Episode 65: The Evolution Solution
At Pallet Town, Mew continues her training for the Pokemon League. Today however, Mew and her friends are taking a little vacation trip to Seafoam Island. In her room, Mew is packing up her things, along with her Pokemon to help with some training, especially her Water Types. Pikachu and Eevee watch as they see Mew fitting her belongings in her suitcase. When Mew is finished packing her things, she places it on her back and walks down stairs.
She hears Misty call out, "Mew, are you ready? We're going to go in a minute!"
"I'm ready," Mew says.
Then says to herself, "I can't wait to get to Seafoam Island, it sounds exciting."
Just then, she notices Professor Oak is sitting at the computer and deep in thought and typing on his computer. Suddenly, he groans as he places his head on the desk and places his hands on his head.
"What's wrong Professor? You look frustrated," Mew asks.
"I've been racking my brain for days trying to solve a great mystery of Pokémon evolution," Professor Oak says.
"What mystery?" Mew asks.
"Take a look at this," Professor Oak says, and types on the computer.
The group pays attention to the screen as Professor Oak explains, "Here we have a Slowpoke, and this is a Shellder. When the Shellder clamps onto a Slowpoke's tail, it becomes a Slowbro."
"Yeah. I remember seeing a Slowpoke evolve before," Mew says
"Yes, but I can't figure out WHY it happens! (groans in frustration) I've got to solve this mystery!" Professor Oak says, frustrated.
"Why don't you just use a Pokédex to look it up?" Mew asks.
"The Pokédex doesn't have the answer, either," Professor Oak says.
Suddenly he has an idea, "Wait! Professor Westwood! If there's anyone who knows the answer, Westwood does!"
"Professor Westwood?" Mew says, confused.
"He's one of the Pok-ologists who programmed the Pokédex!" Professor Oak says, typing on the computer.
He then finds Professor Westwood's location, "Ah! Professor Westwood lives on Seafoam Island!"
"That's where we're heading to. Adriana and Daisy are going to head there too," Mew says.
"Pika!" (It is!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee," (What a coincidence.) Eevee replies.
Mew then turns to Professor Oak, "Maybe my friends and I can help you solve your mystery while we're there."
"I don't see why not and you will be heading there as well. I do also have a lot of work to do here in the lab," Professor Oak says.
Outside, Brock, Misty, Tomo, Adriana, and Daisy are with a group of People planning to go to Seafoam Island.
The lady with the flag says, "Okay! If everybody's here, we'll be on our way!"
That's when Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee arrive with their things.
"Hey Mew, just in time, we're just about to leave," Misty says.
"Sorry, but I got a little caught up. Either way, I'm going to help the professor with something on Seafoam Island," Mew says.
Curious, Tomo asks, "What is it?"
"You'll see," Mew says.
Time has gone by, and Mew along with her friends and Pokemon are on Seafoam Island.
Mew cheers, "Alright!"
"Pika!" (The beach!) Pikachu happily says.
Then Eevee happily says, "Eevee!" (The beach!)
"Come on, guys, let's go have some fun," Mew says.
Soon, everyone begins to have some fun on the beach. They go windsurfing, play sand castles, play frisbee, and with the Water Pokemon, they go out for a swim. Of course, Mew makes sure to have some Water Type Pokemon training with Misty.
After a little fun at the beach and some Pokemon League training, Mew and the others are walking on the trail to Professor Westwood's home.
"So we're meeting Professor Westwood? Awesome!" Brock says, excited.
"What's so great about him?" Misty asks.
"Professor Westwood's one of the Pok-ologists who programmed the Pokédex," Brock says.
"Yeah. I guess you can call it educational training since we're learning about Pokemon," Mew says.
Soon, Mew and her friends arrive at Professor Westwood's lab and ring the doorbell. The doorbell opens to reveal a grown older man wearing a green shirt, a white lab coat, and has gray hair, except for on his head.
The professor says, "Ah! What have we here?"
After being let in, the group walks in the professor's lab to see his library.
Brock looks around and asks, "Wow. Is this where you work on the Pokédex, Professor Westwood?"
