Episode 38: The Battling Eevee Brothers
Mew and her friends along with Pokemon continue on their Pokemon journey, when Pikachu and Eevee hear something.
Mew is the first to notice, "Huh? What's that matter, guys?"
"Eevee Eevee." (We hear something nearby.) Eevee says.
"Pika Pi!" (Follow us, Mew!) Pikachu says.
With that, Pikachu and Eevee take off running. Soon, the group comes across something odd.
Pikachu points forward, "Pikachu." (Over there.)
The group look to see an Eevee that is tied up in the trunk of a tree and has a food bowl and water bowl close by.
"It's an Eevee!" Mew says.
Misty kneels down to it, "Why is it tied up like that?"
Then picks the Eevee in her arms.
"It's been abandoned," Brock suspects.
"What?" Mew asks, shocked.
"No way!" Misty says, disbelief.
Mew asks Brock, "You mean that someone just left it here alone?"
Misty turns to Eevee and says, "That's cruel."
Mew brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Eevee, the Evolution Pokemon. A Normal Type. It has the potential to evolve into any one of several different Pokemon."
Mew then notices something around the Eevee's neck.
"What's that?" Mew wonders.
Misty looks at the Eevee and notices a tag that is tied to a collar around its neck.
"A tag?" Mew replies.
Then reads it, "Hmm. Stone Town 3-14."
"Stone Town? That's the place at the foot of Evolution Mountain!" Brock says.
Then that is where we need to go," Mew says.
With that, Mew and her friends decide to return Eevee to its original trainer. Thanks to the tag, they have an idea where they need to go.
Mew looks at her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Eevee evolves into one of several Pokemon, depending on what stone is used on it. Using a Fire Stone will yield Flareon, the Flame Pokemon. A Water Stone yields Vaporeon, the Bubble Jet Pokemon. A Thunder Stone yields Jolteon, the Lightning Pokemon. A high bond of friendship during the daytime and with an optional Sun Shard yields Espeon, the Sun Pokemon. A high bond of friendship during the nighttime and with an optional Moon Shard yields Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokemon. When an Eevee is near a Moss Rock or is exposed to a Leaf Stone, it evolves into Leafeon, the Verdant Pokemon. When an Eevee is near an Ice Rock or is exposed to an Ice Stone, it evolves into Glaceon, the Fresh Snow Pokemon. When an Eevee knows a Fairy type move and has a high level of affection or friendship, it evolves into Sylveon, the Intertwining Pokemon."
Misty happily says, "I'd love a Vaporeon."
"Big surprise, Misty. You love Water Pokemon and you already got a Vaporeon too," Mew says.
"That's true, but I wouldn't mind having another one," Misty says, holding the Eevee.
Then wonders, "Hey Mew, does your Eevee ever want to evolve."
"Eevee." (No way.) Mew's Eevee says.
Mew giggles and says, "Eevee says 'no way'."
"Really?" Misty asks, a little surprised.
"Eevee is very capable of evolution, but Eevee decided that she wants to be powerful without evolution. Same with Pikachu. He wants to become strong without evolving either," Mew says.
"I guess you're right. There are many different ways for Pokemon to get strong without evolution," Misty says.
Looking at the map, Brock says, "That's it! Third block, number fourteen."
The group look ahead to see a mansion in front of them that has a blue roof on it.
"Wow!" Misty says, astonished.
"It's gigantic!" Mew says, amazed.
The group soon enters the front yard of the mansion to see many different trainers with tables full of food and small boxes with stones. There are also a lot of Pokemon as well.
"It's a garden party!" Brock says.
"Looks like fun!" Mew says.
"Yeah fun," Tomo says.
Just then, Misty points to something, "Hey, guys! Look there!"
The group looks to see a trainer with a Poliwhirl and uses a Water Stone. With that, it evolves into a Poliwrath. Next to the trainer is a male trainer wearing yellow pants and has large spiky back hair.
The spiky haired trainer says, "Congratulations! Poliwhirl evolved into Poliwrath!"
