Episode 57: Clefairy Tales
One night, in the forest, many Pokemon are fast asleep like there's nothing that can disturb them. Suddenly, a strange metal teapot falls out of the sky and lands on the ground. Then, a strange round spacecraft starts to fall from the sky and soon crashes deep in the forest. The spaceship has been badly damaged by the crash, and the hatch opens to reveal the inhabitants of the ship are Clefairy. The one at front has a yellow flower clip.
They all answer, "Clefairy." (Greetings.)
The next day, Mew and her friends continue on their Pokemon Journey to get to Viridian City. They decide to take a break and have some ice cream.
"I'm so glad we stopped for ice cream," Misty says.
"It looks like Pikachu, Eevee, and Meloetta feel the same way you do, Misty," Brock says.
Indeed, the three Pokemon each have vanilla ice cream. Pikachu and Meloetta eat theirs from a cone while Eevee has hers in a bowl. Togepi reaches his arms out and wants Ice Cream as well.
Seeing Togepi wants some, Misty lends the treat to him, "Here's some for you, Togepi."
Togepi then begins to lick the ice cream in delight.
"Do you like it?" Misty asks.
Mew giggles and says, "I think he likes it."
"I love ice cream," Tomo says.
He has chocolate ice cream and his lips are covered in it as he licks away. Mew and Misty begin to giggle to see how much Tomo loves the ice cream. Suddenly, Misty spots a Clefairy
"Clefairy," (Hello.) The Clefairy happily says.
"Clefairy?" Misty says, confused.
"Fairy," (That's right.) Clefairy happily says.
Mew and the others notice the Clefairy as well.
"I can't believe a Clefairy would just walk right up to us like this!" Brock says, amazed.
"Isn't it cute?" Misty happily says.
Then comes up with an idea, "Hey! Maybe I can capture it with this ice cream as bait."
Clefairy soon hops away.
Misty calls out, "Wait, Clefairy!"
Clefairy continus to hop away with glee.
"I can't let this one get away!" Misty says, and chases after it.
"Misty, wait up!" Mew calls out, and puts her ice cream on the tray.
She hurries off as she calls out, "Come on, Pikachu. Eevee."
Pikachu and Eevee then chase after them.
Tomo places his treat on the table, "Wait for us!"
Tomo and Meloetta follow after them.
"You too, Togepi," Brock says and picks up Togepi.
The group chase after Misty who is determined to catch Clefairy. While they're gone, someone or something snatches all their backpacks and bags. They even take the unfinished ice cream, leaving the table bare. Sometime later, Mew and her friends turn to the table to finish their treat.
"I don't know how that Clefairy got away from me!" Misty says.
"They may be small, but they're tricky!" Brock says.
"Maybe it teleports itself away," Mew suggests.
"Pikachu/Eevee" (Possibly.) Pikachu and Eevee reply.
Suddenly, Brock lets out a gasp.
"What's the matter, Brock?" Mew asks.
"I left my backpack here, and it's gone!" Brock answers.
The group becomes shocked and looks at the table to notice Brock's backpack isn't the only thing that is missing.
"Hey, mine's gone, too!" Misty panics.
"Yeah! So is mine!" Misty says.
"Mine's gone too. Even the ice cream disappeared, too," Tomo says.
"We can always get more ice cream, but what about our backpacks?" Misty calmly says.
Then gasps, and turns to Mew, "Mew, our Pokemon eggs were in our backpacks."
"Oh no! You're right," Mew says, sounding very worried.
Then Brock, "We better report this to Officer Jenny!"
Everyone agrees to the idea and hurries to the Police Station. When they arrive at the station, it turns out, there is a very long line of people.
A chef says, "I turned my back for a second, and then my pot disappeared! And my chicken, too!"
"My baby's favorite bottle was stolen," The mother says in concern.
Then her baby begins to cry, and the mother rocks the baby, "There, there, pumpkin."
