Episode 3: Challenge of the Samurai

Somewhere in the Viridian Forest, Mew, Misty, Pikachu, and Eevee are now on the trail on their journey and hope to get to the next town before nightfall. The one who really wants to get out of the forest as soon as possible is Misty. Suddenly, Misty lets out a frightened scream and hides behind Mew.

Mew turns her head to Misty and asks, "What's wrong now?"

"Look, over there!" Misty says, scared.

Mew looks where Misty is pointing to, and it's a small bug Pokemon, a small green caterpillar with a yellow underside and teardrop-shaped tail. There are yellow ring-shaped markings down the sides of its segmented body, which resemble its eyes, and a bright red antenna on its head.

"Cool, it's a Caterpie," Mew says.

And brings out her Pokedex, Dexter says, "Caterpie, the Worm Pokemon. A Bug Type. Caterpie uses the suction cups on its feet to climb trees and feed on its favorite leaves."

"Even if it is a Pokemon, bugs are disgusting and I don't like them. Do something," Misty whines and panics.

"It's okay. Caterpie won't hurt us. I think it's kind of cute," Mew says.

Mew then walks to Caterpie and kneels down to it, "Hello Caterpie, it sure is a nice day today."

Caterpie begins to walk, (It sure is. It seems like a nice and quiet day. I'm also trying to figure out how to become strong and evolve someday."

"Evolve huh? Maybe you can come with us?" Mew replies.

Caterpie says, (Really?)

"Yeah. I'm actually a Pokemon trainer and I can help you become stronger and help you evolve," Mew says.

Caterpie then asks, (You can understand me?)

"Yep," Mew answers.

(Sure. I'll come with you. You seem like a nice trainer and you can help me become strong so I can fly like a Butterfree someday. Plus, it seems interesting to have a conversation with a human,) Caterpie says.

"Well then, welcome to the team," Mew says, and taps Caterpie with her Pokeball.

Capterpie goes inside and is caught.

"Hey Pikachu. Eevee. We got a new friend," Mew happily says.

"Pika," (A new friend.) Pikachu says, happily.

"Eev,"(Yay) Eevee happily says.

Misty panics, "Why did you have to capture a Capterpie, can't you catch uh, I don't know, anything but a bug!"

Suddenly, Misty notices something and screams in a panic. Then jumps on a tree branch and hangs on to it.

"What's wrong this time?" Mew asks.

"I think I saw another bug! Gross!" Misty screaming, pointing towards the bug.

Mew turns and looks to see a small larval Pokémon with a segmented body ranging in color from yellow to reddish-brown. Each segment of its body is a sphere. It has a bulbous red nose, two small, black eyes on its face and two spherical feet on each body segment, and a conical, two-inch stinger on its head and a barbed one on its tail."

"It's a Weedle," Mew says.

Then brings out her Pokedex, Dexter says. "Weedle, the Hairy Bug Pokemon. A Bug and Poison Type. The stinger on this Pokémon's head guarantees that any attacker will get the point right where it hurts."

"Yep. It's a Poison Type alright, besides being a bug type," Mew says.

"Why are you excited about a bug with a stinger? Make it go away!" Misty screams.

"Don't worry Misty, as long as we don't bug it, it won't bother us. However," Mew says, turning to the Weedle.

She notices the determined look in its eyes.

"Looks like this one is ready for a fight," Mew says.

Then turns to Pikachu and Eevee, "So, you guys want to tackle this one?"

Pikachu and Eeve look at each other, and Eevee steps forward.

"Eevee Eevee." (I'll tackle this one.) Eevee says.

"Okay, but remember to be careful with this Pokemon it has poison attacks," Mew says.

"Eevee." (You got it.) Eevee says.

Misty simply giggles to see Mew and Eevee talking to each other. She soon feels something on her leg and looks down to see the Weedle trying to climb it.

Weedle says, "Weedle."

Misty then screams in fright and runs away, "Don't just stand there, catch it!"

"Um okay," Mew says, confused.

Then calls out, "Eevee, use Swift!"

Eevee then runs to the battle and performs the attack on Weedle. Soon, Weedle gets up and begins to battle back.

"Eevee dodge," Mew says.

And Mew dodges the attack.

As Mew and Eevee battle, Mew is walking around the forest alone, "This whole forest is crawling with slimy, disgusting Pokemon. I wish they'd all just bug off!"

