Episode 46: So Near Yet So Farfetch'd

Taking a little break in a beautiful meadow, Mew and her friends decide to have a relaxing break after traveling. Misty gently polishes her Pokemon Egg. Mew looks in her Pokedex as she sees Tomo, Pikachu, Eevee, Dratini, Igglybuff, Axew, Cleffa, and Teddiurssa playing together.

Mew finds the picture on the Pokedex and shows it to Brock, "Uh, is this the one, Brock?"

"Yeah. It's called Farfetch'd," Brock says.

"Neat," Mew says.

Misty turns to the others and asks, "Hey, what are you looking at? A new kind of Pokemon?"

"There's been a rumor that one's been spotted near here," Brock says.

Mew looks at the Pokedex and says, "It looks like it's holding a leek in its wing."

"Yeah," Mew says.

On the Pokedex, it shows the Pokemon, Farfetch'd. It's an avian Pokémon that resembles a light brown duck with a white underbelly. It has a flat, yellow beak, brown eyes, a V-shaped black marking on its forehead, and a three-feather crest on top of its head. Its wings are as big as its body and appear to be prehensile enough to substitute for hands. It has yellow legs with webbed feet and a stubby tail.

Dexter says, "Farfetch'd, the Wild Duck Pokemon. A Normal and Flying Type. Farfetch'd makes a delicious meal, especially when cooked with leek. Because of this, Farfetch'd is nearly extinct."

The group becomes interested in the Pokemon.

"It will be cool to catch it," Mew says.

"There's supposed to be a spring nearby and we need to get some water. Anyone want to come?" Brock replies.

Mew answers, "Yeah! I'll go with you!"

"Great!" Brock says.

Misty then hands Brock her canteen, "Will you get some for me? Pretty please, Brock?"

"Sure, Misty," Brock says, and takes the canteen.

Mew then calls out, "Pikachu, Eevee, let's go."

"Pika," (Okay.) Pikachu says.

"Eev," (Sure.) Eevee replies.

Then the groups walk up to fill their water.

"Thanks, you guys!" Misty says.

"Thanks, and keep an eye on Tomo and the others," Mew says.

"I will," Misty says.

She then sits on the rock and sighs, "My legs are tired from walking."

"Psy," Psyduck speaks.

Misty turns to see Psyduck, and the pokemon says, "Psyyyy."

"Hey. I don't have the energy to deal with you. If I have to look at that face, I'm gonna get a headache," Misty says.

"Psy," Psyduck replies.

She sighs and says, "Time for you to go back in your ball."

Suddenly, Misty hears something.

She then turns to Psyduck and asks, "Psyduck, was that you?"

"Psy," (Not me.) Psyduck replies.

Misty then hairs the sound again, causing her to worry, "Huh? Who is that?! Who's there?!"

Misty looks around to figure out where the noise is coming from. Tomo and the young Pokemon hear the sound and look to see the source of the sound, and it's actually a Farfetch'd. The pokemon she and the others have talked about earlier.

Amazed and surprised, Misty says, "Wow! I don't believe it! That's Farfetch'd, the rare Pokemon!"

Farfetch'd does a little performance for Misty and the others., by using it's leek. It twirls it's leek like a baton and tosses it in the air.

Misty laughs happily and says, "Look at that!"

Then catch it. After that, it gives her a peace sign.

"Ha! That's the coolest Pokemon ever!" Misty says.

Tomo turns to Misty, "Hey Misty, can we catch it?"

"Sure Tomo, and I'll be the one to catch it," Misty says.

Suddenly, the Farfetch'd runs into the woods.

"Hey! Wait!" Misty calls out.

Tomo calls out, "Farfetch'd!

Misty returns Psyduck to his Pokeball, and she runs off to find Farfetch. Tomo and the younger Pokemon hurry after them.

Misty calls out, "Wait! Come back, Farfetch'd!"

