Episode 58: The Battle of the Badge

Mew and her friends have arrived back to Viridian City, where Mew hopes to win an Earth Badge. If she succeeds, she'll be able to earn her eighth and final gym badge and compete in the Pokemon League. As of now, Mew and her friends are excited to head to the Viridian Gym at this very moment.

"I can't believe it's been a whole year since we were here!" Mew happily says.

Soon, Misty notices a familiar spot, "Well, the Pokemon Center's up and running again."

Mew and the others turn to see the Viridian City Pokemon Center.

"That's great!" Mew says.

Soon, Brock notices the building with stone brick walls and pillars.

Brock says, "Guys, look! The Viridian gym! And inside there an Earth badges with your name on it."

Soon enough, Mew and her friends are at the Viridian Gym.

"I've already got seven badges, I just need one more to get in the Pokemon League! I've gotta win it here!" Mew says.

"Pika!" (Oh yeah!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee!" (And we will!) Eevee says.

Mew says, "I'm very excited, but to be honest, I'm a little nervous too!"

"Don't be nervous. Mew will do great!" Tomo says.

"Loetta!" (You're gonna win!) Meloetta says.

"They're right. You've come so far already, and got seven badges and a lot of Pokemon," Misty says.

"That eighth badge is as good as yours," Brock says.

Mew smiles and says, "Thanks guys."

"Hey Mew!" A familiar voice calls out.

Mew turns her head to see Gary Oak walking towards them.

"Hey Gary, here to earn the Earth Badge too?" Mew asks.

"Sure am. So how many badges have you got so far?" Gary replies.

"I've got seven badges. I actually earned the Volcano Badge from Cinnabar Island," Mew says, showing him her badges.

"Wow! You really did. How do you find the gym?" Garry replies, impressed.

Mew giggles, "Will you believe me if I say that the gym is in a volcano?"

Confused, Gary asks, "You're not serious are you?"

"We're serious," Brock says.

"And we had to solve a few riddles to find it," Misty adds.

"What about you, Gary?" Mew asks.

Gary then shows him his opened badge case, "As you can see, I already have ten badges."

"Ten huh," Mew says.

"Anyway. I just stopped by on my way back to Pallet to see if the leader of this gym wants to battle a real Pokemon trainer," Gary says.

Mew giggles and says, "Still as confident as ever."

Gary steps forward and says, "I'm Gary Oak from Pallet, and I hereby request a battle with the leader of this gym!"

Both guards stamp their axes on the ground and the door opens. Mew and her friends become confused.

Mew turns to her friends, "Come on, let's go inside."

Mew and her friends walk forward, but the guard block them.

The guard says, "Only one trainer allowed in the gym at a time, kid."

"That's the rule," The other guard says

"Um okay," Mew says.

The guards go inside the building and the door closes shut.

"I guess we'll have to wait," Misty says.

"Well that was a little disappointing. I was hoping to watch Gary battle, but what else can we do," Mew says, and shrugs her shoulders.

Tomo asks, "Hey Mew, can we eat? I'm kind of hungry."

"Okay. We'll get something to eat," Mew says.

"Yeah. Let's head to the Pokemon Center and have some lunch," Misty says.

Soon, Mew and her friends leave the gym to have some lunch and come back later.

Meanwhile, in the Viridian Gym, Gary is ready to have his battle against the Viridian City. The gym leader is sitting on the chair in a dark area of the gym.

The gym leader calls out, "I am the Viridian gym leader. Who are you?"

"I'm Gary Oak, the best Pokemon trainer in Pallet," Gary answers.

The Gym leader smirks and says, "Confident, aren't you? Alright, I'll accept your challenge."

Then the guards announce, "You will use three Pokemon! No time limit! Let the battle begin!"

Then the bell rings to start the match.

Gary first throws his Pokeball and calls out, "I choose Nidoking!"

Then the gym leader calls out, "Ha. I choose Golem."

