Episode 55: The Misty Mermaid
One bright sunny day, Mew and her friends continue their adventure to Viridian City, and are close to the entrance. Now that Mew has seven badges, she has her sight set on obtaining an Earth Badge at the Viridian Gym. However, Misty notices Horse is looking rather down.
Horsea sadly says, "Hor sea..." (I don't feel so good...)
Mew turns to Misty, "Hey Misty, what's the matter?"
"It's about Horsea. It doesn't look so good," Misty says.
Mew and Brock look over as Tomo, Pikachu, Eevee, and Meloetta are playing with Togepi.
"What's wrong?" Brock asks.
"Sounds kinda sad," Mew says.
"Maybe it needs more exercise. Once in a while, you should make sure it gets to swim around in something bigger than a dinky little fountain," Brock says.
"But we're not near the ocean or any lakes," Mew says.
Then Misty says, "And I can't exactly carry a big fish tank around on my back."
"If only if there was an aquarium around here," Brock says.
Soon, everyone begins to think.
Suddenly, Misty has an idea, "Hey! I know where to go! There's a huge pool back home."
"Right! The pool at the Cerulean gym your sisters are running!" Mew says.
"Good idea, and Cerulean City isn't far from here," Brock says.
"Horsea does need exercise, and I haven't been home for a while, so, why not? Plus, it will be good to check up on the Water Pokemon that are staying there," Misty says.
Misty then goes to the nearby phone and quickly calls her sisters at the Cerulean Gym.
Misty says on the phone, "Now are you? We're coming to visit.
After some traveling, Mew and her friends are at the Cerulean Gym for their little detour.
"Well, everyone, here we are. The Cerulean gym," Misty says.
Then turns to Tomo, "Tomo, this is the Cerulean City where my sisters are Gym Leaders of Water Type Pokemon."
"Cool," Tomo happily says.
"The place looks great! Now Horsea can have a great, long swim," Misty happily says.
Suddenly, Pikachu notices something, "Pika Pika." (Look at this.)
"What's the matter, Pikachu?" Mew asks.
Brock soon notices, "Hey, check out that billboard. Looks like there's some kind of show going on. Fantastic, exciting Underwater Ballet."
The group looks at the poster to see a mermaid and a prince, and it has Water Pokemon on it.
"It's an underwater ballet and a Pokemon show? Sounds like fun," Mew says.
Misty also looks at the poster, "And look, a famous underwater star in her glorious return Cerulean City.
"She's beautiful," Brock says, looking at the poster.
Mew looks at the poster and says, "You know, if her hair was just a little bit different, that girl would almost look like you, Misty."
Misty laughs nervously from the comment.
"I would swim the deepest sea to meet a mermaid like her," Brock says, blushing.
"Pikachu!" (I can't wait!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee!" (Me too!) Eevee says.
Meloetta happily says, "Loetta!" (Sounds like fun!)
Soon, everyone enters the Pokemon gym.
Misty calls out, "Everybody! I'm home!"
Misty's sisters, Daisy, Violet, and Lily approach Misty and welcome her back.
"What took you so long?" Lily quickly asks.
"We didn't know what happened to you," Violet says.
"We thought, like, you were gonna come straight here after you called us," Daisy adds.
"But she still made it just in time. Didn't she, Daisy?" Violet says.
"Pikachu! Eevee!" (Hello!)
Daisy turns to see Mew and the others, "Hi, everyone."
"Hi, everybody. Remember me? Pikachu and Eevee?" Mew replies.
Then turns to Tomo and Meloetta, "And this is Tomo and Meloetta."
Soon, Daisy, Violet, and Lily walk over to greet them.
"Aw, you guys look great! We can't wait to see your show," Brock says.
Just then, Misry remembers, I almost forgot! I gotta get Horsea to the pool!"
Misty rushes to the pool and places Horsea in it.
"Now you enjoy this nice, big pool, okay?" Misty says.
Soon, Mew and the others walk in.