Baseball player says in tears, "My lucky bat is gone, and I'll never hit another home run!"
Jenny tries to calm the situation, "Now, people, we've all gotta keep our cool here!"
But a man says, "The buttons on my coat are gone!"
A woman adds, "Someone stole the candles off my birthday cake!"
"What about my bike horn?" A little girl cries out.
Jenny continues to say, "Please, one at a time, folks!"
Mew and the others are surprised to see the situation.
"I wonder why it's so crowded," Tomo asks.
"Maybe they were robbed, too. Maybe it's some kind of crime wave," Misty says.
"Pika Pika," (Quite possibly.) Pikachu says.
But Brock says, "That doesn't make any sense."
"What do you mean?" Mew asks.
"I mean, who would want to steal somebody's bike horn, or the buttons from a coat, or the candles off a birthday cake?" Brock explains.
Suddenly, someone answers, "Aliens."
Mew and her friends turn their heads to see a man with black hair, wears a lab coat, green shirt, orange tie, beige pants, dark shoes, and carries a blue case.
"Excuse me, but who are you?" Mew asks.
The Man explains, "Someone who uncovers the truth. Because the powers that be don't want you to know about Earth's visitors from outer space! For the truth, look to the skies and to me, Oswald!"
Mew and her friends look at him weirdly after the speech.
"How do these guys find us?" Mew wonders.
"Pika," (Beats me.) Pikachu replies.
"Eevee Eevee," (He's weirder than Team Rocket.) Eevee says.
"Loetta," (He's an odd one.) Meloetta adds.
Jenny approaches the group, "You all lose something, too?"
"Yes, Officer Jenny," Brock answers.
But Oswald cuts him off, "Listen to me."
Everyone turns their attention to Oswald's
"All these strange robberies point directly to visitors from another planet!" Oswald says.
"You mean aliens?" Everyone asks, confused.
"That's right. Extraterrestrials," Oswald answers.
But Misty says, "That's silly. Everybody knows that UFOs don't exist."
"But I have positive evidence," Oswald says and gets out his bag.
And brings out a book, "Here, take a look at this."
The group looks to see the pages of newspaper articles and photos.
"You see? That scrapbook is filled with photos, eyewitness interviews, and lots of other conclusive proof," Oswald says.
Just then, the cook points to one of the pictures, "Hey, I've seen this thing someplace!"
Oswald quickly turns to the chef, "Well, out with it, man! When did you sight the spacecraft? At what rate of speed was it moving?"
"Well, I..." The cook tries to answer.
But Oswald begins to shake him, "Did they beam you aboard? Tell me! Tell me!"
Panicking, the cook answers, "Three nights ago! Just outside of town! Near the edge of the forest!"
"Did you see the extraterrestrials? Tell me! I got to know!" Oswald continues to asks shaking the man.
Until Mew stops him, "Mr. Oswald, take it easy!
"Sorry, I got carried away," Oswald says, letting go of the man.
Just then, Jenny remembers, "Come to think of it, the reports of stolen objects started three nights ago."
Everyone becomes shocked.
"You mean the space aliens might be for real?!" Mew asks, surprised.
Soon, Mew and her friends join Oswald as they begin searching for the supposed visitors from another planet. They follow Oswald as he holds out a strange device that is beeping a bit.
Annoyed, Misty says, "I don't understand why we have to be part of this stupid spaceman's search party."
"It beats waiting around that police station doing nothing. And besides, we need to find our backpacks. At least we'll get some exercise," Brock says.
"And we might get to meet some real life aliens from outer space," Mew says.
"Yeah," Tomo agrees.
"Come on, guys. You don't really believe Oswald's gonna find any flying saucers with that goofy gadget, do you?" Misty questions.
Just then, Oswald's device begins to go off, "Bingo! We're closing in on them!"
Everyone becomes amazed and looks around.
"But I don't see any aliens or flying saucers anywhere!" Mew says.
