Episode 22: Primeape Goes Bananas

One day at Professor Oak's lab in Pallet Town, Professor Oak is having a cup of tears as he watches the Pokemon living their Pokemon lives.

He sighs with a smile, "Ah. Nothing like a cup of tea to start off the day." And let out a chuckle.

Just then, he hears his video phone ringing.

He turns his head and says, "Oh. Thanks a lot, Krabby."

He turns his head to see Krabby holding the video phone.

"Good morning professor," Mew says.

"Good morning, Mew. I was just wondering when you might be calling. You have some good news?" Professor Oak says.

"I sure do!" Mew says.

Then reveals her badges, "Look at this! Pretty impressive, huh? I've already earned four badges! And I've got two new Pokemon."

Just then Axew appears on Mew's shoulder, "Axew," (Hello)

Cleffa then appears on the other shoulder, "Cleffa," (Hi.)

"An Axew, that is very rare around these parts. And it looks very young too. And I assume the Pokemon Egg finally hatched," Professor Oak says.

"Yeah. It's a bit of a long story, but Axew is very happy being with me, my Pokemon, and my friends. And Cleffa is very sweet and curious too. They both feel like they're part of the family," Mew says.

"That's good. I just found out this morning that your other two rivals have earned five badges each, including Gary. They all passed through Celadon City, too," Professor Oak says.

"I see. We're actually on our way to Celadon City now for my next Gym Battle," Mew says.

"Well then better hurry up. You don't want to fall behind. And Gary has already captured thirty Pokemon," Professor Oak says.

"Thirty Pokemon, huh?" Mew replies.

Then asks, "So how are my other Pokemon doing?"

"They're all doing fine," Professor Oak says.

Then Krabby appears on the screen.

Mew smiles and says, "Krabby! How ya doing?"

"We've become very good friends. We especially enjoy teatime, and writing poetry. And some of it's not that bad, either," Professor Oak says.

Then recite a poem, "Sure. Every day it's cake and tea, just my Pokemon and me. Like it?"

Mew blushes a bit and says, "I don't know very much about poetry."

"Now, listen, Mew, writing poetry is a lot like Pokemon training. I can't write a good poem without rhymes. And you can't be a good trainer without catching more Pokemon. Have to go now. The tea's getting cold," Professor Oak says.

"Bye Professor," Mew says.

Then the professor hangs up the phone.

Close by, Misty, Pikachu, Scorebunny, Sobble, and Eevee are having some rice balls. That's when Mew walks by.

"Hey Mew, glad you're back. Have a rice ball or a donut," Misty says.

"Pika Pika!" (They're really tasty!) Pikachu says.

"These donuts are great! Jelly-filled are my favorite! Nothing beats a jelly-filled donut!" Brock says.

"Eevee!" (Yeah!) Eevee says, eating one of the donuts.

"Sure," Mew says.

Mew picks up a jelly donut while Axew takes a rice ball and Cleffa takes a donut.

"So how was your talk with Professor Oak?" Misty asks.

"It's okay. He told me that Gary already got his fifth badge in Celadon City. And we're heading there now since there's a gym there, right Brock," Mew says.

"There sure is. All we gotta do is follow this road. Celadon City is only a day's walk from here. Even less if we keep up a fast pace," Brock says, pointing to the road.

"So what Pokemon are you going to use?" Misty asks.

"Well, I read that Celadon City is a Grass Pokemon Gym so I'm planning on using Charmander and Scorbunny," Mew says.

"Good idea. Just remember, Mew. Unlike all the other wannabe trainers out there, You've gotta make it to the Pokemon League your own way," Misty says.

"Right. Remember, it's quality over quantity, especially if you have lots of different Pokemon. Then they'll help you catch others," Brock says.

"Right," Mew says, and about to pick up the last rice ball.

