Episode 7: The Path to the Pokemon League

With two badges in Mew's hand, she along with her Pokemon friends, Pikachu and Eevee, human friends Misty and Brock continue on their journey.

Mew turns to Misty and asks, "So Misty, you said that we're going to Vermilion City, right?"

"That's right. It's got a luxury cruise ship, and I'm dying to see it," Misty happily says.

"Sounds exciting, but I'm also hoping to get another gym to have another battle," Mew says.

"I've heard that there's a really great gym in Vermilion," Brock says.

"Really?" Mew asks.

"Yeah. I heard that he's a tough trainer who specializes in Electric types," Misty says.

"Sounds good to me, that means My Pokemon and I could do some training," Mew says.

"Best to be careful, there are a lot of tough trainers here," Misty says.

"We will," Mew says.

Sometime later, Mew and her friends have already come across a few trainers who want to battle. Mew accepts the challenge and is able to defeat them all with her Pokemon. Now, she is battling another trainer with a Rattata. She is battling with her Pidgeotto.

Mew calls out, "Pidgeotto, finish it!"

Pidgeotto then finishes the final attack on Rattata and knocks it out.

"Oh! Rattata!" The trainer says, seeing his Pokemon defeated.

Brock turns to Misty, "Talk about a winning steak."

"Yeah. That's her tenth win," Misty replies.

The trainer walks to Mew and says, "You're a really great Pokemon trainer."

The two then shake hands for having a great battle.

"Thanks. You're a good trainer yourself," Mew says.

"Thanks. I bet you could even beat A.J.!" The trainer says.

"A.J.?" Mew says, confused.

"Yeah! He lives over there! A.J. trains savage Pokemon, he owns his own gym. He's never lost a single match," The trainer replies. Then points towards the woods.

"Hmm, sounds interesting. I like to check it out," Mew says with glee.

Soon, the gang arrives at A.J's gym. It has a big tent with a semi circle roof with yellow and pink stripes and behind a wooden. It has a sign that reads A.J.'s Gym Undefeated! Wins: 98. Lose: 0. Note: Gym not Sanctioned by Pokemon League.

"Hmm, so this gym is not involved with the Pokemon League," Misty says.

"Guess not. He must be a strong trainer to have 98 wins and no losses," Mew replies.

Suddenly, a boy's voice sternly asks, "Are you my next victim?"

The group turns their heads to see a boy that has spiky green, black and white shiny hair. He wears a black and red short, blue shorts, orange shoes, and is holding black backpack.

"Um, I'm guessing you're A.J the wild Pokemon trainer?" Mew asks.

"Humph! That's my job. But beatin' chumps like you is my hobby. Ready to lose," A.J. says.

Just then, the gate to the gym opens to reveal the large tent, and in front of the tent is a battlefield.

"Wow!" Mew says, amazed.

"Now THIS is not too shabby at all," Misty says.

A.J. then removes his backpack and places it on the ground. Then a Butterfree comes out and takes the backpack away.

"What's in the backpack?" Mew asks.

"The wild Pokemon that I just caught. There's a whole bunch more in the tent, and then some," A.J."

Interested, Mew asks, "Hey! Can I see them after the match?"

"If you want. So, which Pokemon are you gonna choose for my ninety-ninth win?" A.J. answers with confidence.

"Hmm, ready to battle and confidence. I like your style. My Pokemon and I are ready to battle," Mew says.

"Like your guts, kid. But you're not playing in the Pokemon Little League anymore!"

He then cracks a whip close to Mew causing her to jump in surprise.

"After I win one-hundred matches, I'll start competing for badges!" A.J. says.

"That means he's only two wins away," Brock says.

"And he'll be extra psyched to win!" Misty adds.

"I can tell you're a tough trainer and skillful as well. I'm going to have fun battling you," Mew sys.

"Thinking the same way," A.J says.

Then throws his Pokeball.

He then throws his Pokeball, "Sandshrew, go!"

Coming out of the Pokeball is the Ground type Mouse Pokemon, Sandshrew.

"Hmm, a Sandshrew, huh. This one looks pretty tough," Mew says.

"Let's be careful now, Mew," Brock says.

"Remember, Sandshrew's a ground type, so Pikachu's electricity is no good against it," Misty says.

Mew then says, "Don't worry, I have an idea on which Pokemon to use."

Then throws her Pokeball, "Go Poliwhirl!"

Then Poliwhirl comes out of the Pokeball.

