Episode 80: Pokemon Battle Royale

It's time for the next round of the Pokemon Indigo Plateau League, and many of the trainers are gathering at the stadium to see the program. Among the games are Mew and her friends, Pikachu Eevee, Misty along with Togpei and Pichu, Tomo with Meloetta and Skwovet, and Brock. Mew and the others have just left Pokemon Village and are heading to the stadium.

Misty turns to Mew, "So Mew, are you excited about your next match?"

"Yeah. I'm actually kind of excited, but maybe still a little nervous about it," Mew says.

"And why's that?" Tomo asks.

"Well, depending how things turn out at today's matches, If I win my next match, I'll have to go up against either A.J or Joe," Mew says.

"You do have a point, but you were able to battle with Ritchie and you both gave it your all. I'm sure you'll do the same with A.J. or Joe," Brock says.

"You're right. I have to do my best. And of course, I plan on winning," Mew says.

"You're not the only one, "A.J's voice appears.

Mew and the others turn to see A.J with Gary, Otoshi, Joe, and Ritchie.

"Hey guys, how are you doing?" Mew asks.

"We're doing fine, and we're heading to the stadium too for our next match," Joe says.

"Glad to hear it. From what I remember, you and A.J are first," Misty says.

"Sure am," A.J says.

Then turns to Joe, "Better give me your best shot."

"Sure. I also gotta keep a watch out for that Sandshrew of yours. It's amazing that water doesn't affect it," Joe says.

"Yeah. Sandshrew sure did great yesterday," Mew says.

"Don't forget about us," Gary says.

"I didn't forget. Let's all do the best we can on our matches," Mew says.

Otoshi nods his head and says, "Agree."

A.J, Gary, and Joe agree with a nod and decide to do their best and do great with their Pokemon matches.

At the Indigo Plateau Stadium, the next round is beginning to take place. Misty, Brock, Tomo, Ritchie, and everyone else is watching from the stands and are excited to see the next match.

The announcer says, "Alright, it's time to begin the third round of the Pokemon Indigo Plateau Competition, where the eight remaining trainers battle out to win a spot in the semi finals. And here comes the first match of our third round competition."

On the red side, it's A.J walking towards the left side of the stadium.

"On the red side we have A.J" The announcer says.

Many of the crowd cheer with excitement as A.J's picture appears on the screen.

Then Joe comes out from the green side

"And on the green side we have Joe," The announcer says.

The crowd continues to cheer.

Mew and the others clap in excitement. Of course, she can see that two of her friends she has made will be battling against each other.

The referee waves the flags and shouts, "Let's begin the battle!"

With that, A.J and Joe begin to have their Pokemon Battle. A.J uses Butterfree while Joe uses Farfetch'd. They both then perform Flying Types attacks at each other.

Then A.J has called for Raticate and Joe uses a Geodude. Raticate uses Super Fang and Geodude uses Rock Throw at the Raticate.

For their third Pokemon, A.J has called out Sandshew and Joe is using Shellder. Sandshrew uses its dig attack as Shellder uses Water Gun.

For the fourth ,A.J also uses a Butterfree and Joe is using a Poliwag. Poliwag uses Water Gun and Butterfree uses its WhirlWind Attack.

The battle continues on. Soon, it shows that A.J has Three Pokemon out, and Joe is down to his last Pokemon.

"And this battle has become an outstanding Battle! A.J still manages to hang on to three Pokemon as Joe is down to his final one! As of now A.J is using Sandshrew and Joe is using Tangela!" The announcer says.

Joe calls out, "Tangela, use Power Whip!"

Tangela uses the attack and aims it towards Sandshrew.

"Sandshrew, use dig!" A.J calls out.

Sandshrew acts fast and digs under the ground. Tangela searches around for the Sandshrew. Just then, Sandshrew pops out of the ground under Tangela for a sneak attack.

Then A.J calls out, "Now Sandshrew, use Slash!"

Sandshrew performs Slash at Tangela. Soon, Sandshrew performs the final attack and sends Tangela flying. Then it crashes to the ground. Soon, Tengela is unable to battle and is knocked out.

The referee announces, "Tangela is unable to battle. Sandshre wins, and the victor goes to A.J!"

Just then, it shows that Joe has lost the last Pokemon on the screen.

"And there you have it. A.J has won the first match with only three Pokemon left and is moving on to the semi-finals," The announcer says.

At the stand, everyone is surprised and interested with the results.

"Wow. Joe really gave it his all, but A.J is still as tough as we last saw him," Misty says.

"Yeah, but I'm sure Joe and A.J did their best at their matches," Brock says.

At the battlefield, Joe sighs and smiles, "Well, my Pokemon and I did our best."

