Episode 27: Sparks Fly to Magnemite

On a dark and gloomy night, Mew and her friends have arrived in a desolate factory town known as Gringy City. It's a depressing place where few people and Pokemon live, and even the ocean wind smells like sludge.

Mew looks around as she says, "This is a really weird city. Lots of factories, but no people! Not even any Pokemon!"

"This place is called Gringy City," Misty says.

"Gringy? Never heard of it," Mew replies.

Misty explains, "It used to be a lively, busy place with all these factories here."

"Yeah, they kinda went overboard with factories. Pollution ruined the air and the water here," Brock says.

"I can tell. I don't think any Pokemon would want to live here," Mew says.

"Eev. Eev." (Mew. Mew.) Eevee calls out.

Mew turns to Eevee, "What is it?"

"Eevee Eevee," (Pikachu doesn't feel well.) Eevee says.

Mew kneels to Pikachu to see that Eevee is right. Pikachu' face is turning a little red, and he's feeling very dizzy. Mew takes out rubber gloves from her backpack and puts them on.

Mew picks up Pikachu and holds him in her arms, "Hey Pikachu, are you not feeling well."

"Pika Pi." (I don't feel well.) Pikachu weakly says.

"We need to get him to the Pokemon Center, fast," Misty says.

Mew and her friends hurry down the street of the city to find a Pokemon Center. Unknown to them, they are being spied on by Team Rocket from the sewers. Meowth spies on them to see them running inside the Pokemon.

Mew and her friends continue to run down the street to get to the Pokemon Center.

"Hold on, Pikachu! We'll get you to the Pokemon Center as soon as we can!" Mew says.

Soon enough, Mew and her friends are arriving at the Pokemon Center, unaware that Team Rocket notices them heading inside.

"That's them, and they're on their way to the Pokemon Center!" Meowth says.

And Jessie and James begin the motto.


To protect the world from devastation.


To unite all peoples within our nation.

However, they are unable to finish the motto because of the sewer's smell. They go 'blech,' and start to complain.

"I can't take it anymore! This place stinks!" James whines.

Jessie coughs and says, "Disgusting!"

Meowth is in some small saucer that has a few controls.

Meowth says, "Just chill out and put on the suits I brought ya."

Jessie and James do so and put the suit on.

"This thing pumps in a mixture of oxygen and air freshener," Meowth says, showing them the motor that is plugged in.

Once the suits are on, they sigh in relief, "That smells good."

Then James angrily turns to Meowth, "Why didn't you tell us about these suits before, Meowth?!"

"We could've choked!" Jessie adds with the same expression.

"Quit complaining! I did come up with this ingenious scheme. Now get in the pipe and swim to the Pokemon Center! We're wasting time here!" Meowth says.

However, Jessie disagree with it, "Your plan's stupid! I'm not going in that sewer!"

"I'm one-hundred percent with Jessie on this one! I want to get Pikachu and those other Pokemon as much as you do, but this is humiliating! It's degrading!" James adds

"We won't go through with it, Meowth, so you'll have to so you'll have to go on this mission alone! I'm sorry if this shocks you," Jessie says.

"So am I," Meowth says, and presses a button in the sub.

Suddenly, Jessie and James are given an electric shock.

"I knew you'd see things my way," Meowth says.

As a result, Jessie and James dive into the sewer water, against their will.

"You'll pay for this, Meowth," Jessie says.

James asks in disgust, "Why do we always get the dirty work?"

Inside the Pokemon Center, Mew hurries to the front desk and calls out, "Nurse Joy!"

She rings the bell twice and calls out, "Nurse Joy!"

Soon, Nurse Joy walks to the counter and lets out a yawn.

Nurse Joy says, "Do you all have any idea just what time it is? Don't you know that you should be sleeping now?"

"I'm sorry, but there's something really wrong with my Pikachu. I think he has caught himself a really bad cold," Mew worriedly says.

Nurse Joy yawns and says, "It is a cold.

