Episode 75: Round One - Begins!
Last time, Mew and her friends have reached the Indigo Plateau where Mew will be competing in the Pokemon League. But during the opening ceremony Team Rocket tries to steal the central torch, but has been stopped by Moltres. And now, the Pokemon League can begin, with Mew as a competitor.
Back in Pallet Town, Daisy, Adrianna, Professor Oak, some of the townsfolk, many of Mew's Pokemon, including Zeraora and Gardevoir holding her large Pokemon egg are watching the TV broadcast of the Pokemon League.
"Welcome, Pokémon fans, to our live coverage of the Pokémon League competition. Right now, the trainers are about to learn where they will be competing in their first round battles and who their first opponents will be." The announcer says.
Daisy notices Mew and her friends on the screen, "Look, there's Mew! Hi!"
Back at the competition, Mew and her friends are at one of the desks to registrar.
Welcome to Pokémon Village. I need your identification so I can check you in, please," The receptionist says.
But Brock gets out in her way, " Mew can check in while I check out your beautiful smile. I could check that out all day." leaving the lady dumbfounded.
Then Misty pulls Brock aside, "It's checkout time for you, Brock.
Mew giggles with a sheepish smile and hands the receptionist her Pokedex.
The woman asks, "Is this your first time in the Pokémon League?
"Yes!" Mew answers.
The receptionist puts Mew's Pokedex into the machine and enters the information.
Once she's done, the receptionist hands Mew her Pokedex, "Well, that's it. You're all checked in."
"Thank you," Mew says.
Then she asks, "Um, miss. What are the rules for the Pokemon League?"
Just then, Brock comes in, "I can explain to you the rules."
"Sure Brock," Mew says.
Then Brock says, "At the Indigo Plateau Conference of the Pokémon League, they use four different battlefields. Rock, grass, water, and ice. You have to win your matches on all four battlefields before you can battle in the Indigo Stadium."
Then turns to the lady with a smile, "Isn't that right?"
"Oh I see. So it's like a preliminary round?" Mew replies.
"That's one way to say it," Brock says.
Then asks, "How you know that thought?"
"Because I studied this!" Brock says, and brings out a book that is titled, 'Pokémon League Trainer's Book' Then explains, "The Pokémon League Trainer's book! The source for everything, every trainer needs to know about the Pokémon League. Right, Miss?"
"That's right," The receptionist says, sweating drops.
Then Misty comes in and pushes Brock away, "Come on Brock. There's still a lot for you to..."
Mew nervously laughs to see Misty pushing Brock away. Tomo and the others are just laughing.
Mew then turns to the receptionist, "So miss, what fields do we have to battle on, first?
"All you have to do is press this button. One at a time, please. Wherever the light stops is where your first matches are. Good luck, Mew," The receptionist says.
Mew looks at the screen to see the light flashing at the four different fields. Mew then presses the button and the light slows down. Soon, the screen lands on the water drop.
Misty comes over and says, "That's the water field!"
"Alright!" Mew happily says
"The water field it is. Now, the system will select your opponents," The receptionist says.
Soon, Mew's opponent for the match appears on the screen.
Her opponent is male with long light teal color hair and purple eyes, He is wearing a red red headband, a yellow ascot, a white shirt underneath a pink jacket.
"Hmm, so this is my opponent," Mew says.
"His name's Mandi. You're the third match. Be there by one. And good luck," The receptionist says.
"Thanks," Mew says.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket are in another scheme. This time, they're dressed as T.V reporters.
Jessie comes up to a trainer, "Sir, you're on TV."
"Who, me?" The trainer questions.
"I bet you're a trainer in this Pokémon League competition. Please, tell our viewers all about your rare and valuable Pokémon," Jessie happily says.
Then the trainer says with pride, "My Pokémon are all winners. I've got a Dodrio, a Raticate, and a Venomoth."
However, Team Rocket are disappointed.
"Oh, great. A three-headed bird, an overgrown rat, and bugzilla," Jessie comments.
