Episode 17: Snack Attack
After earning the Sea-Ruby Badge on Navel Island, Mew is a step closer to participating in the Orange League. As of now, Mew and her friends continue riding on Lapras on the ocean blue, searching for a new Island adventure.
Just then, Pikachu notices something and calls out, "Pikachu!" (Guys! Look ahead!)
Everyone hears Pikachu and looks to see an island.
Tomo calls out, "Hey, look!"
Then Tracey says, "Oh yeah! We're coming up on what they call the Seven Grapefruit Islands."
"Grapefruit Islands?" Misty says.
"Yeah, all the Islands are supposed to be covered with grapefruit groves. Come to think of it, the grapefruits should be getting ripe right about now," Tracey explains.
"Why don't we stop an' check 'em out?" Mew suggests.
Misty agrees, "Let's go!"
"Yeah. Let's go," Tomo says.
Mew then turns to Lapras, "Lapras, full speed to the Grapefruit Islands!"
Lapras happily squeals, "To Grapefruit Islands!"
And with that, Lapras sails the group to Grapefruit Island.
In no time, Mew and her friends reach Grapefruit Island, and soon find a lot of fruits on the trees.
"Wow, just look at the size of them! They're humongous!" Mew says, amazed.
She then reaches to the tree and picks one of the fruits.
"They look delicious!" Misty says.
Togepi happily says, "Toki, toki toki..." (Very, very yummy...)
"Pichu!" (Yummy!) Pichu happily says.
Suddenly, they hear someone calling out, "Stop! Stop thieves!"
They turn their heads to see a young woman with dark green hair and a pink outfit charging towards them with a stick in her hand.
"Did she say, thieves?" Misty wonders.
"That's terrible!" Tracey says.
"Well, I hope she catches 'em," Tomo replies.
Then Mew wonders, "And why is she running toward us?"
Soon, the woman charges at them and calls out, "I caught you red-handed!"
This shocks the group as the girl tries to attack Mew with a stick. Surprisingly, she is able to grab it with her bare hand, shocking the woman. Both females hold opposite sides of the sticks, not giving an inch.
The woman continues, "So, you thought you could get away with it? You thought you could just sneak in here and steal all our grapefruit?! After we worked so hard to grow it?!"
But Misty calls out, "We didn't come here to steal anything!"
"We're not grapefruit thieves! Honest!" Tracey calls out.
"No lie!" Tomo calls out.
"They're right. We just got here!" Mew adds.
The woman becomes confused, "Huh?"
Soon, Mew and the others clear the misunderstanding with the young girl.
"I'm sorry I acted that way, but lately, somebody's been coming into our groves and stealing our grapefruit," The girl says.
"I thought they grew by themselves," Tomo replies.
"Toki! Pichu!" (Me too!) Pichu and Togepi reply.
"Yeah, we didn't know the grapefruit belonged to somebody. We should have asked before we picked any," Misty says.
"It was our fault. We're sorry we caused you any trouble," Tracey says.
"Sorry about that," Mew says.
"Oh, that's very nice of you. We worked so hard on the grapefruit, we can't stand the thought of losing a single one to thieves," The girl says.
Then Pikachu and Skwovet try to lift one up, but it's pretty heavy.
Seeing the fruit, Misty says, "I've never seen grapefruit that big before."
"Pika..." (Let's see...) Pikachu says, and lifts the fruit.
Meloetta says, "Loetta Meloetta." (It looks really heavy.)
"How do you get them to grow like this?" Misty asks.
The girl begins to explain, "It takes a lot of work, and more than a little bit of love. Every winter, we wrap the grapefruit trees with straw to protect them from the cold. We spray them with insect repellent and weed them. But all that hard work pays off when the weather warms up and the trees are covered with beautiful white grapefruit blossoms. That's when we gather the Butterfree from neighboring islands to pollinate the trees on all the seven grapefruit islands so they can produce fruit. Then after watering and caring for every single tree, slowly but surely, they start to bear fruit."
"Pika Pika." (And they're pretty.) Pikachu says.
