Episode 4: Showdown in Pewter City

Somewhere on the path to Pewter City, there is a large hole and someone is digging it to make it bigger. Suddenly, Team Rocket is saying their motto.


To protect the world from devastation.


To unite all peoples within our nation.

Jessie and James:

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.





Suddenly, Meowth comes out of the hole and places the shovel through the dirt.

He angrily says, "Meowth! I don't get why you two are always talking and I'm stuck doing all the work!"

"We haven't got much time. If they're heading for Pewter City, they'll have to pass this way," Jessie says.

"And they'll fall right into our trap," James says.

Soon, all three begin to dig a large pit hole.

Meowth says, "Come on! Dig it deeper, and we'll cover it up so well, they'll never guess it's a trap. Ha! Perfect!"

Soon, they put wooden bars on it. Then, they cover it with leaves and dirt. Now the hole is gone completely.

Suddenly, James panics, "I can't even tell where the trap is!"

The move to one spot, and Jessie asks, "Wasn't it here?"

"Is this it?" James questions, as they move to another.

They move again, and Jessie asks, "Where did it go?"

"It's over there!" Meowth adds, and they all move to the middle of the road.

Soon, the three try to remember where the trap they set is located. Suddenly, they move down and look down to notice that the trap is right under their feet. The fake dirt, leaves, and wooden cage gives out, and they fall right in, and are being buried in dirt.

Meanwhile, Mew and her friends continue their journey and are finally out of the Viridian Forest. The group continue to walk on the stone path until they see a city over the horizon.

"Yay! Pewter City" M

Mew sighs in relief, "Phew. For a while there I thought was going to be in this forest for the rest of my life!

"Chu." (Me too.) Pikachu says.

"Eev," (Yeah.) Eevee replies.

Suddenly a man says, "Pewter City is grey, the color of stone. This town has always been famous for stone."

"Huh?" Mew says, looking down.

The four look down to see a man with tan skin, brown beard and his hair hidden in a red hat. He also wears a beige shirt, white gloves, dark green pants, and black shoes.

Mew turns to Misty, "Who is he?"

"Never met him," Misty answers.

The man says, "The name's Flint, and some of you are sitting on some of my merchandise.

Realizing she means the rock, Meq quickly gets up, and says, "Oh! Sorry."

She then notices that the rocks here have some price labels on it, one of the things she has learned while living among humans.

Then Mew asks, "You mean you sell rocks?"

"Pewter City souvenirs. Wanna buy some?" Flint says.

"No thank you. I'm traveling, trying to become a Pokemon trainer. But first, we're going to the Pokemon Center." Mew replies.

"A good choice, your Pokemon may be worn out. Why don't you follow me? I'll show you to the Pokemon Center," Flint says.

"Thank you," Mew says.

Flint then walks away.

Mew turns to Misty, "See? Looks can be deceiving. He's a really nice guy."

"Are you sure?" Misty asks.

Suddenly, Flint walks back and says, "By the way, that'll be a two dollar charge for resting on my rocks."

The girls and two Pokemon fall over disbelief.

Sometime later, Mew, Misty, and the Pokemon arrive at the Pokemon Center.

Mew has all her Pokemon on the tray while Eevee and Pikachu stand on the counter with the Egg.

"Please, revitalize my Pokemon," Mew says.

"Sure, right away, Mew," Nurse Joy says.

Confused, Mew asks, "Huh? Nurse Joy?"

"Yes, I'm Nurse Joy," Nurse Joy says.

"But this isn't Viridian City, this is Pewter City," Mew replies.

Nurse Joy says, "The Joy in Viridian City is my little sister. I'm the older Joy. I've heard nice things about you. Very nice."

"Uh, thank you," Mew replies.

Nurse Joy takes the Pokemon, Pokeballs, and Egg as she asks, "Did you see that poster?"

Mew turns their heads to see the poster on the wall. It has a hand holding a Pokeball being surrounded by symbols representing a Pokemon Type. The sign reads, 'Pokemon League Regional Championships Enter the Competition!'