"Ah, Professor is much too formal. My friends and associates call me Westwood the Fifth," Professor Westwood says.
"The fifth?" Mew says, confused.
"Pika?" (Fifth?) Pikachu says, confused.
"Eevee!" (The fifth?) Eevee adds.
Yes, the fifth. And you're right," Westwood says.
Then show them pictures of his family, "Here, you see my great, great grandfather, Westwood the first! And his son, my great grandfather, Westwood the second. And that's his son, my grandfather, Westwood the third. And there's my father, Westwood the fourth. And there's me, the one and only, Westwood the fifth!"
The fifth one shows him at a younger age and has a rose in the mouth.
"All the paintings kinda look alike," Misty says.
"Except the last one's a little..." Mew says.
Then Tomo answers, "abstract."
Westwood sweats drops and clears his throat, "Well, as you can see, I come from a long line of Pokémon researchers."
Then turns to Togepi, "Now, that's an interesting Pokémon you both got there."
"You mean, Togepi?" Misty asks.
"Do you mean, Meloetta?" Tomo asks, turning to Meloetta who is looking from behind Tomo.
"I've never seen another Pokémon quite like that one, especially this one, Meloetta," Professor Westwood says.
"Togepi and Meloetta sure are cute, aren't they?" Misty replies.
"Yeah! And I'm updating all my research materials about the rarest, legendary Pokémon. I also have fellow researchers across the world doing the very same in their native regions," Westwood says, writing on the pad.
Brock happily says, "I'm into legendary Pokémon, Westwood five. You must have tons of information on them.
"Only when I've created myself, because All the information on legendary Pokémon we have I've taken from legends and tales about them, plus, I'm not convinced most of them exist. Right now, I'm working on a fictional account of the subject," Professor Westwood says.
"You mean you're making stuff up?" Misty asks.
"Well, I guess you could say I'm making stuff up, I suppose," Professor Westwood says, nervously and holding his fingers together.
Then turns to his family portraits, "Forgive me, Westwood the first! The second! The third! The fourth! The fifth! I forgot, that one's me." Then clear his throat.
Mew whispers to Brock, "He's a little eccentric."
Then Brock whispers back, "I think it's probably hereditary. He must have gotten it from Westwoods one through four."
"At the moment, I'm solving a real life mystery. Surely, but slowly," Westwood says as he goes to the window.
Mew and the others look out to see a pink Pokémon that resembles a cross between a salamander and a hippopotamus. It has vacant eyes that never seem focused, curled ears, and a rounded, tan muzzle. It has four legs, each of which ends in a single white claw. Its long, tapering tail has a white tip.
"Look! A Slowpoke!" Mew says.
"I want to discover why Shellder attaches to Slowpoke. I just don't understand why they evolve into Slowbro," Westwood says.
"Professor Oak hasn't been able to figure that out either," Mew says.
Westwood says, "I need to study Slowpoke and Shellder until I come up with a theory to present the symposium."
"The what?" Brock asks.
"The Pokémon symposium, the world's most respective group of Pok-ologists," Westwood says.
Soon, the group are out at the rocks with the professor who is now fishing.
"Hey, Westwood Five, why are you sitting there fishing? Shouldn't you be studying Slowpoke?" Tomo asks.
"I am. Fishing is part of my research into Slowpoke's lifecycle," Westwood says.
Everyone turns to Slowpoke.
"You see, Slowpoke is one of the few Pokémon that fishes," Westwood says.
"Wow. Slowpoke must be smarter than it looks if it catches fish," Misty says.
"I wonder what Dexter says about Slowpoke," Mew says, looking at her Pokedex.
Dexter says, "Slowpoke, the Dopey Pokémon. A Water and Psychic Type. No one can tell what a Slowpoke is thinking, if it ever does think. Its specialty is fishing with its tail."
"It's not very nice to call Slowpoke dopey," Mew says.
Misty turns to the professor, "Is that what you called it, Westwood the fifth?"
"Well, maybe one of my assistants wrote that particular entry. But dopey does sound like an accurate technical description of Slowpoke's mental capacity," Westwood says.
Misty asks the Pokemon, "Aren't you gonna defend yourself, Slowpoke?"