Then points to Pikachu's cheeks, "Look. Sparks are coming from its cheeks, right? That's an early symptom of a cold in electric rodent Pokemon. If you leave it here overnight, I'm sure it'll be fine in the morning."

Mew and her friends notice that this Nurse Joy is acting kind of well, different from the others.

Mew asks, "Excuse me, but are you, by any chance, the oddball in your family?"

"Oh, no. It's all my other relatives that are odd," Nurse Joy says.

Outside in the polluted water, a large group of purple sludge Pokemon known as Grimer emerges from the water. They soon begin to swarm around the water entrance As it turns out, the entrance actually is the water intake valve for the hydroelectric power plant that gives Gringy City electricity. With the Grimer blocking the water intake, the generators lose power, as does the entire city.

"What's that?!" Plant Worker #1 asks.

Plant worker #2 looks at the controls, "Our generator's completely shut down! The water intake valve is totally jammed!"

"It can't be!" Plant Worker #1 says, shocked.

Meanwhile in the sewer, the generator begins to lose power as well, and soon Meowth take notice

"Hey! What's going on?! The power supply just went dead!" Meowth panics.

Then Meowth Looks at the water where Jessie and James are, "If the pumps stop working, there's no air. They won't like that.

Soon Meowth begins to panic, "What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?"

Down in the sewer water, Jessie and James are swimming to the Pokemon Center, and it doesn't take long for them to run out of air. Their face begins to turn blue.

Jessie gags and panics, "My air supply!"

James begins to panic when the air runs out.

Back at the Pokemon Center, the power outage has even caused a shutdown in the care unit where multiple Pokemon are kept. Nurse Joy, Mew and her friends rush inside to see the sick Pokemon

"What happened to these Pokemon?!" Mew asks, shocked.

"They're in intensive care. If we don't get the power back soon, well, I just don't want to think about what would happen!" Nurse Joy says, worried.

"Isn't there anything we can do to save them?" Mew asks.

"I don't know what to do," Nurse Joy says.

"She's right. With the power out, there isn't much Nurse Joy can do," Brock.

Nurse Joy says, "The city is powered by a hydroelectric power plant."

"Then that is where we need to go," Mew says.

Mew gives Nurse Joy Pikachu and says, "You stay here and rest, and we'll get the problem fixed up."

But Pikachu reaches out to her, "Pika." (Mew.)

"Pikachu, we'll be back when the power's back on," Mew says.

Mew and her friends rush out of the center to fix the problem at the plant.

"Good luck, everybody," Nurse Joy says, worried.

Sometime later, Mew and her friends arrive at the police station where Officer Jenny tries to call the power plant.

"I'm trying to find out, but there's no answer at the power plant!" Officer Jenny says.

"We don't have much time! We'll have to go there ourselves!" Mew says.

Misty asks, "What does the power plant look like?"

"You can't miss it!" Jenny says.

Then points to the direction, "It's the big building with the smoke stacks, there."

"Alright, let's go!" Mew says.

Suddenly, they hear something in the bushes. They look to see Pikachu coming out of the bushes.

"Pikachu!" Mew says, surprised.

Mew runs up to Pikachu and kneels down to him, "Pikachu, you should be back at the Pokemon Center."

Pikachu shakes his head, "Chu." (No.)

"You don't want to?" Mew asks, confused.

Misty then suggests, "Maybe Pikachu's afraid we'll leave and we won't come back."

Pikachu nods her head.

Seeing there is no talking Pikachu out of it, Mew says, "Okay. You can come along. But, remember, you gotta take it easy. And you'll stay in my bag, okay?"

Pikachu nods his head. Mew picks up Pikachu and places Pikachu in her bag to rest. Unknown to the group, they are being spied on by the same Pokemon. Meanwhile, Jessie and James are able to get out of the sewers and are deeply breathing while Meowth holds a calm smile on his face.

"We could've suffocated," Jessie says, still heavily breathing.

