Episode 24: Hypno's Naptime

After winning a Rainbow Badge from Erika, Mew and her friends find themselves in a new city. The city is very big, and the buildings are very tall.

Mew looks around as she says, "Gee, it feels like all these buildings are closing in on us!"

"Yeah, and they're all so tall, you can't even see the sky!" Misty says.

"Where are we, Brock?" Mew asks, turning to Brock.

Seeing the map, Brock answers, "A, HopHopHop Town?"

"HopHopHop?" The girls say, confused.

"Chu"/Vee?" (Town?) Pikachu and Eevee say, confused.

"Laura!" A voice calls out.

Mew turns to see a woman running towards them

"Laura!" The woman happily says and gives Mew a hug.

The woman happily says, Where have you been, Laura? Mother's been so worried!

Struggling to get some air, Mew says, "Excuse me, but my name is Mew!"

"And my name is Misty, ma'am," Misty says, with a smile.

But Brock grabs her by her shoulders, "She wasn't talking to you, Misty."

"I guess not," Misty replies, and Brock pulls her aside.

The woman looks at Mew and quickly lets her go and apologizes, "Oh! I'm so sorry! But you look just like my Laura."

Mew and the others become confused.

Misty asks, "What happened to him?"

Soon, the group sits down on stone seats to hear the mother's story.

"I'm so upset because my daughter, Laura, just disappeared. She's been gone for three days! I can't find her anywhere." The mother says.

"And you haven't heard from her?" Brock asks.

"Not a word," The mother says.

"Could she have gone off to become a Pokemon trainer?" Mew asks.

"She did like Pokemon, of course, but she never mentioned anything about becoming a trainer," The mother says.

"Don't you think she'll probably just come home soon?" Misty asks.

The mother shakes her head and says, "My daughter isn't the only child who's disappeared recently."

The group becomes shocked.

"She's not?" Brock asks.

The mother turns her head to see multiple posters on the wall, "See those posters?"

"Posters?" Mew asks, looking at them.

"Those are pictures of all the children that have disappeared," The mother says.

"That many?!" Misty asks, shocked.

"This must be a pretty dangerous town," Mew says, concerned.

"My picture's gonna be on posters, when I'm a big, famous star," Misty says with a smile.

But notices her friends aren't taking her seriously, "Excuse me!"

"Uh, maybe we should think about the missing children and not about you being a lead actress," Mew says.

Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "They certainly were nice children. All of them."

The group looks to see Officer Jenny on her motorbike.

She looks at the poster and says, "Disappearing one by one like that. I just can't understand it."

She walks off the bike with another poster and looks around, "Let's see, where should I hang this one."

Mew rushes over with Misty and Brock to see officer Jenny.

Mew asks, "Excuse me! Are you the cousin or second cousin of the Jenny of Maiden's Peak?"

"Actually, I'm her cousin's cousin," Jenny answers.

"It figures," Mew replies.

Dazed over Jenny, Brock, "This one's the most beautiful one yet."

"They're all exactly alike," Misty mutters.

Brock walks to Jenny and takes her hands, "It must be terrible searching for all those lost children. I would be very happy to help you in your search."

"What?!" Jenny says, confused.

"We can both work together hand in hand," Brock says, asking her out.

Jenny takes her hand away and sternly says, ""Just don't get in the way."

Mew looks to notice the worried expression the mother has on her face.

"Gee. She reminds me of, Adriana, and my papa," Mew says.

Mew remembers seeing them last time at Porta Vista.

"They must be worried," Mew says.

Pikachu hops on Mew's hat and Eevee on Mew's shoulder.

"kachu," (Very.) Pikachu says.

"You think so, too, huh?" Mew replies

"Eevee." (Sure do.) Eevee says.

"In any case. We need to help find the missing children," Mew says.

"Pika!/Eev! (And how!) Both Pokemon cheers.

Soon enough, Mew and her friends decide to tag along with Officer Jenny to help her find the missing children.

"Jenny: All of the missing children disappeared exactly three days ago," Jenny says.

"Three days ago?" Mew asks.

"Besides that, do the missing children have anything else in common?" Brock asks.

"They don't have a thing in common," Jenny answers, and the kids feel like they're at a dead end.

But Jenny then says, "But I think other kids may know something about it."

