Episode 51: The Breeding Center Secret
Continuing on their journey, Mew and her friends decide to take a break. Their friend, Todd, a photographer, decides to take some Pokemon pictures.
"Come on, turn around, Togepi. Now, don't be shy. Turn and say 'Togepi'." Misty says as Togepi sits on her lap
Togepi happily turns around and says, "Togepi!" (I'm Togepi!)
Then Todd takes pictures of Togepi.
"Great! That was a cool shot," Todd says.
Suddenly, they hear a voice, "Now, a Pokemon weather update!
The group turns to see the T.V screen on one of the buildings showing the weather.
The weather anchor says, "Our area will remain clear and sunny today with highs in the upper seventies.
"Sounds like good weather!" Mew says.
"Pikachu," (Pretty, too.) Pikachu agrees.
"It should be great for taking pictures," Todd says.
After the weather, a commercial comes up, "Pokemon love power! Find it at our Five Star Breeding Center, where every Pokemon is treated like a loved one."
Then the commercial shows a Charmander, "This guest evolved into a Charmeleon, and then into a Charizard, in just a few short days. At the Five Star Breeding Center, a little pampering goes a long way. Let our experts provide your Pokemon with our loving care. So why go through all the fuss when you can bring your Pokemon to us?"
"What's that?" Tomo asks.
"Looks like somebody just opened up a new breeding center," Brock says.
"Breeding Center?" Mew says, confused.
"The newest thing! Breeding Centers raise Pokemon for kids who can't themselves. It's like a Pokemon spa," Todd says.
"A really excellent breeding center can even help your Pokemon evolve," Misty says.
"Wow! Let's go check it out!" Mew says, interested.
"Yeah," Tomo replies.
Mew and her friends decide to check out the breeding center. Soon, they see the place is crowded. In front of the center, there is a woman with gold hair in long low pigtails, purple eyes, and wears triangle magenta earrings. She is also wearing a lab coat.
The lady in front of the building says, "There's no need to push! We have plenty of rooms left in our luxury suites! We guarantee your Pokemon will soon be like new, and some may even evolve!"
"She seems really nice," Misty says.
Brock takes a closer look and is head over heels for her.
"And do you know why we're so popular? It's because we believe in love," The woman says.
She picks up a trainer's Sandshrew and says, "We feel every Pokemon is lovable. We believe in Pokemon love power!"
"Love power!" A man says.
The man is also wearing a labcoat as well. He has maroon colored eyes and green hair.
Brock blushes and says, "Love. Power."
"Wow! She sure knows how to attract customers," Todd says.
"Yeah," Misty says, suspiciously.
In the center, there is a large pack of people ready to send their Pokemon
"Our next guest," The woman says
"Right this way, please," The man says, putting his Pokemon on the conveyor belt.
He pushes the button and the Pokemon rolls right inside.
Misty comes to the front desk, "I have a Pokemon, too!"
Shocked and slightly embarrassed, the woman says, "Well, you're in the right place."
"So, what do I have to do to check my Pokemon in here?" Misty quickly asks.
Mew walks over and asks, "Misty, you're leaving one here?"
"Yep. I'll give it a try," Misty answers.
"But, which Pokemon? Not your Staryu!" Todd replies.
Then Brock says, "Togepi's too young."
Misty answers as she places Psyduck on the table, "My Psyduck! I wanna leave my Psyduck here with you."
"It's so cute. Don't you just adore those eyes? They're bright and bouncy as ping pong balls!" The woman says, looking at Psyduck.
"Yeah, and I wish I had a paddle," Misty mutters.
"So, then, is there anything special you'd like us to do?" The woman asks.
"For starters, you might try knocking some common sense into its big, empty head," Misty says.
Then harshly ruffles Psyduck's head, "There's an awful lot of unused space in here!"
The woman looks over and says, "That's strange, it looks intelligent to me."
Todd and Brock nearly fall over.
"And you have to change this clueless looking face," Misty says, stretching her Pokemon's face.
"I think Psyduck is already fine," Mew comments.
"Funny you should say that. Our motto here at the breeding center is: 'A little Pokemon love power works miracles'." The woman says, and holds out a peace sign.
Soon, Psyduck is given tag #12, and ride on the conveyor belt to the back of the center.
