Episode 25: Pokemon Fashion Flash

One day, Mew asks, "Scissor Street? Why'd we come here?"

"You'll see," Brock says.

"Sure are a lot of Pokemon beauty parlors," Misty says, looking around.

Misty is right, there are different beauty parlors around the area where they're at. The place is called Scissor Street. Mew and her friends are walking along the street. Brock seems to be the only one who knows why they're here.

Mew turns to Brock and asks, "Is there any place special you want to visit, Brock?"

But Brock is busy looking around.

Suddenly, Misty remembers, "Wait a minute! I just remembered that Scissor Street is also called Breeder's Lane!"

Brock looks around and wonders, "Where is it?"

"So THAT's why we're here! Brock's always gotta see that latest breeder gear," Mew says.

Indeed, Brock dreams of becoming a Pokemon Breeder, a person who devotes time and energy learning how to raise the best Pokemon.

As they walk down the street, Brock explains, "Some of the best breeders have shops here. There are lots of terrific make-up places and fashion salons, too, just for Pokemon."

"Really?" Mew asks.

Pikachu and Eevee become curious.

"Hey!" Misty says, and runs to a billboard

She looks at the billboard to see Ekans and Koffing. Ekans is wearing a long pink skirt with green laces and buttons of stars, blue circles and pink hearts, a green ribbon, and a white collar. Koffing is wearing a yellow skirt and an orange ribbon with a red flower. They both are also wearing a lot of makeup.

Excited, Misty says, "Oh, look! This must be the newest fashion! How cute!"

"You think that's cute, huh?" Mew says, confused.

"Come on, we gotta go in!" Misty says, and drags Mew

They soon hear an announcement from a man, "You won't believe how beautiful a Pokemon can be! Step in, and see for yourself. Let us dazzle you with the latest fashions by the expert artists at Salon Roquet."

That's when Mew and her friends arrive.

"Did he just say, Salon Roquet?" Mew replies, confused.

"Why does that name sound so familiar?" Misty asks.

Brock looks at the window and says in surprise, "Whoa! Is that supposed to be a Pokemon, or a Christmas tree?"

Inside the parlor, Salon Roquet, turns out the two beauticians are Team Rocket: Jessie and James. They are staying in a Raichu and a Dodrio.

"Bring your drab Pokemon to Salon Roquet for a complete Pokemon makeover!" Jessie says, in a french accent and painting Raichu.

Then holds out a necklace, "Including jewelry!" And then places it around Raichu's neck.

James then styles Dorio's hair, "And hair styling."

"We'll make your Pokemon a Pretty-mon! Ta-da!" They both announce.

Then reveals the Pokemon to be wearing makeup and accessories.

Jessie says, "We've done it again! Another Pokemon fashion masterpiece!"

"I can't believe how talented we are!" James says.

The two turn to see the Pokemon and it reveals to have roses taped to their backs.

Soon, Team Rocket returns the Pokemon to the trainer.

Jessie says, "Your Pokemon have gone from frumpy to flashy, thanks to Salon Roquet."

Their female trainer looks at them and says with glee, "Oh! How precious!"

Raichu and Dordrio look at a mirror to see their reflection and are completely stunned to see the makeover they got. They soon leave with their trainer with embarrassed looks on their faces.

At the same time, Meowth is counting money, "One-twenty, one-thirty, one-forty, one-fifty, one-sixty, one-seventy, one-eighty, one-ninety, two-hundred."

The two bow their heads and say, "Please come back again soon!"

"You two are spending way too much on advertising! TV commercials are a big waste of money! Remember, we're in this to make a profit!" Meowth says.

Jessie sternly says, "We know what we're doing! The more we spend to hype this place, the more customers we'll get. Customers who will spend thousands for a fashionable Pokemon!"

That makes Meowth get a little nervous.

Outside the parlor, Mew and Misty look at the salon while Brock is looking around.

"I think I'm gonna get in line," Misty says, but Mew becomes confused.

Suddenly, Brock points out, "It's there!"

Then runs to the destination, "I've found it! I've been looking all over for this place!"

"This is the store you've been looking for?" Misty asks as she and Mew walk over.

Brock then reaches his hand towards the door with a nervous expression, but can't seem to open it.

"What're you so nervous about?" Mew asks. Then walks inside with Misty and her Pokemon.