"They're almost like my children, so I care about all of them," The girl says.
"I can see why after so much work," Tracey says.
Suddenly, they hear someone shout, "Ruby!"
Everyone gasps as one of the employees runs to the girl, who's name is Ruby.
The employee calls out, "Ruby, the thieves just struck again!
Ruby quickly stands up, "If we hurry, we might catch them!"
And hurries off.
Mew turns to the others, "Guys, let's go help her!"
Everyone agrees to the idea and follows them.
Mew and the others hurry to where the employee sees the thieves have struck. When they arrive, everyone gasps in shock to see the trees are stripped bare.
"Whoa!" Tomo says, shocked.
Ruby is upset, "They even tore off the branches!"
"This is disgusting!" Mew says in anger.
"Who'd do such an awful thing?" Misty wonders.
Suddenly, they hear someone shout, "Hurry! Over here!"
Everyone rushed over.
Then they see the employee as he calls out, "Over here! Bring help!"
"Where are they?" Ruby asks.
"Not they, Ruby. It!" The worker says, and points them to the direction.
Mew and the others turn their heads and are shocked to see a large Snorlax munching away the grapefruits while they're still on the branches.
(The worker points and our heroes are shocked when they see a Snorlax munching away at the grapefruits while they're still on the branches)
"S-s-s-s-s-s Snorlax?!" Misty says, shocked.
"And one with a big appetite," Mew says.
She gets out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Snorlax, the Sleeping Pokémon. A Normal Type. Snorlax isn't satisfied unless it eats at least 900 pounds of food per day. Once it is full, it will probably go to sleep."
"Tracey sweats drops and says, "Snorlax is one of the Pokemon that eats more than any other Pokémon!"
"I'd hate to be a grapefruit on this island," Misty says.
"What'll we do?!" Tomo asks.
Then Ruby answers, "Stop that Snorlax immediately!"
"Right! Let's go, guys!" The Worker says.
The workers try to pull Snorlax to move it away, but it has no effect, and is knocked to the side with its left arm.
"That didn't work too well," Misty says.
"Well, I guess Snorlax doesn't like being interrupted during its lunch time," Tracey says.
"I can't imagine how Snorlax got here," Ruby says.
"This is not good. If Snorlax keeps this up all the grapefruit will be gone!" Mew says.
"Well, we'll have to hurry," Ruby says.
Then turns to the others, "Come on, guys. If we work fast enough, maybe we can pick all the grapefruit before Snorlax gets to it!"
The workers agree and begin picking the fruit off the tree.
"I just hope we can pick quick enough," Ruby says, and rushes to join the others.
Mew then turns to the others, "Maybe our Pokémon can help!"
"Good idea," Tracey says.
"Pikachu!" (Let's get picking!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee!" (And fast!) Eevee adds.
Soom, Ruby and the others are working to pick up the fruits.
Mew brings out her Pokeballs and says, "Come on out, guys!"
Coming out of her Pokeballs are Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Weepinbell Meditite, Pansear, and Drowzee.
"Alright everyone, get gotta pick up the fruits from the trees, and fast!" Mew says.
Everyone nods their heads and begins to work on picking the fruits.
Misty then calls out, "Staryu! Oddish! Buizel! Panpour! Tentacruel! WE're gonna need your help, too!" and throws her Pokeballs.
With that, all her Pokemon begin working on knocking down the fruits and catching them.
Then Tomo calls out, "Smeargle, Abra, Staryu, Kecleon, Riolu, Zorua! We need your help too!"
All of Tomo's Pokeemon come out and begin knocking down the fruits and bringing them to a safe place. Soon, they're already able to have a large pile of grapefruits.
Mew sighs in exhaustion, "Hey, they did a really good job!"
"At least Snorlax won't get these," Misty says.
"Yeah," Tomo says.
Suddenly, a rumbling sound is heard. They soon turn to see Snorlax running right towards the pile of fruits.
Mew quickly gets in front of the fruits, "Wait Snorlax, You've already eaten a lot of fruits already! Snorlax stop!"
