Episode 30: The Flame Pokémon-athon!
After earning a Soul Badge, Mew and her friends arrive at an open field, where they are sure to find some new and unusual Pokemon.
"This place looks nice," Mew says.
"Yeah. We can have a lunch break here," Misty says.
Suddenly, they begin to feel the ground shaking.
"Hey! It feels like an earthquake!" Misty says, surprised.
Brock points ahead, "Look out! Over there!"
The group looks ahead to see something coming towards them that is covered in clouds of dust. Everyone becomes concerned to see the cloud of dust while Pikachu and Eevee are scared stiff.
The dust clears to reveal a herd of quadruped, bovine Pokémon. they're covered in light brown fur with thick, darker brown mane around their neck. Each of them have a rounded muzzle with a dark brown nose, small, triangular eyes, three gray bumps running vertically down its forehead, and a pair of curved, gray horns grow from atop its head. Each of their three black tails has a tuft of fur on the end, and there is a single gray hoof on each foot.
"Those are Tauros," Mew says.
She brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Tauros, the Wild Bull Pokemon. A Normal Type. When wiping itself with its three tails, its Tackle is a powerful destructive force."
"Destructive force is right. We better stay away from the Tauros," Mew says.
"No kidding, they'll trample us if we're not careful," Misty says.
"Well then, how about we have some lunch," Brock says.
And that's what Mew and her friends do. They are sitting on the blanket and are having lunch, the trainers have sandwiches while the Pokemon have their Pokemon food. The Pokemon out are Pikachu, Eevee, Charmander, Squirtle Bulbasaur, Raboot, Galarian Ponyta, Shaymin, Weedle, Bounsweet, Teddiursa, Cleffa, Axew, Sobble, Psyduck, Golduck, Oddish, Vaporeon, Surskit, Sobble, Grookey, Onix, Zubat, Sandile and Rockruff. And each of the trainers is holding their unhatched egg.
"This was a great idea to stop here. It's a very nice day for a picnic," Misty says.
"Yeah. And it's nice to get the Pokemon some air," Mew says.
"And relax after traveling," Brock says.
Mew then rubs her egg, I can't wait for the egg to hatch."
"Me too, I wonder what Pokemon will hatch from our egg," Misty says.
"We'll have to wait until they hatch," Brock says.
Suddenly, they hear barking sounds and turn their heads to see a Growlithe running up to them and barking at them.
"That's a Growlithe," Mew says.
She brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, Growlithe, the Puppy Pokemon. A Fire Type. It has a pleasant demeanor and great diligence. It drives enemies away with barks and bites."
"Why is it barking at us?" Misty asks, confused.
Mew translate, "He said something about us trespassing on the Big P Pokemon Ranch that is also a Pokemon preserve. We are forbidden to capture any Pokemon here."
"Is that true?" Misty asks.
And Growlithe barks in reply.
"You are correct, kid," A female voice says.
The group turns their heads to see a female rider that is on a Pokemon. It's an equine Pokémon with cream-colored fur. It has brown eyes and triangular ears with reddish interiors. Yellow and reddish-orange flames from its mane and tail. The mane forms a short crest on top of its head and a short strip down its back to its tail. Additional flames are present behind its elbows and knees. The fire appears about an hour after hatching. It has four long legs, each ending in a single, gray hoof.
The girl is wearing a green color shirt and blue shorts, with red shoes. She has long ponytail hair with blue eyes. She is also wearing an orange headband too.
The girl says, "This place is a Pokemon Preserve. A place where it's against the law to capture Pokemon so they can grow up here naturally."
"That's amazing," Mew says.
Misty says, embarrassed, "I guess that means we're trespassing
"You grew up right pretty, yourself, miss. What's the name of this here place?" Brock asks in a western accent and blushing.
"Have you ever heard of the Big P Pokemon Ranch that's owned by the Laramie family?" The girl asks.
"Isn't that the place where they raise lots of Pokemon in the wild?" Brock asks.
Then realizes, "Hey! This must be that place!"
"This is the Laramie Big P ranch, and I'm Lara Laramie," The girl says.
Then turns to Growlithe, "And this here Growlithe makes sure nobody tries to capture our Pokemon."
