Pokemon the First Movie Part 4: Mewtwo Strikes Back Part 3
Back at the battlefield, Misty, Brock, Tomo, Nurse Joy and the other trainers are cornered by Mewtwo and the three clone Pokemon. Misty and the others can't help worrying about Mew.
"Humans, you have served my purpose. l am sparing your lives, for the moment." Mewtwo says
Then uses his Psychic powers to open two doors to reveal the terrible storm Mewtwo has created.
Then adds, "But you cannot escape your fate. The hour of my vengeance draws near."
Suddenly, from inside the palace, part of the wall explodes, and the Clone Pokemon run out to join Mewtwo.
Mewtwo turns to see the clones, "Behold!"
The trainers are shocked to see the Clone Pokemon.
"With Pokémon and humans eliminated the clones shall inherit the world," Mewtwo adds.
Suddenly, Mew's voice appears, "You can't do this. l won't let you."
Coming out of the smoke of the explosion is Mew. Misty, Brock, and Tomo are relieved to see them.
"It's Mew!" Misty happily says.
"All right!" Brock cheers.
"Yay!" Tomo happily says.
Behind Mew are all the original Pokrmon. Soon, Misty, and the boys see their Pokemon and are relieved.
Misty happily says, "Psyduck! Sobble! Combee!"
"Vulpix! Grookey!" Brock says relieved.
Tomo happily says, "Skwovet!"
Soon, Mew and all the Pokemon are facing Mewtwo and his Clone Pokemon.
"lt is useless to challenge me," Mewtwo says.
"It's not going to end like this, Mewtwo. We won't let it," Mew says, not backing down.
She then walks up to Mewtwo and says, "And you're wrong about humans too. Sure there are some humans who don't give Pokemon love and respect, but not all are like that. Take me for example, I'm not like that, I love and care for Pokemon. In fact, until I open myself to the human world, Not only can I understand Pokemon, but I was raised by Pokemon."
Hearing this does come to a shock for some, including Mewtwo.
Neesha turns to Misty, "Is that true?"
"Yes. We even met Zeraora, the pokemon who raised Mew at Pallet Town," Misty says.
"Yeah. We see Mew talk to Pokemon and understand them. But Mew's not the only one," Brock says, and turns to Tomo, "Tomo was also raised by Pokemon and lived with Kangaskhan at the Preservation area before started traveling with us and can understand Pokemon as well."
This comes as a surprise for the trainers to hear it. Even Mewtwo is taken by surprise to hear it. A Human has been raised by Pokemon.
"I see. I too have heard about a human being raised by Pokemon and has a unique ability to understand them," Mewtwo says.
However, Mewtwo then uses his psychic abilities on Mew and levitates her in the air a bit.
"Yet, you're still human all the same," Mewtwo says, and throws high into the sky and towards the tower.
But suddenly, a pink bubble appears, preventing Mew from getting hurt.
"What?" Mewtwo says, shocked.
Suddenly, the Pokemon, Mew floats towards Mew and looks at her with a calm expression.
"Mew..." The Human, Mew says, surprised.
The Pokemon, Mew, pops the bubble, and Mew lands on her feet. The Pokemon, Mew giggles with glee.
"Is that a Pokemon..." Misty says, surprised.
Seeing the Pokemon, Mewtwo asks, shocked, "Can it be?"
Soon, the Pokemon, Mew, makes another bubble and begins bouncing on it, making the Human, Mew, giggle. Suddenly, a Shadow Ball shot through the bubble. The Human, Mew, gasps and turns to see Mewtwo creating another one and tries to attack the Pokemon, Mew, but the Pokemon dodges. The small Pokemon continues to dodge as Mewtwo throws Shadow Balls and destroys one of the windmills and other places at the stadium. Still, the Pokemon, Mew teleports away from the Shadow Balls and out a laugh with glee.
"What is that Pokemon?" Tomo wonders.
"I've read about it..." Brock says.
"Right. It's the Mythical Pokemon," Nurse Joy says.
The Pokemon Mew floats over as Mewtwo says, "Mew. So finally we met."
"Mew," The Pokemon, Mew replies.
"Mew?" Corey says, confused.
Then Mewtwo says, "l may have been cloned from your DNA... but l will prove that Mewtwo is better than the original. Superior to Mew."