But Snorlax momentum pushes Me outta the way, and the giant Pokemon begins to eat the fruit.
Mew stands up and says, "We need to find a better idea!"
Then Tracey has an idea, "Hey, I know. Let's weaken Snorlax in a battle and then capture him in a Pokéball."
Everyone nods their heads.
Then Mew calls out, "Bulbasaur, Vine Whip attack, now!"
Bulbasaur jumps right in, "Bulbasaur! Bulba Bulbasaur!" (You got it, Mew!)
Then uses its Vine Whip attack to attack Snorlax, but Snorlax is not even phased.
Deadpan, Mew says, "Bulbasaur's the one who's whipped."
"Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf!" Mew calls out.
Bulbasaur then uses Razor Leaf, but instead of hitting Snorlax, it slices the fruit.
"Bulbasaur sure would be handy to have around the kitchen," Misty comments.
Snorlax turns to them with anger, "Lax!" (Back!)
Then prepare to attack towards Pikachu, Eevee, and Bulbasaur!
Mew calls out, "Pikachu! Eevee! Bulbasaur! Watch out!"
"That's Snorlax's Body Slam!" Tracey calls out.
Pikachu and Eevee quickly move out of the way, but Snorlax squishes Bulbasaur with his weight.
Mew cries out in shock, "Bulbasaur!"
Snorlax gets up and walks away, revealing that Bulbasaur is flat as a pancake and knocked out.
Mew rushes to Bulbasaur, "Bulbasaur, are you alright!"
"Saur." (I'm flat.) Bulbasaur answers, dazed
"It's not fair for Snorlax to throw its weight around!" Misty says, irritated.
"Pichu Pichu," (That must have hurt.) Pichu replies.
"Toge Toge Piiiii!" (?) Togpei happily says.
Snorlax continues until it stops eating.
"Hey! I think Snorlax finally had enough!" Mew says.
"That means it's gonna go to sleep any second now!" Misty says.
"That's great. Now we'll have some time to plan," Tracey says.
Everyone nods their heads. However, Snorlax begins to get up and walks away. The group is confused, and becomes shocked to see it eating more of the gra[efruit, shocking them. Soon, Snorlax has eaten almost every grapefruit off the island, and Snorlax continues eating.
Tomo groans, "Those were the last two grapefruit left on the whole island!"
"It's a good thing this is an island. At least, now, Snorlax won't be able to gobble up anymore grapefruit," Misty says.
"Yeah! And as long as Snorlax can't get to the other islands, the rest of your grapefruit groves are safe," Tracey says.
Mew soon notices, "Uh guys, something's up."
Everyone looks to see Snorlax gets up and begins to flap his arms.
"Do you think Snorlax is getting ready to fly to another island?" Tomo says.
"Not unless it has a ticket on a jumbo jet," Misty replies.
"I don't think Snorlax is trying to fly, I think he's preparing to swim," Mew says.
And right on cue, Snorlax dives into the water and swims to the next island, shocking everyone.
Misty says, shocked, "I didn't know Snorlax could swim!"
"It's doing the blubberfly," Mew says.
"Of course! I should've figured it was a good swimmer! That solves the mystery of how Snorlax got to the island in the first place," Tracey says.
"Makes me wonder if Snorlax can do any water type moves," Mew says.
Then Misty says, "We better figure out a way to keep it from getting to the second place."
Snorlax continues to swim across the island. Soon, Mew and the others follow while riding on Lapras while Ruby is using a boat.
Ruby then says, "I'll go to our headquarters and warn the other islands to start picking grapefruit right away!"
"Okay!" Mew says.
And Ruby goes on ahead.
Meanwhile on the next island, Team Rocket is at the island and they're picking and stealing the fruits.
"Ooh!" James happily says, using clippers to cut the stems to get the fruit down.
Meowth chuckles, "It's rainin' vitamin C! And we could sure use some these days."
James climbs down the tree, "Luckily, we found an excellent source of free nutrition."
Jessie picks up the fruit and taps on one, "Thin skin."
"Just like you have, Jess," James comments.
