Episode 41: The March of the Exeggutor

Mew and her friends have been working very hard on their Pokemon journey, and haven't been able to get some rest in relaxation, but now they are in luck. They've arrived in a town the same day a carnival has arrived. There are rides, games, food, and so many performers. In fact, there's a big crowd today.

Brock is awestruck by the pretty girls, "Look at all of those beautiful girls."

"And check out all of the rides and shows," Misty says.

"This is going to be so much fun," Mew says.

"Yeah," Tomo says.

Mew then turns to Tomo, "Want to go on the rides?"

"Yeah," Tomo happily says.

With that, the group then split up to have some fun. They go on different rides, have all kinds of food, and play different kinds of games. Misty decides to have Sobble out for him to have fun too. At first, Sobble is a little timid to be in a big crowd, but as long as he's with Misty, Sobble is at ease. Sometime later, Misty and Sobble are having ice cream.

"That one was great, wasn't it? Which one do you want to go on next?" Misty replies.

Before Sobble can answer, a woman's voice shouts, "I've had it! I quit!"

Misty and Sobble turn to see a woman dressed as a Vulpix while a man that looks like a magician is bowing and begging her. Next to him is a Pokemon, she recognizes it to be an Exeggcute.

"Please, don't leave me! I promise to pay you as soon as I can!" The man begs.

The woman sternly says, "Then pay me right now!"

"I can't just now, but I promise as soon as I get some paying customers I'll pay you," The man sadly says.

But the woman refuses, "And just who do you think is gonna come watch your lousy show?!"

The man continues to beg her, but she smacks him in the face.

"I've heard your promises before! Humph! Goodbye," The woman says and leaves the scene.

"Don't leave, I need you," The man sadly says.

Misty walks over to him and asks, "Excuse us, are you alright, sir?"

"You're a kind person, aren't you?" The man asks, depressed.

"Well no, not especially," Misty says.

And such a beautiful girl. You'd help me out, wouldn't you? I need your help so badly. And you'd be so perfect," The man says, and collapses on the ground.

Misty panics and says, "Pull yourself together!"

The man turns to Misty, "You're the only one who can help me now."

Misty becomes a bit confused.

"Please, just listen," The man says.

"Uh, okay," Misty replies.

"Keep an open mind," The man says.

"Uh huh," Misty says with a nod.

The man quickly stands up and says, "I'd like one of you to become the assistant in my act."

"What?" Misty replies, shocked and confused.

The egg Pokemon jumps up and down in excitement.

"I'm a magician. Melvin's the name," The man says.

"Hi," Misty says.

"For you," Melvin says and makes a flower appear.

He then makes flags appear, "I'm not very famous yet, but I'm working really hard on my magic act. My dream is to have my own showroom, and perform my magic act before thousands of cheering fans. Won't you help me make my dream come true?"

"I'll help you, but just for today," Mew says.

"Thank you so much!" Melvin happily says.

Soon enough, Misty and Sobble decide to help Melvin with his performance. They are on stage when the light shines on them. Misty's costume is similar to a Goldeen while Sobble is wearing a blue bowtie.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Melvin, the Magician Magnificent!" Melvin announces.

"At least the crowd's small Misty, so nobody will see me," Misty says to herself.

But she speaks too soon when Mew calls out, "Hey, Misty! What are you doing up there? Are you part of the show?"

Misty becomes shocked to see Mew, Tomo, Pikachu, Eevee, and Brock going to take a seat.

"Sobble!" (We both are!) Sobble says with a shy smile.

"What are you all doing here?" Misty asks.

"We heard about the show and decided to check it out," Brock says.

"And that's a cute outfit you're wearing. You look like a Goldeen," Mew says.

"Pika Pi," (You look really pretty.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (Really cute.) Eevee says.

Suddenly, someone shouts, "Come on, hurry it up!"

Soon, Mew and the others take their seats and watch the show.

"Yes, yes. Of course. Thank you for your patience. Please allow me to present my magical Pokemon, Exeggcute," Melvin says.

Then his Exeggcute jumps on the table.

"Aw, look at the Exeggcute." Mew says, and brings out her Pokedex.

Dexter says, "Exeggcute, an Egg Pokemon. A Grass and Psychic Type. Although it resembles an egg, it is known to be more closely related to the seed of a plant."