Hearing the conversation, takes the trainers by surprise.
"Mew and Mewtwo!" Corey says.
"So Mewtwo was cloned from Mew," Neesha says.
Even Mew, and the Pokemon are surprised.
"Mewtwo, was cloned from Mew. Kind of crazy. Still, I was actually named after Mew," The Human, Mew says in her thoughts.
Just then, Mewtwo says, "This world is too small for two of us." and levitates himself.
Soon, The Pokemon, Mew flies away with Mewtwo giving chase. Mew and the others are shocked as they are forced to watch Mewtwo chase and try to attack the Pokemon, Mew. Soon, the Pokemon, Mew hides behind one of the pillars.
Mewtwo floats over and questions, "Why do you flee from me? Are you afraid to find out which of us is greater?"
The Pokemon, Mew, continues to fly away as Mewtwo tries to attack it. Then, Mewtwo uses another Shadow Ball and this one strikes at the Pokemon, Mew, with full force and sends it flying. Everyone is shocked to see the Pokemon has been blasted away. Suddenly, the Shadow Ball comes back and this time, it strikes at Mewtwo, and crashes into the stadium seats behind Misty and the others. Then the Pokemon, Mew flies back to the stadium as Mewtwo uses his Psychic powers to clear the smoke.
"So you do have some fight in you," Mewtwo says, and not pleased.
Then floats to his Clone Pokemon and says, "But l have no time for games. Destiny is at hand. Who will rule? My super Pokémon? Or your pathetic group of spineless inferior Pokémon? We were created with powers far stronger than the originals."
Just then, the Pokemon Mew begins to say, "Mew. Mew Mew Mew. Mew Mew. Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew..."
Soon enough, Team Rocket are able to leave the lab as well to see the Pokemon, Mew talking to Mewtwo
Hearing the conversation, Mewoth says, "Mew's got a good point."
"What's it saying?" Jessie asks.
"You don't prove anything by showing off a lot of special powers. And that a Pokémon's real strength comes from the heart," Mewoth says.
However, Mewtwo says, "My clones don't need their powers to prove their worth."
Then sends another Shadow Ball. Mew dodges and strikes at the wall. Seeing the debris falling, Team Rocket runs away.
Then says, "l will block all the Pokémon's special abilities... using my psychic powers. Now we shall see who triumphs. Go!"
This shocked Pikachu and the others. Soon, they see the other Pokemon charging to fight.
Still on top of the tower wall, Mew is able to get up and hurry over and to her shock and dismay, she sees the Original Pokemon are fighting off the Clones with brute force.
Brother, my brother
Tell me, what are we fighting for?
We've got to end this war
Mew is shocked to see the brawl the Pokemon are in and feels like her heart is breaking.
We should love one another
Oh, can't we just pretend
This war never began
Just then, Shellshocker has been slammed to the wall by the Clone Blastoise, then Shellshocker fights back.
We can try
Brother, my brother
Mew's Charizard and the Clone Charizard headbutts each other and throws punches at one another.
We face each other from different sides
The anger burns can't remember why
It's kind of crazy to cause such pain
Our foolish pride makes us hate this way
We watch our world fall apart
Tell me what good is winning
When you lose your heart
The Pokemon continue to fight with their physical strength and brute force, even Misty, Tomo, and Brock's Pokemon are in the brawl. Well, the two Psyducks simply give each other scratches and stop for a moment.
Brother, my brother
Tell me, what are we fighting for?
Isn't life worth so much more?
Over the stadium, Mewtwo and the Pokemon, Mew each put on a protective bubble, Mewtwo is blue and the Mythical Pokemon Mew's is pink. Then, they both begin to bash at one another.
We should love one another
Oh, can't we just pretend
This war never began
At the stadium, the only ones who aren't fighting in this destructive war are Pikachu and Eevee. Just then, they both end up running into their clones. Unlike the originals, the clones are ready to fight.
Tell me why
Brother, my brother
Soon, the Clone Pikachu and Eevee begin to attack the original Pikachu and Eevee. However, Pikachu and Eevee refuse to fight.
We can try
Brother, my brother
Soon enough, all the Pokemon are becoming hurt and in terrible pain. This shocked and devastated their trainers.
"Pokémon aren't meant to fight. Not like this. It's useless. What can come out of it?" Nurse Joy says.