"Thank you so much." The girl says.
Poliwrath jumps into the pool and many Pokemon rise from the pool. There are Pokemon like Exeggutor, Raichu, and Ninetales. Soon, three different trainers with three different Eevee evolutions, Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon, are seen.
"They've all been evolved using those stones," Brock says.
"Amazing!" Misty says.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket is spying on the party from a cliff top close by.
"Ooh! Look at all those evolved Pokemon! We've got to have them!" James says, excitement.
"They're right and just ready for picking!" Jessie says.
Meowth reads a book and says, "It says here Stone Town has these special stones that help Pokemon evolve."
"Baloney! That's why we came to Evolution Mountain, to get some of those special stones, and I couldn't find a single stone anywhere!" James denies.
"You dug in the wrong place, Team Rocket Scientist!" Meowth says, pointing to the holes.
"Well, we'll worry about those stones later. I want some of that food," Jessie says, spying on the event through the binoculars.
"Stones can wait! Let's grab some grub, shall we?" James adds.
Meowth scratches their faces in anger, "Stop thinking about food!"
At the party, the party continues.
"Good work! Now that we've seen a round of evolution, how about comparing attacks, eh?" The guy with the yellow hair says.
But soon notices Mew and her friends. However, he is more focused on the Eevee next to Espeon.
"Eevee?" The boy says.
The red haired boy and the blue haired boy turn to see the Eevee as well.
"Eevee!" The other two boys say.
Soon, the three boys rush to them.
The blonde hair boy asks, "Where did you go to? We were worried about you, Eevee."
"Yeah," The blue hair boy says, and picks Eevee up.
Then says, "Thank you for finding Eevee for us."
"This is great! We got our star, we can go on with the show!" The red hair boy says.
Mew and the others are confused.
"Eevee's a star?" Misty says, confused.
"Then why was it tied up?" Mew wonders.
Then introduces, "Um, I'm Mew, these are my Pokemon Eevee and Pikachu. And my little brother."
"I'm Tomo," Tomo says.
"I'm Misty," Misty says.
"And I'm Brock," Brock says.
The red one says, "I'm Pyro. The blue one is Rainer, and the yellow one is Sparky."
Sparky says, And don't forget our younger brother.
Then turns his head and calls out, "Mikey! Hey, Mikey! Eevee's come back!"
Soon, a little boy with light brown hair walks over. He is wearing a green shirt, blue shirts, and orange shoes. The little boy, Mikey notices Eevee, and Eevee runs to Mikey's arms.
"How could you lose him? You gotta be careful!" Pyro says.
"You'll lose your trainer's qualification," Rainer adds.
Misty walks to Mikey and asks, "Did Eevee really escape? But it was tied to a tree, right?"
Mikey turns to Misty, upset, "Why did you bring it back?"
That makes Mew and her friends confused. They look to see the distressed look Mikey has on his face as Eevee happily calls out to Mikey. Soon Mikey's brothers walk over to confront Mikey. Mew is starting to think something is up with Mikey and Eevee.
"Listen, Mikey! One day, you'll be a Pokemon trainer just like us." Sparky.
Then Rainer questions, "Do you really think you can win your first battle with an unevolved Eevee?"
Hearing that kind of makes Mew's Eevee tick.
"All of us won our first battles because we've evolved our Eevees! There's no other way to win! The key to a first victory is evolution!" Pyro says.
"But, I don't care about battles," Mikey says.
"Don't care?!" The three brothers say in rage, same with their Pokemon.
The group are surprised by their response from Mikey's brothers and their Pokemon.
"They're scary," Mw says.
"Pika!" (Very!) Pikachu agrees.
But Eevee angrily says, "Eevee Eevee." (And they are stupid to say that to him.)
Mew turns to Eevee and notices the glare she has on her face.
"Everyone is waiting to see what you make Eevee evolve into, Mikey," Rainer says.
