Episode 40: Showdown at Dark City
Their next adventure takes place in front of a broken sign that says, Dark City. In fact, that is where Mew and her friends' destination is. They see the place looks deserted, almost like a ghost town. Yet, they decide to walk into the city to see if they can find somewhere to have lunch.
Brock says, "This place gives me the creeps. It's the middle of the day and there's nobody around. What's the deal?"
"Yeah," Mew says.
Suddenly, they see a little boy running out from one of the buildings.
But the mother rushes him inside saying in fright, "Get back inside this house right now! What if there are Pokemon trainers out?"
Hearing that makes the group of friends confused.
"Why would she be afraid of Pokemon trainers?" Misty wonders.
"Something's strange is going on here," Mew says.
"Very strange," Tomo replies.
Suddenly, rocks begin to fly out of nowhere. Pikachu and Eevee quickly dodge and climb on Mew's shoulders.
"Hey!" Mew angrily says.
The group looks up to see figures disappearing before they can get a look. Not pleased, Pikachu and Eevee climb up to the roof and give the attackers the Thundershock treatment. The beings fall to the ground to reveal three little boys who fall on some hay.
"They're, little kids!" Brock says, surprised.
Mew sternly asks, "Hey! What's the big idea throwing rocks at us?!"
"Chu! Vee!" (Yeah!) Pikachu and Eevee add, sternly.
The boy with blue hair asks, "You guys are Pokemon trainers, right?"
"Um yeah. My name is Mew, and I like to become a great Pokemon trainer" Mew says, confused.
"I'm Brock, and I wanna become the world's best Pokemon breeder," Brock says.
"And I'm gonna be a Water Pokemon Master! My name's Misty," Misty says.
However, the boys look at the group with anger and prepare to attack them with sticks. Suddenly, out of the Pokeball, Teddiursa begins to attack the three boys on their heads. The little Teddiursa continues to throw punches on their heads in anger. The three boys soon rub their heads in pain. Teddiursa stops with his arms crossed and turns away with a huff.
"Wow! That Teddiursa is tough," Brock says.
"Well with Mew being threatened, Teddiursa decides to come to her rescue and save us," Misty says.
Teddiursa happily jumps to Mew and the girl catches the baby bear Pokemon in her arms.
Mew giggles, "Thank you, Teddiursa, but you didn't have to beat them up."
"Teddi Teddiursa," (Just trying to protect you mama.) Teddiursa says.
"It's a nice thought, but we could handle it," Mew says.
The boy with the red hair says, "That really hurt. Also, we don't care who you are. If you have a Pokemon, you better get out of town."
The boys nod their heads.
"Why? What's wrong with Pokemon?" Mew asks, calmly.
"Boys," Someone calls out.
Just then, a man hurries over wearing an apron as he says, "I apologize. These children don't mean to cause you any trouble. Come to my restaurant and I'll explain everything."
"Well, okay," Mew replies.
Soon, they are in the restaurant where they are offered some lunch.
The owner says, "In Dark City there are two Pokemon gyms, the Yas gym and the Kaz gym. The two gyms are in the middle of a gang war and they'll hire any wandering Pokemon trainers as soldiers to battle for them."
"I get it, so that's why there's nobody out on the streets here," Mew says.
As the group eats, a person wearing a mask, sunglasses, a dark coat, and a hat is having some coffee. Pikachu holds the ketchup bottle and squeezes a little on Eevee's lunch. Eevee lets Pikachu know it's enough and Pikachu continues to eat the ketchup.
"But I don't see. What's the point in fighting each other like this?" Brock asks.
"They claim that whichever gym wins will become an official Pokemon gym," The owner says.
"But that sounds silly. I mean, sure becoming an official Pokemon Gym could be a big honor, but it doesn't mean you have to fight in a street fight for it," Mew says.
"I agree," Brock says.
"Yeah, there's no point in fighting over it," Misty adds.
Suddenly, they hear the sound of glass breaking and a lot of noise coming from outside.
"Huh? What was that?" Misty asks, surprised.
The blue haired boy, Zack says, "It's them!"
"Them? You mean?" Mew asks, realizing what the boy means.
"Yes. The Yas and Kaz gyms are fighting again. If you don't want to get dragged into this, you better go upstairs and hide," The owner says.