Then Jessie angrily shoves the grapefruit she's holding into Jame's mouth.
Mewoth then picks up another fruit, "I think I'll take a tangy little taste."
When he tries to slice them with his claws, the fruit doesn't have a scratch.
"The skin on this thing's as tight as a drum!" Meowth says, and continues until he hurts himself.
Meowth screams, "My paw! My paw!I think I broke my paw!
Then James wonders, "Maybe this type of grapefruit isn't grown for its fruit."
"Well, if you don't eat da fruit, what do ya eat?" Meowth wonders.
"I remember recalling getting some candied grapefruit peels as a child," James replies.
"Grapefruit peels?" Jessie says, confused.
"Ya mean, we gotta turn da peels into candy?" Meowth asks.
But Jessie says, "No, we're going to turn them into cash when we sell them."
"Hey! Dat's a great idea!" Meowth says, liking the idea.
Then shouts, "Let's do some grapefruit grabbin'!"
Team Rocket soon head to their submarine with armloads of grapefruits but soon stop to see Snorlax swimming their way. Team Rocket panics as a giant wave wipes them out and their sub. Soon, Snorlax reaches towards shore.
Meowth soon says, "Uh oh."
And Snorlax begins to eat the fruit Team Rocket is trying to steal
Meowth cries out, "It's a Snorlax!
"And it's stealing what we stole!" James says, shocked.
Suddenly, Misty's voice calls out, "Hey!"
Team Rocket turns their head to see Mew and the others heading towards the island on Lapras.
"What are you three doing on that island?!" Mew calls out.
Then Misty says, "Well, if you think you're here to steal grapefruit, we're here to stop ya!"
"Pika! Eev! (And how!) Pikachu and Eevee reply.
"We'll see about that, you little twerps! Jessie calls out in rage.
Then Meowth says, "Hey! Instead of grabbin' grapefruit, we can swipe Pikachu, Eevee, an' Snorlax!"
"Stopping Snorlax and Team Rocket won't be easy," Mew says to herself.
Meanwhile, at the Seven Grapefruit Island, Ruby is answering a call from the second island.
Hearing the call, Ruby says in shock, "I can't believe Snorlax got to the second island already!"
"Oh, it got here, alright! And as soon as it landed, it started eating!" The staff member says.
"We've got to do something. We've got to stop Snorlax before it gets to the other islands," Ruby says.
Back at the second Island, Snorlax continues to eat
The staff member close by replies, "I know, Ruby, but how are we gonna stop it?"
Snorlax continues to eat as Mew and the others approach it from behind.
"There it is! Time to catch this Snorlax!" Mew says.
Then throw a Pokeball, "Squirtle, I choose you!"
With that, Squirtle comes out of his Pokeball.
Mew calls out, "Squirtle, use your Skull Bash!"
Squirtle charges forward to attack, but the attack hasn't worked well. Snorlax becomes angry to feel something. Then turns to see Squirtle, and Body Slams it without a second thought.
"Squirtle!" Mew cries out and rushes over.
Misty then gets out her Pokeball, "I'm getting a little tired of this Snorlax!"
Then throws her Pokeball, "Staryu, Tackle attack, now!"
Staryu comes out of its Pokeball and performs its Tackle Attack, but Snorlax knocks it away with its head.
"That was Snorlax's Headbutt," Tracey says.
Then Misty calls back her Pokemon, "Return, Staryu!"
And Staryu returns.
"I'll just try another one," Misty says, and throws another Pokeball, "I choose you!"
And with that, Goldeen comes out of the Pokeball.
Goldeen simply wiggles on the ground, "Goldeen, Goldeen, Goldeen, Goldeen..." ("?")
Misty is sweating bullets, "My mistake. Sorry about that." And chuckles sheepishly.
Just then, Snorlax picks up Goldeen and tries to eat her, horrifying everyone.
Misty screams, "Hey, Snorlax! Goldeen's not on the menu!" And quickly calls her back to the Pokeball.
Misty then has another idea, "Hey, I know! Togepi can stop Snorlax!"