"Pikachu," (Amazing.) Pikachu says.
"Eevee." (Really amazing.) Eevee replies.
Soon, the group call back most of their Pokemon and follow Lara to the range where there are multiple pens full of different Pokemon. Like Rhyhorn, Sandslash, Nidorino and Nidorina. The only Pokemon out are Sobble, Grooky, Raboot, Teddiursa, Cleffa, Axew, and little Galarian Ponyta.
Mew holds her Pokedex to Lara's Ponyta, "Ponyta, the Fire Horse Pokemon. A Fire Type. Kanto Form. Its mane is made of intense flames."
"Pika," (How cool.) Pikachu says.
Misty asks, "Isn't it real hot?"
"I don't need to worry cause a Ponyta or Rapidash will never ever burn anybody it really trusts," Lara says.
Mew walks to Lara's Ponyta, "Hello Ponyta, it's nice to meet you."
Ponyta then walks to Mew and sniffs her a little. Then begins to lick Mew's cheek making her giggle. Then Mew pets Ponyta without any trouble.
"Wow! I'm impressed, Mew. It took awhile for Ponyta to trust me, but it must have sensed that you're a good person," Lara says.
"Thanks, I think it can tell that I raise my Pokemon well," Mew says.
"Just training one Pokemon's a big job, but a whole herd must be really tough," Misty says.
Then Brock says, "Breeders love Pokemon from the Laramie ranch, cause they're raised in the wild and they're a little stronger than other Pokemon. You're lucky if you get a Big P Pokemon."
"I'm real glad that some folks know about all the hard work we do. We're real proud of the way we raise our Pokemon here," Lara says.
Just then, little Galarain Ponyta walks over to Lara's Pokemon. Lara's Ponyta looks down at the little Ponyta while Mew's looks at Lara's in amazement. Lara's Ponyta then licks Mew's on the head, making the little one smile.
Mew giggles, "I think they both become friends."
"I'm real amazed to see your little Ponyta. I've never seen a Ponyta from the Galar Region. Where you get it?" Lara replies, impressed.
"Well..." Mew sheepishly says.
With Brock and Misty's help, they explain to Lara how Ponyta and some of their Pokemon used to belong to a mean trainer, Damian and how they come across him. After the incident, they're given permission to take care of them.
"That's a real nice story, and glad that the Pokemon have nice trainers to take care of them. Trainers like this Damian doesn't deserve to have Pokemon," Lara says.
"Thanks. We take very good care of our Pokemon, and help them become strong. I love to check out the ranch" Mew says.
"Me too," Misty says.
"Well, we're having a big party here tonight. Why don't you all come as my guests?"
"A party?! That sounds great!
All the Pokemon cheer, (Party! Party!)
"And if you stay here at the ranch tonight, you'll be able to see the big Pokemon race tomorrow," Lara says.
"A Pokemon race?" Mew says, curious.
"We race one another to find out who's got the best Pokemon. Anybody who wins the Big P Pokemon Race, becomes an honorary member of the Laramie clan!" Lara says.
(Soon, rumbling is felt)
Lara: Huh?
"The Tauros again!" Misty says, surprised.
But Lara says, "No, that sound could only be.."
Soon they see a group of stampeding Pokemon coming their way. The herd Pokemon are large, wingless, three-headed avian Pokémon. Each head has a long, sharp beak and a black V-shaped, feather crest. It has bristly brown feathers covering its heads and upper body, while its lower half has a smooth layer of black feathers. Its tail consists of three pale red feathers with lighter tips. Its wingless body rests on two long and slender, but powerful legs with feet that have three clawed toes in front and one in back. Each of the Pokemon's three faces show joy, sorrow, and anger. Mew brings out her Pokedex, but they zip past them.
"Oh man! They move fast!" Mew says, amazed.
Suddenly, one of the Pokemon stops in front of the gang to see a young man wearing a teal long sleeve shirt, beige pants and boots with a red satch. He has purple hair in a low ponytail.
The young man says, "Howdy, Lara."
Mew holds her Pokedex in front of the Pokemon, and Dexter says, "Dodrio, the Triple Bird Pokemon. A Normal and Flying Pokemon. This Pokemon can run faster than it can fly. It's three heads represent joy, sorrow, and anger."