"You've got three choices, which do you think is the strongest of the evolved Eevees?" Sparky says.
"We wanna know what you think of our Pokemon! Mikey, which Pokemon do you want Eevee to become?" Pyro says.
Then Sparky says, "A Thunder Stone will make it become Jolteon! When a Jolteon gets mad, the hairs on its body turn to needles that it fires at its opponents!"
"A Water Stone will make it a Vaporeon. It can melt into water and make itself disappear," Rainer says.
"A Fire Stone will make it a Flareon! With a blazing flame attack released from its internal fire sac, Flareon's the strongest evolutionary choice of all!" Pyro says.
Suddenly, Sparky angrily says, "What are you, crazy?! My Jolteon is the strongest of all!"
"Too bad you're the only one who thinks so," Pyro says.
"Hey, Mikey. I'm sure you'll make the right choice and make it a Vaporeon," Rainer says to Mikey.
Mikey doesn't answer as Mew and her friends are forced to watch. Seeing this actually worries Misty and Mew, even Tomo.
"This family sure is competitive, guys. That's a lot of pressure to put on the little guy," Brock says.
Mew then steps forward, "Hey, give the kid a break, will ya?! Isn't he a little young to battle?"
"We're throwing this party just for him and his Eevee," Sparky says.
"You should know you have to start training early if you want to become a master," Rainer says.
Pyro then turns to Eevee, "Yeah, one of these days you'll turn that Pikachu into a Raichu, won't you?"
"And evolve that Eevee of yours," Rainer adds.
Mew is skeptical, but isn't sure how to answer to them that her Pokemon doesn't evolve.
"Do you need a stone?" Sparky asks.
Soon, Mew and her friends are shown the stones by the three brothers.
"A Water Stone! And Thunder! And Fire!" Misty says.
"There's even Moon Stones, Leaf Stones, Ice Stone, and all kinds of them," Mew says.
"You really have collected a lot of them!" Brock adds.
"That's what our town's known for," Rainer says.
"But you can't mine them all the time," Pyro says.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket watches from afar.
"Ha. Look at those beautiful stones," Jessie says.
"It's like a rock concert," James says.
Back at the party, Brock notices Rainer holding and reading an edition of a magazine called Pokemon Friend.
"That's a special edition of the Pokemon Friend!" Brock says.
"Yeah, we used it to plan today's special evolution party," Rainer says.
"We wanted to bring together all the trainers that specialize in stone induced evolution," Pyro says.
"Why don't you join our club, Mew? Here, take this Thunder Stone," Sparky says, and tosses Mew a Thunder Stone.
Pyro then turns to Brock, "What have you got, Brock?"
"I got a Vulpix that'll become a Ninetales," Brock says.
Then Pyro says, "Then why don't you just make it evolve? Here, take this Fire Stone." And tosses a Fire Stone to Brock.
Then Rainer turns to Mew, "So Mew, which do you want to evolve your Eevee into."
Then Brock says, "I can't just force Vulpix to evolve. Vulpix is really important to me."
"Yeah. Pikachu and Eevee are very important to me, so are all my other Pokemon. I just can't make them evolve.
The three brothers shout, "Don't be dumb!"
"Hey, take it easy! You don't have to yell!" Mew says.
"Evolution is what Pokemon are all about!" Sparky says.
Mew sternly says, "No it's not."
Then walks away. Pikachu and Eevee follow her. Mew and the Pokemon soon see Misty who let her Vaporeon, Horsea, and Sobble out of their Pokeballs. Tomo is sitting next to her as he watches the Pokemon swim.
"It's been a while, hasn't it? Have a good swim, everyone," Misty happily says.
Mew walks to Misty and the two girls smile to see each other. Then they notice Mikey and Eevee are sitting by themselves. With that, the girls, Pokemon, and Tomo walk over.
Misty offers him a plate of food, "Hungry?"
Suddenly, Psyduck sneaks a snack from the plate.
Then Misty smacks Psyduck on the head, "Stop that!"