Then Misty lifts Togepi up, "Togepi, use your Metronome! You can do it, Togepi!"
But nothing happens.
"It was a good try, but Togpei doesn't know how to properly use it yet," Misty says.
"Togepi is just a baby, Misty," Tracey
"And Snorlax might eat anything," Misty says.
Just then Pichu rushes over, shocking everyone.
"Pichu!" Misty cries out.
Pichu rushes over and begins to use his ThunderShock attack.
"Pichu is trying to use Thunder Shock!" Tracey says.
Sadly, Pichu's attack has no effect on Snorlax. Pichu tries harder and ends up getting pushed back by his own attack and rolls over. Picbu is now tired.
Misty picks up Pichu and says, "It was sweet of you to try, but you still need a little more practice with your Thunderbolt."
Just then, Team Rocket appears and chuckles.
Then Meowth says, "You an' your wimpy Pokémon gave it your best shot an' ya blew it! Now Team Rocket will take it from here!"
With that, Jessie calls out, "Arbok, Poison Sting!"
Arbok is released from the Pokeball and charges towards Snorlax, but the giant Pokemon performs a Body Slam Attack, flattening Arbok as Team Rocket moves out the way. Snorlax lifts itself up and now Arbok is flat as a pancake.
Arbok looks like a snake skin belt," Mewoth comments.
Then James says, "Big enough to fit Snorlax!"
Then Jessie calls out, "Lickitung, it's Wrap time!"
Jessie calls out Lickitung and lashes its tongue out, but Snorlax catches the tongue and uses it as a napkin.
Jessie angrily says, "That's my Lickitung, not a napkin!"
Then James calls out, "I choose you, Victreebel!"
Victreebell comes out of the Pokeball with a sheik, but then comes back to James and tries to swallow his body.
James calls out, ""No, stop!" and Victreebel lets James go.
Then James commands Victrebeel, "Not me! Snorlax! Not me!"
Victreebel goes to battle, but Snorlax flats Victreebel with Body slam too.
James cries out, "My Victreebel looks all rung out!"
"Now, the perfect Pokémon!" Misty calls out and throws the Pokeball, "Go Psyduck!"
With that, Psyduck comes out of the Pokeball.
"Psyduck's the perfect Pokémon?" Tomo asks.
"If Psyduck uses a Psychic attack, it'll be perfect against Snorlax," Misty says.
Psyduck then approaches Snorlax, but a fruit falls in front of him. He then picks up the fruit and tries to swallow it. And then Psyduck chokes on the fruit, and runs around in a panic. But then, he trips and the fruit comes out of his throat.
Deadpan, Misty says, "I guess we should've known you'd choke."
Mew then kneels to Pikachu and Eevee, "Okay, guys, I guess it's up to us to stop Snorlax!"
"Pika! Eev!" (Right!) Pikachu and Eevee reply.
Then Mew calls out, "Pikachi, Eevee, Thunderbolt attack, now!"
Pikachu and Eevee then perform the attack and hit Snorlax, but Snorlax shakes it off and continues eating, shocking Pikachu and Eevee.
"Snorlax must be shock proof!" Tomo says.
Pichu then rushes and tries using Thunder Shock again. Sadly, it doesn't work. Pichu walks back to Misty in defeat. Misty then pats Pichu on the head, reassuring it.
Back at the island HQ, Ruby checks the monitor to see the islands.
One of the employees says, "Ruby! Snorlax has already eaten over half the grapefruit on the island!"
Roby says, "Just keep picking! We've got to save as many grapefruit as we can!"
"Roger!" The group says.
Then another Employee says, "Ruby! They need you over at the processing plant as fast as you can get there!"
"I'll be right there! Tell everyone on the other islands to start picking!" Ruby says.
"Right!" the employee says.
Back to Mew and the others, the group are trying to come up with another idea to stop Snorlax.
"It's just no good," Tracey says.
"None of our Pokémon are any good against Snorlax," Mew says.
"Yeah, Snorlax is just too strong," Tomo says.
Misty asks, "What's gonna happen now?"