"Hey! Horsea's starting to look better already," Mew says.
"It's coming along, swimmingly," Brock adds.
Then Misty says, "Hope so."
Misty then has an idea, "Maybe I'll let out my other Water Pokemon since we're here."
Misty then lets out Goldeeen, Staryu, Starmie, Golduck. Vaporeon. Magikarp. Sobble. Wingull, Shellder. Whooper. Shellos. Tentacruel. Marill. Slowpoke. The Clamperls. Feebas. Panpour. Luvdisc. Lotad. Ducklett. Chinchou. Mudkip. And Tirtouga. Psyduck then let's of the Pokeball and falls into the water. Psyduck panics, but Tirtouga is able to let Psyduck ride on his back.
Soon, Violet and Lily enter the room.
Violet says, "Come on! We don't have all day!"
"We have to start rehearsing!" Lily says.
"Rehearsing, what?" Misty asks.
Lily points to the poster, "Duh. Rehearsing this, of course. The water show."
"Huh?" Misty replies.
Then look at the poster, "Oh, the underwater ballet. I love that you're performing it."
Then asks, "Can I help out with something? Costumes, maybe?
"Costumes?" Violet says, confused.
"By the way, we'd like to see the show, too," Mew says.
Then asks, "Has that famous underwater ballerina made her arrival yet? I really want to meet her."
"You already met her," Lily answers.
Mew and the others become confused.
"Yeah, she just got here," Violet says.
Everyone becomes confused, until Violet and Lily turn Mew and Brock's heads toward Misty, saying, "That's her."
"Huh? Who? Me?" Misty says, confused.
"You bet," Lily answers.
Then Violet says, "Presenting Misty, the star of the Underwater Ballet, the Magical Mermaid."
Soon, Misty is in shock to hear this. Turns out, she's the famous star that will be performing in the show. Later, Mew and the others are preparing to listen in on the show, though Misty objects to the idea.
"You must be crazy! I'm no ballerina!" Misty panics.
Violet begs her, "Please, Misty. You have to do it!"
Then Daisy explains, "Look. Like, we're in a jam. We've done these aqua shows for so long that we don't pull in the big crowds like we used to."
"The stadium's been, like, empty. Hardly anyone comes to see us anymore," Lily adds.
"So we decided to try something new. To try one of our aqua shows, underwater," Violet adds.
Then Daisy says, "And that's when you called us. It's almost, like, creepy. The whole thing was totally meant to be.
"Well, it wasn't meant to be with me!" Misty shouts, against the idea.
"All those people, they're gonna be disappointed," Lily says.
"Well, that's too bad!" Misty says.
"And the kids," Lily adds.
Then Daisy says, "And we, like, advertised you on radio and TV."
"And the tickets are totally selling out!" Violet adds.
Mew then asks, "Can I get a seat?"
"I am not doing this!" Misty says, still denying it.
Violet says, "But the first performance is tomorrow!"
This shocked the group to hear it.
"Tomorrow!" Misty exclaims.
Daisy practically begs her, "Please, Misty. Please, do it for us."
"Just give it a shot, Misty," Mew says.
"Sure, Misty. I'll bet that you could pull it off," Brock says.
"You'll do great," Tomo says.
The three sisters then take Brock, Tomo, and Mew's hand.
"You all understand how important this is," Violet says.
Then Lily says, "You wouldn't turn your back on your home town, would you?
"For the sake of the Cerulean gym. Please, Misty. We really need you," Daisy says.
Seeing that their sisters need the help, and the others are on board, Misty finally agrees, "I'll do it."
Violet and Lily happily say, "We got her!"
Then Lily says, "We could always get our big sister to do whatever we wanted."
"This is, like, a total flashback!" Violet adds.
Then the two sisters laugh.
Sometime later, Togepi approaches the edge of the pool, Pikachu panics, "Pi Pi Pi!" (Togepi!).