"Nothing but pain," Neesha says.
"Why can't Mewtwo understand it's not right to force Pokémon to battle?" Brock questions.
"They're all living creatures. This just proves that fighting is wrong," Misty says.
"Especially just to prove a point," Tomo says.
Still, Jessie, James, and Meowth are seeing this for themselves.
James says, "I was prepared for trouble, but not for this."
"Make that double for me," Jessie says.
"Now l can see how horrible fighting really is," James says.
Then Jessie says, "Even the best of friends will fight sometimes."
"I'll promise never to fight again if you will," James says.
Then they both begin to cry and hug each other. Meowth remains silent until he notices his own claws. The two quickly bring out their claws and ready themselves to fight. Yet, they both stop to look at each other's paws.
Meowth then asks himself, "What am l doing?"
"Meow," (I know.) Clone Meowth says.
"Let's get something straight, copycat! You-owth ain't pushing Meowth around," Meowth says.
Clone Meowth scratches his head and says, "Meow meow!" (We don't have to fight.)
"You mean, we don't have to fight with each other?" Meowth asks.
Then says, "But how can l trust you? You was born different."
"Meow meow," (I don't think it matters.) Clone Meowth says.
Meowth then says, "I almost made a clawful mistake."
Then turns to his clone and asks, "How do l know you're not going to pull a fast one on me?"
"Meow meow meow," (Because we're a lot in common.) Clone Meowth says, and looks up.
Meowth looks up and they both look at the moon together.
Meowth says, "You're right, we do have a lot in common. The same earth, the same air, the same sky."
"Meow meow," (We sure do.) Clone Meowth says.
"Maybe if we started looking at what's the same... instead of always looking at what's different, who knows?" Meowth says.
"Meow," (Yeah.) Clone Meowth says.
Meanwhile, Mewtwo, and the Pokemon, Mew, are still fighting against one another. At the same time, Mew continues to climb her way down from the walls to get to the stadium as she also tries to avoid the fight. She continues to climb and turns to see Pikachu and Eevee continue to be beaten by their clones, and still refuse to fight.
Clone Pikachu says, "Pikachu!" (Get up and fight!)
Pikachu stands up and says, "Pikachu!" (I don't want to fight!)
"Pika!" (Fight!) Clone Pikachu angrily says and tackles Pikachu.
At the same time, Eevee hurries to Pikachu and stays close to him, but Clone Eevee tackles Eevee.
"Pikachu! Eevee!" Human Mew panics.
She continues to climb down the walls as fast as she can. She needs to stop this.
Eevee turns to the Clone Pikachu, "Eevee Eevee." (Stop. We don't want to fight.)
"Eevee Eevee," (But we need to fight.) Clone Eevee says.
"Pikachu!" (That's right!) Clone Pkachu agrees.
"Pikachu," (I refuse to fight.) Pikachu says.
"Eevee," (I don't want to either.) Eevee replies.
Soon, Clone Pikachu begins to cry, "Pikachu?!" (What's wrong with you?!)
Then begins to slap Pikachu in the face trying to get him to fight. The two Eevee remain back and show deep sadness in their eyes. Each slap Clone Pikachu does to Pikachu, it begins to shed tears, and yet Pikachu still refuses to fight. Mew is able to climb down closer to where the Pokemon are. She then sees the Clone Pikachu slapping Pikachu as he begins to cry. Pikachu falls down, but is able to get up.
Mew cries out, "Quit it! Please, stop!" Then climbs down to the ground.
Brock, Misty, and Tomo hurry over to Mew and help her.
"Mew!" Tomo cries out.
"Are you okay?" Misty asks.
Misty stands up and says, "We got to stop this."
"How? All Mewtwo wants is to prove how strong those super-clones are," Brock says.
Then they all look up to see the fight.
Seeing this, Nurse Joy sadly says, "I'd rather risk my life out in Mewtwo's storm than watch Pokémon destroy each other."
"Me too," Misty agrees.
"I wish there were some way to stop them. I don't know what to do," Nurse Joy says.
Seeing how this is going, Brock says, "I don't think they'll ever stop. Those Pokémon are ready to fight to the death."
"That's a fight that nobody's going to win," Misty agrees.
Just then, Mew says, "Someone's got to take a stand. Someone's got to say no and refuse to fight. Just like Pikachu and Eevee."
