Episode 44: Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon
Mew and her friends have just arrived at a place called Grandpa Canyon. There are big mountains and canyons, and the sun is bright and hot. Soon enough, they come across a sign that has a shovel and pickaxe. Suddenly, they notice something that catches their attention.
Mew calls out, "Hey, what's going on down there?"
Everyone looks to see a large row of people are heading into the canyon with picks, shovels, and other supplies.
Curious, Mew wonders, "I wonder what everyone is doing with those picks and shovels."
Suddenly, someone asks, "You mean you don't know."
The group turns their heads to see Gary Oak wearing an outfit something out of an archaeological adventure movie.
"You're a little late, huh Mew Mew?" Gary says, in a slight mocking tone.
"Gary?" Mew says surprised.
She walks over to him and asks, "Why are you dressed like that?"
"Don't tell me you never heard about the Pokemon discovery. Even you should have heard about the Great Fossil Rush," Gary says.
"The Great Fossil Rush?" The group says confused.
"That's right. I gotta find all the fossils quick before anyone else does! Can't waste my precious time," Gary says.
"You do that," Mew says.
Curious, Tomo asks, "Mew, you know him?"
"That's right. Tomo, this is my friend Gary from Pallet Town. Gary, this is Tomo," Mew says.
"Tomo, huh. It's nice to meet you," Gary says.
"Hi," Tomo says.
"Anyway, I better get going before the fossils are gone. You should check it out," Gary says.
Then Gary leaves and gets ready for his fossil finding.
Tomo then asks, "What are fossils?"
"Fossils are remains or impressions of prehistoric Pokemon that have been casted in mold, rocks, or even amber," Mew says.
"Can we look for fossils?" Tomo asks.
"I don't see why not," Mew says.
Then turns to the others, "What do you think, guys?"
"I don't feel right about digging up old Pokemon fossils, especially after they've been resting in the earth for such a long time," Brock says, crossing his arms.
Then Misty says, "If they've been lying underground for thousands of years, maybe they'd like a little fresh air."
"Good one," Mew says.
Soon, everyone in Grandpa Canyon begins digging for Pokemon fossils, including Gary. Soon, he finds something at his digging site.
"Success! My first Pokemon fossil!" Gary says, picking up his stone.
Soon, the lead paleontologist takes the rock and examines it.
"Impressive, isn't it? Found it on my first try. Looks like a brain from an extinct Pokemon," Gary says with confidence.
"This is.." The lead paleontologist says.
"A brain?" Gary guesses.
However, the lead paleontologist, "It's fossilized Pokemon manure."
Gary then falls over in disbelief to hear what he found.
At a different area, Mew and her friends begin to search for fossils themselves. Even Pikachu and Eevee are digging to find something interesting. Soon, Tomo ends up finding something. He picks it up to reveal a gray stone and it seems to have an imprint of a yawn in it.
Tomo turns to Mew, "Mew. Tomo found fossil."
"Good job Tomo," Mew says.
Just then, Misty holds out a rock too, and it's kind of big, a bit of a grayish color, and it looks like the cover of a shell.
"I found one too," Misty says.
Brock then picks up a fossil from his spot, "I found one too."
The one that Brock found is a lightish brown fossil with an oval shape remaining inside, it kind of looks like a shield or some kind of armor.
"Great job guys," Mew says.
She then notices something from her spot. She digs a little with Pikachu and Eevee until they also find a fossil as well. The rock is a little big, and it appears to have a root on the bottom with what looks like feelers on the top.
"I found one too," Mew says.
"Wow. We all found a fossil," Mew happily says.
Soon, the group end up meeting with the lead paleontologist and use his magnifying glass to examine the fossils Mew and her friends have.
He looks at them and says, "Incredible. You all have dug up some unique fossils."
He looks at Mew's, "You have a Root Fossil."
Then turns to Misty, "And you have a rather large Cover Fossil."
Then Brock, "And a mighty fine Armor fossil."
"And you also have a Jaw Fossil, young man," He adds, to Tomo's find.