"We're gonna win the Pokemon race tomorrow," The young man boasts.
Lara sternly says, "Don't be too sure, partner! It takes more than just speed to win the race."
"Just get ready to lose, Lara," The young man says.
Then the stranger yells as he rides his Dodrio to join with the others.
"What a jerk! Who is that guy?!" Misty angrily asks.
"He's Dario, a Dodrio trainer. And we'll see what kind of guy he is," Lara says.
Later in the night, the part is in full swing. Mew and the others walk with Lara as they walk down the street to have snacks, drinks, and have fun,
One of the vendors says, "Hey, Lara! Good luck in the race tomorrow! We're all gonna be rootin' for ya!"
"Thank you kindly!" Lara says.
One of the party goers says, "You're Ponyta's great!"
"Thank you, ma'am!" Lara happily says.
"Good luck, Lara!" Another party goer says.
"Appreciate it!" Lara says.
Another one says, "Go for it, girl!"
"She must be a real contender in that race," Brock says.
"Well, she certainly has done a great job training that Ponyta of hers," Misty says.
"We're really lucky to have run into such an incredible Pokemon Breeder, aren't we?" Mew happily says.
Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice calling out, "Hey, Lara!"
The group turns their heads to see Dario running to them.
Dario says, "Lara, all of your Tauros are going crazy back at the ranch!"
Mew Lara and the others gasp in shock and begin to rush to the scene. Lara then whistles and Ponyta rushes over. Lara jumps on Ponyta and they begin to take the lead.
"Let's go!" Lara says
Lara, Ponyta, and Growlithe go on ahead as Mew and the others follow. Unknown to them, Dario is having a smirk on his face.
Soon enough, Lara, Ponyta, and Growlithe are the first to arrive.
"Hey! What?" Lara exclaims.
What she sees are the Tauros fighting with one another, like they are spooked, and something glittering appears.
Lara turns to her Growlithe, "Growlithe, get in there and settle em down!"
Growlithe jumps into the pen and runs around them as it barks. After a few times running around barking, the Tauros calm down. Lara and Ponyta begin to wonder what could have upset them, when they hear a strange sound.
Lara turns her head, "What's that?"
Suddenly, something zips past Ponyta, spooking it. Ponyta raises itself up as Lara falls and hits her arm. That's when Mew and the others arrive to see what happened.
"Lara!" Mew panics.
Soon, Mew notices Ponyta panicking, "Whoa! Ponyta!"
Mew then rushes over to Pontay while Brock and Misty tend to Lara.
"Lara," Brock says, concerned.
"I think I'm okay," Lara says.
But when Lara tries to move her arm, she feels the pain "OW!"
"Don't move that arm!" Misty says.
Suddenly, Lara hears Ponyta panicking and sees Mew reaching her hand out and pets Ponyta without trouble.
Mew says, "It's okay Ponyta. It's okay. Calm down, girl. It's okay."
Soon enough, Ponyta is able to calm down.
Mew calmly pets Ponyta, "There you go. Feeling better."
She then begins to wonder," I wonder what happened to spook all the Pokemon."
Lara is amazed and softly says to herself, "She's good."
Meanwhile, Team Rocket sees the whole affair from a distance.
"Pretty nice work!" Meowth says.
"Even better than we planned it," Jessie says with a smirk on her face.
James says with glee, "I have got a very good feeling about this one!"
Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "Good work."
Team Rocket turns their head to see Dario with a confident grin.
Dario says, "I wouldn't expect anything less from Team Rocket."
"We're just here to do the best job possible, so we can all get just what we want," Jessie says with glee.
"Once Team Rocket gets in with the Laramie clan, we'll make big bucks. We're gonna get rich and rule the world!" James says, sounding confident.
"We're gonna make sure that you win that race, Dario," Jessie says, and winks her eye.
Dario nods his head, "Uh huh. If I get what I want, you get what you want."
"Right, partner!" Meowth says.
Soon, the group of four begin to laugh.
Meanwhile, the group are able to get Lara help, but sadly, Lara's arm is broken due to the fall. Lara sits besides the window with a sad expression on her face.
Lara sadly sighs and says, "With my arm like this, I can't grip Ponyta's reins and I won't be able to race tomorrow."