However Togeepi catches himself before falling in, and Pikachu also catches himself. However, he ends up falling into the pool. Close to the stands of the pool, the gang listens to the story.
"Okay, let's start the rehearsal. This is a really awesome story," Violet says.
"Violet was our script writer, as usual," Daisy says, and laughs.
Then explains, "Okay, the story goes: The Magical Mermaid is relaxing peacefully with her Pokemon, Seel, when two evil villains.."
Then Violet and Lily approach their younger sister with prop swords.
"Suddenly appear," Daisy adds.
Then Lily says, "We tie you up, and try to make you tell us where the sunken treasure is. But when you won't tell us, we get really rough."
Misty nervously asks, "Uh, can we use a stand in for this part?
Violet then smacks Misty on the head with the script, "Don't get cute."
"I'm doing you the favor, remember? So, stop picking on me! I'm doing the best I can!" Misty says.
"Okay, then our prince comes out, and he, like, fights off the villains and saves you," Violet adds.
Daisy then comes in with her prop sword and the siblings fall over.
Violet continues to read the script, "The magical mermaid and the prince fall totally in love and raise a whole lot of Seel, and live happily ever after."
Seel then starts clapping with glee. Mew and the others clap their hands.
"I liked that charming prince," Brock says.
"I liked your part Misty, but I also liked the Seel," Mew says.
"You would," Misty says, and rolls her eyes.
Suddenly, Misty asks, "Hey Daisy, how are the Pokemon I left here doing?"
"They're doing fine, especially Brionne," Daisy says.
Just then, Mantyke and another Pokemon comes out.
This Pokemon is a light blue, pinniped Pokémon with three ruffle-like growths around its body. The first ruffle is just under its front flippers, while the last is shortly before the tail. The ruffles alternate white and pale blue. Its long ears are made up of three segments that lighten and increase in size towards the tip; the first segment is ovoid, while the latter two are spherical. It has a long, conical snout with a white tip, a spherical pink nose, and large dark eyes with pinkish pupils. Its front flippers are much longer than its tail flippers, although both have white tips. There are three digits on the front flippers.
Misty kneels to them, "Hi Brionne. Mantyke. It's great to see you.
"Oh yeah. I remember Daisy telling us a few months ago, Popplio evolved," Mew says.
She brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Brionne, the Pop Star Pokemon and the evolved form of Popplio. A Water Type. A skillful dancer, it creates a sequence of water balloons as it dances, and briskly bombards its enemies."
"Brionne has been a great performer. And she loves to swim in our underwater ballets," Daisy says.
Misty then looks around and wonders, "But where's Finneon?"
"Here it comes?" Violet says.
Coming out of the water is a fishlike Pokémon with dark blue scales. Its eyes are deep pink, and its face and eyelids are light blue. It has two pairs of large pectoral fins that resemble butterfly wings. These fins have wavy, light blue markings around the edges, and the lower pair is longer on the female. There is a band of light blue running vertically around its body. Its tail is long with a deep pink spot at the tip, and it has a pair of light blue pelvic fins. The Pokemon then swims to where Misty is to greet her.
"Wow! Finneon has evolved," Misty happily says.
"Just evolved before you called, so we wanted to surprise you," Daisy says.
"Wow. It's pretty," Mew says.
She uses Dexter to see the information, "Lumineon, the Neon Pokemon, and the evolved form of Finneon. A Water Type. They traverse the deep waters as if crawling over the seafloor. The fantastic lights of its fins shine like stars in the night sky."
"Brionne, Lumineon, and Mantyke loved living here and they loved to perform. You should see how Brionne performs with the color bubbles she makes," Lily says.
Meanwhile, outside of the gym, Team Rocket notices the poster.
Meowth says, "Hey, look! They're putting on The Magical Mermaid with some ballerina underwater!"
"Ooh! An underwater ballet. I'd like to see that," James says.
"It does sound like fun, doesn't it," Jessie says.
"I took some modern dance when I was a young lad," James says, determined.
Meowth also says, "They got more than just a ballerina."
