Episode 26: The Punchy Pokemon

One bright and sunny day out on the road. There are large canyons far ahead and the road is between grassy areas that has rocks, trees and bushes. Running down the road is a Pokemon. It's a tan, humanoid Pokémon that is exclusively male and has no female counterpart. There are five blunt protrusions on top of its head, and it has structures resembling pads over its shoulders. It appears to be wearing a light purple tunic and kilt, as well as red boxing gloves and light purple boxing shoes. The Pokemon continues to jog on the road until it comes to a stop and practices its air punch.

Suddenly, a young girl peeks out from behind the tree to see the Pokemon. She looks very worried about something.

Suddenly, Mew's voice catches her attention, "Wow! Look at that!"

The young girl quickly hides behind the tree. At the same time, Mew and the others arrive to see the Pokemon.

"It's a wild Hitmonchan!" Mew says, amazed.

"So that's one of those fighting Pokemon I've heard about," Misty says.

"That one's a real fighter!" Brock says.

Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Hitmonchan, the Punching Pokemon. A Fighting Type. The skilled fighting Pokemon that packs an incredibly fast punch."

"This Hitmonchan is very pumped up. I wonder what's it up to," Brock says.

Mew steps forward, "Let's go ask."

Mew walks to Hitmonchan and asks, "Hi Hitmonchan, I see you're practicing. Is something special going on?"

"Hit Hitmonchan. Hit Hitmon Hitmon Hitmonchan Hitmonchan. Hitmon Hitmonchan," (There is. I'm training with my trainer for a Fighting competition called the P1 Grand Prix. And we plan to win it.) Hitmonchan answers.

"I see," Mew says.

Brock asks, "So what did Hitmonchan say?"

"Hitmonchan said that he and his trainer are training for a fighting competition called the P1 Grand Prix," Mew says.

"So this Hitmonchan isn't wild," Misty says.

"I wonder who this Hitmonchan belongs to," Brock says.

Suddenly, another Pokemon arrives on the scene. The Pokemon is a small humanoid Pokémon with a predominantly pale purple body and brown hips and feet that resemble short pants and shoes. It has three blunt protrusions on top of its head, yellow eyes, and circular sections on each side of its head that resemble protective padding. There are white bands resembling bandages on its torso and wrists. It has thin limbs, and its hands have three fingers each.

The Pokemon says, "Tyrogue Tyrogue Tyrogue." (Alright, I'm ready for another battle.)

"Hitmon?" (You sure you're ready?) Hitmonchan asks.

"Tyrogue Ty," (Of course I'm ready.) The Pokemon says.

Soon, the battle begins to break out, Hitmonchan throws a few punches at the little Pokemon, but the little Pokemon fights back with a Fake out attack. As the two Pokemon fight, Mew and her friends stand and watch.

"What kind of Pokemon is that?" Misty asks.

"I think it's a Tyrogue," Mew says.

"It's a Tyrogue alright, but they originated in the Johto Region," Brock says.

Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Tyrogue, the Scuffle Pokemon. A Fighting Type. Even though it is small, it can't be ignored because it will slug any handy target without warning."

"If I remember correctly, Tyrogue is also the pre-evolved form of a Hitmonchan," Mew says.

"Right. Tyroge has a three way branch evolution. Depending on how Tyrogue is raised it can evolve to a Hitmonlee or Hitomonchan of the Kanto. In Johto, it can also evolve into Hitmontop," Brock says.

"Well, this Tyrogue is also pretty spunky," Misty says.

Just then, they see Tyrogue perform the attack called Brick Break and is able to get a hit on Hitmonchan.

"And it's actually tougher than it looks," Mew says.

Suddenly, they hear someone say, "How many times do I have to tell ya? Don't drop your guard!"

"Chan," (Right.) Hitmonchan says.

Mew and the others soon see a man wearing a white shirt, black pants and has a red town on his shoulders. He has tank skih, dark brown hair, and brown eyes.

The man says, "Keep your gloves up, Hitmonchan, cause fighting smart hurts less than fighting stupid."