Misty continues to chase after it, "Little Farfetch'd?! Where are you hiding?! Come out, Farfetch'd!"

"Farfetch'd!" Tomo calls out.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Misty calls out, looking around.

Suddenly, Farfetch'd appears from behind a rock.

Tomo looks ahead, "There it is!"

Farfetch'd then runs away again.

"Hey, wait! Come back, little Farfetch'd!" Mist calls out as she and the others chase after it.

Farfetch'd continues to run away as Misty, Tomo, and the little Pokemon chase after it.

"Hold on! Please, wait for me!" Misty calls out.

"We won't hurt you, Farfetch'd!" Tomo says.

Yet, the Pokemon continues to run away from them.

"We're in no mood for a marathon, Farfetch'd!" Misty says.

The Farfetch'd then runs around the corner.

And Misty follows after it, "You won't get away from us!"

Suddenly, she ends up bumping into someone.

"Ow! That hurt!" A voice of a boy says.

Turns out, Misty has bumps into a boy that has brown hair with a down ponytail. He is wearing a red shirt with a pink stripe, green, shorts, and blue shoes.

He notices Misty and says, "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

Then the boy helps Misty up on her feet.

"Yeah," Misty says.

The boy says, "It's my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going."

Well, I wasn't paying attention either. My friend and I were chasing a Pokemon," Misty says.

"Oh," The boy replies and picks up Misty's backpack.

Then passes it to her, "Here you go."

"Thanks," Misty says.

"See ya!" The boy says, and runs off.

"Bye!" Misty says.

Tomo looks around and says, "Looks like Farfetch'd gone."

Misty looks around to see Tomo is right, "Oh! Now we've lost track of Farfetch'd," and kicks a rock in frustration.

Meanwhile, Mew, Brock, Pikachu, and Eevee look around and wonder where Misty and the others have gone. Soon, they turn their heads to notice them.

"Hey, there they are!" Mew and Brock reply.

"Oh, how could I let it get away?" Misty says, frustrated.

"Don't worry, you'll get it next time," Tomo says.

"Thanks," Misty replies.

Suddenly, Mew calls out, "Misty! Tomo!"

The two look to see Mew and the others.

Mew then asks, "Where'd you run off to?"

Then the little Pokemon gathered around Mew happily and glad to see her.

"Well, we found a Farfetch'd and tried to capture it, but it got away," Misty says.

"You saw a Farfetch'd? Cool!" Mew says, impressed.

"But it ran away," Tomo says.

"That's too bad," Brock replies.

Then Misty says, "Anyway, Farfetch'd is an incredible Pokemon."

Then sighs happily, "It's so cute when it twirls its leek like a baton."

"Really?" Mew asks.

"Yeah. It was cool," Tomo says.

The little Pokemon nod their heads in reply.

Then Brock hands Misty her canteen, "Here. I've brought you your water."

"Thanks, Brock," Misty says, taking the canteen.

Misty then opens her backpack to put it back inside, but gasps to see a shocking surprise.

"Pikachu Pi?" (Are you okay, Misty?) Pikachu asks.

"I must have picked up the wrong backpack!" Misty panics.

Everyone becomes confused.

"Look!" Misty says.

She dumps out her backpack to reveal a bunch of rocks that are rolled up in the newspaper.

Meanwhile, the boy has Misty's real backpack and laughs, "Just like taking candy from a baby, eh, Farfetch'd?"

Farfetch'd agrees.

He opens the backpack and says, "Now, let's see what's inside. Wow! She has a lot of Pokeballs and a Pokemon Egg? This must be all of her Pokemon."

He laughs, and says, "Now, they're mine."

Back at the meadow, Misty and Tomo explain to the group the entire story.

"You bumped into him?" Mew asks.

"That must've been when the backpacks were switched!" Brock says.

"How could this happen?! I had all the Pokemon I ever caught in that backpack! Even my Pokemon Egg is in there!"" Misty says and begins to cry.