"The Pokemon Regional Championship. Wow!" Mew says, interested.

"It's amazing. However, to compete in the Regional Championship, you need to beat gym trainers from different towns and get their badges as proof," Misty says.

"Badges? If I remember what Professor Oak told me, badges are like proof that you defeated a Gym Leader, right?" Mew asks.

"That's right. Gym Leaders Pokemon are actually stronger than other trainers Pokemon, and each gym has a specific type of Pokemon they battle," Misty says.

Mew smiles, "You know a lot."

"Oh, I don't know about," Misty says, blushing.

"Well, I'm actually planning on competing in the gym battles too. I wonder if there's a gym here," Mew says.

Suddenly, they hear laughter and turn to see Flint.

Flint walks up to them and says, "Don't tell me you two plan on challenging Brock, the Pewter City gym leader."

"Of course we do! As soon as Pikachu and the other Pokemon are all better, we'll have no problem," Mew says.

Flint laughs and says, "You will beat him?"

Then walks away and is still laughing.

Mew puffs her cheeks, irritated, "Meanie."

Later on, Mew and Misty decide to get something to eat. At the same time, Mew also decides to look up the gym with her guide book. Of course Misty is helping her with some advice, since it's the first time she's going to be battling a gym leader.

"Thanks for helping me, Misty," Mew says.

"It's no trouble, but you have to remember. Gym leaders are different from your everyday Pokemon trainer, they're much much tougher," Misty says.

Mew nods her head, "Right."

She then reads the guidebook and says, "Hmm, according to the book, the Pewter City Gym Leader specializes in Rock Type Pokemon."

"It's probably good to use Water Type Pokemon for this battle. You have a Shellder and a Poliwag so they'll have the advantage," Misty says.

"Yeah. But I'm still a little nervous. I have never battled with a Gym Leader before. I'm not sure if I can win or not," Mew says.

"Well, you never know until we get to that gym and battle Brock," Misty says.

Mew says, "You're right. I should be worried if I do well or not. I should go over there and find out."

Misty smiles in reply.

After that, Mew and Misty arrive at the counter and Nurse Joy brings back her Pokemon, her Pokeballs, and Egg.

"Well, Mew. No more waiting. All your Pokemon are all back to normal," Nurse Joy says.

"Thank you, Nurse Joy," Mew says.

Pikachu and Eevee jump on Mew's shoulders as she puts her Egg and Pokeballs back in the bag.

Soon enough, the group walks down the city and arrives at the Pewter City Gym. The building looks like it's made of stone.

"So this is the Pewter Gym? It looks like it's made of rocks," Mew says.

"Yeah. Talk about accurate," Misty says.

Mew then opens the door to the building and walks inside with Misty and her Pokemon close by.

Mew calls out, "Hello!"

The group continues to walk inside the gym and look around for the leader of it.

"This place is really dark," Misty says.

"Yeah," Mew replies.

Suddenly, someone says, "Who goes there?"

The girls become startled to see a young man a few years older than they are. He is wearing an orange shirt, green vest, brown pants and gray and white color shoes. He also has two pouches attached to his belt and is sitting on the ground.

Mew asks, "Are you Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader?"

"That's right," The young man answers.

Mew takes a deep breath and says, "I'm Mew from Pallet Town and I challenge you to a match?"

"Is this your first gym match?" Brock asks.

"Um yes," Mew answers.

"A gym match is different from other battles. This match is for Pokemon League authorization. There are special rules," Brock says.

"Um okay, so what are the rules?" Mew asks.

Brock stands up and says, "We will use two Pokemon each. Understood?"

"Okay," Mew says.

"Alright then, let's begin the match," Brock says, and snaps his fingers.

The lights turn on and the hatch doors open. Soon, a different floor begins to move in the field, so Mew and the others are forced to move out of the way. Soon, a rocky battle field is now standing before them. Brock jumps off the platform and onto the battlefield.

He then brings out his Pokeball, "Let's the match begin."

"Alright," Mew says.