Then walks away.
James says, "There's got to be some chump we can jump for some halfway decent Pokémon here."
Just then, Meowth notices something, "Hey! How about him?"
Turns out the one they see is Mew's opponent, Mandi. Hw is performing magic tricks for the audience, and has earned some applause.
"I like that guy's style," James says.
"I like those Pidgey," Meowth says.
Team Rocket then decides to approach him.
Jessie calls out, "Excuse me."
"Ah, for you," Mandi says and makes a rose appear.
"Are you a Pokémon trainer?" Jessie asks, feeling skeptical.
"You mustn't be a very good news reporter. Or else you'd know that I'm the astounding Mandi, and I'm the biggest news around," Mandi says with pride.
"And the biggest.." Jessie angrily says.
But James stops her, "Don't blow our cover."
Mandi twils the Pokeball and asks, "So, what network are you from?"
"We're from LCN," Jessie says.
"Letters that fit us to a tee!" James says.
"LCN?" Mandi says, confused.
"Lovely Charming Network," Team Rocket says.
"I'm Jessie, and I came up with the name. I thought it captures the essence of me," Jessie says.
But Mandi says, "That may be, but Mandi the astounding only appears on networks that have viewers. Bubye." And walks away.
Jessie feels insulted, "Well, is that so, magic boy?! Come back here and I'll make your teeth disappear, I bet a lot of viewers would love to see that!" and begins to walk over to knock his teeth in.
But Meowth stops her, "Wait, Jessie! If you blow our cover, they'll bounce us out of here and we'll never get any Pokémon!"
"You've got to hold your temper, or people will start to get suspicious! So, act like a TV reporter, not some radio talk show host!" James agrees.
Jessie calms down and says, "You're right. Besides, it would be a crime for this face to wind up on radio."
"You scare me," Meowth says.
Later on, Mew and her friends are discussing her battle against Mandi. Mew and her friends are trying to come up with a plan.
"So Mew, are you thinking of using your Water Pokemon?" Misty asks.
"That would be a good idea because Water Pokemon are good in the water, but I need to also think if Mani might do the same or use different Pokemon with advantage over Water," Mew says.
"You're right about that. You need variety," Misty says.
"You're right. I wonder if I should go all out with water, or maybe use my water Pokemon that is also a different type. Or try a different type altogether," Mew thinks.
Suddenly, she bumps into someone, "Sorry about that."
"Hey Mew," A familiar voice says.
She looks up to see Gary, "Hi Gary."
"So Mew, you're on the water field first," Gary says.
"Yeah, I am on the water field for my first match. How about you?" Mew replies.
"I'm battling on the ice field first. Well, I really hope you win your first battle, Mew Mew," Gary teases.
Mew puffs up her cheeks, "I told you to not use that nickname."
"I'm just teasing. Anyway, it's getting late. Time for my first victory. Well, looks like I gotta run, Mew Mew." And walks away.
Mew sighs, "I know he calls me that to tease me, but I wish he cut it out with that nickname."
Moments later, Mew and her friends are still walking as Mew tries to come up with an idea.
"Hmm. Well. I do agree that it's a good idea to use water Types: I got Squirtle, Gyarados, Dewgong, Cloyster, Wartortle, Poliwrath. Krabby, Shellos Omanyte, Kabuto, and I can also use Ditto too," Mew says.
"I think you got a good variety of Pokemon. Some are also different types as well," Mew says.
"Yeah. But in case my opponent might use Water Pokemon, I'm going to have some of my electric and grass Pokemon, to be on the safe side. And some of my Pokemon are another type so I can think of that too," Mew says.
"Sounds like you have a good idea in mind," Brock says.
"But I don't know which Pokemon to actually use yet," Mew says.
Just then, they end up meeting with Mandi. "Hello young miss. I am the astounding Mandi. I am your opponent.
"I'm Mew. It's very nice to meet you," Mew happily says and plans to shake his hand.
