Episode 67: A Frigid Vacation
Still having their vacation at Seafoam Island, Mew and her friends decide to go on a small yacht to have some rest, relaxation, and some fun. On the deck of the boat, Mew along with Tomo, Pikachu, Eevee, Meloetta, and Skwovet are playing in the pool. Misty and Brock are laying on a lounge chair as Togepi and little Pichu are sleeping.
Mew tosses a beach ball, "Here Tomo!"
Tomo then catches the ball and tosses it to Pikachu. On the inner tube, Pikachu tosses the ball with his tail, and passes it to Eevee. Eevee passes it to Meloetta, who also passes it to Skwovet. The group continues to play in the pool with excitement. Everyone continues to have fun on the yacht.
Later on, Mew and the others are having lunch on the deck. Even the Pokemon are having lunch. The Pokemon are happily eating as they enjoy the bright and sunny day.
"It sure was great to rent the yacht for our vacation," Misty says.
"Yeah. We get to swim, play a few games, and relax. Even the Pokemon enjoy it," Mew says.
Tomo then asks, "So guys, what do we do after this?"
"Well, we don't head back to Pallet Town until tomorrow, and there's still some parts of the island we haven't explored yet," Brock says.
"We can also go swimming in the ocean and see the Water Pokemon," Misty says.
"And we can go fishing some more too," Mew adds.
"Yeah," Tomo happily says.
Brock nods his head, "Okay. We can do some shopping for souvenirs and then we can go have fun in the water some more."
"Sounds good to me," Mew says.
Brock then begins to drive the yacht back to shore. Everyone is excited to have some more fun. Suddenly, they hear thundering sounds and wind blowing. The Pokemon senses something off with the weather, including Mew and Tomo. They turn to see the dark clouds with wind blowing and thunder and lightning flashing and clashing in the sky.
"Uh oh, it looks like a storm is coming," Mew says.
"Then we better get back to shore before the storm comes," Brock says.
Misty begins to shiver, "Brrrrr! The weather is getting very cold all of the sudden."
"You're right. This is unusual weather for Seafoam Island," Brock says.
The storm comes in fast before Mew and her friends can get to shore. Soon enough, the group ends up getting caught in the storm. The yacht continues to be rocked by the harsh waves, and soon feel strong chills, and what seems like light white drops are falling from the sky.
Mew feels it on her hand and looks at it, "Is this... snow?!"
"Seems like it. It looks like a snow storm," Brock panics.
"And it's a hard one," Mew panics.
Misty says, "We need to get below deck or we're going to fall overboard."
With that, Mew and the others hurry below deck as the storm continues to blow them away to a different part of the island. Brock quickly tries to steer the wheel the best he can, but the storm is not making it easy for them.
Below deck, Misty is holding Pichu and Togepi as they are very frightened. Tomo and the other Pokemon are close to Mew and shaking in fear.
Mew calls out, "Brock, are you okay?!"
"No! The storm is making it hard for me to steer!" Brock calls out.
Then hurries inside and says, "Everyone hand out, we're about to run aground!"
Brock quickly runs inside and closes the door.
Outside, the waves continue to move the yacht and are heading towards a different part of the island. Everyone holds onto each other and any support until the yacht crashes and rocks them to the ground. After the crash, everyone opens their eyes to feel the ship was no longer moving.
"That was scary," Misty says.
"Togepriii," (Scary.) Togepi says, frightened.
Pichu feels the same, "Pichu." (Really scary.)
Soon, both Togepi and Pichu begin to cry. They are deeply frightened.
Misty rocks them in her arms, "There there. It's okay. Don't cry sweeties. Don't cry."
"Come on, let's go see if there's any damage," Mew says.
Everyone nods their heads agreeing to the idea.
Brock opens the door and walks out to the deck. To his surprise, there is snow falling from the sky along with gray clouds and the wind continues to blow.
"Looks like a bad snow storm! And it doesn't look like it will be stopping for a while!" Brock says.
Mew and Misty along with the Pokemon look out on the deck. Mew and Tomo look over the deck to see the yacht has some holes on it, especially a large hole on the side.
"It looks like we won't be able to use this boat to get back," Mew says.
"What?! You mean we're stuck out here?!" Misty exclaims, shocked.
"It might as well. We'll have to wait here until we can call Daisy and Adriana for help," Mew says.
Tomo shivers and wraps his arms around himself, "It's really cold out here."