A.J. cracks the whip again and says, "Sandshrew, go!"

Sandshrew then begins the battle.

"Poliwhirl, use Water Gun!" Mew calls out.

Poliwhirl begins to use Water Gun.

"That's good thinking, Water Pokemon has the advantage," Brock says.

Suddenly, Sandshrew rolls into a ball and spins around at the Water Gun, repealing the attack. Then Sandshrew strikes at Poliwhirl really hard. Then falls to the ground.

"Poliwhirl," Mew says, shocked.

"Finish it," A.J. says.

"Uh oh! Poliwhirl, return!" Mew says, returning to its Pokeball.

Then calls out, "Pidgeotto!"

Pidgeotto enters the field.

Mew calls out, "Okay Pidgeotto, let's do this."

"That's what you think, kid! Now watch and weep!" A.J. says.

Mew calls out, "Pidgeotto, Whirlwind."

A.J cracks his whip and Sandshrew digs into the ground, surprising Mew and Pidgeotto.

"That Sandshrew is pretty well trained," Brock says.

"He controls it with the crack of his whip, like a Pokemon tamer," Misty says.

Suddenly, Sandshrew bursts out of the ground and rolls into a ball. Then slams Pidgeotto to the ground. Then it's knocked out.

"Pidgeotto," Mew says, shocked.

"I guess that's the end of the battle," Brock says.

"That A.J. is pretty strong," Misty replies.

Mew simply smiles and brings out her Pokrebll, "Pidgeotto, return."

Then returns it to the Pokebll.

Then sys, "That was a great battle, you did your best."

While the match is over, Team Rocket is spying on them and sees how tough Sandshrew is. They're secretly hiding in the trees with binoculars.

"That Sandshrew is very tempting," Jessie says.

"We should grab it," James says.

"Hm. Looks fat. You two gotta carry it," Meowth says.

"The outfit that trainer is wearing is positively hideous!" Jessie says.

Then James says, "That shirt looks like it's from a century or two ago. He'd fit right in perfectly at a museum."

"At least he doesn't look like he's trick-or-treating like you do," Meowth says.

James bonks Meowth on the head and sends him falling from the tree.

"MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOWTH!" Meowth screams before he hits the ground. Then his binoculars land in his mouth.

Back at the battlefield, the sign changes from 98 Wins to 99 Wins.

Then A.J. announces, "And that makes victory number ninety-nine!"

"That was a great battle A.J. I'm surprised to see that Water Gun has no effect on Sandshrew," Mew says.

"Through rigorous training," A.J. says.

Mew and her friends are confused.

Soon, everyone walks inside the tent and are surprised to see the gym is like a large fitness center. It has weights, large balls that some Ratata are rolling on. There's even ramps along with a pole with a flaming pole loop. There's even a pool with a high dive. What catches their attention is to see all of A.J's Pokemon are wearing a strange harvest on their body. What's more, a Beedrill and a Butterfree are battling, and the other Pokemon uses the equipment for training.

"This is your gym?" Mew asks, shocked.

"It's huge," Misty says.

The group turns their heads to see that A.J's Sandshrew is now wearing the same harness and is climbing the ladder on the dive board.

"Uh, what's Sandshrew doing?" Mew asks.

Sandshrew dives off the diving board and splashes in the water. Then flies out of the water and spins itself dry. Then stops once it's tried.

"Wow! I'm impressed," Misty replies.

"What's that thing it's wearing," Mew asks.

"It's a strength intensifier," A.J. says.

"Who invented that thing?" Brock asks.

"I did. It's my own secret weapon for unleashing a Pokemon's powers," A.J. says.

Then turns to Sandshrew, "Sandshrew, back in the pool!"

Sandshrew then hurries to the diving board.

"Is it really okay to let it give it into the pool?" Mew asks.

"Just watch," A.J. says.

Then calls out, "Sandshrew, dive!"

Sandshrew then dives to the pool in a spectacular fashion.

"Nice dive!" Misty says.

Sandshrew comes out of the pool and spins into a ball. Then stands on its two feet.

"Good work!" A.J. says.

"The water doesn't weaken your Sandshrew?" Brock asks.

"You're looking at the only Sandshrew in the world strong enough to withstand water!" A.J. says.

Then tells Sandshrew, "Sandshrew! Pick up your pacing!"

Sandshrew rolls into the ball and three Ratatta are passing Sandshrew to one another.

