Episode 28: Dig Those Diglett

So far, it has been several months since Mew has started her Pokemon Journey. She has discovered lots of adventures and made good friends. Soon Mew and her friends find themselves in the mountains to find the next Pokemon Gym.

"We sure have traveled a long way," Brock says.

"Yeah, we've seen tons of places. I wonder where we should go now," Misty replies.

"We'll we're still trying to find the Fuchsia gym, so that's a good start," Mew says.

Looking at the map, Brock says, "Well, Fuchsia gym isn't too far from here."

"Where is it?" Misty asks.

"Over the mountain," Brock says.

The group looks ahead to see multiple mountains.

"Uh Brock, over which mountain?" Misty asks.

"The map says the Fuchsia gym's on the other side of one of those mountains right over there," Brock says, looking at the map.

He then tries to find the direction, "Good point. Is it this way? Or that way? Or maybe it's that way."

He then becomes frustrated, "Oh, great. We're surrounded by mountains on every side!"

"Don't tell me we're lost again, "Misty complains.

"Okay, I won't tell you," Brock answers

"kachu," (Oh boy.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (Here we go again.) Evee replies

Then Brock notices, "Wait a minute! It looks like there's a road here."

"Well, let's hit it," Mew replies.

Mew and the others decide to take the road and Misty lets out a sigh. Yet she decides to follow.

Meanwhile, Jessie and James are sitting down for a picnic while Meowth is doing sit-ups.

"I'm having some lovely Chinese food," Jessie says with glee,

James pours himself some tea, "It's tea and crumpets for me."

"Nothing for Meowth. I'm getting a gut," Meowth says, doing his sit-ups.

Jessie and James cheer, "Work that body."

Jessie soon laughs picking up her plate.

James then says, "Cheers."

The two are about to eat when an explosion occurs. Mew and her friends feel the ground shake as the bird Pokemons fly away in fright. Mew and her friends even feel the earthquake.

"I wonder what that was," Misty says, surprised.

Meanwhile Jessie and Jame's have their picnic interrupted by the explosion. In fact, their plates land on their heads.

"I didn't get a taste," Jessie says with a frown.

James says, "I didn't get a sip!"

"That's the breaks, but I wonder where that big blast came from," Meowth says.

Suddenly, another explosion occurs.

Mew notices the sound, "It's coming from over there!"

Mew and the others hurry down the road to find the source of the explosion and earthquake. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is devastated that their lunch is ruined.

Jessie holds her plate and a gravy boat, "My lunch break is ruined!"

"No tea party for me!" James says, holding his cracked cup.

They both say in fury, "Someone's gonna pay for this!" Then dashes off in a flash.

Meowth quickly follows after them, "Hey! Wait for me!"

At the different side of the area, Mew and the others hurry down the path and come to the opening to see different trucks driving down the road. The trucks are heading to a construction site, followed by explosions occurring on the nearby rock walls. Team Rocket arrives to see the explosion that a boulder falls.

"This place looks like a battle zone," Jessie comments.

Then James says, "Maybe we're being attacked by aliens from another planet!"

"What planet are you from?" Jessie says, annoyed.

Soon, potholes are appearing on the road and trucks' tires are falling in them, causing a big crash on the spot. Mew and her friends are shocked.

"What a wreck!" Misty says, shocked.

"This is terrible!" Brock says.

Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee are speechless.

Jessie says, "Oh, the destruction."

"And we didn't cause it!" James adds.

Suddenly, Pikachu and Eevee hear a strange sound coming from the ground. Mew hears the sound as well and kneels down to the ground. The sound says repeatedly, "Diglett Dig... Diglett Dig... Diglett Dig..."

Soon, a small Pokemon comes out from the hole saying, "Diglett."

The little Pokemon is a tiny, brown Pokémon that seems to be perpetually buried within the earth, leaving only its head visible. Its small stature makes it both the lightest and shortest Ground-type. It has beady black eyes and a large, round, pink nose.

Curious, Mew, Pikachu and Eevee walk and kneel to the little Pokemon.

"It's a Diglett. Hi Diglett," Mew says.

Diglett smiles, "Diglett!" (Hello.)

Then goes back underground. Unknown to the ground, Meowth spots them from above the ledge.

"So THAT's it!" Meowth says.

From the wreckage, a man wearing a blue construction suit, black boots and a yellow hard hat walks out and is sounding upset.