Suddenly, James' voice answers, "Showtime."
Everyone turns to see James, "Ladies and gentlemen and twerps of all ages."
James removes a black cloak to reveal him wearing a white suit.
James holds out a pendulum, "Keep your eyes on the pendulum."
Snorlax stops eating and asks, "Snorlax, Snor?" (What is, this?)
James continues to swing the pendulum slowly, "Yes. Now just relax. Your eyes are getting heavy. You're getting sleepy, very sleepy. On the count of three, you'll fall completely asleep. One. Two. Three." And then snaps his fingers.
But soon, James falls asleep instead of Snorlax. (snaps his fingers)
James comes in, "Hey! You ain't supposed to be sleeping!"
"But putting Snorlax to sleep isn't a bad idea!" Misty says.
"But how do we do it?" Misty wonders.
"A massage might make it relax and fall asleep!" Tracey suggests.
"Let's try it!" Mew says.
With that, Mew and the others begin to massage Snorlax.
"Let the tensions flow away," Mew says.
"Just relax, Snorlax," Misty says.
So far, nothing happens.
"Snorlax doesn't look too sleepy," Misty says.
"What else can we try?" Tomo wonders.
Misty then has an idea, "I've got a great idea!"
She stands up and says, "Listen, Snorlax, picture a beautiful, wide open pasture, bathed in the glow of a restful red sunset."
"Snorlax Snor?" (A restful red sunset?) Snorlax says, confused.
Snorlax then begins to picture the red sunset like Misty describes.
Misty continues, "All your cute little Snorlax friends are there with you. I wonder how many Snorlax there could be. Why don't we count them? One Snorlax. Two Snorlax. Three Snorlax. Four Snorlax. Five Snorlax. Six Snorlax."
Back to reality, Misty continues to count, "Ninety-seven Snorlax. Ninety-eight Snorlax. Ninety-nine Snorlax.
Soon, Misty begins to fall asleep on Snorlax's leg.
"Misty, you're putting yourself to sleep, not Snorlax," Misty says.
Tomo calls out, "Wake up!"
Misty quickly wakes up, startled, "I'm awake!"
Psyduck soon begins laughing.
Misty becomes angry, "What are you laughing at?! If you hadn't messed things up, we wouldn't have this problem!"
Then Psyduck deflates.
Soon, they hear Jessie's voice, "Snory!"
The group turns their heads to see Jessie dressed as a female Snorlax wearing an apron.
Jessie waves her arms and says, "It's time to go to beddy-bye, Snory-kins!"
"What's she doing?" Misty wonders.
"I think she's trying to look like Snorlax's mother," Mew answers.
Misty becomes horrified, "Snorlax's mother?!"
Jessie then brings out a bed for Snorlax, "Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy.
Then tucks herself into the bed, "Time to take a happy little nappy, now. Hurry up so you can have nice dreamy-weamies."
Soon James and Meowth begin to sing, "Lullaby, and goodnight...go to sleep little Snorlax...go to bed, rest your head...la, la, la, la, la, la, la..."
Mew and the others cringe at the awful singing and cover their ears. Snorlaz stops eating and covers his ears as well. Having enough, Snorlax gets up and gives Team Rocket one good hard Mega Kick.
Team Rocket screams, "Team Rocket's blasting off again!"
"There's no way Team Rocket was going to sing Snorlax to sleep that way," Mew says.
Just then, Misty has an idea, "Hey! Sing to sleep!"
And with that, everyone comes up with the same idea.
Mew then says, "I think you just came up with a perfect way to stop Snorlax."
"Yeah. We can have our Pokemon put Snorlax to sleep," Misty says.
"Come on, we gotta tell Ruby of our plan," Mew says.
Back at Grapefruit Island HQ, Ruby is still at work on getting the fruit picked up and warning the other employees of the other islands.
"Ruby!" Mew calls out.
Ruby turns to see Mew and the others hurrying towards them.
"We thought of a great idea," Misty says.
"I'm so glad, Snorlax has already finished the second Island," Ruby says.