Mew calls out, "Have fun, Psyduck."
"Bye, Psyduck. Good luck," Misty says.
Soon Psyduck disappears to the back of the store.
Later on, Mew and the others are walking down the street.
"Psyduck will prove if that place is any good," Misty says.
"Do you think Psyduck will be okay?" Mew says.
"I'm sure Psyduck will be fine, Mew. Don't worry," Misty says.
"Well, I think Psyduck has some good points," Mew says.
"That's true. I caught Psyduck so I'll still keep him, even if he is annoying," Misty says.
Todd then stops in front of a restaurant, "That looks tasty."
The group stops and looks to see the restaurant themselves.
"Hey, it's a restaurant!" Brock says.
"Come to think of it, I'm really starving!" Misty says.
Soon, Mew notices, "Hey, look at this!"
The group looks at a sign, which makes Misty happy, "All you can eat, for free?! Alright! I'm heading straight for the desert bar!" and chuckles with a grin.
Confused, Mew asks, "It can't really be free, can it?"
But Todd says, "There's gotta be a catch. Like, you gotta order ten dinners to get one free."
"I'd eat 10 dinners if they came with 10 deserts," Misty says.
Mew turns to Misty with a confused face.
Just then, the chef comes out of the restaurant with laughter and says, "No need to eat that much, unless ya'll really want to! The buffet is free on one condition!"
"What's the condition?" The group asks.
"Well, just show me my favorite Pokemon and I'll treat you to all the food you can eat! Plus, all the desserts you can eat, too!" The chef answers.
"Your favorite Pokemon, huh?" Mew replies.
"I'm sure one of us has your favorite!" Misty says.
Mew throws all her Pokeballs, "I'll go first," With that, Mew releases all of her Pokemon. Even Pikachu and Eevee present themselves to the chef.
"My, you sure have some unique Pokemon, but none of these are my favorite," The chef says.
"Oh well," Mew says.
Brock then says, "I'll go next!"
"Me too!" Tomo replies.
Then releases all of their Pokmemon, and has been presented to the chef.
"You sure have interesting Pokemon as well, but none of them is it," The chef says.
"Well, how about my Pokemon? I even got Togepi." Misty replies, and releases all her Pokemon.
"None of them is my favorite, but you came close," The chef says.
"Came close?" Misty says, confused.
"Yes. Your Golduck is nice, even though it's not my favorite. However, it's the closest to my favorite," The chef says.
"Golduck is close to your favorite?" Todd says, confused.
The group begins to think as they try to understand what the chef means.
Suddenly, Mew realizes that not only they have one more pokemon in their group, but it's as close to Golduck as it can be.
"I got it... Psyduck! Psyduck is your favorite Pokemon, isn't it?" Mew asks.
"You are correct, miss," The chef says.
And shows the picture of Psyduck, "That's my favorite Pokemon."
"You're a Psyduck fan?" Brock asks, surprised.
Seeing the picture, Todd says, "Hey! That looks like a picture I took!"
"I think Psyduck is the greatest thing since the invention of the microwave oven! I'm such a big fan that whenever a customer brings in a Psyduck, I let em eat for free," The chef says.
Todd turns to Mew, "Hey Mew, how do you know his favorite Pokemon is Psyduck?"
"Well, nothing is closer to Golduck than a Psyduck," Mew says.
"She's right. Psyduck is Golduck's pre-evolved form," Brock says.
Misty turns to the chef and asks, "Sir, if we come back in a couple of minutes, will you be here?"
"Sure, I've gotta wait here for a delivery of fifty gallons of ice cream," The chef says.
"Yay! Yay! Yay!" Misty happily cheers with laughter and says, "Back in a flash!"
Then Misty runs off, Mew and the others hurry after her.
"That's typical. It figures Psyduck isn't around the one time I really need it!" Misty says.
"You're the one who left it at that center," Mew replies.
However, when Mew and her friend arrive at the center, there's a close sign in front of it.
"It's already closed!" Misty says, shocked.
"Guess we'll have to come back tomorrow!" Brock says.
Then Todd says, "We won't get that free buffet today."
But Misty says, "No way! I'm getting into that dessert bar now! There might not be any ice cream left tomorrow! Let's go see if there's a back way!" And stomps off.