Soon the group arrives at the Pokemon Center.

"I see. So we'll ask the kids in the Pokemon Center if they know anything," Brock says.

"Great idea. They might give us an idea on what happened to them," Mew says.

The group enters the Pokemon Center and asks around.

Jenny holds a photo to two kids and asks, "Have you seen this little boy before?"

"I haven't," The first boy answers.

Then the second boy says, "Yeah. I play with him all the time."

"When was the last time you saw him?" Jenny asks.

"I don't know," The second boy answers.

Then Brock comes up to them with a serious tone, "You two had better answer all these questions truthfully."

"Okay," The young boy nervously replies.

"Now tell this beautiful young lady everything you know," Brock sternly says.

The boys look at Brock with confused looks.

"You do think she's beautiful, don't ya? Come on. What do you say?" Brock says with a smile.

Annoyed, Jenny says, "NOW you're getting in the way!"

Meanwhile, Mew, Misty, Pikachu, and Eevee are at the front desk to ask Nurse Joy.

Mew asks, "I bet you're related to the Joy in Maiden's Peak, aren't you?"

"Well, you'd win that bet," Joy answers.

Misty holds out a missing child photo, "We're here about the missing children."

Seeing the picture, Joy says, "Oh, those kids who disappeared all of a sudden. I saw it on the news."

"Please, is there anything you can tell us about these children?" Mew asks.

"I'd like to help you, but right now, I'm afraid I've got my hands full with our own mystery," Nurse Joy says.

"What do you mean? What's the matter?" Misty asks.

"All of the Pokemon here at the center are behaving very strangely," Nurse Joy says

"What do you mean by strange?" Mew asks.

"I'll show you," Joy says.

Soon, they arrive inside the medical care unit to see for themselves. Turns out, Nurse Joy is right.

"Just look at Cubone, and Oddish," Nurse Joy worriedly says.

Then places Magikarp on the table, "Even Magikarp is affected, and it's usually full of life."

Then Magikarp flops to the side on the table.

"The magic's disappeared," Misty says.

"Poor Magikarp," Mew says.

Nurse Joy turns to see Charmander, "This flame on this Charmander could go out any minute."

Nurse Joy then holds another Pokemon, "And this one's been in just terrible shape."

The Pokemon is a yellow Pokémon resembling a duck or bipedal platypus. On top of its head are three thick strands of black hair and it has a wide, flat cream-colored beak. Its eyes seem vacant and have tiny pupils. Its legs and tail are stubby, and it has cream-colored webbed feet. There are three claws on each of its hands."

"It's a Psyduck," Mew says, and holds out her Pokedex.

Dexter says, "Psyduck, the Duck Pokemon. A Water Type. Uses mysterious power to perform various attacks."

"Mysterious powers?" Mew replies.

"That's hard to believe," Misty says.

"So what's causing all this?" Brock asks.

"I have no idea," Nurse Joy says.

Then Misty asks, "How long have they been acting like this?"

"Since three days ago," Nurse Joy says.

"Three days ago? And that's exactly when all those children disappeared, isn't it?" Brock replies, shocked.

Jenny crosses her arms and wonders, "I wonder if maybe there's some kind of connection between the children's disappearance and the Pokemon's lack of energy."

"Hmm, It seems that we have one mystery that leads to another. If there is a connection, then what," Mew says.

"Something's very strange," Jenny says.

Suddenly, Jenny hears something and reaches to her pocket.

"Is that your radio?" Misty asks.

Jenny pulls out a device and sees it beeping, "It's picking up something."

Brock leans to Jenny, "I bet I know what that is! A handsome guy detector!"

"Don't kid yourself!" Jenny says, and pushes Brock away.

Then says, "This is a sleep wave detector."

"A sleep wave detector?" Brock says, confused.

"Lately, I've been picking up sleep waves," Jenny says.

"What are they?" Mew asks.

"Wavelengths that induce sleep," Jenny says.

"But I'm pretty sure that there aren't any Pokemon that emit that wavelength in this center," Joy says.

"They're from outside," Jenny says.

Suddenly, Pikachu and Eevee begin to lose their energy and collapses on the table

"Oh no! Look! Even Pikachu and Eevee are losing energy!" Mew says, shocked.

"I wonder if those sleep waves and the Pokemon's condition are..." Brock begins to suspect.