"Now it's time for some Exeggcute juggling," Melvin says, juggling the egg Pokemon.

"Exeggcute juggling?!" Mew says, confused.

Confused, Tomo asks, "Is this magic?"

Suddenly, someone shouts, "We don't want to see juggling!"

"Boring!" Brock shouts.

Then someone shouts, "We wanna see some magic!"

"Yeah, do a trick, won't ya?!" Another person shouts.

Melvin becomes startled and says, "Hold on, the best part is coming up. My Pokemon and I are gonna do some great magic trick now, which will submaze and aprise you."

Misty corrects him, "Don't you mean surprise and amaze?"

"That's right. See, that's why we make such a great team," Melvin says.

"I suppose," Misty replies.

Exeggcute starts hopping up and down as Melvin tries to conjure some magic. Sobble then creates water effects.

Melvin announces, "Raging fire!"

When Melvin tries his trick, it backfires and a small fire appears. The audience falls over in disbelief that the trick flops.

"Oh dear," Mew says.

"Raring Fire became a dud," Tomo says.

Suddenly, someone in the audience shouts, "The kid's right ! That was pathetic!"

Melvin panics and says, "Just one more try!"

Then tries it again and unleashes an inferno. Everyone is soon impressed, but Melvin begins to get carried away. Soon, everyone begins to panic and duck their heads.

Misty calls out, "Hey! Be careful, Melvin!"

But Melvin is so pleased by his trick's success that he isn't listening.

"I can't believe it! It never worked before! Fire!" Melvin happily says.

Soon, the inferno sets off the sprinklers and water comes down on everyone, causing them to be angry. Soon, everyone is throwing stuff at him and saying he stink. Melvin tries to do something, but a bottle hits him on the head. And soon enough, Melvin is fired from his job, he begs the owner to let him stay, but refuses. Mew and the others remain close to Melvin and feel sorry for him.

"Poor Melin," Mew sadly says.

"He just doesn't know what he's doing," Misty says.

Misty approaches Melvin and says, "Don't worry, Melvin. Cheer up."

"Fired again. I'll never make it to the big time," Melvin sadly says, feeling upset.

Then hugs his Exeggcute, "I guess we'll have to give up our dreams."

Then Mew approaches him, "Give up? You're not gonna give up your dream that easy, are you? If your show's no good, then learn some new tricks and make it good!"

"That's a good idea!" Brock says.

Soon, Exeggcute hops happily.

"New tricks?" Melvin asks.

"We'll even help you out. You can do it. What do you say?" Mew replies.

Then Misty says, "Don't quit now! Come on, Melvin!

Melvin smiles and says, "Okay, I'll give it a try."

Meanwhile, Jessie and James are relaxing on top of the balloon as Meowth spies on them.

Jessie asks, "What are those twerps up to now?"

"It looks like they're talking to a magician," Meowth answers, spying on them.

"Talking to a magician, huh?" James says.

"Wait till they see our bag of tricks," Jessie says, removing her sunglasses.

Down below, Mew and her friends watch as Melvin prepares his new tricks.

"Okay, well, here I go," Melvin says, sounding nervous.

He spins his stick, "Abracadabra! Ta da!"

With that, he makes a bouquet or roses appear. Everyone clapped with a smile.

"That was great!" Misty says.

"Uh, thanks," Melvin says, feeling embarrassed.

Soon, the roses fall off the bouquet.

"The flowers are dead!" Brock says.

"So's his act," Misty comments.

Melvin soon falls to his knees, "All my life I've dreamed of becoming a magician, entertaining people, seeing their faces light up. But now the dream is all over."

Soon Exeggcute falls into depression too.

"Now they're depressed," Misty says.

Mew says, "Your trick was great, but you just need some practice. And well, maybe you should use fake flowers."

Then Misty has an idea, "I know, maybe your Pokemon can join in on the act."

"My Pokemon?" Mevlin says, confused.

"That's a great idea. You have Exeggcute, maybe you can use another Pokemon to perform with you," Mew says.

"Maybe, but the only Pokemon I have is Exeggcute," Mevlin says.

"Really?" Mew asks.

"That's right," Melvin answers.