"You're right, Meowth!" James says.
"It looks like there'll be lots of water Pokemon in that show," Jessie says.
"And we love water Pokemon, don't we?"Meowth asks.
"Of course we do. So what?" James questions.
"So, I think we should get tickets to the show," Jessie says.
"Yeah, and the show could be our ticket to some Pokemon," Meowth says.
Knowing Team Rocket, they have another scheme to steal Pokemon.
The next day is the premiere of the Underwater Ballet Show.
On speaker, Daisy says, " Hello, and welcome to the Cerulean gym's splash-tacular new show! Please have your cash or major credit card ready! "
"Just look at all these people, Lily!" Violet says.
Then Lily says, "This is gonna be our biggest hit ever!"
Inside, Daisy is handing people papers "Thank you, the entrance is right this way. Please enjoy the show.
Then happily says in her thoughts with sparkles in her eyes, "I am, like, so happy we tricked Misty into this!"
In the arena, everyone is seated for the show. Mew along with the others are among them.
"This is gonna be great! I can't wait to see Misty." mew says.
"Pika!" (Me too!) Pikachu says.
"Eev!" (Me three!) Eevee says.
Meanwhile, up at the diving platform and behind the curtains, Misty is dressed in her mermaid costume and is starting to get nervous to see the crowd. Seel and Brionne are with her for support.
"Uh oh. There's so many people out there. I'm kinda nervous," Misty says, a little nervous.
But then says, "But I know I can do it."
Just then Daisy's voice appears on the and gentlemen. Thank you for your patience. Our underwater ballet, The Magical Mermaid, performed by the exciting and talented Cerulean Sisters, is about to begin!"
Just then, the hatch opens and the pool begins to rise up catching everyone's attention. Everyone is amazed and astonished. Soon, the spotlight shines on the Pokemon in the tank. All of Misty's water Pokemon are there, including some Goldeen. There is also Horsea, Seaking, Starmie, Staryu, Brionne, Lumineon, Mantyke, and Seal
Soon, Daisy begins the story on the speakers, "Once upon a time, in a beautiful, peaceful lagoon, there lived many varieties of happy water Pokemon, who spent many playful hours with their lovely friend, the Magical Mermaid!"
On the diving board is Misty, dressed as the Mermaid. She then dives into the tank and begins to swim with the Water Pokemon. Sweet music plays as Misty has fun with the Water Pokemon.
"Misty's pretty good," Mew says.
"Of course, she's a water Pokemon trainer," Brock says.
Misty swims with the water Pokemon into a cave. She then goes up to the surface in the cave to get some air. Then swims out with the Pokemon as the audience applauds. Meanwhile, dressed as the villains, Violet and Lily are behind the curtains and ready to go on.
Violet looks out and says, "They're totally into it."
Lily looks to see and starts to have a second thought, "Maybe I should have played the Magical Mermaid, she has a much nicer costume."
"That is, like, totally selfish! Besides, the costume would look better on me," Violet says.
Just then, Meowth steps in, "We can be the villains."
The girls turn their heads to see Team Rocket wearing ridiculous ballet costumes.
"We'd be perfect for the part," Jessie says.
And James says, "And we wouldn't even have to act."
Violet and Lily begin to panic to see the villains here.
Meanwhile, at the reception desk, Daisy finishes with getting some papers finished.
Then Daisy says, "It's almost time for Violet and Lily to go on. I better start getting ready for my part, too! Too bad any of those other guys couldn't make it." Daisy then heads off to get ready for her part.
Back to the show, the Water Pokemon are laying next to a shell and Misty is laying on the inside of it.
The story continues, "Everyone in the calm lagoon passed day after day in joyous song and dance, and they happily frolicked and played, before drifting off into a peaceful sleep. The Magical Mermaid's water Pokemon all lived their lives in peace and harmony."
The Pokemon soon falls asleep. Misty then puts on a miniature breather in her mouth to get some air.
