Episode 45: Princess VS. Princess

One day, in a place called O-Hina Town, there is a big celebration that Misty is excited to show to Mew."

Misty happily says, "My favorite holiday! Let the Princess Festival begin! Today, the women rule!"

Somewhere else, Jessie is just as excited. "Listen up! This is the one day of the year.."

Then Misty and Jessie turn to their party, "You boys have to do everything I tell you to do!"

Mew and her friends are confused. The same goes for James and Meowth.

"Everything?" Mew asks.

"Pika?" (Really?) Pikachu asks.

"Eevee?" (Why's that?) Eevee asks.

"How's that different from any other day of the year?" James asks.

The Princess Festival is a festival that salutes girls and women everywhere in the Kanto Region. And so Mew and her friends find themselves in the center of the celebration of O-Hina town. And Misty is excited about the celebration and to help Mew with her first Princess Festival.

During the Princess Festival, every store becomes a bargain hunter's paradise, with all kinds of beautiful new clothes, toys, accessories for sales at drastic discounts, if you're a female. And if anyone is a male, they have to carry packages, and anything the girls buy.

Soon, Misty, Mew, Brock, Tomo, Pikachu, and Eevee explore the festival. Misty introduces Mew to the holiday and is buying up a storm. Brock ends up having to carry everything Misty buys. Mew is also able to buy some new clothes, accessories, and other supplies she needs. She also buys a few things for Tomo like toys and other stuff. She also buy some souvenirs for Professor Oak, Gary, Adriana, and Daisy even something for her Pokemon Papa Even buy Pikachu and Eevee a few things. Of course, Mew doesn't ask Tomo to carry her things and she doesn't buy too much stuff, unlike Misty.

Later on, everyone is at a restaurant having some food to eat.

"Look at all this food! Everything looks so delicious!" Misty happily says.

"You're right! They look so good!" Mew says.

Misty giggles and says, "And it's all for us!"

Soon, Mew and Misty begin to eat the food. Of course, Mew shares a bit with Pikachu, Eevee, and Tomo

Mew then notices how much food Misty is eating, "Gosh, Misty. How much can you eat?"

"Plenty. Girls eat free during the festival," Misty says.

Then notice Brock and Tomo don't have much. Of course, Misty is sharing with Tomo.

"Is that all you're having?" Misty asks.

"Unfortunately, guys have to pay," Brock says.

"Oh, right. I forgot," Misty says.

Suddenly, Brock notices a waitress walking by and hurries over.

Brock then asks, "Excuse me, miss. Would you allow me to be your prince on this Princess Day?"

The waitress giggles and says, "That is so cute. When you grow up big and strong, you'll meet a nice girl."

Then leaves to continue her work. Brock then feels dejected and begins to chow down.

"Shot down again, eh, Brock?" Mew replies.

"Yeah," Tomo says and begins laughing.

Suddenly, Misty notices something, "Look at that sign!"

They turn their heads to see a billboard that advertises the lead actor in the movie "Gigantic."

"You mean the movie ad?" Mew asks.

"Not that one, the sign right next to it. Over there!" Misty says, pointing to the sign next to it.

It turns out to be a poster for a big sail up from 50% to 90% off.

"Looks like a great sale! We better hurry!" Misty says.

Meanwhile, in the clothing store, Jessie is buying up a storm, especially with the dresses.


To protect the world from devastation.


To unite all peoples within our nation.

Meanwhile, James and Meowth are throwing confetti.

In fact, they do their motto as Jessie buys dresses and James and Meowth throw confetti around.


To denounce the evils of truth and love.


To extend our reach to the stars above.






Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!


Surrender, now, or prepare to fight.


Meowth! That's right!

Jessie places the dresses on the counter and tells the cashier, "Charge all of this to the Team Rocket account!"

Later on, Team Rocket is at the park of O-Hina Town. James and Meowth are tired after Jessie's shopping spree.

James complains, "Jessie, this is boring! I hate this silly Princess festival!"

"Stop complaining! You don't think I'm doing all this shopping just for myself, do you?" Jessie sternly says.

James and Meowth soon become confused.

Meowth asks, "You bought stuff for us?"