Pikachu and Eevee approach Slowpoke.
"Pika Piiiiika! "Well, HELLOOOO there!) Pikachu says.
"Eeeeeeveeeee!" (Hiiiiiii!) Eevee adds.
But Slowpoke is fishing and is minding its own business.
Looking at Slowpoke's face, Misty says, "I know I've seen that expression somewhere before."
Just then, Psyduck comes out of his Pokeball on his own, again.
"Hey! It's the same clueless expression Psyduck has!" Misty says.
Then becomes embarrassed, "Why can't you stay in your Pokéball?"
"Toge," (Beats me.) Togepi happily replies.
Psyduck then approaches Slowpoke.
Soon, the two begin to talk to each other.
"This has to be the oddest conversation I've ever seen," Mew replies.
"Psyduck, can't you tell Slowpoke to stop acting as dim as you do?" Misty questions.
Soon, the two look at each other with confused looks and seem to be talking to each other.
"Now what?" Misty asks.
"Hmm, they were saying hello and it seems like they're saying hello and kind of talking to each other. I think," Mew says, a little confused.
"Yeah. They're trying to think of what else to say," Tomo says.
"Make sense," Brock says.
Just then, a Krabby comes out of the water and pinches Slowpoke on the tail. Then walks to Psyduck and pinches on his tail. Then the Crab Pokemon jumps in the water. After a few seconds, both Pokemon feel the pain from the pinch.
"Well, I guess it takes quite a while for that big a pain to find that small a brain," Misty comments.
Soon enough, Slowpoke pulls its tail out of the water to reveal a Magikarp.
"Look, it's got a bite!" Tomo says.
"It's a Magikarp," Mew says.
"Well, at least it's good at something, unlike Psyduck," Misty says.
Psyduck suddenly stops, hearing what Misty said.
"She didn't mean that, Psyduck," Brock says.
Tomo looks at the water and notices something, "Hey, what's that?"
Tomo kneels down and puts his arms in the water. Soon, he picks up what looks like an egg, it's pink with yellow on the top and bottom.
"It's a Pokemon Egg," Brock says.
"I've never seen one like that before," Misty says.
"It sure is a unique color," Mew says.
"I must agree. It is quite an interesting looking egg. And since you found it, you'll have a new friend ready to hatch," Westwood says.
Tomo smiles and says, "Yeah."
"All this fishing has made me hungry. Let's go have some lunch," Westwood says.
The group smiles when they hear about lunch.
Brock says, "I want pizza!"
"Let's go try that taco stand!" Misty says.
"Those hot dogs sure look good!" Misty says.
"Pikachu!" (They sure do!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee! Eevee!" (Yeah! I'm hungry!) Eevee says.
Meanwhile, on a different side of the beach, there is a rather large beach house. The one who owns it is Team Rocket's leader, Giovanni, relaxing as his Persian is having some milk.
He sighs and says, "A nice, relaxing day at the beach is just what I needed after the stress of having Team Rocket headquarters destroyed."
Then pets his Persian, "You deserve to relax, too."
Meanwhile, Meowth of Team Rocket's watch tearfully as Persian is getting the boss' attention.
"Just look at how the boss fawns over that feline fink!" Meowth says, tearfully.
At the same time, Jessie and James are digging with sand rakes and looking depressed.
James sadly says, "First the boss has us swabbing the deck of his yacht, and now he's got us digging for clams like a couple of clam diggers!"
"Keep digging till you hit China, or he'll make us take another pay cut! Mess up again, and we're fired!" Meowth says.
"Why don't we bury Meowth in the sand headfirst?" Jessie mutters.
James soon looks out in the ocean to see the beachgoers are having fun.
"Oh, everybody's having fun, but us," James complains.
Then begins to go ballistic and digs frantically in the sand. Suddenly, he hits something.
James says, "Jess, I think I just discovered a colossal clam."
James then pulls whatever it is hard that it's sent flying. Then it lands on the ground to reveal a Shellder.
"Look, it's a Shellder." Jessie says.
The Shellder opens up and sticks its tongue out.