Misty realizes that the group are watching and laughs, feeling embarrassed.
Then turns to Mikey, "Want some?"
Mikey agrees with a smile and soon, Mikey and Eevee begin to eat.
"Is it good?" Misty asks.
Mikey nods his head. Pikachu and Mew's Eevee join Mikey's Eevee.
"It doesn't seem like you really want to make Eevee evolve. Do you, Mikey?" Misty asks.
"My brothers don't care about anything but battling Pokemon," Mikey admits.
"And what about you, Mikey? Mew asks.
"I was trying to hide Eevee from them, just for today. Then nobody could force me to make it evolve at the party," Mikey explains.
"But Eevee looked very very lonely out there," Misty says.
"chu," (Yeah.) Pikachu says.
"I was gonna go get it later. I don't care if Eevee evolves or not, I just want it to be my best friend," Mikey says.
"That's great!" Mew says.
"Yeah!" Tomo says.
Surprised, Mikey asks, "Huh? You think that's great?"
"There's only one thing wrong," Misty says.
Confused, Mikey asks, "What's that?"
"You shouldn't have hidden Eevee. You were just running away from your problems," Misty says.
"Running away?" Mikey says, confused.
"Misty's right. You shouldn't try to hide Eevee or run away from your problems. If you don't want Eevee to evolve, tell your brothers how you feel. That's your responsibility as a trainer, and it's also your responsibility as a friend," Mew says.
Then Misty says, "But we're not your mother or anything."
"No, you're right," Mikey blushes.
Misty blushes, "I really should apologize to you. If you hadn't claimed Eevee, I was gonna keep it and change it into Vaporeon myself. Then I'll have a friend for my Vaporeon,"
"You were, Misty?" Mikey asks.
"Pi Pika. Pikachu," (You know, Eevee. We're the same.) Pikachu says.
"Eevee?" (We are?) Mikey's Eevee says, confused.
"Eevee. Eevee Eevee." (Yeah. We don't want to evolve either, and Mew respect it.) Mew's Eevee says.
"I wonder what they're saying," Mikey says.
"A while ago, Pikachu decided not to evolve," Misty says.
"Really?" Mikey asks, surprised.
"Yeah. And Mew told me recently that her Eevee wants to become strong with evolving. They both won amazing battles without evolving," Misty says.
"Pika Pikachu," (You see? Our problem was like yours.) Pikachu says.
Meanwhile, Brock is having a conflict with the Eevee brothers.
"You just don't get it, do ya?" Sparky says.
"We get it alright. We just don't evolve our Pokemon that way. You like your way of evolving, and we like ours," Brock says.
"Come on, let's move on to the main event so they can see evolution our way," Rainer says.
"Good idea," Sparky agrees.
Then calls out, "Mikey!"
Mew, Misty, Tomo and Mikey turn to see the brothers walking towards them.
"Have you decided on Eevee's evolution yet?" Sparky asks.
Mikey stammers a little and is nervous.
Mew encourages Mikey, "Come right out and tell him, Mike."
Mikey continues to stammer, and isn't sure about telling them.
"Come on, Mikey! Tell us what you decided!" Sparky says.
"Go ahead, tell em, Mikey. You can do it," Misty says.
"Pikachu!" (Go for it!) Pikachu says, giving Mikey his support.
"You can do it," Tomo says.
Even both Eevee gives him some encouragement.
"A Jolteon, right?" Sparky suspects.
Then Pyro says, "A Flareon, right?"
"A Vaporeon!" Rainer adds.
"You guys, I..." Mikey begins to tell them.
Suddenly, fireworks begin to explode causing a panic. Suddenly, Team Rocket's balloon begins to lower down to the ground.
"It's showtime, everybody!" Jessie says.
Sparky demands, "Who invited you?!"
Team Rocket leaps down and onto a table.
Prepare for trouble!
And make it double!
To protect the world from devastation.
To unite all peoples within our nation.
To denounce the evils of truth and love.
To extend our reach to the stars above.