"Ha! No. I'm buying lots of great gifts for the boss so he won't be so mad at us for not catching Pikachu," Jessie says, holding the gifts for the boss.

Jessie asks, "You think that'll work?

"Only if she can find a half-price Pikachu," Meowth comments.

Suddenly, a bipedal Pokémon with a round body and a thick, powerful tail. It has soft, pink skin with curved yellow lines on its belly and a yellow ring marking on each knee. It has a thumb-like claw on each hand and a single large nail on each foot. There is a yellow spot on its palms and the soles of its feet, and has beady eyes

"What in the world is that?" Jessie says, confused.

Suddenly, the Pokemon sticks out its long tongue and takes the food away from Jessie. Then begins to eat it, making Jessie and the others shocked.

"It's got good taste," James says.

Meowth surprisingly says, "That's one hungry Lickitung!"

Then the Pokemon, Lickitung, proceeds to spit out the cans of food and eat the rest from the boxes Jessie has.

Jessie shouts at it, "Stop that!"

Lickitung pays no heed and eats the food and other stuff from the boxes.

Jessie continues shouting, "That was our present for the boss! Go get your own dinner!"

When Lickitung eats the clothes, it spits them out.

Jessie panics, "No! Those are original copies of genuine designer fakes!"

With it full, Lickitung walks away.

Jessie growls in anger as she brings out her Pokeball, "Don't think you're just gonna eat and run, Lickitung! Go, Arbok!"

Arbok comes out of its Pokeball, but Lickitung licks Arbok and becomes paralyzed, much to Team Rocket's shock.

"Arbok, is licked!" James exclaims.

Then Jessie brings out another Pokeball, "How dare you?! I'll show you! Pokeball, go!"

Jessie then throws her Pokeball and hits the Pokemon. Then Lickitung goes inside. With a wobble and a ping, Jessie catches Lickitung, much to James and Meowth's surprise.

"She captured a Lickitung!" Meowth says, amazed.

James asks, "What are you going to do with it?"

"I'll deal with this thing later," Jessie says, putting the Pokeball away.

Then walks away, "Now, I'm gonna give my credit cards a good workout."

"Uh oh," Meowth says, knowing what it means.

Then James replies, "The princess shop-a-thon continues."

With that, Meowth and James follow Jessie.

In the store, Misty is fighting along with the other girls and pulling any clothes away from the other. Mew is able to find some of the clothes and stuff she likes so she is with Brock, Tomo, Pikachu, and Eevee as they're sitting at a bench close by.

"You know, guys? I never knew that shopping was such a dangerous sport," Mew comments.

Across the hall of the clothing store, Jessie is in the battle of dresses as well while Meowth and James sit on the bench.

"I don't think... I'm tough enough to be a woman," James says, tired.

"Yeah," Meowth agrees.

Misty then picks a blue dress she likes, " Ah, this is perfect! I'll take it!"

But notices someone else picks up the same dress.

Misty exclaims, "Not you again!

"The little twerp!" Jessie exclaims.

Then pulls on the dress, "Let go of it, kid!"

"You let go! I saw it first!" Misty says, pulling on the same dress.

"It wouldn't look good on you! It's for someone who has a sense of style," Jessie says.

Misty protests, "Well, it can't be for you, then!"

"I know how we can settle this," Jessie says and flicks Misty's nose.

Then brings out a Pokeball, "Why don't we have a little battle to decide?

Misty then does the same, "Okay with me!"

Hearing the commotion, Mew and the others along with James and Meowth approach the two girls to see them ready to battle.

But then, a woman comes by and takes the blue dress, "I'll take that."

Then she walks away.

Misty and Jessie call out, "Hey! That's mine!"

But the woman shoots a glare at them, causing them both to back off.

Misty nervously says, "Um, sorry. I must have been mistaken."

"Oh, that'll look divine on you," Jessie says, feeling a little scared.

Suddenly, an announcement appears on the intercom, "Attention, Princess Festival shoppers! Attention, Princess Festival shoppers! In just a few minutes, we will be holding the main event of this year's Princess Festival, the Queen of the Princess Festival contest!"

"The contest!" Misty says, surprised.

Jessie says with the same expression, "The contest!"