Instead, Mandi performs a hand magic trick, surprising Mew a bit.
"I'm sorry, my hands are for Pokéballs, not for people," Mandi says.
"It wouldn't hurt to shake before your Pokémon match," Misty says
"That's an unfortunate word. I'm afraid your sweet little friend will be no match for me. Lovely meeting you," Manid says, and walks away.
"He's charming," Misty says, annoyed.
"He doesn't know what he's talking about, Mew," Brock says.
"Yeah. You'll wipe the floor with him," Tomo says.
"Don't worry. He just talked himself into the toughest match he ever had," Mew says.
"Pika. Eev. (Oh yeah.) Pikachu and Eevee reply.
Later on, Mew and her friends decide to get something to eat. At the same time, Mew is still thinking about which Pokemon to use.
"Hmm," Mew replies, eating and thinking.
Misty asks, "Have any ideas on which Pokemon to use?"
"A few. I've decided to have Krabby and Dewgong with me," Mew says.
"Those are good choices, but will Krabby be okay? I know Krabby will be okay even though he's small, but Manid might have another Pokemon in mind."
"You're right about that," Mew says.
"I have to agree. You only get to use three Pokémon, and you have to pick the right ones. A lot of matches are decided before they even start, when trainers pick the right or wrong Pokémon to battle with," Brock says.
"You're right. The professor actually called me yesterday, and told me that it will be best to only have the original maximum number of Pokemon while competing on hand. So I need to have six Pokemon while I'm here," Mew says.
"That's a good point. Originally a trainer can have six Pokemon, but you were given an exception. Of course, you made more Pokemon friends than we can count," Brock says.
"Yeah. I think since I'll be battling in the water, I'll have Pikachu and Eevee with me too," Mew says.
"That will make four Pokemon. What about the other two Pokemon?" Misty says.
Mew thinks and has an idea, "I know. Maybe Wave can help out too. And I'll get Cloyster as well," Mew says.
"Well then, I say you got your six Pokemon to have on hand," Misty says.
"You better hurry, your match will be starting soon," Brock says.
"Right," Mew says.
Suddenly, on the TV screen, it shows Gary on television with the TV reporter.
The reporter says, "We're here live on the ice field where Gary Oak has just scored an impressive victory. Gary, how are you feeling about your first win?"
"Well, naturally, winning your first battle is always important. Of course, in every Pokémon match, there has to be a winner and there has to be a loser. And the trainers I know are real losers," Gary says.
Mew sighs and says, "Some things never change."
After switching out her Pokemon, and making sure she has her six Pokemon at hand, Mew and her friends are at the Water field. There, the second battle is taking place.
"Right now, on the water field, the second battle is nearing a possible end! The green trainer is using a Seaking, the red trainer is using a Tentacruel. But if the red trainer loses Tentacruel, this match is over!" The announcer says.
Tentacruel uses Hydro pump while Seaking retaliates with a Horn Drill, and strikes at Tentacruel, knocking it out.
The referee calls out, "Tentacruel is out of the match! The winner is Seaking!"
The trainer and his seaking celebrate their victory.
"What a finish! Seaking's Horn Drill sank any chance of a Tentacruel comeback and the green trainer is the winner!" The announcer says.
Soon, Mew is bracing herself for her first match, "We're up, next."
"Mew, you're shaking," Misty says.
But Mew says, "Not just shaking, my heart is pounding like crazy."
"You'll do great sis," Tomo says.
"He's right. Do your best out there," Misty says.
"We'll be cheering for you at the stand," Brock says.
"Okay," Mew says.
With that, the door begins to open.
Mew turns to Pikachu and Eevee, "Well, ready, guys?"
"Pika!" (Always!) Pikachu answers.
"Eevee!" (Ready!) Eevee says.
Soon, Mew along with Pikachu and Eevee enter the stadium, same with Mandi, on the other side of the field.