"Yeah. We better change and have a look around," Mew says.
After changing into their clothes and putting on their jackets, pants, scarfs, gloves, and boots, the group begin to explore around the island. Pikachu, Eevee, Togepi, Pichu, Meloetta, and Skwovet decide to remain hidden in the backpacks to keep warm. The group begins to walk around to notice this side of Seafoam island is really different. This area of Seafoam Island is covered in snow and ice.
"Wow! Who would've thought a bright and sunny place like Seafoam Island could have a cold and icy area," Mew says.
"I know. It looks like a good place for Ice Type Pokemon to live," Misty says.
"Do you think we'll find anyone here?" Tomo asks.
"I'm not sure. Not many people really live here," Brock says, looking at the map.
Misty pancis, "You mean we might be the only ones here?!"
"Maybe, but we might meet someone who will be exploring the area," Brock says, looking at the map.
Mew brings out her PokeNav to check out the map, "Hmm, we seem to be a long distance away from the main road.
"It will take us forever to get to the other side," Misty says, feeling defeated.
Suddenly, the snow storm begins to pick up as the snow falls harder and the wind blows harder.
"The storm is picking up!" Brock panics.
"We need to take shelter!" Mew adds.
Misty asks, "But how?! And where?!"
"I don't know, but we need to find shelter and quick," Mew says
Tomo looks around and notices something, "Hey guys, what's that over there?"
Mew and the others turn to where Tomo is looking and notices a small house that is two stories tall, it also has some windows and a few lights on.
"I don't believe it, it's a house!" Misty says, surprised and relieved.
"Maybe someone will let us stay until the storm passes," Mew says.
Mew and the others hurry to the house to see if someone living there can allow them shelter until the storm is over. Luckily, they are able to reach the house without too many problems.
Mew knocks on the door and calls out, "Hello, is anyone there?"
"We're lost and got stranded!" Brock calls out.
"Can you let us stay until the storm passes?" Misty adds.
Tomo calls out, "Please!"
"Coming!" The voice calls out.
Soon, the door opens to reveal a lithe and curvy figured grown woman. She has red colored eyes, long red hair tied in a ponytail with a blue hairband. She wears a black jacket with black skirt that has blue details, brown tights, brown tights, a blue shirt under her clothes, and high blue and black heel shoes.
"Hello, what can I do for you?" The woman asks.
Seeing the woman, Misty and Brock are surprised, but for different reasons.
"Hello ma'am, we want to know if we can..." Mew asks.
Brock quickly gets in front of the woman and says, "Hello beautiful, my name is Brock. My friends and I were just wondering if we may stay in your home until the snow storm clears. You must be a shining light that guided us to our destiny and..."
Misty pushes Brock out of the way with excitement, "Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! Are you, Lorelei?"
The woman giggles and says, "Yes. My name is Lorelei!"
Misty screams in excitement, "I can't believe you're here! And we're actually at your home! You're my hero! It's an honor to see you!"
"I'm a hero, huh?" The woman Lorelei replies.
Then she notices Mew and Tomo, "And who might you two be?"
"Um, I'm Mew. These are my partners, Pikachu and Eevee." Mew says, confused.
"And I'm Tomo and my partners, Meloetta and Skwovet." Tomo says.
"It's nice to meet you," Lorelei says.
Tomo then asks, "Misty, do you know her?"
"Know her?! I'm a really big fan! Lorelei is a very strong trainer that specializes in Ice Types and many of her Pokemon are also water types. And she's one of the Elite Four!" Misty answers in excitement.
"The Elite Four?" Mew says, interested.
Then realizes, "Wait, you meant that Lorelei. One of the Elite Four. I remember seeing her on T.V with Gary one time. Apparently her strongest Pokemon is a Lapras."
"That's right," Misty says.
Tomo begins to shiver and asks, "Ms. Lorelei, is it okay if we can stay until the storm clears."
"Of course, you all must be freezing out here," Lorelei says.
After being able to go inside, Mew and the others are able to warm up by the fireplace in the living room. Brock offers to make some hot chocolate and hot soup for everyone as Mew and the others explain the situation.
"I see, so the snow storm managed to catch your boat and is now shipwrecked here," Lorelei replies.
"Yeah. The snowstorm came out of nowhere and we were caught in it," Mew says.
"It also scared our Pokemon," Tomo says.
"Pika Pika," (It was not fun.) Pikachu says.