"Don't worry Misty, we'll find your backpack and get all your Pokemon back," Mew says.

"But how?" Tomo asks.

"Well, it's best to stop and think about what happened," Mew says.

"That might give us an idea on what happened," Brock says.

"Well, like I said, Tomo and I saw Farfetch'd performing a trick and I want to catch it," Misty says.

"But then Farfetch'd ran away!" Tomo says.

"Tomo, the little Pokemon, and I chased after it into the woods. And that's when I bump into that kid," Misty says.

"And Farfetch'd isn't around anymore," Tomo says.

Mew and Brock begin to think about what the others have told them.

Mew turns to Misty and Tomo, "Guys, did you run into that boy right after Farfetch'd disappeared?"

"Yeah. We did," Misty says.

"What are you thinking, Mew?" Brock asks.

"Misty and Tomo saw Farfetch'd perform a trick and decide to run away. Then you two chased after it and Misty bumped into the boy," Mew says.

"That's right. As soon as we rounded the corner, the Farfetch'd was gone, we bumped into this guy in the woods. I think he might have taken my back[ack by accident," Misty says.

Mew sighs and concludes, "Misty, I don't think that was an accident."

"What do you mean?" Misty asks.

"I'm saying, that boy switched your backpack on purpose," Mew says.

"What?" Misty says, shocked.

"That's what it's starting to look like. Why else would there be rocks wrapped in newspapers in this backpack. He wanted you to think it's yours while he takes your real one with your Pokemon inside," Mew explains.

Misty is beginning to worry, "Oh no."

"But what about Farfetch'd?" Tomo asks.

"If I have to take a guess, I say that Farfetch'd actually belongs to that boy that Misty ran into," Mew says.

Brock soon understands, "And that means, they both must have worked together to take Misty's backpack from right under her nose."

"That's right. Anyone who have seen the Farfetch'd assumed it was wild and performs trick to catch their attention. Eager to get, the trainer must have lured the trainers to bump into that kid. Then switches the backpack with fakes while that boy steals the backpack with whatever they have inside. Including their Pokemon," Mew explains.

"The way you made it sounds. It sounds like this trick has worked before and he has stolen many Pokemon from their trainers," Brock says.

"What are we going to do?" Misty asks.

Brock says, "We better find Officer Jenny and tell her what happened."

The group nods their heads and hurry off to find Officer Jenny. Soon enough, they are able to find Officer Jenny and explain to them about the situation.

Misty finishes her story and says, "And then he ran off. And that's when my backpack was switched."

"And we suspected that the boy and his Farfetch'd stole Misty's backpack and have done it to other trainers," Mew says.

Officer Jenny says, "I'm afraid that you're right, that was no accident."

"So it has happened before?" Mew asks.

"That's right, your friend is the fifth victim of the backpack switching thief this week," Jenny says.

Then walks to a poster that has a picture of a Farfetch'd that reads, 'Beware of this Pokemon' "She was tricked by that boy and his Farfetch'd."

Misty then begs, "Jenny, you have to help me! That thief and Farfetch'd stole every Pokemon I had!"

"I've been trying to track him down for a while, but he never stays in one place. He's a slippery one, that kid," Jenny says.

"Then our only bet is to go back where Misty ran into that boy, and see if we can find any clues. Maybe he's camping nearby," Mew says.

"Good idea," Misty says.

"We'll find him," Tomo says.

Meanwhile, the thief and his Farfetch'd are sitting by a campfire.

"We've been together for a long time, Farfetch'd. Right after I found you injured on the road and nursed you back to health, we started stealing," The boy, and Farfetch'd agreed.

Then the boy says, "I wish there was some other way for us to get by, but, how else are we ever gonna survive? We're just too weak to battle."

Farfetch'd replies.

Meanwhile in the tent, Misty's backpack slightly opens and a Pokemon comes out of it. It's revealed to be Psyduck. Psyduck looks around to see he is in an unfamiliar area. Psyduck then looks out of the tent to see a boy and Farfetch'd. While the boy and Farfetch'd aren't looking, Psyduck walks off to find Misty.

