Episode 59: It's Mr. Mime Time
On a bright and sunny day, Mew and her friends are making their way to Pallet Town where Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee live. Mew is so excited to reach her home that she is starting to pick up the pace.
Brock calls out, "Come on, Mew!"
"Slow it down a little, will ya?" Misty adds.
Mew stops in her tracks and turns to see the others, "Sorry, but I'm just excited to get back home."
Then walks with the others as she says, "You're going to love Pallet Town. Professor Oak's lab is amazing. Adriana makes some great food. I'm going to be happy to see Papa and my Pokemon friends again."
"Sounds like you're excited," Misty says.
"I sure am. I can't wait to show you around and..." Mew says, but something stops her in her tracks.
Brock asks, "What's wrong?"
"Why'd you stop running?" Misty asks.
"I thought I felt something," Mew turns her head back, but doesn't see anything.
Tomo and Meloetta come over and press their hands to feel something.
"There's a wall here!" Tomo says.
"Loetta," (And it's invisible.) Meloetta adds.
Brock taps on the invisible wall, "Hey!
"I feel it!" Misty adds.
"See?" Mew replies.
"But how did it get here?" Misty wonders.
"An invisible wall," Brock adds.
Misty looks up and wonders, "Is that a Pokemon up there?"
The group looks up to see a Pokemon climbing on the wall. It's a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon. Blue growths resembling clown hair extend from the sides of its pale pink head, and there is a magenta circle on each cheek. Its jaw is curved inward, resembling the mouth of a wooden dummy. It has a round, white body with a magenta spot in the middle, light pink arms and legs that connect to its body via magenta spheres, and small white coverings over its knees. Its white hands resemble gloves with magenta pads on the tips of its white fingers and its dark blue feet curl upward at the tips.
"What is that?" Tomo wonders.
Mew takes out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Mr. Mime, the Barrier Pokémon. A Psychic and Fairy Type. It uses pantomime to make actual walls appear. Because it is rarely discovered, information about this Pokémon is extremely limited."
"Interesting to find a rare Pokemon all the way out here," Misty says.
"Well this one isn't rare for me," Mew says.
Then calls out, "Mr. Mime. Hello!"
Mr. Mime stops climbing and looks down to see Mew and her friends.
The Pokemon and waves, "Mr. Mime Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime Mime Mr. Mime," (Hi Mew, welcome back. It's nice to see you. You too, Eevee.)
"You too," Mew replies and waves.
"Eevee." (Hello.) Eevee says.
It doesn't take long for the others to put the pieces together.
"So that Mr. Mime is a friend of yours?" Misty asks.
"He is. He's very sweet, and likes to practice his abilities, but really likes to make invisible walls," Mew says.
"Make a scene," Brock says.
Suddenly, someone says, "I've found you!"
The group turns to see a woman hurrying over with a Pokeball in her hand. She is also wearing an outfit similar to a ringmaster, long blue hair tied with a green band at the bottom and pink earrings.
Just then, Mr. Mime jumps over the wall and lands on the ground.
"Wait, don't run away!" The woman calls out.
Then holds out the Pokeball, "I need you, Mr. Mime! Pokeball, go!"
"Hold on, Mr Mime has placed..." Mew speaks.
But the woman throws the Pokeball, and hits the wall. Then Mr. Mime continues to run away.
"An invisible wall there," Mew finishes.
"Oh no. Now what'll I do?" The woman says, disappointed.
"I'm sorry. It's all my fault that Mr. Mime got away," Brock says.
Then the woman turns to Brock as he continues, "Whatever your problem is, I feel it's my duty to help you solve it.
Sometime later, the woman decides to take the kids to a large circus tent. Apparently she works there.
"Pokemon Circus?" Mew asks, excited.
"Hey, this looks like fun," Misty says.
"Looks cool," Tomo says.
Then the woman introduces herself, "My name is Stella, and I'm the ringmaster of this circus."
"Cool!" Mew replies.
"You must really love Pokemon, so we have a lot in common," Brock says.
Then, a few other girls come over.
The one with green hair asks, "Stella! How did it go?"