Unknown to her, someone is spying on her and brings out a strange sword.

Then the mysterious person shouts, "HIIIIII-YAAAAA!"

The person springs from the bushes and almost strikes Misty with the sword, but she looks to see him having the sword close to her. The trainer is wearing a red, blue, yellow, and black color samurai outfit, black sandals, green shorts, and a black and yellow color shogun hat. He also has a net carried on his back.

The person asks, "Greetings, oh shrieking maiden. Are you by chance the Pokemon trainer that comes from Pallet?"

"No. That's not me!" Misty panics.

"Alas, my search continues," The boy says, putting the sword away.

Then advise Misty, "I advise you to refrain from further shrieking while passing through this forest, unless your goal is to attract a horde of Beedrills."

Then the boy walks away. Once the boy is gone, Misty collapses on her knees, and is still shaken up from the encounter.

"What a weird kid! I wonder why he'd be looking for a Pokemon trainer from..." Misty wonders.

But gasps in realization, "That's Mew!"

Back to the battle, Weedle then jumps up and prepares to perform Poison Sting.

Mew calls out, "Eevee, watch out for it's Poison Sting attack!"

Eevee quickly dodges the attack in the nick of time.

"Good job," Mew says.

Then says, "Now, Swift once more."

Eevee then performs Swift again and Weedle is knocked out.

Mew then throws her Pokeball, "Pokeball go!"

The Pokeball hits Weedle and it goes inside. The Pokeball shakes a little, and soon makes a click.

"I caught Weedle," Mew says, and picks up the Pokeball.

Suddenly, it shrinks and won't activate, "Hmm, That's weird, I wonder why it..."

Suddenly Mee then remembers and thinks, "Let's see: Eevee. Pikachu. Shellder. Pidgey. Poliwag. Caterpie. And..."

Then Mew realizes, "That's right. I must have already caught seven Pokemon, and plus my Egg that might as well make eight."

Suddenly, Pikachu and Eevee hear something coming from the bushes. Suddenly, they notice a sharp object coming from the bushes. Fearing the person wants to attack their trainer, Pikachu gives whoever it is a Thunder shock. Then Eevee tackles it, causing the person to scream. Then Eevee and Pikachu go in the bushes. Mew hears the racket and goes through the bushes to see Eevee and Pikachu are on the boy Misty has met earlier.

"Hey guys, why did you..." Mew about to ask.

But she notices the sword in the boy's possession, "Oh. I see."

Mew then walks to the boy and asks, "Who are you? Were you spying on us?"

"No. I do not spy," The boy says, getting up.

Then asks, "Am I addressing the Pokemon trainer who comes from Pallet?"

"Yes. I'm from Pallet Town?" Mew says, confused.

The boy stands up and says, "I have found you at last?"

Suddenly, Misty calls out, "Mew!"

Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee turn their heads to see Misty hurrying towards them.

"Why were you looking for me? You're not here to rob my Pokemon, are you? Because Pikachu and Eevee didn't hesitate when they saw you had a weapon at hand," Mew sternly asks.

"I am no Pokemon thief," The boy says.

Misty asks, "Who are you then?"

" I am Samurai. I am also shrewd, fearless, and completely invincible in combat. I have been searching the forest for you," The boy, Samurai answers.

"What do you want from me?" Mew asks.

"A Pokemon match! Let us see who triumphs," Samurai answers, holding a Pokeball.

"Pika..." (A Pokemon...) Pikachu says, confused.

"... Eev" (...Match?) Eeve replies, confused.

"You mena, you came so you can have a battle with me?" Mew asks.

"That is correct," Samurai says.

"I don't mind having a Pokemon match," Mew says.

With that, Mew and Samurai are having their Pokemon Battle.

"We'll have a one on one match. The winner decided when a Pokemon from either side is unable to battle," Samurai says.

"Sounds good to me," Mew says.

Samurai then throws his Pokeball, "Pinsir, assume battle mode!"

Coming out of the Pokeball is a bipedal, insectoid Pokémon with a wide, dull-brown body divided into segments by thin lines. On top of its head is a large pair of gray, spiky pincers on top of its head. In its mouth are many long, flat teeth arranged horizontally and it has triangular eyes. Its legs are short and thick, while its arms are long and thin. It has three claws on each hand and foot; two of its toes face forward and one backward.