"Eevee," (It's scary.) Eevee says.
"Meloetta," (Very scary.) Meloetta says.
Togepi and Pichu remember the frightening experience as they shake and clutch on to Misty.
"Togepi and Pichu were very scared. The poor things," Misty says.
Mew then says, "I think I have an idea what might calm them down."
Mew brings out the leaf and begins to play the song, Oracian on it. She continues to play the music as the Pokemon begins to smile and remain calm. Togepi and Pichu soon stop shaking and begin to feel relaxed and smile to hear the music. Misty, Lorelei, and Tomo relax to hear the music. When Mew stops playing, The Pokemon happily cheers with excitement. Misty and the others clap for joy.
"That was great, Mew," Misty says.
"Yay!" Tomo cheers.
Lorelei says, "That was a beautiful song you played."
"Thank you," Mew says.
Brock then walks over with a couple of trays that have bowls of soup for humans and Pokemon, and mugs.
"Alright everyone, soups ready," Brock says.
"Alright, it's nice to have some hot soup," Misty says.
"Yeah. I couldn't really use a hot drink," Mew says.
Brock then places four bowls of soup and mugs of hot chocolate on the table.
Then Brock puts a few bowls on the ground for the Pokemon, "And I made some for the Pokemon too."
The Pokemon are excited to see the soup made for them. With that, the humans and Pokemon begin eating the soup and drink the hot chocolate.
"Hmm, this soup is very delicious," Mew says.
"Yeah. It's great," Tomo says.
"I must admit, your soup tastes divine," Lorelei says.
"Thank you, Lorelei," Brock says.
Mew asks, "So Lorelei, do you live here?"
"No. This is the house I use for my training grounds, and a great vacation spot for my Pokemon," Lorelei says.
"Make sense. This icy and snowy climate is perfect to train Ice Pokemon," Mew says.
"I agree. But I guess you can't do it right now because of the storm," Misty says.
"I have to agree. It looks like a pretty bad one today, but it's nice to have some relationship after so many battles," Lorelei says.
"Guess even strong trainers need to take breaks," Mew says.
"Yeah!" Tomo happily says.
Then turns to Mew, "And Mew is a pretty strong trainer too."
"Oh, I don't know about that. I still have a lot to learn about Pokemon," Mew says.
"Maybe, but you already know a lot about Pokemon. You were raised by one, and you learn a lot about being a Pokemon trainer and other Pokemon research from Gary and Professor Oak," Misty says.
"And you have learned a lot since you became a trainer. You even defeated me at the Pewter City Gym, and the other gyms as well," Brock says.
"Sounds to me like you're a pretty strong trainer yourself," Lorelei says.
"Thank you, but I'm not sure if I can be strong enough against you," Mew says.
"You never know," Lorelei says.
"Maybe," Mew says.
"And let's not forget a lot of the Pokemon you manage to catch. And some you were able to rescue from the incident with Damian," Misty says.
"I remember that little fiasco," Mew says.
"Seems that you all had quite an adventure," Lorelei says.
With that, Mew and her friends begin to explain about their journey to Lorelei. They talk about their adventures and how they catch different kinds of Pokemon. They even talk about how they help Pokemon. Of course, they also mention that Mew has played a big part in helping Pokemon in distress. And they make sure to keep some of their adventures their little secret. Lorelei is very interested in the stories Mew and her friends tell, especially about Mew being able to talk to Pokemon and her good heart to help them in need. Later on, they continue to tell one of their adventures.
"And after seeing the Leader Tentacruel and the Tentacool head off, the people decide to help restore their home as well as do some repairs to Porta Vista," Mew says.
"And I was able to catch Horsea who was more than happy to come with us," Misty says.
"Wow! I really like to see a giant Tentacruel," Tomo says.
"Maybe, but Tentacruel would be happy to be able to return home and make sure that it's never threatened," Mew says.
"And Officer Jenny told us that Nastina will be dealt with for all the trouble she caused," Misty adds.
"I remember seeing it on the news and it said that a group of trainers fought off the Tentacruel and two young trainers were able to convince the Tenacruel. Never thought it was you two," Lorelei says.
"Yeah. It was a big ordeal, and one crazy situation we got into," Mew says.
"Luckily we were able to stop it before it got out of hand," Brock says.
"Indeed," Lorelei says.
Then turns to Meloetta, "And it's very sweet how you met Meloetta. And I can tell she has taken a liking to Tomo."