Suddenly, she along with Pikachu and Eevee hear a noise. They turn their heads to see a Pokemon sticking its head out of the bushes. It's a bipedal and has a round body covered in whitish, shaggy fur. Its nose is similar to a pig's snout, and it has narrow, red eyes and triangular ears with brown insides, three-fingered hands, two-toed feet, and the tip of its curved, prehensile tail are brown.

"It's a Mankey," Mew says.

She brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Mankey, the pig monkey. A Fighting Type. It's known for its superior footwork and packs a powerful punch."

The Mankey hops over and looks at the food. It sniffs the rice ball on the table, but also sniffs the donut in Mew's hand. Seeing the Pokemon liking the snacks, it snatches it from Mew's hand, hops to a rock and begins to eat it. Mankey also seems to like it.

Mew giggles, "I guess Mankey likes it and was hungry."

"That donut is my own special recipe. No artificial ingredients," Brock says.

However, Scorbunny is not happy, "Scor Scorbunny Scorbunny!" (Hey, that's Mew's donut! Give it back!)

But the Pokemon, Mankey isn't listening.

"Um Scorbunny, I wouldn't do that if I were...." Mew nervously says.

But Scorbunny gives it a Double Kick attack, making Makey fall into the bushes.

"Uh oh," Mew says, worried.

The next moment, Mankey gets up and it's in a foul mood.

"Looks to me like Scorbunny got it pretty angry," Misty says.

"Now what do we do. Mankey are usually calm, but have bad tempers. Once they get mad, they are almost impossible to stop. They can also use Thrash on us," Mew says.

"What does it mean by Thrash?" Misty asks.

Everyone looks ahead to see Mankey is charging towards them. They all scream and panic. As they run away. The Pokemon quickly run beside them while Sobble, Cleffa, and Axew are on Misty and Mew's shoulder.

"I think Scorbunny should've let it finish that donut, Mew! Didn't his mom teach you manners?!" Misty panics.

"I double she or Damian would mention Mankeys!" Mew says.

"I shouldn't have made them taste so good!" Brock panics.

Mew panics, "Your homemade donuts are our only hope! Maybe more donuts will stop it!"

"Well, it's sure worth a try!" Brock says.

He brings out a donut, and says, "Pokeball!"

The group stop in their tracks and fall in disbelief.

"Oh, sorry. Donut, go!" Brock says, and throws the donut.

However, Mankey obliterates the donut.

Sobbl panics, "Sobbble!" (Scary!)

"That didn't work!" Mew panics.

"I wasted a donut!" Brock says, shocked.

The group begins to run, but Misty falls down.

"Misty!" Misty panics.

Misty quickly turns to see the Mankey charging at her. Misty screams and covers her eyes. Mankey then bounces off her head and pounces to Scorebunny. Soon Scorbunny and Manky are in a brawl.

Mew gasps, "Scorbunny!"

Mankey and Scorbunny continue to brawl until Mankey is victorious. Mankey then turns to Mew and the girl becomes scared. It jumps to Mew and snatches her hat.

"My hat!" Mew says, surprised.

The Mankey then climbs onto the top of the tree with her hat.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is spying on them once again.

Jessie says, "Perfect."

Then James, "Perfect.

And Now Meowth, "Purr-fect."

"Now is the perfect time to capture Pikachu and Eevee. While that little twerp is out of the action, we'll make a sneak surprise attack. If we pull this off, the boss will put us on the board of directors!" Jessie says.

Then James says, "Team Rocket will rule the world!"

"You really think so?" Jessie asks.

"When you dream, you've got to dream big!" James says.

Then Meowth says, "You sure are dreaming."

Annoyed with Meowth, Jessie gives Meowth a yarn ball and is instantly drawn to it.

"He's easy to satisfy," Jessie replies.

Meanwhile, Mew picks up Scorbunny and asks, "Are you okay, Scorbunny?"

Scorebunny shakes her head, regaining consciousness, and says, "Scorunny." (I'm okay.)

"That Mankey sure beat her up big time!" Brock says.