Mew and the others hurry upstairs so they won't be seen. Outside, there is a group wearing blue jumpsuits with a K on it.
The Kaz leader says, "Get ready! Today, the Kaz gym's gonna crush you!"
The otherside shows a group wearing green overalls and a yellow long sleeve shirt with Y on the overalls.
The Yas leader says, "Guess again! The Yas gym will wipe you out!"
Then Kaz Leader calls out, "Go, Electabuzz! Thunderbolt, now!"
Then the Electabuzz from the Kaz zaps the Yas soldiers.
Yas leader calls out, "We can't let them win! Attack, Scyther!"
Scyther attacks and causes a nearby building to collapse on top of the Kaz soldiers. Soon, many people run away from the area in a panic. From the window, Mew and her friends are shocked.
Brock turns to the kids, "Is it always like this?"
Sadly, the boys nod their heads in reply. Then Mew and her friends turn to the window.
"Now I can understand why everyone around here hates Pokemon trainers," Brock says.
"That's not even a Pokemon battle! It's more like a street fight!" Misty says.
Seeing this makes Mew angry, "Those bullies! They don't understand what it really means to be a Pokemon trainer!"
Suddenly, they hear the noise coming from downstairs. The restaurant owner is being attacked by three Kaz soldiers, but they look familiar.
The smallest attacker says, "Hey, cook! Give me the lunch special for thirty people."
"We've got to be the Kaz gym in less than an hour," A female attacker says.
The tallest attacker says, "Throw in an order of onion rings while you're at it."
"I'd like to, but, you see, the Kaz gym hasn't paid its bill in over two years," The restaurant owner says.
Mew and the others watch quietly from upstairs.
Mew softly says, "There's something familiar about them."
The female attacker angrily says, "What?! Are you telling us we can't put this on our tab?!"
"Do you realize we're Kaz gym bodyguards? Give us the food or else!" the purple haired attacker says.
The owner panics, "I'd like to, but I can't. I don't want any trouble!"
"You won't give us lunch, but you don't want trouble, huh?" The shortest member says.
Then the female member says, "You're talking to the wrong customers if you don't want any trouble."
The restaurant owner panics, "Please, leave me alone! I don't want any trouble!"
With that word sends temptation in the two's ears.
"Trouble?" The woman questions.
"Trouble? I can't resist, Jessie," The man says.
"Neither can I! Prepare for trouble!" The woman says, and turns off her disguise to reveal Jessie.
"Make it double!" The man does the same, taking off his disguise.
Soon, they're revealed to be Team Rocket, much to Mew, her friends, and the Pokemons' shock.
To protect the world from devastation.
To unite all peoples within our nation.
To denounce the evils of truth and love.
To extend our reach to the stars above.
Jessie throws her Pokeball, calling out, "Go get them, Arbok!"
"Weezing, attack!" James says, doing the same.
Both Pomemon come out of their Pokeballs and attack the restaurant owner. The mysterious customer steps back from the fight.
"It's Team Rocket! I knew it!" Mew says, coming down stairs.
Brock brings out his Pokeball, "I'll handle this."
"Tomo help too" Tomo says.
Both of them call out their Pokemon, "Go, Vulpix/Growlithe!"
Then both Pokemon come out.
Brock and Tomo call out, "Use Flamethrower!"
With that, Vulpix and Growlithe fire their flamethrower attack at Team Rocket.
Meowth stands up and says, "Rare." Same goes with Weezing and Arbok.
"Medium," Jessie says, looking in the mirror.
James stands up, completely burned, "Well done."
Soon, Team Rocket retreats from the scene.
"Nice to see you leave!" Misty calls out.
Then Mew says, "Don't come back anytime!"
Then Mew turns to the owner and asks, "Are you alright?"
"Thank you for saving my restaurant," The owner says in gratitude.
"It's no trouble, but you should really thank Vulpix and Growlithe," Mew says.
Vulpix and Growlithe happily bark in reply.
Suddenly, someone says, "That was great!"
Everyone turns her heads to see a female trainer with blue hair and purple eyes. Judging by the appearance and the uniform she is a member of the Yas gym.
"I saw everything that happened!" The girl happily says.
The group becomes confused, but Brock approaches the young lady and asks, "Excuse me, is there someway we can help you, miss?"