Everyone soon looks up to see a glowing flying saucer coming down and landing in front of them. Then, the hatch opens to reveal two large aliens.
The aliens say, "Nomekop, nomekop"
Mew becomes surprised, "Those are really aliens!"
"Pika Pi," (And coming this way.) Pikachu adds.
The aliens continue to chant, "Nomekop, nomekop, nomekop...Nomekop, nomekop, nomekop..." as they walk towards Mew and pick up Pikachu.
Then carries Pikachu back to their ship. After boarding the ship, the hatch closes and the ship begins to depart.
Oswald calls out "Wait, come back!"
"Yeah! And bring back Pikachu!" Mew adds.
Inside the ship, Pikachu has been placed in a glass case and the aliens are standing in front of them.
They chant, "Pikachu. Pikachu."
They soon reveal themselves to be Team Rocket.
"Our scheme to kidnap Pikachu was out of this world!" Jessie says.
"It puts a whole new twist on alien abduction," James says.
Then Jessie asks Pikachu, "How do you like your private Pikachu space capsule?"
Not too pleased being trapped, Pikachu tries to shock his way out, but the glass isn't breaking and the light bulb above it glowing as Jessie laughs.
Then James says, "It's made of glass so it won't conduct electricity."
"So try all the shock attacks you want," Jessie mocks.
"Hey, Jess! It's a light bulb-asaur!" James adds.
And Team Rocket begins laughing.
Meanwhile, the spacecraft is actually being lifted by a crane, with Meowth controlling it.
Mewoth laughs and says, "They fell for it, hook, line, and saucer!"
Soon, Mew and her friends notice it as well.
"Hey, that's a crane!" Mew says.
"And it's pulling up the spaceship!" Brock says.
Then Misty says, "That flying saucer is a fake!"
Mew brings out a small bag and takes out one of her Pokeballs, "At least I still have some of my Pokemon.
Then throws it, "Pidgeotto, cut the crane cable!"
Pidgeotto materializes from the Pokeball, flies up, and cuts the crane cable. The UFO falls down. Soon, Jessie, James, and Meowth begin to blow as they fall.
Jessie panics, "We're floating!"
"But we're floating back to earth!" James screams.
Soon, the spacecraft crashes to the ground, revealing the aliens to be Team Rocket and are dizzy from the crash.
"Look at all the stars," Jessie says, feeling dizzy.
Still dizzy, James says, "Maybe Meowth got us into orbit after all."
"Looks like Team Rocket fizzled out," Mew says.
Oswald then asks, "You mean they're not aliens?"
"Nope, but they're nasty," Tomo adds.
Then Jessie and James get up and remove the rest of their disguise, and soon begin their motto.
Prepare for trouble!
Make it double!
To protect the world from devastation.
To unite all peoples within our nation.
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above.
Team Rocket, blast off at the hyperspace speed of light!
Surrender now, Earthlings, or prepare to fight.
Just then, Clefairy leaps out instead of meowth, "Clefairy." (That's right.)
Everyone becomes surprised to see the fairy Pokemon.
Especially Misty, "Clefairy!"
Soon, Oswald's scanner starts to go off again.
Oswald looks at his scanner and says, "This is amazing! According to my scanner, Clefairy is an alien!"
The group becomes shocked. Just then, Jigglypuff, Igglybuff, and Cleffa appear as well.
Misty is very happy," Jigglypuff."
Even Mew, "Clefa. Igglybuff. You're safe.
Oswald's scanner begins to go off again.
"Ah. Can it be?" Oswald asks, excited.
Then points the scanner at the three Pokemon, "Amazing! This Jigglypuff, Igglybuff, and Cleffa are also aliens!"
Misty angrily yells at Oswald, "That scanner is even spacier than you are!"
Then the scanner begins to go off towards Misty.
"It's indicating that you are also an alien," Oswald says.
Annoyed, Misty knocks the device off of Oswald's hand, "If anybody's an alien it's you."
