Episode 18: A Shipful of Shivers
Mew and her friends are in search of their next Orange Island adventure as they sail across the ocean blue on Lapras. Everyone is relaxing as Mew looks at her badges.
"A Coral Eye badge and a Sea Ruby badge. They look so pretty," Mew says.
"I think it's really cool how all the gym badges around here are made out of seashells," Misty says.
"Yeah, it's kinda like a trademark of the gyms in the Orange Island League," Tracey says.
"Yeah. And I'm halfway to getting the badges I need," Mew says.
"Yeah. You need four badges to get into the Orange Island League Competition," Tracey says.
"Yeah. You'll be able to earn them easily," Tomo says.
"I don't know, Tomo," Tracey replies.
"I wouldn't be surprised if the next gym leaders are tougher than the last ones," Misty says.
"I have to agree. Cissy and Danny's challenges were different so I wouldn't be surprised if the challenge will be different as well, and the next leader would be more difficult to beat," Mew says.
Then smiles, "Which means, I need to be even tougher."
Soon, Mew notices another island and asks, "What island's that?"
Tracey answers, "Oh, that's Moro Island."
"Let's head there before it gets dark and find a Pokémon Center where we can stay tonight," Mew says.
Later in the night, Mew and her friends are now at the Moro Island Pokemon Center, and are talking with Professor Oak.
"How are you, Professor?" Mew asks.
"Mew! I'm fine. And I see you're all looking well," Professor Oak says.
"Yeah, we're doing great," Mew says.
"Excellent," Professor Oak replies. Then asks, "Where are you all calling from?"
"We're on Moro Island," Misty answers.
"Ah. Well, you've timed your arrival perfectly, then!" Professor Oak says, making the others confused.
"We did?" Tomo asks.
"You mean you haven't seen the news?" Professor Oak asks, and holds a newspaper.
Everyone looks at it to read the paper.
Tracey reads it, "Treasure found. Divers have recovered what they claim is an Orange League championship trophy dating back 300 years from a sunken ship off the coast of Moro Island!'
"The Orange League?" Mew says, surprised.
Tomo is just as surprised, "300 years ago?"
"And they even have the winner's trophy to prove it!" Misty says.
"Of course, there are lots of studies to be done, but they're certain it's the real thing," Professor Oak says.
"Wow!" Mew says, amazed.
"You can see it if you like. They have the trophy on display at the Moro Island Museum of Art," Professor Oak adds.
Misty cheers, "Alright! Cool!"
"I'd love to get a look at a 300 year old Pokémon League trophy!" Mew says.
"Me too!" Tomo says.
Then Tracey happily says, ""Let's go see it first thing tomorrow morning!
"Yeah!" Mew says with excitement.
"Okay!" Misty says.
Even the Pokemon are excited to see it.
Later that night, at the museum, everything seems very quiet. In the museum, there is ancient art, statues, and treasures. Above the ceiling, there is a skylight and it suddenly opens. Then a rope drops down through it. Sliding down the rope are Team Rocket. James falls to the ground. Jessie ends up landing on him. And Meowth bounces off of James. Meowth shushes Jessie. Then Jessie shushes James. James turns his head to shush, but comes face to face with a totem pole, and gets surprised by its face.
With that, Team Rocket begins to walk around the museum.
"Maybe we can find out from this museum guidebook where they're keeping that trophy," Meowth says, and reads the guidebook.
"I can't wait to get my hands on it!" Jessie says.
"And once we have that trophy, we'll all be big celebrities! Maybe I'll even get my own television series! Wouldn't that be exi..." James happily says, but gets whacked on the head by Meowth holding a mallet.
Meowth angrily says, "Oh yeah?! Don't you think if we go on TV with the trophy, they'll know we were the ones who stole it?!"
"Possibly," James says, weakly.
"When we get our paws on this trophy, we bring it to the boss as a present. Then, maybe he'll forget about our little mess-ups and, if we're lucky, he might even think about giving us a nice, juicy bonus," Meowth says.
James stands up and asks, with sparkles in his eyes, "A bonus?"
Jessie feels the same, "A bonus!"
"A bonus! A bonus! We're going to get a bonus!" Jessie and James prance along.