Soon Team Rocket begins to chow down on the food as they continue their motto.
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!
That's delicious
"Keep your eyes open, guys! Team Rocket'll steal your Pokemon if you're not careful!" Mew advises.
With his mouth full, James calls out, "Weezing, spread a Smokescreen!"
Soon, Weezing begins his Smokescreen, blinding everyone at the party and causing everyone to cough.
"I can't see anything!" Sparky says, coughing.
Mew throws her Pokeball and calls out, "Pidgeotto, blow the Smokescreen away! Gust attack!"
Pidgeotto materializes from his Pokeball and begins to perform Whirlwind until the Smokescreen is all cleared. They soon discover that Team Rocket is gone, but that's not the only thing that is gone.
Sparky becomes shocked, "My Jolteon!"
"Vaporeon!" Rainer exclaims.
"Flareon!" Pyro says, shocked.
Mikey notices, "Where's Eevee?!"
Mew notices, "Pikachu! Eevee!"
Misty looks in the fountain and panics, "Oh no! My Horsea, Vaporeon, and Sobble are gone!"
A girl trainer panics, "Help! Help! My Poliwrath's gone!"
Sparky notices, "The stones are gone!"
"All the food's gone, too!" Pyro adds, noticing the table is empty.
"Those creeps took everything," Mew angrily says.
"Team Rocket took the stones, and the food, too!" Brock adds in anger.
Soon, it's revealed that Psyduck is the only one who hasn't been taken.
"Why couldn't they take you too?" Misty comments.
Soon, Brock notices the Balloon, "The balloon! They're getting away!"
"Pidgeotto, attack that balloon!" Mew calls out.
Pidgeotto attacks the balloon and pierces through it, and the balloon falls to the ground.
"You did it! Good work, Pidgeotto!" Mew says.
As the balloon comes down and everyone is shocked to see what's inside.
"It's, empty!" Misty says, shocked.
Mew turns up, "Pidgeotto, go find Team Rocket!"
Pidgeotto then flies off to find Team Rocket.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket is driving down the road in a jeep far into the forest.
Jessie laughs in triumph, "A piece of cake!"
"That was easier than taking candy from a baby!" James says.
"Candy and cold cuts and Pokemon, too!" Meowth adds.
The jeep continues to drive up the hill as the Pokemon are trapped in a cage.
"We've outdone ourselves, James!" Jessie says.
"Outdone ourselves? Outsmarted them!" James says, and laughs.
Unknown to Team Rocket, Horsea is squirting a trail of ink on the ground so Mew and the others can follow to where they're being held. Soon, Pidgeotto is flying over the forest and notices a trail of splattered ink. He realizes that it's a trail from Horsea.
Sometime later, Team Rocket are having some of the food, more like stuffing their stomachs.
Meowth burps and says, "Ah, nothing tastes better than a victory meal."
We've got beaten so many times, I forgot what victory tasted like," James says, rubbing his stomach.
Jessie punches James on the head and angrily says, "I don't ever want you to call us losers again! From now on, we'll be known as Team Rocket, Champions of the World."
"Champions, of the entire world!" James says with tears coming down his eyes.
"Why don't you two dry up?" Meowth questions.
Then points his claw, "It's time to make those little ones evolve."
Team Rocket soon approaches the cage that has Mew's Eevee and Mikey's Eeee trapped. Mikey's Eevee is scared while Mew Eevee is growling in anger, defending him.
"Alright, evolution time," Jessie says.
"What we need is a really evil looking Pokemon," James says.
"That's why we need them to be a Jolteon!" Meowth says, holding the Thunder Stone.
But Jessie and James smack Meowth on his head.
"Who said you get to decide?!" Jessie questions.
"Yeah, who said?" James agrees.
Then Jessie holds out a Fire Stone, "I'll turn them into Flareon."
But James says, holding a Water Stone, "What? Wait a minute! Vaporeon is much more villainous!"
"Jolteon's the best of the worst!" Meowth protests.
