Episode 6: Water Flowers of Cerulean City
Continuing on their way to Cerulean City, Mew and her friends continue to walk on the trail to
Mew stretches her arms and says, "It sure is a nice day, today."
"Yeah. Of course, while we're here relaxing, Gary is catching more Pokemon," Brock says.
"That's true, but there's nothing wrong with relaxing once in a while," Mew says.
Mew turns to her Pokemon, "Right guys."
"Pika," (Yeah.) Pikachu says.
"Eevee," (That's for sure.) Eevee says.
Suddenly, Brock notices something that he should have a long time ago. He has wondered about it, but now comes to a shocking realization.
"Wait a minute! You can understand Pokemon?!" Brock asks, shocked.
Mew, Misty, and the Pokemon come to a stop, and realize they have forgotten to tell Brock about it.
"Uh, yeah. I actually can. We're sorry we never mentioned it, but it slipped our minds. Are you mad?" Mew replies, feeling sheepish.
Brock shows a serious expression. Suddenly, he brings out a pad and pencil, "Please explain!"
Then Misty, Pikachu, and Eevee fall over disbelief.
Misty says, dumbfounded, "At least Brock has taken an interest in it."
"Oh... well... where do I start," Mew says, embarrassed.
The group decides to take the conversation on the road. Brock asks multiple questions about Mew's gift to understand Pokemon. Mew then explains to him about her life from beginning to end. She also tells them how she ends up with the name Mew. She also explains how Eevee and her are close like sisters. From the start of her life with Pokemon to her beginning a life with Professor Oak is an amazing story for Brock and Misty to hear.
"That's really amazing. You were raised by Pokemon and able to understand and learn from them," Brock says.
"Yeah. and your Papa sounds like a cool Pokemon. Do you have a picture?" Misty replies.
"Yeah," Mew says,
Mew then brings out the photo. Brock and Misty look to see the photo of Mew with Zeraora, Eevee, Professor Oak, Gary, Daisy, and Andraia.
"Wow! Your Papa looks so cool," Misty says.
"And a very rare Pokemon, and Eevee is with you too. No wonder you two are close," Brock says.
"Yeah. This photo was taken a year after Professor Oak and Gary found me," Mew says.
"Aww, you look like a very happy family," Misty says.
"And it's amazing to see a rare Pokemon like your dad. And that you were named after Mew, the Mythical Pokemon," Brock says.
"And It's cute," Misty says.
Then asks, "So remind me where we're going?"
"Cerulean City," Mew answers.
Misty suddenly panics, "Cerulean City?! What are you going there for?!"
"Well, the guide book said there's a Pokemon Gym specializing in Water Types, and I plan to get a badge there. Plus, I like to transfer some of the Pokemon to Professor Oak, and give my Eggs a check up," Mew says.
Still skeptic, Misty says, "Uh Mew. You don't want Pokemon from there, trust me."
"Why?" Mew asks, confused.
"Because they're all..." Misty answers.
"All what?" Mew asks.
"Very scary Ghost Pokemon that look like this," Misty answers.
Then makes a scary face, "Like monsters!"
"You look like a Haunter with that face, but they're not a problem. Let's go," Mew says, and walks ahead.
Brock and the Pokemon soon follow.
Seeing them leaving, Mew panics, "Hey! Wait! Wait a second!"
Then runs in front of the group, "Hey, what about Vermilion City? It's right on the water and there are lots of neat Pokemon, and you can watch all the giant yachts pulling into the harbor, and there's a little park way up on a hill where you can sit and watch the sunset, that's so romantic."
"Really?" Mew asks.
"It's much nicer than that old Cerulean City, so let's get going!" Misty says.
Mew smiles and says, "Okay. Let's go!"
"Really?" Misty asks, happily.
Then Mew says, "To Cerulean City."
Misty then falls to the ground, disbelief.
"Sorry Misty, but Cerulean City is the closest and I like to get more badges," Mew says.
"Yeah, makes sense to me," Brock says.
Soon, the group of friends begin to walk down the trail to Cerulean City.
Misty stands back up with a groan, "Ah! I never wanted to wind up back here!"
Later in the night, inside a strange store with machines and other stuff, everything seems quiet. Suddenly, the lid to the air vent opens, and James from Team Rocket comes out with a flashlight.
James says, "The coast is clear!"
Then Jessie comes out, "Nothing to fear."
"Nobody here," Meowth says, appearing out of the vent.
