dangerous and exciting job, isn't it?" Misty saya, amazed.
The man chuckles and says, "It sure does have its moments, missy."
He then blows his whistle and the Magnemite comes floating.
"That only took about two seconds!" Tracey says, looking at the stop watch.
Then turns to the cowboy, "You've done a really good job training those Magnemite."
Soon, the cowboy uses cables to check the electricity level of each Magnemite.
"Numbers one, two, three and four are fully charged up, and all of the rest of my little Magnemite look to be about fifty, maybe sixty, percent charged," The cowboy says.
"You call them by numbers?" Tomo asks.
"I can't remember a lesser name," The cowboy says.
"And you can tell them apart?" Misty asks, surprised.
"Oh sure," The cowboy says.
Then points to each Magnemite, "This here's number one, and that's number two, of course. Three is right above it, and there's number four right over there!"
Misty looks at the Pokemon and asks, "Can you see a difference?"
Mew narrows her eyes, "Not too much. They do look the same, but you have to be really good to tell them apart."
Just then, the cowboy blows the whistle and calls out, "Where do you think you're going, number six? You get back here!"
But Magnemite Six continues to float away.
"That's six?" Mew asks.
"Yep. That's my black sheep," The cowboy says.
Then turns to his Pokemon, "Round it up, Jolteon!
Using its electric power, Jolteon rushes to Magnemite Six, attracts it, and leads it back to the others.
"Alright, that's good work, Jolteon," The cowboy says.
Then the cowboy gently grabs Magnemite Six, "I tell you this, number six here is like a little maverick, gives me nothing but trouble," He chuckles and adds, "Always wandering off."
"They wouldn't be able to wander away if you kept them in their Pokéballs," Mew replies.
But the cowboy says, "If I had to get them out of Pokéballs every time, we'd miss the lightning."
"But it must be a lot of work taking care of them that way," Misty says.
"It's a heap of work, missy. But it's better for them to roam free in the wide open spaces," The cowboy says.
Pikachu, Eevee, Togpei, Pichu, Meloetta, and Skwovet walk to the Magnemite to see them floating around. Just then, one floats to them. Then another float to them. Both Magnemite spins around, making Pikachu and Pichu dizzy. Pikachu almost falls over and bumps into another Magnemite. Just then, Pikachu and Pichu notice the Magnemite are surrounding them.
Pikachu becomes wary about it, "Pika!" (Little help!) and lets out electricity from his cheeks.
Pichu feels the way and calls out in tears, "Pichu!" (Mommy!)
Mew turns her head, "Pikachu? Pichu? Is something the matter?"
Misty turns her head and the others are shocked to see Pikachu and Pichu are buried under the Magenemite.
"Pikachu!" Mew says, shocked.
"Pichu!" Misty panics.
Then Mew rushes over.
"Alright, what's going on here?" Mew asks.
The Magnemite turns towards Mew, stopping her in their tracks. Then the Magnemites give her an electric shock before floating away.
Pikachu rushes to Mew, Pika Pi! (Mew!)
"Mew!" Pikachu cries out.
The man walks over and asks, "Are you alright?"
Mew shakes her head and says, "I'm fine. Electricity doesn't bother me that much."
Then the cowboy says, "Say. You're a tough little gal, aren't you? Just like me."
Soon, Jolteon led the Magnemite away to a new area. The cowboy and the group follow in the wagon.
"Ah! The Orange League, eh?" The man says.
"Yeah, I really want to get into it," Mew says.
"Then you'd be heading to the gym in Trovita, I reckon," The cowboy says.
Then Misty says, "That's right, but we're looking for the nearest town so we can rest."
"You're in luck. That's just where I'm heading, little lady. I'd like to take you all the way to Trovita, but this old wagon don't float," The man says.
"The next town will be great, sir," Mew replies.
Then the Man says, "Ah, quit that sir stuff. You can just call me Ethan."
The wagon continues to follow Jolteon and the Magnemite long until sundown.
"Take over, Mew," Ethan says, and passes Mew the reins.
Mew then takes the reins and easily has control of the reins. The group continues traveling on the road to get to the next town.
Later on, the group stops so the Magnemite can get charged. Soon, the storm clears, and the group settles for a quick refreshment break. Unknown to them, Team Rocket is flying on them from a distance.
Jessie chuckles and says, "We're about to rustle up some Pokémon!"
"Pikachu, Pichu, Eevee, Magnemite, Jolteon, that's a real power posse!" Meowth says, excited.
Then James says, "Just wait till we bring all of them back to the boss."
"Oh, we'll bring them to the boss, but after we get a little currency out of their current," Jessie says.