Looking at Pikachu and Eevee, The Clone Pikachu slowly slaps Pikachi, and after one, the Pokemon begins to cry. The two Eevee look at each other and are on the verge of tears as well.
Just then, the Pokemon, Mew, and Mewtwo collide their attacks and almost crash down to the battlefield. That causes a massive blow and an electrical force, and soon the stadium lights go off. The clouds clear to reveal the two powerful Pokemon. They both blast their attacks and send them back. Then they charge up their energy to use a strong attack.
Human Mew soon looks up and is devastated to see the Pokemon are injured and on the verge of unconscious, including hers. Even Pikachu and Eevee.
She clenches her fists and mutters, "... stop it... please... stop it alright... that's enough..." and tears begin to fall from her face.
With that, the two Pokemon are ready to attack. Having enough of this, Mew runs to the battlefield to stop this.
"Mew, wait!" Brock panics.
Human Mew cries out, "You've got to stop right now!"
With that, both Pokemon each begin their attack.
Then cries out in tears, "STOP!" as she runs to the middle.
And then the unthinkable happens, both Pokemon Mew and Mewtwo attacks strike at Human Mew at the same time.
Misty exclaims, "Mew!"
"Oh, no!" Brock is shocked.
"Sis!" Tomo panics.
Noticing it, Pikachu and Eevee panic, "Pika pi! Eevee!" (Mew!)
Then the cloud clears, Mew's body is surrounded by the attack and she collapses to the ground.
Stunned to see this, Mewtwo says, "Fool, trying to stop our battle."
"Pika Pi!" (Mew!) Pikachu panics and runs over to his trainer.
Eevee follows, "Eevee!" ( Mew!)
The two Pokemon hurry to their trainers to see her petrified. Soon, Mew's body has been turned to stone.
Pikachu shakes Mew, "Pika?" (Mew?)
Eevee does the same, "Eevee?" (Are you okay?)
Soon, the Pokemon regain consciousness to see what has happened. Just then, Pikachu and Eevee begin to use their Thunderbolt to wake Mew up. When it doesn't happen the first time, they both use their Thunderbolts multiple times and as hard as they try, the Human Mew is not waking up.
Misty says, devastated, "Please, no!"
Pikachu and Eevee continue to try using their attacks, but Mew is not waking up at all. Seeing that their attacks aren't working, they feared the worst. They lost their dear friend. Soon, tears begin to fall from their faces in sadness. Seeing a life has been lost, the Pokemon begins to shed tears as well. Soon, the tears from the Pokemon begin to sparkle and flow towards the Human Mew's stone body. The Pokemon continues to shed tears in sadness to how Mew sacrificed her life to save theirs. Soon, Mewtwo and the Pokemon moon along with Misty and the others are witnessing this surprising event. All the shedding tears from the Pokemon flow to Human Mew's stoned body much to Pikachu's and Eevee's surprise. Suddenly, the stoned body begins to glow, much to everyone's surprise. Soon, Pikachu and Eevee shed their own tears and they flow to the Stone Mew.
Just then, a shining light from the sky shines down towards the stone Mew as the clouds from the storm clears. Pikachu and Eevee look at Mew's stoned body and are still sad. Just then, Mew's body changes back to a life form. And soon wakes up and looks up to see them.
Mew smiles and says, "Pikachu! Eevee!"
Pikachu and Eevee are so happy that they run to Mew and the human girl gives them a big hug. The two Pokemon are relieved that their trainer has come back to life and she is okay. Misty, Brock, Tomo, Nurse, Joy, the trainers, and the Pokemon are so happy to see Mew is alive. And soon, they put aside their differences and start to get along. Above and watching the event, the Pokemon Mew, and Mewtwo watch.
Having his eyes and heart open, Mewtwo says, "The human sacrificed herself to save the Pokémon. I pitted them against each other. Only when they set aside their differences did l see the true power they all share deep inside."
"Mew," (Yes.) The Pokemon, Mew says.
"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life...that determines who you are." Mewtwo says.
With that, they both use their Psychic abilities to levitate the Psychic Pokemon into the air and leave New Island. Mew and the others watch as the Clone Pokemon leave New Island and take to the sky. Before departing, Clone Pikachu and Clone Eevee wave goodbye to them and fly off as well.