The scanner falls to the ground and instantly breaks.
Oswald soon panics, "You broke my scanner! It took me weeks to assemble that scanner! What will I do if I can't find the comic book I ordered it from?"
As the group are busy looking at Oswald, Team Rocket are watching from a distance.
"I hate people who have to be the center of attention," Jessie says.
"Especially when they take everybody's attention away from us," James adds.
Meowth soon comes down from the broken crane cable and says, "Don't just stand there! While he's going ballistic, we can grab Pikachu!"
However, Clefairy hops past them, taking Pikachu with them.
Soon Team Rocket chases after them and shouts, "Hey! We're the thieves!"
Clefair stops and turns around to make a barrier with it's psychic abilities and Team Rocket smacks into the barrier.
"We've lost our window of opportunity," James says, and falls down as the wall disappears.
Clefairy uses the chance to escape with Pikachu.
Mew is the first to chase after them, "Come back with my Pikachu!"
Soon, Oswald, and the others follow after them.
"Come back here!" Mew calls out.
The Clefairy soon does down the alley and the group follows. However, when they follow it, they hit a dead end.
"This is a dead end!" Misty says, surprised.
"Where could it have gone?" Brock asks.
"Maybe with aliens?" Tomo suggests.
Soon, Jigglypuff points to a manhole and explains, "Jiggly Jiggly Jigglypuff. Jiggly Jiggly Jigglypuff," (This is the manhole we came out of when we escaped. The Clefair must have taken Pikachu down there.)
"Jigglypuff said that they escaped from here, and suspect Clefairy escaped through it," Mew says.
Brock and Oswald open the manhole to look inside.
"It's pretty deep," Mew says.
"I can't even see the bottom!" Brock says.
Misty worriedly says, "We can't go down there!"
"I've gotta find Pikachu!" Mew says.
Just then, Jigglypuff, Igglybuff, and Cleffa are the first to jump in the manhole.
"Hey! Wait for me!" Mew says and jumps into the manhole.
Eevee, Tomo, Misty with Togepi, Brock, Meloetta follow after them.
Then Oswald jumps in, "Here goes!"
Soon everyone falls inside the manhole to who knows where.
Everyone continues to fall through the pipe deeper underground. Soon, the group pops out of the pipe and lands on the ground. The group groans as they begin to sit up.
A little scared, Misty says, "Pikachu's gone, let's go."
"We can't give up now," Mew says.
Suddenly, Brock notices, "Guys, look at this!"
The group looks to see a large spaceship.
Oswald is amazed, "That's the spaceship! The Clefairy must be building it themselves! They'll be blasting off very soon!"
"Blasting off?!" Everyone exclaims in shock.
Soon, Mew and the others hide behind the boulders and see Clefairy carrying different objects.
"Hey, look! The Clefairy must be the ones that are stealing stuff to use as parts for their rocket," Brock says.
Soon, Misty notices, "Mew, look! Over there!"
The group sees Clefairy that has taken Pikachu, and is carrying him onboard the ship.
"Pikachu," Mew says worriedly.
"Why'd they steal Pikachu?" Misty wonders.
Oswald suspects, "The Clefairy must be planning to use its electric attack energy to launch their spacecraft."
"Well, they're not taking my Pikachu into space!" Mew says.
"Eevee." (No way they're not.) Eevee adds.
Suddenly, some strange decision comes down from the roof of the cavern, and begins to make a beeping sound with some kind of countdown. That makes the group panic.
"They spotted us!" Mew panics.
But Oswald says, "No. That's the signal to begin the countdown to blast off!"
This worries the group as the Clefairy takes Pikachu aboard the ship.
"I have to save Pikachu!" Mew says and rushes to the ship.
"Mew, I'm coming with you!" Misty says, and follows after her.
Eevee, Jigglypuff, Igglybuff, and Cleffa follow after them.