Jessie says, "Flareon and its passionate flame!"
"Cool Vaporeon!" James says.
"Jolteon is the best!" Meowth says.
"Vaporeon is much stronger!" James says.
Soon, the two Eevee watch the three squabbling until Jessie blows the whistle.
"Time out, Team Rocket! I've got an idea!" Jessie says.
"What is it?" Meowth asks.
"We'll use all three stones on Eevee at the same time. It's bound to evolve into something really evil," Jessie says.
James agrees, "Alright! Sounds bad!"
"Count me in!" Meowth adds.
Mikey's Eevee is scared while Mew's Eevee is ready to fight back.
"Go!" All three shout, ready to touch Eevee with all three stones.
Suddenly, Mew calls out, "Squirtle, Water Gun attack, now!"
But before Squirtle can attack, Psyduck steps in and uses its own Water Gun, but it doesn't land or have enough force.
"Embarrassing," Jessie comments.
Psyduck deflates a little for the effort.
"Embarrassing is right," Misty says to herself.
Suddenly, Golduck makes the scene.
"Golduck Gold Golduck," (You need to put more force into the Water Gun.) Golduck says.
Then fires the Water Gun at James making him hit the tree.
"Golduck. Golduck." (Now it's your turn, and remember with a stronger force.) Golduck says.
Psyduck nods his head, and performs Water Gun again, this time, the Water Gun sprays Meowth to the same tree.
"Wow! Psyduck did it!" Misty says, happy.
"Golduck is able to teach Psyduck how to use Water Gun," Brock says.
"Now, let's go rescue the Pokemon!" Mew says.
Everyone agrees.
But Jessie takes the cage with the two Eevees inside, "Not so fast!"
"Eevee!" Mew and Mikey say, shocked.
Soon, James and Meowth join in.
"How did you ever find us all the way out here?" James demands.
"Yeah, it's the first time we didn't mess up!" Meowth says.
"Well, you see, Horsea spit out a trail of ink to show us the way. Pretty smart, huh?" Misty says.
"Horsea!" (I'll say!) Horsea says, and spit out some ink.
James exclaims in shock, "Unbelievable! That little squirt screwed up our perfect plan!"
"I guess we'll just have to settle with these two Eevees," Jessie says.
"Forget it, you old hag! We won't let you do that!" Misty angrily says.
Hearing that makes Jessie become shocked, "W.. W.. W.. What did you two just call me?"
Jessie has become so furious that she acts like she is spewing fire, frightening her teammates.
"Wow! Jessie just evolved into a Flareon!" Meowth says, scared.
Jessie glares at her teammates, "Ready for battle?!"
They both scaredly nod their heads, "Okay."
James calls out, "Weezing!"
Weezing materializes from the Pokeball.
Jessie calls out, "Arbok!"
Then Arbok materializes from the Pokeball.
"Attack, Arbok! Show that puny little punk who's boss!" Jessie angrily shouts.
Misty shouts, "I'm not puny!"
"Ready, Pikachu?" Mew asks, turning to Eevee.
"Pika!" (Oh yeah!) Pikachu says.
Suddenly, Sparky says, "Wait! That's our brother's Eevee! It's our job to save it! Let's go, Rainer! Pyro!"
"Yeah!" Pyro and Rainer say.
Mikey feels happy," Brothers!"
"Okay, but they also got my Eevee, so let's work together," Mew says.
The boys nod their heads, agreeing to the idea.
Sparky calls out, "Jolteon, attack!"
Jolteon jumps into battle.
"Vaporeon, attack!" Rainer says.
Vaporeon does the same.
"Flareon, attack!" Pyro says, and Flareon joins.
"Teddiursa! Cleffa! Pikachu. Go!" Mew calls out.
"Arbok, use your Poison Sting attack!" Jessie calls out.
Arbok fires and Jolteon and Pikachu jump in the air.
Jolteon, Pin Missile, fire!
Sparky calls out, "Jolteon, Pin Missile, fire!"