Soon, they find a back room and Misty is banging on it, "Hello?! Anybody there?! I need to get the Pokemon I left here! Please open the door so I can get back to that dessert buffet!"
When Misty tries to open the door, she and the others are surprised to see that it's not locked.
"It's open," Misty says, confused.
Misty opens the door and peeks inside, "Hello? Is there anybody who can get my Pokemon? Is there anybody who can help me?"
The group soon walked inside and down the hall.
"There's nobody here," Mew says.
Misty soon opens another door, and calls out, "Is there anybody here who can help us?"
Soon, the group walks inside, "It's so dark, I can't see."
"Hey, I got a flashlight," Brock says, and brings it on.
When Brock turns on his flightlight, the first thing they see are cages. What shocked the group is to see the cages have Pokemon inside. The Pokemon their trainers have dropped off.
"What is this?!" Misty asks, shocked.
"It's the Pokemon!" Brock says.
"This doesn't look like a luxury hotel to me!" Tomo says.
"This is cruel! They're crammed into cages!" Todd says.
"Pika!" (How awful!) Pikahu says.
"Eevee!" (Those poor Pokemon!) Eevee adds, sadly.
Mew worriedly says, "This isn't a Breeding Center! It's a Prison!"
"These Pokemon don't look like they wanna smile for the camera," Todd adds.
Soon enough, Brock finds Misty's Psyduck.
Brock calls Misty, "Hey! Here's your Psyduck!"
Everyone hurries over to see something about Psyduck is different.
"I have to say, it looks a little smarter than when I dropped it off," Misty says.
But Borck says, "Take a closer look."
The group looks closer to see that Psyduck's eyes have been pulled up by tape.
"They just pulled its eyes back with tape," Brock says.
"That's terrible!" Misty says, and pulls the tape off of Psyduck.
"Psy-Yi-Yi," (I do not like being in the cage.) Psyduck says.
Mew translated, "Psyduck said he doesn't like being in a cage."
"I don't blame him," Misty says.
Soon the group hears a sound and looks up to see a crane carrying a cave and putting it on the conveyor belt.
"What's that?" Mew asks.
On the other side of the wall, the two employees are examining the Pokemon in the cage that is coming in. The one in the cage is Sandsrew."
"The next Pokemon's a Sandshrew," The male employee says.
The female one looks at the cage and says, "Looks like this one is in pretty good shape. It can be very useful, as long as we can teach it to use Fury Swipes."
"We've got an awful lot of Pokemon piled up in this dump," The man says.
"Yeah. Just goes to prove that a lot of Pokemon trainers are suckers. Now all we have to do is pick out the choice Pokemon and ship em out to the boss," The woman says.
"We'll be his absolute favorites!" The man says.
Then the woman says, "And we'll be in for a big bonus!
"This breeding center was a great idea!" The man happily adds.
Then they both say, "We believe in love power! That's because we love power!" And the two begin to laugh.
Unknown to them, Mew and her friends have heard everything.
Mew quietly says, "So it's all a big fake."
"We've gotta do something to stop them!" Misty adds, quite.
"We can't let them treat Pokemon like this!" Brock quietly adds.
Tomo, Pikachu, and Eevee nod their heads.
Just then, Todd quietly says, "Hey! I think I've got an idea!"
"Pika Pika?" (What's the plan?) Pikachu asks.
"Pikachu wants to know the plan," Mew replies.
Todd explains, "I'll take pictures of this place so that everyone can know what's happening."
"Yeah, that's a great idea," Misty says.
Meanwhile the two employers are now talking to their boss.
The boss says, "So, tell me. How is the breeding center scam going?"
"Very well. As planned, we've collected lots of promising Pokemon," The woman answers.
"Excellent. Send them to me, immediately. I want to pick the choice ones for myself," The boss says.
The two employees reply, "Yes sir!"
"I want to congratulate the two of you on your splendid work on this project. Unlike those other blundering idiots," The boss says.
"Just doing our job, but I don't know how you put up with that Jessie or her stupid partner, James. They're an embarrassment," The woman says.
Then the boss says, "They are completely unreliable. It's a good thing we didn't tell them about this plan. They would have ruined it. Butch. Cassidy. You know I'm counting on you."
The two answer, "Yes sir."