The man screams as he bangs on the ground, "I just can't take it anymore!"

"Are you alright?" Mew asks.

"It's the Diglett! They're destroying everything!" The foreman shouts, upset.

"The Diglett?" Mew replies.

The Foreman points out, "See? They're right over there!"

The group turns to see the little digging Pokemon popping their heads from the ground saying, "Diglett Dig Diglett Dig Diglett Dig."

"Oh, look, how cute!" Misty happily comments.

But the Foreman angrily says, "You think they're cute, do you?! Thanks to them, we can't finish building that dam!"

He becomes very frustrated, "I hate Diglett! I hate them!"

Mew takes out her Pokedex, "Hmm, maybe the Pokedex can tell us more about them."

Dexter says, "Diglett, the Mole Pokemon. A Ground Type. The movement of these ground Pokemon can be easily detected by their tracks of upturned earth."

Mew looks at the road, "Hmm. I don't see any upturned earth. Just a long road of concrete."

The foreman says, "Your friend is right. The ground here is covered by concrete. But if you look closely.."

Soon, cracks begin to appear on the concreted ground.

"They're underneath," Mew comments.

"It looks like a mini earthquake," Misty replies.

The Foreman says, depressed and on his knees, "And it looks like we'll never be able to accomplish our dream of building the great Gaiva dam here in these mountains."

"Gaiva dam?" Mew says, confused.

"Over there," The foreman says, pointing to the construction site.

They see the construction workers are using cranes to lift pipes and the explosions occur knocking down boulders.

"That blasting is part of building a dam?" Brock says, confused.

"Yes, the blasting is part of building a dam! But we can't get supplies through because of Diglett!" The foreman explains.

"That is a problem," Brock says.

The group then looks at the construction site, and the wreckage from the crash.

Foreman says, "We even created a special division for developing strategies to fight off the Diglett. We're calling for any able Pokemon trainer who's traveling through the area. Somebody with real Pokemon know-how who can help us get rid of these Diglett! The reward is a six night seven day stay at the famous Gaiva hot springs resort! if you know any Poke..."

"We're a whole group of able Pokemon trainers at your service," Mew says.

"Oh, so YOU'RE the first squad of trainers we called in!" The foreman says, excited.

"Oh, well, we weren't exactly called in," Mew says.

Suddenly, they hear someone say, "The first Pokemon trainers have arrived! The rest are in these buses." And the voice is familiar.

The group turns to see a familiar face coming out of one of the buses.

Surprised, Mew says, "It's Gary."

Soon, Gary notices Mew, "Well, if it isn't Mew Mew. What're you doing here?"

"We were trying to get to the Fuchsia Gym when we heard the construction and the wreckage," Mew says.

Then sternly says, "And don't call me Mew Mew."

"I see, I already got my Sixth Gym Badge already. You're a little behind," Gary says.

"I won't be for long," Mew says.

Suddenly, the foreman screams in anger, "Can we please get back to the business at hand?! Somebody's got to get rid of these Diglett! Don't forget, a resort vacation!" Then tosses paper around.

"Don't give it another thought, sir. Those Diglett are as good as gone now that Gary Oak is on the case," Gary says.

Mew turns to her friends, "We might as well come along. Maybe we can figure out why the Digletts are doing this."

"Good idea," Brock says.

Then Mew says, "I don't know why, but I feel like we're dealing with the same scenario as what happened at Porta Vista."

"Let's hope we don't have to deal with another giant sized Pokemon," Brock replies.

Soon enough, Team Rocket hears what is going on.

"We're Pokemon trainers, aren't we? Why don't we try to win that reward?" Jessie says.

"That's a brilliant idea, Jessie," James says.

Then Jessie says, "If we get rid of the Diglett, we spend a week at that hot spring resort. I could use a rest."

"I could use a little relaxation, myself, Jessie. I'll get rid of those Diglett!" James says, standing on his feet.

"Don't forget, James. We're a team," Jessie replies.

James says, "You're right. I almost forgot that."

"And our team is, Team Rocket!" Jessie says James says.

Meowth rolls his eyes and wonders if it's possible for him to get himself a less embarrassing team. Suddenly, Jessie and James feel a strange sensation.

Jessie becomes weary, "Oh, it sounds like those..."