And soon, they find the old Pokemon League trophy. The trophy is solid gold, shaped like a Pokeball with handles, and a gold base. It's in a sealed glass case.
Jessie chuckles, "It's bonus time."
"That's the trophy, alright," Meowth says.
"What are we waiting for?" James questions, and walks over.
But Meowth stops him, "Hold it."
"Hold what?" James asks.
"These museums put secret security stuff around junk like this," Meowth says.
Jessie asks, ""Then, what do we do?"
"Just leave it to me!" Meowth answers.
He then puts on special goggles, and it allows him to see the security lasers around the field and around the trophy case. Meowth looks around to see if there's a weak spot of the security laser.
He soon finds one, "I know how we can get it."
Soon enough, Team Rocket begins their heist to steal the trophy. James is being lowered down so he can grab the trophy.
Not satisfied with the idea, James says, "Slowly. Slowly. Please don't drop me."
"Don't worry about that! Just make sure if you fall, you don't fall and break that trophy!" Meowth says as he and Jessie lower James down.
Soon, the two almost lose their grip
James tries to remain calm, "Alright. I'm calmer now."
Then sees the trophy in view, "Hold it there."
James lifts the glass case and says, "I think we got our trophy!"
Soon, Team Rocket exits the museum the same way they sneak in, and make a dash for their submarine.
"Success at last!" Jessie says, and chuckles.
"I say we have an all night eat-a-thon to celebrate!" Meowth says.
"Good idea! Let's party hardy!" James says.
But then he trips and lands face-fist.
Meowth runs to James, ""Hey! If you bust that, you can kiss our bonus goodbye!"
James rolls over from where he leaves his imprint in the dirt and says, "The trophy's fine."
"Come on!" Jessie says as she and Meowth drags James away.
The next day, Mew and her friends see a large crowd of people and police officers at the museum.
"Well, that must be the museum," Misty says.
"Yeah, but..." Tomo replies.
Then Tracey wonders, "Why is everybody outside?"
"Something's not right," Mew suspects.
Mew and her friends walk through the crowd to see Officer Jenny.
Misty calls out, "Excuse me. Is something wrong?"
Jenny turns her head and says, "The old Orange League trophy we had on display here has been stolen."
Everyone is in shock.
"The trophy's gone?!" Tracey says, shocked.
In the museum, there is an investigation going on as Jenny explains, "It seems several people broke in last night and took it. The only clues we have right now are a couple of footprints and this imprint of someone carrying the trophy."
"Who'd do such a terrible thing?!" Misty asks.
After hearing that Mew and the others leave the museum, of course they are disappointed.
"I really wanted to see that old championship trophy from the Orange Island League!" Mew says.
"Me too," Tomo says.
"Yeah, and I wanted to make some sketches," Tracey adds.
Soon, Tomo ends up tripping on something and falls down.
Mew kneels down, "Are you okay, Tomo?"
"I'm okay," Tomo says.
Then turns around, "What did I trip on?"
Mew and the others look to see what Tomo has tripped on.
"It looks like a, leg," Misty says.
"Black boot, and white pants. I think I know who this is," Mew says.
Just then, the leg moves, and it's revealed to be James who is waking up. Jessie and Meowth soon wake up as well.
"I haven't celebrated like that since I lost my trust fund!" James says.
"We ate so much and stayed up so late, I didn't think we'd come to for days," Jessie says, and yawns.
Meowth stretches and says, "Yeah, but there's nothing like waking up after a good night's heist."
Hearing that, Mew is the first to speak up, "A HEIST?!"
Team Rocket turns around to see Mew and her friends, and soon realizes their cover is blown.
Meowth panics, "We don't know anything about no championship trophies!"
"And if we did, a stolen one certainly wouldn't be in this package!" James says.
Jessie sweat drops, "Oh, they'll never think we took it, now!"
"We should've known from the start you were the ones who stole that trophy!" Misty says angrily.
"Why am I not surprised at this point?" Mew replies.
"And you better give it back!" Tracey adds.
"Or we'll tell Officer Jenny about this! Then you'll be in trouble!" Tomo adds.
And with that, Team Rocket begins their motto.
And you better prepare for trouble!