"Did you find a new Mr. Mime for the circus?" The girl with blue hair asks.
"Almost," Stella says, disappointed.
Then the girl with brown hair eyes, "What'll we do? Our Mr. Mime won't go on."
The group becomes confused, and so Stella decides to show them Mr. Mime's trailer.
"Look," Stella says.
The group looks through the window and are shocked to see their Mr. Mime is launching on the couch eating potato chips and reading a comic book.
"What's it doing?" Mew wonders.
"Eating," Tomo replies.
"It seems kinda lazy," Brock says.
"Looks like a total slob," Misty says.
"Pika. Eev. Letta," (I'll say.) Pikachu, Eevee, and Meloetta reply.
Stella says, "I'm afraid that's my fault."
Everyone turns to Stella with confused expressions.
Stella explains, "I wanted it to be perfect, so I trained it hard, night and day. Yesterday, it quit, right in the middle of a show. And now, it won't listen to me at all."
"You were too tough, so it just gave up," Mew suspects.
"Yeah," Stella sadly says.
Then says with determination, But now I have a way to get Mr. Mime to perform again. I'll just get another one to be its competition."
"I get it, that'd make your Mr. Mime jealous and it would start performing again," Brock replies.
Stella nods her head, "Right!"
"That might work," Misty says.
Then Brock says to Stella, "Stella, I'm gonna get you a new Mr. Mime, today."
"Do you think you really can, Brock?" Stella asks with glee.
"I guarantee it!" Brock says, confident.
Then Stella asks, "Can I count on you?"
"They don't call me Brock "The Rock" for nothing!" Brock says with confidence and starts laughing triumphantly.
"They must be talking about the rocks in his head," Misty says.
Tomo chuckles, "Brock is funny."
Then Misty turns to Mew, "Hey Mew, since you and Eevee appears to be friends with Mr. Mime, do you have any idea where it could have gone?"
"Well, Mr. Mime has a few places where he likes to go, where to eat, swim, train, and other places to relax. However. It might take a while to narrow those possibilities,"
Then Brock has an idea with a chuckle, "I don't have to catch a Mr. Mime, if I can make one."
"How are you gonna make a Mr. Mime?" Mew says, confused.
Brock then turns to Mew with a malicious laugh, "I'm very glad you asked me that, Mew, because I think there's a way you can help me."
"What kind of help do you have in mind?" Mew asks, meekly.
Then Brock puts his hands on Mew's shoulder, and Mew begins to scream in fear.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the forest. Team Rocket's balloon lowers itself somewhere in the woods. The group walk into the HQ
A butler says, "Sir, Jessie, James, and Meowth have arrived."
The screen lowers and the Team Rocket boss and Viridian Gym Leader appears on the screen with an annoyed expression.
Then demands, "What do you three want?"
"Sir, please forgive us for what happened at the Viridian gym," Jessie says, apologetic.
"It was a terrible mistake," James adds.
Then Meowth asks, "It won't effect my year end bonus, will it?"
However, the Boss scolds them, "How dare you waste my time! I want rare Pokemon, not your pathetic excuses!"
Team Rocket soon panics in fear.
And Jessie speaks, "We'll get you those rare Pokemon. Don't you worry, sir."
Then Team Rocket fearfully leaves.
Meanwhile, The Team Rocket boss marvels at his secret weapon. The mysterious Pokemon he has at the Viridian Gym.
"They can search the entire universe, but they'll never find a Pokemon as rare as you," The leader says and lets out a chuckle.
Later on, Team Rocket is flying away from HQ in their hot air balloon. They can lament what has happened.
Jessie feels relieved, "We were lucky that time."
"But we better find some Pokemon, fast!" James says.
"Yeah, that's easy to say, but it's not like rare Pokemon come up and smack you in the face," Meowth says.
And right on cue, a piece of paper lands on Meowth's face. Jessie removes it to see that the paper is a poster for the Pokemon Circus.
And Jessie sees an opportunity, "Or maybe they do."
Meanwhile, in the Pokemon Circus, Stella and the others smile and laugh at Brock's idea.
"Pika Pika," (Pretty convincing.) Pikachu says.