"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Mew calls out.
Soon, both Pokemon use their attacks on Arbok.
Soon, Weezing aims towards Vaporeon and Cleffa.
"Vaporeon, use your Acid Armor and fight back!" Rainer calls out.
"Cleffa dodge, and use Pound!" Mew calls out.
Vaporeon dives into the nearby lake and melts into the water, making it invisible. Cleffa then performed Pound and knocked Weezing over the water. Weezzing then tries to attack in the water, but it can't figure out where Vaporeon is.
Rainbow calls out, "Vaporeon, attack!"
Vaporeon leaps out of the water and attacks Weezing into the air. Then Weezing crashes on top of James. Soon Team Rocket retreats with the two Eevees.
Jessie screams, "Run for it!"
"Don't let them get away! Flareon, Fire Spin!" Pyro calls out.
Flareon performs the attack and the fire blocks their way.
"Now Teddiursa, use Furry Attack!" Mew calls out.
Teddiursa then attacks Jessie, causing her to drop the cage, and Mikey quickly catches it.
Jessie angrily says, "We're not finished.
Suddenly, Arbok attacks Jolteon and Pikachu. Then Weezing does the same to Flareon, Vaporeon, Teddiursa, and Cleffa.
Jessie laughs in triumph.
"So, you thought you had us beat, did ya?" Meowth remarks.
"We're the champion Team Rocket!" James says.
"Champions?!" Misty says, holding out Horsea.
Then Horsea squirts ink at them. Mikey opens the cage and Eevee is happy to be with Mikey. Mew's Eevee joins up with Mew.
"Okay Eevee, use Swift!" Mew calls out.
Eevee then performs Swift and attacks them.
"We can't lose this battle to them!" Jessie says.
"Especially on our first day as champions!" James adds.
Meowth says, "Let's get em!"
"What? They still wanna fight?" Misty says, confused.
"There's something different about Team Rocket," Brock says.
Meanwhile, Mikey hugs Eevee with glee, but notices his brothers are tending to their Pokemon. Mew also tends to hers as Eevee is concerned.
"Uh oh," Mikey says, worried.
Soon Jessie says, "It's time to finish them off."
"Victory!" James says.
Mikey is not pleased at Team Rocket's actions on them. Soon, Mikey and Eevee decide to fight back.
"Alright, Eevee, get ready! It's time for our first real battle!" Mikey says.
"That little guy sure is brave," Misty says.
"Go get em!" Mew says.
Just then, Tomo steps in, "Tomo help too!"
Then throws his Safari Ball, "Eevee, go!"
Then Tomo's Eevee comes out.
"Tomo?" Mew says, surprised.
"Eevee, Take Down attack!" Mikey calls out.
Tomo then says, "Eevee, join Mikey's Eevee!"
With that, both Eevee join together and charge towards Team Rocket.
"What's this? A couple of stuffed animals?" Jessie mocks.
Then Tomo and Mikey shout, "Double Rage Tackle attack!
Soon, both of the Eevee pick up speed, to Team Rocket's shock and surprise. Soon, they both ram into Team Rocket and send them blasting off.
"Victory," James says, dizzy.
"It looks like champion Team Rocket.." Jessie says.
Soon, they all cry out, "Is blasting off again!"
Soon, Team Rocket crashes into the forest far in the distance. Both Eevee cries out at their victory, and Mikey and Tomo cheer. Mikey and Eevee run to each other, and Eevee jumps into Mikey's arms. Tomo and his Eevee do the same.
Mikey happily says, "You're the greatest, Eevee!"
Soon, Eevee begins to lick Mikey on the cheek.
Tomo happily holds his Eevee and says, "Eevee did great."
Eevee lets out a happy cry and licks Tomo by his cheek
"You did it, guys!" Mew says.
"That was really cool,"
"Beautiful!" Brock says.
"Pika Pika!" (That was awesome!) Pikachu replies.
"Eevee Eevee," (You all were great.) Eevee adds.