The announcer says,And now, the start of the third battle on the water field! On the green side is newcomer Mew, from Pallet! And on the red side, a Pokémon League favorite, the astounding Mandi! Ketchum is accompanied by his coaches, as she faces one of the most popular Pokémon trainers, known for his exciting battle style!"
Soon, Team Rocket notices Mew's battle, and sees who she's fighting against.
"It's him!" Meowth says, shocked.
"Yeah," James says.
At Pallet Town, everyone is watching the event.
The announcer says, "Each trainer is allowed only three Pokémon. Now, let the battle begin!"
The bell rings and the battle begins.
"It's showtime. Now, Mew, watch me work my magic!" Mandi says.
I have some tricks of my own! Get ready to see the hard work my Pokemon and I can perform," Mew says.
But she hears Jessie's voice, catching her attention, "Hey, twerp!"
"That voice!" Mew says, shocked.
Turns out, Team Rocket has snuck into the announcer box, and are talking through Mew through the microphone.
Then Jessie shouts in anger, "Listen up, kid! We're on your side this time! So you better dump that skunk!"
"Use some spunk and leave him sunk!" James says.
This shocked the others as well.
"Team Rocket!" Misty says, surprised.
"What are they doing there?" Tomo asks.
"And they're cheering for Mew!" Brock says, surprised.
In the announcer box, Meowth says, "Who would've ever thunk that we'd be rooting for that little punk?"
Soon, a group of Officer Jennies show up behind them, and soon escort Team Rocket out.
Officer Jenny #1 says, "How did you three get back in here anyway?"
Officer Jenny #2 says, "Come on, you're going right back out."
Officer Jenny #3 says, "You're under arrest."
Officer Jenny #4 says, "We know who you really are. You're Team Rocket."
Jessie complains, "I want my lawyer!"
"I want my mommy!" James whines.
"How'd they see through my disguise?!" Meowth asks, in shock.
Team Rocket screamed, "Looks like Team Rocket's carted off again!"
Dumbfounded, Mew says, "Those guys never change."
"Neither does Brock," Misty comments.
"Awesome. Those were some of my top favorite Officer Jennies," Brock says, blushing and excited.
"You can tell them apart?" Misty asks.
Of course, Brock explains, "Of course I can! Jenny from Viridian City wears her skirt shorter than the other Jennies! The Celadon City Jenny uses styling gel in her luxurious hair! Saffron City's Jenny wears exotic Vileplume No. 5 perfume! Then there's the vivacious Vermillion City Jenny."
Soon, Misty pushes Brock away, "Alright, alright, we heard enough. Let's get on with the show."
Tomo comments, "Brock is so weird."
"Skwovet," (Very weird.) Skwovet says.
"Lotta," (He's kind of odd.) Meloetta adds.
The announcer clears his throat of the announcement and says, "Please excuse the interruption. Now, let the battle begin!"
Mandi makes his Pokeball appear and calls out, "Go, Exeggutor!"
With that, Exeggutor comes out of the Pokeball and on the battlefield.
"Go, Krabby!" Mew calls out and throws her Pokeball.
And lands on the battlefield.
Then the announcer says, "Mandi is starting with Exeggutor while Mew is commencing with Krabby!"
"Huh. so she decides to use Krabby," Misty says.
"Krabby maybe small, but even I can tell it's tough," Brock says.
Tomo calls out, "Go Mew! Go Krabby!"
Meloetta and Skwovet cheer as well.
"Hey guys," Someone calls out.
They turn to see Joe walking towards them. Otoshi and Marowak are with him too.
"Hey Joe," Brock says.
"Otoshi. You and Marowak made it too," Misty says.
"Yeah. We want to see Mew battle," Joe says.
"Great. Which were you battling in?" Brock says.
"I've already had my battle at the Grass field and won," Joe says.
"I have won my battle at the ground field," Otoshi says.
"Now that you're here, we can cheer for Mew," Brock says.
With that, they begin to watch the battle.
Mandi calls out, "Exeggutor, Psywave, now!"
Exeggutor uses the attack towards Krabby.