The woman Cassidy says, "We won't disappoint you."
Then the video call ends.
Meanwhile, Todd holds out his camera and takes pictures of the Pokemon in cages so they can be used as evidence.
Misty points to the conveyor belt, "Todd! Take a picture of that! There!"
"Hmm. Okay," Todd says, and takes the picture.
However, Butch notices the flash of Todd's camera, "Huh?"
"What, Butch? Something wrong?" Cassidy asks.
"I thought I saw something back there! It looked like a flash," Butch answers.
The group becomes worried to hear Butch's statement.
Butch then leaves the room and says, "I better go check it out."
The group soon becomes scared to see Butch approaching the door and prepares to open it.
Butch then opens the door, but Mew and her friends are nowhere to be seen. He soon notices a flash and walks over to see Pikachu trying to use a shock attack from a cage.
"The light was only from this Pikachu," Butch says to himself and leaves the room.
Once Butch is gone, Mew lets Pikachu out of the locked cage, "You pulled it off, Pikachu."
"That was too close," Misty quietly says.
"I think I have all the shots I'm gonna need," Todd quietly says.
Then Brock says, "Good, we better get out of here, quick."
"Yeah," Tomo says.
"Wait! We can't! Psyduck!" Misty worriedly says, and rushes to Psyduck.
Mew asks, "What's wrong?"
Misty then pulls the bars and says, "The cage is locked. I can't just leave Psyduck trapped in this awful place."
"Psyduck," (Thank you.) Psyduck replies.
Suddenly, the window close by is beginning to shake.
"Uh, what's that?" Tomo asks.
"I think someone's coming in. Hide," Mew says, and everyone does just that.
Entering the building through the window is Jessie, James, and Meowth from Team Rocket.
"Be quiet as a mouse," Jessie whispers.
"Did you say Meowth?" Meowth asks.
"This way," Jessie whispers.
"This is so... exciting!" James says, rather loud.
And Meowth hits him with a mallet.
Meowth whispers, "Keep quiet, James Bond!"
Mew and her friends are shocked to see Team Rocket is here as well.
"Breaking into this breeding center was genius. It's a burglar's dream," Jessie says.
Meowht looks around and says, "I told you this place was gonna be packed with Pokemon."
"And we're gonna steal every last one," Jessie says.
"That'll put us on the boss' good side," Meowth says.
"But we've never been on his good side before," James says.
Sometime later, James begins to pick the lock, "Almost got it".
"All the Pokemon we could ever want," Meowth says.
"Hey!" Mew angrily says, and startiles Team Rocket.
"What are you doing here?" Todd demands.
"I'd put that very same question to you!" Meowth says.
Mew quietly says, "Keep in down! You'll get us all in trouble!"
"How did you get in here anyway?" Jessie quietly asks, angrily.
"Don't tell me you goody-goodies decided to become baddy-baddies!" Meowth says.
"You better not try to take over our territory!" Jesse says.
"I knew all along we couldn't trust you!" James shouts.
"Will you shut up?!" Mew whispers.
Misty quietly says, "This time you're in way over your heads."
"She's right. We better get these Pokemon outta here fast or we're all in danger," Brock adds.
Jessie quietly says, "I know what you're doing. You're trying to trick us into helping you steal all these Pokemon for yourselves."
"Fine! Believe what you want!" Misty quietly says.
"Let's just get out of here before..." Mew says.
Suddenly, the lights turn on, and Cassidy and Butch spot them.
Cassidy says, "I knew there was something rotten back here! And I was right! Looks like rats had snuck in here."
"What should we do?" Butch questions.
"We'll exterminate them!" Cassidy says.
"We're not afraid of creeps like you!" Mew angrily said.
"dLet's mix it up!" Meowth panics.
Then Cassidy says, "You don't know who you're dealing with!"
But we'll be glad to show you!" Buch says.
Suddenly, they begin to perform Team Rocket's Motto
Butch and Cassidy:
Prepare for trouble and make it double!
They remove their disguises and reveal they are wearing Team Rocket uniforms. Mew and her friends are shocked to see that they're part of Team Rocket as well.
To infect the world with devastation!
To blight all people in every nation!
To denounce the goodness of truth and love!
To extend our wrath to the stars above!
We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!
Surrender to us now, or you will surely lose the fight!