"Loetta," (I sure do.) Meloetta says.
Suddenly, they begin to hear yawning and the yawning is coming from Togepi and Pichu. Their eyes look droopy and they look very sleepy.
"Looks like it's time for Togepi and Pichu's nap," Mew says.
"Yeah. They must be tired after what happened," Misty says.
She picks up a blanket as Togepi and Pichu lay down on the couch. Then Misty tucks them in. Soon, the two baby Pokemon have fallen asleep. Tomo and Mew look at the window to notice the snow is falling more gently and the wind isn't blowing very hard. In fact, the weather seems to be getting calmer.
Even Lorelei notices it, "It looks like the storm is starting to clear."
"Yeah. It seems the storm will be ending soon," Mew says.
"Yeah, but I'm afraid that with the yacht broken, it might take longer for us to get back," Brock says.
"I'm sure we'll think of something," Mew says.
Suddenly, they hear a loud bombing sound catching the group's attention and startling everyone, including the babies, into waking up.
"What in the world was that?!" Mew asks, shocked.
"It sounded like an earthquake," Misty says.
"No. I think... I think it's an avalanche!" Lorelei says.
"Avalanche!" Everyone exclaims in shock, even the Pokemon are shocked.
"This is bad. There's supposed to be a small village nearby, even many Ice and Water Type Pokemon just outside of the village," Lorelei says.
Everyone gasps in shock to hear that there is a small village of people and Pokemon. What's more, they could be in danger. Soon, the ground begins to shake, shocking everyone in the house. Everyone hurries towards the window and lets out a gasp in shock. On top of the mountain, is a large blanket of snow falling down the mountain and heading towards the village they see close by and heading right towards them.
"It really is an avalanche!" Misty panics.
"And it's a big one!" Mew adds.
Lorelei shouts, "Everyone, take cover! In the closet!"
Everyone does what Lorelei says and rushes into the closet. Lorelei quickly shuts the door and is able to lock it from the inside. They're able to bring the blankets from the living room and remain there as the ground shakes rapidly. The avalanche continues through it's way down the mountains and towards the village and Lorelei's base. Soon enough, the avalanche begins to cover the houses, the lake area, and even Lorelei's house. Mew and the others, including Lorelei hold on to each other and huddle together as the earth shakes rapidly and it doesn't sound like it will stop. After the long shaking and shifting, the movement of the earth has finally come to a stop. The group opens their eyes and lessens their huddle to hear and feel the earth is no longer shaking.
Misty nervously asks, "I-is it over?"
"Think so," Mew says.
"We better go check," Lorelei says.
She unlocks the door and tries to push it, but the door won't budge.
"I think it's stuck," Lorelei says.
Mew stands up and says, "We'll give you a hand."
With that, Mew and the others help Lorelei push open the door with all their might. Soon enough, they are able to move the door, but end up seeing a large amount of snow in the house.
"Oh dear," Lorelei says.
"That's a lot of snow," Mew replies.
"I think it also means that the village and the Pokemon's homes are buried in the snow," Misty says.
"That doesn't sound good," Tomo says.
Loelei says, "We have to help the villagers and the Pokemon."
"We'll help you Lorelei," Brock says.
"And some of our Pokemon can help too," Mew says.
Mew then tosses her Pokeball, "Charizard! Cinderace! Pansear! Sandshrew! Arcanine! Mawile! Glaceon! I choose you!"
Then throws her Pokeballs and her Pokemon comes out.
Mew then throws her Pokeballs and calls out, "Snover! Marill! Snorunt! Jigglypuff! Kecleon! Go!"
"Geodudes! Rockruff! Grookey! Machoke! Vulpix! Zigzagoon! Go!" Brock calls out, throwing his Pokeballs.
Tomo then calls out, "Eevee! Growlithe! Cubone! Delibird! Umbreon! Let's go!"
Soon, all the Pokemon have been called from their Pokeballs.
Lorelei smiles and says, "Well then, I'll give you a hand as well!"
Then throws her Pokeballs, "Jynx! Slowbro! I choose you!"
With that, Lorelei's Jynx and Slowbro come out of their Pokeballs.
"Everyone, we need your help digging through the snow. Some of you use your Fire Attacks to make an exit through the snow, but remember to be careful," Mew says.