Brock turns to Oswald, "Oswald, I'll take Tomo and Meloetta and tell Officer Jenny."
With that the three hurry off to tell Officer Jenny what's going on.
"What am I supposed to do?" Oswald panics, "
But then has an idea, "Wait! I know just what to do! They're going into space and I'm going with them! Universe, here I come!" And hurries off towards the ship.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket has somehow found their way down the cavern and finds the Clefairy ship as well.
"This is like being at Cape Canasta," Mewoth comments.
Jessie questions, "James, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I don't know. What were you thinking what I was thinking?" James asks.
Then Jessie says, "What if we brought the boss back Pikachu, plus an entire spaceship full of Clefairy?"
"That's amazing! You must have read my mind, Jess!" James says, happily.
But then wonders, "Or did I read yours?"
"Gee, that's a hard one," Jessie says.
Then Meowth says, "Let's start stealing before they blast off!"
Team Rocket soon gets aboard the ship.
Meanwhile, Mew, Misty, Oswald and the Pokemon are looking around the ship and find Pikachu.
"These controls are fantastic! The engineering is simply superb!" Oswald says, impressed.
"But I wonder if it will really fly," Mew replies.
"I hope so," Misty responds.
Mew looks around, "We have to find out where the Clefairy have Pikachu."
The group continues to walk down until they see Pikachu, knocked out and in a different glass capsule.
"Pikachu!" Mew says, relieved and runs towards him.
But as the group runs towards Pikachu, thee Clefairy block their way.
"Clefairy!" Mew says, surprised.
The group sees that the Clefairy are refusing them to take Pikachu.
Mew then says, "Please, Clefairy. Give me back my Pikachu."
But one of the Clefairy shakes its head in response.
"That Pikachu's not just a Pokemon, it's my friend," Mew says.
Just then, Jigglypuff gets in front and says, "Jiggly Jiggly." (You release Pikachu.)
Then Jigglypull gives Clefairy the Pound Attack.
"Jigglypuff!" Mew says, surprised.
"It's the Pound attack!" Misty says.
Clefairy then returns the attack at Jigglypuff.
"Clefairy's using a Pound attack, too," Mew replies.
Then Jigglypuff strikes an attack repeatedly.
"That's Jigglypuff's Double Slap attack," Mew says.
Misty says, "Jigglypuff is pretty strong."
Soon, the Clefairy ends up falling back and being defeated. The other Clefairy gets upset and charges to attack, but Jigglypuff intimidates them and attacks them all with Double Slap. Mew and the others are stunned to see this.
"Real cute," Misty replies.
"Astounding! We're witnessing an alien grudge match!" Oswald says.
"More like a rivalry to me," Mew says.
Soon, all the Jigglypuff are laid out and defeated.
Misty kneels to Jigglypuff, "That was a great job, Jigglypuff."
"Jigglypuff," (Thank you.) Jigglypuff says with pride.
"So what do we do now?" Misty asks.
Mew wastes no time and rushes to the capsule where Pikachu is.
She calls out in concern, "Pikachu!"
Mew bangs on the glass as calls out, "Wake up, Pikachu!"
"We've gotta get out of here, fast!" Misty says.
"Please wake up, Pikachu," Mew says.
"Clefairy," (Hello) A voice says.
Mew and the others turn their heads to see the Clefairy from before.
"It's Clefairy," Misty says.
Misty then kneels to Clefair and asks, "Clefairy, please release Pikachu. That Pikachu means a lot to my friend."
"Clefairy Clefair Clefairy," (We can't until the countdown is complete. Then Pikachu's electricity can give us the power we need for the ship.) Clefairy says.
Mew sighs and says, "Clefair said that they need Pikachu's electricity to power the ship."
"Where's Oswald?" Misty wonders, looking around.
Meanwhile, the leader Clefairy is typing on the controls when Oswald comes in.
"So, this is the control center," Oswald says, amazed to see the controls.