Brock says, "Well, the Exggecute can use Grass and Psychic attacks, maybe we can use them for your trick."

As the group tries to figure out an idea, Tomo walks to the Exggecute.

"Hello," Tomo says.

And soon the Exeggcute begins to stare at Tomo intensely.

Confused, Tomo asks, "Why are you staring at me?"

The Exggecute continues to stare at Tomo as their eyes glow. Soon, Tomo's eyes are beginning to haze as he falls into a daze.

"Stop it, Tomo. A staring contest isn't gonna get you anywhere," Misty says.

Melvin says, "I'd like all of you to stop now."

Soon Exeggcute stops staring at Tomo.

Tomo answers with a monotone voice, "Okay."

Mew and the others are surprised by Tomo's response, but Melvin is intrigued.

Melvin says, "Turn around three times and act like a Bulbasaur."

Tomo ends up doing that, making the others confused.

"What's with Tomo? He's acting kinda, weird," Brock asks.

Mew looks at the Exeggcute and thinks, "Could the Exeggcute have something to do with it? If so, then they must have known that attack."

Suddenly, Melvin has an idea, "Ah ha."

Soon enough, Melvin has Tomo follow him up the hill. Young Tomo is pulling a wagon as Melvin is holding a large bag full of Pokeballs. There is a cation sign saying about Exeggcute and their evolved form Exeggcutor.

Melvin commands Tomo, "Keep going straight into the leaf forest."

"Yes, master," Tomo says, in a daze.

Meanwhile, high in the hot air balloon, Team Rocket spies on them.

"It looks like the magician has the Jungle Twerp under his spell," Jessie says.

"They're just where we want them!" James says.

"What's our plan?" Meowth asks.

"We follow them and see what they're up to, then we make our move," Jessie says.

"Someone said that they're headed for the leaf forest," Brock says.

Pikachu and Eevee sniff the ground to pick up the trail.

Pikachu sees the trail, "Pika Pika Pika!" (The forest must be that way!)

"Pikachu said that forest might be in this direction," Mew says.

"Tomo and Melvin must have just come through here," Misty says.

Then Brock, "But why would Tomo have gone with Melvin?"

"I know why. Exggectue must have used hypnosis on Tomo and are now under their control," Mew suspects.

Realizing the situation, Brock, "They belong to Melvin, so he's making Tomo do whatever he wants!"

"But why?" Misty asks.

"Maybe Melvin is going to have Tomo catch Pokemon for him. I lent Tomo my Pokedex, so he might use it to find which Pokemon is good for him to catch," Mew says.

Misty then turns to Eevee and Pikachu, "Keep looking, right?"

Keep looking, Pikachu!

"Pika/Eev," (Right.) Pikachu and Eevee agree.

Meanwhile, Melvin has Tomo go deeper inside the forest.

Then he commands Tomo, "Stop."

With that, Tomo stops.

Melvina asks, "Tomo, can you use your Pokedex to tell me what they are?"

"Yes," Tomo answers and brings out the Pokedex.

Dexter says, "Exeggutor, a Coconut Pokemon. A Grass and Psychic Type. Also known as 'The Walking Tropical Rain Forest.' Each coconut has a distinct face and its own character. Its special attack is Hypnosis."

"I'd like you to battle these Exeggutor for me," Melvin says.

With that, Tomo brings out his Pokemon: Growlithe, Ponyta, Eevee, Stantler, and Natu. With that, Tomo has his Pokemon attack the Exeggutor until they are weakened. Soon, Melvin throws the Pokeball at the Coconut Pokemon and captures a whole forest of them.

"Look at all the Exeggutor I caught," Mevlin happily says.

Then turns to Tomo, "That's all, for now."

"Yes. Return, everyone," Tomo says as he is told and returns his Pokemon.

"Now that I've captured these Exeggutor, I can put everyone at the carnival under Hypnosis and command all of them to come see my magic show. At last, I'm finally going to live my dream," Melivin happily says along with his Pokemon.

Suddenly, Jessie's voice appears, "In your dreams!"

"Who's that?" Melvin asks, looking around.

Suddenly, smoke appears and Team Rocket begins their motto. As the smoke clears, it reveals that Team Rocket are weary fancy clothes for magic.


Prepare for trouble!


Make it double!


To protect the world from devastation!