They soon hear a female's voice saying, ""Hi! Can I help you?"

Brock panics and rushes inside. Soon the group looks to see a young woman who has brown eyes and long teal hair. She is also wearing a grayish blue spa uniform.

The woman messages Chancey and says, "Just relax. Release all your tension."

Brock becomes astonished to see how happy Chansey is while being messaged by the woman. Chansey looks smooth and sparkly, and relaxed.

Once she's done, the woman says, "Now you'll have more energy."

Chansey then stands up and looks at the mirror, and Chansey loves it.

Chansey trainer walks in and says, "Chansey, I've come for you, darling!"

The woman walks with Chansey and the trainer says with excitement, "Oh! Don't you look precious?"

"Thank you for bringing Chansey to my salon," The young woman says.

"See you soon, Suzie!" Chansey's trainer says.

"Chansey," (Thank you.) Chansey happily says.

Chansey and its trainer leave through the door.

Suzie turns to Mew and her friends, "May I help the next customer?"

"We're just kinda, sorta, browsing around," Mew says.

Brock steps forward as he blushes, "No, uh..."

Then Misty shoves Brock out of the way, "Look! Isn't that Vulpix the cutest thing? Don't you wanna hug it?"

Misty, Mew, and her Pokemon walk forward to see the little fox.

"And it's sound asleep. It's so adorable and peaceful," Mew says.

Mew brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Vulpix, the Fox Pokemon. A Fire Type. Its six tails are extremely beautiful. As it evolves, it grows even more tails.

"I love its hair. I wish I had hair like Vulpix that looks so shiny and soft," Misty says, and reaches to pick up Vulpix.

"Uh Misty, I wouldn't do that if I were you," Mew says.

Suzie quickly calls out, "Don't touch it!"

But Misty picks Vulpix up, "You're just about the cutest Pokemon I've ever.."

Before Misty can finish, Vulpix fires a flamethrower at her. Then hops back on to her chair, and lays down. She yaws, and goes back to seel.

"Very cute," Misty sheepishly says, and falls over.

"Yeah. I guess you've learned that Vulpix has powerful flame attacks, and it's not good to wake up a sleeping Pokemon," Mew says.

Suzie walks over, "Please pardon Vulpix, it doesn't like to be picked up or hugged by strangers."

"Wish I'd known that sooner," Misty says, tired.

Just then, Brock walks over, "Uh, Suzie?"

"Yes?" Suzie asks, turning to face Brock.

"My name's Brock. Nice to meet you, Suzie. I wanna breed like you. I mean, I wanna be a breeder like you!" Brock says, embarrassed.

"It's very nice to meet you, Brock. I'm flattered you want to make me your model," Suzie says, and bows her head a little.

"Yes, I wanna model you. I mean, I'm flattered that you're flattered! I mean, your Vulpix is nice," Brock says, nervous.

Everyone looks at Brock with confused looks.

Then Brock says, "What I'm really trying to say is, Suzie, I'm begging you to accept me as your pupil!"

Everyone becomes shocked and surprised by Brock's words, human and Pokemon alike..

"Are you serious, Brock?!" Mew asks, shocked.

"Mind your own business, Mew! I know what I'm doing!" Brock says.

Then begs Suzie, "Please say yes, Suzie!" Then bows his head.

Suzie then says, "I don't have pupils, Brock. Breeding takes up all my time."

"Suzie must be a great Pokemon Breeder for you to ask for you to become a pupil," Mew says.

Brock says, "Exactly!"

Brock holds a microphone and says, "The sensational Suzie of Scissor Street has been awarded the trophy for excellence at the World Pokemon Breeder's Contest for three consecutive years! Wait! There's more! Lights. In addition to that, the readers of Pokemon Friends magazine named her the most popular breeder, four years running! And her hugely popular website records over ten-thousand hits per day!

"Now that's what I call a great breeder!" Misty says, amazed.

"You better believe it!" Brock says.

Mew smiles and says, "Okay, Brock! We heard you clear and LOUD!"

Misty kneels to Vulpix and asks, "I wonder if this Vulpix has ever won any awards in competition."

Brock comes up and says, "That's a fabulous question, Misty. Vulpix is the hottest supermodel of the Pokemon world. Notice the gorgeous, flowing tails that have made Vulpix a champ. Plus, there's.."