Confused, James asks, "What do you mean, Jess?"
"Listen! If we can steal those Magnemite, we can cash in by selling their electricity! We just have to figure out how," Jessie says, clutching her fist.
"Yeah, and when we do, we can charge for a charge," Meowth says, sitting on Jame's head.
"Come on! Let's get to work!" James says.
"Yeah!" Meowth agrees.
"Right!" Jessie replies.
Then Team Rocket runs off to begin their plan.
At the wagon, Ethan has received an emergency call.
"A blackout?!" Ethan asks, shocked.
On the phone is Officer Jenny, and she explains, "That's right. Lightning hit the power plant, and we haven't had electricity for almost a day! Right now, we're powering the whole town off of the Pokémon Center's Magnemite, but they won't last very much longer. They're running low."
Just then, something catches Officer Jenny's attention.
"What is it? What's happening?" Ethan asks.
Just then, Nurse Joy appears on the screen with a medical stretcher full of Magnemite.
Nurse Joy says, "Officer Jenny! The Magnemite are completely out of power! What do we do?"
"I don't know," Officer Jenny answers.
Then the call suddenly cuts out.
Tracy calls out, "Nurse Joy!"
"It's dead!" Tomo says.
"The Magnemite's power ran out," Mew says, wired.
Then Ethan says, "Sure sounds like they're in a heap of trouble."
"What happens if they don't have telephones or electricity for the hospitals?" Misty asks.
Mew then says, "We've gotta do something, fast!"
"Alright, let's move it out!" Ethan calls out.
Suddenly, they hear Jolteon, "Jolt! Jolt! Jolt! Jolt! Jolt! Jolt! Jolt!" (Hey, hey! What are you doing? What do you think y'all are doing? Come back here! Come back here, Magnemite!")
"What is it, Jolteon?" Ethan asks.
"Magne Magnemite! Magnemite!" (Static, static. Static, static.) The Magnemite says.
And floats away.
"Jolt! Jolt! Jolt! Jolt! Jolt! Jolt!" (You can't just run off! Listen to me!) Jolteon calls out.
"Why are the Magnemite flying off like that?" Misty asks.
"They said something about Static," Tomo says.
"They must have sensed Electricity around here, but how?" Mew replies.
Ethan calls out to Jolteon, "Go get 'em, Jolteon!"
"Jolt!" (Right away!) Jolteon says, and hurry after them.
Then Ethan follows Jolteon, and Mew and the others follow Ethan.
Soon Ethan notices something off, "What in Tarnation's goin' on?"
Then hear familiar laughter, Team Rocket. Then Team Rocket's balloon appears.
Prepare For Trouble - We're Magnetic!
Make It Double - You're Pathetic!
To protect the world from devastation!
To unite all people within our nation!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
At Team Rocket's balloon flies up, it's revealed that the Magnemite are stuck on a magnet attached to the balloon.
Ha! Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!
Ha! Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth, dat's right!
Mew, Tracey, Tomo, and Tracey cry out, "It's Team Rocket!
Pikachu, Pichu, Eevee, Meloetta, and Skwovet cry out, (Not them again!)
Jessie laughs evilly, "We surely are much obliged for all these mighty fine Magnemite, Mr. Cowpoke!"
"Now listen, you varmints! We've got to get those Magnemite into town!" Ethan calls out.
"Get your hands off them!" Misty calls out.
James brings out an extendable grabber arm, "We don't use hands."
"Come on, James! Try it out on Jolteon, Pikachu, Piku, and Eevee!" Meowth says.
With that, James uses the grabber to lunge for the Pokemon, "Here goes!"
Before they can react, the grabber arm catches them all. Mew and the
Mew calls out, "Pikachu, Thunder Shock, now! Eevee, use Thunderbolt!"
Misty calls out, "Pichu, use Thunder Shock!"
All three try to use their attack, but it's not working.
"What's wrong?!" Mew asks in shock.
Team Rocket laughs for their victory.
Then Jessie says, "You're just wasting electricity, twerp!"
"These brilliantly designed nabber-grabbers are one hundred percent shock proof!" James says.
Then Meowth says, "Tanks for the Pokémon, half watts!"
"We've gotta stop them!" Mew says angrily.
Then Ethan calls out, "Jolteon, Pin Missile attack!"
And with that, Jolteon openly fires the Pin Missle attack. That makes the nabber-grabber loose, and allow the Pokemon to escape. Jolteon landed on the ground, but Pikachu, Eevee, and Pichu hit the hard grown.
Mew rushes to them, "Pickachu, Eevee, are you both alright?