"Those were some of the strongest bodyguards from Kaz gym! How did your friend overpower them so easily? She must be a very gifted, very famous, Pokemon trainer," The girl says, making Brock blush.
The girl happily begs, "Please! Please! You must tell me your names!"
Before Brock can answer, Mew steps in and says, "Can you give us a few minutes?"
Mew drags Brock away and with Misty, Tomo and the Pokemon, they all form a separate circle.
"What do you think?" Brock asks.
Misty says, "If we get mixed up in this gang war, it could ruin our reputations as Pokemon trainers."
"It will be best to come up with fake names and see what she wants," Brock says.
"Right," The girls reply.
Mew turns to the girl and says, " Um well, you see, my name is... my name is Aurora... Aurora Veil. And the little guy with me is... Spark..."
"Sparks," Tomo says.
Misty is confused, a weird idea for a name, but using the name of a Pokemon move is better than nothing.
"Well then, my name is Aqua Rings," Misty says.
Still blushing, Brock is not saying a word. Misty nudges at him until he comes out of his daze.
Then Brock says, "And I'm Stone. Stone Edge."
Happy, the girl says, "Oh Aurora, Spark, Aqua, and Stone would you consider joining our cause at the Yas gym? Unlike those animals from the Kaz gym, we at Yas are truly worth of becoming an official Pokemon gym."
"Uh, well. You better ask Aqua," Mew replies.
Misty says, "Well, we can't do it! Isn't that right, Stone Edge?"
But Brock quickly says, "We'll do anything we can to help."
Misty falls over in disbelief while Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee groan with annoyed expressions. Tomo is confused.
Misty says, annoyed, "Brock just can't say no to a pretty girl."
"But it might give us more information about the Yaz gym," Mew says.
Soon, Mew and her friends arrive at the Yas Gym that is kind of like a dojo. They walk inside to see so many Yas gym members working out like lifting weights.
"Please, come right in," The girl says.
They walk down the hall until the girl leads them to the Yas leader lifting weights and has his Scyther next to him.
The girl bows her head, "Yas leader, let me introduce you to a great trainer. This is Pokemon trainer, Aurora Veil. She's brought three disciples to help us."
Brock becomes dumbfounded, "She brought us."
Misty giggles.
The girl then says, "I saw them defeat the bodyguards from Kaz gym like they were nothing! They're really strong trainers."
"I'll decide how strong they are. Scyther, go!" The Yas leader calls out.
Scyther leaps out and begins to attack.
Mew quickly acts, "Eevee, use Iron Tail!"
Eevee jumps in and uses Iron Tail on Scyther, sending it to the wall. Then that happens, a jar of paint falls on top of it, covering the eyes. Soon, the Pokemon looks round to see everything looks red to it, and soon it goes crazy at it's trainer.
Yas leader: Scyther, what is it?
Soon, Sycther begins to attack as his trainer dodges the attack.
Yas leader calls out, "Hey! Stop! Scyther, return!"
Soon, Sycther returns to its Pokeball.
"That's the first time my Scyther's been frightened so badly. You're a powerful trainer," The Yas leader admits.
"Well," Mew says, unsure.
The leader says, "You must work for me. I need your strength."
Mew then decides to ask, "First, I have one thing to ask you. Why's it so important that this should become an official Pokemon gym?"
"That answer should be obvious. What faster way is there to make money in today's world then by becoming an official Pokemon gym?" The Yas Leader says.
Mew lowers her head and clutches her fist. The Yas Gym Leader is only doing this for money. And he's doing it by getting into fights with another gym and causing people and Pokemon to be hurt. He doesn't care about what happens to the Pokemon or people who are caught in the crossfire.
Mew then answers, "Well, if that's your reason, I won't become your bodyguard."
"What?" The Yas Leader asks.
"Pokemon are not just tools for fighting or a way of making money. Pokemon are meant to be friends with people. I know because I work together with my Pokemon. We've been through so much and mean a lot to me. I refuse to become part of a gym that uses Pokemon for street fighting and causing harm to others. That isn't the type of trainer I want to be. I won't help you," Mew sternly says.
Misty, Brock, and Tomo nod their heads with smiles. They suspect Mew will refuse if Pokemon are forced to battle like this.
However, the Yas Leader says, "If you won't join us, we'll make sure you don't help anyone else! Yas gym, attack!"