The three hop out of the air vent and stand on their feet. James turns on the flashlight to see the machines. They walk down the hall a little to notice what they're looking for. It looks like a green machine and a giant gray hose.
"Well, looks like we found it," James says.
"Just what we need to get just what we want," Jessie says.
"Pokemon!" Meowth says.
The next day, after making a stop at the Pokemon Center. Mew has a few of her Pokemon transported to Professor Oak's lab.
"So this is Cerulean City, eh, Brock?" Mew asks.
"Pretty nice place, isn't it?" Brock replies.
"Yeah, pretty cool!" Mew says.
Mew then notices someone is missing, "Hey, where;s Misty?"
"She really didn't want to come to Cerulean City, did she?" Brock says.
"I wonder why she hates this place so much," Mew wonders.
"I'm sure Misty has her reasons," Brock says.
"Maybe," Mew says, curious as to why Misty doesn't want to come here.
Soon enough, Mew, Brock, and the other Pokemon arrive in front of the stories, especially a specific one.
"Police. I wonder what happened," Mew replies.
"Yeah," Brock says.
The two then walk over to see.
Mew asks one of the people, "Excuse me. Do you know what happened here?"
"Some burglars broke into the store last night," The person answers.
"Burglars, huh?" Mew replies.
Suddenly, someone says, "What do you know about burglars?"
The group turn their heads to see Officer Jenny.
Mew smiles and says, "Hi Officer Jenny. It's great to see you again. It's me, Mew. We met in Viridian city.
"Huh? Oh! You must have met my sister-in-law," Jenny says.
Then looks at Mew with a suspicious expression, "If you know my sister-in-law, that means you all probably have some dealings with the police in Viridian."
" Now, maybe you all stopped to ask her for directions, or maybe you found a wallet on the street and returned it to her," Jenny says, looking at Mew suspiciously.
Then brings out the handcuffs, "Or maybe you're all a gang of criminals who broke out of jail!"
Mew yelps and hides behind Brock.
Brock answers, "We just got into town and saw the crowd so we came here to see what was going on."
"The criminal always returns to the scene of the crime," Jenny says."
"We're not..." Brock says.
Then Mew brings out her Pokedex, "Um, maybe this will clear things up."
Mew opens her Pokdex and Dexter says, "I'm Dexter, a Pokedex programmed by Professor Oak for Pokemon trainer Mew."
"Yeah, and I was the leader of the Pewter City gym," Brock says, and brings out his gym badge.
"Well, that's evidence enough for me," Jenny says, seeing the proof.
Then happily says, "I'm sorry I was suspicious."
She brings out her handcuffs and says, "Now I'm suspicious of my sister-in-law, she sure has weird tastes in friends."
Suddenly, Brock says, "Uh, Miss?" Catching Jenny's attention.
"I was wondering, since I'm new in town maybe we could get together tonight and you can show me around," Brock says, which makes Mew and her Pokemon confused.
But Jenny says, "Well, I'm not off-duty until it's past your bedtime. And I might even have to work round the clock to catch these burglars."
"What did they steal?" Mew asks.
"That's the strange thing about it. They didn't take any money, just some massive vacuum and a giant hose," Jenny says, confused by this case.
"What would anyone want that stuff?" Mew asks.
"I'm afraid I have no clue, and the security cameras were messed up too, so we can't determine who did it. Anyway, you two should get going, I got work to do," Jenny says.
Then calls out to the people, "Come on, let's go! Alright, everybody! The show's over! Nothing to see here! Break it up! Break it up!"
Sometime later, Mew, Pikachy, Eevee, and Bock are sitting on the bench to rest.
"Good thing I had Dexter and you had your badge," Mew says.
"Yeah. Shouldn't you head for the Cerulean City Gym?" Brock replies.
"Yeah," Mew says.
Then Mew asks, "So Brock, do you know anything about the Gym Leader? I just wanna find out as much as I can about him before we have our match. Know yourself, know your adversary, and you hold the key to victory."
"You sure know some pretty deep stuff," Brock says.
"I learned that one from Dexter," Mew says, holding her Pokedex.
Then says, "Plus, I am curious to know the person the gym leader is. I did read that the gym specializes in Water Types.
"Well, I never actually met the trainer here, but I know his Pokemon's special move," Brock says.
Curious, Mew asks, "What is it?"
"I'm sorry, But I can't give you that information," Brock says.