To unite all peoples within our nation!

"They look more like magicians than I do," Melvin comments.


To denounce the evils of truth and love!


To extend our reach to the stars above!

As the motto continues, Meowth brings out a magic box and they walk inside. Soon, the box closes with them inside. Soon, each sticks their heads out of the hole of the box.





"Alakazam, alamazoo!" Meowth shouts as he leaps and puts a cloth over the box.

He removes the cloth and says, "Presto!"

With that, the box has disappeared.

Melvin applauds with a smile, "That was great, you guys are wonderful!"

"It's not over yet!" Jessie says.

Melvin looks up to see Team Rocket standing on the basket of the balloon


Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!


Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

Then they all leap out of the balloon and land on the platform.


Meowth! That's right!

Melvin applauds

"If you're a real magician, you'd be able to do tricks like that," James says to Melvin.

"That's right!" Jessie agrees.

Melvin lowers his head, "They're right. My magic stinks."

"You obviously have no talent as a magician, but you're good at capturing Exeggutor for us," Jessie says.

"Now we'll make them disappear!" James says.

Meowth then lands on Mevlin's head, "And we'll use their hypnotic power to capture all the Pokemon in the world!"

"No, you can't!" Melvin panics.

"You have.." Jessie says, giving a sinister vibe.

And James says, "No choice."

Soon, Team Rocket ties up Melvin.

Melvin screams, well the best he can, "Stop it! Let me go!"

Exggcute then hop to their trainer's rescue, catching Team Rocket's attention.

"Be quiet or I'll knock the cholesterol out of you!" James scolds.

Soon, the Egg Pokemon stand down.

"That's better. Now, there's something we need you to do for us," Jessie says.

The Exeggcute seed hop and huddles together. Unknown to them, they tap on a leaf stone and begin to glow, catching Team Rocket off guard.

"It's looking at us strangely," James says.

"Yeah! Some sorta magic?" Meowth comments.

The Exeggcute continues to glow white and soon they are starting to get bigger, to Team Rocket's shock.

"No, it's.." Jessie says, shocked.

"Evolving!" James adds.

The glow fades away to reveal that Exeggutor has evolved into Exeggutor.

"It's an Exeggutor!" Team Rocket concludes.

Soon enough, Eceggutor begins to use its Hypnosis attack on Team Rocket.

"I'm feeling.." Jessie says, feeling strange.

James feels strange too, "A bit sleepy."

"Hypnosis waves are coming out of its eyes," Meowth says.

"Well then, just don't make eye contact," Jessie says, turning her head away.

However, Team Rocket notices all of the Exegggutor are using Hypnosis and soon fall deep into their power.

"Too late," James says, dazed.

"I'm going.." Jessie comments.

"Under," Meowth concludes.

"Good work, Exeggutor!" Mevlin happily says, but begins to notice the Coconut Pokemon are using the attack on each other now.

"Exeggutor, no more Hypnosis!" Melvin called out, and then stopped.

Melvin wonders, "What happened?"

Soon the Exeggutor begins to march away. Suddenly, Tomo's Pokeball comes out to reveal Mama Kangaskhan. She picks up Tomo and quickly walks away from the scene.

Melvin calls out, "Hey, where are all of you going?"

Soon, the other Exeggutor follows and trample on Melvin.

"I don't get the respect I think I deserve," Melvin says, feeling flatten.

Soon enough, Mew and the others arrive and soon notice something ahea.

Misty calls out, "Look, over there! The forest is moving!"

"That's no forest! That's a herd of Exeggutor!" Brock says.

"And they're stampeding right for us!" Mew panics.

Everyone quickly moves out of the way before the Coconut Pokemon can trample them.

"What's going on?" Mew wonders.

Then Misty notices three familiar faces with the stampede, "Team Rocket?!"

Mew and the others hurry to see Melvin trampled on the ground.

"Melvin," Brock says and runs to Melvin.

Mew calls out, "Tomo! Tomo!"

"Kangaskhan," (We're over here.) The Pokemon's voice says.

Mew and the others turn to see Mama Kangaskhan having Tomo in her pouch and is fine.

"Thank you Mama Kangaskha," Mew says.

"Kanga," (You're welcome.) Mama Kangaskhan says.