That's right!
Then Raticate drops in between the two.
"Copycat!" Meowth shouts in anger.
James asks, "Does this mean you belong to Team Rocket, too?"
Cassidy says, "Jessie! It's been a while."
That makes Jessie growl.
James turns to Jessie and asks, "Do you know that girl?"
"She used to hang around with me. She was jealous because I'm so beautiful," Jessie says, bitterly.
"You haven't changed a bit, unfortunately for you," Cassidy says.
Jessie angrily says, "And you're still a selfish little brat! How dare you use that motto!"
"It's an outrage! It took us months to find a motto we could swipe!" Meowth shouts in anger.
"Steal your own slogan!" James adds.
Then Cassidy says, "Save your arguments for the boss when he finds out you're stealing his Pokemon."
That's when the three begin to panic.
"We're in trouble!" Meowth says.
"The boss is really ticked off that he hasn't heard from you! He thinks it's insulting! Butch says.
"But we can't call him until we do something wrong right!" James says.
"He might throw us off the team!" Meowth says.
Then Cassidy says, "We got this mission because the boss couldn't trust you. When he finds out that you managed to bungle it anyway, well, I hate to think what might happen to you, but I suppose getting thrown off the team is the best you could hope for after this. Isn't that right, Jess?"
Jessie growls in anger as Meowth forces her and James to the ground, "We'd be infernally grateful you could forget this ever happened!"
As Meowth talks, Mew and her friends try to sneak past them and towards the front door.
Cassidy chuckles and says, "What's it worth to you?"
Brock slowly opens the door, and Cassidy hears it.
Cassidy quickly turns to them, "Not so fast, children! Now that you know our little secret, I'm afraid we can't let you leave."
With that, Mew and the others quickly make a run for it.
"We don't know anything about any secrets!" Mew panics.
"We were just trying to get a free all you can eat buffet!" Brock says.
"You kids can't get away from me, I'm no pushover like Jessie," Cassidy says.
Seeing Cassidy's back is turned, Meowth says. "Let's make a run for it."
The group retreats until James stops for something.
Meowth asks, "What's the matter?"
"This is the breeding center where I left my Weepinbell the other day," James says.
James opens the cage and is surprised, "It evolved into a Victreebel! Isn't that just...."
But James' new Pokemon bites him on the head as his colleagues drag him and his Pokemon off.
"I just wish his brain would evolve a little," Meowth says.
Just then, the cage drops on them.
Meanwhile, Mew and the others are hurrying down the hall and see the trap door.
"There's the exit!" Mew says.
Suddenly, the cage drops and almost catches all of them. Misty, Togepi, Mew, Pikachu, Eevee, and Tomo turn to see Brock and Todd are trapped.
"We're trapped!" Brock panics.
"What do we do?" Misty asks.
"Guys, you better hide!" Brock says.
"Okay," Mew says.
Then turns to the others, "Come on."
Everyone agrees and hurry out to hide just as Cassidy and Butch enter the hall.
"Our rat trap worked," Cassidy says.
"You crooks better let us out of here!" Todd angrily says.
Suddenly, Butch notices, "What's that?" and takes Todd's camera.
"It's mine!" Todd shouts.
"Heh. You won't be needing this," Butch says.
Misty, Mew, and the others are able to get away from the Breeding Center before they are seen. Sadly, Todd and Brock have been taken away by Officer Jenny, and they manage to convince her that they were trying to rob the Pokemon inside, unknown that it's a lie. Mew and the others know that they need to come up with a plan.
"We gotta convince Jenny that Brock and Todd are innocent and tell them what's really going on," Misty says.
"The only way we're going to get them out of jail and stop Team Rocket is to free the Pokemon they captured and get Todd's camera back. It has all the proof we need," Mew says.
"But how?" Tomo asks.
"I think I have an idea. Remember, my Psyduck is still at the center," Misty says.
The next day, Misty wears a hat over her head and a jacket so she can't be recognized.
Misty walks over to the front and says, "Excuse me, I left a Psyduck here yesterday."
"We have a two day holding policy," Cassidy says.
But Misty says, "You see, I have to take an emergency trip and I really need my Psyduck to come with me."
"I understand. Just a moment, please," Cassidy says, and walks to the back to get the Psyduck.