Mew quickly grabs Brock, "We get the idea, Brock! Vulpix is terrific too!"

Vupix then yawns in reply.

Later, the gang sit with Suzie as they tell her about them traveling together, while Pikachu and Eevee are having a bite to eat.

"So all of you are traveling on a Pokemon journey together," Suzie asks.

Then turn to the Pokemon, "Your Pikachu and Eevee have beautiful, shiny coats."

Then turns to Brock, "Are you the one who prepares all of Pikachu's food, Brock?"

"Yes! I do!" Brock quickly says.

"And it's Brock's own recipe, too," Misty says.

"And Brock's been also teaching me how to make some food for my Pokemon too," Mew says.

"My career as a breeder also began when I first became interested in Pokemon nutrition," Suzie says.

Vulpix then walks over to Pikachu and Eevee.

"Pi!" (Here!) Pikachu says, giving Vulpix a piece.

Vulpix then takes the food and begins to eat it, Brock, Suzie and the others watch with curiosity.

When Vulpix finishes eating, she happily says, "Vulpix!" (Yummy!)

Soon everyone smiles as Vulpix begins to have some more.

"I can't believe Vulpix is eating the food I made!" Brock says amazed.

"Brock, this is really impressive! Vulpix never eats food that I haven't made myself," Suzie says, impressed.

Mew giggles, "Looks like Vulpix is a fan of Brock's cooking."

"Thank you, Vulpix!" Brock says, feeling embarrassed.

He bows his head and accidentally slams it on the table.

He quickly lifts his head up in pain, "I'm not worthy!" And receives a giggle from Suzie.

Then Misty asks, "Suzie, we saw some super fancy looking Pokemon when we were walking down the street. Is that really the latest trend?"

"By any chance, did you pass a very large salon on the way?" Suzie guesses.

"You mean that really tacky looking place that's called Salon Roquet?"

"That's the one. Ever since it opened, some trainers have been trying to make their Pokemon as flashy as possible," Suzie says.

"So that salon started the trend!"

"A good breeder is always trying to bring out a Pokemon's inner strength and personality, but this new fad is about standing out, not what's inside," Suzie sadly says.

"I don't like it either. It's pretty silly to waste your time showing off," Mew says.

"But sometimes even Pokemon like to get dressed up and show off a little, just like the rest of us. I see it now," Misty says.

Then fantasize Pikachu and Eevee wearing fashionable clothes.

"Pika Pika?" (What does she mean?) Pikachu wonders.

"Eevee Eevee," (I have no idea.) Eevee answers.

"I think Pikachu and Eevee look perfect the way they are. I think fashion and stuff are more fit for humans not Pokemon. Besides, the Pokemon who came out of the salon look very uncomfortable wearing those clothes and accessories... and very unhappy," Mew says.

"Hmm, now that you mention it, the Pokemon from the Salon didn't seem to like it," Misty says.

Mew then says, "Besides, I can't tell by the outfits and makeup, but doesn't the Ekans and Koffing look like Team Rocket's Pokemon."

"Team Rocket? But why run a beauty salon?" Misty asks.

"I'm not sure. If it is Team Rocket, it's best to go check it out. But we need to be a customer with a Pokemon to get in," Mew says.

Misty stands up, "And I'll be the customer they need."

Then calls out, "Psyduck. Sobble. Come on out."

Then they both are out of their Pokeball.

Misty kneels to them, "Okay Sobble and Psyduck. We're going to Salon Roquet to get you fashionable, but it's also an investigation."

"Psy-y-y duck?" Psyduck says, confused.

"Sobble," (Okay.) Sobble happily says.

Mew says, "Okay, but if anything happens, you three hurry back here as soon as possible, and be careful."

"Okay. Come on, Psyduck, Sobble!" Misty says.

Misty then walks out of the building with Psyduck and Sobble following them.

Suzie then sadly says, "I wonder if it's what's on the outside or what's inside that really counts in the end. Ever since that new salon opened, I've been wondering about my methods.

Brock quickly says "Don't say things like that!"

That catches Suzie by surprise.

Then Brock says, "Suzie, you've got to keep following the path you believe in!

"We have to stick up for what's inside together! Right, Pikachu? Right Eevee?" Mew says.