"The city has been plunged into darkness by a power failure," Meowth confirms.

"A power failure, is it? I can identify with failure," James comments.

Soon, Meowth sees Mew and her friends running towards the Power Plant.

Meowth says, "There they go! Now we're in luck! We got another chance!"

"For what?" James asks,.

"For finally, once and for all, capturing that pesky Pikachu and Eevee!" Meowth says.

Then turns to his comrades, "Come on, now! Jessie! James! Let's move it!"

Jessie angrily scolds them, "Give us time to rest, Meowth! We nearly drowned in the stinking sewer thanks to your ridiculous plan!"

"Meowth! You nearly killed us, you dimwit!" James adds with anger.

"Guys, don't worry. This time, we got a secret weapon that's Meowth proof," Meowth says with a chuckle.

Meanwhile, Mew and her friends arrived at the Power Plant. It has a large red and white pipe on top.

Mew says, "Yep. There's the power plant."

"Let's check inside," Misty says.

Soon the group enters the building.

Mew calls out, "Hello? Is anybody in here?"

But no one answers.

Mew says, "If no one's here, we might as well look around, huh?"

Mew and her friends begin to walk inside the hall to look around.

"Something's really weird. Why isn't anybody working here?" Brock wonders.

Finding the map, Misty says, "It looks like the central control room's down that way."

Mew and her friends continue to walk down the hall to find the control room. Unknown to them, something is in the air vent that zips through it. And then, something creeps up behind Misty

Misty shudders and says, "Something's following us." and turns her head back.

Brock, Mew, and Eevee do the same.

"The place is deserted. Nobody's here," Mew says.

"I know I heard something back there," Misty panics.

"Are you sure?" Mew asks.

"I'm positive. There was something back there," Misty says.

Suddenly, Brock and Misty become scared to see a spooky shape appearing behind Mew.

"You guys okay?" Mew asks.

Brock and Misty shake their heads in reply.

Misty nervously says, "There's something.."

"Right behind you," Brock adds.

Confused, Mew turns her head, but the figure is gone.

"I don't see anything," Mew says.

Pikachu and Eevee are a little nervous that they stand close to each other. Just then, the mysterious figure appears behind them, frightening them both.

Mew turns to her Pokemon, "Pikachu? Eevee? What's wrong?"

The group turns around and sees three figures. They all begin to panic in fright. Soon, they end up seeing a Pokemon. It's a robotic Pokémon that has gray, spherical metal bodies with blue-and-red tipped horseshoe magnets on each side and a single, large eye. They have three Phillips head screws on its body: two near the bottom of its body and the one on top of their head that looks similar to an antenna.

Mew says, "Hey, that's a Magnemite."

Mew brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Magnemite, the Magnet Pokemon. An Electric and Steel Type. It's means of floating through the air are not understood. This very mysterious Pokemon is of the electric and steel type."

"What's a Magnemite doing here?" Mew wonders.

Misty suspects, "It caused the blackout! Magnemite shut down the power plant!

Ben: That's unlikely."

"This one? By itself? No way!" Brock denies it.

"Well, Dexter said it was mysterious," Misty says.

Soon enough, Magnemite begins to circle around Pikachu.

"That's weird. Why's it circling Pikachu?" Mew wonders.

"It seems to like Pikachu," Brock says.

When Magnimite flies to Pikachu, it blushes as Pikachu's cheeks spars.

"This Magnemite's blushing, like it's in love or something," Misty says.

"Love? That's a little weird," Mew says.

"If it were an animal Pokemon, I could understand. But can an inorganic Pokemon like Magnemite fall in love with an electric rodent?" Brock says, as Magnemite chases Pikachu.

"Magnemite's following Pikachu all over the place, almost like it's a stalker.

"Well, like I said, this Magnemite really likes Pikachu," Misty says.

"Yeah, but Pikachu doesn't like it," Mew says.