The baby Kangaskhan taps on Tomo's cheek, "Kanga Kanga." (Tomo. Tomo.)

Soon, Tomo wakes up from his sleep.

Tomo looks, "Mama Kangaskhan? Sister Kangaskhan?"

Then turns to see the others, "Mew? Pikachu? Eevee? Tomo don't remember what happened."

Mew turns to Brock who is helping Melvin, "Ask Melvin."

Brock helps Melvin on his feet and they walk over to them.

Mew asks, "What's going on here? What have you done, Melvin?"

"The Exeggutor used Hypnosis on each other and got all confused," Melvin says.

"The Exeggutor are heading into town right now," Brock says.

Mew gasps, "We gotta stop them!"

"Now they're beyond my control," Melvin says.

Back at the carnival, everyone is having a wonderful time. That is, until they notice something heading their way.

Someone asks, "Hey, what's that noise?"

"The forest is moving!" A girl says.

But someone says, "No, those are Exeggutor!"

The Exeggutor herd continue to march and run as fast as they can through the carnival making everyone scream and panic. When Mew and the others arrive, the carnival has been destroyed.

" Looks bad," Mew says.

"They must've stampeded right through the carnival," Misty says.

Suddenly, the carnival owner calls out, "Hey! You better get outta here! Those Exeggutor are coming back this way! I planted a time bomb in this clearing. It'll blow up just as they make it to this field."

"You can't! Those Exeggutor are under hypnosis, they don't realize what they're doing! It's not their fault!" Mew angrily says.

"Who cares?! We can't let em cause anymore damage to the town! Now get outta here and fast!" The Carnival owner says and hurries off.

"Wait, come back!" Mew calls out, but the owner is long gone.

Then groans in frustration, "Why do people have to be so stubborn?!"

"What are we supposed to do now?" Melvin asks.

"Our only chance to stop is to snap them out of Hypnosis," Mew says, and runs ahead.

Misty then grabs Melvin, "You're coming with us, Melvin!"

"Soon the group stand in front of the stamp as they are coming in their direction.

"How are we supposed to stop them?" Misty asks.

"I might have an idea. Grass Pokemon like Exeggutor hate fire, maybe we can use fire to snap them out of it," Mew says.

"It's worth a try," Brock says.

Mew then calls out, "Charmander. Raboot. Arcanine. I choose you."

"Everyone, use Flamethrower attack," Mew calls out.

With that, the three Pokemon fire their attacks at the Exeggutor.

Soon, Brock notices, "The Exeggutor are waking up!"

Mew calls out, "Stop, Exeggutor!"

Three of them come to a stop.

"The Exeggutor are weak against fire!" Misty says.

Tomo then brings out his Pokeballs, "Tomo help too."

Then throws it, "Ponyta. Growlithe."

Brock then throws his Pokballs, "Solrock! Slugma! Vulpix! Go!"

All the Pokemon come out as their trainers call out, "Use Flamethrower.

Soon, all the Pokemon continue to perform their flame attack, stopping the many Coconut Pokemon. However, they're are so many of them. And the Pokemon are starting to get tired. Mew and her friends hurry to their Pokemon to see how tired they are. However, Charmander and Raboot struggle to stand and don't plan on giving up.

"We've got to stop those Exeggutor, before they reach the time bomb!" Misty says, worried.

But then has an idea, "Wait! I've got it!"

Misty turns to Melvin and says, "Melvin, you can wake all the Exeggutor at the same time with your fire magic trick!"

"But all I ever do is make a mess of things! I can't do it," Melvin says.

"But, Melvin, you have to try! You said it was your dream to be a magician! You've got to wake the Exeggutor, for their sake and for yours!" Misty says.

Melvin says feeling depressed, "I know I can't do it!"

"You CAN do it! Just look at Charmander, Raboot, and the rest of the Pokemon. If they worked that hard, then you have to at least try!" Misty says.

Melvin looks to see the Pokemon are getting tried, but are refusing to give up.

Determined, Melvin says, "Then I'll give it my best shot!"

"Okay everyone, let's do it," Mew says.

All the Fire Pokemon and Melvin nod their heads and perform the attack.

Melvin calls out," Raging Fire"

With that, the fire of the attack and Melvin's trick combine to create a river of fire and awaken all of the Exeggutor, including Team Rocket.