I suggest you make it double!
"You take care of the motto, I'll take care of the trophy!" Meowth says, carrying the trophy in the package away.
Jessie and James quickly follow.
The group shouts and chases after them, "Hey! Come back here!"
Team Rocket runs away and runs down stairs as they continue the motto.
To protect the world from devastation.
To unite all peoples within our nation.
To denounce the evils of truth and love.
To extend our reach to the stars above.
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light.
Surrender now, or prepare to fight.
Meowth. That's right.
Meowth then lands in front of them, "What are you wasting time with the motto for?! Take this!" And passes the trophy to James, "And let's scram!"
"Okay!" James and Jessie say.
Team Rocket continue to run away as fast as they can to the docks.
Meowth notices, "Look! There's a boat we can swipe!"
What they see is a Seadra boat, and soon board on it.
"Okay, team, let's step on it!" Meowth says
Jessie and James look down to notice that this boat has pedals, "Huh?! This is a pedal boat!"
"That's why I said, 'step on it'!" Meowth says.
Jessie and James shrug and start pedaling away. When Mew and the others arrive, Team Rocket are escaping.
"They're getting away!" Misty says.
Mew brings out her Pokeball and calls out, "I choose you, Lapras!"
She throws it and Lapas comes out of the Pokeball and into the water. Mew and the others quickly climb on Lapras.
Mew says, "Lapras, follow that boat!"
Lapras squeals, "On it!"
Ahead, Jessie and James continue to pedal the Seadra boat, and they're both starting to get tired.
James says, "We can't pedal this thing fast enough! They'll catch us any second now!"
"We won't go any faster with you flapping your gums!" Meowth says.
Soon, Team Rocket feels the boat moving.
"The current's pulling us out!" James cries out.
Jessie panics, "What's happening?!"
Soon, the fog begins to roll in very quickly.
James looks around, "It's foggy."
"Perfect! Those kids will never spot us in this soup!" Meowth says.
Back to Mew and the others, they're also somewhere in the fog.
"It sure got foggy fast!" Tracey says.
"It's getting hard to see anything!" Misty says.
Mew looks around, "Where'd they go?"
"They disappeared," Tomo adds.
"We can't let them get away with that trophy!" Tracey says.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket soon sees an old, tattered ship appearing from the fog.
"A ship?" Jessie replies, surprised.
"It looks abandoned," James says.
"Let's see," Meowth says.
With that, Team Rocket boards the deserted vessel.
Meowth laughs, "Nobody here but Team Rocket!"
"This is the perfect place to hide out!" Jessie says.
"It's about time we had good luck!" James says.
"Yeah! The chances must be a million to one to finding a ship like this!" Meowth says.
"That's right, Meowth. The only other kind of ships you find floating around like this are those haunted ships that..." James says.
But soon becomes spooked, "Did I say..."
"Haunted?" Jessie finishes James' sentence, feeling the same.
"Yeah," Meowth says, just as spooked.
The three then turn to each other and shudder in fear as they look round. Indeed, this is an old ship that hasn't been used in years, mayne longer.
"Now we've done it!" Jessie panics.
"We managed to hitch a ride on the S.S. Spook Ship!" James says.
Meowth nervously says, "Lucky us."
Unknown to Team Rocket, a ghost soon appears behind them. Team Rocket senses something behind them, so they turn around to find the ghost.
As a result, Team Rocket screams in fright and cries out, "A ghost!"
Team Rocket tries to run away, but ends up falling through the floor that's been weakened on the deck of the ship.
Meanwhile, Mew and the others are still searching for Team Rocket.
"We're never gonna find them, now!" Tracey says.
"Yeah. The fog is too thick," Tomo says.
"Yeah. Maybe it's best if we head back to the island," Mew says.
"I guess," Mew says.
Soon, Tracey spots something, "Hey! Look!"
Everyone looks to see what Tracey sees.
"What is it?" Mew asks.
"It looks like a really old boat. And it's falling apart," Misty says.
"It looks very old," Tomo says.
"I wonder if it's haunted," Tracey replies.
"You mean with ghosts?" Mew asks.
"Yeah," Tracey says.
"I hate ghosts," Mew becomes frightened.