Meowth is not amused, "Oh, you're a wise guy, huh? Don't stick that tongue out at me, you crummy crustacean! I know how to clam you up, for good!"
James and Jessie feel the same.
James throws his Pokeball and calls out, "Weezing, I choose you! Go!"
Then Weezing comes out.
Jessie comments, "You're acting like that twerp."
"I just wanted to be in his goody two-shoes," James sheepishly says.
Weezing charges, but Shellder deflects the attack.
"Poor Weezing! It got shellshocked!" Meowth says, shocked.
Shellder charges and fires an Ice Beam, but Weezing dodges the attack.
"Look! That's an ice beam!" Jessie says, surprised.
James calls out, "Weezing, use your Haze attack!"
Weezing spreads the haze and Shellder is knocked out.
James shouts as he brings out his Pokeball, "Yes!"
But Jessie makes the scene, "Pardon me!" and throws the Pokeball.
The Pokeball hits Shellder, and it's instantly captured.
"Shellder, nice capture," Jessie says.
"That's no fair," James says, feeling deflated.
Just then, Giovanni's butler walks towards them and says, "Our leader wants to see you, immediately."
The three soon approach their boss.
The boss says, "I'm getting sick and tired of watching you three blundering fools." He takes a sip of his drink and says, "Don't fail me again, or else."
Meanwhile, Meowth is trying to sneak a sip of Persian milk with a long straw, but Persian stops his paw on the straw.
"Would you like to find out what or else means?" Giovanni questions, and sits up.
Jessie takes the straw nervously and says, "Oh, we'll figure it out." And smacks Meowth on the head, Thanks."
"I want you simpletons to break into the laboratory of the famous Professor Westwood. It may prove very useful to me," Giovanni explains.
"Looting laboratories is one of our specialties!" Jessie says.
Meowth says, "We'll crack the joint right away!"
"Don't mess this one up," Giovanni sternly says.
"Right!" The three answers.
Meanwhile, Mew and her friends along with Professor Westwood are having lunch in his lab.
The processor explains, "So a Slowpoke will only evolve into a Slowbro if a Shellder clamps onto its tail."
"So, what's the big mystery you're trying to solve, Westwood the fifth?" Misty asks.
Westwood V gets out a laptop, "Take a look at this computer simulation."
Everyone looks at the computer curiously.
Westwood explains, "See here? Before it clamps on, Shellder has a hinged shell. But after it evolves, Shellder has a spiral shell."
"Look at that! Interesting," Brock says.
"It's one of the most perplexing mysteries in the Pokémon world. If I could solve the Shellder puzzle, I'd go down as the most renowned researcher in the history of the Pokémon symposium! They'd replace the Westwood family portrait with a statue of me!" Westwood says and laughs proudly.
"Westwood's a little weird, isn't he?" Mew comments.
"Yeah," Brock says.
The group turns around to notice someone riding on the kite tied to a motorboat.
Mew looks over and says, "Look! It's a parasail!"
"That's so, cool!" Misty says.
"I wanna try it!" Tomo says.
Just then, the parasal detached itself from the boat and headed in their direction.
It's headed this way," Mew says, surprised.
On the parasail is Team Rocket who are flying over towards them as they scream. Misty, Mew, and Tomo move out of the way for Team Rocket to land on the ground, covered in the sail.
"Hey! What in the world is going on?!" Westwood asks, surprised.
Jessie: (under parasail)
Prepare for trouble!
James: (under parasail)
Make it double!
To protect the world from devastation!
To unite all peoples within our nation!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Jessie: (removes the parasail)
James: (removes the parasail)
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light.
Surrender now, or prepare to fight.
Meowth! That's flight!
Jessie turns to the scientist and asks, "Are you the professor who programmed the Pokédex?"
"Yes, I am," Westwood answers.
"Well, now you're gonna program the Team Rocke-dex," James says.
Jessie brings out a piece of paper, "Here are all the vital statistics you'll need."
Westwood takes the paper and reads it, "Jessie, the beautiful member of the team. Her brilliant mind is only surpassed by her style and personality.
Jessie laughs vainly.
Westwood continues, "James has the looks of a movie star, the agility of an athlete, and a head that's too small for his brain?"