"So that's a Pinsir," Mew says.

She brings out her Pokdex and Dexter says, "Pinsir, the Stag Beetle Pokemon, a Bug Type. This fearsome Pokémon uses its powerful claws to put the squeeze on its opponents."

"It sure looks fearsome. I think I know the Pokemon who can handle this," Mew says, and brings out her Pokeball.

Then throw it, "Pidgey go!"

With that, Pidge then comes out of the Pokeball.

"Hmm, maybe be a small Pokemon, but I can sense that it has potential," Samurai says.

"Thanks. I can tell your Pinsir is strong too," Mew says.

"Then let's begin to battle," Samurai says.

Then calls out, "Pinsir, use X-Scissor!"

Pinser then begins to perform the attack.

Mew calls out, "Pidge dodge, and then use Wing Attack!"

Pidge dodges the attack and is able to perform Wing Attack on Pinsir.

"Now, use Gust!" Mew calls out.

Then Pidgey performs Gust.

Samurai call out, "Pinsir, stand your ground!"

Pinsir agrees and stands its ground as Pidgey performs the attack and tries harder to blow Pinsir away.

Seeing how tired Pidgey is getting, Mew says, "Okay Mew, you can stop the attack now!"

Pidgey then stops the attack.

Samurai then say, "Pinsir, use Bug Bite!"

Pinsir then charges to attack.

Mew then calls out, "Pidgey, use Peck!"

Both Pokemon charge and begin to attack each other. The two are able to collide their attacks with one another, and both are pushed back.

"You are a good trainer," Samurai says.

"You too," Mew says.

"Yes. But we still have a battle to do," Samurai says.

"Alright then..." Mew says.

Suddenly, they hear a laugh and it's familiar to Mew, Misty, Pikachu, and Eevee, "Ahahahaha"

"So, we meet again," A familiar voice says.

Weary, Mew recognizes them, "I know that voice."

Samurai sternly demands, "Who dares interfere with our battle.

That's when Team Rocket appears after the gust of wind.


To protect the world from devastation.


To unite all peoples within our nation.


To denounce the evils of truth and love.


To extend our reach to the stars above.





"Oh no, not them," Mew says.


Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.


Surrender now or prepare to fight.


Meowth, that's right.

"Not you three again," Misty angrily says.

Samurai asks, "You know these fools?"

"We know them." Misty says.

Then Mew says, "They're from a gang of bad people called Team Rocket who steals Pokemon."

"I see," Samurai says.

Then holds his sword out, "State your business or suffer the consequences."

"Oh I'm so scared. We're not here for you. We're here to get that girl's Pokemon," Jessie says.

Then both she and James point to Pikachu.

"Hand over that Pikachu," James says.

"Hey, this is Mew's Pikachu. Go out and find your own," Misty angrily says.

But Jessie says, "The only Pikachu we want is that one."

"We're only looking for the rarest most valuable Pokemon in the world, kid," James says.

"And that special Pikachu is just the kind of Pokemon we need," Jessie adds.

Just then, Mewoth begins to scratch them on the face, "You idiots! Stop giving away all our secrets!"

"Is my Pikachu really that special?" Mew asks.

Meowth lands on the ground and explains, "Your Pikachu's power has impressed even me. I really got a charge out of its incredible attack the last time we met. It's powers exceed its evolutionary level. Your Pokemon..."

Just then, Jessie and James begin to stomp on him.

Jessie angrily shouts, "Now you're the one giving away all our secrets!"

"Shut up before you tell them everything!" James adds.

Meowth then screams, "I'm in charge! Cut it out!" Making his teammates stop stomping on him.

After that, Jessie says, "Make this easy and hand over that Pikachu."

"Forget it!" Mew angrily says.

"Then you leave us no choice," James says as he and Jessie hold their Pokeball.

With that, they both throw their Pokeballs.

Jessie calls out, "Pokemon battle. Ekans, Go!"

"Koffing, Go get them," James calls out.

With that, both Pokemon come out of the Pokeballs.

Mew turns to Samurai, "It looks like we have to finish our battle after dealing with them."

"Agree. I will not allow other people to steal Pokemon from other trainers. It's a disgrace of Honer to Trainers," Samurai says.

With that, Pikachu, and Eevee join the battle as well.