Just then, Mikey's brothers walk to Mikey and Eevee.
"Mikey! Winning your first battle by yourself, that's incredible!" Sparky says, impressed.
Rainer says, "And you won without making Eevee evolve. I was wrong."
"You always said you didn't want to battle, but you did great!" Pyro says.
"I just wanted to help everybody out," Mikey says.
Mikey turns to Misty, Mew, and the others. Misty, Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee nod their heads. With that, Mikey decides to tell his brothers what he wants for his Eevee.
"Hey, you guys. I decided to become an Eevee trainer," Mikey says to his brothers.
The three brothers seem a bit confused by Mikey's decision.
"An Eevee trainer?" Sparky replies.
Mikey nods his head.
"Well, Mikey, if that's what you wanna do, then do it," Sparky says.
"If you felt that way about it, you should have told us sooner," Rainer says
"Now we really are the Four Eevee brothers!" Pyro says.
Mikey happily says, "My brothers are the best."
Eevee agrees
"Congratulations, Mikey," Misty says.
"Thanks," Mikey replies.
"Hey, guys! Let's make this party a celebration of Eevee's first victory!" Sparky says.
Rainer and Pyro agree.
With that, everyone returns to the party and makes this a celebration to Mikey and Eevee's first Pokemon battle win. They soon give toast to Mikey and Eevee's victory. And to make it a celebration of Tomo's first battle and won, for Mew and the others anyway.
Everyone cheers, "Cheers! Congratulations!"
"You did it, Mikey!" Misty says.
Mew hugs Tomo, "You and Eevee were great too."
"Tomo and Eevee victory," Tomo happily says.
"Yeah. Uh, Miss Misty? Miss Mew?" Mikey says, walking up to them.
"What is it?" Misty asks.
"I wanted, to thank you for helping me," Mikey says.
And presents each girl a flower, "For you."
"Oh, it's beautiful, Mikey," Misty says, taking the flower.
Mew takes the flower and says, "I'm sure you'll become a great Eevee trainer."
Then they both extend their pinky finger and say, "Friends forever?"
"Friends forever!" Mikey happily says.
Soon, they all give each other a pinky promise of being friends forever.
Soon, Mikey's brothers are celebrating their little brother's win.
"That's so sweet. It must be nice to have big brothers," Misty says.
"Yeah," Mew says.
Then pats Tomo on the head, "But it's nice to have a little brother too, right Tomo?"
"Mew, big sister. Tomo, little brother," Tomo happily says.
Soon, everyone begins laughing with smiles on their faces.
Soon, everyone gathers around for the photo as Psyduck activates the camera's timer. Psyduck runs over to join in on the picture, but trips as the camera goes off. Team Rocket has been defeated once again, and all the Pokemon have been reunited with their rightful trainers. And Mikey and his brothers have learned an important lesson, all of us must have the courage to follow our own true path.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket is eating food from canisters in the woods once again.
"Well, it's back to eating the lunch of losers," Jessie says in defeat.
James replies feeling down, "Victory tasted a lot better."
"I don't think this stuff is really too bad," Meowth replies.
James then smacks Meowth on the head, "Hey! Is that the attitude of a future champ?!"
"No," Meowth replies in pain.
"Just you wait, Team Rocket will be champions of the world!" Jessie says.
James and Meowth nod their heads.
All three say, "Someday."
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Teddiursa (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female). Arcanine (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Raboot (Female). Espurr (Male). Weedle (Female). Steenee (Female). Krabby (Male). Cloyster (Male). Diglett (Male). Wurmple (Female). Wooloo (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Flabébé (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Muk (Male). Magnemite. Tauros (Male). Blue Shellos (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Lunatone. Miltank (Female), Mawile (Female), Pansear (Male), Makuhita (Male), Meditite (Female). Shiny Ditto. Porygon.
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 1 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols.
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit ( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). Psyduck (Male). Shellder (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinser (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male).
From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell.
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female).
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