"Eevee," (It might work.) Eevee says.
What they see is a Mr. Mime in front of them.
Misty says, "This just might work."
"Brock, she's perfect!" Stella says
"Meloetta! (It should work!) Meloetta says.
Mew's voice speaks through which Mr. Mime asks, "Are you sure this is going to work?"
Then removes the head to reveal Mew in a Mr. Mime costume.
"I agree that we need to help Stella, but do you think a Fake Mr. Mime could work?" Mew asks.
"You never know. Besides, I'm sure you know Mr. Mime well enough to imitate one," Brock says.
Mew thinks for a bit and says, "That's true. When I was younger I used to play Follow the Leader with Mr. Mime. I can't do Mr. Mime's moves, but I can pretend."
"Don't worry about that, Mew. Stella will use her gentle compassionate training techniques to teach you everything you need to know," Brock happily says.
Then turns to Stella, "Isn't that right, Stella?"
"Leave everything to me. I'll have you doing Mr. Mime's act in no time at all!" Stella says.
"I did say I'll give it a try. And who knows, maybe being in a circus can be rather fun," Mew says, and puts the mask on.
Suddenly, Stella brings out a whip, "Alright, let's see what you can do! Ai-ya!"
Then cracks the whip at Mew's feet, frightening her.
Mew panics, "Hey! Watch it with that whip!"
"I'll whip you into shape, Mew!" Brock says.
"Stella's not as sweet as she looks, is she?" Misty says, feeling uncomfortable.
"Pika," (No way.) Piakchu replies.
"That's scary," Tomo replies while Eevee growls in anger.
"Okay, let's see some pantomime," Stella says.
"Pantomime?" Mew says, confused.
"That's right, now stop talking and start miming!" Stella sternly says, and cracks the whip at Mew again, scaring her.
Mew then tries to mimic Mr. Mime and mutters to herself, "I can see why Mr. Mime wanted outs"
"No! Put more feeling in it!" Stella scolds.
"I'm trying the best that I can," Mew says.
"You think Mr. Mime's gonna be jealous of THAT?" Stella angrily says, and cracks at Mew.
Mew continues to try acting like a Mr. Mime, but Stella's technique is only making her scared and nervous.
Then Stella continues to scold and cracks her whip at her, "Wrong! Again! Faster! No, no, no, no, no!"
Meanwhile, Misty and Brock are outside of Stella's Mr. Mime's trailer and it's still lounging around.
"This doesn't seem to be working, does it?" Brock says.
"Maybe Mr. Mime doesn't seem to care about the competition," Mr. Mime says.
"Yeah," Brock says.
"Pika," (Ditto.) Pikachu says.
Suddenly, they hear Mew scream, "Eevee, calm down!"
"Eevee Eevee Eevee!" (Not until she stops being mean to you!) Eevee shouts in rage.
Curious to the commotions, the others hurry inside the circus and are surprised to see Mew standing between Mew and Stella, but Eevee is angrily growling and glaring at Stella, and has electrical sparks around her body waiting to attack.
"What's going on?" Misty asks.
"Tomo thinks Eevee doesn't like Stella's method's on Mew," Tomo says.
"She really doesn't," Mew says and removes the mask.
Eevee continues to growl in anger.
"Vee Eevee. Eevee Vee Vee Eevee Eevee Eev! Eevee Eevee Eev!" (That's right! I'm starting to understand why Mr. Mime decided to quit! Her techniques are too mean, and been way too hard on it!)
"What's Eevee saying?" Misty asks.
"Eevee said Stella's techniques of training is the reason why Mr. Mime quit. And I hate to say that Eeve's right," Mew says, and turns to Stella.
Then tells Stella, "Your methods are too mean if you keep scolding and cracking the whip at Mr. Mime every time it makes a mistake, and you've expected too much from Mr. Mine that it couldn't take it anymore. That's why it quit the show, and the way things are going. I don't think this plan is going to work."
Stella sadly sighs, "I guess you're right. It was wrong of me to be so hard on Mr. Mime, and now that it won't listen to everything I said. And I guess this plan isn't going to work either, if I continue to be hard on Mr. Mime or you for that matter."