"Wow. Those sounds cool," Misty says.
"It's even cooler because ours came from different regions," Mew says.
Then Brock says, "She's right. The Root Fossil is from a Lileep that is from the Hoenn Region. The Cover Fossil is from a Tirtouga from the Unova Region. The Armor Fossil is from a Shieldon in the Sinnoh Region. And the Jaw Fossil is from a Tyrunt in the Kalos Region."
"Amazing," Tomo says.
"Yeah. These Pokemon are from different regions and yet they're here in Kanto," Misty says, impressed.
"Pika Pika," (Sounds cool.) Pikachu says.
Eevee says, "Eevee.) (Great find.)
Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "What's taking those two so long?"
Everyone turns their heads and to Mew and her friends' shock, they see Meowth.
Meowth says, "Humans. The only thing you can depend on is they're always undependable.
Soon, Jessie and James pop out of the rock and do their motto.
Prepare for trouble!
Yes, and make it double!
To protect the world from devastation.
To unite all peoples within our nation.
To denounce the evils of truth and love.
To extend our reach to the stars above.
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light.
Surrender now, or prepare to..
But before they can finish, Meowth uses a mallet to smack his teammates on the head, "Cut the poetry! I bet you two clowns didn't even plant the dynamite like you were supposed to!
Jessie takes the hammer and smacks him back, "Wrong again, fur ball!"
Meowth slams into the wall and falls to the ground. Then rocks fall right on top of him with his face down.
"Of course we planted the dynamite!" Jessie says.
"Once we blast Grandpa Canyon to smithereens, we'll be able to scoop up all those Poke fossils!" James says.
Meowth breaks out of the rocks in anger, "Next time, I'll make fossils outta you!"
Unknown to them, Mew and her friends have heard everything and are shocked.
"Did you hear that?! They're gonna blow up this whole canyon!" Misty says, shocked.
' "All the people who are digging here are gonna get caught in the blast!" Brock says.
Mew turns to the others as she puts her and Tomo's fossils in their bag, "Pikachu, Eevee, and I will stop em! You guys spread the word to run for it, there's no time to lose!"
"Tomo help too," Tomo says.
With that, Mew, Pikachu, Eevee, and Tomo hurry off to stop Team Rocket while Misty and Brock put their fossils in their bags and hurry off to warn everyone.
Meowth laughs, "Pretty soon, we'll have all the Pokemon fossils to ourselves."
Just then, Mew and the others arrive on the scene.
Mew shouts, "Hold it right there!"
Team Rocket turns their heads to see Mew and the others.
"Oh, it's that pest again!" James says.
"Always messing up our plans!" Jessie says.
Then Meowth says, "But this time, you're too late. The fuse is already lit."
The group looks to see the fuse has already lite and traveling towards the dynamite
"We gotta stop em! Squirtle, I choose you!" Mew says, and throws her Pokeball.
Then Squirtle comes out of the Pokeball.
"There's no time to lose! Squirtle, squirt out that fuse!" Mew says.
With that, Squirtle begins to spray at the fuse and hurries after it. However, Team Rocket releases their Pokemon and chases after them to prevent them from stopping the fuse. Mew and the others hurry down the mountain to stop the fuse, but Team Rocket is behind them to stop them.
"Weezing, Sludge attack, now!" James calls out.
Before Weezing can do the attack, James trips on a rock and bumps into the rest of the team. Soon, they are rolling down like a ball.
"We're not gonna get it!" Mew panics.
Suddenly, they hear a sound and turn to see the ball of Team Rocket rolling to them.
Mew shouts, "Look out!"
Mew, Tomo, and the Pokemon panic as they are caught in the collision and roll down like a ball. They soon fly over the cliff and land on the ground to where the Dynamite is. In fact, there are a lot of them, but by the time they notice, the bomb goes off and creates a massive explosion. Soon, the rocks begin to break apart from underneath them, sending them down underground, including Mew, Tomo, Pikachu, and Eevee. Soon, the rocks from the canyon collapsed and covered the hole where they had fallen. Able to climb out of the rocks is Squirtle. Brock and Misty hurry over in shock.