Then shouts at the Magnet Pokemon, "Hey, you, Magnemite! Cut it out!"

Soon enough, Magnimite stops following Pikachu and flies away.

"Guess Magnemite gave up," Mew says.

Suddenly, Brock smells something, "Do you smell that?

"Me, too," Misty says, noticing the smell.

Mew says, "So do I."

Eevee weirdly says, "Eevee." (Me too.)

Suddenly, the vent gate falls to the ground and two purple sludge blob Pokemon appear.

"It's those things!" Brock says, shocked and covering his nose.

"They stink!" Misty says, covering her nose.

"Those are Grimer," Mew says.

Then she brings out her Pokedex, Dexter says, "Grimer, the Sludge Pokemon. A Poison Type. Born from sludge, these Pokemon specialize in sludge attacks."

"Magnemite must've disappeared because of these things!" Brock says.

"I think it will be best to be careful what we say or do with the Grimer around," Mew says.

"You're right. We don't want to say anything that might insult their Pokemon pride or make them mad," Brock says.

"You say it whatever you want, but it still stinks!" Misty cries out.

Mew and Brock quickly cover Misty's mouth, "Shut up, Misty!"

Suddenly, all the Grimer begin to feel insulted.

Mew says, "They're saying that they won't stand being insulted by humans."

Just then a giant version of Grimer appears.

"It's huge!" Brock exclaims.

"Grimer's grandpa?" Misty asks.

"Close, that's Grimer's evolved form. That's a Muk," Mew says.

Mew holds out her Pokedex, "Muk, the Sludge Pokemon, and the evolved form of Grimer. A Poison Type. Use extreme caution, as its slimy form contains poison."

Worried, Brock says, "That's not good news!"

Misty covers her nose, "And the smell is getting worse."

"Pika." (Awful.) Pikachu says, covering his nose.

Eevee covers her nose, "Eevee." (And very strong.)

Then Much shouts, "Muuuuk!" (Charge!)

The Gimer begin to charge as Mew and the others panic and run away screaming.

Mew screams, "Why'd you have to open your mouth and make the Grimer mad, Misty?!"

"I had to open my mouth! I couldn't use my nose!" Misty panics.

That's when they run inside the worker of the Power Plant.

Worker #1 asks, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm Brock, this is Misty, Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee, we're here to help.." Brock quickly introduces.

Misty screams, "Skip the introductions, we gotta get out of here!"

Suddenly, the Grimer appears around the corner and makes everyone panic.

Plant worker #1 screams, "The Grimer are here, too!"

Soon everyone begins to run away from the Grimer.

Plant worker #2 cries out, "Back to the control room!"

"Hey! Wait for us!" Mew calls out.

Everyone continues to run for their lives as the Grimer chase after them. Soon, they hurry into the control room and Brock slams the door shut.

Mew turns to the workers, "Tell us what's going on! This blackout is a disaster to the city! Lots of Pokemon are gonna die at the Pokemon Center if the power doesn't come back soon!"

Back at the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy keep watching over the sick Pokemon

"Hang in there. Those trainers are gonna get the power back on real soon, I'm sure. At least, I hope so," Nurse Joy says, worried.

Back in the control room of the Power Plant.

"They need that power!" Mew says.

Plant worker #1 says, "But, we can't. There are so many Grimer, that they're blocking the sea water intake."

"We've got to bring the water to a boil, so that it can turn the turbines, or the generator won't work at all," Plant worker #2 adds.

"So we need to find a way to get rid of the Grimer," Mew says.

"It's easier said than done, there's too many of them," Misty says.

Suddenly, Brock shouts, "! The Grimer are, ramming the door! I can't hold it!"

The group turns to see the door is being forced open as Brock continues to keep the door shut. Outside, one by one, Muk commands the Grimer to ram at the door. Mew and the others hold the door in.

"I hate to say it, but if we don't act fast, we'll be on the Muk's menu!" Misty panics.

"But what can we do?" Mew asks.