Mew says, "It's okay. We should try to get some more practice to perform in the show and see how it goes. Then you can talk to Mr. Mime and apologize."
"You're right," Stella says, and shows a calm smile.
Then turns to Eevee, "Sorry I was being too tough on your trainer."
"Eevee Eevee Eevee," (It's fine, as long as you've learned your lesson.) Eevee says.
Mew giggles and translates, "Eevee said it's fine as long as you've learned your lesson."
"Believe me I have," Stella says.
Later on, the circus is ready to begin as the lights come over Stella as she is dressed like a clown.
Stella announces, "Ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages! Here are the stars of the Pokemon Circus!"
The audience applauds as the lights go on, and the circus performers comes to the stage, including Mew dressed as Mr. Mime.
Brock spots Mew with Stella, "Hey, look! Here comes our new Mr. Mime!"
"I can't wait to see her!" Misty happily says.
"Pika!" (Me, too!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee!" (Go Mew!) Eevee cheers.
"Yay!" Tomo calls out.
On stage, Stella turns to Mew and says, "We got a full house today."
"That's great," Mew says.
Suddenly, in the audience, Mew sees Professor Oak, Adriana, Daisy, and Gary. It's a big surprise for Mew.
"Wow. I didn't know Gary and the family would be here," Mew says.
Stella whispers, "Mew, remember you need to not talk."
"Sorry," Mew replies.
Suddenly, the lights go out and the music steps.
"What happened to the lights?" Stella asks.
"And the music?" Mew adds.
Misty asks, "Is this part of the show, guys?"
"I don't think so," Brock says.
Soon, a spotlight shines on Jessie, who is up in the trapeze stand, and there begins the Team Rocket motto.
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for trouble!
Another spotlight shines on James, on the opposite stand.
Children of all ages, make it double!
Then Jessie begins swinging on a trapeze swing with her legs
To protect the world from devastation!
And James does the same.
To unite all peoples within our nation!
Then Jessie lets go of the swings and is launched forward.
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
Then James extends his arms towards Jessie.
To extend our reach to the stars above!
James is able to catch James, but he falls off the swing, much to the audience's shock. However, they end up bouncing upward on the safety net and continue the motto.
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!
They both manage to get themselves together and land on the trapeze platform. Then the cannon fires with Meowth as the cannon ball.
And then lands on the platform with Jessie and James.
Heh. That's right!
And Meowth says, "Well, come on, let's hear a little applause here!"
Misty and the others grow worried to see Team Rocket is at it again.
"It's Team Rocket!" Misty says.
"They're gonna steal the show!" Brock says.
"Hold on to your cotton candy, kids!" Jessie says.
Then points to Mew in the costume, "All we want is that Mr. Mime."
Mew looks at Team Rocket dumbfounded, mutters, "They have got to be kidding."
She leans to Stella and whispers, "Do you think we should tell me?"
Stella shrugs her shoulders.
Then James says, "Oh, don't worry. We wouldn't want a circus Pokemon to work without a net."
"Look out!" Mew panics and pushes Stella out of the way, but gets caught in the net.
Then the rope pulls Mew up with Team Rocket hanging on.
Jessie calls out, "I hope you all enjoyed Team Rocket's aerial act!"
Meowth laughs and says, "See you clowns later!" And laughs some more
James chuckles at the joke, "Clowns. That was a good one."
"Thanks," Meowth says.
Misty, Brock, Tomo, Pikachu, and Eevee hurry to the stage to see Mew has been taken off.
"They got Mew! Misty panics.
Pikachu and Eevee cry out, "Pika Pi! Eevee Vee!" (Mew!)
"Give her back!" Tomo calls out.
"Melo!" (Please!) Meloetta calls out.
"We gotta get her back!" Brock says.
Soon, Adriana steps forward, "Misty, Brock."
Everyone turns to see Adriana with Professor Oak, Gary, and Daisy, close by.
"Adriana. Daisy," Misty says, surprised.
"Gary," Brock adds.
"And Professor Oak adds.
Then Adriana asks, "That wasn't Mr. Mime. It was Mew, wasn't it?"