Mew calls out, "Krabby, dive in and Harden!"
Krabby scurries into the water to avoid the attack.
Mandi anticipates this, "Now, I've got him."
Soon, Exeggutor creates the whirlpool with Psychic, trapping Krabby inside.
"Krabby!" Mew says, worried.
The announcer says, "Krabby looks like a rubber duck in a whirlpool! Things don't look good for the newcomer from Pallet!"
"Krabby's in trouble!" Misty says, shocked.
Then Brock calls out, "Quick, Mew! Switch to Pikachu! It looks like that Exeggutor is using a Psychic attack!"
Then Mandi calls out, "Exeggutor, Egg Bomb attack!"
Exeggutor launches the attack in the whirlpool.
"Wow! Exeggutor is putting on quite a show! It looks like the Fourth of July down there!" The announcer says.
Mew calls out, "Stay calm Krabby, use the whirlpool to your advantage and dodge the Egg Bomb!"
Krabby hears Mew and begins to dodge the attack with the whirlpool.
"Look at that! Krabby is using the whirlpool to its advantage and dodge the Egg Bomb!" The announcer says.
With that, Exeggutor begins to get soaked with water.
The announcer says, "Exeggutor is getting drenched down there, but it's not even flinching! Mandi has trained it well as this Exeggutor seems to have the strongest traits of both psychic and grass type Pokémon!"
Suddenly, Mandi notices Krabby rising out of the whirlpool.
Mew calls out, "Alright, Krabby! Now, use, your, Vice Grip!"
Krabby then performs Vice Grip and uses its pincer to grab onto Exeggutor leaves on its head, making it lose its concentration.
Mandi calls out, "Exeggutor, Hypnosis!"
But Exeggutor can't perform the attack.
The Announcer says, "Now Krabby's in control and is clamped on to Exeggutor's leaf blooms and is stopping it from launching any attacks!"
"Leer attack!" Mew calls out,
Exxegutor becomes paralized to see the leer attack.
Mew then calls out, "Now, Stomp!"
With that, Krabby strikes at Exeggutor and knocks it out cold.
Seeing Exeggutor knocked out, the referee announces, "Victory for the green!"
"You did it, Krabby!" Mew calls out.
"Pikachu!" (Nice going!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee!" (Great job!) Eevee says.
"Alright! She sure turned the tables on him," Misty says.
"Yeah, Mew did it! Krabby did a great job!" Brock says.
"They did reat!" Tomo says.
Suddenly, Krabby begins to glow, catching everyone by surprise. Soon, Krabby begins to evolve and grows in size. Soon, Krabby has evolved into a Kingler. Everyone at the stadium and at Pallet Town are surprised.
Even Mandi is surprised. Oh no!
"Krabby evolved!" Misty says, surprised.
The announcer says, "It looks like the intensity of the battle has caused Krabby to evolve into Kingler!"
The Pokedex says, "Kingler, the Pincer Pokemon and the evolved form of Krabby. A Water Type. This Pincer Pokemon whose claws can pinch with the power of ten-thousand horse power."
"That's great," Mew says.
Then calls out, "Hey Kingler, wanna go another round?"
Kingler replies with a nod.
"Eevee." (A good call.) Eevee says.
Then the announcer says, "Now the astounding Mandi must decide which of his two remaining Pokémon he will choose to battle Mew's Kingler."
"The kid's had some beginner's luck. But her luck's run out. Go, Seadra!" Mandi says, and throws his Pokeball.
With that, a Seadra comes out and lands in the water. Mandi's Seadra is a light blue, seahorse-like Pokémon with a cream-colored belly covered in rough scales. It has a long, tubular mouth, narrow, black eyes, a fin-like ridge above each eye, and spiny pectoral fins. It also has a large, coiled tail. It has a pair of dorsal fins with sharp, cream-colored tips that exude venom.
"Wow. That's a cool Seadra," Mew says, and brings out her Pokedex.