Meanwhile, Misty shows the group where she runs into the boy and the backpack has been switched.

"This is it! This is the place I ran into him," Misty says.

"Maybe he lives somewhere nearby," Brock says.

"Oh, I can't believe he stole all my Pokemon," Misty says, feeling devastated.

"Don't worry Misty, we'll find that boy and make him give you all your things back. And then, we'll get him to return every Pokemon he has stolen," Mew says.

Suddenly, Psyduck walks out of the bushes

Misty happily says, "Look, it's Psyduck!"

Misty runs up to Psyduck, "Oh, I'm so happy to see you!"

Then picks him up, "I missed you so much, but how did you get back here?"

"Psyduck," (I escaped.) Psyduck says.

Misty turns to Mew, "Translation."

"Psyduck said he escaped," Mew says.

Then Misty asks her Pokemon, "Where's my backpack, now?"

"Psyduck," (With the thief.) Psyduck answers.

"Psyduck says your backpack is with the thief," Mew says.

Misty asks Psyduck, "What about the other Pokemon?"

"Psyduck," (With the thief.) Psyduck says.

"With the thief," Mew translates

Misty asks, "Where did he take you?"

"Psyduck," (I don't know.) Psyduck answers.

"I don't know," Mew translates.

Misty then asks Psyduck, "Well, then, how did you get away?"

"Psyduck," (Left my ball.) Psyduck answers.

Mew translates, "Psyduck left his Pokeball."

Misty sighs, "Of course he did."

"Where's the guy who stole you?" Misty asks.

"Psyduck," (I don't know.) Psyduck answers.

"Psyduck says he doesn't know," Mew says.

Then Misty asks, "And where's that Farfetch'd?"

"Psyduck," "I don't know) Psyduck answers.

"He doesn't know either," Mew says.

Then Misty asks, "Psyduck, can you lead us back to where you came?"

"Psyduck," (I'll try.) Psyduck answers.

"Psyduck says he'll try," Mew says.

Misty turns to Mew, "I'm glad you're here to translate. I'll get a headache if I can't understand him."

"No problem," mew says.

Soon, Mew and the others begin to follow Psyduck to retrace his steps. Soon, they come to a fork in the road.

Misty asks, "Okay, Psyduck. Tell us which way to go. Left, or right."

However, Psyduck doesn't seem to remember.

That makes Misty angry and shakes him, "What's wrong with you?! Can't you remember anything?!"

"Hey, Misty! Chill out!" Mew calls out.

"Yeah, Misty," Brock says.

He walks to Misty and says, "You gotta relax. Psyduck's trying as hard as it can to remember where the others are.

Payduck then points to the direction, "Psy-y." (That way.)

"To the left?" Tomo asks.

Misty turns to Psyduck, "Are you sure about this?!"

"Psy-y," (I think.) Psyduck answers.

"Psyduck thinks this is it," Mew says.

"You better be!" Misty replies.

"Well, we better get going if we're going to have a chance of finding him," Mew says.

"Eevee." (You're right.) Eevee says.

Meanwhile, the thief is packing one of his bags full of the Pokeballs he has stolen and the Egg, and prepares to move on.

"We keep getting more Pokemon," The boy says, and Farfetch'd agrees.

Then the boy says, "Well, if we meet someone on the road, we'll just have to take their Pokemon, too."

Farfetch'd agrees.

Meanwhile, Psyduck is able to find the thief's campsite.

Psyduck points to the thief, "Psy." (There.)

"That's the kid!" Misty says, verifying him.

Then turns to her Pokemon, "Good work, Psyduck. You found him!"

"You did it, Psyduck," Mew says.

Well, I guess we better get going," The boy says, holding the bags.

Farfetch'd agrees, but then, "Stop right there!"