Just then, the Grimer and Muk are able to burst in and surround the trainers.

Plant worker #1 turns to the trainers, "You all are Pokemon trainers, right? You've gotta use your Pokemon to help us out!"

"That's right! If you can get rid of the Grimer, the generator will work," Plant worker #2 adds.

"What do you expect us to do? Pikachu is sick! It won't be able to take on all of those Grimer at once!" Mew says.

Suddenly, Pikachu steps forward. Eevee does too.

"Okay guys. If you want to fight, then let's do it," Mew says.

"kachu!" (Okay!) Pikachu weakly says.

"Eevee." (We'll do our best.) Eevee says.

"Pikachu, use Thunder Shock! Eevee, use Mud Slap!" Mew calls out.

Pikachu shocks one of the Grimers, but it's not enough. Eevee uses Mud Slap on a few Grimers, but there are too many of them.

"It's no good! There's too many of them!" Mew says.

The Grimer and Muk begin to surround the group and there doesn't seem to be the end of it. Suddenly, coming out the ventilation shaft, the Magnimite from before along with others, and a few other Pokemon known as Magneton arrive and defend Mew and her friends.

"Magnemite and their evolved form, Magneton! They're friends of our stalker!" Brock says.

And they're here to help us," Mew says.

The Magnemite and Magneton use Thundershock against the Grimer, and soon chase them all away. The magnetic Pokemon continue to use their attacks at the Grimer, even the one blocking the water. Soon, the water travels to the generator and the Power Plant begins to run again. Everyone is glad.

"Yeah!" Brock cheers.

"Yay!" Misty happily says.

"The lights are on!" Mew says.

Plant worker #2 works on the control, "The turbine's moving again!"

"The Grimer have all cleared away from the sea water intake valve!" Plant worker #1 adds

"Yes!" Mew cheers.

Suddenly, Misty says, "Hold on, there's still one left."

The group looks ahead to see only one Pokemon is left.

"It's Muk," Mew says.

Mew then calls out, "Pikachu, Thunder Shock!"

Pikachu uses thunder shock on it, but it's proven stronger. Just then one of the Magnemites shows up.

"Okay then. Pikachu. Magnemite. Use Thunder Shock!" Mew calls out.

Magnimite and Pikachu begin to use their Thunder Shock on Muk with all their might.

Just then, Eevee steps forward and uses its energy to create electricity as well. Then fires a Thunder Shock at Muk as well, surprising Mew and the others.

Misty surprisingly says, "Eevee is using Thunder Shock."

"But Eevee usually can't use Thunder Shock," Brock says.

"You don't know my Eevee. She's strong and full of potential," Mew says.

Then calls out, "Alright you three, give it everything you got."

The three Pokemon continue to perform Thunder Shock on Muk until it collapses on the ground.

Mew brings out her Pokeball and shouts, "Alright! Pokeball, go!"

Mew throws her Pokeball and it catches Muk inside. After a few shakes and wobbles, it pings and stops moving.

Mew picks up the Pokeball, "I did it! I captured a Muk!"

However, Mew notices the others are standing back.

"What's wrong?" Mew asks as she sees everyone cover their nose.

The next day outside the factory, Mew has the Pokeball held out in her hand.

"The smell comes through the Pokeball!" Mew says, and covers her nose.

Everyone begins laughing.

"That's the bad news. But the good news is Pikachu's one-hundred percent better," Misty says.

"That's right! Pikachu was sick until just a little while ago," Brock says.

Plant worker #2 says, "If an electric mouse builds up too much electricity, its body becomes magnetized, and it seems like it has a cold"

"Wow. We all sure owe a big thank you to Magnemite, here. Don't we?" Mew says.

Magnemite lowers itself to Pikachu, but when Pikachu tries to get close, it slightly moves away.

Confused, Misty says, "Hey! Until just a minute ago, Magnemite was obsessed with Pikachu."

"What's going on? Now it's completely ignoring Pikachu," Mew says.