With that, both Pokemon materialize from their Pokeballs and onto the battlefield.

The gym leader calls out, "Golem, Tackle attack."

Golem rolls up and rolls towards Nidoking.

Then Gary calls out, "Nidoking, fight its Tackle with your Tackle!"

Nidoking charges and both Pokemon collide. Golem rolls backwards and hits the wall, and falls to the ground knocked out.

The guard announces, "Nidoking is the winner!"

"Not bad. Now try your luck with this one," The gym leader says, calling back Golem.

Then brings out his next Pokemon that's a Kingler.

"This should be easy, too," Gary says, and brings out her Pokedex.

Dexter says, "Kingler, the Pincer Pokémon and the evolved form of Krabby. A Water Type. Its crushing claws make it a powerful opponent."

"Kingler, Crab Hammer," The gym leader calls out.

Kingler then performs the attack and almost strikes Nidoking.

Gary calls back Nidoking, "Nidoking, return."

"Looks like your Kingler will do in a pinch," Gary says.

Then brings out a Pokeball, "But it's not strong enough to tackle my Arcanine."

He kisses his Pokeball for goodluck and throws it, "Arcanine, I choose you!"

With that, Arcanine is called into the field.

Then Gary calls out, "Arcanine, Take Down attack!"

Arcanine takes down Kingler and pushes it back.

Then Gary calls out, "Now use your Fire Spin attack!"

Arcanine performs a Fire Spin that engulfs Kingler.

Gary then says, "Well, time to wrap this up. Arcanine, Fire Blast attack!"

Arcanine then performs Fire Blast and it's a direct hit. Soon, Kingler is knocked out.

The guard announces, "Arcanine is the winner!"

Gary feels confident, "Maybe we should call it quits. You can't beat me, and you definitely don't want two losses in a row."

Just then, the gym leader begins to step out of the shadow of the throne.

The gym leader questions, "Is that what you think, little one?"

"It is!" Gary answers.

The gym leader steps forward to reveal a man wearing an orange suit who has dark black hair, brown eyes."

"Maybe I can have just one more battle to test out my most, powerful Pokemon," Giovanni says and snaps his fingers.

Just the door rises up to reveal a Pokemon, but it's wearing armor to consider the identity. Just then, the Pokemon releases a blue aura and glowing blue eyes to show off its power. Then the Pokemon levitates Arcanine in the air and slams it to the wall.

Shocked, Gary wonders, "How did it do that? What kind of Pokemon is that?"

And brings out his Pokedex, but Dexter says, "Pokemon unknown. No available data."

"No data?" Gary questions.

"Now, as I was saying, my friend, I'd like to test out this Pokemon of mine in battle. And go ahead and use more than one Pokemon if you're afraid to lose," The gym leader says

"I'm not afraid of anything!" Gary angrily says.

The gym leader says, "Well, let's get started."

"Alright!" Gary says.

Then throws out a Pokeball as he calls out, "Nidoking, go! You too, Arcanine. Go!"

Nidoking and Arcanine charge at the mysterious Pokemon.

"Is that your best?" The gym leader questions.

Both Pokemon continue to charge, but the creature glows blue and its eyes light up again. It uses its psychic abilities to lift Nidoking and Arcanine in the air, and both Pokemon are soon feeling pain and pressure from the attack.

"Arcanine! Nidoking!" Gary says, shocked and actually frightened.

"Don't waste your time. This is the ultimate Pokemon! It can never be defeated," The gym leader says.

Gary soon begins to cower in fear to see how frightening and powerful the Pokemon is.

Meanwhile, in one of the buildings, it turns out that the man who is the Viridian Gym Leader is also Team Rocket's leader. Jessie, James, and Meowth are actually getting scolded for not being able to catch any Pokemon.

Just then, he receives a call and picks up, "What is it?"

Whatever it is, makes the boss shocked, "WHAT?! WHEN?"