Everyone looks at the group in concern.
And Misty answers, "That's right."
"I knew it," Adriana says, showing deep concern.
With the show having to end early and the audience having left, Misty and the others explain to Adriana and the others the whole story.
""If that's the case, then there shouldn't be too much to worry about," Gary says.
"But Gary, they just kidnapped Mew," Misty replies.
"Don't worry about that, Misty. Team Rocket thought they were getting a Mr. Mime. Once they realize they took Mew instead, I'm sure they'll let him go," Adriana says.
"Plus we know that Mew can handle herself," Daisy says.
"You're right," Misty says.
"Pika," (I guess.) Pikachu says.
"Eevee," (I suppose.) Eevee replies.
"I'd like to see the look on their faces when they find out they got Mew!" Brock says.
"Yeah," Tomo says.
Meloetta begins giggling.
"Why don't you all come back to my lab for something to eat?" Professor Oak says.
Adriana happily says, "I'm sure you can use a home cooked meal."
That makes everyone happy.
"We sure could, Adriana," Misty says.
"Togepriii" (We sure could.) Togepi happily says.
Meanwhile, somewhere over the forest, Zeraora, Mew's adopted Poke-father, is up in the trees on patrol, when he notices Team Rocket's hot air balloon. He then notices that they have what looks like a Mr Mime trapped in a net, unaware that is Mew who is trapped. Inside the balloon, Team Rocket is celebrating their victory while Mew in the Mr. Mime costume is trapped in the new.
Meowth laughs, "I think that was the easiest heist we ever pulled".
"You're right, Meowth. This time we didn't have those kids get in our way!" James says.
Then Jessie says, "And this couldn't have happened at a better time. Now the boss can't say we never bring him any unusual Pokemon."
Suddenly, Mew calls out from the net, "I'm even more unusual than you think."
Team Rocket looks over the basket to see Mew removing the head of the costume, freaking them out.
James screams in fright, "Its head came off!"
"Sorry to disappoint you. I'm no Mr. Mime, but I was good enough to fool you!" Mew sternly says.
But realizes her statement, "Though, I guess that's not saying very much."
Team Rocket is even more startled.
"That thing is half twerp.." Jessie panics.
Then Meowth adds, "Half mime!"
Then Jessie wonders, "I wonder how it learned to talk."
James calls out, "Act like you're trapped in a bubble.
Mew calls out, "I'm not a Mr. Mime! I'm just dressing as one! It's a costume!"
Hearing this makes Team Rocket angry.
James angrily says, "She tricked us!
"With or without her friends, that little brat has ruined every single one of our brilliant plans!" Jessie adds, gritting her teeth.
Then Meowth says, "I say we put a stop to this humiliation once and for all!"
"As if you haven't done much already," Mew says.
"Who asked you, you little twerp!" Jessie shouts in rage.
Suddenly, something towards them, and Mew has disappeared and the net has been shredded, much to Team Rocket's shock.
"Where did she go?!" James panics.
"She disappeared!" Mowth adds.
Suddenly, another slash appears and cuts the balloon, that the air comes out and sends Team Rocket flying.
Team Rocket screams, "We're blasting off already!"
Soon, Team Rocket is gone, and Mew who has her eyes shut feels her feet touch the ground. She opens her eyes and to her surprise, her papa, Zeraora is holding her with a smile on his face.
Mew smiles and hugs him, "Papa!"
Zeraroa growls with a smile on his face and hugs Mew. He is glad to see his daughter and glad she is safe.
Meanwhile, the rest of Mew's group and Stella are preparing to leave Professor Oak's lab after their meal.
"Thanks for the meal," Brock says.
"It was delicious!" Misty happily says.
Then Stella says, "Yes, thank you."
"It was our pleasure. Mew's friends are welcome here anytime," Professor Oak says.
Brock waves goodbye, "Goodbye, now!"
"Thanks again!" Misty says.
"Thank you," Tomo says.
"Pika Pika!" (See you soon!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee!" (See you later!) Eevee says.
Then Meoletta says, "Loetta!" (Bye!)
"You're welcome! Come back again, soon!" Adriana says.