"Aliens are back!" James adds, a little frightened.

Then, they both fall over.

Soon, the construction is happening again and the Pokemon run away in fright. Meanwhile, the Foreman is addressing the training who arrive, including Mew and her friends.

The Foreman announces, "We greatly appreciate all of you talented Pokemon trainers interrupting your training to come here and help us get rid of the Diglett!"

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is spying on them.

"Look at all those punks! Each outfit is more dreadful than the last," Jessie says.

James wags his finger, "Tsk tsk tsk. Jessie, there's no need to be catty."

"What's wrong with catty?!" Meowth exclaims, feeling insulted and scratches James' face.

Jessie soon says, "I just thought of something! With this many trainers, imagine how many Pokemon they must have!"

Jessie then checks the calculator, "Let's see. If each of them has six, there'd be six times that many Pokemon!"

"You can do the math, I just wanna grab all those Pokemon!" Meowth says.

"It's a Pokemon bonanza!" Jessie cheers.

"All we have to do is..." James says.

But soon realizes something, "Forget it. Let's just give up now."

"James, what's the matter? What's wrong?" Jessie asks.

"How can we possibly defeat all those Pokemon when all we got are.." James whines.

Jessie soon realizes, "Ekans."

"And Koffing," James adds.

They soon sigh to realize that their two Pokemon against that many trainers is a no winner for them.

Jessie then says, "Another sneak attack!"

"They've never worked before in that past, have they?" James says, drawing circles with his finger.

"No," Jessie says, defeated.

Meowth then says, "How bout plan B?!"

Jessie lifts her head up, "You know what this would mean?"

"Let's try it!" James agrees.

"It's the.." Meowth says.

Then all three say, "Principal of Induced Evolution!"

Back at the site, a poster of a Diglett with an X is hanging behind the foreman.

The Foreman says, "Pokemon trainers, here you see Diglett, the greatest parasitic bug Pokemon of the century!"

Gary interrupts, "Just a minute! Technically, Diglett is not a bug Pokemon. As a matter of fact, the term mole Pokemon would be more appropriate. With a height of eight inches, and a weight of two pounds, they're hardly candidates to be called the greatest anything of this century."

"They may be small, but they are fast and are very good diggers," Mew adds.

The Foreman says, "They may seem to be weak, but together, they can destroy."

He then notices something and panics, "It's the Diglett! It's the Diglett!"

Right on cue, a Digleet starts to tunnel towards the buses and sink them to the ground. Then the Diglett begins to pop up from the ground.

Gary steps forward, "I'll take care of this!"

"Now everyone will be able to see the top Pokemon trainer in action!" Gary says with confidence.

He then kisses his Pokeball, and says, "This should do the trick!"

Gary then throws his Pokeball in front of the buses. However, to his shock, Gary's Pokemon begins to come out, but goes back in.

Gary exclaims, "Hey what?!"

Everyone is stunned to see the result.

"It won't come out!" Misty says.

"What's wrong?" Mew wonders.

"Pikachu," (Same here.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee." (Me too.) Eevee replies.

Suddenly, a Diglett digs through the ground with the Pokeball on it. Then lifts its head up to give Gary his Pokeball.

"Oh, thanks," Gary says, taking his Pokeball.

Then realizes, "Wait! This can't happen!"

Then Gary holds out another Pokeball, "Okay, I can take care of this! I'll just bring out my best Pokemon! You can handle it!"

Then kisses the Pokeball three times for good luck.

Then he throws the Pokeball, "Go get em!"

However, the same result happens. The Pokemon refuses to come out.

"What's going on here?!" Gary asks, shocked.

He then begins to throw the rest of his Pokeballs, "Alright, I'll show em! I'll use every Pokemon I have!"

The Foreman then screams, "Please, somebody stop them! Stop the Diglett!"

Every other trainer who arrives begins to throw their Pokeballs so their Pokemon can battle the Digletts, but the same thing happens like to Gary. All their Pokemon refuse to come out. Soon, all the Digletts return the Pokeballs to their original trainers.

"At least they're polite," Misty says.

"Yeah, and unstoppable," Brock says.

"That's weird," Mew replies.

Gary then says, "They won't come out."

"For some reason, the Pokemon refused to battle the Diglett. I wonder why," Mew says.

Suddenly, they hear banging sounds and turn their heads to see the Foreman trying to hit the Digletts with a mallet, but they keep ducking their heands into the ground.