Then Brock says, happily, "And the tons of beautiful girls!"

"Pika Pika!" (And plenty of Pokemon to see!) Pikachu says.

Eevee happily says, "Eevee Eevee!" (And all the fun that might happened.!"

The announcement continues, "The prize of the contest winner will be beautiful, one of a kind collection of Pokemon Princess dolls!"

"Princess dolls?!" Jessie and Misty say, surprised.

"And in addition, the winner will have their picture taken with screen sensation, Fiorella Cappuccino!" The announcement concludes.

Soon, all the women excluding Jessie and Misty along with their group scream in excitement and dash off to join in on the contest, James and Meowth have been trampled while Mew quickly pulls Brock and Tomo out of the way.

Once they're gone, Jessie turns to Misty, "Say, kid. Why don't we use the contest to resolve our little dispute?"

"And the winner gets to keep the doll collection?" Misty says, thinking the same idea.

"Alright with me," Jessie says, agreeing to the idea.

Mew and the others look to see James and Meowth have been trampled.

Later on, many girls in the grandstands of the contest are crazy to see Cappuccino, who is in the commentator's chair with the announcer.

The announcer says, "Wow! What a crowd! It certainly looks like quite a Princess Festival competition this year! Doesn't it, Fiorella?"

"Yes, it's very exciting, "Fiorella says.

"And the winner of our contest must be as poised as a Jynx, sit as serenely as a Jigglypuff, and possess the charm and grace of an Oddish! Now, let's meet our Princess Festival contestants!" The announcer says.

The curtain rises to reveal all the contestants for the contest. Jessie is wearing a red, green and yellow kimono with a tiara on her head. Misty is wearing a pink kimono with a gold crown and her hair is down.

"Pika!" (Look at that!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee Eevee!" (Misty looks very pretty!) Eevee happily says.

"Well, we certainly seem to have a lovely group of young ladies assembled this year. Don't you agree, Fiorella?" The announcer says.

"Yes, they're all beautiful," Fiorella says.

"Being so smart and beautiful and talented, I shouldn't have a problem winning," Misty says with confidence.

But Jessie laughs and says, "I'm sure you'll win the contest, little girl. Or maybe your friends could. If they have a peewee division."

Misty then says, "Well, if Mew was entering, I'm sure she'll be prettier than you."

Jessie turns away with a huff.

Soon, the announcer says, And now, let's all take a look at the special prize they'll be competing for! Right here! "There's no other like it in the world! It's unique! It's antique! It's a beautiful, handmade, custom crafted, one of a kind, luxury Pokemon Princess doll set! Batteries sold separately."

The doll set has been revealed from the stage. The Pokemon Doll sets have Pokemon: Pikachu, Clefair who are on the top, Squirtle, Charmander, Bulbasaur, on the middle, and finally Jynx, Jigglypuff, Chansey, Poliwhirl, and Slowpoke on the bottom. All of them are dressed in kimonos and hold fans or instruments.

"Pikachu!" (That's me!) Pikachu says.

Mew says, "I'd like one of those, myself!"

All the ladies scream and chant the star's name.

Fiorella says, "Ciao, then. It's good to be here."

As the girls cheer with excitement. Of course, Misty and Jessie have their eyes on the princess dolls.

"Pokemon Princess dolls," Jessie says.

"The only set in the world," Misty adds.

Jessie turns to Misty, "What a shame. Putting so much effort into a contest both you and your friends are going to lose."

"We'll see who loses," Misty says, determined to win.

Suddenly, the announcer says, "Now would all contestants please prepare their Pokeballs?" Catching Misty and Jessie by surprise.

Misty asks, "You mean, you want us to battle?"

Then, Jessie asks, "You mean, this isn't just a beauty contest?"

The announcer answers, "Oh, no! The Festival contest winner also has to be a skilled Pokemon trainer!"

Fiorella holds the tournament bracket sheet, "Si. This is how the contestants match up."

"The rules are simple: The contestants are broken up into divisions, and they may use up to four Pokemon to battle!" The announcer says.

Looking at the sheet, Misty is in battle section one while Jessie is in battle section two.

"Okay!" Misty says, determined.