But Jenny says, "Yeah! They may be connected!"

Mew picks up her Pokemon, "Pikachu. Eevee. Are you okay? Wake up."

But the two are knocked out.

"I think we better find the source of these sleep waves," Jenny says.

The group nod their heads agreeing to the idea.

Meanwhile, it turns out Mew and the others aren't the only ones who are signaling on the sleeve waves. Team Rocket are as well as they use a device.

Jessie says, "I knew it! The sleep waves are coming from this town!"

"Now we can get our wish!" Meowth says with excitement.

James says, "We'll find the source of the waves!"

"And we'll use em to knock out the boss!" Meowth adds.

Jessie says with glee, "Then, while he's fast asleep, we can take a break!"

"While the boss is conked out, I'll take a fishing expedition!" Meowth says.

Soon, Team Rocket starts crying.

"We're always working so hard at being bad!" Jessie says.

Then James says, "Even if we always fail!"

"Maybe we're not so good, but we need a vacation, bad!" Meowth adds in tears.

Then Team Rocket begins to cry some more.

Back in the city, Mew and her friends, and Officer Jenny are still tracking the sleep waves.

Jenny suddenly stops and looks up with a gasp, "They're coming from this building!"

"Whoa! It's so tall!" Mew says, surprised.

"They seem to be coming from the roof!" Jenny says.

"Let's go!" Brock says.

Everyone hurries to the elevator to ride it all the way to the roof.

Jenny looks at her device, "As we go up, the signal's getting stronger."

Soon, the group reaches the roof and walks to a door. Jenny opens the door and to the gang's shock to see a mansion with a garden on top of the building.

"What's that?" Mew asks, shocked.

"A mansion on top of this skyscraper?!" Brock says, shocked.

Jenny looks at her device and says, "It's coming from inside there!"

"Alright!" Mew says, and runs to the mansion.

"Wait, Mew!" Misty calls out.

Mew continues to run to the mansion and kneels to the door. She signals the others and they hurry over. "What now?" Brock asks.

"There's someone inside. I'm going in," Mew says.

Mew and Brock stand up, "Ready? Set!"

Then they push the door open, catching multiple people by surprise. They also notice two Pokemon on the table.

The one on the left is a bipedal Pokémon that resembles a tapir. It has tired-looking eyes, a short trunk above its mouth, and triangular ears with brown interiors. The upper half of its body is yellow and the lower half is brown. A wavy line separates the two halves. It has a round belly and short legs. Its feet are brown, except for its two toes, which are yellow. The bottom of each foot has a small, round, pink pad in the middle of it. There are three fingers on each of its hands.

The second one is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon that has yellow skin. It has triangular ears with brown interiors, sleepy looking eyes, and a large nose. On its neck, it has a ruff of white fur, five fingers on each hand and holds a pendulum in its left. The pendulum resembles a flat, silver ring.

"What is this place?" Brock asks, shocked.

Confused, Mew asks, "What's going on here?"

One of the men asks, "Are you new members?"

"Members?" Mew says, confused.

Jenny steps forward and says, "We've been monitoring some sleep waves coming from up here."

"Sleep waves?" The man says, confused.

Then realizes and turns his head, "Oh, I know! This Hypno must have been emitting them."

He looks to see the Pokemon holding the pendulum in his hand.

"Wow. It is a Hypno," Mew says, and brings out her Pokedex.

Dexter says, Hypno, the Hypnosis Pokemon. A Psychic Type. It carries a pendulum-like device and performs hypnotic attacks."

"And what's that next to it?" Misty asks.

"That's a Drowzee," Mew says, holding her Pokedex to the Pokemon.

Dexter says, "Drowzee, the Hypnosis Pokemon. A Psychic Type. It is said to be a descendant of the dream-eating tapir. It was the first Pokemon to use a combination attack like Hypnosis and Dream Eater."

"I think Hypno is the evolved form of a Drowzee, isn't it?" Brock asks.

The man says, "Yes, that's correct. And our Drowzee finally evolved into a Hypno, three days ago."

The group becomes shocked to hear the statement.

"Three days ago?" Brock comments.

Jenny says, "I knew it! That's just when those children vanished and the Pokemon started to lose all their energy."

A purple suited man says, "We've been using the Pokemon instead of using sleeping medicine."