"We're glad that she's okay," Misty says.

"Pika," (That looks painful.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee Eevee." (That was one mad Mankey.) Eevee replies.

"Anyway, you know where Mankey has taken my hat?" Mew asks.

Sobble points out, "Sobble Sob." (Up there.)

Mew and the others look to see Mankey has Mew's hat on the tree.

"I get why he beat up Scorbunny because she interrupts his lunch, but why take my hat," Mew says.

Then calls out, "Hey Mankey, can I have my hat back?!"

Mankey answers, "Man Mankey." (No way.)

"What did Mankey say?" Misty asks.

"He said no. Great. Now how am I supposed to get it back?" Mew asks.

"You can always get another one," Misty says.

"I can't replace that hat. I won it at the official Pokemon League Expo. It's very difficult to get a hat like that," Mew says.

"An official Expo hat?" Brock says, confused.

Misty and Brock then realize that Mew is referring. to an advertisement for the hat giveaway contest

The Advertisement states, "Hey, all you Pokemon League fans! Now, you have a chance to win one of a hundred limited edition Pokemon League official hats! It's wearable! It's washable! And it's official! Don't miss your chance to win the official hat of the official expo of the official Pokemon League!"

"It's official," Brock replies.

"I didn't know it was an official Pokemon League hat. I remember I entered the same contest, too," Misty says, surprised.

"It is. I remember wanting it so I can feel more well, human. Professor Oak said I can use the opportunity to help better my writing skills and remember the Professor's address. I think I wrote and sent about a million postcards to win the hat, and to make sure I remember the Professor's address, and practice my writing," Mew explains.

Embarrassed, Misty says, "No wonder I didn't win. I only sent in one."

"At least it helps you learn how to write and memorize," Brock says.

"But how am I supposed to get my hat from the Mankey. I don't want to get Thrashed too," Mew says.

Just then, Team Rocket steps in.

Jessie remarks, "Well, hello there, chumps."

"Team Rocket!" Misty says, shocked.

"What are you doing here?" Brock demands.

"Aren't you happy to see us?" Meowth questions.

"Obviously, no," Mew answers.

Just then, Mankey begins to observe Team Rocket and examine them all over.

Annoyed, James says, "Buzz off!"

And kicks Mankey away, shocking the heroes.

"I wish he hadn't done that!" Brock panics.

"Still trying to capture Pikachu and Eevee?!" Misty asks.

"We just want to borrow them, permanently," Jessie says.

"Your situation is hopeless. Hand those Pokemon over or else!" James says.

"Or else what?" Misty asks.

Unknown to everyone, Mankey sits up and is very angry that it's eyes begin to glow.


To protect the world from devastation.


To unite all peoples within our nation.


To denounce the evils of truth and love.


To extend our reach to the stars above.






Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light.


Surrender now, or prepare to fight.


Meowth! That's right!

"You guys pick the worst time to be here. You'll be in trouble if you don't leave," Mew says.

"Now's the perfect time. You're obviously too distracted to protect your Pikachu and Eevee," Jessie says.

"If you guys don't get out of here fast, you're gonna get as whipped as Scorbunny did," Brock says.

"By who?" Mew asks.

"By Mankey," Brock answers.

Confused, Jessie asks, "What's a Mankey?"

"I guess that thing I kicked out of the way," James says.

Jessie and James turn their heads and become petrified in fear to see Mankey standing on the rock that is glowing. Suddenly, Mankey begins to glow and change its shape. Soon it becomes a bipedal, simian Pokémon with a round body covered in whitish, shaggy fur, a throbbing vein on the left side of its forehead, and it has triangular ears with pink insides, narrow eyes with tiny pupils, and a pink, snout-like nose. Its arms and legs are brown and have metal shackles on the wrists and ankles, and hands have no visible fingers, instead resembling mittens or boxing gloves, and the feet have two toes.