"How come?" Mew asks.
"I'm a Gym Leader too, after all. I can't tell you out of respect. You understand?" Brock says.
Mew nods her head, "Right, I understand."
"Well, I have some stuff I need to check out," Brock says.
"What kind of stuff?" Mew asks, curiously.
"Just stuff. See ya later," Brock says, and walks off.
"Bye," Mew says.
After separating from Brock, Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee begin to look for the Cerulean Gym.
She looks around as she wonders, "Cerulean City gym. Cerulean City gym. Should be right around here someplace."
She then notices, "There it is!"
The Gym is a semi circle-like building that has a pink and yellow stripe roof with a Dewgong on it."
Soon, she and her Pokemon walk inside.
Inside the building, there are a crowd of people sitting on bleachers as they see a large pool with lights shining from above. Mew and her Pokemon walk inside and are shocked to see so many people in one building.
The announcer says on the speakers, "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the stars of our show, The Sensational Cerulean City Synchronized Swimming Sisters!"
Soon, the lights shine on a high diving board to see three girls on top. The one on the left has long blonde hair, green eyes, and wears a red swimsuit. The one in the middle has long indigo hair, brown eyes, and wears a green swimsuit. And the one on the right has pink short hair, blue eyes, and wears an orange swimsuit with a blue ribbon on top, and red ribbons on the bottom.
She soon hears the crowd shouting their names, "Lily, Violet, and Daisy!"
Mew and her Pokemon are confused, and yet interested to see what they're going to do. The three girls then jump from the diving board, perform tricks, and splash into the water. The girls are under water and perform swimming dances.
"Hmm, I thought this was a Pokemon Gym," Mew replies.
Pikachu and Eevee are too amazed by the performance. Mew continues to watch the performance and amazed by it too. Soon, the three girls finish their performance and the crowd goes wild. The three girls exit the pool and wave to the people in the audience. After the show, Mew is rather confused about what she has seen.
"I can't understand it," Mew says, confused.
She then notices a large display of windows and looks around to see many different Water Pokemon swimming around.
Suddenly, she hears a female voice, "The crowd was totally awesome!"
Then another, "I know, that was so great!"
Mew and her Pokemon turn their heads to see the three girls.
"Daisy, the dive you did was super," The indigo haired girl says.
Then the blonde hair girl says, "The practice really paid off."
"Totally," The pink haired girl agrees.
Then all three laugh.
Mew walks over and asks, "Um, excuse me."
The three sisters stop to see Mew and her Pokemon walking to them.
The pink hair girl says, "I'm sorry, but if you want an interview, you have to, like, call our manager."
"No, I'm not here for that," Mew says.
The Pink hair girl then says, "We don't do autographs."
"No. Not that either. I'm actually I was wondering if this is the Pokemon City Gym," Mew replies.
"It sure is," The blonde girl answers.
"Okay, do you know where the gym leader is?" Mew asks.
"You're looking at them?" The Blonde girl answers.
Mew becomes confused.
The Blonde girl says, "The three of us are the gym trainers here."
"We're the Sensational Sisters. The Blonde is Daisy. The blue is Violet. And I'm Lily." The pink hair girl says.
Then the indigo hair girl says, "We're world famous."
"You are? But why were you three swimming and well, performing?" Mew asks.
The pink hair girl, Lily says, "It's, like, our hobby and our fans love to watch us perform."
"We pool our talents to make a big splash," The indigo girl, Violet says.
Then the three girls laugh.
After that, the three sisters, Mew and her Pokemon are in front of the pool.
"Well now that you're here. I ask you if I can challenge you to a battle," Mew says.
"Pika!" Pikachu says.
"Eevee!" Eevee says.
However, the three sisters don't seem to be interested. Mew and her Pokemon look at them with confused looks on their faces.
Daisy answers, "We don't feel much like battling anymore."
"What do you mean?" Mew asks, confused.
"We just got beaten twice in a row by kids from this nowhere place called Pallet Town," Violet says.
"Guess I missed Gary," Mew mutters.
Violet continues, "It was just one defeat and then another. My eyes were spinning from the losses."
"We had to, like, practically rush all our Pokemon to the Pokemon Center," Daisy says.
"This is the only one left," Lily says, bringing out a Pokeball.
She drops it to the ground and Goldeen appears.
"So Goldeen is the only one left?" Mew says.
She brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, " Goldeen, the Goldfish Pokemon. A Water Type. Goldeen loves swimming wild and free in rivers and ponds. If one of these Pokémon is placed in an aquarium, it will shatter even the thickest glass with one ram of its horn and make its escape."
Then Lily calls it back in it's Pokeball
"If only it would evolve into Seaking, we could use it, but all it can do now is its Horn Attack," Violet says.
"So, like, there's no point in battling," Daisy says.
"Now, instead of having matches, we have time to make ourselves look more beautiful than ever," Lily says.
Mew mutters, "What let down."
Suddenly, Daisy says, "I know what you want."
Then calls out, "Seel!"
Coming out of the water is Pokemon. It hops out and lands on the side of the pool. The Pokemon is a pinniped Pokémon with a thick hide covered in bluish-white fur. It has a pale tan maw with a large red tongue and a pair of tusks on its lower jaw. It has circular eyes and a black nose. There is a small horn on its forehead, two flippers on its chest, and two more on the end of its tail.
"Aw, it's a Seel," Mew says.
Then pulls out her Pokedex, "Dexter says, "Seel the Sea Lion Pokemon. A Water Type. Although it can't walk well on land, it is a graceful swimmer. It especially loves being in frigid seas."
The Seel sticks its tongue out to reveal a badge that resembles light blue raindrop.
Daisy takes it out and presents it to Mew, "A Cascade Badge. This is what you want, right? You can have it."
Skeptic Mew says, "Thanks, but I would rather earn our badges."
"Take it. A badge is a badge. Here," Daisy says.
Mew feels very skeptic about it then says, "I'm afraid I can't accept it."
That makes the three sisters confused.
Soon Mew says, "I do appreciate you wanting to give me a badge, but I really want to earn my badge in a battle with my Pokemon. I may not know too much about gym battles, but I feel that a badge is the result of hours of training from a trainer and Pokemon. If we won the badge through battle then, there's a sense of accomplishment. And just being handed a badge like that, well, it just doesn't feel right."
"I'm glad you think so! A familiar voice says.
Mew, Pikachu, Eevee, and the three sisters turn their heads to see Misty.
"Misty?!" Mew says, surprised.
Misty then jumps off the stands and lands in front of the sisters, "Alright, Daisy. If you don't want to battle them, I will!"
Hearing that Mew comes to realize, "Misty, are you saying that you're actually one of the Cerulean Gym Leaders?!"
Misty says, "I'm sorry for not telling you about it before, Mew. But now, I'm telling you right here and now that I'm a Cerulean City trainer, too. I am the fourth Sensational Sister!"
Suddenly, Lily says, "There are only three Sensational Sisters and one runt."
Misty growls in anger.
Daisy then says, "So, little sister, it's a surprise to see you back so soon."
"That little girl with the big mouth who said she wouldn't come back till she was a great Pokemon trainer, wasn't that you?" Violet says.
"I guess I did say something like that when I left," Misty says.
Suddenly, Lily says, "Misty, you left here pretending you wanted to become a Pokemon trainer because you couldn't compare with us because we're obviously much more talented and beautiful then you are."
"That wasn't the reason!" Misty yells, shouting at her sisters.
Mew kneels to Pikachu and Eevee, then whispers, "I'm starting to see why Misty is against us coming here. Her sisters aren't being very nice to her."
Suddenly they hear Daisy saying to Misty, "Well then, I guess, like, you came back because you couldn't make it as a Pokemon trainer."
Suddenly Mew says, "Hold on, Misty was with me when we were traveling. I'm the one who insisted on coming here to have a battle. But it looks like I'm not going to have one with you three."
Then turns to Misty, "Alright Misty, I ask for an official Pokemon Gym Match."
Misty smiles with determination, "Okay Mew, I accept your challenge. Ready to rumble?"
"Let's do it," Mew says.
Soon enough, Misty and Mew are standing on platforms on opposite sides of the pool.
"Alright Mew, we'll have a two on two Pokemon battle. The winner is when both Pokemon from either side are unable to battle," Misty says.
"Okay. Your gym, your rules," Mew says.
Mew then turns to her Pokemon, "Eevee, how about you take the first battle?"
"Eevee!" (My pleasure.) Eevee says, and hops on the platform.
"Alright. Staryu, go!" Misty says, and throws her Pokeball.
Then Staryu comes out of the Pokeball.
"A Staryu, huh?" Mew says, and brings out her Pokedex.