"Too bad for the Laramie clan," Misty sadly says.
"I wish there's something we can do," Mew says.
Suddenly, Lara has an idea, "Hold on! Mew, you could ride Ponyta for me!"
The group becomes surprised.
"Me?! But Ponyta will only let you ride her and you alone," Mew says, confused.
Lara shakes her head and says, " I'm sure you can do it. I saw it when Ponyta licked you and allowed you to pet it with no trouble. And you did great calming her down. Please give it a try."
"Yeah, but.." Mew replies, unsure.
"Give it a try!" misty says.
"We'll help you in every way we can," Brock says.
"Pika Pikachu," (You can count on it.) Pikachu says.
"Eevee Eevee," (You can do it.) Eevee says.
"Well, in that case, I'll do it. Looks like we're partners, Ponyta," Mew says, turning to Ponyta.
However, Ponyta turns her head away and feels reluctant.
"I guess Ponyta's not too cool with this," Misty says.
"I think so too. She probably doesn't feel easy about letting someone else ride her," Mew says.
Lara walks to Ponyta and says, "Ponyta, if you win the race with a new rider, it'll prove how great you really are. Everybody will know that you're the best of all, and that'll be the best praise for me. Won't you please let Mew ride you tomorrow?"
Ponyta then nods her head in reply, agreeing to let Mew ride her.
Later in the night, Lara decides to let Mew have a practice run for tomorrow.
"Remember, Ponyta," Lara says, petting Ponyta.
Mew then gets on Ponyta's back and doesn't get burned.
Mew then grabs on to the reins. Then she begins to ride Ponyta. Soon, the two begin to take off at top speed. Mew holds on to the rings as Ponyta runs with full speed. Lara and the others are impressed and it's like Mew is a pro.
The next day, everyone is arriving for the big race, and the race is very packed.
Announcer: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to this year's Pokemon Challenge, sponsored by the Laramie clan! Our course takes our challengers over rugged terrain to test their speed and abilities. Whoever clears all the obstacles and crosses the finish line first, is our winner! Will the Pokemon and trainers please come to the starting line now?!
The racers approach the starting line. Among them are Mew on Ponyta, Misty on Starmie, Brock on Onix, Pikachu on Squirtle, and Eevee on Galarian Ponyta.
"Good luck, guys!" Lara says.
"Ready to race, Ponyta!" Mew says to Ponyta.
Ponyta then flares her flames.
"Hey!" Brock exclaims.
"They're gonna burn up the track!" Misty panics.
The lights begin to go down for the countdown.
Announcer: Ready?!
Soon, the racers are standing at the starting line,
Announcer: Go!
The green light goes out, and the race is on. With that, everyone is taking off from the starting line.
Announcer: And they're off on this exciting Pokemon Challenge Race. When the dust settles, we'll be able to see who's in the early lead.
As the dust clears, Squirtle, Eevee, Pikachu, and Galarian Ponyta are coughing from the smoke.
Announcer: Now, the contestants have left the stadium and are on the first part of the obstacle course.
Soon enough, Dario and Dorio are taking the lead.
Announcer: And Dario riding Dodrio has pulled away from the pack. If he keeps up this blistering pace, he'll be unstoppable.
At the stand, Lara says, "You can beat him, Mew."
At the race, everyone continues to run from the grassy field. Suddenly, a shiny object hits Taruros causing it to panic.
Announcer: And something has happened to the Tauros! It's acting like this is a rodeo!
Soon, Tauros ends up smashing into Nidorina. And soon, the two begin to fight against each other.
Announcer: Whoa! And now Nidorina's fighting mad after getting bumped by Tauros! They're ignoring their trainers and starting to battle! These Pokemon could use some strict training. They look like they're out of this race!
At the field the one who hits the silver object and cause the fight is Team Rocket
"I got a bull's eye!" James says.
"Or close to it," Jessie says in remarks.
Announcer: The next obstacle is a forty-five degree uphill climb! A test of endurance for the Pokemon and their trainers. And Dario still holds the lead!
Behind, everyone , including Mew and Ponyta are trying to catch up.
"Come on, Ponyta! You can do it!" Mew says.