"But not all peace and harmony can last, for one day, two terrible villains came..." The story continues.
The spot light then comes on over the diving board to reveal Team Rocket, not Violet and Lily, much to Mew and the others' shock.
"Everyone, check it out!" Mew says, shocked.
"It's them!" Brock says.
"Oh no!" Tomo says.
"Pika. (Oh great.) Pikachu says, annoyed.
"Eevee," (Not them.) Eevee says.
Then they all say, "Team Rocket!"
"Meow!" Meowth says and laughs, "Looks like the real bad guys showed up!"
"What do you mean, bad? Nobody's better at stealing water Pokemon than we are," Jessie says.
"And next time, we steal men's clothes," James adds.
"Enough talk," Jessie says.
Then they both put on breathing devices.
"We're on," James says.
In the audience, Mew and the others can sense trouble.
"Those three must have some plan to ruin the show," Brock says.
"But what about Violet and Lily? I thought they were playing the villains?" Tomo asks.
"Something must have happened. Let's go!" Mew says.
Mew and the others leave the audience as Team Rocket dive into the water where Misty and the Pokemon are.
The story continues, "Then, the evil villains crept into the Magical Mermaid's Pokemon's hideaway."
Horsea, Sobble, and some of the other Pokemon alert Misty as the shell opens for her to see Team Rocket.
Misty puts on her breath and demands, "What are you doing here?"
Prepare for trouble!
And make it double.
To protect the world from devastation!
To unite all peoples within our nation.
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above.
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight.
Meowth! That's wet!
Suddenly, everyone begins to clap and cheer, thinking this is part of the show. Unfortunately, that basically adds to Team Rocket's ego.
"They love us! We're killing them!" Jessie says.
"I always knew I was destined for greatness! A Starmie is born!" James says, filled with pride.
"Heh! Now they'll get a chance to see Team Rocket do what we do best! Which is, steal the show!" Meowth says, and presses the button.
The basket of the Team Rocket hot air balloon burst through the ceiling.
Meowth bounces in the balloon and says, ""Heh. And now it's time for the grand finale! Bring up the water Pokemon and we'll bring down the house!"
Jessie says, "Right!"
"You got it!" James says.
Team Rocket then cast in the net and are able to catch the Goldeen, even most of Misty's Pokemon: excluding Brionne, Seel, Horsea, Vaporeon, and Sobble.
Team Rocket happily says, "Heave ho! Heave ho! That's the end of the Pokemon show!"
Misty, Horsea, and some of the other Pokemon swim towards them.
"No, you can't steal these Pokemon! Let go! Leave them alone!" Misty says, and grabs the net.
"I'm afraid your underwater acting career is all washed up!" Jessie says.
"Make like a clam and scram," James says.
Soon, there is a tug of war between them. Brionne, Seel, and Vaporeon try to help out.
"Take your hands off this net and drift away, like a good little mermaid," Jessie says.
But Misty says, "Not on your life. These Pokemon don't belong to you, and you don't belong here!"
"Then, just when it looked like all was lost, a charming and handsome prince arrived in time to save the day," The story continues.
Soon, Daisy is in her costume, and hears her cue, "Well, I guess that's my cue."
Then brings out her sword, "Here goes."
Just then, Mew calls out, stopping Daisy, "Daisy, wait!"
Mew says, "Team Rocket are here and are after the Pokemon."
"And they did something to Violet and Lily," Tomo says.
Suddenly, they hear banging sounds at one of the lockers. Brock quickly opens it and out of the locker are Violet and Lily, tied up and have tape over their mouths.
"Violet! Lily!" Daisy panics.
Mew and the others hurry and untie them, and are able to set them free.
"What happened?" Brock asks.
"Those bad guys who came to the gym before, tied us up and stuffed us in this locker," Violet says.
"And it's very cramped in there," Lily adds.
"We'll go over and stop Team Rocket," Mew says.
"Hold Togepi for me, Daisy," Brock says, giving Togepi to Daisy.