Misty then whispers, "Okay, Pikachu."
Pikachu then comes out and heads behind the desk. Then Togepi pops his head out.
"Hey, you stay here," Misty says.
Pikachu then begins to search in every room to find Todd's camera. Meanwhile, Mew is able to sneak into the window Team Rocket are in. With that, they hurry to some of the cages.
Mew then takes out, "Espurr, use Psychic to teleport yourself in the cage and teleport the Pokemon out. We need a few to testify."
Espurr appears from the Pokeball and uses it's Psychic attacks to teleport himself in the cage and then himself and some of the Pokemon out.
Misty walks back and forth, "Pikachu sure is taking a long time. I wish he would hurry."
"Miss?" Cassidy speaks.
Misty gets startled and turns around, "Yes?"
Meanwhile, Pikachu looks in the other room and finds the camera, "Pika!" (Ah ha!)
Cassidy gives Misty Psyduck, "I'm afraid there wasn't time to give your Psyduck a proper facial, so there hasn't been much improvement. Don't you have to leave?"
"Well, I'm not in that much of a hurry," Misty says, and nervously laughs.
Suddenly, she feels a tap on her leg, and Misty turns to see Pikachu has the camera in his paws.
Pikachu quietly says, "Pika." (Got it.) making Misty smile.
Suddenly, Cassidy asks, "Is something wrong?"
"On second thought, I gotta run! Bye!" Misty says, and runs out with Psyduck.
That leaves Cassidy confused. Misty is able to meet up with Eevee and Tomo.
Misty says, "We got the camera?"
"Great. And we got witnesses," Tomo says.
Misty looks to see an Oddish, Sandshrew, Exeggcute, a Staryu, and a Poliwag.
"Great. We got all the proof we needed. Is Mew still inside?" Misty says.
"Yep. She's is creating a diversion," Tomo says with a grin.
"Great. While Mew is handling Team Rocket, we'll get Officer Jenny," Misty says.
With that, Misty, Tomo, and the Pokemon hurry off before anyone can notice.
Back in the warehouse, Cassidy and Butch enter the room.
"Come on, we need to get the Pokemon ready for shipping," Cassidy says.
"Let's do it fast before anyone else comes snooping around," Butch says.
Suddenly, someone says, "Too late for that."
Cassidy and Butch turn to see Mew in the room with Espurr and Shaymin.
"If you think I'm going to let you get away holding Pokemon in cages, you've got another thing coming," Mew says.
"Not you again!" Butch angrily says.
"And I must say, you have a very rare Pokemon. It's unusual for a trainer to have a Shaymin. And an Espurr is rare around these parts," Cassidy says.
"Don't change the subject. You either release those Pokemon, or we'll do this the hard way," Mew says.
"We like to do things the hard way. Raticate go!" Cassidy says, and Raticate comes out.
Butch thows his Pokeball, "Cloyster Go!"
Butch and Cassidy release their Pokemon.
"Alright Espurr! Shaymin! You ready?" Mew says.
Espurr and Shaymin nod their heads.
Cassidy calls out, "Raticate, use Hyper Fang!"
Butch calls out, "Cloyster, use Water Gun!"
Mew calls out, "Espurr, use Psybeam! Shaymin, use Magical Leaf!"
With that, all four attacks begin to go out at once.
Meanwhile in the Police Station, Brock and Todd are trying to convince Jenny what's really going on at the center.
"Those two at the breeding center are the criminals!" Brock says.
"That's right! Not us! Just go there and see for yourself!" Todd says.
Meanwhile, James is busy admiring his new Victreebel, "Wow! It grew into a fabulous Victreebel! It's so big and strong and healthy looking! Friendly, too!"
But his Pokemon chomp on his head, much to Jessie and Meowth's dismay.
But Jenny is not buying it, "If you're trying to win sympathy, it won't work. The judge is gonna throw the book at you Pokemon snatchers."
That's when Misty stomps in, "You're making a mistake!"
"You got the wrong crooks!" Tomo adds.
"Pika Pika!" (They're innocent!) Pikachu says.
"Eev Eev!" (Set them free!" Eevee adds.
"Misty! Tomo! Pikachu! Eevee!" Brock says, relieved.