Team Rocket panics and says, "It evolved!"

Standing before them now is not a Mankey, but a very large Fighting Type Pokemon, and it's still angry.

"What's that?" Misty asks.

"That's a Primeape," Mew says.

She brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Primeape, the Pig Monkey Pokemon and they evolved form of Mankey. A Fighting Type. If you make eye contact with this evolved form of Mankey, it will chase you forever."

Team Rocket looks at the Primeape and it's not happy.

Jessie brushes it off, "This furball? That's ridiculous. Now let's capture Pikachu and Eevee."

Then she throws her Pokeball, "Go, Ekans!"

James does the same, "And go, Koffing!

Ekans and Koffing pop out of their Pokeballs while Pikachu and Eevee begin to defend with Mew, Axew, and Scorbunny by their side.

"Come on!" Jessie says.

Suddenly, Primeape appears behind Jessie and gives her a hard kick that sends her flying like a missile. She flies past the Pokemon. Mew and the others quickly move out of the way and they hear a large crash. They turn to see Jessie has crashed head first on a rock. James and Meowth panic in shock. Jessie then slides down to the ground.

Now Jessie is furious, "How dare you damage my perfection! Now you'll pay! Ekans! Koffing! Never mind Pikachu and Eevee! Get that Primeape!"

The Pokemon then changes target to Primeape.

Meowth calls out, "But we came for Pikachu and Eevee!"

"Team Rocket always puts beauty before duty!" James says.

Then grabs Meowth and says, "Come on!"

Soon Team Rocket begins to fight against the Primeape.

"Wow! Primeape is really thrashing them," Mew says.

"You can say that again," Misty says.

Mew feels a tap and looks down to see Eevee has her hat.

"My hat," Mew says.

She takes the hat and says, "Thank you, Eevee."

"Eevee." (You're welcome.) Eevee says.

Mew then puts on her head, and says, "I say let's get out of here and head to Celadon City while Primeape is keeping Team Rocket off our back."

"You're right! Now's our chance!" Misty says.

The trainers soon begin to run down the path to get to Celadon City, or at least to escape the Primeape. Meanwhile Primeape has already given Team Rocket a hard Thrashing. It looks around to see Mew and the others aren't around, and the hat he likes to wear. Primeape is not happy that it hops up and down on Team Rocket with rage. Then begins to chase them down the path they head to, since they plan to head to Celadon City. Once they're gone, each Team Rocket member stands up.

Jessie says, "There..."

James stands up , "It..."

Then Meowth adds, "Go!"

Team Rocket prepares themselves to run,

Jessie says, "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting..."

James adds, "Off..."

"Once again!" Meowth concludes.

Then Team Rocket dashes off.

Meanwhile, Mew and the others are able to get away from the action and run through part of the canyon.

"That was too close," Mew says.

"Yeah. I'm glad we were able to get away from it," Misty says.

"At least we're able to get as far as we did to Celadon City," Brock says.

"Yeah. And it's a good thing that we got away before Primeape finishes his Thrash Attack," Mew says.

"Why's that?" Misty asks.

"My papa told me that once Primeape uses its strongest attack, Thrash. They'll go completely out of control," Mew says.

"Well, now I'm really glad we used the chance to escape," Misty says.

Suddenly, Pikachu, Eevee, and Scorbunny ears begin to twitch and move around.

Mew notices it and asks, "What is it guys?"

"Scor Scorbunny," (We hear something.) Scorbunny says.

"Eevee Eevee," (Something's coming this way.) Eevee says.

"Pika Pika," (And it's moving fast.) Pikachu adds.

"Are you sure?" Mew asks, concerned.

"What is it, Mew?" Brock asks.

"Pikachu, Eevee, and Scorbunny said that they hear something heading to our direction, and it's moving fast," Mew says.

"What could it be?" Misty asks.

"I hope it's not..." Brock says.

The group look ahead to see the familiar furious Pig Monkey Pokemon charging towards them.