Then the group departs to head back to the circus. Unknown to Adriana and the others, the real Mr. Mime peeks out from the bushes.
"Adriana walks to the couch and sits down, "I'm getting worried about Mew. I hope she's alright."
"I'm sure she's fine, mom. She dealt with those crooks multiple times," Gary says.
"I suppose," Adriana replies.
Suddenly, they hear a sound and turn their heads to see the real Mr. Mime at the window.
Adriana happily says, "She's home!"
She opens the window door and says, "Mew! Thank goodness you're safe!"
"Mime?" (Mew?) Mr. Mime says, confused.
Professor Oak walks over and says, "We're glad you're back. Your friends told us why you're wearing the Mr. Mime costume."
"Mime?" (Costume?) Mr. Mime says, confused.
Adriana chuckles, "You're really trying to be like Mr. Mime, aren't you? I'll have lunch ready in just a minute."
"Mime?" (Lunch?) Mr. Mime says, confused.
Soon enough, Adriana has lunch prepared.
And place it on the table, "Here you go."
Looking at the food, Mr. Mime says, "Mr. Mime." (It looks good.)
"Your friends said it was delicious. I have plenty more if you want seconds," Adriana says.
"Mr. Mime," (If you say so.) Mr. Mime says.
He takes the spoon, scoops up the food, and tries the rice and curry.
Mr. Mime happily says, "Mime!" (Yum!)
And begins to eat the rice.
Meanwhile, Mew is able to take off the costume and is carrying it in the net as she and Zeraora walk up the stairs to the front door of Professor Oak's lab. Mew knocks on the door.
The one to open the door is Daisy with Gary behind her.
"Hi Mew, Zeraora, welcome back..." Daisy says, but becomes confused.
"Hi Daisy. Gary. It's great to see you," Mew says.
But soon notices the confused faces they have, "What's wrong?"
"If you're here then who's in the house?" Gary wonders.
Confused, Daisy and Gary take Mew and Zeraora to the living room to see Adriana and Professor Oak. To everyone's shock, Mew is with Zeraora. Mew is surprised to see Mr. Mime.
"What's going on?" Professor Oak asks, surprised.
"I'm afraid I'm confused, "Adriana says.
Mew then notices Mr. Mime and waves, "Hi Mr. Mime."
"Mr. Mime," (Hello Mew.) Mr. Mime says, and waves.
"I'm guessing Mr. Mime we have is a real Mr. Mime," Gary says.
"I thought it was kind of strange, now I know why," Professor Oak says.
"So Mr. Mime is a friend of yours?" Daisy asks.
"He sure is, but where's Tomo and the others?" Mew asks.
"They went back to the circus. We better head over there to let them know you're okay," Professor Oak says.
Everyone agrees to the idea.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket has another scheme going on. This time they're driving a tank down the road.
"Now that our balloon has popped, we'll have to use our heavy artillery!" James says.
"Soon, we'll have every Pokemon in that silly circus!" Jessie says.
"Let's see what Mr. Mime has to say about that!" James says.
"Yeah!" Meowth says.
Soon, the tank is heading towards the circus.
Jessie then commands, "Fire the live capture missiles!"
"It's showtime, kiddies!" Meowth says.
And press the button, "Fire!"
And the missile fires. The Circus Pokemon notices the missile and a net coming out of it when it pops. Soon, Dodrio has been caught.
Jessie says, "Bullseye, Meowth!"
"You mean catseye!" Meowth says, and fires some more.
Soon, they have Machoke, Exeggcute, and Tangela in the nets. Everyone notices what is happening.
"It's Team Rocket!" Brock says.
"And they're coming this way!" Misty says.
"This looks bad!" Tomo adds.
Stella turns to her coworkers, "Go get all the Pokemon and we'll run for it!"
"Right!" The girls answer.
The three girls hurry to gather the Pokemon in the trucks and quickly drive away, but Team Rocket is in hot pursuit.
"You can't get away from us!" Jessie says, and another missile has been fired.
The missile then flies to the trucks and the net captures and stops them in their tracks. Team Rocket laughs in triumph.