"That's me," James says.
"And Meowth, the feline mastermind whose diabolical plans never fail. The only thing sharper than his mind are his claws," Westwood reads.
"I'm also humble and housebroken," Meowth says.
Westwood stands there and is surprised with disbelief to hear Meowth, a Pokemon talking.
Misty takes the paper and says, "It's all lies!"
Misty balls up the paper as Westwood gets out his book.
Westwood writes it down, "A Meowth that can speak?"
"What, did you expect me to bark?" Meowth questions.
"What are you troublemakers doing here?!" Mew demands.
Westwood panics, "Oh no! They have some nefarious plot to kidnap me and make me their slave! They want my superior intellect to help them rule the planet! Please, the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, you gotta help save me for the sake of the Westwoods!"
Then I remember the fifth picture, "Oh, I forgot again, that's me. " Then clears his throat.
Soon, Team Rocket enters the building.
"We don't want a professor! We wanna steal all the Pokémon we can get our paws on!" Meowth says.
"Please, not professor! Call me, Westwood the fifth!" Westwood says.
"I'll call you Henry the eighth, just give us the Pokémon!" Jessie says.
"But that Slowpoke is the only Pokémon I've got in my lab!" Westwood says.
Right on cue, Slowpoke walks inside the room.
"Are you sure you don't have anything a little smarter?" James asks.
Then Slowpoke sits down in front of the professor.
"You're right, it ain't too bright. But when we get through with it, the boss will be in for a big surprise!" Meowth says.
Jessie laughs and says, "We've been conducting our own research..."
Then brings out her Pokeball, "...and we've got something to make Slowpoke evolve with just one bite!"
"Our Shellder chomps down on Slowpoke's tail, we get a Slowbro to bring back to the boss, and I get my saucer of milk!" Meowth says.
The professor calls out, "Slowpoke, quick, get out of here!
But Slowpoke doesn't do anything, so the professor carries it away, and Team Rocket chases after them.
Team Rocket shouts, "Come back here!"
Soon, Mew and the others follow after it. Soon. the professor trips and drops Slowpoke,
"Shellder," Jessie says, and laughs.
Then throws her Pokeball, "Go!"
With that, Shellder comes out. Slowpoke turns to see Shellder and it runs away. Soon Shellder chases after it.
Jessie calls out, "I thought you were a Slowpoke! Let Shellder bite you or you'll never evolve!"
Mew gets out her Pokeball and shouts, "Hey, leave Slowpoke alone!"
But Misty buts in, "Hold it, Mew! We're at the ocean, and water Pokémon are my specialty! Staryu, I choose..."
But Pyduck comes out of his Pokeball again and blocks Shellder, much to everyone's surprise.
"Psyduck, not you!" Misty panics.
Soon, Slowpoke starts up it's confusing conversation with Psyduck.
"This is a case of no minds leading no minds," Misty comments.
Westwood hurries over and writes it down, "Fascinating! I can present this to the symposium!"
Then Shellder clamps onto Psyduck's tail.
Mew giggles and says, "Maybe Psyduck is gonna be a Psybro!"
"I never heard of a Psybro," Misty replies.
"That's because there's no such thing," Brock says.
Tomo laughs, "But it does seem funny.
Jessie calls out to her Pokemon, "Shellder, you got the wrong Pokémon! Get off of Psyduck and take a bite out of Slowpoke!"
The pain of Shellder clamping down on Psyduck, takes effect, making Psyduck scream and panic as he runs around in a circle. Then begins to shake Shellder off with a Tail Wag."
"Wow! Psyduck used it's tail wag attack!" Misty says.
"Good one!" Mew says, and laughs.
James calls out, "Weezing, make sure that Psyduck is permanently quacked up!"
Then Weezing bounces on Psyduck's head.
"Good work, Weezing," James says.
Misty calls out, "Psyduck, run away!"
Psyduck tries to run, but trips in the sand.
Misty groans and says, "Two webbed left feet."
"Shellder, clamp on to Slowpoke's tail, now!" Jessie angrily says, and tosses Shellder at Slowpoke.
However, Shellder ends up getting Psyduck's head as Slowpoke ducks its head.