The three humans exclaim, "It's Primeape!"

With that, Mew and the others begin to run for their lives. Primeape runs so fast that it's able to catch up with Brock, and punches him in the air.

"Oh no, Brock!" Mew exclaims.

"Ew Axew!" (We're in really trouble now!) Axew panics.

Cleffa says, frightened, "Cleffa! Cleffa!" (Very scary!)

Mew, Misty, and the Pokemon continue to run as fast as they can to get away from the Primeape.

"If we split up, maybe we can lose it!" Mew says.

"Okay!" Misty says.

The group then split up, Misty and Sobble one direction, Mew and the others on the other direction. However, Primeape is chasing after Mew and her Pokemon.

Seeing this, Misty says, "Oh no! It doesn't look like Primeape's easy to lose!"

Brock is able to catch up to them, "I just hope none of them look Primeape in the eye."

"Now what?" Misty asks.

"Let's find Mew!" Brock says.

Misty nods her head and they both hurry off to find their friends.

Meanwhile, Mew and her Pokemon continue to run away from the giant pig Pokemon. As they run away past the rocks, Primeape bashes through every single one of them.

"I don't know how much longer I can run!" Mew panics, as Primeape continues to chase them.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is digging a hole in the middle of the road, again.

"Nothing like, digging a hole, when you want to play dirty," James says, digging.

Team Rocket peeks out the hole to see Mew and her Pokemon in the dust.

Jessie chuckles and says, "At last, the moment of truth."

Soon, Mew and the others run so fast that they end up falling into the hole with Team Rocket inside and crash to the bottom. Primeape comes to a stop to see Mew and the others below. The weight of everyone causes Koffing to release the gas from its mouth.

Mew lifts her head up, "What's a hole doing in the road?"

"Koffing! You nincompoop!" Jessie angrily says.

Mew turns her head to see Team Rocket.

Mew exclaims, "How did you get down here?!"

Pikachu, Eevee, Scorbunny, and Axew are not happy to see them.

"Pikachu," James stands up.

"Why don't you come for a ride on my head and your little friends can ride on our shoulders?" Jessie says.

"WHAT?!" Mew exclaims in anger.

Then shouts, "We have no time to deal with you three!"

The Pokemon climb on Mew's shoulders and head and she prepares to climb out. She soon sees Primeaple looking down on them. Primeape jumps down, but Mew quickly begins to climb up. Primeape quickly jumps back up and glares at Mew, and Mew is gritting her teeth to see the Pokemon that has chased them.

Then she remembers what Professor Oak told her earlier today, "I can't write a good poem without rhymes, and you can't be a good trainer without catching more Pokemon."

Mew soon realizes that Professor Oak is right.

She climbs up the hole and says, "Professor Oak's right! No more games! I'm gonna capture you, Primeape!"

Misty and Brock arrive to be shocked at what Mew is planning to do.

"Mew, you can't! Primeape is too dangerous to capture!" Misty panics.

"I know, but I'm a Pokemon trainer, I have to try and capture Primeape. I know it's dangerous, but my dad also told me that I can't run from an opponent," Mew says.

"I hope she'll be careful," Misty says.

"Me too, but Primeape didn't seem to give Mew any problems, maybe it wants to battle her," Brock says.

Mew throws her Pokeball, "Squirtle, I choose you! Soak it's head with your Water Gun!"

Squirtle comes out of the Pokeball and sprays it with water. That makes Primeape angry and let out steam so the water evaporates. Misty becomes scared and hides behind Brock, while Sobble hides in Misty's backpack.

"Squirtle, return!" Mew says, returning Squirtle.

Then brings out her next Pokemon, "Bulbasaur, I choose you!"

Then Bulbasaur comes out.

Then Mew calls out, "Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf, now!"

Bulbasaur uses Razor Leaf on Primeape, but the fighting Pokemon takes them out with ease. That scares the others, excluding Mew. Axew and Cleffa hop off of Mew's shoulder and hide behind Pikachu and Eevee.