Jessie is also determined, "May the best woman win."

Later on, Mew and the others are helping Misty prepare for the contest.

Misty then asks, "Hey guys, can I borrow Pikachu and Vulpix for the competition."

"I don't see why not?" Mew says.

Then turns to Pikachu, "What do you think, Pikachu?"

Pikachu happily says, "Pika!" (I'm in!) and jumps into Misty's arms.

Misty snuggles Pikachu and happily says, "Oh, thanks Pikachu!"

"So Misty, do you want to get a picture of Fiorello?" Mew asks.

But Misty answers, "I'm doing it for the doll set."

"The doll set?" Mew says, confused.

Then Misty explains, "Well Mew, you were an only child at the time and you lived in the forest with Pokemon longer than you lived with Professor Oak. So you wouldn't understand But when you're the youngest of four sisters, having something that belongs to only you was important. My sisters all had their own princess dolls, but all I got was their broken, old hand-me-downs. And they'd say "Isn't that great, Misty? You get three whole sets of dolls for yourself."

Then Misty says with determination, "But now I'll win my own Pokemon Princess dolls!"

"I see. I had no idea the trouble of having human siblings, but still we'll do our best to help," Mew says.

"You can borrow our Pokemon. Then you'll have a good, strong, well balanced team," Misty says.

Soon, the Pokemon she has are ready. She has Pikachu, Vulpix.

Misty says, "Pikachu is an electric type, Oddish is a grass and poison type, Vulpix is a fire type..."

Then holds a Pokeball, "And with my Starmie as a water type, how can I lose? Thanks for your help, guys."

Mew kneels to Pikachu, "Now, you do whatever Misty tells you to do, and make sure you give it your all. Go out there and win."

Pikachu nods his head.

"You too, Vulpix," Brock says, petting Vulpix on the head.

Vulpix agrees.

"Thanks, both of you. Now, I'm ready, to battle!" Misty says, determined to win.

Soon, the battle begins and a girl calls out, "Go, Kingler!"

Soon, Kingler comes out of the Pokeball, and Mew is battling against her.

From the stands, Mew calls out, "Hang in there, Misty!"

"You can do it!" Tomo calls out.

"Don't worry about me, guys!" Misty says.

Then calls out, "Go, Oddish!"

With that, Oddish enters the field.

The Announcer says, "In the Eastern division, we have a match between Oddish and Kingler!"

Misty calls out, "Oddish, use Leech Seed!"

Oddish then jumps in the air and fires a seed at Kingler. Kingler becomes instantly trapped in the seed as vines coil it. Then it drains its energy.

The announcer says, "The attack against Kingler has worked! Kingler's been Leech Seed and the poor Pokemon is powerless!"

The trainer then calls back her Pokeball, meaning Kingler is out of the match.

"Looks like it's back to the Pokeball for Kingler! What Pokemon will take its place? This is getting exciting, folks!" The announcer says.

The trainer calls out a Pinsir, but Oddish quickly uses Tackle on it. Then Cubone is called out, but attacked easily by Bullet Seed. Raticate is also taken out by Razor Leaf.

The announcer says, "This Oddish won't give it's opponents even the smallest chance! It's a real fighter, and Misty is off to a very strong start!"

Misty happily cheers, "Yeah, that's right, and I'm gonna have a very strong finish too!"

Pikachu, Oddish and Vulpix happily cheer.

Meanwhile, Jessie is battling a trainer that has a Primeape.

The announcer says, "The challenger from the Western division, is using a Primeape! What will her opponent, Jessie, use for her first attack?"

"What choice do you have? All you have is Arbok," James questions.

"That's not exactly accurate," Jessie says.

James looks up to notice Weezing is with her.

James gasps and panics, "Jessie, please! Don't take Weezing!"

"You'll never win with just two Pokemon!" Meowth says.

"You seem to be forgetting something, Meowth," Jessie says, kneeling to Meowth.

Jessie and Meowth stare at each other for the longest time.

Meowth realizes with a scream, "I'm a Pokemon, too!"

Jessie grabs Meowth, "Glad you remember, now get in there!" Then throws him to the battlefield.

"Jessie has chosen to start the battle with a Meowth!" The announcer says.