Just then, Misty notices something ahead, "Look! Over there!"
Mew and the others recognize that it's the Seadra boat.
"It's the boat that Team Rocket stole!" Mew says.
"Team Rocket must've been aboard this ship!" Tracey says.
"So, what do we do now?" Misty asks.
"We'll have to get on that ship," Mew says.
Misty gets a shocked and spooked look on her face.
"Yeah! We have to get that trophy back!" Tracy says.
"I was afraid of that," Misty nervously says.
Soon, Mew and the others are onboard the ship.
Mew looks around and says, "This must be the ship they raised that had the Orange Island trophy on it!"
"It's creepy," Misty says.
"Yeah. Let's just find Team Rocket and get that trophy!" Tracey says.
"And get off of this ship," Tomo says.
Unknown to the group, the ghost from before has appeared again. When Misty turns around, the ghost has vanished before she can see.
"What's the matter, Misty?" Mew asks.
Misty nervously says, "Don't you feel like we're being watched."
"Well, I, do have kind of a weird feeling," Mew says.
Unknown to Mew and the others, there are two other figures who are spying the group from the door that leads down the deck. Just then, the ghost appears above the mast. Misty soon turns around to see the mast crashing down towards her. The impact causes Misty to flip over and hit the ground, dropping Togepi and Pichu. Pichu is able to stop, but Togepi continues rolling.
Mew cries out, "Togepi!
"Pi Pi Pi!" (Togepi!) Pikachu cries out.
Pikachu dashes in to rescue Togepi, but he isn't able to reach him in time. And so, Togpei falls through the hole on the deck of the ship, and disappears in the darkness.
Misty cries out, "Togepi!"
Not wasting any time, everyone heads down the hole and deeper towards the lower parts of the ship to search for Togepi. Everyone calls out Togpei. Everyone continues to call out for Topgei and tries to search for him.
Mew approaches one of the doors and it opens on its own. Mew looks inside to see nothing here.
"Nothing in here," Mew says.
Misty walks past her as she calls out, "Togepi!"
Meanwhile, somewhere in the ship, Togpei has landed somewhere in the shop, and is egged up. Togpei opens up his spikes and legs, and opens his eyes. Soon Togpei begins to explore around the ship and enters a different room.
At a different part of the shi[, Team Rocket are walking around the ship to find a way out.
"It's like a maze down here!" James says.
"But if we can get up on deck, we can get off this thing!" Meowth says.
Jessie then tries to remember what has happened when they fall, "Let's see, we fell through the top deck then slid to the right.."
"So how do we get back up?" Meowth asks.
Jessie stutters, trying to think of an answer. Just then, something taps her shoulder.
Jesse brushes it off, "Quit it! I'm thinking!"
Then something taps in her shoulder again. Annoyed by this, she hits James on the mallet.
Jessie angrily asks, "Why do you keep tapping my shoulder?!"
"It wasn't me, Jess! I've got my hands full carrying this trophy!" James says, showing her the trophy.
"Yeah. And I can't reach that high," Meowth adds.
"Then that means, it was.." Jessie says, nervously.
Jessie turns around to see the ghost. Jessie and the boys scream in fright.
"A ghost! Let's get out of here!" Meowth screams as he sees other ghosts.
Then the three run away as Meowth screams, "They're in stereo!"
The second ghost reaches out and grabs the trophy.
James screams, "Help! It's got me, by the throat!"
Jessie and Meowth grabs James by his leg and pull
Jessie calls out, "Hang on to it, James!"
Then says to the ghost, "Let go of it, ghost!"
The first ghost then comes over to Jessie and Meowth and licks them both, paralyzing them, giving the second ghost the chance to take the trophy and allowing them both to escape.
Meowth screams, "That's, our trophy!" And collapses.
Meanwhile, Togepi is still looking around in the room. And entering the room at this very moment are the two ghosts with the trophy. They circle above in the air. Instead of being scared, Togpei really enjoys it. And then, two more figures appear behind Togepi
Meanwhile, back to Mew and the others, Tracey and Misty call out their Marill.
"Marill, help us find Togepi," Tracey says.
With that, both Marills start listening in for sounds of Togepi. They both twitch their ears, and finally, they hear something. They both head off to follow the sound.