Brock calls out, "Mew! Tomo!"
"Pikachu! Eevee!" Mew calls out.
Seeing the cave covered, Misty quickly helps Squirtle after receiving some injuries.
"Squirtle," (Thank you.) Squirtle says, feeling weakened.
"What a disaster!" Brock says.
"We gotta get them out!" Misty says.
Brock nods his head and says, "Let's go!"
With that, Misty, Brock and Squirtle begin to try digging through the rocks to get their friends out.
Meanwhile, somewhere underground, Mew has Pikachu, Eevee, and Tomo in her arms as all four of them, including Team Rocket, are unconscious. Soon, they begin to wake up.
James looks around and asks, "Where are we?"
"Looks like we got blown all the way to the moon," Jessie says, looking around the surroundings.
"Or down to the center of the Earth," Meowth says.
The rest of Team Rocket look at Meowth.
"This is a cave. The dynamite must've blown a hole in the roof and we fell in. We must be buried deep under the Earth's crust," Meowth says.
"Buried?!" Jessie and James panic.
Jessie glares at Mew, Tomo, and the Pokemon, "This is all your fault, you two twerps!
"If you hadn't tried to put out that fuse, we never would've fallen down here!" James says.
"Hey, you crooks are the ones who planted all that dynamite up there in the first place! What you three did was completely crazy!"" Mew angrily says.
"Yeah," Tomo says.
"Pikachu! (Mew's right!) Pikachu says.
"Eevee Eevee Vee Eevee Eevee!" (And what you did is really stupid!) Evee angrily adds.
But Meowth says, "What difference does it make who got us down here?! All that matters is getting outta here in one piece!"
Then points up, "Look up there!"
Everyone looks up in shock to see the rocks are blocking the only way out.
"The roof of the cave is blocked!" Mew says.
Soon James crosses his arms with a calm smile on his face.
Jessie happily says, "James, it sounds like you got an answer to our problem!"
"Hmm? We're all doomed," James remarks.
Jessie then hits him on the head, "That's not the answer I wanted to hear!"
"There must be some way out," Mew says.
"Chu." (Yeah.) Pikachu says.
Suddenly, Mew, Tomo, Pikachu, and Eevee hear something
"You guys hear that?" Mew asks.
"Tomo heard it," Tomo replies.
"Eevee," (Me too.) Eevee says.
Pikachu points his paw, "Pika Pika!" (Over there!)
Soon, multiple pairs of red eyes appear in the dark caves. Jessie and James panic.
"I don't think we're in here alone," Jessie says.
"What are they?" Mew asks.
Stepping out of the darkness are four Pokemon.
The first is a small Pokémon similar to an ammonite. It has a sky blue body with ten tentacles and a pale yellow, helix-spiraled shell on its back. The shell's rim has two circular indents where its large saucer-like eyes protrude.
The second looks a lot like the smaller one. It's a Pokémon similar to an ammonite. Its sky blue body has several tentacles; the tentacles toward the front are shorter and thicker than those in the back. There is a pale yellow, helix spiral shell on its back. Several sharp spikes line the shell's midsection from the front to about halfway down its back. The shell's rim has two circular indents where it's eyes are visible. Its eyes have yellow sclera and vertically-slit pupils. It has an oval mouth with a four-sectioned, fang-like beak.
Another pair is different. The first is a small Pokémon resembling a horseshoe crab. It is mostly flat with a protective, brown shell covering its body. There are two small, black eyes on top of its shell, which it uses for sight when it hides on the ocean floor. Underneath the shell is a black space that hides the structure of its main body. Only its four short, yellow legs and a second pair of luminescent red eyes are visible on its underside.
The second is larger than the rest. It's a small Pokémon resembling a horseshoe crab. It is mostly flat with a protective, brown shell covering its body. There are two small, black eyes on top of its shell, which it uses for sight when it hides on the ocean floor. Underneath the shell is a black space that hides the structure of its main body. Only its four short, yellow legs and a second pair of luminescent red eyes are visible on its underside.