"Chan," (Right.) Hitmonchan answers.

Then says, "Now, go show this little trainee what it takes!"

"Uh oh," Mew and her friends reply.

Just then, Hitmonchan begins to punch Tyrogue with multiple punches until it's knocked out. Then Hitmonchan gives it the final uppercut punch and sends it flying and crashing to the ground.

"Looks like Hitmonchan won that round," Mew says.

Pikachu and Eevee nod their heads in reply.

Mew kneels down and picks up the little Tyrogue, "You okay, little guy."

The man walks to his Pokemon and says, "I declare Hitmonchan the winner! Congratulations! One, two, three.. HOORAY!"

Both the man and Hitmonchan raise their fist up in victory.

"I wonder who this guy is," Mew replies.

"He's a pretty serious trainer," Misty says.

"Guess that's Hitmonchan's trainer," Brock suspects.

Suddenly, they hear someone calling out, "Daddy!"

The group turns their heads to see a young girl hurrying to the man. She's wearing a white shirt, a blue skirt, and red shoes.

"Daddy, please come home!" The young girl says.

Confused, the man says, "Rebecca?"

The girl, Rebecca, begs the man that is her father, "Daddy, please quit Pokemon training and come home with me!"

"I won't come home until I become champion of the P1 Grand Prix," The man denies.

"Daddy!" The girl says, sounding upset.

The man then says to Mew and her friends, "I'll be in the gym taking on challengers. The gym's that way. I'll be waiting for ya."

The man and Hitmonchan begin to jog off with their workout. The young girl, Rebecca looks devastated that she's on the verge of tears.

Rebecca sadly says, "Oh well."

Seeing the girl, Brock quickly comes to the girl, "Can I be of help to you, young lady?"

The girl, Rebecca bows her head, "I'm really sorry my father bothered you."

"No problem," Brock says.

Then Rebecca asks, "Can I ask a favor of you Pokemon trainers? A really, really big favor?"

"Please feel free to ask. We'll be glad to help in any way possible," Brock says, eager to assist.

"Thank you. Please, I want you to defeat my father's Hitmonchan," Rebecca says.

The group of friends become confused.

Brock quickly says, holding her hands, "We'll do it for ya!"

The group soon arrives at a building that has the sign that reads 'Fighting Spirit.' Soon, the group is inside to see a lot of gym equipment.

"The Fighting Spirit gym," Misty says, reading the sign.

"This sure doesn't look like an ordinary Pokemon gym," Mew says, looking around.

Brock notices the Poster and asks, "What's the P1 Grand Prix?"

"P1 is short for 'Pokemon Number 1 Grand Prix'. It's a tournament for fighting Pokemon. Because my father wants to win the P1, he's training all the time and ignoring his family," Rebecca says.

"So if we defeat that Hitmonchan, your dad will come to his senses and go back home," Brock suspects.

Rebecca nods her head and says, "Right"

"Ha! Just leave it to us!" Brock says, sounding confident.

Mew says, confused, "Leave it.."

"To us?" Mew adds.

"We'll take care of it," Brock says.

Then turns to Mew, "Mew, don't you have a fighting Pokemon we could use?"

"You mean Primeape?" Mew asks.

"Yep," Brock says.

Mew nods her head, "Yeah. Primeape should be able to do the job."

"And I've got Geodude. We'll both enter the tournament, and defeat that Hitmonchan!" Brock says.

Mew then looks at Tyrogue and asks, "What about Tyrogue, isn't he one of your dad's Pokemon?"

"Oh no, Tyrogue is a wild Pokemon. He comes over once in a while to train with my father and Hitmonchan," Rebecca says.

"Really?" Mew says.

Then kneels to Tyrogue, "Wanna come with us to the P1 Competition? You might learn from the other fighting Pokemon, and you'll have a lot of fun."

"Tyrogue," (Sure.) Tyrogue says.

At the stadium where the P-1 is being placed, our heroes are heading there now. Unknown to them, Team Rocket is there as well. They also see the poster for the fighting tournament.