"Let's go!" Tracey says.
Mew and the others follow. Soon, they arrived at a door.
"Come on!" Tracey says.
The group enters and takes a peek to see a large spiky shadow.
Misty becomes frightened and screams "A ghost!"
Suddenly, they hear a familiar sound. They look to see the real source of the shadow.
"It's not a ghost! It's Togepi's shadow!" Tracey says.
"It did look scary," Tomos says.
"Togepi, thank goodness you're safe!" Misty says.
Pichu happily runs to Togepi with glee. Togepi is also happy to see Pichu. Misty rushes to them but is stopped by four ghosts circling around them.
Misty becomes shocked, "Look!"
"Togepi found four real live ghosts!" Mew says, shocked.
Misty comes in "You better leave my Togepi and Pichu alone!" Then throws her Pokeball, "Go, Staryu!"
Staryu then comes out of its Pokeball and uses Rapid Spin on the ghosts. Yet, the ghosts are revealed to be four Pokemon. One Gastly, One Haunter, and Two more Pokemon they haven't seen before.
They're both jellyfish-like Pokémon resembling young royalty. They have a round head with a crown-like tuft, and five tentacle-like appendages: two serving as arms and three as the lower half of its body. They also have oval eyes with white pupils, and a collar around its neck.
The blue one has smooth appendages and a triangular crown. It has red eyes with blue sclerae and a straight eyelash on each eye, its collar is wavy, and it appears to be frowning.
The pink one has wavy appendages and a round crown. It has blue eyes with red sclera and a curled eyelash on each eye, its collar is frilled, and it appears to be smiling. And it appears to have slightly longer stingers, while male Frillish have bigger collars.
"It's Gastly and Haunter!" Tracey says, surprised.
"But what about the other two?" Tomo asks.
"Those two are Frillish. It's rare to see them here because they originated in Unova," Mew says.
Mew brings out her Pokedex and points to the Pokemon, "Gastly, the Gas Pokémon. A Ghost and Poison Type. Some researchers believe that this Pokémon is a multidimensional being."
Then, "Haunter, the Gas Pokémon. A Ghost and Poison Type. After evolving from Gastly, Haunter can learn the Dream Eater and Psychic attacks."
And now to the two Frillish, "Frillish, the Floating Pokemon. A Water and Ghost Type. They paralyze prey with poison, then drag them down to their lairs, five miles below the surface. The Male Frillish is blue while the Female Frillish is Pink."
The Haunter then approaches Togepi and Pichu, worrying Misty and fear that it's going to attack or scare them. However, the four Pokemon are actually playing with Togepi and Pichu.
"They're not trying to scare Togepi and Pichu," Misty says.
"What do you think they're doing?" Tomo asks.
"I think they're playing with them," Mew says.
"I think you're right," Tracey says.
Then Misty replies.
"But I wonder what Gastly and Haunter and two Frillish are doing on a ship like this," Misty wonders.
"Maybe they just like spooky places," Tracey replies.
Suddenly, the group soon spots the trophy.
New says, "Hey, look! There it is!"
"The trophy!" Misty says.
"Wonder how it got here?" Tomo wonders.
The Pokemon reply saying, 'Who knows.'
"Great! Let's take it back to the museum," Tracey says.
However, Haunter and Gastly stand in front of the Trophy.
"I'm guessing they don't want us to take it," Mew says.
"But it belongs to the museum, and we gotta take it back!" Misty says.
Suddenly, Team Rocket busts in as Meowth says, "Oh, yeah?! That's what you think, twerpy!"
"That's right! We put a lot of work into stealing that thing!" James says.
"Yes. You won't get it without a fight!" Jessie adds.
James then throws his Pokeball and calls out, "Victreebel, go!"
But begins to chase Meowth.
Meowth screams, "Wait! Not me! Them!"
"Go, Arbok!" Jessie calls out, and Arbok comes out of its pokeball.
Meowth forces Victreebel into the battle, "Fight right, will ya?!"
Mew and the others get out of the way.
"Togepi! Pichu!" Mew calls out and picks them up.
James calls the first attack, "Victreebel, Razor Leaf, now!"