Meowth stands up, and says, "Listen, banana boy, don't make me mad or I'll have to fight ya!"

But Primeape gives Meowth an uppercut and sends him flying.

"Oh well, it was worth a shot," Jessie says.

Then calls out, "Go, Arbok!"

Arbok and Primeape charge at each other and Arbok bites Primeape's fist, filling it up with Poison.

"Could Arbok's poison be taking effect? It seems to be working!" The announcer says.

Soon, Primeape stumbles and collapses on the ground, succumbing to the poison.

The girl whines, "Oh no! My Primeape!"

Jessie cheers for herself, "Woo! I'm going straight to the top!"

"She might just win this thing!" James says, impressed.

During the contest, Misty is on a winning streak, Pikachu uses his Thunder Shock on Fearow. Oddish beats a Graveler by using Petal Dance. Vulpix takes down a Tangela with Flamethrower.

"What a competition! With a full variety of Pokemon, young Misty from the Eastern division is winning her way right into the finals!" The announcer says.

Meanwhile, Arbok takes down a Machoke with Wrap and Weezing beats a Parasect with a Poison Gas attack.

The announcer says, "And in the Western division, Arbok and Weezing are bringing one victory after another!"

The tournament goes on with Mew and Jesssie winning one battle after another, soon, they both are qualified for the final round, winner takes all.

"Well, it's down to just Misty and Jessie," Mew says.

"And neither one of them is ever gonna give in," Brock says.

Tomo cheers, "Go Misty!"

"Eevee!" (You can do it!) Eevee calls out.

On the battlefield Misty and Pikachu celebrate making it to the finals. They turn their heads to see Jessie is on the other side of the battlefield.

Jessie sternly says, "Those princess dolls are mine!"

"We'll just see about that," Misty says.

Soon, James and Moewth are wearing black clothes and Meowth has a rifle in his paws.

"Is she getting in your hair?" James asks.

Meowth asks, "You want, we should take care of her."

"I can handle her," Jessie says.

James leans to Jessie and asks, "Jessie, you don't mean you're going to play by the rules."

Jessie soon makes tears come out of her eyes, "This brings back bad memories. I hated those Princess Festivals so much!"

"Is there going to be a flashback?" James asks.

"Could be," Meowth says.

With teary eyes, Jessie says, "I was the only girl who never had a princess doll. Every year, I used to get so sad when I knew the festival was coming."

"I always thought every girl loved the Princess Festival," Meowth says.

"The Princess Festival just reminded me of what I never had," Jessie says with teary eyes.

Soon, James begins to get emotional, "Well, Jessie, I hope this year will be different. I hope you win those dolls."

Meowth does the same, "Meowth, too."

"I'll do my very best," Jessie says.

Soon, they all begin to cry.

Suddenly, the bell rings to begin the final round.

The announcer says, "Well, we're down to the finals!"

"Si. Finals are fantastico," Fiorella says.

"Undefeated Eastern division champion, Misty, battles undefeated Western division champ, Jessie, for the Queen of the Princess Festival title! Who will be the victor?" the announcer says.

But Jessie shouts in rage, "I'm gonna be the victor! What kind of stupid question is that?!"

The announcer is left speechless as James and Meowth cheer for Jessie on their side.

James cheers, "Jessie! Jessie! She's the best!"

"Let's go, Jess!" Meowth adds, waving a flag.

Jessie calls out, "Arbok, go!"

Misty calls out, "Pikachu, go!"

"Misty's opening the battle with Pikachu, but Jessie's Arbok may have the advantage!" The announcer says.

But Jessie says with a vicious glare, "May have?!"

The announcer sheepishly says, "Jessie does have the advantage."

At the battle field, Arbok is coiling around Pikachu.

Misty calls out, "Thunder Shock, now!

Pikachu uses Thunder Shock and Arbok is out cold.

Jessie angrily says, "Weezing, get that Pikachu!"

Weezing floats onto the battlefield, but is short-lived by Pikachu's thunder and is soon knocked out.

"That was a lucky shot!" Jessie says, angrily.

Then calls out, "Go, Meowth!"