Then brings out her Pokeball, "Poliwag, I choose you!"

She throws her Pokeball and Poliwag comes out of it.

Brock throws his Pokeball and calls out, "Geodude! Go!"

The Pokeball hits the ground and opens to reveal a small rock creature with only two rock arms.

"Geodude, huh?" Mew says.

And brings out her Pokedex, "Geodude the Rock Pokémon. A Rock and Ground Type. It climbs mountain paths using only the power of its arms. Because they look just like boulders lining paths, hikers may step on them without noticing."

On the catwalk, Misty, Eevee, and Pikachu are watching the battle. Pikachu and Eevee want to see Mew battle and hope she'll win.

Mew nods her head. Then calls out, "Poliwag, let's start this with Bubble Beam."

Poliwag then begins to spray Bubble Beam and they are sent flying towards Geodude.

"Geodude, dodge! And use tackle!" Brock calls out.

Geodude dodges the attack and tackles Poliwag. Poliwag slides on the field, but able to stand on its two feet.

"Okay Poliwag, now try your Water Pulse attack.

Poliwag then performs Water Pulse and strikes at Geodude, causing it damage.

"Geodude, are you alright?" Brock asks.

Geodude floats up and answers, "Geod," (I'm alright.)

"That's good," Brock says.

Then calls out, "Geodude, use Sandstorm!"

Geodude creates a powerful sandstorm that blinds Mew and Poliwag. Soon, everyone is in shock that the sandstorm is covering their battle.

"That's a lot of sand," Mew says.

"Poliwag," (It's hard to see.) Poliwag says.

Brock then calls out, "Geodude, use your tackle attack!"

Geodude then tackles Poliwag and sends it out of the Sand Storm as it clears.

Mew asks, "Poliwag, can you still battle?"

Poliwag is able to stand up and answer, "Poli!" (I still can.)

"Geodude, use Rock throw! "Brock calls out.

Geodude then creates multiple rocks and throws them towards Poliwag.

Mew calls out, "Poliwag, use Bubble Beam to repel the attack!"

Poliwag then performs Bubble Beam and is able to counter the Rock Throw.

Brock says, "Alright Geodude, use Tackle."

Geodude begins to speed towards Poliwg.

"Poliwag, dodge and use Bubble Beam," Mew calls out.

Poliwag then dodges the attack and performs Bubble Beam with full force. And then, Polwag then whacks Geodude with its tail, making it dizzy and falling to the ground.

Mew happily says, "You did it Poliwag, you won!"

"Poliwag!" (Yeah!) Poliwag cheers, and jumps in the air.

Seeing the battle Misty says, "Mew did a great job, and that Poliwag is so cute, and a tough cookie."

"Eevee?" (Cookie?) Mew says, confused.

"Pika Pika Pikachu," (I think it's a figure of speech) Pikachu says.

"Eev," (Oh.) Eevee replies.

Suddenly, both Pokemon hear Misty say, "But Mew still have one more Pokemon to beat, and the next one might be tough."

Brock returns Geodude to its Pokeball, "You did a good job Geodude."

Then turns his head to see Mew kneeling down to Poliwag.

"You're doing great. Poliwag. Are you up for one more match or do you want to rest?" Mew replies to Poliwag.

"Poli Poli Poliwag," (Don't worry, I can handle the next one.) Poliwag says.

"Okay, but let me know if you want to rest, okay," Mew says.

Poliwag nods his head, "Poli." (Okay.)

Brock smiles and says in his thought, "That trainer is something else. She truly understands and cares for her Pokemon."

Mew says to Poliwag, "Okay Poliwag, give everything you got."

"Poliwag!" (Right!) Poliwag says, and ready to battle.

Brock then throws his Pokeball as he calls out, "Onix! Go!"

The Pokeball opens and a giant rock snake comes out of the Pokeball. Mew and Poliwag are shocked to see the giant rock snake in front of them.

"That's an Onix," Mew says.

She brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Onix, the Rock Snake Pokemon. A Rock and Ground Type. As it digs through the ground, it absorbs many hard objects. This is what makes its body so solid."

"That looks like one tough opponent. Do your best, Poliwag," Mew says.

"Poliwag," (Right.) Poliwag says.

"Okay Onix, use Tackle," Brock says.

Onix then dodges the attack.

Mew calls out, "Poliwag, watch out!"

Poliwag turns it's head and is hit by Onix. Then Onix performs the bind attack on Poliwag. Onix has Poliwag coiled round its tail and begins to give it a hard squeeze.

"Poliwag!" Mew exclaims.

Misty, Pikachi, and Eevee grow worried to see Poliwag is in trouble. Suddenly, they look to see ten young kids who look a lot like Brock are now watching the battle as well.

Misty looks and asks, "Hey, where did you come from?"

"We want to watch our brother battle," One of the girls answer.

"Your brother?" Misty says, confused.

The eldest boy points to Brock, "That's him."

Misty looks and soon connects the dots to realize all of these kids are related to Brock.

"Poliwag, are you okay?" Mew asks.

"Poli Poli..." (I... I think so. I think I can break free...) Poliwag says, struggling to break free.

Onix continues to use the attack on Poliwag as Poliwag continues to struggle to break free.

"Poliwag, you don't have to do this anymore," Mew says.

Poliwag shakes his head and says, "Poliwag Poli Poliwag." (No, I can get out. I can still win.)

"But why?" Mew asks.

"Poli Poli Poliwag Poli Poliwag," (Because I want to become strong for myself... and for you.) Poliwag says.

Hearing this, Mew is surprised, "For me?"

That's when you realize, "Are you saying that you want to become strong for yourself and want to become strong to help me."

Poliwag nods his head, despite the struggle, "Poliwag." (Yes. I want to become strong.)

Mew understands Poliwag, it wants to become strong, not just for her, but also for itself as well.

Mew smiles and says, "I understand. Now let's give it everything we got. Use Bubble Beam!"

Poliwag turns its head and is able to perform Bubble Beam at Onix. Finally, it lands on the ground.

"Alright Poliwag, let's win this," Mew says.

"Poliwag," (Yes. Lets win this,) Poliwag says.

Suddenly, Poliwag begins to glow and the blue light shines across the area.


Doragon goosuto jimen hikou

(Dragon, Ghost, Ground, Flying)

Doku mushi mizu denki iwa kusa aku

(Poison, Bug, Water, Electric, Rock, Grass, Dark)

Everyone in the building becomes surprised to see Poliwag glowing.


Koori noomaru honoo kakutou

(Ice, Normal, Fire, Fighting)

Hagane esupaa fearii

(Steel, Psychic, Fairy)

Misty, Pikachu, and Eevee are surprised, but are also smiling.

"Poliwag..." Misty says, amazed.


Saa koko kara ga bouken da hikari no saki no hate made

(Now then, my adventure starts here, it will take me beyond the light)

Poliwag begins to glow as it becomes taller and larger. It even begins to gain arms as its legs grow as well.


Sora kara koboreta namida no ame kakiwakete

(As I push my way through the rain of tears falling from the heavens)

Soon, the light disappears revealing Poliwag has changed forms. It's now a blue, bipedal Pokémon with a spherical body. It has bulbous eyes that protrude from the top of its head. A black and white swirl covers its belly. It now has arms with white gloves on its hands and rounded, and digit-less feet.

Misty says, surprised, "It evolved."


Saa yuuki dashite ikou ka kinou no boku ni katsu tame

(Now then, I'll work up my courage and go, to surpass my yesterday self)

Donna deai mo takara da

(Every encounter on my way is precious)

Pikachu says, amazed, "Pika Pika." (Poliwag evolved)

"Eevee." (It's Poliwhirl.) Eevee adds


Doki doki doki charenjaa

(I'm a super excited challenger)

"Poliwhirl," Mew says, and brings out her Pokedex.