Violet then holds out six Breathing devices, "Then you'll need these."
Mew, Tomo, Brock, Pikachu, Eevee, and Meloetta each take one of the devices, and hurried to dive into the water. They jump off the platform and dive into the ocean to help Misty.
Down in the ocean, Misty and the Pokemon are fighting Team Rocket.
"Let go!" Jessie demands.
But Misty says, "No, you let go!"
Just then, Mew shouts, "Knock it off!"
"Pika!" (Hold it!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee!" (Stop right there!) Eevee adds.
Team Rocket turns to see Mew and the others.
James speaks first, "It's them again!"
"We'll show them!" Jessie says, bringing out her Pokeball.
Then calls out, "Go, Arbok!"
She throws her Pokeball and Arbok comes out of the Pokeball. It dashes at Mew and the others, but they dodge."
Misty calls out, "Go, Horsea! Vaporeon.
Horsea swims to attack.
"Horsea, Bubble attack!" Misty calls out.
Horsea launches the attack, but Arbok is able to swat the bubbles away much to Misty's shock.
Jessie calls out, "Arbok, Wrap attack!"
Arbok prepares to coil Horsea.
"Horsea, Smokescreen! Vaporeon use Water Gun!" Misty calls out.
Horsea manages to bline Arbok with smoke screen. Vaporeon performs Water Gun at Arbok. Then Seaking then attacks it with its horn. Horsea then swims back to Misty.
"I know. You haven't been feeling well. It's okay," Misty says, hugging Horsea.
Then calls out, "Seaking, Horn Drill!"
Seaking's horn begins to spin and strikes at Arbok multiple times.
"Good job, Misty," Mew says.
"Thank my sisters, they trained it," Misty says.
"Arbok?" Jessie says, confused.
Then James throws his Pokeball and calls out, "This'll do it. Weezing, go!"
Weezing then comes out of its Pokeball, but unable to swim since its body contains gass, Weezing rises to the surface and is knocked out.
"Out of breath and outta energy," Meowth comments.
Soon, Misty's sisters arrive behind Meowth.
Volet holds a Pokeball and says, "Only water Pokemon can battle in water. Your turn, Psyduck! Go!"
"Like, totally!" Lily says.
Psyduck comes out of its Pokeball, and dives in the water. Suddenly, Psyduck panics and rises from the surface and is unable to swim. Yet the audience laughs with glee. Luckily, Mantyke rises from the water and helps Psyduck.
"Her Psyduck is embarrassing," Violet comments.
"Like, totally," Lily adds.
In the water Mew calls out, "Squirtle, Shellos, Cloyster, I choose you!"
Soon, her three Pokemon appear.
Mew calls out, "Squirtle, Underwater Tackle!"
Squirtle dives its head in it's shell and strikes at Arbok.
"Go, Stamie!" Misty calls out.
Starmie then attacks Arbok, followed by Seaking.
Mew calls out, "Shellos, Cloyster, water gun!"
With that, her Pokemon is able to attack Arbok.
"Uh oh! Trouble!" James panics.
Then Arbok calls out, "Arbok, Poison Sting attack, now!"
Arbok then performs the attack on the Pokemon, but they dodge the attack. Soon, they all come to a corner after dodging the attacks.
"It's over!" Violet says, worried.
Suddenly, Seel and Brionne get between them.
"Seel Seel," (Keep back.) Seel says.
"Brionne!" (Stay away!) Brionne adds.
The group becomes surprised to see the two Pokemon stopping Arbok. What's more surprising is that Brionne of all Pokemon is one of them.
"Brionne?" Misty says, surprised.
"But I thought it didn't like battling," Brock says.
"I think Brionne wants to help," Mew says.
"What's Seel doing?" Daisy asks.
"Especially Brionne," Lily adds.
Just then, Team Rocket laughs at them.
"These two weenie babies actually think they can stop us?" James mocks.
Jessie then calls out, "Finish it off, Arbok!"