Clefairy Leader turns the chair to see Oswald, "Clefairy?" (A visitor?)
"Hello. Don't mind me, I just want to see the controls," Oswald says, and walks forward to the control pad.
Oswald looks around and says, "This control panel is ingenious! I wonder what this joystick is supposed to do." And begins to move the joystick."
Oswald moves the joystick around until it breaks off the panel.
He soon realizes his mistake, "Uh oh. I broke it."
The Clefairy leader grows concerned.
"Don't worry, I'll try to fix it," Oswald says, feeling embarrassed.
Suddenly, the device that shows off the countdown reaches zero, and both timers turn white. In the ship, a small hammer opens from the hatch above and strikes Pikachu on his forehead. Pikachu yelps in pain and creates strong electricity to send power to the rocket. With the rocket powered, the wagon begins to push it. In the rocket, Team Rocket feels it moving as well.
"It feels like we're moving," James says.
"Let's get out of here," Jessie says.
Meanwhile, on the surface, Brock and Tomo explain what has happened.
"But, Officer Jenny, it's really true," Brock says.
But Jenny finds it hard to believe, "Do you all truly expect me to believe that a bunch of Clefairy stole those things and made a spaceship?"
Soon, the ground begins shaking, and the street drops down to make a runway. Then the ship goes forward and takes off into the street. As it flies away, all of the missing belongings fall off the ship.
The mother picks up the bottle, "Here it is! My baby's bottle!"
"Now I can cook my chicken!" The chef says, having his pot.
The Baseball player has his bat back and is happy, "Great, now I can hit some homers!"
Meanwhile, the spaceship continues to race down the street and towards a building. Suddenly, the thrusters ignite and push the spacecraft further and faster down the street. The spacecraft speeds towards the bottom curve of the building. The ship flies up the curve and flies into the sky. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is holding a giant pipe like a battering ram.
"Let's get out of here!" Jessie says.
James and Meowth shout, "Ready, set, go!"
With that, Team Rocket charges to the door, but before they can do so, the thruster rocket detaches itself from the rocket and falls back to earth.
"There goes..." Jessie panics.
"The spaceship," James adds.
Meowht screams, "We're on the wrong rocket!"
Team Rocket screams, "Team Rocket got blasted off again!"
Meanwhile Pikachu continues to release electricity as Misty, Mew, and the Pokemon watch. Soon, the glass capsule shatters. Everyone shields their eyes from the small explosion.
Mew unshields her eyes and rushes to her friend, "Pikachu!"
"Pika Pi!" (Mew!) Pikachu happily says.
Mew picks up Pikachu and asks, "Are you okay, Pikachu?"
"Pikachu," (I feel fine.) Pikachu says.
"I'm glad it's out of that thing," Misty says.
"Pikachu's electrical attack must have been too powerful for it. Like, when a balloon pops when there's too much air inside," Mew says.
Soon, Misty notices their belongings, "Hey! There're our backpacks! Let's grab em and abandon ship!"
"Right!" Mew says.
Mew and Misty grab their things and hurry to escape. Meanwhile, the control panel begins to short circuit and the ship begins to lose power. Mew and Misty open the hatch and see that they're high over the city.
Mew yelps, "Whoa! What a drop!"
"We'll never make it!" Misty panics.
Just then, Clefair steps forward, "Clefairy." (Leave it to me.)"
Clefairy lifts her paws and begins to wave them back and forth. Cleffa then decides to help, but by jumping in the air. Soon enough, both Pokemon begin to perform a Psychic ability known as Telekinesis and levitation the group in the air. Clefairy and Cleffa use their abilities to fly out of the ship with the group and towards the top of the skyscraper.
"Wow! We're flying!" Mew says, amazed.
"Yeah. They're taking us to safety," Misty says.
"You both are doing great, Clefairy. Cleffa." Mew happily says.
"Cleffa Cleffa," (I'm glad I can help.) Cleffa says.