Dexter says, "Seadra, a Dragon Pokémon, and evolved form of Horsea. A Water Type. Seadra has a violent temperment and the quils that cover its body can render its victim unconscious."
"So we need to be careful. From the looks of it, Seadra looks pretty fast," Mew says in thought.
"His Kingler may be strong, but he's no match, for my speedy Seadra," Mandi says.
Then calls out, "Seadra, use your Agility!"
With that, Seadra dashes forward.
"Kingler, Water Gun, now!" Mew calls out.
Kingler fires, but Seadra's speed helps it avoid the attack.
"Pika!" (Oh no!) Pikachu says, shocked.
"Kingler, look out!" Mew calls out
Seadra is closing in on Kingler.
Just then Mew has an idea.
"Kingler, multiple Bubble! Spread it across the water!" Mew calls out.
Kingler sprays the attack across the water, and it spreads. Seadra dodges the attacks.
"Kingler's too slow to hit my Seadra when it's using its Agility," Manid says.
Kinglr continues the attack, but this time, Seadra slips on the foam and flies into the air.
"Oh no!" Mandi says, shocked.
"How about that?! Kingler's Bubble attack caught Seadra and sent it flying!" The announcer says.
"Seadra!" Mandi calls out.
Then Mew calls out, "Alright! Now, Kingler, Crab Hammer attack!"
Kingler slams Seadra with its giant left claw and knocks it into the pool.
"Mandi's speed strategy is just no match for Kingler's crushing Crab Hammer attack and Seadra is knocked cold! Mew may be on his way to victory, but will Seadra surface belly-up or ready for battle?" The announcer says.
Seadra resurfaces and is knocked out.
"Seadra has been defeated! The victory goes to Kingler!" The referee says.
"You did it, Kingler! You were awesome!" Mew says.
Kingler happily nods in reply.
At the stand, Misty says, "Well, it's good to see Mew is not nervous anymore.
"He was scared, but he was tough enough to stick to his strategy. And the crowd seems to be on Mew's side. Everybody's rooting for her," Brock says.
"She did great. Never thought of using Bubble for that," Joe says.
"But she still has one Pokemon to defeat. And her opponent might go for his strongest Pokemon." Otoshi says.
Up at the top of the stadium, Team Rocket is watching her.
"That twerp's not doing so badly," Jessie says.
"And his Kingler really came through in a pinch!" James says.
"Yeah!" Meowth says.
"Now, the astounding Mandi is just one Pokémon away from defeat. Can he stage a magical comeback?" The announcer says.
"The answer is: He can, and he will. Let's see if your Kingler, can handle this," Mandi says.
"Pika," (Oh boy.) Pikachu says.
"Eevee," (You said it.) Eevee says.
"And now, Pokémon fans, may I present, Golbat! Go!" Mandi says, throwing his Pokeball.
With that, Golbat comes out.
The announcer says, "This Pokémon is the ace Mandi hid up his sleeve! Now Golbat is taking this water battle sky high! There's no telling what could happen now!"
Golbat swooshes past Kingler.
"Misty, this is the worst thing that could happen to Mew, now. Kingler is really weak against air attacks," Brock says.
"Quick, Mew! Switch Pokémon! Use Pikachu or Wave!" Misty calls out.
"Don't worry Misty, I've got a plan," Mew says.
Then calls out, "Kingler, dive underwater!"
Kingler dives in the water.
"Alright, Golbat! We've got them, now! Take Down attack!
Golbat then dives down.
Mew then calls out, "Kingler, Vice Grip attack, now!"
Kingler comes out of the water and grabs Golbat right out of the air. But soon, Golbat is able to shake Kingler off and appear behind Kingler.
The announcer says, "Golbat has countered Kingler's Vice Grip with a behind-the-back Double Team attack!"
"Golbat, Razor Wind, now!" Mandi calls out.
Mew calls out, "Quick Kingler use Protect!"
Kingler uses Protect and is still pushed back a bit. Kingler almost falls to the ground, from the wind.