"Maybe Magnemite fall in and out of love just like humans do," Brock says.

Plant worker #2 suspects, "Could Magnemite have fallen in love at first sight because Pikachu's body was magnetized?"

Plant worker #1 says, "That must be the reason. Animals are attracted to other animals by scent, so Magnemite are attracted to other Pokemon by their magnetic force. Because Pikachu had built up so much magnetic force, it must've been very attracted to that Magnemite."

"Oh," Misty replies.

Brock understands, "I get it. After Pikachu ran out of electricity, it was no longer magnetized. That's why Magnemite isn't interested in Pikachu anymore."

"It's a good thing, huh, Pikachu? It won't follow you around anymore," Mew says, turning to Pikachu.

"Chu!" (Yeah!) Pikachu happily says.

"Eevee Eevee" (But it seems Magnemite likes you, Mew) Eevee says.

Magnemite flies to Mew and leans to her, showing a happy expression.

Misty says, "I think Magnemite wants to come with you Mew."

"I think you're right," Mew says.

Magnemite nods its head in reply.

Unknown to them, Team Rocket is spying on them from their Gyarados shaped submarine. Meowth looks through the periscope to see them in their sight.

"We got em now!" Meowth says.

"Now, the fun begins, with our new secret weapon!" Jessie says.

"Now that Pikachu is magnetized, our plan is to take this high powered electro-magnet and.." James says.

Then they both say, "Finally capture Pikachu!"

"Come on! Let's just catch Pikachu!" Meowth says.

Jessie says, annoyed, "Why don't you keep your snide remarks to yourself?"

"That's right!" James says, and presses the button.

The button soon activates the magnet. Suddenly, they hear loud clanking sounds.

That sounds strange. As it turns out, instead of capturing Pikachu, they ended up capturing the Magnemite and Magneton.

Jessie says, worried, "That sounds strange."

"Certainly does," James agrees.

"Yeah," Meowth says.

Soon, more and more of the magnet Pokemon are pulled by the magnet. In fact, there were so many that it sank the submarine.

Team Rocket screams, "Team Rocket's splashing off again!"

After that, Mew and her friends are at the Pokemon Center. Magnemite decides to come with Mew and her friends on their journey. Everyone is happy to see the Pokemon at the center are feeling better now.

"All those Grimer here just prove that the ocean's totally polluted. You guys gotta clean up the sea around here. I know you can do it," Misty says.

Jenny says, "You're right, Misty, Ben. We'll do everything we can to make sure that the ocean is really clean again."

"If you clean up the air, and the water, you may just bring this place back to life," Brock says.

Nurse Joy happily says, "Thanks, Mew. You and your friends worked so hard to make sure all these Pokemon survive, you've inspired me to become a better nurse."

Officer Jenny salutes, "We salute all of your fine work."

"Oh that's very nice of you. Anyway, try to make sure the city stays clean," Mew says.

"We will. And please come back and visit us," Nurse Joy says.

Mew and her friends head off to their next part of their journey with smiles on their faces and the sun is now shining over the city.

Meanwhile in Professor Oak's lab, the professor receives some of Mew's Pokemon. Mew has her Pokemon she already has sent to the lab for rest and relaxation. As well as sending two of her new Pokemon.

Professor Oak laughs and says, "Hmm, I wonder what new Pokemon Mew has caught this time."

The two Pokeballs open and one is Magnemite.

When the other one opens, Professor Oak quickly covers his nose in disgust, "What is that smell?!"

That's when Muk appears.

Professor Oak screams, "What's the idea of sending me a Muk?! Yuck!"

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Teddiursa (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female). Arcanine (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Raboot (Female). Espurr (Male). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Krabby (Male). Shellder (Male). 1 Pokemon Eggs.

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Flabébé (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Muk (Male). Magnemite.

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). Psyduck (Male). 1 Pokemon Egg.

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. 1 Pokemon Egg.

From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

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