Suddenly, Cleffa begins to glow bright as the group lands on the building much to everyone's surprise.
"Mew do you think?" Misty says, surprised.
"Yeah. Cleffa is evolving," Mew says.
Cleffa begins to grow and change its shape, and gains small wings on her back. Soon, Cleffa has evolved into a Clefairy.
The newly evolved Clefair says, "Clefairy."
"Cleffa has evolved into Clefairy," Mew happily says.
Mew takes out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Clefairy, the Fairy Pokemon, and the evolved form of Cleffa. A Fairy Type. It is said that happiness will come to those who see a gathering of Clefairy dancing under a full moon."
Mew picks up her Clefair and happily says, "Clefairy, you were great."
"Clefairy," Mew's Clefairy happily says.
Igglybuff, Pikachu and Eevee congratulate Clefairy for evolving.
Mew kneels to the Wild Clefairy, "You did great too."
"Clefaiy," (Thank you.) Clefairy happily says.
"So, what will you do now? I mean, you were left behind and you did it to save us," Misty asks.
"Fairy Fairy Fairy Clefairy," (To travel with you, silly.) Clefairy happily says, and jumps on Misty's head.
Misty smiles and asks, "Really, you want to come with me?"
"Clefairy," (Yep.) Clefairy answers with a nod.
"I'm glad. I'd like to have you join our group," Misty says, and taps her Pokeball on Clefairy and it goes inside.
With a few shakes and a click, Clefairy is now in the Pokeball.
"Alright. I've finally caught a Clefairy," Misty happily says.
Misty lets out Clefairy and stands next to Jigglypuff.
Everyone turns to see the ship is taking off into space.
"There they go. Where do you think they're heading for, guys?" Mew wonders.
"For a great big adventure," Misty suggests.
All the Pokemon nod their heads in agreement.
"I think you're right," Mew says.
Meanwhile, somewhere out in the woods, a crash has been heard from the distance
One of the campers notices it, "Something just crashed!"
The campers soon notice the spaceship and walk over.
One camper asks, "What is it?"
"Looks like a spaceship," another one answers.
The hatch opens and it reveals to be Oswald coming out in a makeshift spacesuit, made of a cardboard box and other stuff.
He then asks, "Is this the planet of the Clefairy?"
The campers become scared and run away.
Oswald calls out, "Wait! Are you aliens, too?"
Oswald tries to talk, but falls over. Then the Clefairy disembark on another mission to find new replacement parts for their ship, even if it means taking the stuff from the campers.
Meanwhile, back in the city.
"On behalf of everyone, I'd like to say thank you," Jenny says to Mew and her friends.
"Thanks. We're glad you got everything back," Mew says.
Mew and her friends say goodbye to everyone and Officer Jenny as they continue their adventure. This has been a busy day, they manage to find their belongings, rescue Pikachu from Team Rocket and meet Clefairy building a ship. Misty has finally caught Clefairy, and Mew's little Cleffa has evolved into Clefairy. They sure had a fun adventure, and now they continue their journey to Viridian City so Mew can earn her eighth and final badge.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Teddiursa (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Kakuna (Female). Steenee (Female). Silcoon (Female). Sandshrew (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Skitty (Male). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Flabébé (Female). Magnemite. Weepinbell (Female). Shiny Ditto. Porygon. Ivysaur (Female).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Meowstic (Male). Ledyba (Female). Krabby (Male). Diglett (Male). Wooloo (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Lileep (Female). Cinderace (Female). Arcanine (Male). Pansear (Male). Wartortle (Female). Aerodactyl (Male). Muk (Male). Tauros (Male). Lunatone. Miltank (Female). Mawile (Female). Makuhita (Male). Meditite (Female). Poliwrath (Male).
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. 2 Pokemon Egg. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge. Volcano Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). Goldeen (Female). Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 1 Pokemon Egg
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male).
From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Item: 2 Soothe Bell.
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb.
Item: 1 Soothe Bell.
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