Jessie sighs, "Now that's what I call dumb luck."
Soon, the pain of Shellder squeezing onto Psyduck's head is taking its toll and Psyduck is getting a severe headache. Then begins to try and pull Shellder off.
"Psyduck!" Misty says.
"Looks like Shellder squeezing done it now," Mew says.
"Psyduck only uses its most powerful attacks when it gets its most powerful headaches!" Brock says.
Then, Psyduck's eyes turn deep blue and begin to glow with Psychic attacks, causing Team Rocket to panic. Soon, they became petrified.
"I can't move! My body's stuck!" James panics.
Weezng has also become petrified.
Misty cheers, "That's it, Psyduck! Nice Disable attack!"
Soon, Psyduck lifts Shellder off of his head, as well as Team Rocket and Weezing.
Meowth panics, "Who am I? What am I? Where am I?"
"Alright! It's Confusion attack worked!" Misty cheers.
Westwood writes in his notebook, "I've read about these attacks, but this is the first time I've seen them!"
Suddenly, Psyduck stops performing the attack.
And Team Rocker falls "We're sandblasting off again!"
Team Rocket lands on the beach with a thud, and Shellder bounces on Psyduck's head and lands next to it.
"You did great, Psyduck! Mew cheers.
"You're awesome!" Misty cheers.
"Pika!Eev! (Sure are!) Pikachu and Eevee happily say.
Meloetta and Skwovet happily nod their heads.
"duck?" (Really?) Psyduck asks.
Westwood says, "Psyduck just saved you from those kidnappers, Slowpoke. Why don't you give it a big thank you?"
Slowpoke then approaches Psyduck to do so, but ends up slipping off of Sheller, and the Shell Pokemon clams on it it's tail, much to Mew and her friends, and Team Rocket's surprise.
"Yay, Shellder! Now we can steal a new Slowbro instead of an old Slowpoke!" Meowth cheers.
Misty says, upset, "Poor Psyduck tried so hard to stop them."
Just then, Slowpoke begins to evolve.
Westwood gets out his book, "Oh, Slowpoke is beginning to evolve!"
Soon, Slowpoke changes as it glows and evolves. Soon, it evolved into Slowbro. A bipedal, pink Pokémon with a tan, striped belly and a rounded, tan muzzle. It has large, vacant eyes, curled ears, and two small pointed teeth protruding from its upper jaw. It has three clawed fingers on its hands and two clawed toes on its feet. There is a Shellder attached to its tail. The Shellder now has a gray, spiral shell with darker gray spots and small, triangular eyes near the base. There are several spikes across the surface of the Shellder, and it holds onto Slowbro with many sharp teeth.
Everyone is amazed to see Slowpoke has evolved into Slowbro.
Westwood says, excited, "I'm the first researcher to witness this! Slowpoke evolved into Slowbro and Shellder changed into a spiral shape."
"That was so cool!" Brock says.
"I'm sure glad we were here to see it happen!" Mew says.
Just then, Team Rocket charges at them as Meowth calls out, "We're sick of playing these shell games!"
They soon notice Team Rocket is coming.
Westwood calls out, "Slowbro, attack these kidnappers!"
"What kind of attack does Slowbro have?" Brock asks.
"A very powerful one," Westwood says.
Soon, Team Rocket continues to charge.
"It's called, the Mega Punch," Westwood says, clutching his fist.
Mew says, "That sounds powerful to me."
Team Rocket calls out, "Here we come, Slowbro!"
"Slowbro, Mega Punch attack!" Westwood says, calling Slowbro.
But Slowbro looks confused.
"What's that matter?" Misty asks.
"It seems that Slowbro is suffering from the effects of one of its own attacks," Westwood says.
"It's own attack? An attack of what?" Misty asks.
Still, Team Rocket continue to charge towards the,.
Westwood answers, "Of, Amnesia."
The group falls over in disbelief.
"That's supposed to make its opponents forget!" Brock says.
Then suddenly Slowbro remembers.
Westwood notices, "Oh, now you remember Mega Punch."
Team Rocket leaps to capture Slowbro
Meowth shouts, "Ready or not, here we come!"