However, they are soon stopped by Mew, Pikachu, Eevee, Misty, and Psyduck.

"Give me back my Pokemon, you thief!" Misty says.

"Pika Pika!" (Hand them over!) Pikachu says.

"Oh no!" The boy panics and tries to run away, but finds Officer Jenny, Brock, and Tomo.

"You're under arrest for grand theft Pokemon!" Jenny says.

"Your crime spree is over!" Brock says.

"Yeah!" Tomo says.

The boy and Farfetch'd soon find himself surrounded by Mew, her friends, and Officer Jenny.

Mew angrily says, "What makes you think it was okay to lie and cheat people so you could steal their Pokemon? It takes a lot of love and care to raise Pokemon. We worked real hard to train them all to win their Pokemon battles!"

"That's right!" Misty says.

Then Jenny says, "Maybe we should start off by showing this kid just how difficult a Pokemon match is!"

"Good idea!" Brock says.

"Huh?" The boy says, confused.

"That's right! A battle!" Mew says.

But the boy sax, "Wait a minute! Farfetch'd is too weak. We have no other choice!"

But Brock protests, "That's not true, at all. Pokemon will become stronger with trainers who'll work with them."

"But Farfetch'd isn't.." The boy says.

Yet Farfetch'd decides to step forward and accept the battle.

"Huh? You mean, you want to battle?" The boy asks.

Farfetch'd turns to the boy and answers, "Far Farfetch'd!" (Yes, I do!)

"But, Farfetch'd," The boy says, feeling skeptical.

"Come on, kid. You can't deny a Pokemon who wants to battle," Mew says.

The boy turns to Mew and says, "My name is Keith."

"Well Keith. As you can see, your Farfetch'd wants to battle. You should at least let him have a try," Mew says.

Farfetch'd then steps forward to the battlefield and ready to battle.

"Good! Let's start our Pokemon battle!" Mew says. Then sends out Bulbasaur.

Farfetch'd steps forward, but Keith worriedly says, "Wait! Farfetch'd!"

"Go for it, Bulbasaur! Tackle attack!" mew calls out..

Bulbasaur charges towards Farfetch'd, but the Wild Duck Pokemon jumps over Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur tries again, but Farfetch'd dodges."

Keith calls out, "Farfetch'd, stop!"

Mew calls out, "Bulbasaur, Vine Whip attack!"

Soon, the attack lands.

Keith calls out, "Farfetch'd, no!"

"At least, now you can see the right way to capture Pokemon in the wild!" Misty says.

Keith then cries out, "Please, stop, Farfetch'd! You can't win this!"

However, Farfetch'd refuses to give up. Then he uses the leek to reflect the attack, surprising everyone. With fire in his eyes, Farfetch'd is able to charge and dodges the attack, surprising everyone, especially Keith.

"Wow! I didn't know Farfetch'd can use Agility," Mew says.

"Pika!" (No way!) Pikachu says, surprised.

Eevee feels the same.

Keith says, "I didn't know Farfetch'd could do that."

Farfetch'd continues to use its Agility attack to dodge Bulbasaur, then uses it's leek like a furry attack to attack Bulbasaur. Then gives Bulbasaur a final blow on the head, and it collapses on the ground. Ferfetch'd celebrates by performing a dance.

Mew kneels to Bulbasaur and picks him up, "Bulbasaur, are you okay?"

"Bulba," (I think.) Bulbasaur answers, weakly.

Amazed, Keith says, "I never knew Farfetch'd had attacks like that!"

That makes Mew and the others very confused.

Misty asks, ""Huh? You really didn't know about its powers?"

"No. If I had known it was this strong, I wouldn't have used it to steal," Keith says.

"You can't judge a Pokemon by the way it looks," Brock says.

Then Mew returns Bulbasaur to his Pokeball.

Then Mew turns to Pikachu, "Alright, Pikachu! Your turn!"

Piakchu agrees and steps in the battlefield.