"A big Pokemon match!" James says

"And feast your eyes on that prize!" Meowth says.

"I'd love to get my hands on that championship belt," Jessie says.

Then James says, "And if we sold the belt, we could stuff ourselves at the all-you-can-eat buffet!

Soon, Meowth begins to daydream about food, "Unlimited food! Honey-glazed ham, roast leg of lamb, strawberry jam."

"Sirloin steaks, chocolate cakes," James says, having the same daydream.

Jessie becomes annoyed with them and angrily demands, "Can't you numskulls think of anything but food?!"

She then smacks the two with fans.

"What would you do with the money, Jessie?" Meowth asks, still has the bruise on his face.

"Who? Me?" Jessie asks.

"Yes, Jessie. What would you do if you had some extra cash?" James says.

Jessie answers with sparkles in her eyes, "First, I'd go to the salon and get a complete facial. Then, I'd get my hair and makeup done. Then I'd go on a major shopping spree for dresses and half-backs and shoes. Then I'd do a bit of jewelry shopping. And after all that, I'd invite some close friends over for a nice quiet dinner at home."

Jessie soon begins to fantasize all of it in her mind.

However, James breaks her dream by saying, "I hate to interrupt your internal dream sequence, but shouldn't we figure out how to get into this competition? Only fighting Pokemon are allowed."

"Of which, we currently have none," Meowth adds.

"Well, then, we'll just have to borrow one, won't we? All we have to do is find one," Jessie says.

Soon, they hear footsteps and turn their heads to see a man wearing a large gray coat and hat walking past them with a Pokemon. The Pokemon is a humanoid Pokémon with an ovoid body. Lacking a distinct neck and head, its upper torso has almond-shaped eyes with black space around them and appears to lack a nose and mouth, it's brown, it has cream-colored, segmented arms and legs. Each hand has three fingers and each foot has three clawed toes. The soles of its feet and its ankles have circular, yellow pads.

"Like that one, there," Jessie says.

"What is it?" Meowth asks.

Seeing the Pokemon, James says, "Hitmonlee, The Kicking Fiend!"

Team Rocket evilly smirks and sees the fighting Pokemon they plan to use.

Later on, fireworks appear over the sky, and inside the stadium are full of people who are going to watch the tournament.

An Announcer says. Ladies and gentlemen, our fighting Pokemon festival, the P1 Grand Prix is about to begin!

In the restroom, Team Rocket has captured the trainer with the Hitmonlee from earlier. They bound and gagged him up in one of the restroom stalls. Soon, Jessie walks out wearing the man's hat and coat.

Jessie holds a smirk on her face and holds the Pokeball in her hand, "Now we've got our fighting Pokemon.

Then turns to the tied up trainer, "Thank you. Please remain seated."

Team Rocket leaves and closes the door on the tied up trainer so he'll be trapped.

Atr the ring, the tournament is going to start.

The announcer says, "The contestants in the P1 Grand Prix are about to enter the ring."

The door in the ring opens and the contestant is Rebecca's father and his Hitmonchan. In the audience are Rebecca with Misty, Piakchu, Eevee and Tyrogue.

The announcer says, "Introducing the number one contender, The Fighting Machine, Hitmonchan, and its trainer, Anthony!"

"Now, the challenger, The Kicking Fiend, Hitmonlee, along with its trainer, Giant!" The announcer says.

Now at the ring are Team Rocket with the Hitmonlee they stole. Suddenly, Jessie begins to lose her balance.

Jessie angrily scolds, "Stand up straight! You're making me dizzy!"

In the coat, James says, "I'm tired. Let's trade places."

Jessie then squeezes him with her legs, "Quit complaining!"

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, three new Pokemon trainers are competing here in their P1 debut! Please welcome Mew and Brock!" The announcer says.

"Oh no! Not you again!" Jessie exclaims.

Mew hears the voice and turns her head as Jessie quickly turns her head away.