Down at the back of the pack are Pikachu, Eevee, and Galarian Ponyta helping the tired Squirtle up the hill.
Announcer: (chuckles) Bringing up the rear are Pikachu and Squirtle along with Eevee and a Galarian Ponyta. Very rare in these parts. But slow and steady may not be enough to win this race.
As the racers are going downhill, suddenly, someone is making a sudden run to first place.
Announcer: Whoa! Who's that barreling down the steep slope?!
Soon, everyone sees one training is running down the hull with an Electrode.
"Woah!" Mew says, surprised.
"He's fast!" Dario comments,
Announcer: That's Electrode, using it's perfectly round body to gain speed and take the lead on the downhill!
Suddenly, Electrode falls into a pit in the middle of the road which is drugged by Team Rocket. Dario takes the lead again and many of the racers are passing them.
Announcer: And it's another accident! Electrode has fallen into a hole, and Dodrio has once again taken over the lead!
Suddenly, the Electrode begins to turn red.
Announcer: Oh no! Electrode's voltage level is too high!
As Mew, Ponyta, and the other racers arrive, Electrode explodes.
Lara panics, Mew!
Announcer: What a shock! Electrode's most powerful attack, Explosion! It's destroyed everything around! Electrode's living up to its "Bomb Ball" nickname!
Team Rocket laughs as the event takes place.
"Another one bites the dust!" Meowth says.
Pikachu, Squirtle, Eevee, and Galarian Ponyta arrive on the scene. Acting fast, Pikachu and Eevee use Thunderbolt, waking them both up and jumping back on their feet. Team Rocket is shocked to see this.
"Oh no!" Meowth exclaims.
Announcer: They're back up! Ponyta and Lara's replacement, Mew, are showing they really got guts!
The screen shows Mew and Ponyta back on their feet and alright.
Lara sighs in relief, "Alright!"
Announcer: Now, one of the most difficult sections of the course! The Pokemon have to jump from one stone to the next to cross the river!
Dario tells his Dodrio, "Go! Go, Dodrio!"
Dario, who is ahead, has Dodrio jump on the stones. When Rhyhorn tries, it sinks due to the weight. Onix feels worried about what might happen to him if he does the same like the Rhyhorn and its trainer.
Brock pats Onix, "That's okay. We tried."
Announcer: Too bad, folks! Rock Pokemon can't deal with water, so Onix is outta here!
Back to the race, Pikachu is riding on Squirtle and Misty rides on Starmie.
Announcer: Hang loose and surf's up for Pikachu! Squirtle and Starmie are performing like true blue water Pokemon.
Misty turns back and calls out, "I'll keep on going, Brock!"
"Pikachu!" (Same for me, Brock!) Pikachu says.
Announcer: Ponyta is a great jumper and crossing beautifully with no fear of the water, they could make a comeback! And the little Galarian Ponyta with Eevee are not far behind!"
"Faster, faster, faster, faster!" Mew calls out to Ponyta.
Eevee calls out, "Eevee! Eevee!" (Faster! Faster!)
Seeing the screen, Lara smiles and says, "That's it! You can do it, Mew!"
Announcer: Now, to boost their energy, each Pokemon can resume the race only after eating an entire bowl of food! The Pokemon decide which bowl to eat.
Dario arrives first, but the Dordio's heads begin to argue on who to eat first.
"Quit fighting! You'll all get your fair share!" Dario scolds them. Soon, the three heads begin to fight each other.
Announcer: Looks like each one of Dodrio's three heads wants to eat first and a fight's broken out! The fastest runner is losing valuable time here as Starmie, Squirtle, and both Ponytas appear on the scene!
"Okay, Ponyta! Time for some fast food!" Mew says.
Frustrated, Dario calls out, "Alright, Team Rocket! Time to go to work!"
Soon, black smoke begins to appear out of nowhere and is being caught on the screen at the stadium.
Announcer: We got a major problem here, folks! Black smoke is blowing over the course! I hope our camera crew can get our picture back soon, and show us that there's been another accident out there.
Lara shows deep concern, "Ponyta."
At the race, Team Rocket arrives as the smoke clears.
Prepare for trouble.
Make it double.
Mew angrily says, "It's Team Rocket!"
To protect the world from devastation.
To unite all peoples within our nation.