But Misty cuts in, "Hold it! He robbed me, so it's my job to battle him! I choose you, Staryu!"

Soon, Misty realizes the only one she has is Psyduck, "I forgot, I didn't get my Pokeballs back yet."

Mew and Tomo sigh.

But Psyduck steps in, much to Misty's surprise, "Psyduck?"

Farfetch'd approaches Psyduck. He simply laughs at Psyduck and begins to hit him on the head with the leek.

Misty says in her thoughts, "Here's my chance."

Then calls out to Farfetch'd, "Come on, Farfetch'd! Give Psyduck your best shot!"

Farfetch'd continues to hit Psyduck between the eyes and Misty notices that it's getting pain in his head.

"It's working! Psyduck's headache is getting worse!" Misty says.

"Just a little more!" Mew says.

Farfetch'd continues to hit Psyduck until Psyduck's eyes start glowing blue. Then Farfetch'd becomes petrified.

Keith becomes shocked, "Farfetch'd, no!"

Then Misty calls out to Psyduck, "That's it! Psyduck's absolute migraine attack! Disable!"

Psyduck then uses his psychic attacks to pick Farfetch'd up and sends it flying to Keith. That sends them both flying into the tree and right back down again.

Misty happily cheers, "You did it, Psyduck!"

"Psyduck!" (Oh yeah!) Psyduck happily cheers, giving Misty the peace sign.

Later, Mew and the others, including Keith, accompany Officer Jenny to the police station. He returns all the Pokemon he has stolen, including Misty's backpack with her Pokemon.

Keith bows his head and apologizes, "Forgive me. I'll give back all the Pokemon I stole."

"None of the victims in the area are going to press charges, since they all got their Pokemon back," Jenny says.

Keith says in replief, "That's good."

"It's great to have my old backpack back!" Misty happily says.

"And I hope you learn a lesson Keith," Mew says.

"You're right. It was wrong to steal. And it was wrong not to believe in Farfetch'd," Keith says.

Farfetch'd says, Fetch'd Far Far! (Now that's better!)

"Now, I'm gonna train Farfetch'd to become even stronger!" Keith says.

"Great! That's the way it should be!" Mew says.

"Now, you see that Pokemon can be anything a good trainer wants it to be," Brock says.

"Yeah. Thanks a lot," Keith says.

"Farfetch'd Farfetch'd" (Yeah. Thanks a lot.) Farfetch'd says.

Then Keith turns to Farfetch'd, " See ya. Let's go Farfetch'd."

"Farfetch'd," (Right.) Farfetch'd answers.

Soon, Kieth and Farfetch'd start to walk away.

Misty waves, "Good luck, you two!"

"Take care!" Brock says.

"Goodbye," Mew says.

"Bye," Tomo says.

Mew and the others soon head off their own direction to continue their Pokemon Journey. Misty might have lost her Pokemon for good if it wasn't for Psyduck, and all her friends. And lessons are learned that you should train with your Pokemon and should trust in a Pokemon's abilities, and never underestimate one too. Mew and her friends continue on their way to the next part of their journey. As the Journey continues.

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Teddiursa (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female). Sandshrew (Male). Ledyba (Female). Espurr (Male). Kakuna (Female). Steenee (Female). Krabby (Male). Diglett (Male). Silcoon (Female). Wooloo (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Aerodactyl (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Skitty (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Flabébé (Female). Muk (Male). Magnemite. Tauros (Male). Blue Shellos (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Lunatone. Miltank (Female), Mawile (Female), Pansear (Male), Makuhita (Male), Meditite (Female). Shiny Ditto. Porygon. Cloyster (Male). Cinderace (Female). Arcanine (Male).

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Root Fossil.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 1 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit ( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). Psyduck (Male). Shellder (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female).

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. Cover Fossil. Pokemon Egg.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male).

From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Item: 2 Soothe Bell. Armor Fossil

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

Tomo Files

Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell. Jaw Fossil.

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