Soon, the doors open to reveal the Yas gym trainers. They send out their Pokemon, a Mankey, Machoke, Hitmonlee, and a Hitmonchan.
Mew sternly huffs, "Hmph! Pikachu! Eevee! Use Thunderbolt!"
Pikachu and Eevee jump in the air and electrocute everyone in the room, including the Yas Leader. Then Mew and the others hurry back to the restaurant. Of course, Mew is still not happy with the Yas Gym Leader, not at all.
"That was a close save, Mew," Misty says.
Tomo says, "Mew did good."
"That Yas gym plays rough," Brock says.
"I think the Kaz gym plays the same way," Mew replies.
"They think Pokemon battling's like plain old fighting. Imagine if they became an official Pokemon gym. In my opinion, I doubt either one of them would become official gyms with that kind of attitude. And they don't care who gets in their way," Mew says.
The boy with blue hair says, Kaz and Yas keep getting stronger Pokemon, and they wreck our town with their fighting!"
"If this keeps up, people will think all Pokemon trainers are dangerous," Brock says.
"And they'll think the same way about Pokemon," Misty adds.
Mew then says, "Well, I have enough about this. I think it's about time someone taught those two gym leaders a lesson."
"But how?" Tomo asks.
Mew remembers what happened when Pikachu attacked Scyther and paint fell on its face.
Suddenly, Mew realizes, "Paint!"
Mew quickly brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Scyther and Electabuzz are both rare Pokemon. They are able to distinguish colors and become enraged by the color red."
"Like the paint," Brock says.
"Scyther is the Yas gym's strongest Pokemon, and Electabuzz is the Kaz gym's strongest Pokemon!" The blue hair boy says.
That's when Mew has an idea, "If we work together, we just might be able to beat them!"
Meanwhile in the Yas Gym, the leader has an announcement.
The Yas leader says, "Listen up! The Pokemon League inspector will be coming through town any minute. We have to run those Kaz gym losers out of town before he gets here."
In the Kaz gym, the leader has the same announcement, "Pokemon League inspector is on his way! We have to completely crush those Yas gym trainers, and show em we're the best! This town's only big enough for one gym!"
Back in town, Mew, Eevee and Pikachu are working on the weather pole, while Brock, and the kids nail the boards. Everyone does their part to work on getting barrels of paint and tomato sauce ready. Even the Pokemon Grooky, Raboot, Sobble, Teddiursa, and some more are helping. Soon, their plan is in motion.
"Alright. Weather looks fine, and everything's all set and ready to go!" Mew says.
Soon, the Kaz and Yas gym armies take their places on the opposite sides of the street, and are ready for the battle before the Inspector arrives. Mew and her friends are in position for their plan.
"I'm only gonna say this once to you guys! Kaz gym's gonna be the official gym of Dark City! Save yourself some trouble and clear out, now!" Kaz Leader says.
However, Yas leader says, "I'm afraid you have things all mixed up. You're the ones who had better clear out, and fast! Leave now, or we'll crush you like the slimy insects you are!"
Kaz Leader says with furry, "Now you're gonna be sorry you ever hear the name of Kaz gym!"
"Today's the day we finally destroy you once and for all!" Yas leader says.
Kaz leader angrily says, "I've heard enough! Electabuzz, go!" and throws his Pokeball.
"Get them, Scyther!" Yas do the same.
Soon, both Electabuzz and Scyther come out of their Pokeball. The soldiers send out their Pokemon and attack Electabuzz.
The Kaz leader calls out, "Electabuzz, send them flying with a Thunder Punch!"
Electabuzz sends electricity in its body and sends the Pokemon to the ground. At the same time, Kaz Pokemon are fighting against Yas Scyther.
Yas leader says, "Don't give in, Scyther! Power up with Sword Dance and Cut attack!"
Scyther spins around and performs the attack. Then begins to use it's cut attack on the Pokemon. On the roof, Team Rocket is there, until it falls to the ground.
Jessie asks, "When do we get our turn?"
"It's over already!" James panics.
"Meowth!" Meowth screams.
Soon, Electabuzz and Scyther are in a test of strength.
The Kaz leader calls out, "Go, Electabuzz! Just burn that Scyther to a crisp!"