"A stunning turnaround! This could be the end for Kingler!" The announcer says.
"Hang in there, Kingler!" Mew calls out.
"Pika!" (Come on!) Pikachu calls out.
"Eevee Eev!" (You can do it!) Eevee calls out.
Mandi calls out, "And now, we'll win with a Mega Drain!"
Golbat eyes begin to glow as it closes in.
Misty calls out, "Look out!"
"Alright Kingler, time for your new move. Use Hyper Beam!" Mew calls out.
Kingler then uses its large claw to perform Hyper Beam and nails Golbat with full force. Soon, Golbat is knocked out of the sky, crashes to the ground, and is knocked out. It shows that Mandi's last Pokemon is out and has been defeated.
"I can't believe it!" Manid says, shocked.
"Golbat is unable to battle! Victory goes to the team of Mew and Kingler!" The referee calls out.
Soon, the audience cheers with excitement.
The announcer says, "It's all over and what a finish! Pokémon League rookie Mew has scored a stunning victory in his first match without even one change in Pokémon!"
"We did it!" We won our first battle!" Mew happily cheers
"Pi Pikachu! (Nice going, pal!) Pikachu cheers.
"Eevee Eevee!" (They won! They won!) Eevee cheers!"
Meanwhile, Mandi is disappointed, "But I'm Mandi the astounding. How could I lose?"
Brock and the others hurry to Mew.
"You did it, Mew! Brock says.
"Congratulations, Mew!" Misty says.
"You were awesome!" Tomo cheers.
"Thanks, guys," Mew says.
She runs across the platforms on the battlefield and hugs Kingler.
"We actually did it, Kingler! You were, unbelieveable!" Mew happily says.
Kingler smiles with pride.
As the crowd in the stadium cheers, the people of Pallet Town who are watching cheer as well.
At the stadium, even Team Rocket are impressed.
"The twerp actually did it," Jessie says.
"And we. We cheered him on," James adds.
"Yeah, well I say, the better her Pokémon get, the better Pokémon we get when we swipe em!" Meowth says.
"Yeah," Jessie and James agree.
Brock read the book, "It says here that winning trainers should conduct themselves with dignity and restraint."
He turns to see Mew is with the news reporter.
"Well, I have to say that I'm very happy about winning the match, but I'm more proud of Kingler giving his all. I still have a long way to go since this is my first battle, but I still plan to give it my all," Mew says, embarrassed.
Then says, "Hi papa, if you're watching, I plan to do my best at the Pokemon League and make you proud!"
Hearing it, Zeraora blushes a bit with a smile. Truth be told, he is already proud of Mew for accomplishing all she has done so far. Gardevoir smile with glee and rubs her Pokemon Egg.
Mew is proud that she has won her first match of the Pokemon League, but still has more to do before she can reach the Indigo Stadium. For now, Mew is proud of Kingler for evolving and winning the match, and plans to give it her all.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolain Raichu (Female). Cloyster (Male).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Roserade (Female). Primeape (Male). Arcanine (Male). Mawile (Female). Weepinbell (Female). Ledyba (Female). Diglett (Male). Lileep (Female). Tyrogue (Male). Magnemite. Pansear (Male). Makuhita (Male). Wooloo (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Miltank (Female). Tauros (Male). Cinderace (Female). Shaymin (Male). Gyarados (Male).Wartortle (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Poliwrath (Male). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Steenee (Female). Meditite (Female). Shiny Ditto. Galarian Ponyta (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female). Fraxure (Male). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Squirtle (Male). Ursaring (Male). Liepard (Female). Muk (Male). Floette (Female). Beedrill (Female). Beautifly (Female). Porygon. Meowstic (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Lunatone. Aerodactyl (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Haunter (Male). Yamask (Male). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male).
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge. Volcano Badge. Earth Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). Goldeen (Female). Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male). Shiny Cherubi (Male). Winter A.K.A Alolan Vulpix (Female). Bagon (Male).
From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Item: 2 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Banettite.
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