To denounce the evils of truth and love.
To extend our reach to the stars above.
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!
Meowth! That's right!
"We don't have time to play around with you three stooges!" Misty angrily says.
Jessie says in anger, "How dare you compare us to..."
Then calms down, "I mean, come on up and let's have a word with you."
"Yes, come on up and bring your Ponyta with you," James says.
"Then I can mess you up again!" Meowth says, and its charm shines.
"Mess you up again?" Mew says, confused.
But soon realizes, "So, it was Team Rocket!"
"It was you who broke Lara's arm!" Misty angrily says.
"And those accidents at the race were your doing!" Mew adds.
"Such a sad accident," Jessie says, fake crying.
James adds, "We couldn't sleep after it happened!"
"Save your tears!" Mew angrily says.
Then turns her head, "Pikachu! Eevee! Squirtle! Little Ponyta! Get ready to rumble!"
The Pokemon chow down on the food, but they stop and prepare to battle.
Suddenly, Jessie says, "This race is over for you, losers! Arbok, Glare attack!"
Arbok then uses his Glare attack on all four of Mew's Pokemon.
Then Misty calls out, "Let's go, Starmie!"
Starmie flies to attack.
Then James calls out, "Weezing, Sludge attack, now!"
Weezing flies off and fires the attack on Stamrie. It's a direct hit and blinds Stamrie.
"You okay, Starmie?" Misty asks, worried as Starmie shakes the sludge off.
Jessie and James hug each other
Jessie says with glee, "I think we're winning!"
"I think you're right!" James agrees.
Soon, Ponyta begins to rear up.
Mew calls out, "Whoa! Settle down, Ponyta! Hey! Calm down!"
Jessie calls out, "Dario, now's your chance!"
"Thanks, Jessie!" Dario says.
Then turns to his Pokemon, "Go, Dodrio!"
Dario has Dodrio continue the race.
"Team Rocket's working for Dario!" So he's behind all this!" Mew says.
Ponyta is not pleased to hear it.
Suddenly Misty calls out, "Mew! Forget about them! You have to win this race for Lara Laramie! You go catch up with Dario, and we'll take care of Team Rocket!"
"But. But, I..." Mew says, reluctant about leaving her friends.
Pikachu and Eevee call out, "Pika!Eevee! (Just go!)
Just then, Jessie calls out, "Stop Ponyta with your Poison Sting!"
Arbok begins to dive in at Ponyta, but Ponyta begins to ignite flames all over its body. Arbok begins to scream and panic, that's when Weezing jumps in to perform its attack.
James panics, "Oh no! Don't use the gas!"
Weezing then performs the attack, and the fire climbs itself up to Team Rocket, causing an explosion and sends them flying.
"Things seemed to be going well for us this time!" Jessie screams.
James screams, "Maybe we'll have better luck next time!"
Then Meowth screams, "Now we're blasting off again!"
Back at the stands, the picture appears on the screen to reveal Dario on his Dodrio.
Announcer: Now that we've got our picture back, and...Dodrio is still in the lead! Now let's take a look at what happened to the other Pokemon, and I can't see anything.
Suddenly, something begins to arrive.
Announcer: Wait! Who's that? It's a giant burning flame!
Running towards the stadium and catching up to Dario and Dodrio are Ponyta and Mew. Ponyta continues to run like never before.
Mew calls out, "Faster, Ponyta! We're way behind!"
Announcer: It's Ponyta! And not far behind are Doduo and Cinder! I don't know how it happened, but it looks like this has become a four Pokemon race between Doduo, Cinder, Dodrio and Ponyta, with nothing left but a flat out run to the finish line! And Dodrio has entered the stadium still in the lead!
Dario laughs as the finish line is closing in, "I'm gonna win this one!"
However, Mew and Ponyta are entering the stadium as well, as the crowd begins to cheer.
Dario turns his head to see Mew and Ponyta in shock, "Huh? How'd she get so close?"
Announcer: Now Ponyta is closing in on Dodrio!
"Okay, Ponyta, let's beat 'em!" Mew says.
Soon, the two Pokemon begin to try to gain the upper hand.
Announcer: Now these two powerful Pokemon are trading the lead!