"Don't give in, Scyther! Slice that Electabuzz to ribbons!" Yas leader calls out.
Meanwhile, Mew and the others are on the roof watching the battle.
Mew calls out to everyone, "It's time! Do it!"
Everyone on the roof pushes the barrels and they begin to roll off the roof. They ride on the ramp until they hit each other. Soon, the Kaz leader is covered in pain. Yas leader looks up to see paint crashing down on him, and is red all over.
Meowth notices, "Hey. What's going on?"
And soon, Team Rocket is covered in ketchup and the lids hit them on the head. The Kaz leader panics as Electabuzz begins to notice.
The Yas leader looks at their suit, "My best gym suit!"
Scyther turns his head to notice the red the Yas leader is.
As soon as Electrabuzz looks at this trainer, its eyes turn red and begin to go berserk. Scyther ends up doing the same.
The Kaz leader asks, "What are you doing, Electabuzz?! Hurry up and crush that Scyther!"
Yas leader asks, "What's wrong with you, Scyther?! Cut attack, now!"
Soon, both Pokemon begin to attack their trainers.
Yas leader panics, "Wait, stop! You're making a mistake! I'm your trainer, Scyther!"
"What are you doing?! It's me, Electabuzz! Your trainer!" Kaz leader panics.
On the roof, Mew calls out, "You don't have the right to call yourselves Pokemon trainers after what you made them do!"
Yas leader panics, "But, please, you have to save me!"
Soon, the gym leaders are running for their lives as Scyther and Electabuzz chase them.
Brock turns to the others, ""Think they've had enough?"
"I think they learned their lesson," Misty says.
"Tomo thinks so too," Tomo replies.
"Alright. Bulbasaur, I choose you!" Mew says, and throws her Pokeball.
Bulbasaur comes out and uses its vine to grab a bucket full of red paint and pour them on the rampaging Pokemon. They both stop to notice the red color and they begin to attack each other. However, they slam into each other and are knocked down and out.
Yas leader says in shock, "Scyther!"
"Electabuzz!" Kaz leader says, shocked.
"Well, I hope you two have learned your lesson!" Mew says.
The two then stand up and they shake hands.
"Shall we join together then?" Yas Leader asks.
"At least until we've destroyed those meddling kids and their friends!" Kaz leader says.
The heroes become shocked in disbelief.
Then both leaders announce, "Come on! Attack those guys on the roof, now!"
Then both teams begin to charge.
"Looks like they'll have to learn the hard way," Mew says.
Then calls out, "Pikachu! Eevee! Thunderbolt!"
"Pika!" (On it!) Pkachu says.
"Eevee," (You got it!) Eevee say.
Pikachu then begins to use Thunder attack as the lightning connects to it. That allows them to travel through the antennas and cords and give everyone of the Yas and Kaz gyms an electric shock.
Mew then steps forward with a stern expression, "Now, then. Why can't we all just get along like friends?"
Her Pokemon also joined in to help out.
Soon, both leaders pick up a stick, "Like friends?!"
"Now we'll teach you!" Yas leader says.
"I suggest you run," Kaz adds.
This makes Teddiursa furious. Teddiursa steps forward and charges at them. With that, Teddiursa's paws glow and attack both the gym leaders. And send them flying. Then they both crash to the ground. Mew and her friends are surprised.
Misty says, surprised, "Hey! That was Focus Punch!"
"Who knew a little Pokemon can pack a powerful punch," Brock says.
Mew happily picks up Teddiursa, "You were great Teddiursa, you stood up to those bullies and used Focus Punch."
"Teddiursa," (Thank you, mommy.) Teddiursa happily says.
Soon, the two gym leaders get up and feel the pain from the attack.
"Can't believe it," Yaz Leader says.
"Beaten by a small bear," Kaz leader says.
Suddenly, the mysterious customer steps forward, "I think you two have quite enough of this!"
Yas leader becomes confused, "What?"
"And who are you?" Kaz leader asks.
The mysterious being holds a special Pokeball that has a blue on it and with P and it has a strange design, "I'm the inspector from the official Pokemon League."
Both gym leaders are shocked.
Soon, the inspector throws the Pokeball, "Pokeball, go!"
Coming out of the Pokeball it's Chansey, causing the two men to fall over in disbelief.
"Chansey? That must mean.." Brock says, surprised.