"The real Mr. Mime should be around here, somewhere. Let's look," Jessie says.
"Roger," James says, presses the button.
A camera rises from the tank and looks around. Soon, it spots Stella running away with Mr. Mime
"There!" James says.
"And they say there's nothing good on TV," Jessie says.
Jessie and James laugh as they change the direction of the tank to pursue the two. Suddenly, Stella's Mr. Mime trips.
"Mr. Mime!" Stella worriedly says.
Then kneels down towards him, "We've gotta hurry, Mr. Mime! We've gotta get outta here!"
She then turns around and has her arms back, "Climb on!"
Mr. Mime climbs on Stella's back and she continues running, carrying Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime is surprised to see Stella is trying to save him.
The tank stops in its track as Jessie laughs and says, "Your mime's almost out!"
"Let's leave 'em speechless!" James says.
"Live capture missile ready," Meowth says.
And press the button, "Locked on target."
Soon, Mew, Gary, and Zeraora jump in front of them.
"Hold it!" Mew shouts.
Team Rocket is shocked to see her and them.
"It's that brat again!" Meowth cries out.
Stella stops and turns to see them, "Look, it's Mew!"
The others notice Mew, Gary, and Zeraora. And see Daisy driving the car with Professor Oak, Adriana, and the other Mr. Mime.
Brock calls out, "Hey, Mew!"
"You're just in time!" Misty says.
Pikachu jumps off of Brock's shoulder as he happily cheers, "Pika Pi!" (Mew!)
"Eevee Eevee!" (You're okay!) Eevee happily says.
Mew turns her head, "Eevee! Pikachu!"
Both Pokemon jump into Mew's arms.
Meowth shouts, "Get out of the way, or else!"
"Move it, kid!" James shouts.
Then Jessie screams, "Or we'll make your Pokemon pancakes!
"We'll see about that!" Mew says.
Then calls out, "Pikachu! Eevee! Thunderbolt!"
With that, Pikachu and Eevee use Thunderbolt on the tank, but it's not affected.
Mew is shocked, "What's wrong?"
Jessie laughs and says, "Your electric attacks won't work! This tank is made with rubber."
"You can rock us, but you can't shock us," Meowth says.
With that, the tank charges.
Jessie laughs, "Your days as Mister hot-shot Pokemon trainer are over!"
"Now, you're history!" James says.
"Yeah, but tanks for the memory, pal," Meowth says.
Zeraora then begins to perform Electric and Fighting attacks on the tank, but none are working and the tank won't stop.
Adriana turns to Mr. Mime, "Mr. Mime, they need your help, now!"
"Mr. Mime!" (I'm on it!) Mr. Mime says.
With that, Mr. Mime charges and stand between the group and the tank
Mew quickly turns around, "Mr. Mime!"
Then the tanks stop, seeing Mr. Mime makes Team Rocket's day.
"Another Mr. Mime!" James says, amazed.
Then Jessie commands, "Capture missile, fire!"
"Here goes!" Meowth says, and presses the button.
The missile flies towards Mr. Mime. But Mr. Mime acts fast and quickly from a wall, deflecting the missile, to Team Rocket's shock.
Brock cheers, "Alright!"
"Awesome!" Misty cheers.
Then Tomo cheers, "Way to go, Mr. Mime!"
"Great job, Mr. Mime!" Adriana says.
Mr. Mime then starts making more ones, one after the other and stacking them up. That makes Team Rocket frustrated.
"A little wall won't stop us!" Jessie angrily says.
Then James says, "Let's smash it!"
"Yeah!" Meowth says.
Team Rocket then has the tank charge at the wall, but it's unable to break it.
Mew and Gary cheer, "Alright!"
"Pika! Eev!" (They stopped!) Pikachu and Eevee says
"They didn't move an inch!" Misty says.
Then Brock says, "Nice job, Mr. Mime!"
"Mr. Mime isn't finished yet!" Stella says.
Stella's Mr. Mime watches on as Team Rocket gets more frustrated about being unable to break the wall.
"If we can't break it down.." James says.
Jessie adds, "We'll just go around!"
"Let's move this tub!" Meowth says.