Misty walks over and says, "These guys have been telling the truth, Officer Jenny!"
Then Misty brings out the photo, "And these photographs prove it!"
"Oh! What a cute little Pikachu!" Jenny says, happily.
Misty looks at the photos to see that they aren't the right picture.
She quickly puts them in her bag, "Ah! Wrong pictures."
And brings out the real pictures, "Look at these."
Officer Jenny looks at the evidence photos and is shocked, "Oh no! That's terrible!"
"That place isn't a real breeding center, they just steal the best Pokemon that are brought in!" Misty says.
Jenny turns to Misty, "Those two told me the center was like a Pokemon spa."
"That was a lie!" Misty says.
"They cram Pokemon into cages!" Todd says.
"Pika Pika!" (They're both awful!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee Eevee!" (They're nothing but crooks!) Eevee adds.
Tomo turns to the other Pokemon, "These are the Pokemon from the Breeding Center! They know the center is bad!"
The Pokemon from the Breeding Center nod their heads.
"That's why they told you we were the crooks, because we found out about their plans!" Brock adds.
"They tricked me?" Jenny says, rather shocked.
Then Meowth says, "When we heard what those crooks were up to, we went to stop em, too!"
"It's true, honest," Jessie says.
James agreed, "Yeah, we're good guys!"
Misty crosses her arms and says, "Please! They broke into the breeding center just to steal Pokemon."
"That's right. They're bad!" Tomo adds.
With that, Team Rocket fall to the floor, seeing that they aren't buying it
Brock then asks, "Hold on, where's Mew?"
"Let's just say thay Mew likes to have a few words with the Breeding Center on how they treat Pokemon," Misty says.
"Mew plans to battle them to set Pokemon free," Tomo says.
"Then we better get over there," Jenny says.
At the center, Mew continues to battle with Cassidy and Butch.
"Raticate, use Quick Attack!" Cassidy calls out.
Mew calls out, "Espurr, use Swift!"
Espurr uses Swift, but Raticate dodges and smacks into Espurr, and sends him crashing to the ground.
"Cloyster, use Razor Shell!" Butch calls out.
Cloyster performs the attack and strikes at Shaymin. Both Pokemon are still standing on your feet, but struggle to battle.
"Hang in there, guys!" Mew calls out.
"Looks like your Pokemon is getting tired," Cassidy says.
"And soon they'll belong to us," Butch adds.
"Not gonna happen," Mew says.
"Shaymin!" (That's right!) Shaymin says.
Espurr struggles and is able to stand on his two feet. He then lets out a cry, "ESPUUUUUUURRRR!"
Just then, Espur begins to glow, catching everyone by surprise.
"Espur?" Mew says, surprised.
Cassidy becomes shocked, "What is that?"
"Don't tell me..." Butch says.
Soon, Espur's shape begins to change as he continues to glow. Soon, Espurr is now a predominantly dark blue Pokemon with green eyes with light blue sclerae. The tuft of fur between its ears is white and curves slightly to the side and the collar around its neck is white with several stray tufts of fur. It has pointed ears with white at the fold and on the tips of its ears; there is also a white ring near the tips of its ears. Its tails are also pointed with white tips and a white ring near the end. There is a tuft of fur on each hip and it has white paws.
Mew smiles, "Espurr, you evolved!"
Mew brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Meowstic, the Constraint Pokemon and the evolved form of an Espurr. A Psychic Type. When in danger, it raises its ears and releases enough psychic power to grind a 10-ton truck to dust. Its appearance varies, depending on gender."
"Looks like you've learned a new move. Let's try it out," Mew says.
"Meowstic," (You got it.) Meowstic says.
"Not so fast, Raticate, use Hyper Fang," Cassidy says.
Then Butch says, "Cloyster, use Ice Beam!"
With that, both attacks begin to head straight for Meowstic.
"Alright, let's use that new move. Use Iron Tail!" Mew calls out.
Meowstic's tail glows and slams the attack on Raticate and Cloyster. Both Pokemon then crash to the ground, but are struggling to continue fighting.
Just then, the door slams open and Tomo's voice calls out, "Pikachu. Eevee. Double Thunderbolt!"
And then, Pikachu and Eevee appear and use Thunderbolt on both the Pokemon. They both are now unable to battle.