Mew calls out. "Mewtwo, where are you going?"
"Where my heart can learn what yours knows so well. What transpired here, l will always remember. But perhaps for some, are best forgotten. And for those I trust, it will be best for you to remember."
Just then, Mewtwo uses his Psychic powers to surround everyone in a bright light and surround New Island.
Suddenly, at the Wharf, the terrible storm continues to occur and the trainers are inside and listening to Officer Jenny.
Jenny says, "This could be the worst storm ever."
The Harbor manager says, "You must listen to me. You have got to find shelter."
The trainers listen to see the Harbor Manager statement.
Suddenly, they hear someone say, "Excuse me, please."
The group turns to see Nurse Joy.
The Pokemon Nurse says, "The Pokémon Treatment Center will open as a shelter. Anyone who needs a place to stay should come with me."
Soon, the trainers begin to follow Nurse Joy.
Seeing them, Brock says, "Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny are really great. They keep getting more beautiful every time I see them."
"Oh Brock," Mew says.
Tomo turns and asks, "Um guys, did you all, um, remember what happened?"
"You mean what happened at New Island," Misty says.
"And about the Pokemon, Mew and Mewtwo's battle against each other," Mew says.
"I think we all remember, but I don't think everyone else did," Brock says.
Suddenly, they hear someone says, "Look, it's a miracle!"
Mew and the others walk outside with the Pokemon to see the storm is cleaning.
The Harbor Manager, Officer Jenny, and the three trainers from before look to see it.
"l can't believe it," The Harbor Manager says.
"The storm disappeared," Jenny says.
"That's so weird!" Neesha says.
The Harbor Manager smiles and says, "It's good to have things clear again."
Mew and her friends look at the sky clearing and the sun shines through the sky. Suddenly, Mew ends up catching a glimpse of Mew, the Mythical Pokemon.
"Mew?" Mew says, confused.
"Mew? What are you talking about?" Misty asks.
"I... I think I just saw the Mythical Pokemon, Mew," Mew says.
"Really? I don't see it," Brock says.
Mew continues to look to see the Pokemon disappear in the sky.
"Well, I believe she saw it," Tomo says.
"Thanks," Mew says.
Then adds, "The day I started my Pokémon journey... l saw a really rare Pokémon. I guess now we saw another."
"Yeah. We saw Mew on New Island and well, I think you might have seen it here," Misty says.
"Yeah," Tomo says.
"Who knows," Brock says.
"Maybe," Mew says.
Then says, "I hope Mewtwo will find a place to call home. I wonder if we'll be able to see him again.
"I'm sure he will. After all, you're the one who opens Mewtwo's eyes and his heart," Brock says.
"And who knows, we might see him someday," Misty says.
Tomo says, "Yeah."
"Who knows. Maybe we will see Mewtwo and the Pokemon someday," Mew says.
With that, Mew and her friends begin to depart from the wharf and continue their journey. There are still many legends around the world of Pokemon. Mew and her friends continue on their journey with the memory of their adventure in their minds.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket is still on what's now a small field like island.
"l don't know how we got here, but who cares?" Jessie says.
"This is paradise!" James says.
Then Meowth says, "For once, a happy ending."
With that, they all shout, "Team Rocket's signing off again!"
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female). Axew (Male). Igglybuff (Female). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Squirtle (Male). Shaymin (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Cinderace (Female). Shiny Ditto. Wartortle (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Aerodactyl (Male). Ivysaur (Female).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Poliwrath (Male). Roserade (Female). Ursaring (Male). Primeape (Male). Arcanine (Male). Liepard (Female). Muk (Male). Mawile (Female). Haunter (Male). Krabby (Male). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Floette (Female). Weepinbell (Female). Ledyba (Female). Diglett (Male). Lileep (Female). Tyrogue (Male). Magnemite. Pansear (Male). Steenee (Female). Makuhita (Male). Beedrill (Female). Beautifly (Female). Wooloo (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Porygon. Meowstic (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Miltank (Female). Lunatone. Tauros (Male). Meditite (Female).
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. 2 Pokemon Egg. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 2 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge. Volcano Badge. Earth Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). Goldeen (Female). Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 1 Pokemon Egg
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male). Shiny Cherubi (Male).
From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Item: 2 Soothe Bell.
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell.
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