"You won't get away with this! Go away!" The Foreman says in anger as he continues to smash on his mallet.

Gary says, "That won't work! Diglett can pull their heads in at 186,282 miles per second!"

"What's that?" Misty asks.

"It's the speed of light, right Gary?" Mew asks.

"That's right. Diglett aren't very strong, but they can move super fast," Gary says.

"And dig as fast as well," Mew adds.

Gary then turns to Mew, "I'm surprised you haven't called out your Pokemon."

"I am alright, but I'm not going to battle them," Mew says, and brings out her Pokedex.

"Are you sure? Your Pokemon might not come out, either," Misty says.

But Brock says, "Actually, I think Mew's Pokemon might come now."

"How can you tell?" Misty asks.

"It's Mew after all, and she wants to help Pokemon," Brock answers.

"You're right. Mew doesn't really want to hurt the Pokemon, and her Pokemon knows that," Misty says.

Mew then says, "Maybe Sandshrew and I can talk to Diglett. Ground Pokemon to Ground Pokemon."

Then tosses her Pokeball, "Come on out, Sandshrew."

With that, Sandshrew comes out of the Pokeball when no one else would.

Mew kneels to Sandshrew, "Sandshrew, can you help me talk to the Digletts and ask them why they're stopping the construction of the dam?"

"Sandshrew," (Okay.) Sandshrew answers with a nod.

Mew and Sandshrew walk to a Diglett and they both sit next to each other.

"Excuse us, Diglett?" Mew calls out.

Diglett turns to Mew and Sandshrew, "Dig? (Yes?)

"Sandshrew Sand," (Can we ask you something?) Sandshrew asks.

"Diglett," (Okay.) Diglett says.

"Can you tell us who you are disturbing the construction on the Gaiva dam, or why the Pokemon refuse to come out of their Pokeballs to fight?" Mew asks.

"Diglett Dig Diglett Dig Diglett," (Because it disturbs our home) Diglett answers.

"Really?" Mew asks.

"Diglett. Diglett Dig Diglett Dig Diglett Diglett " (That's right. Listen for our song and you'll know the answer.) Diglett says.

"Song?/Sand?" (Song?) Mew and Sandshrew say, confused.

"Dig Diglett" (Yes, tonight.) Diglett says and goes back underground.

Gary asks, "So what did Diglett say?"

"Diglett said that the construction is disturbing their home and we'll find out why tonight," Mew says.

Later in the night, Mew and her friends are relaxing in the hot springs. Mew explains to her friends, including Gary, what Diglett has told them.

"So Diglett said that we need to listen to the song and we'll have our answers tonight?" Misty asks.

"That's right," Mew says.

"And they'll tell us why Pokemon wouldn't come out of their Pokeballs," Brock says.

"Also right," Mew says.

Suddenly, Pikachu points out, "Pika Pi," (Look over there.)

"Evee Eev," (Here they are.) Eevee adds.

Everyone turns to see the rocks and Diglett pops up.

"Diglett!" Mew says, surprised.

The group quickly gets up from the water. Just then, the Diglett from before comes up to them.

"It's the Diglett from before," Mew says.

"Diglett Dig," (Follow me.) Diglett says.

Mew turns to her friends, "Diglett says to follow them."

"Then let's hurry," Gary says.

After getting dressed, Mew along with her friends begin to follow the Digletts with Pikachu and Eevee close behind them. They soon run past the Foreman who continues to bang on the ground to attack the Pokemon, but they continue to follow the Diglett.

Meanwhile, Jessie and James release Ekans and Koffing from their Pokeballs. Unfortunately, their idea of evolution hasn't worked well.

"Some principle of induced evolution," James says, pouting.

Holding s book, Jessie says, "It says here, 'Pokemon need to have a certain degree of experience points before they can successfully evolve.'"

"Our experience is nothing but losing," Jessie says.

"But here's something to think about. When they finally do evolve, Pokemon become entirely different Pokemon. We've known Ekans for so long," Jessie says, sounding sad.

"Koffing, too," James says, sounding sad.

Jessie turns to Ekans, "How could we ever.."

"Evolve them?" James says.

They soon tearfully hug their Pokemon, suddenly, they both begin to glow. That caused Jessie and James to become surprised.