"What do you mean we?" Misty asks.

The man in the blue suit says, "The members of the Pokemon Lovers Club."

"The Pokemon Lover's Club?" Mew says, confused.

The man in the blue suit says, "Precisely. You see, all of our members absolutely adore Pokemon and, well, Hypno has become our favorite Pokemon. Everyone's hard work paid off when Drowzee finally evolved. Living our lives in the city can be very stressful, and all the members suffer from insomnia. So, we've come to rely on Hypno's powers to help us get to sleep at night."

They soon see it for themselves when Hypno uses its pendulum to hypnotize one of the members.

That's when Mew releases, "Hypno's sleep waves must have affected all those Pokemon by sapping their energy!"

Misty then takes Pikachu and Eevee out of Mew's backpack

"Take a look at my Pikachu and Eevee!" Mew says.

"The same thing happened to all the Pokemon at the Pokemon Center," Misty adds.

The man says, "It must be a.."

"A side effect?" Brock says.

"It seems to make sense. Hypno's hypnotic powers are usually just used on other Pokemon. Since the wavelength was changed to affect humans, it's creating a side effect for the Pokemon," Mew says.

The man turns to the Pokemon, "Somehow we've accidentally caused a terrible situation."

"You know what? I'll bet that new wavelengths can even affect some kids that are sensitive to it, too!" Brock says.

"You think the missing children could have been affected too?" Mew asks.

"Yeah!" Brock says.

Misty places the Pokemon on the table in front of Drowzee

Then Misty stares in front of Hypno, "Let's see."

Soon, Hypno begins to use its hypnotic powers to hypnotize Misty, and she is immediately under the attack. The next moment, Misty's eyes are half closed and soon

She claps her hand as she calls out, "Seel-seel. Seel. Seel."

"Misty! Are you okay?"" Mew exclaims.

"Seel-seel. Seel, Seel," (I'm okay. I'm a Seel.) Misty answers.

"Misty is being controlled by the sleep waves!" Brock says.

"We've gotta do something!" Mew says.

Then Misty begins to run away.

Mew calls out, "Hey, Misty! Where are you going? Misty, come back!"

The group including the Head of the Pokemon Lovers club begin to follow Misty to a large park.

"I can't believe there's a park this big in the middle of the city!" Mew says, surprised.

The group continues to follow Misty the Seel and are able to find out where she is heading. To their shock, they see the park with the lake is full of children, and each one of them is acting like a Pokemon. One of them is acting like a Bulbasaur.

"These are all the missing children!" Jenny says.

They watch as the children continue to act like Pokemon. One of them acts like a Caterpie, another is acting like a Weedle, and a little girl acts like a Gloom.

Shocked, Mew asks, "What's happening? Why are they acting that way?"

"Pokemon-itis," Brock confirms.

"Pokemon-itis?!" Mew asks, confused.

"With that wavelength, the children who were exposed to Hypno's sleep waves must've been hypnotized and think that they're Pokemon now!" Brock says.

"And it got Misty, too?" Mew asks.

"Yeah," Brock says.

"So everything that happened in the three days are connected. Hypno's changed wavelengths were responsible for the Pokemon losing their energy and the children's disappearance because they think they're Pokemon now," Mew says.

They look to see Misty is sitting next to the lake and act like a Seel.

The Head says in shock, "How on Earth could a thing like this have happened?"

The gang watch is baffled on how the children act like Pokemon. One of them is splashing in a puddle like a Magikarp.

Jenny walks over as she claps her hands, calling out, "Alright! Wake up, everyone! It's time to go home! Come on, stop this! Wake up, now, kids!"

Then takes the splashing girl's hand, "All of your mothers are worried sick!"

The girl takes her hand away and continues to splash around in the water, thinking she's a Magikarp.

"It's just no use!" Jenny says.

"What can we do? We can't leave Misty like this." Mew asks.

Just then , the Head of the club has an idea, "Say! I know! What if we use Drowzee to cure the children and your friends?"

"Drowzee?" Mew says, confused.

"Sleep emits dream wavelengths which, in this case, may counteract Hypno's wavelengths," The man says.

"Yeah! That might just work!" Brock says.

Liking the idea, Mew says, "Let's give it a try!"