Dexter says, " Staryu, the Star Shape Pokemon. A Water Type. The core of this Water Pokémon shines in a rainbow of seven colors, a core that is valued by some as a type of jewelry."
"Cool Pokemon Misty," Mew calls out.
"Thanks, but we have a battle to do," Misty says.
At the stand, Violet asks, "Do you think Misty could really win?"
"Like in her dreams maybe," Lily says.
"Okay Eevee, use Tackle," Mew calls out.
Eevee then performs Tackle as she jumps from one platform to another. Then knock Staryu to the ground.
Misty calls out, "Staryu, counter attack!"
Staryu then performs the same attack.
"Eevee, dodge!" Mew says.
Eevee dodges the attack. Staryu lands on the platform, and Eevee then tackles Staryu from behind. Then tackles again.
Misty calls out, "Staryu, Water Gun!"
Staryu jumps in the water and sprays Eevee. Staryu performs multiple Water Guns, but Eevee dodges the attack.
"Okay Eevee, use Swift!" Mew calls out.
Eevee then performs a Swift attack and it hits Staryu with full force. Soon Seel begins to clap with glee.
Violet asks, "Which side are you clapping for?"
Misty calls out, "Staryu, use tackle!"
"Use Tackle too, Eevee!" Mew calls out.
With that, both Pokemon begin to use tackle. Of course, Staryu bounces in and out of the water while Eevee bounces on the platforms floating on the water.
Misty then says with confidence, "If Staryu can get Eevee underwater, I win! Water Pokemon always have the edge in the water!" Then laughs with confidence.
Mew feels a bit well, uncomfortable about Misty's confidence.
At the stand, Daisy says, "Misty's totally awesome."
"Well, we three got the good looks in the family so I guess she had to get some talent," Lily says.
Staryu is able to strike at Eevee and she falls into the water. Luckily, Eevee is able to swim in the water and swims back to the Platform.
Mew calls out, "Alright Eevee, return here."
"Eevee." (Okay.) Eevee says.
She then jumps on the platform until she is on the same one Mew is.
Mew then brings out her Pokeball, "Pidgeotto, I choose you!"
Then Pidgeotto comes out of it.
Misty then calls back her Pokemon, "Staryu, return!"
She brings out another Pokeball, "I choose Starmie!"
The Pokemon comes out almost like Staryu, but has another five sets of points, and has a pinkish red color gem, and it's the color violet.
"Starmie, huh. That's the evolved form of Staryu," Mew says.
Then holds her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Starmie, the Mysterious Pokemon. A Water Type. And the evolved form of Staryu. Its sparkling core is called "the gem of the sea". This core can be made into high-priced accessories that are traded in secret."
Mew calls out, "Pidgeotto, whirlwind it away!"
Pidgeotto does just that and Starmie tries to stand its ground.
Starmie calls out, "Dive under than up!"
Starmie dives under the water. Then jumps out of the water and tackles Pidgeotto. It spins around and is coming back.
Mew calls out, "Strike it back with Wing Attack!"
Pidgeotto then strikes at Starmie with Wing Attack, and throws it back. Starmie suddenly spins back and tackles Pidgeotto. Starmie spins and flies away then maneuvers for another attack.
Mew calls out, "Pidgeotto quick, use your Gust attack!"
Pidgeotto then performs Gust Attack, and it's enough to push Starmie away and slams to the wall. Starmie then falls to the ground.
"Starmie, Misty says, concerned.
Suddenly, the gem on Starmie begins to flash.
Misty says, "Oh, no, Starmie's energy is just about to run out!"
"Okay Pidgeotto, let's finish this," Mew says.
Suddenly, they hear an explosion, followed by rumbling, making the building shake. Everyone turns their attention to the wall that begins to crack and then bursts out to reveal a green machine with a giant gray hose.
Check out that hair!" Violet asks.
Daisy then asks. "Like, who invited the party crashers?"
Suddenly, Team Rocket rises from inside the machine.
Sorry to break in on you, ladies.
Allow us to introduce ourselves.
To protect the world from devastation.
To unite all peoples within our nation.
To denounce the evils of truth and love.
To extend our reach to the stars above.
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!
Suddenly, Meowth lands in front of his teammates.
Meowth! That's right!
"Team Rocket!" Misty and Mew exclaim.
James says, "The water Pokemon have the advantage."
"But if we steal that water away," Jessie says.
"Then the Pokemon are ours for the taking!" James says.