Just then, James says, "Koffing, Sludge attack, now."

Koffing then releases the Sludge attack and they hit Pikachu and Eevee's eyes, blinding them.

"Pikachu! Eevee!" Mew says, shocked.

Pikachu and Eevee try to get the sludge off, but it's hard for them to.

Mew then picks both her Pokemon up in her arms, "If you think you can use your dirty tricks to beat me, you're wrong."

She then turns to Misty, "They might try anything to get what they want, but no matter what happens don't let them have Pikachu, or Eevee, understand?"

Misty is concerned, but Mew says, "Misty, come on!"

Misty then takes both of the Pokemon and holds them in her arms.

"So, what's your big battle plan?" Jessie remarks.

"This, Pidgey, attack!" Mew says.

With that, Pidge flies in the air and prepares to attack.

"Koffing, It's grime time," James says, holding a rose.

Koffing then flies up and tries to attack, but Pidgey dodges.

Jessie calls out, "Ekans, go get your dinner!"

Ekans then flies up and tries to catch Pidgey, but Pidgey continues to dodge the attack.

"Pidgey, Quick Attack!" Mew calls out.

Pidge then dives to the ground.

"Ekans, go underground!" Jessie commands, and Ekans dives under ground.

"Pidge fly in the air," Mew says.

And Pidgey takes to the sky. Suddenly, Koffing appears behind it.

Mew calls out, "Pidgey behind you. Watch out!"

Pidge turns around and stops the smoke screen. Koffing then performs the Sludge attack, but Pidgey dodges. Just then Ekans appears behind Pidgey.

Before it can attack, Samurai calls out, "Pinsir, use Double Hit!"

Pinsir then attacks Ekans and performs the attack.

Mew then calls out, "Use Whirlwind on Koffing!"

"Use X-Scissor on Ekans," Samurai says.

Pidge then strikes at Koffing while Pinsir does the same on Ekans. Suddenly, Ekans then strikes at Pidge while Koffing does the same to Pinsir with hard tackles.

Mew worriedly calls out, "Pidge!"

"Pinsir!" Samurai says, with the same worried expression.

Pinsir falls to the ground as Pidgey falls to it. Mew catches Pidgey while Samurai tends to Pinsir.

"Are you okay, Pidgey?" Mew asks.

Pidge answers, "Pidgey." (I'm okay.)

"Are you alright, Pinsir?" Samurai asks his Pokemon.

Pinsir nods in reply.

Suddenly, Jessie says, "Guess you've got no choice. Let Pikachu in and watch Team Rocket win."

Soon, Pikachu and Eevee begin to squirm in Misty's arm

"No, Pikachu. Eevee. You can't battle in this condition," Misty says.

Mew then brings out another one of her Pokemon, "I know I just caught you, but I hope you can give it your best shot."

"Caterpie, go!" Mew says, and throws her Pokeball.

With that, Caterpie comes out of the Pokeball. Team Rocket looks at the little Bug Pokemon with dumbfounded expressions.

"What's that?" James asks.

"It's a bug. A little bug," Meowth answers.

With that, Team Rocket begins to laugh at Caterpie.

"Pika!" (Quit picking on Caterpie!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee!" (Yeah, you big meanies!) Eevee says.

"Hang in there," Misty calls out.

With that, Ekans and Koffing begin to make a dive for Caterpie. Caterpie is a little scared to see them coming towards them.

Mew then calls out, "Caterpie, String Shot now!

Caterpie hears Mew and performs String Shot on Koffing, wrapping it up. Ekans charges, and Caterpie uses its String Shot on it's head, covering its face and unable to see.

"Now, use your Tackle attack!" Mew calls out.

Caterpie then charges and strikes at Koffing. Then Koffing ends up hitting Ekans and they both are sent flying.

Dumfounded, James says, "Beaten by a Caterpie?"

"That really bugs me," Jessie says, irritated.

"Now watch a real Pokemon in action," Meowth says, but Caterpie then uses String Shot and has Meowth wrapped in a cocoon.

"And now to finish this," Mew says.

Pidge is able to fly again and says, "Pidgey Pidgey." (Allow me.)

"Okay Pidgey, take your best shot with Whirlwind!" Mew says.

Pidgey then flies up and flaps its wings super fast and soon creates a powerful gust of wind. With that, Team Rocket is sent flying.