"Who?" James says, confused.

Jessie asks, "What?"

"Where?" Meowth adds.

Soon, the herd begins to march back to the forest, carrying Team Rocket with them.

"I did it," Melvin says, surprised.

Then turns to the others with glee, "I did it! I really did it!"

"Yeah! Great job, Melvin!" Mew says.

Soon, Melvin's Exeggutor steps forward.

Melvin hugs it with glee, "Exeggutor! Your Hypnosis spell is broken! This is so wonderful!"

Right at this moment, the time bomb goes off.

"Wow! That was a close call!" Misty says.

"You're right. Thank goodness no one was hurt," Melvin says.

Mew hugs Charmander and Raboot, and pets Arcanine, "You both did a terrific job."

Tomo hugs his Pokemon, "You all did great."

"You all did very good out there," Brock says to his Pokemon.

Suddenly, Charmander and Raboot begin to glow.

Mew gasps in surprise, "Charmander... Raboot..."

"Charmander and Raboot? They're both?" Misty says, surprised.

"They're evolving!" Brock says.

Charmander soon evolves in front of the group. Charmander is now a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon. It has dark red scales and a cream underside from the chest down. It has narrow, blue eyes and a long snout with a slightly hooked tip. On the back of its head is a single horn-like protrusion. It has relatively long arms with three sharp claws. Its short legs have plantigrade feet with three claws and cream-colored soles.

Robot also evolves with Charmander. Now Raboot is a bipedal, rabbit-like Pokémon. Most of its torso and head, as well as its arms and tail, are white, long white ears, the insides of which are yellow. Its eyes, which have red-orange pupils and white irises, have a deep navy pattern below them and yellow eyebrows above them. These eyebrows connect at the nose, which is red-orange, and form a "crown", which connects to the red-orange tuft of hair sticking out from its forehead, similar to a flame. It has two whisker-like tufts of white fur on each side of its face. Over each shoulder is a navy patch of fur, resembling a shoulder brace, which continues down the torso and connect at middle of the chest, creating what resembles a sports tank top. This navy-colored fur is also seen on its lower torso, creating what resembles a belt. The fur on its lower body is colored red-orange and resembles a pair of pants, with yellow pockets and ending in yellow tufts at the knees, with little tufts of fur on the backside of its thighs. Its ankles and feet are colored navy-blue and tipped red-orange at the toes.

Everyone is astonished to see the double evolution.

Mew brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Charmeleon, the Flame Pokemon. A Fire Type. It has razor sharp claws and its tail is exceptionally strong."

Then turns to Raboot's evolved form, "Cinderace, the Striker Pokemon. A Fire Type. Cinderace uses Pyro Ball to create a soccer ball of fire that it kicks at its opponents, often leaving them with a burn."

"Charmander. Cinderace. You both evolved. Congratulations guys," Mew says, and hugs her Pokemon.

Charmeleon and Cinderace smile and hugs Mew back.

Later in the evening, Mew and her friends head off while Melvin and Exegguctor follow their own path.

"Never forget your dream!" Mew says.

"Practice makes perfect!" Misty says.

"See you in the big time!" Brock says.

"Thank you! All of you!" Melvin says.

Mew and her friends say, "Goodbye!"

It has been a big day. They have fun in the carnival, help Melvin the Magician stop a herd of rampaging Exeggutor, and Charmander has evolved into Charmeleon while Raboot evolved into Cinderace. They sure had a fun and busy day. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is being carried away by the Exegguctor heard and is unable to escape. As the Journey continues.

Team Rocket screams, "Looks like Team Rocket's marching off again!"

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmeleon (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Teddiursa (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female). Arcanine (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Cinderace (Female). Espurr (Male). Weedle (Female). Steenee (Female). Krabby (Male). Cloyster (Male). Diglett (Male). Wurmple (Female). Wooloo (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Flabébé (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Muk (Male). Magnemite. Tauros (Male). Blue Shellos (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Lunatone. Miltank (Female), Mawile (Female), Pansear (Male), Makuhita (Male), Meditite (Female). Shiny Ditto. Porygon.

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 1 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit ( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). Psyduck (Male). Shellder (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female).

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinser (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male).

From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

Tomo Files

Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female).

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