"Pikachu," (I agree.) Pikachu replies.

"Eevee." (Me too.) Eevee says.

"That's very kind, but, how can we?" Suzie replies.

"If they wanna put style over substance, we'll give customers substance with style!" Brock says, and has an idea.

Soon, Brock plans to have a Pokemon Lecture that will show them that the inner strength is more important than fashion sense. Soon, many trainers walk into Suzie's shop or watch from the window to see the lecture.

Brock holds a microphone and says, "There's still a few seats left in the back of the room for our lecture on Pokemon care!"

Suzie is with Mew and Eevee. And she gives Pikachu a message on his cheeks.

Suzie says, "Each Pokemon needs your special care and attention. Whenever a Pokemon's been injured in a battle, it should be given a therapeutic massage."

As the lecture continues, the crowd from Salon Roquet gets fear and fewer, until Misty and her Pokemon are the only one left

She looks around and wonders, "Hey! Wait! Where did everybody go?"

Suddenly, Chansey and its trainer comes by and asks, "Say, weren't you two over at Suzie's?"

"Yeah, we saw you there," Misty answers.

"Suzie's lecture just started. It's a series about Pokemon care. Today, she's talking about massage," The Chansey Trainer says.

Confused, Misty says, "A lecture on Pokemon massage?"

Back at Suzie's salon, Suzy says, "This volunteer and her Pikachu will now demonstrate the techniques we learned in today's lecture."

Mew and Pikachu nod their heads.

"As you may already know, a Pikachu's electric sacs are located in its cheeks, and they become very tense after a difficult battle," Suzie says.

"Pika Pikachu," (That is all too true.) Pikachu says.

Suzie turns to Mew, "Mew, would you please massage Pikachu's cheeks like I showed you earlier?"

"Sure," Mew says.

Mew walks over to Pikachu as he lays down on his back. Mew then gently places her hands on Pikachu's cheeks and begins to message them like Suzie.

"How does that feel, Pikachu?" Mew asks.

"Pika." (Feels nice.) Pikachu answers.

Brock and the crowd become amazed by the method.

"Good communication between Pokemon and their trainers is essential. These techniques build trust and bring out a Pokemon's personality," Suzie says.

"I think Suzie will agree with me that any technique is only as good as the trainer or breeder who uses it," Brock says.

The trainers look at their Pokemon who are wearing styles from the Salon and sigh in disappointment in themselves.

Meanwhile, Jessie and James are finishing giving a Squirtle a makeover.

"The perfect touch," James says, tying a bow around a Squirtle's tail.

"One last rose," Jessie says, paints a red rose on Squirtle's shell.

She then announces, "Voila! This Squirtle shell has become the perfect advertisement for our latest line of Pokemon fashion!"

"Oh, yes! Another masterpiece from Salon Rouqet! Roses are the flowers of love and romance," James dramatically says.

Then says with a smile, "We also paint daffodils."

The Squirtle lets out a sigh in reply, and doesn't get the human's idea.

Jessie turns to Meowth and says, "Meowth, send in the next customer, tout suite!"

"Can't you see I'm counting money here?!" Meowth complains holding the cash.

Meowth turns to the door to see that there is only one person and Pokemon.

"Hmm? Only one customer?" Meowth asks.

However, Jessie says, "Two or two million, it doesn't matter as long as we have customers who appreciate true beauty."

"We only want to offer our services to the most refined customers," James says.

Meowth scolds, "We're not gonna make any money that way!"

The door opens to reveal Misty with Sobble and Psyduck.

"Hello there, everybody!" Misty calls out.

Team Rocket turns their heads and becomes shocked to see Misty and her Pokemon. Misty becomes confused.

"Welcome, young lady," Jessie says.

The two members turn to each other with an idea in kind. Soon, they grab hold of Misty. and shoving her to their 'work zone'

"Hey! What are you doing?" Misty panics.

"Step in! Don't be shy." James says.

"No, not me! Psyduck! Sobble!" Misty panics.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You're just as lovely as any Psyduck and Sobble," Jessie says.

Soon, Team Rocket begins to stylize Misty without her consent.

"Hey! Hold on a second!" Misty panics.

Soon, James says, "It's another masterpiece!"