"It's time Team Rocket blasted off," Jessie panics.

"You may have won this round, but we'll be back!" James says.

Soon, Team Rocket are long done

"Come back anytime. We'll be glad to beat you," Misty says, and sticks her tongue out at them.

Mew then pets Pidgey and Caterpie, "You two did a great job."

"You're stronger than you look," Misty says.

"Pika," (You were awesome.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (That was fantastic.) Eevee says.

Samurai says, "You did a good job raising your Pokemon and you all put on an amazing battle."

"Thanks. So, you want to continue with our own?" Mew asks.

"No. I can see that you are a very strong trainer, and a very caring one as well," Samurai says.

"Thanks, and I also have great friends as well, right Caterpie. Pidgey," Mew says.

Pidge and Caterpie nod their heads. Suddenly, Pidge begins to glow blue while Caterpie fires String Shot in the air and begins to change.

"Caterpie? Pidgey?" Mew asks, surprised.

"They're evolving!" Misty says.

"Wow! This is great," Mew happily says.

Soon, Caterpie is now a green chrysalis. Its body is crescent-shaped with several segments making up the lower point. The front of its shell resembles a face with heavy-lidded eyes and a sharply pointed nose. The back of its shell consists of several geometrically shaped portions and projections.

And Pidgey is now a raptor-like avian Pokémon. It is covered with brown feathers, has a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers. It has a crest of pinkish-red feathers on its head and black, angular markings behind its black eyes. The plumage of its tail has alternating red and yellow feathers with ragged tips, and it's beak and legs are pink. Two of its toes point forward, while one points backward with powerful, sharp talons.

"Wow! They evolve," Mew says.

"Yes. Capterpie is a Metapod and Pidge is a Pidgeotto," Samurai says.

Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Metapod, the Cocoon Pokémon. A Bug Type. It has encased its body in a hard shell. This specimen reached this stage faster than any previously discovered Pokémon of this variety."

Then has it to Pidgeotto, "Pidgeotto, the Bird Pokémon. A Flying Type. And the evolved form of Pidgey. It is armed with sharp claws and dives from the sky to capture its prey. Unlike the more gentle Pidgey, Pidgeotto can be dangerous. Approach with extreme caution."

Mew kneels down to her Pokemon and says, "Hi Metapod. Pidgeotto. It's very nice to meet you."

"Pidgeot," (Hello) Pidgeotto says, and flies on Mew's shoulder.

Mee then turns to Metapod and laughs with a smile., "Not in the mood to talk?"

"Pikachu," (Congratulations Metapod.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (You too, Pidgeotto.) Eevee says.

Misty and Samurai watch as Mew and her Pokemon gather together and are happy for each other.

Mew happily says, "I never known anyone like her. She really does love Pokemon."

Later in the evening, Samurai escort Mew and the others to a path that will lead them to their next destination.

"This trail will lead you to Pewter City," Samurai says.

"That's great. I really hope we'll see each other again someday," Mew says.

Samurai nods his head, "As do I. I will keep perfecting my technique, and one day, we will meet again."

": I'm sure it will be a most spectacular match," Mew says.

"That is guaranteed," Samurai

"Until then, Samurai," Mew says.

Misty says, "See ya!"

"Pikachu!" (Bye, Samurai!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee!" (Goodbye.) Eevee says.

With that, the three then walk down the trail to their nest destination.

Samurai smile and say, "Farewell."

And so Mew and her friends continue on their journey. With Team Rocket thwarted for now, Mew and her friends leave the Viridian Forest, and set their sights on Pewter City.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket are forced to hang around with the Pokemon known as Kakuna, and their final evolution form Beedrill. They all end up wearing Kakuna disguises and hang on the tree like one.

James asks, "Do you have any more bright ideas?"

"Well, unlike you, at least I have ideas," Jessie whispers.

Meowth shouts, "Yeah, they're all bad!"

Jessie yells in rage, "Who asked you?!"

Suddenly, the Kakuna turn their eyes towards Team Rocket and the Beedrills' eyes glow. They soon realize that they're in trouble now, and Team Rocket are now being attacked by the wild Pokemon.

Mew's Files

Pokemon : Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Shellder (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Poliwag (Male). Metapod (Male). Weedle (Female) Pokemon Egg

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female)

Items: Fishing Rod

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