Charizard and some of the Fire Type Pokemon gently use their attacks on the ground and the collapsed snow from the window and door to melt the snow. The other Pokemon dig through the snow and move them out of the way. Mew and the others also help out clearing the snow and cleaning the melting snow. In no time at all, they are able to get out of Lorelei's home, but are shocked to see the snow has covered a lot of places. There are signs of roofs sticking out of the snow.
"This is terrible!" Brock says, shocked.
"The village has been buried in the snow," Tomo says.
"We gotta do something," Misty says, concerned.
"And we will!" Mew says.
Then turns to the others, "Brock, Tomo, and I will head to the west side and begin there. Misty, you and Lorelei start from the other side."
Then turns to Cinderace and Arcanine, "Cinderace, Arcanine, go with Misty and Lorelei to assist them."
Cinderace and Arcanine nod their heads in reply, agreeing to help.
"Then let's hurry!" Lorelei says.
With that, the group splits up with the Pokemon and begin to work on burying the village.
Mew then says, "Alright Charizard, you and the others begin to use their fire attacks to defrost the snow. Everyone else, start digging."
With that, Charizard and the others go gently with their fire breaths as the other Pokemon begin to dig through the snow.
After a long clean up, Lorelei, Mew and her friends are able to clear the snow that has covered the village. In one of the houses, two children are hugging their mother and are frightened.
The mother says, "Don't worry children, I'm sure someone will be here soon."
Suddenly, a little girl notices, "Mommy, look."
They look at the window to see the snow is melting and is being dug up. They soon notice water seeping in the house from under the door.
The doors open to reveal Brock and he asks, "Is everyone okay?"
"Yes. Thank you," The mother says.
With Brock's help, they climb on Onix's back and are able to climb out.
The little boy notices, "Hey mom, look at the awesome Charizard."
Charizard roars in reply.
"Wow! A Glaceon! It's very pretty!" The little girl happily notices.
Glaceon lets out a cry in glee.
"Glaceon says thank you," Mew says.
"Don't worry, we'll get you to safety," Tomo says.
Meanwhile, Misty and Lorelei are to dig out one of the houses. Then Lorelei has Jynx use her Psychic Pokemon to rescue an elder couple out of the house.
"Thank you dearies," The elderly woman says.
The old man says, "We are very grateful."
"It's no trouble. We're glad we can help," Lorelei says.
Misty happily nods her head.
Throughout the time, Mew along with the others, including Lorelei, are helping the people who are buried in the snow or are trapped in their homes. During the rescue, Mew and Brock are able to melt away and dig up the snow to find the Pokemon in the lake. They are very happy to have some air and that the lake is clear. Of course, Mew and Brock check out the Pokemon in case any of them is injured.
Mew looks at the Seel and says, "It seems that they're all fine."
"Nothing but a few scrapes and bruises, but nothing too serious," Brock says, checking on the two Slowpokes.
Mew turns to the Pokemon, "We're glad to see you all are okay. Make sure to take it easy until you're better."
The Pokemon nod their heads and head back to the water to where they live.
"Come on, let's go head back to the others," Brock says.
"Yeah. Let's..." Mew says, but notices something that catches her attention, "What's that?"
Mew walks over to notice two objects of some kind sticking out of the snow.
"What is it, Mew?" Brock asks.
"Look there?" Mew answers, showing Brock the objects.
Curious, Brock and Mew decide to take a closer look and dig them out of the snow. When they do, they find two Pokemon Eggs. The one Mew is holding is a pink egg with yellow lip marking on it. The Egg that Brock is a pale blue egg with light blue and a pale green color flowers on it.
"They're Pokemon Eggs," Brock says.
"Yeah. They must have got buried here in the snow during the avalanche,," Mew says.
Brock observes the egg he is holding, "It seems okay."
"Yeah. The Eggs seem fine," Mew says.
Then happily says, "Maybe we can keep them."
"I suppose. I wonder what kind of Pokemon are in there," Brock replies.
"Well, we'll have to worry about that later. We still got work to do," Mew says.
Agreeing to the idea, Mew and Brock continue to help the villagers with getting out of the snow and fix up anything that might have broken during the avalanche. Mew, her friends, Lorelei, and the Pokemon help the villagers with any repairs, and get them safely warm. Finally, after a long day, the village has been cleared of the deep snow, and the villagers express their gratitude by giving Mew and her friends a few Ice stones.