He hangs up the phone and says, "There's been an accident, I have to go, I'm leaving the three of you in charge of the gym."

"The three of us?" Jessie asks.

James adds, "In charge?"

"Of the gym?" Meowth adds.

The Team Rocket Boss then tosses three Pokeballs to them, "Use these to protect the gym if necessary."

Giovanni then sits down on his chair which backs up into a revolving door in the wall. Jessie, James, and Meowth hold the three Pokeballs in their hands.

"That means that.." Jessie says.

Then James says, "We just became..."

"Gym leaders!" Meowth says.

Then they all cheer in pride, "Yay!"

Meanwhile, in a secret room, the boss walks down the hall with his guards that have all sorts of Pokemon in cages, including the Pokemon he has used in the gym.

The boss approaches the mysterious armored Pokemon and says, "We have an emergency assignment for you."

He pulls the switch and the cable on the Pokemon's armor retracts, as the mysterious Pokemon's eyes begin to glow blue once more.

Sometime later after having lunch, Mew and her friends decide to return to the Viridian City so that Mew can compete for her gym battle to earn her eighth badge.

"That was a good lunch," Brock says.

"Yeah. And Togepi enjoyed it too," Misty says.

"Togepriiiii!" (Lunch is yummy!) Togepi happily says.

"So Mew, you ready to battle your eight gym?" Misty asks.

"You know it. I can't wait to earn my eight badge and compete in the Pokemon League," Mew says.

Soon, the group is in front of the gym.

Mew calls out, "Excuse me! I'm Mew from Pallet Town and I've come to compete in your gym to earn a badge!"

So far, no one seems to answer.

"Hello! I want to have a gym battle with you! Are you done with your previous battle?! Hello?!" Mew calls out.

"That's weird. Gary should have been done with his battle by now," Brock says.

"You're right. Something doesn't feel right about this," Mew says.

"What do we do?" Tomo asks.

"We go in and find out what's going on," Mew says.

With that, Misty and Mew grab one side of the door while Brock and Tomo grab the other side. They both pull at the door until they're able to open it. The group soon hurry inside and to their shock, they see Gary Oak, knocked out, Nidoking and Arcanine are knocked out close to him.

"Gary!" Mew worriedly says.

"And his Pokemon!" Brock says.

Mew then hurries to Gary and holds him in her arms.

"Hey, Gary! Gary, wake up! Gary!" Mew calls out.

Soon, Gary regains consciousness and says, "It's here."

"What happened? What's here?" Mew asks.

Gary answers, still a feel out of it, "A Pokemon that we've never seen, did this."

Mew gaps in shock.

"There's something different about this one. This Pokemon's not just powerful, it's evil!" Gary explains.

Stunned Mew answers "Evil? There can't be an evil Pokemon."

"What kind of Pokemon you're talking about?" Tomo asks.

"Melo," (What is it?) Meloetta asks.

"It's kind of hard to tell what kind of Pokemon, but it's something I've never seen, and it's wearing some strange armor. From it's attack, the Pokemon seems to be a Psychic Type," Gary says.

Mew is rather stunned to hear this Pokemon. She becomes concerned as to how the Gym Leader could obtain that kind of Pokemon.

She then hears Gary say, "One thing's for sure, no one will ever beat that Pokemon."

That makes Mew deeply concerned. Suddenly, she begins to hear a familiar female laughter as the gym lights come on.

Mew demands, "Who's there?!"

Just then, they hear a familiar motto.


Prepare for trouble!


And make it double!

Then the platform comes up to reveal Jessie and James from Team Rocket.


To protect the world from devastation.


To unite all peoples within our nation.


To denounce the evils of truth and love.


To extend our reach to the stars above.

"Oh no," Mew says.

"It's them..." Misty says.

Brock adds, "Again!

Then Jessie and James stumble and fall down in disbelief.