The Pokemon stares at them and there's a lot of them.
"Let's see," Mew says, taking out her Pokedex.
Dexter says, "Omanyte and Omastar. Kabuto and Kabutops. It is believed that these Pokemon became extinct tens of thousands of years ago. The details of their behavior is shrouded in mystery, though some have been found alive in different areas in different regions around the world, few humans have ever seen them alive."
Then Dexter says, "Omanyte, the Spiral Pokemon. A Rock and Water Type. Believed to have lived over 2 billion years ago, recent research indicates that it was able to control its buoyancy by storing and releasing air in its shell. Omastar, the Spiral Pokemon, the evolved form of Omanyte. A Rock and Water Type. This extinct Pokémon is believed to have used its sharp fangs to break through the shells of its prey in order to feed. Kabuto, the Shellfish Pokemon. A Rock and Water Type. Though this Pokémon is now believed to be extinct, it had a hard shell that protected its body and is believed to have been a powerful swimmer. Kabutops, the Shellfish Pokemon, and the evolved form of Kabuto. A Rock and Water Type. Before it went extinct, Kabutops was in the process of evolving into a land dweller as evident by changes in its gills and legs. This change is thought to be due to its prey moving onto land as well. In its ocean home Kabutops could tuck up its limbs to help it swim extremely fast, up to roughly 29 knots. It used its sharp scythes to slice enemies and drink their internal fluids."
Soon, Jessie and James begin to cheer.
James happily says, "We're gonna be rich! We'll open a prehistoric Pokemon park that'll be bigger than Pokeworld!"
"Even the boss will be impressed with us!" Jessie adds with a smile.
Meowth happily sighs, "I could get my own talk show, or even my own cartoon!"
However, Mew, Tomo, Pikachu, and Eevee notice something's wrong.
"Those Pokemon don't seem as happy about this as you guys do," Mew says.
Tomo and the Pokemon grow frightened.
Mew notices, "Just look at those eyes! These Pokemon seem really angry."
Jessie notices it too, "They do look like they just woke up. Maybe these Pokemon weren't fossilized, but were just sleeping."
"That's it! The dynamite must've woken them up after thousands of years!" James says.
Meowth panics, "Some alarm clock!"
Suddenly, Jessie says, "Never mind! Let's just capture them!"
Then both she and James throw their Pokeballs, "Pokeball, go!"
But Kabutops sends the Pokeballs back and they smack Meowth in the face and stomach. Soon, the ancient Pokemon begins to charge at them.
"There's no place to run!" Meowth panics.
Mew says, "Looks like we have no choice but to battle them.
Then calls out, "Charmeleon. Steenee. I choose you."
Then Tomo calls out, "Tangela. Stantlier. I choose you
Mew calls out, "Charmeleon, use Flamethrower! Steenee, use Double Slap!"
Charmeleon uses Flamethrower and the Prehistoric Pokemon quickly dodge the attack. Just then, Steenee steps in and double slaps the Kabuto and Omanytes.
Tomo then calls out, "Tangela, use Vine Whip. Stantler, use Take Down.
Tangela and Stantler then perform both attacks and strike them with full force.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket is running away from the angry Prehistoric Pokemon.
And back in the canyon, Misty and Brock explain to Officer Jenny about what happened.
Misty explains, "Team Rocket blew up the canyon with dynamite!"
"Mew and Tomo must be trapped down under these boulders! You gotta help us!" Brock adds.
"The bulldozers can't make it down here. We'll have to dig by hand. I'll go and get some help," Jenny says, and hurries off to find help."
Brock then brings out his Pokemon.
"Geodude! Sandile! Grookey! Baltoy! Pansage! Go!" Brock says, and calls his Pokemon.
Misty does the same, "Golduck! Snover! Marill! Panpour! Jigglypuff!"
Soon, all their Pokemon are out of their Pokemon.
Brock calls out, "Help us move this pile of rocks!"
All the Pokemon agree and begin to dig through the rocks and boulders to rescue their friends."