"Oh, look!" Jessie says, surprised.

James wonders, "Was it.."

"Something we said?" Jessie and James reply.

Meowth steps forward, "It could be."

Soon, Ekans and Koffing begin to change form as they grow bigger. They realize this can be one thing... Ekans and Koffing are evolving.

Jessie and James say with glee, "They're evolving for us!"

"Their time to evolve just happens to be now," Meowth replies, thinking this is the possibility.

Meanwhile, Mew and the others continue to follow the Diglett that lead them to a whole colony of Digletts who are carrying sticks on their heads. Soon enough, they come across a beautiful sight. They see Diglett carrying the branches of what looks like a beautiful garden. They also see another Pokemon. The Pokemon is a Diglett triplets sharing a single body. Each head has brown skin, black eyes, and a large, round, pink nose. All of the Diglett and the other Pokemon dig around the dirt and plant the trees on the ground.

"Pikachu," (Beautiful) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (Amazing.) Eevee reply.

"Wow. Look at all the Digletts," Gary says.

"And Dugtrio, their evolved forms," Mew adds.

She brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Dugtrio, the Mole Pokemon on and the evolved form of Diglett. A Ground Type. They're referred to as triplets, but they're not identical–the metallic elements in their bodies differ slightly. The proof shows in their whiskers!"

"Oh, now I get it! This must be Diglett and Dugtrio's home! Just like Diglett said," Brock says.

"Their home?" Misty asks, surprised.

"Yeah, they work and live here together. Diglett plows the ground, and Dugtrio plants the trees," Bock says.

Then Mew says, "And not just here, this whole mountain range is their backyard!"

"All of these mountains?" Misty asks, surprised.

"Yeah, maybe. Probably all the forests in the entire world are." Brock says.

"Beautiful gardens made by these little guys," Misty says.

Suddenly, they hear the Foreman who arrives at the scene, "And if we complete the dam, this whole mountain forest would be completely covered with water!"

"All the Forest Pokemon, including Diglett and Dugtrio will lose their home, and all of this," Mew says.

"Nothing could ever live here," The Foreman adds.

"All of our Pokemon realized that before we did," Brock says.

Gary agrees, "That explains it!"

"That's why none of them would leave their Pokeballs, even when their masters ordered them to," Misty says.

"I guess we humans still have a lot to learn from the ways of the Pokemon," Brock says.

"Yeah," Mew says.

"Pikachu," (Ever so true.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (That's true.) Eevee replies.

The Foreman then says, "This project's cancelled. I won't build the dam."

"It looks like we all learn something from this experience," Mew says.

Suddenly, they hear a familiar woman's voice, "Your lesson is just beginning!"

The group looks up to see Team Rocket on the tree branch.


To protect the world from devastation.


To unite all peoples within our nation.


To denounce the evils of truth and love.


To extend our reach to the stars above.

They jump off the branch and land on the ground.





Meowth lands in front of them.


They know the rest.

Jessie and James flinch in disbelief.

"Oh, Team Rocket. I forgot about them," Mew says, annoyed.

"These guys don't quit will they?" Gary asks.

Brock and Misty shake their heads in reply.

Then Mew walks towards them, "Sorry, guys. But we're not in the mood for you right now, okay?"

Jessie wags her ginger, "(tsk tsk tsk tsk) But we're in a good enough mood for everyone."

"Yes, and we never even had lunch! But now we have a special treat for all of you!" James adds.

"A treat with an sensational and exciting new flavor!" Jessie says.

Meowth then says, "Now then."

"We're proud to present.." Jessie says.

Then James says, "Our new Pokemon!"

Jessie starts it off, "Our Ekans has evolved into, Arbok!"

Just then, the Pokeball opens to reveal Ekans evolve form. A serpentine Pokémon that resembles a cobra. It has narrow eyes and several sharp teeth. Just below its head is a large hood with a face-like pattern. The pattern is two red and yellow eyespots outlined in black, a wide black streak resembling an upturned mouth, and a black V-shaped stripe above the eyespots.

Mew brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Arbok, the Cobra Pokémon, and the evolved form of Ekans. A Poison Type. Arbok spreads its chest wide and makes eerie sounds by expelling air from its mouth to intimidate its opponents, and is vengeful by nature."

"And Koffing is now...Weezing!" James announces.