Arbok then dives down to attack. Brionne and Seel swim fast and circle around the large snake Pokemon.
"Good work, Seel!" Mew says.
"You too, Brionne!" Tomo adds
Misty then calls out, "Now, Seel, Headbutt! Brionne, Pound!"
With that, the two Pokemon strike at Arbok from different locations.
Meowth calls out from the balloon, "Hey, Arbok! Don't tell me you're gonna let a little powder puff like that show you up!"
"I never knew Seel was, like, that strong," Lily says.
"Yeah," Violet agrees.
"We never let it, like, compete in a battle," Daisy says.
Then Violet says, "And Brionne is strong as well."
"And to think she didn't want to battle because of what happened with her previous trainer," Daisy adds.
Misty calls out, "Seel, Aurora Beam! Brionne, use Bubble Beam!"
Seel shines an Aurora Beam from it's horn that blinds Arbok. Then Brionne performs a powerful Bubble Beam.
Suddenly, both Seel and Brionne begin to glow. Mew and the others become surprised.
"Look what's happening to Seel and Brionne!" Brock says.
Daisy, Violet and Lily see the glow too, and are surprised.
"What's that!?" Violet asks.
Then Lily asks, What're Seel and Brionn doing?
Soon, both Seel and Brionne continue to glow and morph their shape. Soon, everyone can see what is really happening.
"What is that?" Jessie exclaimed.
"Don't tell me...!" James says, shocked.
And Meowth is almost speechless, "It couldn't be!"
Soon, Seel and Brionne stop glowing and now are in a new shape. Seel has evolved into a white coated color of Mew's Dewgong.
Brionne has evolved into a marine Pokémon that resembles a cross between a sea lion and a mermaid. Most of its body is white, but it has a long, fishlike tail. It has a long snout with a round, pink nose, bright blue eyes with long white eyelashes, and long light blue hair trailing off the back of its head. A tiara-like structure rests on its forehead, consisting of a line of pearls with a pink sea star at one corner and a thin, transparent blue fin extending back over its hair. Its hair is contained to a ponytail by two strings of pearls. On its body are three fins similar to the one on its crown: one that drapes around its shoulders and chest, one around its waist where the fishtail begins, and one near the tip of its tail. It has long front fins with three digits.
Misty says, amazed, "Seel evolved into Dewgong!"
"And Brionne has evolved into a Primarina!" Mew says, amazed.
Everyone is astonished and can't believe that they see two evolutions in a show.
"That was great, Seel.." Daisy says.
Bur corrects herself, "...excuse me...Dewgong!"
"You too... uh... Primarina!" Violet adds,
Togepi happily says, "Toki!" (Good job!)
Mew then brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Dewgong, the Sea Lion Pokémon., and the evolved form of Seel. A Water and Ice Type. This Pokémon can easily resist extreme cold."
Then Mew points to Primarina, "Primarina, the Soloist Pokemon, and the evolved form of Brionne. A Water and Fairy Type. It controls its water balloons with song. The melody is learned from others of its kind and is passed down from one generation to the next."
"Alright, Arbok, go get those two annoying seals now! Go!" Jessie commands.
Arbok charges, but Dewgong and Primarina dodge the attack. Then Dewgong swats Arbok with its tail. Then Primarina tackles it and sends it crashing to Jessie and James.
Misty then calls out, "Now, Dewgong, Ice Beam!"
Dewgong then fires an Ice Beam at Team Rocket and freezes them.
"Alright, Misty!" Mew says.
Pikachu, Eevee, and Meloetta are happy.
Meowth says, feeling defeated, "Looks like the show's over for Team Rocket!"
"You're awesome, Dewgong!" Lily says.
"You're the coolest!" Violet adds.
"And Primarina is very elegant," Daisy adds.
Mew, Misty, and the others are able to pull the Goldeen and the other Pokemon out of the water.
Mew turns to Pikachu and Eevee, "Okay Pikachu, Eevee. Hit em with one last blast, and really make it a good one."