Finally, Mew and the others help Lorelei clean up her home from the snow and melted wet snow. Then they help dry up and clean up the house. They also help fix the damages from the avalanche. After the hard work, they have some more hot chocolate and are warm by the fire.
' "Thank you for all your help, and helping the villagers," Lorelei says.
"It's no problem. We're glad to help," Mew says.
"We're glad that no one was badly hurt," Brock says.
"I agree. It was cold, but it was great digging," Tomo says.
"I just hope we don't get a cold after this," Misty says.
Soon, the group begins laughing.
Suddenly, Mew feels her bag moving like crazy, and the egg she is holding begins to glow and move.
"The Pokemon Egg is hatching!" Mew says, surprised.
Mew then sits down on the couch and places the egg down. Then she opens her bag to notice her other two eggs are glowing too.
"So are my other eggs. They're going to hatch," Mew says, surprised.
Mew takes both her eggs out and places them close to her latest one. All three begin to flash lights as they move around a little. Finally, they sit still, and the Pokemon Egg she has received from Blaine is the first to let out a bright glow and begin to hatch from the egg. Soon, the egg pops open and the new baby Pokemon is born.
It's a baby bipedal Pokémon that has a red body with a yellow, flame-shaped marking on its stomach. Its head is covered with large lumps, and it has a rounded, yellow beak. There is a single spike on its back and it has a tapered tail. Its short arms have three clawed fingers, while its feet have only two clawed toes.
The baby Pokemon calls out, "Magby!"
"Aww it's cute," Misty says.
"It's a Magby," Brock says.
Mew takes out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Magby, the Live Coral Pokemon and the pre-evolved form of Magmar. A Fire Type. This Pokémon makes its home near volcanoes. At the end of the day, Magby soaks in magma, resting and recovering from the day's fatigue."
"Hi Magby," Mew says.
"Magby?" Magby says, curiously looking at Mew.
Then happily jumps into Mew's arms and shout, "Magby!"
Just then, the yellow Pokemon Egg she has received from the Power Plant begins to let out a bright glow and pops open to hatch the newest baby Pokemon.
It's a small yellow, round-bodied Pokémon with black stripes, bulky arms in proportion to its body with three claws instead of fingers. It has two stripes on its arms, which wrap all the way around. There are two horns on top of its head which resemble the prongs of a plug, complete with holes in their sides. It also has a black lightning bolt marking on its chest. Two rows of stripes are near the marking, with the pattern continuing around its lower back. Its legs are black, and its feet are rounded and toeless.
The baby Pokemon shouts, "Be Be!"
"It's an Elekid!" Mew says, amazed.
Then pointing her Pokedex towards it, Dexter says, "Elekid, the Electric Pokemon, and the Pre-evolved form of Electabuzz. An Electric Type. Elekid stores electricity in its body. If it touches metal and accidentally discharges all its built-up electricity, this Pokémon begins swinging its arms in circles to recharge itself."
"Be be!" Elekid shouts with excitement.
Mew giggles with glee and pets Elekid on the head. Elekid grabs Mew's hand and begins to wing on it, making everyone laugh.
And then, the Pokemon Egg she has just found begins to glow bright and pops open, and the new baby Pokemon is born.
It's a small, humanoid Pokémon that resembles a baby. It has a large head with blonde hair that reaches its shoulders and has large bangs. There are several tufts of hair sticking up on top of its head. Its skin is light purple with a cream-colored chest, arms, and feet. It has large, blue-green eyes and a pair of large, pink lips.
The little Pokemon replies, "Smoochum!"
"Awww! It's so cute!" Misty says.
"What is it?" Tomo asks.
"It's a Smoochum," Mew says, taking out her Pokedex.
Dexter says, "Smoochum, the Kiss Pokemon, and the Pre-evolved form of Jynx. And Ice and Psychic Type. When it examines things, before touching them with its hands, it makes lip contact and then diligently licks all the dirt off its lips."
"Smoochum?" Smoochum replies, looking at Mew.
Then happily jumps to Mew's shoulder, "Smoochum!"
Then begins to kiss Mew with affection, making Mew giggle, "Hey, that tickles."
"I think Smoochum likes you," Tomo says.
"And looks like you got new babies. You're almost like a mom," Misty says.
Pikachu and Eevee begin giggling.
Suddenly, the Egg Brock is holding is now starting to glow.
"Woah! Brock's egg is hatching!" Tomo points out.
"It is," Brock says.