Soon, Misty has her hair in two small buns with pink heart hair clips on the buns and on her bangs. She is also wearing a pink jacket with goggles and a rainbow neck;ace, and pink wings on her shoes. Once they're gone, Jessie and James bring the mirror.

"You like them?" Jessie asks.

Seeing herself in the Mirror, Misty is amazed, "I love it! You've really captured the real me! You're a totally amazing artist! I look so cute!"

"I'm thrilled," Jessie happily says.

"There's nothing that pleases us more than a satisfied customer," James says.

"Why don't we try out even more new styles?" Misty asks, excited.

"Time for a makeover!" Jessie and James cheer.

Soon, Jessie and James begin to put all kinds of makeup and such on Misty, much to Meowth annoyance.

Meowth angrily says, "Forget about the makeover! She hangs around with that Pikachu and Eevee! We gotta grill the kid to figure out how to steal them!"

Jessie and James stop their makeover and turn to Meowth with annoyed looks on their faces.

Soon, Misty realizes, "Hey, wait! You're Meowth!"

And then Jessie and James begin to attack Meowth for blowing their cover.

"We were trying to find out until you blew our cover!" Jessie angrily says.

And James says, "First, you get the opponent to relax, then you pump them for info!"

Meowth then uses Scratch on Jessie and James, "So, stop pumping me and get that Pikachu!"

Meowth Scratches soon shred the disguises revealing who they really are.

"I'll never tell you phoneies anything," Misty angrily says.

Just then, James grabs Misty, "So, you both figured out the truth. Well, you better tell us where Pikachu is if you don't want your face painted like Frankenstein!"

"Do I want a face like Frankenstein?" Misty nervously asks.

Then shout, "No I don't! Hey, Psyduck! Sobble!"

"Psyduck?" James says, confused.

Holding Sobble, Jessie says, "I did manage to get this one."

Meowth looks around and says, "Where'd Psyduck go?"

"I don't see it anywhere," Jessie says.

"It's gone," Meowth says.

Frustrated, Misty says, "Psyduck."

Unknown to Misty, Psyduck is able to escape and hurries back to Suzie's salon to get help. The duck Pokemon squeezes through the crowd. And cries out to them in distress.

Seeing Psyduck, Mew says, confused, "Psyduck?"

Pikachu and Eevee hop off the table to hear what Psyduck has to say. Mew join in

"Pika?" (What's up?) Pikachu asks.

"Eev." (What's wrong?" Eevee asks

"Psyduck! Psyduck Psy-y-y-y-yduck! Psy!" (Misty! Sobble! Very very big! Trouble!)

"Pika!/Eev!" (Oh no!) Pikachu and Eevee exclaim.

"What?" Mew says, shocked.

"What's wrong, Mew?" Brock asks.

"Misty and Sobble are in trouble," Mew says.

She picks up Psyduck and says, "Pikachu, Eevee, let's go."

Mew and her Pokemon hurry to the salon. Brock follows after them. They soon run inside.

Mew calls out, "Misty!"

"Pika!" (Hold it!) Pikachu calls out.

"Eev!" (Freeze!) Eevee adds.

Team Rocket soon notices the group come in with Misty tied up and Sobble in a cage.

Mew and Brock exclaim, "It's Team Rocket again!"

"What happened to her faces?" Brock asks, dumfounded.

Brock then covers his mouth trying to laugh as Mew is confused, even Psyduck is confused.

Annoyed by Brock's attempt not to laugh, Misty mutters, "Dumb boys."

Then Mew demands, "Let Misty go, right now!

"Sorry, you'll have to wait your turn. We won't be finished with her makeovers until they look like this," Jessie says, showing a big grin.

Then James says, holding the same face, "We're conducting some important beauty research."

Suzie walks in with her Vulpix in her arms and angrily says, "Beauty research? Can't you understand that it's the beauty inside that counts? Every Pokemon is beautiful, we just have to help them discover it!"

"What's she talking about?" Jessie asks.

Then James says, "What does she know about pretty Pokemon? Who cares about the inside? Outside counts."

Suddenly Meowth scratches their faces, "What do you two numskulls know about Pokemon breeding?! This whole Salon Roquet idea was supposed to be a scam, remember?!"

Suzie gasps in shock to hear Meowth's statement.

Meowth lands on his feet and says, "It was a brilliant plan! Part 1: Think up some stupid Pokemon fashions and take piles of money from the trainers."