Before Team Rocket can do anything, Slowbro performs Mega Punch and strikes at Team Rocket, sending them flying.
"Pikachu!" (Good going!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee!" (Amazing!) Eevee says.
"Loetta!" (Impressive!) Meloetta says.
Jessie screams, "We really took it on the chin!"
"I always thought that thing looked a little punchy!" Meowth panics.
Then Team Rocket screams, "Looks like Team Rocket got knocked out again!"
Soon, Team Rocket splashes into the water.
After the event Westwood starts jotting down notes, "I've figured it out! My report will be the talk of the symposium! I'll get a standing ovation!"
"So why does a Shellder clamp onto a Slowpoke's tail?" Misty asks.
"Because it's mutually beneficial," Westwood answers.
"What does that mean?" Misty asks.
"That means it helps them both," Brock says.
Westwood explains, "Such an arrangement benefits both Pokémon, as I will explain. Shellder clamps onto Slowbro's tail, which helps Slowbro balance when it stands on two feet. This way, Slowbro's front legs are free, so it can use attacks like Mega Punch."
"That makes sense," Mew says.
Westwood continues, "And because it's clamped onto Slowbro's tail, Shellder may now travel on land."
Then write down the notes, "I must make sure to get all this down."
Later, Mew and her friends are planning to leave Westwood's lab.
"Wow! That was really amazing! We will surely learn something about Slowpoke. Learning all about different Pokémon is a good way to train," Mew says.
."Especially if you're at the beach," Misty says.
"Yeah," Tomo says, holding the egg.
Suddenly, it begins to glow, much to everyone's surprise.
"The egg," Mew says.
"It's hatching all ready," Brock says.
The egg glows and changes its shape. Soon, it hatches into a Slowpoke. However, this one looks different. This one has a coloration on its head and tail and the tail is downside.
"What is that?" Misty asks.
"It looks like a Slowpoke, but it looks different. Probably from a different region," Mew says.
"I believe it is. I remember reading about it. It's a Slowpoke from the Galar Region. It is said to have gained this appearance from eating Galarica Seeds from Galar," Westwood says.
"Well, it looks like you have a new friend, Tomo," Mew says.
"Yeah," Tomo says.
Then says, "Hi Slowpoke, it's nice to meet you."
"Slowpoke," (Heelllooo.) Glarian Slowpoke says.
Soon enough, Mew and her friends begin to leave, but Psyduck looks back in sadness.
Misty asks, "What's wrong, Psyduck?"
Mew says, "Psyduck probably wants to say goodbye to Slowbro before we leave here."
Then turns to Psyduck, "Don't you, Psyduck?"
"Psy," (Yeah.) Psyduch says.
Psyduck soon meets with Slowbro and again, they're having a confused conversation.
"I've heard of not knowing how to say goodbye, but it is ridiculous," Misty says.
The group continue to watch as Psyduck and Slowbro try to say goodbye and come up with more to say. On the bright side, Tomo has a new friend, a Galarain Slowpoke hatched from an egg. And the group learned a little more about Pokemon and evolution.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female). Axew (Male). Igglybuff (Female). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Squirtle (Male). Shaymin (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Wartortle (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Poliwrath (Male). Krabby (Male). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Roserade (Female). Ursaring (Male). Primeape (Male). Arcanine (Male). Liepard (Female). Muk (Male). Mawile (Female). Haunter (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Floette (Female). Weepinbell (Female). Ledyba (Female). Diglett (Male). Lileep (Female). Tyrogue (Male). Magnemite. Pansear (Male). Steenee (Female). Makuhita (Male). Beedrill (Female). Beautifly (Female). Wooloo (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Porygon. Meowstic (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Miltank (Female). Lunatone. Tauros (Male). Meditite (Female). Cinderace (Female). Shiny Ditto. Aerodactyl (Male). Ivysaur (Female).
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. 2 Pokemon Egg. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 2 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge. Volcano Badge. Earth Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). Goldeen (Female). Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 1 Pokemon Egg
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male). Shiny Cherubi (Male).
From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Item: 2 Soothe Bell.
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell.
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