Jessie yells, "Why do you little twerps always interrupt us before we get to finish?!"

"We know what you're gonna say! It's never any different!" Misty calls out.

"Ah, but today is very different," Jesse says.

Then James says, "Something's happened that's gonna make you very jealous!"

"Let's celebrate!" Meowth says as he pops out of a confetti container from the rafters.

Then lands in front of his teammates, "We just got a big promotion! Now we're gonna get the respect we deserve!"

"That's right, Meowth, cause the new leaders of this gym are..." James announces.

Then Jessie announces, "The three of us!

The group becomes shocked with disbelief.

"You guys are gym leaders, now?!"Mew asks.

"Pika?!" (They are?!) Pikachu replies shocked.

"Eevee?!" (Since when?!) Eevee adds.

"That's right. Just moments ago we were put in charge of this gym," Jessie saya.

And she has an earth badge, "And the Earth badge."

"The Earth badge!" Mew says, surprised.

"You mean this gym is controlled by Team Rocket?!" Misty asks, shocked.

Then Brock asks, "Why would they want a gym?"

"Oh, you little dweeb, you must think you're so clever to piece together such complex plans of an organization like Team Rocket," Jessie says.

"Oh yeah, try us," Mew says.

"That's for us to know and for you to find out," James says.

Then asks, "What are they?"

Jessie thinks for a minute and says, "Those plans are classified information

Then Meowth says, "She didn't know about them, anyway!"

And Jessie punches Meowth away.

Then James means, "But if you want that Earth badge, you'll have to defeat us."

"Then I'll be more than glad to battle you three," Mew says.

"Well, step right into the ring we prepared just for you," Jessie says.

Then a second stand appears behind Mew and the others.

Jessie laughs and says, "Now, get into the trainer's box, little girl."

"Don't, Mew! It's a trick!" Misty worriedly advised.

"They must have booby-trapped it, somehow!" Brock says.

"I figured as much, but I can't just walk away. They'll cause more problems if we don't face them," Mew says.

Suddenly, James says, "If you run away now, you won't get that Earth badge."

"I'm not running anywhere!" Mew calls out.

Soon, Jessie is standing on the red platform while Mew is standing on the green one.

"We'll begin with three Pokemon each. No time limit," Jessie says.

"Fine by me. Let's battle!" Mew says.

"All three Pokemon, go!" Jessie calls out and throws her Three Pokeballs.

Soon, Kingler, Machamp, and Rhydon come out of their Pokeballs.

Jessie remarks, "Ha! This should be a cinch!"

Then James says, "And don't forget.."

Meowth laughs and says, "Our secret weapon!"

"Secret weapon?" Tomo says, confused.

Then Brock says, "Be careful, Mew. They're up to something."

"Right," Mew replies with a nod.

Then she throws her Pokeball as she calls out, "Pidgeotto, I choose you!"

With that, Pidgeotto entered the battlefield.

"Pidgeotto? That's the best you can do," Jessie mocks.

With that, Jessie calls out, "Machamp, Karate Chop!"

Machamp charges and attacks Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto tries to dodge, but it's been attacked pretty hard. Suddenly, electrical jolts go through Mew's body as Pidgeotto is being attacked. Seeing this shocked the group.

"What's that?!" Misty exclaims.

"Pika Pi! Eevee Eev!" (Mew!) Pikachu and Eevee exclaim in shock.

Then James explains, "Oh, that's one of the custom features in our gym. In that box, the trainer feels all the pain the Pokemon feels."

"Not so eager to battle now, are you?" Jessie mocks.

"We'll see about that," Mew says, weakly.

Then calls out, "The calls out, "Bulbasaur, I choose you!"

Bulbasaur enters the field

Then Jessie says, "Then I'll choose Kingler."

"Bulbasaur, Vine Whip!" Mew calls out.

Bulbasaur then performs the attack.

Then Jessie calls out, "Kingler, Harden attack!"

Kingler then hardens.