"Do it, Dodrio!" Dario calls out.
Dodrio then pecks Ponyta, making it lose its focus and Ponyta is beginning to fall behind.
Announcer: Something's happened! Ponyta is falling behind!
"That was a cheap shot, Dario!" Mew calls out.
"I do what I have to to win!" Dario remarks.
Then Dodrio then runs ahead.
Announcer: Dodrio is closing in on the finish line!
Ponyta's burning flame begins to grow large and strong, surprising Mew and Lara.
Soon, Ponyta soon begins to change, it's sharp and it begins to enlarge. It becomes taller with large flames for mane and tail and flames on its legs. And finally, it gains a sharp horn on its forehead.
Mew becomes surprised to see what has become of Ponyta, "Ponyta just.."
"Evolved into Rapidash!" Lara confirms.
Announcer: Fans, this is incredible! Ponyta has just evolved into Rapidash! The fastest sprinters in the world of Pokemon!
Dario notices Mew and now Rapidash catching up and the Pokemon evolve.
He says in disbelief, "I can't believe it!"
Mew and Rapidash continue to speed as a flying flame.
Announcer: Here comes Rapidash, who has a top speed of over one-hundred miles an hour! And Rapidash has caught up! They're neck and neck, heading for the finish line!
Dario calls out, "Come on, Dodrio!"
"You can do it, Rapidash!" Mew calls out.
Announcer: It's down to the wire!
The two Pokemon closes on the finish line, but soon Rapidash passes Dodrio by the muzzle and zips past the finish line. Everyone cheers in excitement that Rapidash has won the race.
Announcer: An incredible upset! Rapidash makes an amazing comeback to win this Pokemon Challenge!
Mew hugs Rapidash, "Way to go, Rapidash."
Suddenly, Dario comes over, "You cheaters! You interfered with me!"
You're the one who attacked me and you're a big cheat!" Mew says.
Angry, Dario says, "I'll show you!"
Then tells his Dodrio, "Go get 'em!"
Rapidash has enough of Dario, so she uses her back legs to send Dario and Dodrio flying.
After that, the award ceremony occurs, Lara joins her Pokemon for the ceremony with Mew who is the rider.
Announcer: Congratulations, Ponyta, I mean, Rapidash! You are this year's Pokemon Challenge Champion! Let's give a big hand for its trainer, Lara Laramie, and for the winning rider, Mew!
Soon, Mew's friends and Pokemon are able to attend the ceremony and are very happy for Mew, Lara and Rapidash.
"Hey, congratulations, Lara," Mew says.
"Thank you, Mew. You proved yourself to be a fantastic Pokemon trainer. Isn't that right, Rapidash?" Lara says.
Then Rapidash begins to lick Mew on her cheek.
Mew giggles and says, "Aw, shucks, Rapidash."
Soon, everyone begins laughing with glee.
Sometime later in the evening, Mew and her friends say goodbye to Lara and Rapidash.
"If you're looking to capture Pokemon, the Safari Zone just ahead should be perfect," Lara says.
"The Safari Zone?! It sounds like fun." Mew says, interested.
"Thanks again, Mew. You did a great job. I'm sure you will become a great Pokemon Trainer," Lara says.
"Thanks, Lara. I've much obliged," Mew says.
Soon, Mew and her friends leave the Laramie Ranch to say goodbye to their new friends. And they head to a new part of their adventure at the Safari Zone.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket is getting a taste of their medicine from Dario. Team Rocket are tied to a tree and are not going to get out anytime soon.
Dario angrily says, "You're the reason I didn't win the Pokemon Challenge! Team Rocket's the worst!"
"We'll just have to plan better next year," Jessie says with anger.
"And maybe you can get yourself some nicer riding clothes," James adds.
Then Meowth says, "And give that smelly bird a bath."
Soon, Dodrio begins to peck them with anger and Team Rocket panic as they are being pecked.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Teddiursa (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female). Arcanine (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Raboot (Female). Espurr (Male). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Krabby (Male). Shellder (Male). Diglett (Male) 1 Pokemon Eggs.
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Flabébé (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Muk (Male). Magnemite.
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). Psyduck (Male). 1 Pokemon Egg.
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. 1 Pokemon Egg.
From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell.
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
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