"Pichu, are you okay?" Misty asks, picking up Pichu.
Then Ethan calls out, "Jolteon, use Thunder Wave to round up the Magnemite!"
Jolteon quickly uses Thunder Wave to round the Magnemite away from the magnet.
"No! They're getting away! We've got to stop them!" Says, and throws her Pokbeall, "Go, Arbok!"
Arbork then comes out of its Pokeball, but ends up knocking itself out as it hits the ground on its head. Jolteon faces off Arbok as it uses the Thunder Wave to free the Magnemite. Then glares at Arbok as it gets up.
Jessie calls out, "Quick, Arbok! Knock out that Jolteon with a Tackle attack!"
Arbok charges.
Misty cries out, "Jolteon, look out!"
Arbok then closes in on Jolteon as it frees the last Magnemite, but Arbok strikes the attack on Jolteon.
Ethan runs over and calls out, "Stop this!"
But Jolteon flies right into Ethan, sending both to slam on the rock, and causes Ethan to hurt his lift arm. Misty and Tracey hurry over.
Tracey calls out, "Ethan!"
"Are you okay?" Misty asks.
"Alright, I;ve had it," Mew says, and brings out her Pokeball.
Then call out, "Magnemite, I choose you!"
And with that, Mew's Magnemite comes out of its Pokeball.
"Magnemite, use Thunder! Pikachu, Eevee, use Thunderbolt!" mew calls out.
Pikachu, Eevee, and Mew's Magnemtie,join together for a powerful Electric Attack. That nails Team Rocket's balloon, ripping a hole, and sending them flying.
Team Rocket screams, "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!"
Later on, Mew and her friends tend to Etan and Jolteon. Mew and Tracey are tending to Jolteon, while Misty and Tomo tend to Ethan's arm.
"It's used up a lot of its energy," Tracey says.
"You did a great job, Jolteon," Mew says.
Eevee asks in concern, "Eevee Eevee?" (Will Jolteon be okay?)
"Eevee asking if Jolteon's is going to be alright?" Mew translates.
Tracey turns to Eevee and says, "What Jolteon needs is a good rest.
Suddenly, Misty calls out, "You can't go like this."
"Yeah. You're still hurt!" Tomo adds.
The group turns to see Ethan with his left arm bandaged up.
"I have to go," Ethan says, and feels the pain in his arms.
Tracey notices, "Hey. That arm is hurt pretty badly, Ethan."
"Now, don't you go worrying about me, son. That town's in trouble, and they need my Magnemite," Ethan says.
"But, you can't go like this," Mew says.
Just then, Mew has an idea, she puts a saddle on one of the Tauros.
Meisty asks, "Mew, what do you think you're doing?"
"Somebody's gotta deliver those Magnemite," Mew says.
"Thanks, Mew. I only wish I could make the trip myself. Take Magnemite one through nine to the town that's just over those mountains," Ethan says, "
And puts his hand on Mew's shoulder, "It's a pretty tall order, kid."
"You can count on me, Ethan," Mew says.
Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee saddle up Magnemite floats alongside her.
Mew turns to the Magnemite and calls out, "Let's go, Magnemite!" and blows the whistle.
And with that, the Magnemite follows Mew as she rides off.
"Let's ride, everyone!" Mew says.
Misty calls out, "Be careful out there, Mew!"
"Get there safely!" Tracey calls out.
"Mew, we'll be right behind you!" Tracey adds.
Me along with Pikachu, Eevee, and her Magnemite lead the Magnemite herd across the desert plain.
"It's just a little further, guys! Hang on!" Mew calls out.
Suddenly, the Magnemite begins floating away.
"Pika?" (What the?) Pikachu asks, turning around.
"Where are they heading now?" Mew calls out.
She pulls on the reins, "Whoa!"
"Mooo!" (Let's go!) Tauros replies, and stops.
Mew hops off and rushes to the Magnemite, "Hey! Where do you think you're all going? We're almost there! C'mon! Get back here!" But they all float away.
Mew blows the whistle, but none are coming over.
Mew then has an idea, and turns to the others, "Pikachu, Eevee, Magnemeite, can you guys use your Thunder attacks."
The three nod their heads and begin to use their electric attack to get the Magnemites' attention. Then all of them gather around the three Pokemon.
"Thanks guys. Why don't you take it easy now, you two?" Mew says.
Feeling tired, Pikachu and Eevee collspes for exhaustion, but Magnemite isn't tired at all.
"Better make sure everyone's here," Mew says to herself.
Mew then counts the Magnemite and counts each and one of them, but then, she notices some of them are missing.