The trainers listen to everything Meowth says and soon come to realize their mistake.

Meowth continues, And part 2: Whenever a trainer brings in a rare Pokemon, first, get the trainer distracted, then steal the Pokemon on the spot!"

"What?!" Mew asks, angry at Team Rocket.

Jessie laughs and says, "And our greatest masterpiece of all will be that Pikachu of yours. How about a trade? This twerpy girl for your Pikachu and Eevee."

Misty gasps.

This makes Mew angry, "You're trying to steal Pikachu and Eevee, we're gonna battle!"

"Count me in, too! Tag team!" Brock says.

"Pika!" (Let's go!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee!" (Let's get em!) Eevee says.

James laughs and says, "Salon Roquet is ready, with our own fashion battle platform!"

He holds out a devde and presses the button, "Here goes!"

Soon the salon begins to shake and create smoke around the are


And now, Salon Roquet presents a fashion extravaganza and Pokemon battle-thon! To protect the world from boring fashion.

Suddenly, stairs begin to light up the area.


To dress all people with flash and passion.


To give all Pokemon pretty faces.


To extend our art to outer spaces.

Soon, Jessie is wearing a prince's outfit with a sword while James is wearing a red gown with a curl blonde wig.






Salon Roquet, when it comes to sheikh, we know what's right.

Soon, a platform appears with Misty and Sobble trapped on the top.


Surrender your taste and prepare to fight.

"We're supposed to battle on that?" Mew says, confused.

Then Jessie calls out, "Dazzle them, Ekans!"

"Knock em dead, Koffing!" James says.

Soon, Ekans and Koffing charge wearing their outfits.

"We don't need costumes. Pikachu's super energized from that massage! Go!" Mew says.

Pikachu charges into the battlefield.

"Geodude, go!" Brock calls out and Geodude comes out.

Meanwhile, Eevee and Psyduck take this opportunity to reach the platform.

James calls out, "Geodude, give em the Seismic Toss!"

Geodude then grabs Ekans and jumps up. Then throws it down, but Ekans is able to grab it's tail and spins like a hula hoop, and attacks Pikachu.

Mew calls out, "Thunder Shock, now!"

Pikachu quickly recovers and uses the attack, but Ekans and Koffing spin around like tops and repel the attack with their costumes

"Pika?!" (What in?!) Pikachu exclaims.

On the platform where Misty and Sobble are, she sees Eevee and Psyduck have climbed their way to the top.

"Eevee. Psyduck," Misty says, surprised.

Eevee says to Psyduck, "Eevee Eevee Eevee. Eevee Eevee Eev," (Psyduck, use Scratch to free Misty. I'll use my Iron Tail on Sobble's cage.)

"Psyduck," (Okay.) Psyduck says.

Psyduck then runs behind Misty and begins to use it's scratch attack. Eevee then uses its iron tail attack. Luckily, they are able to free them both. Sobble quickly comes out of the cage.

Misty is able to stand and says, "Thanks guys."

Then picks up her Pokemon, "Now let's go."

Back to the battle, James calls out, "Koffing, cutie, Sludge makeover!"

Koffing's attack lands and blinds Pikachu and Geodude.

Mew exclaims, "Pikachu!"

"Geodude!" Brock says, shocked.

Jessie then calls out, "Now, the finale! Go!"

However, when Ekans and Koffing try to charge, Ekans trips on the skirt and falls down and accidentally grabs Koffing by the skirt making it's skirt rip too. Team Rocket is soon stunned.

James, "Oh no! It's a fashion disaster!"

Meowth jumps down and says, "Get up, you guys! We still got a battle to finish! Let's go!"

The three Team Rocket Pokemon charge as the Pokemon are ready for another attack. Suddenly, Suzie's Vulpix appears in front of them, making the three skid to a stop.

"Now what?" Brock asks.

"Vulpix and I will take care of them!" Suzie says.

"We'll give your Vulpix a makeover when we get rid of its tails!" Jessie says.

Suzie then angrily says, "Time to give you a lesson in breeding! If all you worry about is your Pokemon's outer beauty, it's inner strength will be lost!"

"Vul!" (Right!) Vulpix replies.

"A Pokemon is like a fashion model. All that counts is a pretty face!" Jessie says, holding out a sword.