"Meowth can handle anything!" Meowth says, heading to the battlefield.

One again, Pikachu shocks Meowth with his electric attack.

"Except for a Thunder Shock from that Pikachu," Meowth says, feeling dizzy and falling to the ground.

Seeing what happened, James says, "No! Jessie can't lose!"

"I, can't believe it's over!" Jessie says, upset and gritting her teeth.

"Looks like the battle's over!" The announcer says.

But suddenly, Meowth says, "It's not over."

That catches Jessie's attention.

"Not yet. You still got that Lickitung you caught, Jess," Meowth says.

Jessie soon realizes that Meowth is right, "I forgot! Lickitung!" and take out Lickitung's Pokeball

James agrees, "That's right! You can still win! It's not over as long as you have a Pokemon left!"

"I can almost taste victory," Jessie says, determined.

She throws the Pokeball and calls out, "Lickitung, go!"

With that, Lickitung comes out of its Pokeball, catching Misty and the rest of our heroes by surprise.

"Team Rocket has another Pokemon?" Misty says, surprised.

The Announcer says, "Looks like it's last licks for Jessie and her Lickitung!"

Mew brings out her Pokedex, "When did Jessie catch a Lickitung?

Dexter says, "Lickitung, the Licking Pokemon. A Normal Type. It uses a tongue that is more than twice the length of its body to battle, as well as to gather food."

Misty advises Pikachu, "Pikachu, be careful and make sure that that Pokemon doesn't give you a tongue lashing."

"You can lick Pikachu! Lickitung, go!" Jessie calls out and Lickitung charges.

Misty calls out, "Pikachu, use your Thunderbolt!"

Pikachu charges, but is stopped in his tracks by Lickitung's tongue. Lickitung licks Pikachu and is paralyzed.

"Oh no, Pikachu!" Mew says, worried.

With Pikachu stunned, Lickitung uses its tongue to send Pikachu flying to Misty.

Misty picks up Pikachu, "What's wrong, Pikachu?

The announcer says, "Pikachu is too dizzy to stay in the action! Lickitung is leading Jessie to a major upset!"

"This is exciting!" Fiorella says.

Seeing what has happened, Mew and the others realize something seeing the display.

"Misty's in trouble," Mew says.

"Yeah. Jessie might pull it off," Brock says.

Jessie cheers for herself, "Hooray! I did it!"

"You're almost there, Jessie!" James happily says

"They won't be able to stop you unless Lickitung gets tongue tied!" Meowth says.

Misty then calls out, "Oddish, go! Use Razor Lead!"

Vulpix charges, but Lickitung is able to attack back and licks Oddish, causing it to be paralyzed. Then throws it back to Misty.

"Oddish!" Misty panics.

Jessie cheers, "Two down and two to go!"

"Oddish can't beat it either?" Mew says.

"If Misty doesn't think of something fast, she's gonna lose this battle and the contest!" Brock says.

"This is trouble," Tomo replies.

Misty then calls out, "Alright, Vulpix, go! And use your Flamethrower attack!"

Sadly, Lickitung gets to Vulpix first with its tongue and paralyzes it.

Brock cries out in distress, "Vulpix, no!"

The announcer says, "This could be one of the greatest comebacks in Pokemon history! Now Misty has only one Pokemon left to try to stop this Lickitung, or Jessie will walk away as the Queen of the Princess Festival!"

Jessie happily says, "Okay, Lickitung. Win one more and it's all you can eat on me!"

However, Misty refuses to give in, "I refuse to lose, so Starmie, it's all up to you! Go, Starmie!"

However, Psyduck comes out of his Pokeball and takes Starmie's place.

"Psyduck?!" Brock says, surprised.

"Here we go again," Mew replies.

Jessie says, "It's kind of disappointing to beat such a pathetic Pokemon, but a win's a win," Jessie says.

Then commands Lickitung, "Slurp that Psyduck, and let's get going."

Lickitung licks Psyduck, but it has no apparent effect. That leaves Jessie confused along with the others.

"This is incredible! Lickitung's Lick attack isn't working against Psyduck!" The announcer says in excitement.

Fiorella says "Wow! Just like in the movies."

Jessie angrily says, "Lickitung, finish it off!"