Brock asks, "Hey, guys. What's the matter?"

"Uh, nothing, I guess," Mew says.

"And now, for our first match! Machop is ready to battle. And it looks like Primeape is as well," the announcer says.

"You ready, Primeape?" Mew asks.

"Prime," (Ready.) Primeape says.

Then Machop calls out, "Machop!" (Hey, you!)

Primeape turns to Machop and both Pokemon are staring at them.

Suddenly, Machop begins to throw Karate Chops and that causes Primeape to be pushed to the pole.

"Get up, Primeape! I know you can beat it," Mew says, and Primeape gets up.

Brock: It looks beat!

The announcer says, "And it looks like Machop has the advantage in the battle with Primeape! Machop may be small, but it sure packs plenty of power!"

Primeape then jumps in the air and begins to perform a High jump kick, but Machop grabs his foot, causing the group to gasp in shock.

"This looks bad!" Misty says, worried.

Soon, Machop begins to spin Primeape.

"Machop's mega muscle power stops Primeape's kick cold! It looks like Machop is getting ready for its special attack!" The announcer says.

"Special attack?!" Mew says, worried.

She realizes, "The Seismic Toss! Oh no! It's gonna toss Primeape!"

Machop then throws Primeape out of the ring.

Mew dives in and screams, "Primeape!"

Mew quickly turns her body around for herself to catch Primeape and she lands on her back.

"Pri?" (Mew?) Primeape asks.

Mew sits up and asks, "Primeape, are you okay?"

Primeape begins to get teary that Mew performs a selfless act for his sake. He remembers that she's tough, but also realizes she's very caring too.

Primeape soon becomes confident, "Primeape," (I'm good!)

"Alright! Good! Now, we're not gonna quit!" Mew says.

"Primeape! (Gotcha!) Primeape says.

Mew stands up and says, "Watch out for that Seismic Toss and give it everything you've got!"

"Primeape!" (Sure thing!) Primeape says.

Mew then calls out, "Primeape, Scratch attack!"

Primeape leaps forward and gives Machop the scratch attack.

Then Mew calls out, "Jump, Primeape!"

Primeape jumps up blinding Primeape.

"Machop?" (What's this?) Machop asks, being blinded.

"Mega Kick, right now!" Mew calls out.

Primeape then strikes at Machop with the Mega Kick, enough to knock it out.

"We did it!" Mew happily cheers.

The announcer then says, "And this match is over! Machop is down and out! Mew's Primeape wins the battle!"

Seeing how strong they are, Rebecca's father, Anthony says, "That Primeape! It's really tough! And so is its trainer!"

"Monchan. (Sure is.) Hitmonchan says.

Later on, Brock's Geodude is next and is fighting against Hitmonlee.

The bell rings, and the announcer says, "Our next match is between Hitmonlee and Geodude. Fans, Geodude is as hard as a rock! Will Hitmonlee be able to crack Geodude?

The bell rings again to start the match.

Brock turns to the audience and calls out, "Rebecca! Don't worry! Everything's under control!"

But Rebecca calls out, "Brock! Watch out behind you!"

Before he can notice, Geodude is sent flying and hits Brock on his head, and knocks him down.

In the ring, Hitmonlee says, "Monlee." (Too easy.)

"This won't take very long," Jessie says.

Brock gets up and says, "Geodude, this time, hit Hitmonlee!"

Then Geodude heads back into the ring.

Jessie then calls out, "Don't show any mercy! Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick!"

Hitmonlee lunges forward and gives Geodude flurry of kicks as the rock Pokemon block and tries to defend himself.

Mew then uses her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Hitmonlee, the Kicking Pokemon. A Fighting Type. When kicking, the sole of its foot turns as hard as a diamond on impact and destroys its enemy."

Worried, Mew says, "Geodude's gonna turn into gravel."

Then turns to Brock, "Brock? Brock!"

But Brock is too worried about his Pokemon to listen.

Just then, Anthony hands Brock a red towel, "If you're a real man, you know when you have to admit defeat. Time to face facts, you can lose today and win tomorrow."