A.J hugs Sandshrew and says, "You were great, Sandshrew. Great job."

Sandshrew is happy and licks A.J on the cheek.

Sometimes, it's time for the next match. Mew's battle. Mew is standing on the green side of the battlefield and her opponent is a male trainer that is wearing a gray jacket and black pants, and he has black hair.

The announcer says, "And now we're on to the next match. On the red side is Tim from Saffron City. And on the green side we have Mew from Pallet Town."

The referee waves the flags and says, "Let the battle begin!"

With that, Mew and Tim bring out their Pokeballs and they both throw their Pokeball at the same time.


I wanna be the very best

Like no one ever was

Mew's Pokeball opens to reveal Porygon.


To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

The other trainer's Pokeball opens and out comes a Koffing.


I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

They both call out their Pokemon for the attack. Both Pokemon charge. Each one from the opposite side.


Each Pokemon to understand

The power that's inside!

(Power Inside!)

With that, they both ram at one another.



It's you and me

Koffing then uses Sludge Bomb at Porygon and it strikes at it, causing it to be pushed back.


I know it's our destiny


But Porygon is able to get up and look to see Koffing performing a tackle attack.


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend!

But Porygon is able to use a Mirror Coat to repel the attack.



A heart so true

Then Porygon performs a Take Down Attack on Koffing.


Our courage will pull us through!

Soon, Koffing is knocked out.


You teach me and I teach you

Then the trainer calls back his Pokemon.



Gotta Catch 'em

Gotta Catch 'em

Gotta Catch 'em all!

Mew is happy to hear that she has won, and hugs Porygon who has flown to her. Then she returns it to her Pokeball.


Every challenge along the way

With courage I will face

After that, the trainer calls another Pokemon of his, An Exeggutor.


I will battle every day

To claim my rightful place!

Mew then calls out her next Pokemon, Haunter.


Come with me, the time is right

There's no better team

Haunter and Exeggutor begin to battle. Exeggutor begins to use Confusion, but Haunter is able to dodge the attack.


On and On we'll win the fight

Haunter then dodges the Confusion Attack again, and performs Sludge Bomb at Exeggutor.


It's always been our dream

(It's always been our dream)


Then Haunter is able to perform Ice Punch, which has a strong effect on the Grass Pokemon


It's you and me

I know it's our destiny


Soon, Exeggutor is knocked out and part of it is half frozen by the Ice Punch.


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend!


Mew and Haunter are glad to see that they won. And Haunter flies to Mew with a smile and laugh.


A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through!

Then Mew returns Haunter to his Pokeball.


You teach me and I teach you


The trainer calls out another one of his Pokemon: A Pinsir.


Gotta Catch 'em

Gotta Catch 'em


Mew then calls Aerodactyl to the battlefield much to the other trainer's surprise.

Pinsir then begins the attack by using X-Scissor to attack Aerodactyl. Aerodactyl then dodges the attack and then performs Wing Attack. Pinsir quickly uses Harden, even if it's been striked by Wing Attack. It then jumps on Aerodactyl and uses Bug Bite. But Aerodactayl then uses its flight to shake Pinsir off, and performs Steel Wing, knocking it out.

Soon, Mew has Liepard battling against Tauros. Tauros then uses its horn attack, but Liepard dodges the attack. Then Tauros performs Zen Heabutt, and almost strikes at Liepard, but the feline Pokemon dodges in the nick of time.

Liepard is then able to perform a Night Slash attack that is able to knock Tauros out.

Soon, Mew has her Beautifly battle against the trainer's Beedrill. Beedrill then tries to attack Beautifly with its Poison Sting Attack. But Beautifly dodges and uses String Shot to tie it a bit, but Beedrill is still able to fly. Then Beautifly is able to use Whirlwind to blow Beedrill away. Then use Tackle.

Soon, Mew is using her Galarian Ponyta while the trainer is using Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto is able to strike at little Ponyta with Air Slash.



It's you and me

I know it's our destiny


Ponyta falls to the ground, but Mew calls to it, and is able to get up.


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend!

Then Pidgeoot begins to use Aerial Ace Attack and aims towards Ponyta.



Little Ponyta then uses Agility to quickly dodge the attack.


A heart so true

Then Ponyta begins to perform Fairy Wind.


Our courage will pull us through!

The Fair Wind then traps Pidgeotto in a windy vortex of pink wind.


You teach me and I teach you


Then little Ponyta is able to perform Psybeam and strikes at Pidgeotto with full force.


Gotta Catch 'em all!

Gotta Catch 'em all!


Soon, Pidgeotto falls to the ground and is soon knocked out.