Victreebel launches the attack, but phases right through Gastly.
Then Jessie calls out, "Arbok, Tackle attack!"
Arbok charges, but it phases through Haunter.
Jessie says, "Try it again, Arbok!"
Arbok tries again, but the same result happens. Victrebell tries another Razor Leaf attack, but Gastly phases through. Then performs an attack to knock Victrebel out.
"That's Gastly's Night Shade attack! I gotta sketch this!" Tracey says, and begins to sketch.
Soon, Haunter charges up for another attack and launches it at Arbok.
"That was Confuse Ray!" Mew says.
Under the effect of the attack, Arbok turns on Team Rocket. Then Arbok charges to attack, and crash into them.
"I guess things kinda backfired on Team Rocket!" Mew says.
Gastly and Haunter turn to each other and nod their heads. Then they approach Meowth.
Mewoth says in pain, "Wait till I get those..."
He soon notices the Ghost Type Pokemon. He runs away screaming, but Haunter catches Mewoth and uses its powers on Meowth.
Then Mewoth suddenly says, "Greetings. We are Gastly and Haunter."
"Hey! What's Meowth talking about?" Misty asks.
"Haunter must be controlling Meowth somehow so it can talk to us," Tracey says.
Through Meowth, Haunter explains, "For centuries, we have guarded the Orange Island League championship trophy you see there."
"Did you say centuries?" Misty asks.
"That's right," Haunters answers through Meowth.
Gastly uses its power to create a scenery image of the past.
"What's going on?" Mew asks.
Soon, the group looks down to see the ship they're on, but it is more brand new.
Haunter explains, "Our master was the captain of this ship. This ship carried goods from one island to another, and it was always welcomed in every port. The captain loved Pokémon, and especially prized us."
Soon, Mew sees the captain of the ship, at the steering wheel, along with Gastly and Haunter.
Then the image changes to a horrible storm.
Through Meowth, Haunter explains, "But one night, we were caught in a terrible storm. And our ship sunk to the bottom of the sea. From that day forward, we have guarded our master's treasure. This Pokémon trophy he won in the Orange Island League. Then, a few days ago, humans came and took our master's prized possession."
When the divers find the trophy and take it, and knock down the Pokeballs, both Pokemon are able to come out on their own.
"That was when we took control of this ship, raised it, and went in search of our captain's treasure," Haunter says.
"Wow! A real sunken ship!" Misty says, amazed.
"And Haunter and Gastly raised it themselves! That's awesome!" Tracey says.
"Now the trophy is back where it belongs," Haunter says.
"What about the two Frillish?" Tomo asks.
"The two Frillish lived in the sunken ship. When we raised it, they asked that we accompany them. We agreed, and they also decided to help us with their search.
"I guess that captain must've been a pretty good Pokémon trainer to win that," Mew says.
"See for yourself," Haunter says.
Then Gastly changes the scenery around them, and soon, the group find themselves in a battlefield.
Mew says in amazement, "It's a Pokémon stadium!"
"Whoa! This must be a stadium from the old Orange Island League!" Tracey says, sketching the scenery.
"I can't believe it! This is totally amazing!" Misty says.
"This is so cool," Tomo says.
Even the Pokemon are amazed.
Soon, they see the captain who has Gastly and Haunter.
"It looks like they're ready for a Pokémon match!" Mew says.
The Captain calls out, "Gastly, go!"
Gastly charges towards its opponent, a Beedrill. Beedrill tries to attack with its' Twin Needle Attack, but Gastly dodges.
Then the captain calls out, "Gastly, Lick attack, now!"
Gastly then licks Beedrill, making it paralyzed.
Then the captain says, "Gastly, Night Shade, now!"
Gastly performs the attack and lands at Beedrill, knocking it out. Everyone is very amazed to see the battle.
After the battle, the captain has won the trophy with Gastly and Haunter by his side. There, he has claimed his trophy.
Haunter says, "Yes. The captain was a fine Pokémon trainer. And we were proud to help him win the championship."
"I hereby issue a challenge to all worthy trainers! Who dares oppose me next?!" The captain announces he then points to the audience, "Will it be you..." Or you...? Or, perhaps..."
And then points to Mew, "You?"