Mew then returns her Pokemon, "Bulbasaur, return!"

Then calls out another, "Charmander, go! Use Flamethrower! Scorbunny, use Ember!"

Charmander comes out and instantly both Charmander and Scorbunny perform the attacks. Primeape then dodges the attacks and punches Charmander and Scorbunny. Then throws multiple ones.

"Charmander! Scorbunny!" Mew screams.

Charmander and Scorbunny continue to be beaten by the Primeape.

"Pika Pika (This doesn't look good.) Pikachu says, worried.

"Charmander. Scorbunny" Mew says, concerned.

Just then, Primeape punches both Pokemon, and are both sent flying in the air, and are soon falling to the ground.

"Charmander! Scorbunny!" Mew panics.

She runs as fast as she can and catches both Pokemon in her arms as she falls on her back.

Mew sits up and asks, "Are you okay?"

"Char Char," (I'm okay.) Charmander says.

"Scorbunny." (I'm fine.) Scorbunny answers.

Mew begins to sit up and flinches to feel a pain on her face.

"That kind of stings," Mew says, rubbing her back.

Charmander and Scorbunny are shocked to see Mew has gotten hurt trying to save them. This makes Charamdner and Scorbunny very angry. They turn and glare at Primeape. Soon, they both quickly stand and are ready to attack. Charmander's tail flame begins to grow as Scorbunny is ready for some serious kicking.

"The flame on Charmander's tail! What's happening?" Mew asks.

Mew looks at her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Charmander's special attack, Rage. It gains more power the more it is attacked. It will continue to fight until it's opponent falls."

"Wow Charmander, you learned a new move," Mew says.

Charmander charges and takes a few blows from Primeape. Then a flame appears from his eyes and soon, the table on the battle begins to turn. Charmander is able to fight back against then grabs Primeape's glove with his teeth. Scorbunny takes the chance and kicks Primeape. Charmander uses Flamethrower. Primeape dodges the attack. Scorebunny then uses Ember, and strikes at Primeape.

"Go Scorbunny! Go Charmander!" Mew calls out.

"Charmander," Charmander calls out.

Scorbunny calls out, "Scorebunny!"

Suddenly, Scorbunny begins to glow blue.

"What's happening?" Misty asks.

"Scorbunny is evolving," Brock says, amazed.

Scorebunny continues to glow and her shape changes until she is no longer a Scorbunny. The glow disappears to reveal a new Pokemon. It's a humanoid, rabbit-like Pokémon with a grayish-white body and red eyes. Its fur is mostly red and black, with the upper body being red and having a collar that covers most of its mouth like a balaclava, while the lower half is black with a tuft in the center of its belly, resembling that of a turtleneck sweatshirt, which can be used as pockets. The front half of its feet are red. It has a yellow marking that resembles a bandage on its forehead, along with a small, fluffy, white tail.

"Scorbunny is now a Raboot," Mew says, surprised.

Even Pikachu, Eevee, Charmander, and Axew are surprised.

Mew brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Raboot, the Rabbit Pokemon. A Fire Type. Its thick and fluffy fur protects it from the cold and enables it to use hotter fire moves."

"And it looks like you performed a new move," Mew says.

Then calls out, "Raboot, use Flame Charge!"

Haring that, Robot charges and performs a powerful flame attack.

"Alright Raboot, time to let Charmander wrap this up," Mew says.

Raboot nods her head and jumps out of the way.

Mew calls out, "Burn, now, Charmander! Flamethrower attack!

Charmander then performs the most powerful Flamethrower and attacks Primeape with full force. Primeape is burned and struggles to fight, but collapses to the ground in defeat.

"Good work, Charmander! Roboot! I'll take over now!" Mew says

Then throws her Pokeball, "Pokeball, go!"