As she digs, Misty says, "Listen, Mew. You better hold on! Don't forget, you still owe me a new bike."
Meanwhile, Arbok and Weezing are running away from a bunch of Omanyte, Omastar, and Kabuto, to Team Rocket's embarrassment and annoyance.
"Arbok, Weezing, what are you doing?! Why are you running away from them?!" Jessie scolds.
"You have to chase them!" James says.
However, both poison Pokemon are being attacked by the prehistoric Pokemon. Meanwhile, Mew and Tomo are having a Pokemon Battle!
Mew calls out, "Charmander, use Slash! Steenee, Razor Leaf!"
Tomo calls out, "Tangela, use Bullet Seed!"
Both Pokemon then use the attacks on the Prehistoric Pokemon and they attack with full force."
Then Mew calls out, "Pikachu, use Quick Attack! Eevee, use Take Down!"
"Stantler, use Take Down too," Tomo calls out.
With that, Pikachu, Eevee, and Stantler charge at the Prehistoric Pokemon and have the wind knocked from them. While most of them are getting up, one Omanyte and Kabuto are knocked out.
Mew then throws her Pokeballs, "Pokeballs, go!"
She throws the two Pokeball and hits the two Pokemon, making them go inside. The Pokeballs shake for a bit and with a click. They're both in the Pokeballs.
Mew picks both of them up and says, "I got Kabuto and Omanyte."
"Go Mew," Tomo happily says.
Before the rest of the Pokemon can attack, they begin to sense something in the air that makes them uneasy. They all communicate and they hurry away from the area as fast as they can. That makes Jessie and James happy.
"A miracle! This is a miracle!" Jessie happily says.
"We're alive!" James adds.
However, Mew begins to hear something."
"Oh no. I hear something else!" Meowth says.
"He's right. I hear something coming this way.
Everyone grows concerned to hear something coming to their view. Whatever it is, it flies fast and then lands on a large rock. The thing is a reptilian, bipedal Pokémon with large, membranous wings. It has small, sharply pointed ears, narrow eyes, a ridged snout with a gaping mouth, and a strong lower jaw full of serrated fangs. Its body is covered in light purplish gray skin with violet wing membranes. It's wings consist of a membrane running from the side of the body to the tip of an elongated finger. The clawed hands at the end of each wing allow it to grasp objects. There is a hump-like ridge with a single spike on its back and it has a strong tail with an arrow-shaped tip. Its talon-like feet have two toes in front and one in the back and are capable of scooping up and tightly clutching its prey in flight.
Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Aerodactyl, an extinct flying Pokemon. A Rock and Flying Type. It's hard fangs suggest it was a carnivore. Its sharp claws were probably used to capture prey."
"Did the pokedex just said carnivore?" Mew nervously says and gulps.
"What's a carnivore?" Tomo asks.
Soon, James panics, "That means it thinks we're dinner!"
"That must be why the others ran away," Jessie panics.
"I hope it don't like cat food!" Meowth screams.
Soon, Aerodactyl flies down towards them. Everyone becomes terrified and begins to run away in fear. Tomo quickly calls back his Pokemon, and Mew calls back Steenee.
Mew calls out," Charmeleon, use Flamethrower.
Charmeleon uses the attack, but the flying Pokemon dodges and attacks Charmeleon.
"Charmeleon!" Mew cries out.
Suddenly, they notice some of the rubble coming down and they look up at the roof.
Suddenly, they hear Brock's voice, "Mew! Tomo!"
Then they hear Misty's voice, "Hey, guys!"
Mew calls out, "Get us out of here! And hurry up!"
Just then, Aerodactyl begins to fly down towards them. Realizing trouble, Mew pushes Tomo and the Pokemon out of the way, but the prehistoric Pokemon grabs her and carries her to the surface. Tomo and the Pokemon gasp in shock to see Mew in trouble. They hurry and jump to grab Aerodactyl's tail as it carries them away.
Outside the cave, the boulders begin to collapse.
Jenny calls out, "Over here!"