Itsuka kanarazu kanaeru yume ga aru

(I have dreams that will definitely come true one day)

The Pokedex says, "Poliwhirl, the Tadpole Pokemon. A Water Type. It can live in or out of water. When out of water, it constantly sweats to keep its body slimy."

"Alright Poliwhirl!" Mew happily says.


Kimi ga oshiete kureta no sa sou dakara koso tabi ni deru

(That's what you taught me, and indeed, that's why I'm journeying)

Brock smiles, "That kid is tougher than she looks, and the bond with her Pokemon is even stronger."

Then calls out, "Alright let's finish this. Onix, use Iron Tail!"

Onix makes its tail glow and swings it to Poliwhirl.

Mew calls out, "Dodge it!"

Poliwhirl dodges the attack.

Then Mew says, "Now use Bubble Beam."


Akai kizuna no wa ga dekaku hirogattara

(Red bonds connects us in a circle and expand)

Poliwhirl then Bubble Beam and strike at Onix with full force.

"Alright, let's do Bubble Beam once more," Mew says.

Mew then begins to perform another attack, but suddenly it comes out differently.


Aoi bokura no hoshi no kibou wa kagayaite

(Blue is our planet and its hope shines bright.)

Poliwhirl glows blue and raises its hands in the air. Then makes a giant whirlpool over its head. Everyone becomes surprised to see this attack, especially Mew.

Mew takes out her Pokedex and sees the move, "Whirlpool... you learned how to use Whirlpool!"

Then calls out, "Alright Poliwhirl, use Whirlpool!"


Ki-iroi hana ga saku

(Yellow flowers blossom)

Poliwhirl then uses the power of Whirlpool and strikes it at Onix with full force. Onix is soon strikes by the Whirlpool and is slammed to the wall with some smoke appearing around the area.

Brock quickly turns his head, "Onix!


Doragon goosuto jimen hikou

(Dragon, Ghost, Ground, Flying)

Doku mushi mizu denki iwa kusa aku

(Poison, Bug, Water, Electric, Rock, Grass, Dark)

The smoke begins to clear as it shows Onix's appearance. Mew and the others, including the Gym Leader wait for the result.


Koori noomaru honoo kakutou

(Ice, Normal, Fire, Fighting)

Hagane esupaa fearii

(Steel, Psychic, Fairy)

When the smoke clears, they see Onix is knocked out.

Mew and Poliwhirl stand in place looking surprised to see Onix is knocked out.

"We... we won..." Mew softly says.

Then smiles and screams, "We won!"

Misty claps her hands as Pikachu and Eevee cheer with excitement. Mew then runs up to Poliwhirl and hugs it.

"You were great, Poliwhirl. You evolved and won your first Gym match," Mew happily says.

"Poli Poliwhirl," (Yeah. I feel great.) Poliwhirl happily says.

Brock then calls back Onix, "Onix return."

He then turns to Mew to see her hugging her Pokemon.

Sometime later, Brock along with Mew and her Pokemon, and Misty are outside of the gym with his brothers and sisters.

Brock presents a small badge. It's gray and shapes like an octagon.

Brock says, "This is for you. This Boulder Badge is proof that you beat me."

Mew takes the badge, "Thank you, Brock. I had a fantastic battle."

"Me too," Brock says.

"You were great," One of Brock's brothers, Forester says.

One of Brock's sisters says, "Yeah. That battle was amazing."

"Thanks," Mew says.

Then Misty turns to Brock, "You know, you could become a great Pokemon trainer and compete in the championships."

"I suppose, but I'm afraid I can't. To tell you all the truth, I get more pleasure from raising Pokemon than from making them battle. I don't care about being the best Pokemon trainer, I wanna become the world's best breeder," Brock says.

"Really?" Mew asks.

"Yes, but I can't leave from here because I have to look after my brothers and sisters," Brock says.

"How come?" Mew asks.

"What about your parents?" Misty asks.

"Well, my father left home to become a Pokemon Trainer, but we haven't heard of him since. As for my mom, she's more of a go out and see the world type and not into the domestic stuff," Brock says.