Meowth laughs, "Too bad!"

"That kid's out of his league, isn't he?" James adds.

Then Jessie calls out, "Kingler, Bubble attack!"

Kingler then performs the attack and is hit, giving Mew the same pain. Mew is in so much pain that she falls to her knees in pain.

"Mew stop! You can't win! Their Pokemon are too strong!" Gary cries out in concern.

But Mew says, I won't give up! I've come too far to just quit now! I trust my Pokemon."

She shows determination on her face, "We can do it!"

She then calls out, "Teddiursa, I choose you!"

Then Teddiursa comes out of his Pokemon, ready to battle.

"If you think that little Teddy Bear can beat us, think again. I choose Rhydon," Jesse says.

"I don't think so. I know," Mew says.

Then calls out, "Teddiursa, use Dynamic Punch on Rhydon!"

Teddiursa charges with full force and strikes Rhydon with Dynamic Punch with full force. Soon, Jessie notices the jolts from the trainer box.

Brock calls out, "Come on, Mew! You can do it!"

"You can do it, Teddiursa!" Misty calls out.

Mew then calls out, "Now Teddiursa, use Thrash!"

Teddirusa charges to perform the attack and strikes at Rhydon with full force, and soon Jessie is getting the jolt from the trainer box. Call It a 'jolt' of her own medicine.

Being electrocuted, Jessie panics, "James! Why did you set it up to give shocks on both sides?! Turn it off! Turn it off!"

"I didn't think it would matter! It never occurred to me that we would lose!" James panics.

Holding the remote, Meowth says, "Luckily, I made this little gadget in case we did lose. All I do is hit the button and goodbye competition!"

But Gary dashes towards Meowth, forbidding it, "Oh, no you don't! Gimme that thing!"

Then Gary tackles Meowth and he drops the remote.

Jessie then calls out, "All Pokemon, attack at once!"

Then Arbok and Weezing are released from their Pokeballs as Jessie calls out, "Go, Arobk! Go, Weezing!"

"You can't use new Pokemon, now! It's against the rules!" Misty calls out.

But Jessie says, "I make the rules for this gym!"

Mew has just had it with Team Rocket, "Well if that's how you wanna play. I'll show you

Then Mew calls out, "Teddiursa, use Slash on Machamp!"

Teddiursa charges and attacks Machamp for full force.

Then Mew calls out, "Bulbasaur, use Razor Leaf on Kingler! And Pidgeotto, use Double Edge on Rhydon!"

Both Pokemon begin to attack.

Then Mew calls out, "Pikachu, use Iron Tail on Arbok! Eevee, use Swift on Weezing!"

Pikachu and Eevee perform both attacks and strike at them.

Then Mew calls out, "Alright Teddiursa, time to give them your Focus Punch!"

Teddiursa charges attack Arbok and Weezing with full force and strike them to the wall of the platform until they're both knocked out, and Jessie continues to get a shock. Teddiursa then lands on the ground and faces the three remaining Pokemon.

"Alright!" Tomo cheers.

"Mew is able to turn the tables on them," Brock says.

"Mew can actually win," Misty says.


Nee, mada mada mada? Isoide!

(Hey, you still not ready? C'mon hurry up!)

Dekakeru junbi wa dekitaki?

(You all packed up and ready to leave?)

Alright everyone, we're almost there. It's time to give it everything we got," Mew says.

All the Pokemon answer with nod and ready to battle.


Kimi ni misetai fushi gi no sekai

(I'll show you this wide mysterious world)

Miokuri nara iranai

(And skip the slow send-off?)

Suddenly, Teddiursa begins to glow, and soon Teddiursa changes its shape and grows larger than Mew and the others.