Lickitung Wraps it's tongue around Psyduck and squeezes it, but not much of an effect to Jessie's confusion.

Misty happily says, "Nice work, Psyduck! Now it's time to fight back!"

Then calls out, "Use your Water Gun attack!"

But Psyduck isn't doing anything.

Misty sighs, "Oh, no. I knew this was too good to be true."

"I'm not gonna let that little quack cost me this contest! Lickitung, prepare for Tackle attack!" Jessie angrily says, but Lickitung isn't doing anything.

"I've never seen anything like it! The Pokemon are totally ignoring their trainers!" The announcer says.

"This guy's never seen Psyduck. Just wait until his psychic powers kick in," Mew says.

Lickitung tries licking Psyduck again, but gets on its nerves, and soon begins to feel a bad pain in his head.

"Something's happening. Psyduck doesn't look so hot," The announcer says.

Fiorella adds, "Looks like it's got a headache to me."

Mew calls out, "Misty. You know what happens when Psyduck gets a headache!"

Misty then remembers, "That's it! Psychic power!"

Then calls out, "Psyduck, use your Confusion attack!"

Lickitung then tries the lick attack again, but Psyduck performs Confusion on it's tongue. Then sends it back to Lickitung, knowing it's down its feet. Lickitung rolls back and sends itself and Team Rocket flying.

As they blast off, Team Rocket cries out, "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!"

Misty happily cheers, "I won!"

The announcer says, "She did it! Misty has become our new Princess Festival Queen!"

"Misty is so magnifico!" Fiorella says, holding Psyduck wearing a crown and has a peace sign.

Misty then looks to see her prize and she is very happy, "Finally! I have my very own doll set!"

"Pi Pikachu," (Good job, Misty.) Pikachu says.

Eevee happily says, "Eevee!" (You did it.)

"Good going, Misty," Mew says.

"Congratulations," Brock says.

"Alright!" Tomo happily says.

"I couldn't have done it, without Psyduck!" Misty happily says.

Later on, Misty has the princess dolls in a box and puts the shipping label on it.

"You're sending it back home?" Mew asks.

"Right back to the Cerulean Gym," Misty says.

She grins and says, "I'd like to see the look on my sisters' faces!"

Mew sheepishly says, "They'll be pretty jealous."

"I bet that's the best prize of all," Brock says, feeling sheepish.

Soon, the Pidgeot Transport shipping company truck picks up the package and drives off.

Misty waves to the truck, "Be careful with them!"

The Princess Festival has been eventful, Mew finally gets to join her first Princess Festival and Misty has won the contest and won the Pokemon Doll Set. but she also had a good lesson. She couldn't have done it without her friends, including Psyduck."

Meanwhile, Jessie is in the park and in tears for her loss.

She says in sadness, "I lost, the dolls."

Likcitung then licks Jessie, causing her to become paralyze and falls back.

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up," Jessie says.

Soon, James and Meowth arrive wearing costumes.

Meowth says, "Jessie?"

"Since you didn't win the real doll set..." James says.

"What are you?" Jessie asks, confused.

But soon realizes, "Oh no."

Suddenly, Team Rocket, human and Pokemon alike are dressed as the Pokemon Princess doll dress hoping to cheer Jessie up.

Soon, Jessie says, "You're all just a bunch of living dolls!"

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Teddiursa (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female). Sandshrew (Male). Ledyba (Female). Espurr (Male). Kakuna (Female). Steenee (Female). Krabby (Male). Diglett (Male). Silcoon (Female). Wooloo (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Aerodactyl (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Skitty (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Flabébé (Female). Muk (Male). Magnemite. Tauros (Male). Blue Shellos (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Lunatone. Miltank (Female), Mawile (Female), Pansear (Male), Makuhita (Male), Meditite (Female). Shiny Ditto. Porygon. Cloyster (Male). Cinderace (Female). Arcanine (Male).

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Root Fossil.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 1 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit ( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). Psyduck (Male). Shellder (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female).

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. Cover Fossil. Pokemon Egg

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male).

From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Item: 2 Soothe Bell. Armor Fossil

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

Tomo Files

Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell. Jaw Fossil.

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