The Pokeball hits Primeape and has it come inside. Then the Pokeball begins to wiggle a lot. Soon it lets out a click. Suddenly, the Pokeball wiggles again, and in a second, it stops completely, meaning Mew catches Primeape.

Mew picks up the Pokeball and shouts with excitement, "Alright! Primeape is mine!"

"You did it!" Brock says.

"Congratulations!" Misty says.

"Thanks," Mew says.

Then turn to Charmander and Raboot, "You both were great. That was awesome."

"Charmander," (Thank you.) Charmander happily says.

"Raboot." (It's no problem.) Robot calmly replies.

"Don't forget us!" Jessie says, letting out a groan.

The group turn their heads to see Team Rocket climbing out of the hole.

"So. It's the Hole gang," Mew jokes.

Jessie angrily says, "It's your fault we ended up in here!"

But notice something missing, "Where's Primeape?"

Mew smirks and says, "Well, why don't you see for yourself?"

Mew then tosses the Pokeball into the hole making Team Rocket confused. The Pokeball comes out and Primeape appears out of the hole. Team Rocket panics and Primeape gives them a hard thrashing. Then gives them the fine blow blasting them up.

As they fly off, Team Rocket screams, "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!"

Mew and the others watch as Primeape shows the fighting spirit.

"Primeape sure gave them a Thrashing," Misty says.

"Well, at least, now Primeape is doing the Thrashing on our side," Mew says.

Then holds out her fist towards Primeape, "Welcome to the team, Primeape."

Primeape looks at Mew and gives her a fist bump. Just then, Raboot and Primeape firmly stare at each other. The next moment, both Pokemon hold their paws out and give each other a hand shake.

"Well, it looks like they're friends now," Brock says.

"Yeah. I guess they've earned each other's respect," Misty says.

"I'm really glad they're able to get along now," Mew says.

Then holds out her Pokeball, "Charmander, Raboot, Primeape, return!"

With that, the three Pokemon have been returned to their Pokeballs.

Pikachu soon looks over the horizon and calls out, "Pikachu Pika!" (Hey guys, look!)

Eevee arrivs and calls out, "Eevee Eevee!" (Look over there!)

"What is it?!" Mew asks, hurrying over.

Mew and the others look to see a city over the horizon.

"There's Celadon City!" Brock says.

"You know, if Primeape hadn't chased us, we wouldn't have gotten here as fast as we did! Right, Brock?" Misty says.

"Yeah, I guess it was lucky after all!"

"Pika Pika," (Lucky indeed.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee Eevee." (Talk about a lucky break.) Eevee says.

"Way to go, Primeape!" Mew happily says.

Then says, Now that I caught Primeape and Raboot has evolved, and Charmander has learned a new move. It's time to earn the badge from the Celadon Gym."

And so, Mew and her friend begin to make their way to Celadon City. By capturing Primeape and Raboot has evolved, Mew has taken another step on her journey. Of course, it takes more than capturing a Pokemon to be a trainer, but Mew feels determined about her next gym battle.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket lands on the ground with a thud.

"Meow!" Meowth yelps.

Jessie sits up and sticks out her tongue with a blech. Suddenly, two more Primeape appear and they don't look please. Team Rocket soon finds themselves in the middle of the Primeape habitat and are in big trouble.

Team Rocket yelps, "I wish we had some doughnuts!"

Soon, Team Rocket is being beaten up by the Primeapes, and this is the worst one they can have, beaten up by a group of them.

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Raboot (Female). Roserade (Female). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Squirtle (Male). Teddiursa (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Espurr (Male). Shellder (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Axew (Male). Haunter (Male). Cleffa (Female). Primeape (Male).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Arcanine (Male). Gyarados (Male). Flabébé (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Shaymin (Male). Poliwhirl (Male).

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope

Pokeballs: 1 Moon Ball. 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). 1 Pokemon Egg.

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. 1 Pokemon Egg.

Item: 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

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