The referee sees it and says, "Pidgeotto is unable to battle, which means Galarian Ponyta is the winner. Which means the victor goes to Mew!"

On the screen, it shows Mew has all her Pokemon and the other trainer has lost all of his.

The announcer says, "Talk about an exciting battle! Mew is able to maintain all of her Pokemon and sweeps the competition."

Everyone cheers with excitement, especially Mew's friends and now she is moving on to the semi finals.

Mew kneels down to Ponyta who is running towards her with excitement.

"You did it Ponyta," Mew happily says.

Galarian Ponyta happily neighs in reply.

Mew pets Ponyta and says, "You were great out there. Good job."

Ponyta happily neighs in reply.

Suddenly, Ponyta begins to glow. And soon, begins to change her shape as she grows, catching everyone by surprise.

Soon, Ponyta is now a grown version of itself that looks a lot like Rapidash. But the new form with a white coat, pale blue eyes, and a long, curly mane and tail colored in streaks of pastel cyan and pink. Its horn is much longer than that of regular Rapidash and is deep violet in color with a spiraling white line running its length. Its fetlocks are adorned with long pink fur that stores psychic energy, which gives it a swift, airy gait, and it has deep violet hooves.

Mew smiles and hugs the Pokemon, "Wow. You've evolved."

Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Rapidash, Galarian Form, the Unique Horn Pokemon. A Psychic and Fairy Type. Brave and prideful, this Pokémon dashes airily through the forest, its steps aided by the psychic power stored in the fur on its fetlocks."

"You were great," Mew happily says.

Rapidash neighs in reply with pride and nuzzles Mew with a smile. Mew laughs with glee.

Sometime after Mew's battle, Mew and the others are still at the stadium and watching the next match of the Indigo Plateau tournament. There, they are watching Otoshi's Pokemon match against a female trainer wearing a red baseball cap, ivory shirt, blue overalls, and sneakers.

First Otoshi uses Dodrio that has evolved from Doduo and the female trainer uses Clefairy. Then, Otoshi uses Hitmonlee and the female trainer uses Hitmonchan. The third one is when Otoshi uses Rhyhorn and the female trainer is using Slowbro. Next, Otoshi uses Scyther while the female trainer uses Starmie.

Soon enough, Marowak is on the battlefield and is battling against the girl trainer's Pokemon, a Flareon.

The female trainer calls out, "Flareon, use Fire Fang."

Flareon runs towards Marowak and prepares to use Fire Fang.

"Marowak, use Bone Rush!" Otoshi calls out.

Marowak then uses Bone Rush and uses it to repel the Fire Fang attack.

Then Otoshi calls out, "Now, use Dynamic Punch!"

Marowak charges at Flareon and performs the Dynamic Punch attack. With one move, Marowak gains the upper hand on Flareon and strikes at the Pokemon with full force. Soon, Flareon is knocked out.

The referee sees Flareon is knocked out and says, "Flareon is unable to battle, which means Marowak is the winner. The winner of the match is Otoshi."

Otoshi calmly smiles to see that he has won. The female trainer has lost the last of her Pokemon from the match. Otoshi and Marowak are glad to hear that they won the match.

Another time later, Gary is battling against Nurse Joy from Fuchsia City. Gary uses Dodrio and Nurse Joy uses Nidorina. Then, Gary uses Nidoking and Nurse Joy uses Ninetales. Gary then uses Arcanine and Nurse Joy uses Wigglytuff. Gary uses Persian and Nurse Joy uses Magneton. Finally, Gary uses Hypno and Nurse Joy uses a Lickitung.

Through the matches Gary and Nurse Joy battle the best they can with their Pokrmon. Now it shows that Gary and Nurse Joy are down to one more Pokemon. Gary is using Blastoise and Nurse Joy is using Rapidash.

Gary calls out, "Blastoise, use Rapid Spin!"

Blastoise uses Rapid Spin and spins towards Rapidash like a disk.

Nurse Joy calls out, "Rapidash, use Agility!"

Rapidash acts and uses Agility to dodge the Rapid Spin.

Then Nurse Joy calls out, "Rapidash, use Skull Bash!"

Rapidash then uses Skull Bash at Blastoise when it's able to stand and turn around. Blastoise is soon pushed back, but is still standing.

Gary then calls out, "Quick Blastoise, use Hydro Pump!"

Blastoise then performs Hydro Pump and hits a bullseye at Rapidash. Soon, Rapidash is pushed back and is soaked.

Then Gary calls out, "Now, use Rapid Spin!"

Blastoise uses Rapid Spin and strikes at Rapidash and is knocked down to the ground. The referee looks at Rapidash to see it knocked out.