Suddenly, the alarm goes off. Ruby turns to the map and says, "Oh no, Snorlax is already heading towards the Third Grapefruit Island."
"Come on guys, it's time to set this plan in motion," Mew says.
Everyone cheers, "Yeah!"
In no time, a stage is set with microphones on it. On the stage are Misty's Jigglypuff, Mew's Clefair, and Tomo's Meloetta.
"Stage great," Tomo says.
"Microphones, ready!" Misty says.
"Pokemon vocalists check!" Mew says.
"Now to wait for Snorlax to get here," Tomo says.
"If this plan works, Meloetta, Jigglypuff, and Clefair will make Snorlax fall asleep! And when Snorlax goes to sleep, I'll be ready to catch it!" Mew says, and holds out the Pokeball.
Soon, they hear footsteps and turn to see Snorlax walking towards them.
"Here comes Snorlax!" Tracey says.
"If it eats all the grapefruits in the warehouse, we'll be ruined!" Ruby says, distressed.
Mew turns to the three, "Alright you three, ready to give Snorlax a performance."
The three reply and with a nod.
"Then let's hear it!" Mew calls out.
"Hit it, guys!" Tracey says.
Meloetta starts off, "Mel Mel. Mel o e tta!" (One! two! A one, two, three!)
With that, the three soon begin to sing. With three singing Pokemon, the singing becomes incredibly powerful. Luckily, they're making sure their Sing ability will work on one target. Mew and Tomo rushes to Snorlax to see it getting ready to sleep
"Looks like Snorlax is getting drowsy," Tomo says.
"Now's our chance!" Mew says.
Then calls you, "Okay, Pikachu, Eevee, Thunder, now!" Mew calls out.
With that, both Pokemon begin the attack and it's a direct hit. Snorlax feels the attack and falls over, splitting the tree in half as it comes down. Then, something falls out of Snorlax from the back. Tomo rushes over and catches it. Turns out to be a kind of egg. The egg is cream colored on the bottom, but most of the egg is a teal color, and has two white dots between the dividing line.
"An egg?" Tomo says, confused.
Then Mew says, "Nice work guys!"
Then throws her Pokeball, "Pokeball, go!"
The Pokeball hits Snorlax and pulls it inside. The Pokeball wobbles a few times and pings, indicating that Snorlax has been caught.
"I did it! I caught Snorlax!" Mew cheers.
"And I found an egg," Tomo says.
"Huh? Where you find that?" Mew asks.
"I think it fell off of Snorlax," Tomo says.
"From Snorlax?" Mew says, confused.
Mew then releases Snorlax from his Pokeball. Snorlax looks around in surprise. Then looks down to see Tomo holding the egg.
Mew calmly says, "Snorlax."
Snorlax turns to Mew.
Mew then says, "I know that you love to eat, but these fruits belong to people who grow the fruit with care. If you eat them all, there won't be any for anyone else who also likes it."
"Snor Snorlax?" (You can understand me?) Snorlax asks.
"Yes. And I like you to understand that you can't just eat without knowing if they belong to someone. It's kind of like stealing," Mew explains.
Snorlax then apologizes, "Snorlax," (I'm sorry.)
"It's okay. I know you didn't mean too. You were just doing what you do," Mew says.
Then Snorlax turns to Tomo, " Snor Snorlax," (And I see you're holding my little brother.)
"Little brother?" Tomo says, confused.
"Hey Mew," Misty calls out.
The others turn to see Misty and the others rush to them.
"Hey guys. I finally caught Snorlax," Mew says.
Just then, the egg Tomo is holding begins to glow, surprising everyone. Tomo places the egg on the ground as it bursts out. Then the egg soon forms a small Pokemon.
The Pokemon is a teal Pokémon with a cream spot on its chest. Its round head is teal in the top half and cream on the bottom half. It has big, round eyes and large pointy ears. It has five-fingered hands and cream feet with three clawed toes. The fur close to the bottom seems to resemble a dress, and has two pointy teeth that stick out of its mouth even if closed.
"Munch!" The little Pokemon replies.