After getting Misty to come with them, they return to the mansion where the Pokemon Lover's Club and have Misty sit in front of Drowzee. Hoping it will do the trick.

The Head Member says. Drowzee, emit your dream waves and focus them toward this girl."

Drowzee nods his head and begins to perform the dream waves. Soon, Misty falls into a deep sleep.

"Woah, Misty," Mew says.

"She must be in a pretty deep trance," Brocksays.

Drowzee continues to perform his dream waves on Misty and soon claps his hands together. Soon, Misty wakes up.

Misty looks around and asks, "Hey! Where are we?! What happened?"

"Misty, are you okay?" Mew asks.

"Of course, I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" Misty answers, confused.

"Your mind was controlled by the sleep wave and you thought you were a Pokemon," Mew says.

Misty becomes confused.

"Now we've got to use Drowzee's sleep waves on all those kids in the park!" Jenny says.

"You're right. We gotta get those kids back to normal!" Mew says.

Then turns to Drowzee, "Ready to help out."

"Drowzee," (Of course.) Drowzee answers.

Soon, the group hurries outside and this time, Drowzee tags along with them.

"You mean, I thought I was Pokemon?" Misty asks, surprised.

"Yeah! You turned completely into a Seel!" Mew says

Suddenly, three speakers are flying in the sky and heading towards them. The heroes still see what looks like three figures riding on hang gliders.

"What's that?" Brock asks.

"Whatever it is, it's coming this way," Misty says.

Seeing who they are, Mew exclaims, "Oh no! Not them!"

Indeed, the three on the hang gliders are none other than Team Rocket, gliding towards them.


Prepare for trouble!


Make it double!


To protect the world from devastation!


To unite all peoples within our nation!


To denounce the evils of truth and love!


To extend our reach to the stars above!






Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!


Surrender, now, or prepare to fight!


Meowth! That's flight!

After the motto, Meowth says, "Now, let's swoop down and swipe those hypnosis Pokemon!"

Team Rocket flies over Mew and the others. While Jessie and Meowth land perfectly, James has a bumpy one.

"Nice three point landing," Meowth comments

"Team Rocket is here to take possession of Drowzee and Hypno," Jessie says.

"You're dreaming!" Mew angrily says.

"Well, we'll just have to see who's dreaming after this!" Jessie says. Then holds a flat object under a cloth.

"If Hypno can put anything to sleep, try.." Jessie says, then removes the cloth to reveal a mirror, "This!"

"A mirror?" Mew says, confused.

Jessie has the mirror facing Hypno and says, "If you have any pride as a hypnosis Pokemon, you'll do it."

"This is known as 'The Team Rocket Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the sleepiest of them all? dirty trick strategy!'" Meowth says.

James holds the mirror in front of Hypno, "Just don't hypnotize me. Okay, do it."

Hypno decides to perform its hypnotic attack. The attack bounces off the mirror and the Pokemon begins to be hypnotized by its own attack.

"You've got to do something, guy!" Misty panics.

"There's not much time!" Mew says.

She quickly grabs a pot plant, and throws it to shatter the mirror. Snapping Hypo out of Hypnosis.

Jessie grits her teeth in anger, "And we thought so hard to come up with that strategy!"

Jessie and James then throw very long whips. Jessie's tied up Drowzee while James' tie Hypno

"We got em! Now, we'll just fly away with our catch!" Meowth says.

Mew quickly grabs Drowzee and tries to save it from being stolen by Team Rocket.

Misty quickly brings out her Pokeball, "Hang on, Mew! Go, Staryu!"

Starmie comes out and cuts the whips with its spinning.

Once Drwozee is free, Mew calls out, "Pidgeotto, go!"

Pidgeotto then comes out of his Pokeball.

"Okay Pidgeotto. Powerful Gust! Mew calls out.

With that, Pideotto performs a powerful gust attack.

"Give em your best blasts!" Mew calls out.

Pidgeotto increases his Gust Attack, and it's enough to blow Team Rocket off the building.

"I suppose this means we blew it again!" Jessie screams.

James screams, "Oh, we blew it again! We blew it sky high!"

Then Meowth says, "And what goes up must always come down."

Team Rocket screams as they are blown away, "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!"

"Come on, guys! Let's go!" Brock says.

"Right!" Mew replies.