Tatoe hi no naka mizu no naka

(Be it through fire or through water)

Te saguri de mienai kyou no naka

(I'm fumbling blindly through the days)

Soon, Teddiursa's shape changes completely. Teddiursa is now a bipedal, ursine Pokémon. Its broad body is covered in brown fur, except its muzzle, inner ears, and paw pads, which are a light tan. It has narrow eyes, a triangular, black nose, and a wide mouth with small, visible fangs in the upper jaw.

Then let out a roar, "Ursaring!"

And everyone is surprised.


Ichibyou saki datte mada shirani kedo!

(When I don't even know what the next second will be)

"Teddiursa!" Mew says, surprised.

"Teddiursa has evolved!" Misty says.

"It's an Ursaring now!" Gary adds.


Itsumo omoi de wa dore mo

(Each and every one of my memories)

Zenbu booru no naka ni

(Can always be found inside a ball)

Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Ursaring, the Hibernator Pokemon, and the evolved form of Teddiursa, a Normal Type. Although it is a good climber, it prefers to snap trees with its forelegs and eat fallen Berries."


1-2-3 de tobikome!

(On one, two, three, dive in!)

Itsuka egaita mirai ga Boku no poketto ni aru kara

(I've got my plans for when I grow up in my pocket)

Mew happily says, "Alright Teddi..."

But quickly corrects herself, "I mean Ursaring. And it appears you've learned a new move too."


Hajimemashite wa itsudatte hajimete sa

(So let's go somewhere! Take me somewhere, anywhere!)

"If that's how you wanna play! Everyone, get that overgrown bear!" Jessie commands.

The Pokemon on her side begin to charge towards Ursaring.

"Alright Ursaring, let's go!" Mew calls out, and Ursaring charges as well.


Tamerau koto nado Nai!

(No need to hesitate!)

Mew then says, "Now let's try out your new move. Use Hammer Arm!"



Let's have a fight!

Ursaring then begins to use the attack as both his arms begin to glow white. Then begins to strike at the Pokemon with full force.


Ichi, batoru o shita nara

(1. Once the battle's done)

Ursaring first uses his new attack on Kingler and Jessie's gets shocked.


Ni, Warau ka naitatte

(2. And we're laughing or crying)

Then the same results happens when Ursaring uses the same attack on Machamp.


San de nakama n nauru yo

(On 3, let's be friends!)

And then with Rhydon.

Then perform two final strikes at Arbok and Weezing, and Jessie continues to get shocked.


An hi datte kono hi datte Itsu datte soushiteita

(Anyday and everyday, that's always been my rule)

Soon enough, Machamp, Kingler, and Rydon run away after being beaten.

Still dizzy from the shock, Jessie says, "Follow the leader."

Then Arbok and Weezing fall on top of her.


Saki mo mienai - hate mo shiranai Sekai ga soko ni aru kedo

With this unpredictable, unfathomable world awaiting.

Seeing that she won the match, Mew cheers, "WE WON!"

Mew quickly climbs down the platform and runs to her Pokemon. Pidgeotto, Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Eevee, and Ursaring, run to Mew for a hug.


Let's go! Koronde surimuite

(Let's go! Every time your trip and fall)

Let's go! Nandomo arukidasu tonari

(Let's go! You pick yourself up by my side)

Kimi ni kimeta!

(I choose you!)

Mew hugs Pikachu and Eevee, "You both were great!"

"You too, Pidgeotto and Bulbasaur!" Mew says, and pat them both.

She then reaches Ursaring and hugs him, "And you were fantastic, you won the battle, evolved and learned a new move."

Ursaring, then picks up Mew and her Pokemon, and gives them a big bear hug. Brock, Misty, Tomo, Togepi, and Meloetta begin laughing and clapping with glee for Mew's win. Even Gary is impressed.

"I hate to admit it, Mew is a pretty good trainer," Gary says with a smile.

But soon he frowns, "But still, nobody's ever gonna beat the Pokemon that I saw."

Meanwhile, James and Meowth check on Jessie from her shock treatment.

James asks, "Jessie? Can you hear me?"