"Wow! So that's why Water gun didn't affect Sandshrew," Mew says.

"That's right," A.J. says.

Mew then asks, "So then, why are you so tough on Sandshrew?"

"I have to be tough, but I ask no more of Sandshrew then I do of myself. The very best," A.J. says.

"But you aren't nearly as tough on any of your other Pokemon," Mew replies.

A.J. says, "That's because Sandshrew is the very first Pokemon I ever caught. I will never forget that morning. We promised to do whatever it took to become the best Pokemon and trainer of all time. Nothing would stop us from reaching our dream. No matter how difficult our path. Enduring fierce storms and raging winds. We sacrificed everything to achieve our dream and it was worth it. We're an unbeatable team!"

"Guess we have our own way of training. I guess my idea of training is kind of different than what you're doing," Mew says.

Then turns to Brock, "What do you think?"

Brock turns to A.J and says, "Your Pokemon are all in great shape. What kind of Pokemon food do you give them?"

"My own recipe. Come on, I'll show you!" A.J. says.

A.J. opens a cabinet to reveal different jars of Pokemon food. Each one has a picture of a Pokemon.

"To get the results I want, I have to carefully monitor the Pokemon diets. Of course, the recipe is secret," A.J. says.

"Of course. You know, I mix my own food, too..." Brock says.

Mew turns her head to see Sandshrew lifting two dumbbells. Pikachu and Eevee are simply watching it work out, but the dumbbells are too strong for them.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is outside of the tent with another Pika-napping attempt.

Jessie turns to James, "Insulated gloves?"

"Check," James says, holding the pink rubber gloves.

"Big rubber ball?" Jessie asks.

"Check. Check. Check-a-roonie!" Meowth says, rolling the ball over.

"Team Rocket will do what it has to do," Jessie announces.

Then James says, "To snatch that little Pikachu."

But also says, "Maybe we should go back to our old motto. This one doesn't feel right."

Meowth hops on the ball and suggests, "Hey! How about a theme-Meowth-song? And I can even do a little dance solo. Everyone loves music."

Meowth then begins to roll on the ball. As for Jessie and James, they have other opinions about Meowth's idea.

"A song's no good," Jessie says.

"A dance won't work," James adds.

Meowth continues to roll on the ball, even doing a handstand on it. They soon turn to Meowth who is purring and rubbing his face against his paw.

"Here's a line you'll like," Jessie says.

"And what's that?" James asks.

Then Jessie says, "How about choreography killed the cat?"

Back in the gym, a timer counts down to zero. Then the bell rings loud.

A.J. shouts, "Okay, you wimps get a fifteen minute break!"

Mew and the others look to see the Pokemon are panting and collapsed on the ground.

"Wow! They look beat. I think the training is intense," Mew says.

"You better believe it. In this gym, we live by the rules, no pain, no gain," A.J. says.

"Guess everyone is different in their own way," Misty says.

While the trainers have their conversion, Pikachu and Eevee tap on the strength intensifiers. Suddenly, they fly on to the two Pikachu and cause them to roll into a ball. Sandshrew simply laughs and does the same.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is rolling in a circle and is feeling dizzy.

"I'm getting dizzy!" Meowth panics.

"Stop complaining! Look for Pikachu!" James says.

The reason why they're rolling is because they're inside of a red ball that has a hole on it.

"Roll over there!" Jessie days.

They roll the ball over and see Sandshrew through the hole.

"What's that?" James asks.

"Could it be Pikachu?" Jessie asks.

"Yeah, that's it! Now hurry! All that rolling made me nauseous!" Meowth says.

Team Rocket then snatches Sandshrew thinking it's Pikachu and puts it in a bag.

"Got it!" James says.

Then they stand up with their feet out of the ball.

"Let's go!" Jessie says.

They scurry out as Meowth says, "Hurry, I feel sick!"

The group hurries outside of the gym and the rubber ball falls off of them.

"My leg fell asleep!" Meowth says.

"I wish your mouth would!" James says.

Team Rocket runs off into the distance taking Shadow with them.

Back in the gym, A.J. and the others continue talking until the bell rings.

A.J. calls out, "Time's up! Back to work, all of you!"

With that, the Pokemon begin to carry out their training.

A.J. looks around and asks, "Hey, where's Sandshrew?

Suddenly, A.J. notices, "That's weird. What's your Pikachu and Eevee doing?"

A.J. walks to the Pikachu and Eevee to see them rolled up into a pair of balls.