"Right," Brock says, taking the towel.

Then throws it into the ring, signalling that he forfeits.

The announcer says, "Fans, Brock has thrown in the towel!

Brock hurries on to the ring, "Geodude!"

Then picks up Geodude, "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"Geo," (I'm sorry.) Geodude says.

"You don't have to apologize. You gave it your best shot," Brock says.

"dude," (Thanks.) Geodude says.

"Don't worry, you'll be solid as a rock soon," Brock says.

"Primeape and I will take care of things now, Brock," Mew says.

"I'm counting on you, Mew," Brock says.

"Right!" Mew says.

Soon, the tournament continues to move forward. Mew's Primeape, Anthony with Hitmonchan, and Hitmonlee continue to move on. Misty and Tyrogue cheers making the others surprised.

The announcer says, "Now, Mew and Primeape will advance to the final match, while the Fighting Spirit Gym's very own Hitmonchan, the number one contender in this tournament, takes on the legendary 'Kicking Fiend', Hitmonlee for a chance at the championship!"

Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee stare at each other as they stand in the ring.

"This is a tough opponent. If we play fair, we may lose," Jessie says.

"Not with the plan I cooked up with Meowth," James says.

Then James whines, "And speaking of cooking, I'm broiling in here!"

"Get back in!" Jessie sternly says, making James frown.

Anthony calls out, "Keep on moving, keep on fighting! Remember, you're a champion!"

"Monchan," (Sure, coach.) Hitmonchan says.

The bell rings and the fight begins. Both of the Pokemon speed at each other and collide their attacks at each other. The two Pokemon then glare at each other.

Anthony calls out, "Gotta be smart! Gotta be strong! Gotta keep moving!"

Hitmonlee then begins to throw kicks at Hitmonchan, but Hitmonchan dodges the attacks.

Irritated, Jessie says, "Hitmonlee's not landing any kicks!"

Suddenly, Meowth says, holding some kind of container, "We gotta slow Hitmonchan down!"

"And a little gloppy glue should do it!" Meowth adds and laughs while he is under the ring.

Meowth then uses the tube to stick out into the ring and spray some glue on the ground. Hitmonchan ends up stepping on the glue. Hitmonchan tries to pull his foot out, but the glue sticks it's foot to the ground.

"Hitmonchan's in trouble! Hitmonlee's Mega Kick attack is getting the best of Hitmonchan!" The announcer says.

Anthony cries out, "Hitmonchan!"

Brock turns to Anthony, "This is dangerous! You should forfeit the match right now!"

Anthony grits his teeth as he watches Hitmonchan being kicked.

Suddenly, Jessie calls out, "Finish it, Hitmonlee!"

Hitmonlee then begins to perform the final blow. Suddenly, Rebecca quickly dives into the ring.

She quickly stands in front of Hitmonchan and cries out, "Stop it! Don't hurt my father's Pokemon!"

Anthony cries out, "Rebecca!"

Anthony quickly jumps into the ring and takes Hitmonlee's kick in his arm. The group gasps in shock to see Anthony getting it and is pushed into the pole.

Mew quickly asks, "Are you all right?!"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," Anthony says.

Rebecca walks over with teary eyes, "Oh Daddy."

"Are you hurt, Rebecca?" Anthony asks, standing up.

"No, I'm fine," Rebecca says.

"I'm glad," Anthony says.

Anthony then throws the red towel in the middle of the ring and calls out, "I give up!"

The bell rings to signal the match to be stopped.

The announcer says, "Anthony throws in the towel! Hitmonlee is the winner!"

Anthony helps Hitmonchan off the ring and says, "Ah, good work, Hitmonchan. Are you okay?

"Monchan," (I'm good.) Hitmonchan answers.

Anthony turns to Rebecca, "I'm sorry I worried you and your mother so much."

"Oh, Daddy," Rebecca says, hugging her father.

"That's my girl," Anthony says.

Mew and her friends and the Pokemon are happy.