"That's right! My true identity is.." The inspector says.
Then removes the disguise to reveal who 'she' really is, "Nurse Joy!"
And Brock is quickly smitten over her.
Nurse Joy then sternly says to the two men, "I could never allow people who use Pokemon for nothing but street fighting to open an official Pokemon gym!"
Yas leader begs, "Please, Nurse Joy."
Kaz leader adds, "Won't you give us another chance?"
Nurse Joy smiles, "Only if you're willing to start over from the beginning."
"Of course we are!" Yas leader says.
Kaz Leader asks, "Just tell us what we should do, Nurse Joy."
"There are some folks here who can do that better than I can," Nurse Joy says, presenting them Mew
"Who? Me?" Mew says, confused.
Soon, the leaders get on their knees and beg, "Oh, please! Please teach us how to act!"
Mew then tries to explain, "Well, you see, Pokemon are really our friends. So, we've gotta be kind to them.
"But what about Pokemon battles?" Kaz leader.
"It's okay to have battles, but you have to think about what Pokemon battles mean. The Pokemon fight hard because they want to fight for us. In battle, both you and your Pokemon need to respect each other, so you shouldn't take your Pokemon for granted. Pokemon battles mainly show the bond between trainers and their Pokemon through hours of training and looking out for each other. If you win battles, then there's a show of accomplishment. It's more than just strength to win a battle. However, before you can start on any of it, it will be best that you and your Pokemon work together to fix the damages that the fight caused. Second, you have to promise that there will be no street fighting or cause trouble for the townsfolk and travelers," Mew explains.
They both bow their heads and say, "At once Aurora Veil!"
Mew blushes a little and remembers that she has given herself a different.
Soon, both gyms begin to work on the repairs caused by their gang war.
"It looks like they've all had a change of heart and decided to become true Pokemon trainers," Brock says.
The boys turn to Mew and the others, "Thanks!"
The Boy with the blue hair says, "You did it, Mew!"
"Nah, I didn't do it all by myself. We all did it together," Mew says.
Then the boy with the blue hair says, "We were wrong about Pokemon trainers being bad guys. Now, we all want to become Pokemon trainers."
"Right!" The two boys reply.
The brown hair boy says, "We think Pokemon are the coolest!"
"Just like all of you, ," The red hair boy says.
Then the blue boy turns to Pikachu and Eevee, "And I hope I get a great Pokemon and become great friends, just like how you are with Pikachu and Eevee.
Then all three, "Can we have both you and your Pokemon's autograph, Mew?"
Mew, Eevee, Pikachu look at each other and nod their heads in reply. After signing their names, well Pikachu and Eevee's paw print, Mew and the others head off on their next journey.
"Goodbye, Mew, Pikachu and Eevee! You too, Misty, Brock, Tomo, and Teddiursa!" The blue hair boy says.
The brown hair boy says, "We'll miss you!"
"Thanks for helping us!" The red hair boy says.
"We'll miss you, Mew, Eevee, Pikachu, and Teddiursa!" The boys call out.
Mew and her Pokemon turn to each other with smiles and continue on their journey with their friends.
Mew her friends leave with smiles on their faces. They save Dark City from danger and make Pokemon fans. And so, Mew and her friends continue on another part of their journey.
Meanwhile, back in the city, Team Rocket emerges from the rubble still covered in ketchup.
"Well, that was a complete waste of time," Jessie says.
"Looks like we're through," James says.
Meowth soon notices, "Huh? Unfortunately, we're not quite through yet."
James and Jessie turn their heads to see Scyther and Electabuzz charging towards them. Team Rocket panics and runs away in fear.
James screams, "Somebody!"
"Help!" Team Rocket screams as they run away.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Teddiursa (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female). Arcanine (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Raboot (Female). Espurr (Male). Weedle (Female). Steenee (Female). Krabby (Male). Cloyster (Male). Diglett (Male). Wurmple (Female). Wooloo (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Flabébé (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Muk (Male). Magnemite. Tauros (Male). Blue Shellos (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Lunatone. Miltank (Female), Mawile (Female), Pansear (Male), Makuhita (Male), Meditite (Female). Shiny Ditto. Porygon.
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 1 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols.
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit ( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). Psyduck (Male). Shellder (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinser (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male).
From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell.
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female).
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