"We're sorry," Misty says.

"That's okay, Brock is an amazing big brother," Forester says.

The girl Yolanda says, "Yeah. Brock is able to cook, clean, sew, and well, he can do practically anything."

"He's the best big brother," Cindy replies.

"Sounds like you're very resourceful, Brock," Misty says.

"Thanks. Plus, I'm really glad to meet you two, and Mew, that was a great battle and you definitely showed how much you cared for Pokemon. I do wish you luck on your journey," Brock says.

Mew smiles and says, "You too Brock.

Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "You go follow your own dreams."

The group turns their heads to see a familiar face.

"Flint?!" The girls answer, confused.

The man then removes his beard and hat, and to their shock, the man looks exactly like Brock. Everyone is surprised, especially Brock and his siblings.

"My father," Brock sternly says.

It doesn't take long for the girls to realize who the guy's true identity is.

"You mean you're Brock's father, who left home and never came back?" Mew asks.

"That's right. It was me. I couldn't become the great Pokemon trainer I wanted to, and because I was such a failure, I was too embarrassed and ashamed to go back to my family," Flint says.

"I guess that's understandable, but I don't think you should have to hide from Brock and his brothers and sisters," Misty says.

Mew nods her head in reply.

Flind nods his head and says, "It's time I started taking care of my family. You go fulfill your dreams and mine."

"First, there are some things I have to tell you," Brock says

"After all these years I understand how you must feel about me so I want you to get everything off your chest," Flint says.

Brock then brings something out of his pocket and gives it to Flint, "Here."

Flint and everyone else looks confused to see Brock has handed his dad a needle and thread."

Brock then explains, "Susie always rips her dresses, so you better learn how to sew, and Timmy always eats cold spaghetti for breakfast, Tommy likes cornflakes for dinner..."

"Slow down! Slow down, I can't write that fast!" Flint panics, then brings out notebook and pencil and writes them all down.

Brock continues, "Cindy sleepwalks so you have to tie a bell on her wrist, and the twins never want to take a bath, so you have to..."

Later in the night, Brock is now traveling with Mew, Eevee, Pikachu, and Misty.

"Hey guys, are you sure it's okay if I go with you on your Pokemon journey?" Brock asks.

"Sure we're sure! The more the merrier. It's nice to have another friend around." Mew says.

"Okay," Brock says.

Then turns to Misty, "So Misty, how did you start traveling with Mew?"

"Well, it was actually an accident, after Mew took and accidentally fried my bike," Misty says.

Mew blushes and says, "Yeah. I said she can come until I can find a way to repay her for her bike."

"But I did forgive her. She was worried about her Pokemon at the time," Misty says.

"Anyway, we should set up camp and find a good spot. Last one to find a spot is a Slowpoke," Mew says, and begins to run up the train.

"Wait up, Mew!" Brock says, running after them.

"Hey! I don't want to be the slowpoke!" Misty says, and hurries after them.

And so with a new friend, and the city of Pewter City behind them, Mew continues on her quest to become a Pokemon trainer.

Meanwhile, a drill appears on the ground and creates a hole on the ground. Coming out of the hole is Team Rocket.

James says, "I told you I'd got us out of here."

"This was all..." Jessie scolds.

Suddenly, Mew steps on Jessie's head. Then Pikachu and Eevee step on Meowth's face. Then Brock steps on James face.

Jessie angrily screams, "Your fault!"

Then Misty steps on Jessie's head as she calls out, "Wait for me!"

The group continue to race against each other down the path in the night, leaving Team Rocket in their hole.

Jessie groans, "Buried alive then trampled.

Jessie and James scream, "We hit Rock Bottom!"

Then all three fall as a result of the ground collapsing under their feet. Looks like Team Rocket is foiled again, by their own trap.

Mew's Files

Pokemon: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Shellder (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Metapod (Male). Weedle (Female) Pokemon Egg

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin.

Badges: Boulder Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female)

Items: Fishing Rod

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male)

Song - Volt: Pokemon X&Y

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