Soon the referee says, "Rapidash is unable to battle, which means Blastoise is the winner. The victor goes to Gary."

With that, it shows that Nurse Joy has all of her Pokemon defeated and Gary is able to have one Pokemon remaining.

"Talk about an incredible battle, but Gary Oak is able to create a turn around to the very moving on to the semi finals," The announcer says.

Gary sighs in relief and his Blastoise walks up to him.

Gary smiles and says, "You did great Blastoise. Once more battles, we'll be able to get to the finals."

At the stand, Mew and the others cheer with excitement to see Gary is going on to the semi finals. Of course, it also means that Gary is going to battle against Otoshi in the semi finals of the Indigo Plateau.

After the match, Mew along with Misty, Brock, Tomo, and the Pokemon are sitting at the table having their dinner for the day.

"The food still tastes really good," Misty says.

"I know. And Pkachu, Eevee, and I are going to need the strength we can get for our next match tomorrow," Mew says.

Brock then asks, "So Mew, what Pokemon are you going to use against A.J?"

"Well, A.J has some Pokemon and we haven't seen since we last saw him. He also has Raticate, Sandshrew, Beedrill, Butterfree, and other Pokemon, so it's going to be difficult to guess which Pokemon to use," Mew says.

"Yeah. A.J is still tough since the last time you saw him," Misty says.

Tomo asks, "Is A.J really that tough?"

"He is. I remember battling against his Sandshrew and he actually beat me with only Sandshrew," Mew says.

"Oh yeah. I saw how strong Sandshrew is, especially when battling against Water Type Pokemon," Tomo says.

"Yeah. I'll have to think about this, especially Sandshrew," Mew says.

"You're right. Sandshrew is tough, especially on his matches," Misty says.

Then Brock says, "I'm sure you'll think of something. You saw A.J's matches so it might give you an idea."

"Hmmm..." Mew replies, thinking,

She begins to think on how she can battle A.J and which Pokemon she could use. She suspects Sandshrew will be one of them. She remembers from the last time she had a battle with A.J and Sandshrew. And from seeing his matches, she can tell Sandshrew has gotten stronger. She knows that originally Sandshrew are weak against Water, Grass, and Ice, but also remembers that Water and Grass don't have any effect on it. And some of his Pokemon are also Normal Types, Bug Types, and she remembers him having some fighting types. She's going to have a difficult time deciding how to win this match.

"Hmm, how am I going to battle Sandshrew and his other Pokemon?" Mew says to herself in thought.

Just then, Mew has an idea, "I think I have an idea on which Pokemon to use."

"Really. What do you have?" Misty asks.

"You'll just have to wait and see for tomorrow," Mew happily says.

The next day, the semi-finals of the Pokemon League begins. All the people gather in the stadium sitting on the stands to watch the match. Misty, Brock, Tomo, Ritchie, Joe, Professor Oak, Daisy, and Adriana are among them, and are going to cheer for Mew.

The announcer says, "Alright today is the semi-finals, where four of our top trainers compete to get to the finals. And here we have the two trainers from the first match."

At the battlefield, Mew is standing on one side of the Battlefield and A.J is standing on the other side.

"We have A.J from Vermilion City on the red side. And on the green side we have Mew from Pallet Town," The announcer says.

A.J and Mew stare from opposite sides of the field towards each other. They each have their Pokeball out and plan to give it everything they got.

The referee calls out, "Let the battle begin!"

And so, the battle between the two trainers begins, which one will win and which will make it to the finals.

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Porygon. Haunter (Male). Aerodactyl (Male). Galarian Rapidash (Female). Liepard (Female). Beautifly (Female).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Roserade (Female). Primeape (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Ledyba (Female). Lileep (Female). Magnemite. Makuhita (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Miltank (Female). Tauros (Male). Gyarados (Male). Poliwrath (Male). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Meditite (Female). Shiny Ditto. Shiny Dratini (Female). Fraxure (Male). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Squirtle (Male). Ursaring (Male). Floette (Female). Beedrill (Female). Meowstic (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Yamask (Male). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolain Raichu (Female). Cloyster (Male). Arcanine (Male).Mawile (Female). Muk (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Shaymin (Male). Cinderace (Female). Charizard (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Wooloo (Male). Diglett (Male). Steenee (Female). Lunatone. Shiny Glaceon (Female).Sandslash (Male). Wartortle (Female). Pansear (Male). Tyrogue (Male).

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge. Volcano Badge. Earth Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female).

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). Goldeen (Female). Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male). Shiny Cherubi (Male). Winter A.K.A Alolan Vulpix (Female). Bagon (Male).

From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Item: 2 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

Tomo Files

Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Banettite.

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