Mew becomes eager and says, "Yes! I'll battle you, captain!"
But before she can come forward for the battle, the image disappears, and everyone is back in the captain's cabin.
Haunter says, "We hope you will understand why we can never allow anyone to take this trophy from here."
"Sure. Just because the captain isn't around anymore, doesn't mean the trophy shouldn't still be his," Mew says.
"Yeah," Tracey says.
"I agree," Tomo says.
"I think it's really great that both of you are still so loyal and faithful to him after three centuries," Misty happily says.
Then Haunter says, "The memory of our master will remain alive in us forever. Now the time has come for you to leave this place."
"We understand," Mew says.
The two Frillish turn to Mew and the others. The pink Frillish stands beside Misty and the blue one stands beside Tracey.
Then Haunter says, "The two Frillish wish to accompany you. They can tell that you care for Pokemon. The blue one wants to be with Tracey, and the pink with Misty."
"Well, I guess we can't turn you both down," Misty says.
Then Tracey says, "We'll take good care of you."
Frillish smile in reply.
Then Haunter says, "Goodbye, Togepi and Pichu. Goodbye Frillish."
With that, the two Ghost Pokemon leave Meowth, snapping him back to normal.
Mewoth rushes to Meowth and kicks them, "Hey! What is this? Nap time?!"
Jessie and James wake up.
The three lunge towards the trophy, "Where's our trophy?!" Victreebel and Arbok appear behind them.
"It's not yours!" Misty and Tracey say.
Then calls out, "Frillish, use Night Shade!"
With that, both Frillish perform the attack and strike at Team Rocket with full force. Then Gastly uses Psychic to lift them up.
"Uh oh!" Team Rocket says, shocked.
"Bye-bye!" Mew says.
Haunter then uses its own Psychic attack to send Team Rocket flying.
Team Rocket screams, "We're blasting off again!"
Later on, Mew and the others along with the two Frillish are on Lapras. They see the ship levitate into the sky and sail off. Mew and her friends are amazed.
"I guess they must be taking the ship to a place where nobody can find it," Tracey says.
"I sure hope so," Misty says.
Mew calls out, "Bye, Gastly! Bye, Haunter!"
"Take care of that trophy!" Tomo calls out.
"That Orange League trophy was pretty cool. Don't you think so, Mew?"" Misty says.
"Yeah! I'll just have to win one for myself! Just like the captain." Then turns to Pikachu and Eevee "Right, guys?"
"Pika!" (Right on!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee!" (Yeah!) Eevee says.
Mew and the others continue to watch as the haunted ship slowly drifts into the sky during the night.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Squirtle (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Castform (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Aerodactyl (Male). Porygon. Wartortle (Female). Pansear (Male). Ledyba (Female). Lileep (Female). Magnemite. Makuhita (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Miltank (Female). Tauros (Male). Shiny Ditto. Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Meditite (Female). Floette (Female). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male). Pidgeot (Male). Wooloo (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Yamask (Male). Diglett (Male). Haunter (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shaymin (Male). Primeape (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Younger Mewtwo (Male). Plusle (Male). Minun (Female). Baby Lapras (Male). Drowzee (Male). Snorlax (Male).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Papa A.K.A Zeraora (Male). Tsareena (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolain Raichu (Female). Arcanine (Male). Poliwrath (Male). Roserade (Female). Galarian Rapidash (Female). Liepard (Female). Beautifly (Female). Cinderace (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Mawile (Female). Muk (Male). Fraxure (Male). Ursaring (Male). Beedrill (Female). Meowstic (Male) Lunatone. Sandslash (Male).
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite. 2 Pokemon Egg. Pidgeotite. Beedrillite. Aerodactylite. Gyaradosite. Blastoisinite. Venusaurite. Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y. GS Ball.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale
Badges: Coral-Eye Badge. Sea Ruby Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female). Goldeen (Female). Pink Frillish (Female)
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). . Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Swampertite. Slowbronite.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball. 1 Dive Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male). Munchlax (Male).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Banettite. Kangaskhanite. Lucarionite. Alakazite.
Tracey Files
Pokemon: Venonat (Male). Marill (Female). Blue Frillish (Male).
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