"Isn't that great?" Mew says.

"That family's back together," Brock says.

"That means we're up against Hitmonlee," Mew adds.

"That's right," Brock replies.

Misty walks over, "Your battling brought them back together. And now, all Ash needs to do is win one more time to be champion."

"Pikachu," (Just one more.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (And Primeape is champ.) Eevee adds.

"Tyrogue," (You can do it.) Tyrogue says.

Suddenly, Jessie says, "Don't bet on it!"

The group turns their heads to see Team Rocket disguised as the Giant.

"I can't wait for the chance to show you three goody-goodies what losers you are! You don't stand a chance against us. We're going to win that championship belt!" Jessie says.

"And when we do, you can find us at the all-you-can-eat buffet table!" James says, sticking their heads out of the coat.

Jessie smacks James on the head, "Will you be quiet!"

Mew says, shocked, "It's them again!"

"Team Rocket!" Misty says.

"How did you ever guess?" Jessie says, and removes the disguise.


To protect the world from devastation!


To unite all peoples within our nation!


To denounce the evils of truth and love!


To extend our reach to the st.. I can't take it!


Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!

Soon, James slowly collapses until he's on his knees, "Surrender now.. Surrender now, or prepare to.. Prepare to f.."

Then begins to weep in pain.

Embarrassed, James says, "Uh, we're not finished."

Soon, they both stand on their feet.

"As I was saying, we're going to be the winners around here!" Jessie says.

"And you can bet your buffet on that!" James says.

Soon, the finals begin and the announcer says, "And now, for the final confrontation!"

Primeape begins to charge, as the announcer says, "Primeape, a newcomer who battled to this last round with tremendous attacks..."

Then Hitmonlee begins to kick as the announcer adds, "Faces the ferocious footwork of Hitmonlee, the Kicking Fiend! Get ready, fans, for a match you'll never forget!"

Primeape blocks Hitmonlee's kicks.

"You can't just defend yourself, Primeape! Attack!" Mew calls out.

"If you can't get inside Hitmonlee's kicks, you'll never win the battle!" Anthony says.

Then Mew calls out, "Primeape, get in there and show Hitmonlee that you're not afraid!"

Primeape dodges Hitmonlee's kick.

"You did it!" Brock cheers.

Then Mew calls out, "Now Primeape!"

Primeape then gives Hitmonlee his furry attack, and Hitmonlee isn't able to do anything.

Jessie angrily calls out, "What are you doing?!"

"Kick it! Kick it!" James calls out.

On a different side of the ring, Meowth pops out from under the ring and heads back to his comrades, but not without Pikachu, Eevee, and Tyrogue

"Pikachu," (He's up to something.) Pikachu says.

Eevee and Tyrogue nod their heads in reply.

Meowth reaches to his teammates and says, "The secret weapon is ready!"

James turns to Meowth.

"All you gotta do now is use this remote control! Have Htimonlee jump up, then flip the switch. A hundred-thousand volts will run through the ring, followed by an explosion! Primeape will get a charge out of that!" Meowth says, holding the remote.

Meanwhile, Pikachu taps on Mew's leg. Pika! Pika Pi! (Mew! Meowth's up to something!)

Mew turns to Pikachu and asks, ""What is it, Pikachu?"

"Pikachu! Pikachu! Pika Pi! (Mew! It's Meowth! He was under the ring! He's done something!)

"He was?" Mew asks.

"Eevee Eevee," (Meowth is going to try to cheat,) Eeeve adds.

"Okay, you three do something about what Meowth is up to. I'm in the middle of a battle," Mew says.

Then turns to the ring, "Hang in there, Primeape!"

Pikachu and Eevee nod their heads and head off to under the ring with Tyrogue. They all soon find the device and suspect Meowth has put it there.

Back on top of the ring, Hitmonlee lands on the ring pole.

"Hit it!" Jessie commands.

"You got it!" James says, pressing the button.

However, nothing happens.

"Nothing's happening." Jessie says.

Meowth says, "Something's wrong?"