Pikachu and Eevee nod their heads. With that, they both perform Thunderbolt in the pool, resulting in Team Rocket getting electrocuted while frozen. Then they all leap out of the water.
"This is so shocking!" Jessie says, petrified.
"Truly revolting," James adds.
Then all three are falling down towards the water. Primarina finishes it off by swatting Team Rocket with her tail and sending them flying towards Meowth.
Meowth panic, "No! No! Watch out! Don't come any closer!"
The impact then causes the broken balloon to dislodge from the roof and Team Rocket are sent flying.
Team Rocket screams, "We're blasting off again!"
Mew removes the breathing device, "We did it!"
Soon the audience applauded for the fantastic performance. Everyone decide to wave with glee
Violet waves and says, "Thank you! Thank you!"
"Come back to the Cerulean gym real soon!" Lily adds.
The next day, Mew and her friends see that the line to the show is even longer than yesterday's performance.
"Wow! Look at that line!" Mew says.
"Thanks to you all, our shows are totally sold out for the next six months!" Daisy says.
"I'm glad for you," Mew says.
"Pikachu/Eevee," (I agree.) Pikachu and Eevee reply.
"And if you decide to leave, Lily and I can take turns playing the mermaid," Violet says.
"Maybe we can even let Primarina have a turn," Lily adds.
Then Daisy says, "If they decide to leave, we totally won't have enough Pokemon."
"Bummer. Maybe we could borrow some of Misty's Pokemon," Violet says.
"What?" Misty says, shocked.
Brock then says, "We came to find Horsea a place to swim, why not leave it for a while?"
"Oh, alright," Misty says.
Then gives out Horsea's Pokeball, "You better take good care of it."
"We will," Violet and Lily happily say.
Then Lily says, "You better give us your Starmie, too."
"Oh no. Not Starmie! Oh, how could I say no? I'm really gonna miss it, too," Misty says.
Then Violet says, "Maybe you can let some of your other Pokemon here for a while."
Misty sighs and says, "Fine. I guess it couldn't hurt.
Daisy then happily picks up Togepi, "Hi, cutie!"
"Wait! You're not getting my Togepi!" Misty says, quickly taking Togepi.
Then presents Psyduck, "But you can keep this, if you want it."
But Violet and Lily say, "We're not that desperate!"
"Psy?" (No?) Psyduck replies.
Mew then holds Pikachu and Eevee, "You better not think about keeping any of mine."
"Not Meloetta either!" Tomo adds.
After that, Mew and her friends say goodbye to Misty's sisters and are hitting the road once more.
"Well, take care!" Daisy calls out."
"Do your best at the Pokemon League, Mew?" Violet says.
"Visit us again soon!" Lily says.
Mew and her friends continue to make their way back to Viridian City so Mew can compete to earn an Earth Badge
"You know, Misty, you were really pretty amazing back there. If you ever complete your dream to become a Water Pokemon Master, I'm sure you'll be a great performer like your sisters are," Mew says.
"Thanks Mew, but I'd rather stick to being a Water Pokemon Master for the time being," Mew says.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Teddiursa (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Kakuna (Female). Steenee (Female). Silcoon (Female). Sandshrew (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Skitty (Male). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Flabébé (Female). Magnemite. Weepinbell (Female). Shiny Ditto. Porygon. Ivysaur (Female).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Meowstic (Male). Ledyba (Female). Krabby (Male). Diglett (Male). Wooloo (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Lileep (Female). Cinderace (Female). Arcanine (Male). Pansear (Male). Wartortle (Female). Aerodactyl (Male). Muk (Male). Tauros (Male). Lunatone. Miltank (Female). Mawile (Female). Makuhita (Male). Meditite (Female). Poliwrath (Male).
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Pokemon Egg. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge. Volcano Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). Goldeen (Female). Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male).
From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Item: 2 Soothe Bell.
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female)
Item: 1 Soothe Bell.
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