Mew hurries to her partners' side, "Pikachu! Eevee!"

Mew tries to pull them back to their normal shake, but to no avail.

"They're stuck!" Mew replies.

Here. Give them to me," A.J. says.

A.J. unbuckles the strength intensifier and both Pikachu and Eevee are back to their normal shapes.

Pikchu turns to A.J. and says, "Pikachu," (Thank you.)

"Eevee!" (Thanks!) Eevee says, shaking his head.

A.J. asks Mew's Pokemon, "Pikachu, Eevee, have you seen Sandshrew?"

"Pika." (No.) Pikachu answers, shaking his head.

"Eevee." (We haven't.) Eevee answers.

"You haven't?" A.J. asks, worried.

Then calls out, "Sandshrew!" Where are you!?"

"Sandrew has to be round here," Misty says.

"Yeah. We saw it not long ago," Brock says.

Mew turns to A.J, "Don't worry, we'll find Sndshrew. It has to be here somewhere."

While they search for Sandshrew, Team Rocket is in the woods and feeling tired.

"Those clowns will never catch up with us!" Jessie says.

"I'm exhausted! You take the bag, now!" James says to Jessie.

But Jessie says, "But a real gentleman always carries the bag."

"Is that so?! Well, as you know, I'm no gentleman!" James angrily says, passing the bag to Jessie.

Suddenly, Sandshrew bursts free from the ground and ends up getting its tail bit by Meowth. Sandshrew panics and digs into the ground.

Back in A.J's gym, everyone has searched for Sandshrew, but are unable to find it.

"We looked all over, but Sandshrew is gone," Brock says.

"Maybe something happened to it," Misty says.

"But what," Mew replies.

Then realizes, "What if Sandshrew has been abducted?"

"What?! When I get my hands on whoever did it!" A.J. angrily says.

"Calm down, I'm sure they haven't gotten far. We'll see if Sandsrew is outside or anyone suspicious," Brock says.

Suddenly, the ground bursts open and Sandshrew flies out with Meowth holding its tail with his mouth. Soon, Meowth falls out and Sandshrew lands in A.J.'s arms.

A.J. hugs his Pokemon with glee, "Sandshrew."

All of A.J.'s Pokemon gather and are glad to see Sandshrew is back.

"A.J. and all his Pokemon sure are happy that Sandshrew's back," Misty says.

Brock says, "A.J. is tough, but I can see, he cares deeply for his Pokemon."

"He really does care about Shadshrew a lot. And Sandshrew feels the same way about him," Mew happily says.

They see Sandshrew licks A.J.'s cheek as he laughs with a smile on his face.

Pikachu is pulling on Meowth's charm as Pikachu watches.

Eevee taps Mew's leg, "Eevee Eevee. (Mew, look what Sandshrew brought!)

"What is it?" Mew asks, turning her head.

Seeing the Pokemon, she says in shock, "Meowth!"

"So, then it must've been Team Rocket that kidnapped Sandshrew!" Brock says.

Mew calls out, "Hey Meowth! Wake up!"

Eevee then bite on Meowth's tail and wakes him up in a fright.

Meowth looks around, "Hey! Where am I? What's going on here?"

Soon, Mew and her friends along with A.J. and his Pokemon surround him.

"How do I get out of this mess?" Meowth asks.


Prepare for trouble!


Make that double!

"Meowth?" Meowth replies and turns his head.

Everyone looks to see Team Rocket standing at the entrance.

"Team Rocket," Mew angrily says.

"Use the old motto!" Meowth says.


To protect the world from devastation.


To unite all peoples within our nation.

Jessie and James:

To denounce the evils of truth and love. To extend our reach to the stars above.






Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light.


Surrender now, or prepare to fight.


Meowth! That's right!

Soon Jessie and James shed tears.

"That felt great! We don't need a theme song!" Jessie says.

"It's a classic," James says.

A.J. angrily asks, "So these are the creeps who kidnapped my Sandshrew?"

Jessie wags her fingers, "That was an unfortunate mix-up."

"We have no interest in your second rate Sandshrew," James says.

"Second rate!?" A.J. angrily says.

Jessie says, "The only Pokemon we want is Pikachu."

"You can keep all those other wimps," James says.

"Wimps, are they?!" A.J. angrily questions with a glare.

"That's it...." Mew angrily says.

But A.J. stops Mew and says, "I'll take care of this, no one insults my Pokemon and gets away with it! Let's step outside!"