Then James' Pokemon is released from its Pokeball to show it's new form. A purple Pokémon consisting of two spherical heads connected by a thin tube with another sphere in the center. The left head is larger and has prominent eyebrows, pointed teeth protruding from its lower jaw, and two flat teeth in its upper jaw. The smaller, right head simply has two pointed teeth, one at each corner of its mouth. The larger head has a cream-colored skull-and-crossbones marking below its face, while the smaller head has a ring marking instead

Mew points her Poedex at Weezing and Dexter says, "Weezing, the Poison Gas Pokémon, and the evolved form of Koffing. A Poison Type. By inhaling toxic fumes from trash and mixing them inside its body, Weezing can spread an even fouler stench once it releases enough gas from it."

Jessie calls out, "Arbok, maximum power!"

"Alright, let's get them," Mew says.

"Pi" (Right.) Pikachu says.

"Eev." (Let's go.) Eevee says.

Mew the calls out, "Charmander! Squirtle! Bulbasaur! Weedle! Bounsweet! Sandshrew! Everyone, go!"

"Weezing, Smog!" James calls out.

Mew calls out, "Pikachu, Eevee, use your Thunderbolt!"

Pikachu and Eevee both fire Thunderbolt, but Arbok dodges the attack.

Then Jessie commands, "Arbok, dive underground!"

Arbok then digs underground.

Then Jessie says, "Weezing, follow!"

Weezing then follows after it.

Everyone watches as they hear the Diglett and Dugtrio singing. Mew and the others worry what might happen.

Suddenly, Jessie and James finish the next verse, "Trio, Trio, Trio!"

Suddenly, they hear the sound of a combat battle coming from the tunnel, and Arbok and Weezing pop out of the tunnel, battered and beaten.

"What happened?!" Meowth exclaims.

"I know what's coming!" James says, worried.

"Me, too!" Jessie adds.

Suddenly, several Digletts and a Dugtrio pop out of the hole, much to Team Rocket's horror.

"Uh oh. Looks like you made them mad," Mew comments.

Soon enough, a tidal wave of earth, Diglett and Dugtrio are heading straight for Team Rocket. And then they are being carried on top of the wave.

"We're surfing," Jessie says, surprised.

James shouts, "Yes! We're curling the chute!"

"Cat-abunga!" Meowth shouts.

Team Rocket continues to ride on the earth wave, "Hang ten, baby! Yeah, yeah!"

Soon, Meowth notices something ahead, "Hey! What's that thing up ahead?!"

They soon look ahead and to their horror, they can see the dam.

"The dam!" Jessie panics.

James adds with the same expression, "Maybe it won't hold!"

The wave of earth crashes into the unfinished dam, and Team Rocket falls down as it collapses.

Team Rocket screams, "It looks like Team Rocket's busted up again!"

Mew and the others watch in somewhat surprise.

""Gee, those guys never seem to catch a break, do they?" Mew replies.

"And they never learn their lesson," Misty replies.

"Pi/Eev." (Nope.) Pikachu and Eevee reply.

"Not like me. I definitely learned my lesson," The Foreman says

Foreman: Not like me. I definitely learned my lesson.

"I'm glad we decided to stay, we ended up helping everyone, especially the Pokemon," Mew says.

"That's right, and we're in luck. Fuchsia gym's right over those mountains," Brock says.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket emerges from the wreckage and a sign falls on James' head.

Jessie reads what it says on the sign, "Construction of Gaiva dam, cancelled?"

They both soon let out a sign as they deal with another defeat.

After parting ways with Gary, Mew and her friends begin to make their way towards Fuchsia Gym to compete for another badge. Mew and her Pokwmon are looking at the Pokeball in her hand.

Misty asks, "Hey Mew, who are you holding the Pokeball for?"

"Because I ended up making a new friend, and this little Mole Pokemon wants to come with us," Mew happily answers.

Then turns to her Pokeball, "Right Diglett."

In the Pokeball, Diglett shows a happy expression and says, "Diglett." (That's right.)

As the journey continues.

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Teddiursa (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female). Arcanine (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Raboot (Female). Espurr (Male). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Krabby (Male). Shellder (Male). Diglett (Male) 1 Pokemon Eggs.

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Flabébé (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Muk (Male). Magnemite.

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). Psyduck (Male). 1 Pokemon Egg.

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. 1 Pokemon Egg.

From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

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