Cassidy says, shocked, "Raticate got fried!"
"And Cloyster is fried shellfish!" Butch says.
Mew turns to see Misty, Tomo, Pikachu, Eevee, along with Brock, Todd, and Officer Jenny.
"Guys, you made it," Mew says.
"And just in time too," Mew says.
Officer Jenny says, "So, you thought you could frame these kids when it was you who were stealing Pokemon! You're under arrest!"
"But we're not..." Cassidy says, trying to deny it.
But Jenny says, "We already know everything. There's no use resisting."
With that, Cassidy and Butch begin to make a run for it.
But Mew says, "You're not getting away. Meowstic, stop them!"
Meowstic then uses his Psychic powers to lift Cassidy and Butch in the air. Soon, the bad guys are tied up, thrown in the police van, and off to jail. Mew, and her friends see the bad guys being taken to jail.
Misty turns to the others, "Pikachu's the one who snuck into the breeding center and got the camera back."
"And Meowstic and Shaymin fought Cassidy and Butch until you get here," Mew says.
Brock turns to Meowstic, "It's amazing that Espurr has evolved."
"Yeah. I've never seen a Meowstic before," Todd says, taking pictures of him.
"Heh. Good thing Todd takes great pictures," Brock says.
"Yeah!" Todd happily says.
Jenny walks over and says, "You all did a great job! Now, we'll return all the Pokemon to their rightful owners!"
"That's great, Jenny," Mew says.
Then Jenny asks, "Anybody hungry?"
Soon enough, the group arrives at the restaurant and are eating up a storm. Since they have Psyduck with them, they are able to eat for free."
Misty finishes her ice cream, she lifts the bowl and says, "More ice cream!"
"Take it easy!" Mew says.
"Yeah, leave some for the other customers," Brock says.
"Eevee Eevee," (They have a point, Misty.) Eevee says.
"Jenny: Don't worry, there's plenty of ice cream left," Jenny says.
"And all of it's free, since you brought this cute little Psyduck to visit my restaurant," The Chef says, snuggling Psyduck
"You have good taste!" Misty says, and begins to eat.
In jail, Team Rocket are already busting out and are digging a tunnel
Jessie angrily says, "I can't stand it here! There's not a single mirror in our cell!"
"I refuse to wear those horrible prison uniforms!" James says.
Meowth says, "And I wouldn't give this food to a Muk!"
"We shouldn't have tried to steal from that friend of yours, Jessie!" James complains.
Jessie shouts in rage, "I'll show her who's the queen of mean!"
Later on, Mew and the others reach a crossroads.
"I guess you guys are heading for Cinnabar Island, right?" Todd says.
"That's right!" Mew says.
"Well, I think I'm gonna head up to the mountains, so I can take some new shots of wild Pokemon," Todd says.
"That's great," Brock says.
"We'll all miss you," Mew says.
"Bye! I hope we meet again real soon!" Misty says.
"We'll see you," Tomo says.
Todd nods his head in reply.
And so, Mew and her friends head off to Cinnabar Island, and say goodbye to their friend Todd. They continue to walk down the road to reach Cinnabar Island so Mew can earn her next badge. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is digging under the path Mew and her friends are taking, and are still complaining.
Jessie shouts, "James! Watch where you're throwing that dirt!"
"Watch? I can't see a foot in front of my face!" James whines.
Then Meowth shouts, "If you don't quit squawking, you'll see a foot in front of your face! Mine!"
(The episode ends)
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Teddiursa (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female). Gyarados (Male). Ledyba (Female). Poliwhirl (Male). Meowstic (Male). Kakuna (Female). Steenee (Female). Krabby (Male). Diglett (Male). Silcoon (Female). Wooloo (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Aerodactyl (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Skitty (Male). . Flabébé (Female). Muk (Male). Magnemite. Tauros (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Lunatone. Miltank (Female), Mawile (Female), Pansear (Male), Makuhita (Male), Meditite (Female). Shiny Ditto. Porygon. Cinderace (Female). Arcanine (Male). Ivysaur (Female)
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Root Fossil.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 1 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols.
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit ( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). Psyduck (Male). Shellder (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female)
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. Cover Fossil.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male).
From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Item: 2 Soothe Bell. Armor Fossil
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell. Jaw Fossil.
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