"Uh oh," Mew replies, knowing Team Rocket is in trouble now.

Everyone steps outside of the gym and is on the battlefield. A.J. and Sandshrew on one side with Team Rocket on the other.

A.J. cracks his whip, "Team Rocket has insulted my gym! Let's answer them with my one-hundredth win!

"One-hundredth?" Mew asks.

A.J. turns to the group, "That's right! As Sandshrew and I vowed."

Mew smiles and says, "Good luck!"

Jessie holds out her Pokeball, "Your small talk will cost you big time! Ekans, go!"

"Your turn, Koffing!" James says, doing the same.

They throw their Pokeballs and Ekans and Koffing comes out.

"Sandshrew, go!" A.J. says.

Koffing and Ekan drive to Team Rocket as they do the same. Sandshrew is able to dodge the attack.

Jessie calls out, "Ekans, bind it now!"

Ekans binds Sandshrew with its body, but Shadshrew pops out. That causes Ekans' body to be tied into a knot. Then Sandshrew kicks Ekans in the face.

"It's so strong," Mew says.

Misty says, "Good work!"

"Excellent!" Brock says.

Pikachu and Eevee cheer for Andrew and A.J

James then calls out, "Koffing, Sludge attack!"

Koffing spits out sludge, but Shadshrew curls up into a ball and performs a spin. The Sludge attack ends up with no effect.

James says, "Meowth, don't just stand there!"

Meowth gets into the battlefield and rolls Shadshrew like a ball.

"Stop pussyfooting around!" Jessie demands.

"Just biting my time!" Meowth says.

Meowth bites down on Sandshrew, but his teeth break.

Meowth screams, "Ow! The moment of tooth!"

A.J. cracks his whip and calls out, "Finish it! Sandshrew, Fissure strike!"

Sandshrew then jumps in the air and spreads its body. Everyone is shocked to see Sandshrew's attack. Then Sandshrew has his body head down and his finger at front. Then it sounds around like it's a drill.

A.J. calls out, "Go, Sandshrew! Drill into the ground till it splits!"

Then Sandshrew lands directly on the ground in the center of the gym. Just then, the ground begins to crack and it splits open. Jessie and James move out. Meowth, Ekans, and Koffing fall into the crack. Mew and the others quickly move out of the way in shock. Soon, the moving ground comes to a stop.

Meowth feels a lot of pain and climbs up the hole. "Ooogh...

He then runs away as he screams, "THAT'S IT, I FORFEIT THE MATCH!"

Ekans and Koffing agree and hurry behind him. Jessie and James hurry after them.

Jessie shouts, "Come back here!"

"Meowth, where are you going?!" James adds.

Meowth screams. "To write us a theme song!"

"Not that again!" Jessie and James say, annoyed.

It's official that A.J. and Sandshrew win the match. Mew and her friends cheer for them.

"We did it Sandshrew! We finally reached victory number one-hundred!" A.J. cheers.

Soon, the monitor at front changes to one hundred.

A.J. says in tears, "Today, all our sacrifices and hard work have finally paid off!"

Then hugs Sandshrew, "Now we can start winning our badges!"

After the victory, Mew and her friends are at front with A.J, about to say their farewells.

"When I return here, I'm gonna be, the number one Pokemon master!" A.J. says

"Why don't you come along with us?" Mew asks.

"Thanks, but, Sandshrew and I have our own path that we must follow," A.J. says.

Mew and A.J. shake their hands in respect.

"Someday we'll meet again at the big Pokemon League competition," Mew says.

"Okay, but next time, you better be in shape, cause I only wanna beat expert trainers," A.J. says.

"It's a deal!" Mew says.

"So long!" A.J. says.

Then he and Sandshrew begin on their journey.

"He's tough, but pretty cool," Misty says.

"Yeah, looks like you've found another rival," Brock says.

Mew calls out, "A.J., I won't lose to you next time!"

A.J and Sandshrew continue to walk off to their next journey.

"I'll train hard to become a great Pokemon trainer, following my own path," Mew says with a smile.

There are many different paths to the Pokemon League, and Mew is starting to discover her own. She learns that there will be many different challenges and different trainers to battle. One thing for sure, she and her friends will never forget the name of A.J's gym.

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Metapod (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). 2 Pokemon Eggs

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Shellder (Male). Weedle (Female). Sandshrew (Male)

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Moon Stone. Moon Ball.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie.

Items: Fishing Rod

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male).

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