"Like mine!" Meowth says.

Soon, Team Rocket's Pokemon begin to charge.

Suzier then calls out, "Vulpix, wrap them up with Fire Spin!"

Vukpix soon begins to glow like she is on fire. Team Rocket's Pokemon charge until Vulpix's eyes glow red and breathe out fire. Soon, the fire strikes at Team Rocket and hits the ground that turns into a tornado of flames. Team Rocket panic as the Tornado is coming towards them.

Jessie panics, "Wait, what about your friend?"

"Surely, you don't want to Fire Spin her," James adds.

Suddenly, Misty calls out, "I'm over here."

Team Rocket becomes dumbfounded to see Misty holding her Pokemon and Eevee snickers.

"Sorry Team Rocket, you're already too late. Eevee and Psyduck already got them out," Mew says.

Soon, Team Rocket is consumed by the tornado of fire and is sent flying.

Team Rocket screams, "We're blasting off again!"

Soon, Team Rocket is gone, with Suzie as the victor.

"Now THAT's an attack!" Mew says.

Then brings out her Pokedex, Dexter says, "Vulpix's greatest attack, Fire Spin. Using powerful flames to block its opponent from moving, it then inflicts great damage."

Brock turns to the crowd and says, "Did you see that?! A cute exterior hides inner strength! That's the Pokemon's true personality!"

Soon, the crowd begin to wipe the make off of their Pokemon and soon realize that the inner strength is truly important to them. After that, Mew and the others turn to Suzie's shop.

Suzie pets her Vulpix, "Nice work, Vulpix!"

"Vul!" (Thanks!) Vulpix replies.

Suzie turns to the gang, "Thanks to all of you, I believe in what I'm doing again. You helped me regain confidence in my beliefs."

"It's not hard when the person you're helping is as great as you are," Mew says.

Then Suzie turns to Brock, "And, Brock?"

"Uh, yes?" Brock replies, a little nervous.

"I was very impressed by the way you handled your Pokemon in a crisis like that," Suzie says.

"Susie," Brock says, surprised.

Suzie walks to Brock and says, "I have a lot more to learn about breeding Pokemon, even if I do have a championship. I'm still a student, not a teacher. Looks like you and I both have journeys ahead of us."

"You're leaving, Susie? What about your Pokemon salon?" Mew asks.

"There are things I can only learn if I leave here. I want you to continue your journey, too, Brock. From now on, we're rivals," Suzie says

"Uh, sure," Brock replies.

Brock and Suzie shake hands as Vulpix walks to Brock and nuzzles his leg, much to his surprise.

"I'd be grateful if you took care of Vulpix for me," Suzie says.

"Huh?" Brock says, confused.

"You're the first person other than me that Vulpix has been friendly with. Right now, I believe you could do a better job of raising Vulpix than I could," Suzie says.

Vulpix continues to nuzzle Brock's leg with glee.

In tears, Brock bows his head and says, "Thanks! I don't know what to say!"

The rest of the gang are happy.

"You don't have to worry, Vulpix. I promise I'll take good care of you," Brock says, and gets out his Pokeball.

Then Vulpix enters the Pokemon. With one pink from the Pokeball, Brock is able to obtain Vulpix.

"Alright! I got Vulpix!" Brock says, having his Pokeball in the air.

Later in the evening, Mew and her friends say goodbye to Suzie. Now that Brock has Vulpix, and has been inspired by Suzie to work hard to become the best Pokemon Breeder of all time. As our heroes say goodbye to Suzie, Team Rocket is soon being chased by angry customers who demand a refund.

James panics, "Now we need a total makeover! So nobody can recognize us!"

"They're all just jealous because they're not attractive enough to wear our designs!" Jessie panics.

Team Rocket jumps in the air and screams, "Back to the drawing board!"

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Raboot (Female). Roserade (Female). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Squirtle (Male). Teddiursa (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Espurr (Male). Shellder (Male). Axew (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Flabébé (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female) Primeape (Male). 1 Pokemon Eggs.

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Arcanine (Male). Gyarados (Male). Krabby (Male). Haunter (Male). Sandshrew (Male).

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope

Pokeballs: 1 Moon Ball. 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). Psyduck (Male). 1 Pokemon Egg.

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. 1 Pokemon Egg.

From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

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