Everyone looks at the egg as Brock holds it and is sitting on the couch. Vulpix looks at the egg curiously and wonders what it is. Finally, the egg pops and the baby Pokemon is born. To the group's surprise, it looks a lot like Vulpix, but there are some differences. It has a snowy white pelt, pale blue paws, blue eyes, and dark blue insides its ears. Its snout is more pronounced and pointed than that of Suzie's Vulpix. The locks of hair on its head and its six tails are curlier and have a wispy appearance.
"It's a Vulpix," Tomo says, surprised.
"But, it's very different from Suzie's," Misty says.
"It must come from a different region," Mew suggests.
"It is. That Vulpix came from the Alola Region. I've been there once and the Vulpix there are Ice Types," Lorelei says.
"And Ice Type?!" Misty says, shocked.
Mew points her Pokedex at Dexter, "Let's see."
Then Dexter says, "Vulpix, Alola Form. The Fox Pokémon. An Ice type. Vulpix is covered in white fur and was discovered on Mount Lanakila. They live together in a skulk, helping one another. Before eating their prey, they freeze it solid with their –58 degree Fahrenheit breath."
"That sounds chilly," Mew says.
The Vulpix looks at Brock with a curious look.
Brock smiles and says, "Hello Vulpix, I'm Brock. It's nice to meet you."
"Vulpix. Vulpix," The Alolan Vulpix happily says, and begins to lick Brock on the cheek.
The group begins laughing with glee.
"Hey Brock, won't it be a little confusing about you having two Vulpix?" Misty asks.
"Maybe," Brock says, starting to understand.
"Maybe you can give your little white bundle of joy a nickname," Mew says.
"Good idea," Brock says.
He looks at the white Vulpix and says, "How about I call you... Winter."
"Vulpix!" The little Alolan Vulpix happily replies.
"Well, I think she likes it," Misty says.
"Alright! We made new friends!" Tomo happily says.
"Yeah!" Mew says.
Once the happy events are done, Lorelei has Lapras help take Mew and her friends back to the other side of the island. The villages and Pokemon wave goodbye to Mew and her friends and thank them for helping them. Mew and the others also wave goodbye to the villagers and the Pokemon as well.
"Thanks for helping us get back to the beach. You sure it's not too much trouble?" Misty asks.
"After everything you've done to help, it's the least I can do," Lorelei says.
Mew then asks, "Lorelei. Do you think when I get strong, do you think I can battle you someday."
Lorelei smiles and says, "Of course, and maybe someday, we'll see each other again."
"Sure," Mew says with a smile.
After returning to the beach, meet up with Adriana and Daisy, Mew and her friends are on the cruise ship that is heading back to the mainland. The group of friends wave to Lorelei who is still with her Lapras.
"Bye, Lorelei!" Misty says.
"Goodbye!" Mew says.
"Thanks for the help!" Brock says.
"So long!" Tomo says.
"Goodbye everyone and take care," Lorelei says, waving goodbye.
Soon the cruise ship continues to travel back to the Kanto Region and the group plans to head back to Pallet Town. Mew and her friends have one amazing vacation on Seafoam Island, and have an eventful last day. They meet Lorelei, one of the Elite Four. Mew has new Pokemon: Magby, Elekid, and Smoochum. And Brock has Vulpix, named Winter. They have one crazy adventure. Of course, once they return, Mew will continue her training for the Pokemon League.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female). Axew (Male). Igglybuff (Female). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Squirtle (Male). Shaymin (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Wartortle (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Poliwrath (Male). Krabby (Male). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Steenee (Female). Meditite (Female). Shiny Ditto. Haunter (Male). Wave A.K.A Alolan Raichu (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Roserade (Female). Ursaring (Male). Primeape (Male). Arcanine (Male). Liepard (Female). Muk (Male). Mawile (Female). Sandshrew (Male). Floette (Female). Weepinbell (Female). Ledyba (Female). Diglett (Male). Lileep (Female). Tyrogue (Male). Magnemite. Pansear (Male). Makuhita (Male). Beedrill (Female). Beautifly (Female). Wooloo (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Porygon. Meowstic (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Miltank (Female). Lunatone. Tauros (Male). Cinderace (Female). Aerodactyl (Male).
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge. Volcano Badge. Earth Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). Goldeen (Female). Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male). Shiny Cherubi (Male). Winter A.K.A Alolan Vulpix (Female).
From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Item: 2 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male)
Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones
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