"Can you move?" Meowth adds.

Jessie gets up and begins to pound James and Meowth on the head in rage, "I'm lucky I can breathe after what you did to me! Why did I get the shock?!

Mew then calls out, "Hey, Jessie! I won the match fair and square, so now I want the Earth badge I earned!"

"Well, you're not getting it!" Jessie denies and sticks her tongue out.

Mew huffs, "Why am I not suppose you'll decide to resort to cheating."

"Well, I'm a cheater!" Jessie says.

As the group talk, Meowth notices Togepi is messing with the remote he has dropped.

Mewoth screams and panics, "Stop! Get away from that thing!"

Togepi then presses both buttons on the remote, causing both trainer's boxes explosives to activate, much to Team Rocket's horror.

"I think I might have wired this side, too!" Meowth panics.

Jessie and James panics, "Oh no!"

Both trainer's boxes go off, and send Team Rocket blasting off and causing Jessie to drop the Earth Badge.

Team Rocket screams, "We're blasting off again!"

Soon, Ursaring opens his paw and catches the Earth Badge. He walks to Mew and hands it to her.

"Thanks Ursaring," Mew happily says.

Pikachu and Eevee happily say, "Pi Pikachu! Eev Eevee!" (Alright!)

Suddenly, the gym begins to rumble and shake.

Gary cries out, "The building's collapsing! Let's run for it!"

Seeing the building falling apart, everyone gathers their Pokemon and runs away as the building explodes. Soon, Mew and her friends watch as the gym collapses to the ground, and has been destroyed.

Later in the evening at the outskirts of Viridian City, Mew and her friends travel down the road.

Brock then wonders, "I wonder if we'll ever get to see the Pokemon that Gary was talking about. I'd like to get a good look at that."

"I like to as well. It sounds like a mysterious Pokemon," Mew says.

Then looks at her eight badges, "But for now, all I want to look at are my eight badges! And now, I can finally get into the Pokemon League!"

"Pikachu," (That's right!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (Can't wait!) Eevee adds.

"Alright! Let's go!" Brock adds.

"To the Pokemon League!" Tomo cheers.

"Etta!" (Yay!) Meloetta happily says.

Then Mew asks, "But, where is the Pokemon League?"

"Well, I remember Professor Oak telling me that the Pokemon League is at the Indigo Plateau, but I'm not sure how to get there," Mew says.

"I'm sure Professor Oak can tell us all about it," Brock says.

Mew nods her head, "Right. Let's go visit him back in Pallet Town!"

"Alright!" Brock says.

"Okay," Misty says

"Yeah," Tomo replies.

With that, Mew and her friends begin to make their way back to Pallet Town, where she, Eevee, and Pikachu live. Now that Mew has her eight badges, she can compete in the Pokemon League, and Teddiursa has evolved and learned a new move. Today has been a crazy day, and now they're off to Pallet Town to learn about the Pokemon League. As the Journey continues.

1, 2, 3: Pokemon (2019) Opening 2

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Ursaring (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Kakuna (Female). Steenee (Female). Silcoon (Female). Sandshrew (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Skitty (Male). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Flabébé (Female). Magnemite. Weepinbell (Female). Shiny Ditto. Porygon. Ivysaur (Female).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Meowstic (Male). Ledyba (Female). Krabby (Male). Diglett (Male). Wooloo (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Lileep (Female). Cinderace (Female). Arcanine (Male). Pansear (Male). Wartortle (Female). Aerodactyl (Male). Muk (Male). Tauros (Male). Lunatone. Miltank (Female). Mawile (Female). Makuhita (Male). Meditite (Female). Poliwrath (Male).

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. 2 Pokemon Egg. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge. Volcano Badge. Earth Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female).

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). Goldeen (Female). Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 1 Pokemon Egg

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male).

From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Item: 2 Soothe Bell.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

Tomo Files

Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb.

Item: 1 Soothe Bell.

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