Mew soon realizes who is missing, "Number Six is missing! Oh, it must have run off again!"
It's soon revealed that Number 6 is following the river up stream. Then it approaches a small waterfall. And so, Mew and Magnemite
Mew grabs it and turns it to face her, "Come on, Number 6! You can't just fly off like that!"
Suddenly, Number Six begins to float away, pulling Mew in a different direction.
"Hey! What's the matter, Number 6? What are you pulling me away for?" Mew exclaims.
Suddenly, Magnemite is being pulled away, Mew grabs it and asks, "Magnemite, what's wrong?!"
Suddenly, Team Rocket appears again to perform the motto.
Prepare for trouble! Just once more.
Make it double! It's our encore!
Ya know da rest.
"I thought we got rid of you!" Mew angrily says.
"You did, kid. But those Magnemite are so magnetic, we just couldn't stay away. Our new electromagnet machine uses static electricity to attract those juicy, jolty, little Pokemon," Meowth says, holding the machine.
Jessie and James are using glass or something so they can conduct electricity to power the machine.
"It's portable, and it's environmentally friendly, too!" Jessie says.
"And all this rubbing is simply marvelous for the scalp! James says.
Mew holds Number Six, "I'm not gonna let you get this Magnemite!"
Mew struggles and manages to pull her Magnemite and Number Six away and run in the opposite direction.
"Hey! Quit it, you little brat! Come back here!" Meowth calls out.
Soon, Team Rocket begins chasing them.
"We need more power, James!" Jessie calls out.
James continues to rub the glass on her head, "I'm rubbing as fast as I can!"
Soon, Pikachu and Eevee detect Mew coming.
"Pikachu! Eevee! Run away, quickly, and take the Magnemite with you!" Mew calls out.
Soon, Pikachu and Eevee spot Team Rocket.
Jessie sees them, "There they are!"
"They won't be able to resist this! Here goes!" James says.
Then Meowth says, "Now we'll get a whole mess of Magnemite!"
Meowth then uses the machine to get a pull on the Magnemite.
Pikachu calls out, "Pi! Pikachu!" (Hey! Come back here!)
"Eevee Eevee!" (Come back!) Eevee calls out.
Mew then calls out, "Hey, wait! Don't go that way! They're only gonna steal you!"
Jessie says to the Magnemite, "Come along! Right this way!"
"Just a little bit closer!" James says.
And with that, Meowth covers them with a sheet and ties them up.
"Perfect! Now we got our own little power pack!" Meowth says.
Mew calls out to them, "Give back those Magnemite! The town needs them!"
Pikachu and Eevee try to use their electric attack, but nothing is too exhausted.
(Pikachu and Pichu try to let off a jolt, but can't from exhaustion)
"Pikachu! Eevee!" Mew turns to them in concern and rushes to them, "You two still don't have your energy back yet! You have to rest!"
They both then try again.
"Pikachu! Eevee! Don't! You'll wear yourselves out" Mew cries out.
Pikachu and Eevee continue to use the attack as Magnemite and Number Six watch. Soon, the Magnemite begins to be drawn to the group, pulling Meowth.
Meowth calls out, "Hey, wait! Stop! What's going on?!"
He lets go of the machine and turns to the others, "Well, don't just stand there! Make with the static and help me out here! Hurry!"
Jessie and James begin rubbing.
Jessie says, "Alright, let's give them all we've got!"
"We'll go head to head!" James adds.
Soon, the two electric energies begin to fight against one another.
"They're too strong!" Mew calls out.
Magnemeite and Number Six watch to see what is happening, especially Number Six to see its friends are in danger.
Meowth laughs, "It's almost over!"
Just then, Magnemite and Number Six float towards the conflicting electrical surges and turn the tides on Mew's favor.
Meowth exclaims, "Oh no!"
"What now?!" Jessie and James exclaim.
"No way!" Mew says, shocked.
Pikachu and Eevee are just as shocked, "Pika/Eev?! (What in?!)
A sudden explosion of light appears and within, Number Six and Magnemite begin to pull the rest of the herd, carrying Mouth with them.
Meowth panics, "WHAT?! Hey, wait! Hold it! What's going on?! Help! Put me down! Stop! No!"
Soon, the Magnemite breaks free from the sheet, and Meowth falls to the ground. Number Six is happy to be back with its friends. Soon, the Magnemite circles around the two Pokemon. And soon, Magnemite and Number Six begin to glow. Soon, both Magnemite change shape, and it looks like three Magnemite are stuck together.
"They must have..." Mew says, surprised.
She brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Magneton, the Magnet Pokémon. The evolved form of Magnemite. An Electric and Steel Type Its antigravitational powers allow it to float and it can emit powerful magnetic and electric fields."
The rest of the Magnemite circle around Pikachu and Eevee and give them their own energy to charge their electric attacks.
"If we just rub hard enough, maybe we can capture them all!" Jessie angrily calls out and rubs her hair with the glass.
James and Meowth do the same. Suddenly, smoke starts coming off of the glass sheet as they rub themselves, and end up getting burned.
Mew then calls out, "Now! Thunderbolt all together!"
Soon, all the pokemon perform a combined Thunderbolt attack, sending Team Rocket flying a second time.
Team Rocket screams, "We're blasting off twice, but it ain't so nice!"
"We did it!" Mew happily cheers.
Pikach and Eevee cheer as well, "Pikachu/Eevee!" ("Victory!")
Then Mew's Magneton floats to Mew, "And you evolved. Congrats."
Magneton replies, "Magneton," (Thank you.)"
And son, Mew and her friends continue riding on to their destination
Mew soon sees, "Hey! There's the town, everyone!"
Pikachu happily says, "Pikachu!" (We made it!)
"Eevee Eevee!" (And before it gets dark!) EEvee adds.
Then Mew says, "Well, let's do our job."
Everyone continues traveling to the town to finish the work.
Later in the night, the rest of the group arrive to the town themselves, and see an incredible sight
"Wow!" Tracey says.
Misty then calls out, "Oh, quick, Ethan! Come and see!"
Ethan looks out to see the lights back on and the town is sparkling.
"Wow! The town is sparkling!" Tomo says, amazement.
Even Meloetta and Skwovet are amazed.
Ethan smiles and says, "All thanks to Mew."
The next day, at the Pokemon Center.
"We can't thank you enough," Nurse Joy says.
"I don't know what we could've done without you," Officer Jenny says.
"I'm glad I could help," Mew happily says.
Then Ethan says to Mew, "Say, Mew. How'd you like to team up and be partners with old Ethan?"
Mew becomes confused.
"You wrangled those Magnemite rather good, and even helped Number 6 and your own Magnemite evolve into a Magneton. I could sure use somebody with a talent like that," Ethan says.
"That's really nice, Ethan, and thanks for the offer, but I have to go compete in the Orange League. And maybe someday, all three of us will get to know much about Pokemon as you do." Mew replies.
"And much, much more," Ethan replies and says, "Goodbye, amigos."
"Goodbye, friend," Mew says.
And the two shake hands.
Later on, Mew and her friends continue on their journey as they say goodbye to Ethan, the Magnemite, Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny. Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy say their goodbyes. Mew and friends continue on their journey across the desert once more.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Squirtle (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Castform (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Aerodactyl (Male). Porygon. Wartortle (Female). Pansear (Male). Ledyba (Female). Lileep (Female). Magneton. Makuhita (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Miltank (Female). Tauros (Male). Shiny Ditto. Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Meditite (Female). Floette (Female). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male). Pidgeot (Male). Wooloo (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Yamask (Male). Diglett (Male). Haunter (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shaymin (Male). Primeape (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Younger Mewtwo (Male). Plusle (Male). Minun (Female). Baby Lapras (Male). Drowzee (Male). Snorlax (Male). Grubbin (Male). Blipbug (Male). Fomantis (Male). Shiny Eevee (Male).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Papa A.K.A Zeraora (Male). Tsareena (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolain Raichu (Female). Arcanine (Male). Poliwrath (Male). Roserade (Female). Galarian Rapidash (Female). Liepard (Female). Beautifly (Female). Cinderace (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Mawile (Female). Muk (Male). Fraxure (Male). Ursaring (Male). Beedrill (Female). Meowstic (Male) Lunatone. Sandslash (Male).
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite. Pidgeotite. Beedrillite. Aerodactylite. Gyaradosite. Blastoisinite. Venusaurite. Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y. GS Ball.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale
Badges: Coral-Eye Badge. Sea Ruby Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male) Masquerain (Female). Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Vesiquen (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female). Goldeen (Female). Pink Frillish (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Fomantis (Female). Dewpider (Male). Sizzlipede (Male). Volbeat (Male). Illumise (Female).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). . Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). . Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Swampertite. Slowbronite.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball. 1 Dive Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male). Munchlax (Male). Caterpie (Female). Joltik (Male).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Banettite. Kangaskhanite. Lucarionite. Alakazite.
Tracey Files
Pokemon: Venonat (Male). Marill (Female). Blue Frillish (Male). Scyther (Male). Sewaddle (Female).
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