"Hurry up!" Brock says.
And Misty says, "Let's go!"
Soon everyone who is digging at the canyon comes to the blockage and all see Aerodactyl fly into the sky with Mew in its tail, along with Tomo, Pikachu, Eevee, and Charmeleon on its tail. Soon, all four of them fall off the tail and crash to the ground.
"Charmeleon! Evee!" Brock says.
"Pikachu! Tomo!" Misty adds.
"Guys, where did Mew go?" Brock asks.
Pikachu points up, "Pika!" (Up there!)
Everyone looks to where Pikachu's pointing and to their shock, they see Mew is still being held by Aerodactyl as it lands on the large rock pillar. Mew nervously looks up to see the giant Pokemon and is planning on making her the next meal.
Mew struggles to break free as she panics, "Help! Let me go!"
Everyone gasps in shock to see what is happening.
Mew cries out, "Please! Someone help me!"
Suddenly, Aerodactyl tightens its grip around Mew's waist so she can't escape. Mew grits her teeth to see the sharp pain and a tear begins to merge from her eye. Mew then hears the Pokemon's cry and slowly turns her head and opens her eyes to see the Pokemon is preparing to have her for lunch. Mew is so scared that she screams in deep fear.
Hearing the scream ends up catching everyone's attention, especially Charmeleon. He becomes stunned to see Mew in so much pain and in deep trouble, especially everyone she has done for him. From the day he has been abandoned and Mew takes Charmander in, to now. He is so angry that the Pokemon attempts to hurt his trainers that Charmeleon is unable to stand it anymore.
With a battle cry, Charmeleon begins to glow. Everyone becomes shocked to see Charmeleon is glowing and is growing large in size and even growing wings. When the light disappears, Charmeleon has evolved.
Now it's a draconic, bipedal Pokémon. It is primarily orange with a cream underside from the chest to the tip of its tail. It has a long neck, small blue eyes, slightly raised nostrils, and two horn-like structures protruding from the back of its rectangular head. There are two fangs visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is closed. Two large wings with blue-green undersides sprout from its back, and a horn-like appendage juts out from the third joint of each wing. A single wing-finger is visible through the center of each wing membrane. It's arms are short and skinny compared to its robust belly, and each limb has three white claws. It has stocky legs with cream-colored soles on each of its plantigrade feet. The tip of its long, tapering tail burns with a sizable flame.
The Pokemon then roars and breathes fire into the air.
"Wow! Charmeleon is big," Tomo says.
"Amazing!" Misty says.
"It evolved into Charizard!" Brock says.
Charazard takes to the skies as he roars, "Roooawwrr!" (I'm coming!)
Aerodactyl looks down to Mew and reaches down with it's open jaw, preparing to eat her. Mew becomes scared that she is petrified. Suddenly, Aerodactyl stops and looks to see Charizard coming to the rescue. Mew looks at the Pokemon carefully and realizes that it is her Charmeleon that has evolved.
Mew cries out, "Charizard!"
Aerodactyl then begins to carry Mew away as Charizard chases after them. Charizard continues to chase after Aerodactyl to rescue his trainer. Charizard's wings soon begin to glow and swing them as sharp glowing disks fly towards Aerodactyl, but it dodges out of the way much to everyone's surprise.
"That was Air Slash!" Brock says.
"Charizard must have learned it after evolving," Misty adds.
Charizard then uses Air Slash again, and it's a direct hit on Aerodactyl's back, making it drop Mew. The group gasps to see Mew falling, but becomes relieved when Charizard catches her in the nick of time. Mew then opens her eyes and looks to see the Charizard. She looks at it carefully and knows that it really is her Chameleon.
Mew is amazed, "So it's true... you evolved."
"Roooawwrr," (I sure did.) Charizard says.
Mew hugs Charizard with glee. Suddenly, they hear Aerodactyl's screech and turn to see it flying towards them.
"Mew turns to Charizard, "Hey Charizard, let's say we have a battle against Aerodactyl. To show it how strong you are.