Everyone quickly hurries to the park and Drowzee begins to perform its Dream Waves on all the kids. Soon, the children are fast asleep.

"They're all dreaming!" Brock says.

Mew turns to see Pikachu and Eevee are sleeping on her shoulders, "Pikachu and Eevee, too."

Drowzee soon claps his hands together waking the children from their sleep, and can't remember what happened.

The child wearing the green shirt asks, "Hey! How did I get into the middle of the park?!"

"Me too! And I should be working on becoming a Pokemon trainer!" The boy with an orange and white stripe says, confused.

A boy wearing a blue fest says, "I wanna be a fireman!"

A little girl with a yellow ribbon on her hair says, "And I'm gonna be a doctor!"

Soon, the child says their farewells and heads home. Soon, Pikachu begins to wake up, and shakes his head.

Pikachu happily says, "Pikachu (Good morning.)

"Eevee." (Morning.) Eevee says.

"Pikachu! Eevee! Sounds like you're both back to your old self," Mew happily says.

Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "Laura!"

The group turns to see the mother they have met earlier.

"It's the mother from before," Misty says.

Soon, the mothers finds her daughter and they both give ach other an embrace of love.

"That's great!" Mew says.

"Yeah!" Misty says.

Brock turns to the others, "Mew, we've gotta cure the Pokemon at the Pokemon Center, too.

"Right!" Mew replies with a nod.

They soon reach the Pokemon Center and Drowzee uses its power to put them all to sleep. Then Drowzee claps his hands together and all the Pokemon regain their energy and are high spirited.

"The Pokemon are all back to normal!" Nurse Joy happily says.

"Sometimes, I wonder what the Pokemon dream about," Misty says.

"I'd love to know that too," Brock says.

"They must've been dreaming about getting stronger and evolving," Brock suggests.

"I dream about that sometimes, too," Misty says.

"Well, I have to say that we ended up saving the day again," Mew says.

"Pika," (We sure did.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (You can say that again.) Eevee repelis.

Suddenly, Nurse Joy lets out a sad sigh.

Brock walks to Nurse Joy, "What's the matter? A beautiful woman shouldn't have too much to be sad about."

"All of the Pokemon are better, but this one is still holding its head," Nurse Joy says, turning to Psyduck.

"Leave it to me, caring for Pokemon is the sole purpose of my life. The reason I exist," Brock says with pride.

"Then, maybe, you can help it," Nurse Joy says.

Soon, the group of friends leave the Pokemon Center and with Psyduck by their side.

"Well, you were the one who said 'leave it to me', Brock," Misty says.

"But Psyduck is a water Pokemon, you better take it, Misty," Brock says.

But Misty says, "Why would I want such a boring Pokemon?"

Mew then remembers, "You know, I remember asking my papa and Professor Oak about why Psyducks hold their heads all the time."

"Did you papa and Professor Oak answer your question?" Misty asks.

Mew nods her head, "Yeah. They told me that Psyduck holds their heads because they frequently suffered from headaches and sometimes causes them to use mysterious psychic powers."

Misty turns to Psyduck and exclaims, "You mean this thing always has a headache?!"

Just then, Misty trips on a stone as she steps back, and her Pokeball falls out of her possession.

"My Pokeball!" Misty exclaims.

The Pokeball rolls to Psyduck and the Duck Pokemon taps on it with its beak. Then ends up going inside and is caught.

Shocked, Misty exclaims, "Oh no! Now it's in my Pokeball?!"

"Good work, Misty. You captured Psyduck," Mew says.

"Now I've got the headache!" Misty groans in frustration

"Look on the bright side. We manage to solve all the mysteries of this town, and you have a new friend. Congratulations," Mew happily ays.

But Misty screams, "Don't congratulate me!"

In the Pokeball, little Psyduck continues to hold on his head.

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Raboot (Female). Roserade (Female). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Squirtle (Male). Teddiursa (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Espurr (Male). Shellder (Male). Axew (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Flabébé (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female) Primeape (Male). 1 Pokemon Eggs.

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Arcanine (Male). Gyarados (Male). Krabby (Male). Haunter (Male). Sandshrew (Male).

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope

Pokeballs: 1 Moon Ball. 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Horsea (Male) 1 Pokemon Egg.

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. 1 Pokemon Egg.

Item: 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

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