With that, the tank reverses and heads towards the rest of the group.
"They're heading this way!" Brock panics.
Just then, Stella's Mr. Mime charges forward.
"Mr. Mime!" Stella cries out.
Soon, Mr. Mime begins to make walls as well.
Stella cheers, "That's my mime!"
"Whoa!" Brock says, amazed.
"Nice work!" Misty says.
Tomo cheers, "Awesome!"
The tank hits the wall and fails to knock it over.
"Ram it harder!" Jessie shouts.
Stella's Mr. Mime says, "Mr. Mime!" (Gotcha, now!)
But he soon looks down, "Mime Mime?" (What?)
The Wild Mr Mime shows up, "Mr. Mime!" (Let's work together!)"
"Mr. Mime!" (Okay!) Stella's Mr. Mime says.
Then the Wild Mr. Mime says, "Mr. Mime!" (Let's do it!)
With that, both Mr. Mimes use their abilities to make walls around Team Rocket until they are fully boxed in a tower wall.
Team Rocket panics, "That's wall, folks!"
Mew and the others runs to Mr. Mime.
Mew says, "You did it!"
"Pika!" (Great job!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee!" (Nice work.) Eevee says
"That's my little Mimey," Adriana says.
And Mr. Mime hugs her.
"Huh? 'Your Mimey'?" Gary says, confused.
"That's its nickname. Isn't it cute?" Adriana says
Meanwhile, Stella congratulates her Mr. Mime, "See, Mr. Mime? You can do so much if you try."
"Mr. Mime!" (Right, Stella!) Mr. Mime happily says.
Stella kneels down to it and apologizes, "I know I was wrong to be so hard on you, and I'm sorry. Won't you please perform in the circus again?"
"Mime!" (Sure!) Mr. Mime happily says.
Stella hugs Mr. Mime, "Oh, thank you, Mr. Mime!"
"Mime!" (No problem!) Mr. Mime says.
Stella continues to hug Mr. Mime in tears and glad to have his star and friend back. Everyone is happy.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket is still trapped in the wall.
Jessie shouts, "We can blast through these walls!"
"Fire all the missiles, now!" James says, angrily.
"You got it!" Meowth says, and presses the button multiple times.
However, the missiles that's been fired end up bouncing off the wall back and form causing the tank to explode and send Team Rocket blasting off.
They all scream, "Team Rocket blasted off ourselves!"
Later on, everyone is at Professor Oak's lab where Mr Mime, or Mimey is helping prepare dinner. In fact, he likes Adriana so much that he decides to live with her and help out.
"It's so nice to have a Mr. Mime around the house," Adriana happily says.
"Mr. Mime!" (Thank you, ma'am!) Mimey happily says.
"That Mr. Mime is getting to be like a member of the family," Brock says.
"Pikachu!" (I'll say he is!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee!" (You got that right!) Eevee says.
Mew giggles, "Looks like you got a new brother, Gary."
"I wouldn't call Mr. Mime a brother," Gary says.
"And he can cook really well," Misty says.
"You can say that again," Tomo says.
With that, everyone begins laughing with glee, even Mimey is happy to be part of the family. And it looks like they'll have to continue their discussion about the Pokemon League the next day, but they'll have more fun until then.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Ursaring (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Kakuna (Female). Steenee (Female). Silcoon (Female). Sandshrew (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Skitty (Male). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Flabébé (Female). Magnemite. Weepinbell (Female). Shiny Ditto. Porygon. Ivysaur (Female).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Meowstic (Male). Ledyba (Female). Krabby (Male). Diglett (Male). Wooloo (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Lileep (Female). Cinderace (Female). Arcanine (Male). Pansear (Male). Wartortle (Female). Aerodactyl (Male). Muk (Male). Tauros (Male). Lunatone. Miltank (Female). Mawile (Female). Makuhita (Male). Meditite (Female). Poliwrath (Male).
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. 2 Pokemon Egg. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge. Volcano Badge. Earth Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). Goldeen (Female). Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male.)
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 1 Pokemon Egg
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male).
From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Item: 2 Soothe Bell.
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb.
Item: 1 Soothe Bell.
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