Hitmonlee then jumps off the pole as Primeape jumps up. The two Pokemon are about to collide when Primeape strikes it's hit at Hitmonlee and grabs Hitmonlee much to Team Rocket's dismay.

Mew calls out, "Alright! Use the Seismic Toss, now, Primeape!"

"Oh no!" Team Rocket panics.

"This is bad!" Meowth says.

Primeape then gives Hitmonlee the Seismic Toss and throws him down on the ground.

"We did it!" Mew says.

Soon, Hitmonlee falls to the ground and faints.

"And it's all over! Primeape defeats Hitmonlee with a Seismic Toss! Mew's Primeape wins by a knockout! Primeape is the new P1 Pokemon Grand Prix Champion!" The announcer says.

Mew is now in the ring with Primeape as he wears the Championship Belt.

Mew says, "It's prime time for Primeape!"

"Primeape! Primeape!" (We did it! We did it!) Primeape says.

Mew hugs Primeape and says, "I'm proud of you, Primeape. Congratulations."

"Primeape." (Thank you.) Primeape says.

Back to Team Rocket, they are not pleased that their plan worked.

"What went wrong, Meowth?!" Jessie demands.

"What happened to our secret weapon?!" James adds.

Just then, Pikachu pops out from under the ring, "Pika. (Excuse me.)"

Eevee and Tyrogue come out from under the ring as well.

Pikachu then walks to Meowth and gives him the device, "Pikachu." (This is yours.)

Meowth takes it and says, "Here it is! It looks like it works."

"Pika!" (Enjoy!) Pikachu says, and walks away.

Eevee and Tyrogue follow him.

Meowth says, "Really appreciate it."

Just then, the device activates and gives them the shock that they deserve. Soon, they are blown out of the stadium and into the sky.

Team Rocket screams, "Team Rocket's blasting off again!"

After the tournament, Mew and her friends have done some investigating, turns out Hitmonlee has been stolen by the real Giant who has been locked in the restroom stall. Luckily, they are able to free him and return Hitmonlee back to him. Then, the group are ready to go their separate ways.

"I guess you all will be heading off on your journey, huh," Rebecca says.

"Yeah. We're going to the next gym to have a gym battle," Mew says.

"If it's a Pokemon Gym you like to go to, one of the gyms I can think of is the Fuchsia Gym. It's still a little ways from here, but I think you should head there," Anthony says.

"Thanks Anthony," Mew says.

Just then Tyrogue walks to Mew and stands next to Primeape.

"Looks like Tyrogue wants to come with you," Rebecca says.

"I think it's an excellent choice. I think it can learn more about battling by traveling," Anthony says.

Mew kneels to Tyrogue, "So Tyrogue, you wanna come with me and my friends?"

"Tyrogue." (Of course I do.) Tyrogue says.

Mew then brings out her Pokeball, "Well then Tyrogue, welcome to the team."

Me taps her Pokeball on Tyrogue and goes inside. Then with a click, Tyrogue has been caught. Mew then lets Tyrogue out, and Tyrogue and Pimeape give each other a fist bump.

"Well then, it looks like Tyrogue has a new trainer, and a new friend," Brock says.

"It looks like we'll have an interesting time with Tyrogue," Misty says.

"Yeah," Mew says.

Mew and her friends wave goodbye to Anthony, Rebecca, and Hitmonchan and they continue the next part of their adventure. Primeape has become the P1 Champion, and Tyrogue decides to stay with Mew and her friends to train and become strong. And so Mew and her friends continue to travel to the next gym and to another adventure awaits them.

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Raboot (Female). Roserade (Female). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Squirtle (Male). Teddiursa (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Espurr (Male). Shellder (Male). Axew (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Flabébé (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female) Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). 1 Pokemon Eggs.

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Arcanine (Male). Gyarados (Male). Krabby (Male). Haunter (Male). Sandshrew (Male).

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). Psyduck (Male). 1 Pokemon Egg.

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. 1 Pokemon Egg.

From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

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