With a smirk, Charizard says, "Growl growl." (I thought you'd never ask.)
Mew then climbs on Charizard's back, "Then let's do it, Charizard.
Charizard roars and flies after the Prehistoric Pokemon.
Mew calls out, "Charizard, use Flamethrower!"
Charizard then uses Flamethrower, but Aerodactyl dodges the attack.
"Now, use Air Slash," Mew calls out.
Charizard then uses the attack and gives Aerodactyl a direct hit. Then Charizard performs another move and releases a blue powerful attack that doesn't look like normal fire and hits Aerodactyl with full force.
"That was Dragon Breath," Mew says.
The Mew calls out, "Air Slash!"
Charizard then performs the attack and it strikes at Aerodactyl, and Aerodactyl is knocked out. Mew then throws her Pokeball and it taps on the Pokemon. Then it goes inside. Mew catches the Pokeball and it shakes for a few minutes. Then with a click, Mew has caught the Pokemon. Charizard then lands on the ground and helps Mew down.
Mew hugs Charizard and says, "You were fantastic, Charizard. I'm so proud of you."
Charizard growls and shows his affection to Mew by licking her cheek. Suddenly, Mew looks down to notice an egg with blue and red triangles. Mew picks it up to see a Pokemon Egg.
Mew turns to Charizard, "Let's take this with us."
Charizard nods his head.
After the incident, everyone gathers around to see Officer Jenny making an announcement.
Officer Jenny says, "Attention everyone! Due to the incident of the Aerodactyl and cave collapses caused by Team Rocket along with further cave collapses, no more digging will be permitted here! Those who have already found fossils are yours to keep aren't allowed to reveal where the fossils come from!"
Everyone soon decides to leave the area, Mew and her friends are the only one still at the canyon and talking to Jenny.
"Since all four of you found fossils before the incident and caught Pokemon here, they're yours to keep. However, you must never reveal where you obtain them or the Pokemon you caught," Jenny says.
"We promised," Misty says.
"We'll keep it a secret," Mew says.
After that, Mew and her friends continue on their way, luckily, Mew isn't badly hurt, but decides to go to the doctor with Officer Jenny to examine any damages.
"What a day we had," Misty says.
"We sure did, but Charizard really saved the day," Mew says.
"And it's amazing that we all got our own fossils," Brock says.
"And that you got three living Prehistoric Pokemon, Mew," Misty says.
Then Mew shows the egg to Misty, "And I got you something too."
Brock and the others become surprised to see an Egg.
"It's a Pokemon Egg," Brock says.
"Yeah. I found it when Charizard and I landed, so we decided to take it," Mew says.
Then gives it to Misty, "Here you go, Misty?"
"For me? Are you sure?" Misty asks.
"I'm sure," Mew says.
Misty smiles and takes the Egg, "Thanks Mew, I'll take good care of it."
As the sun begins to go down, Mew and her friends soon begin to fall asleep after the day they have. They find Pokemon Fossils, catch real Prehistoric Pokemon, Charmeleon has evolved into Charizard, and Misty has a Pokemon Egg. They all begin to sleep as Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy take our heroes to the hospital. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is still stuck underground with the rest of the prehistoric Pokemom. As the journey continues.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Teddiursa (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female). Sandshrew (Male). Ledyba (Female). Espurr (Male). Kakuna (Female). Steenee (Female). Krabby (Male). Diglett (Male). Silcoon (Female). Wooloo (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Aerodactyl (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Skitty (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Flabébé (Female). Muk (Male). Magnemite. Tauros (Male). Blue Shellos (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Lunatone. Miltank (Female), Mawile (Female), Pansear (Male), Makuhita (Male), Meditite (Female). Shiny Ditto. Porygon. Cloyster (Male). Cinderace (Female). Arcanine (Male).
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Root Fossil.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 1 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols.
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit ( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). Psyduck (Male). Shellder (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. Cover Fossil. Pokemon Egg
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male).
From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Item: 2 Soothe Bell. Armor Fossil
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell. Jaw Fossil.
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