Meowth says "And Meowth knows just how to do it!"
"What are they trying to prove?" Violet asks.
Just then, the giant machine and hose begin to suck up the water.
Mew looks at the machine, "A massive vacuum and a giant hose..."
Mew gasps, "Team Rocket were the robbers who broke into that store back there! I should've known it was them!"
Daisy says, distressed, "Our swimming pool!"
"They're sucking it dry!" Misty says, shocked.
Lily says, "That's our water!"
"Right! I should give it back." Meowth says, then reverse the flow of the water and at the girls.
Misty cries out, "We've gotta protect the Pokemon!"
"Like, what about my hair?!" Violet cries out.
"All right! Now's the time to suck 'em up!" Meowth says.
Meowth puts the vacuum back in forward and starts sucking up the water and all the Pokemon trapped in it.
Seel cries out, "Seel!" (Help!)
"Come back, Seel!" Violet cries out.
Suddenly, Pikachu and Eevee are swept away in the water.
Mew cries out, "Pikachu! Eevee!"
Pikachu and Eevee continue to be pulled into the machine.
Suddenly Mew has an idea, "Hey, wait a second! Water conducts electricity! Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"
"Pikachu!" (I'm on it!) Pikachu says. Then let out a thunderbolt.
Team Rocket screams in agony as they are being shocked by the Thunderbolt. Then the bad guys become paralyzed.
"It's times like these that make me want to go straight!" James says.
Then they all fall into the water.
"Now I know how it feels to be all washed up!" James says, paralyzed.
Then Jessie says, "We'll never come clean!"
Soon, Team Rocket is sucked into the machine and comes out through the other end. And as usual, they are sent flying.
Finally, Team Rocket screams, "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!"
In the gym, Pikachu and Eevee continue to be pulled in by the hose.
Daisy worriedly says, "Oh no!"
"Pikachu! Eevee! Misty panics.
Mew runs around the pool as fast as she can to turn off the machine. Pikachu and Eevee are soon sucked down into the water and pulled into the hose. Mew quickly reaches the machine and climbs on it.
She jumps to the switch and screams, "No!"
Finally, she pulls the switch down, causing the machine to reverse. Pikachu and Eevee fly out. Pikachu lands in Daisy's arms while Eevee lands in Lily's. After that, they see the damage has been done to the gym.
Misty says to Mew, "Hey, we never got to finish our match."
"Yeah. Our battle ended up washed up," Mew says.
Then Violet says, "You could say your match had to be postponed, like, due to drain."
"At least nobody lost," Lily says.
But Misty says, "I wanted to win."
"I guess I'm not gonna get that Cascade Badge," Mew says, feeling a bit disappointed.
But Daisy says, "Wrong. We're giving this badge to you."
Then presents her the badge. Mew becomes confused.
Misty then asks, "How come she gets the badge? She didn't win!"
"Pikachu was, like, the one who totally saved us all. And if she used Pikachu from the start, there's no way your water Pokemon would have won," Daisy says.
"Oh, man!" Misty says, disappointed.
"Take the badge, Mew. You deserve it," Daisy says.
"Are you sure?" Mew asks.
"I;m sure," Daisy says.
"Um, thank you," Mew says.
Later on, Mew and Misty are ready to set off on their journey.
Lily says to Misty, "Misty, you just go right on trying to become a Pokemon trainer. You might as well be good at something cause you'll never be stars like us."
"You keep that up and you'll be seeing stars!" Misty angrily yells.
Violet calmly says, "Chill out, Misty!"
"Be careful! You know we love you," Daisy says.
Misty smiles and says, "Yeah."
"Hey Mew!" Brock's voice calls out.
The girls turn their heads to see Brock running to them.
"Hi Brock," Mew says.
Brock then asks, "How did it go?"
"I got the Cascade Badge," Mew says, showing it to Brock.
"Cool, let's go!" Brock says.
"Right," Mew says.
Then turns to Misty, "Ready Misty?"
"Sure. Let's go," Misty says.
With that, Mew, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, and Eevee walk away. With that, Mew and Misty explain to Brock about their match and how Team Rocket end up disturbing it because of their schemes. Anyway, Mew ends up with the Cascade Badge and so they all continue on with their journey.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Metapod (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). 2 Pokemon Eggs
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Shellder (Male). Weedle (Female). Sandshrew (Male)
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Moon Stone. Moon Ball.
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie.
Items: Fishing Rod
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male).
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