"Wow. It already hatched," Mew says.
"It's a Munchlax," Tracey says.
Mew takes out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Munchlax, the Big Eater Pokemon. A Normal Type. Anything that looks edible, Munchlax will go on and swallow whole. Its stomach is tough enough to handle it even if the food has gone rotten."
"Oh no, another Pokemon with a big appetite!" Misty whines.
Soon everyone begins laughing. Little Munchlax turns to Snorlax and smiles. Snorlax smiles back. Munchlax turns to Tomo and hugs him on the leg.
Snorlax says, "Snor Snorlax Snorlax." (I think my little brother wants to be with you.)
Tomo becomes surprised and asks both Pokemon, "Are you sure?"
"Munch," (Yep.) Munchlax happily says.
Tomo smiles and pats Munchlax on the head, "You can count on it. I'll take good care of you."
Then Mew turns to Snorlax, "And be sure to take good care of you."
Snorlax smiles in reply.
Later in the evening, Ruby expresses her gratitude, "Thank you. If it weren't for all of you, we wouldn't have a single grapefruit left."
"It's no problem. And yet, me and Tomo end up with new friends,
"We're just happy that we could help you save all that grapefruit," Misty says.
Then Ruby hands Misty a bag, "I have something for you. They're our candied grapefruit peels. They're delicious."
"Thanks, Ruby," Misty says.
Togepi and Pichu look interested in eating the candy.
Misty smiles and says, "Okay."
And gives Togepi and Pichu a candied grapefruit peel.
Then she kneels down to the Pokemon, "Try one."
Pikachu, Eevee, Skwovet, and Meloetta take a candied grapefruit peel and begin to eat it.
"How do you like it?" Misty asks.
The Pokemon smiles and answers that they love it.
Just then, a worker rushes to Ruby and says, "Ruby! You won't believe it, but there are new trees growing wherever Snorlax went!"
Ruby gasps in shock.
Everyone soon sees grapefruit tree seedlings growing in their place.
"This is amazing! I've never seen anything like this before!" Ruby says.
"Maybe Snorlax has some kind of special ability that helps the trees grow back again," Tracey replies.
Then Misty says, "Whatever it is, I guess it proves something good can come out of something bad."
"I think you're right, Misty. Next year, we may have more fruit then ever!" Ruby says.
"I hope so, Ruby," Mew says.
Soon, Mew and the others bid farewell to Ruby and her workers as they sail into the sunset out to sea. Mew and Tomo end up with new friends, and they have another adventure. They continue to sail out to sea, waiting for another adventure to take place.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Squirtle (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Castform (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Aerodactyl (Male). Porygon. Wartortle (Female). Pansear (Male). Ledyba (Female). Lileep (Female). Magnemite. Makuhita (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Miltank (Female). Tauros (Male). Shiny Ditto. Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Meditite (Female). Floette (Female). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male). Pidgeot (Male). Wooloo (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Yamask (Male). Diglett (Male). Haunter (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shaymin (Male). Primeape (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Younger Mewtwo (Male). Plusle (Male). Minun (Female). Baby Lapras (Male). Drowzee (Male). Snorlax (Male).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Papa A.K.A Zeraora (Male). Tsareena (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolain Raichu (Female). Arcanine (Male). Poliwrath (Male). Roserade (Female). Galarian Rapidash (Female). Liepard (Female). Beautifly (Female). Cinderace (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Mawile (Female). Muk (Male). Fraxure (Male). Ursaring (Male). Beedrill (Female). Meowstic (Male) Lunatone. Sandslash (Male).
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite. 2 Pokemon Egg. Pidgeotite. Beedrillite. Aerodactylite. Gyaradosite. Blastoisinite. Venusaurite. Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y. GS Ball.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale
Badges: Coral-Eye Badge. Sea Ruby Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female). Goldeen (Female).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). . Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Swampertite. Slowbronite.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball. 1 Dive Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male). Munchlax (Male).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Banettite. Kangaskhanite. Lucarionite. Alakazite.
Tracey Files
Pokemon: Venonat (Male). Marill (Female).
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