Episode 21: The Psychic Showdown: Haunter Vs. Kadabra

In a dark room, it shows a little girl wearing a white dress, red shoes, and a white hat with pink ribbon on it. She has dark green hair and her eyes are covered. She is sitting on a silhouette that looks like a woman and is sitting on the chair. And glowing red eyes begin to appear. It then changes to blueish purple like eyes.

Monotone voice of a woman says, "So, now. Time for us to play."

Her eyes soon show Mew and her friends. She along with her friends continue their journey. They pass through a dark and mysterious first, and it's like danger can lurk at any corner. Sadly, they end up losing their way... again.

"I can't believe we got lost again," Mew says.

"And in the middle of the woods. This place is scary," Misty worriedly says.

"Yeah. This place is giving me the creeps. How are we supposed to find Saffron City in this?" Brock replies.

Suddenly, they begin to hear giggling. They turn their heads to see a little girl wearing a white and pink dress and hat, red boots and long dark green hair. She laughs as she bounces a ball in her hand on the ground.

Seeing someone, Mew asks, "Uh, hello! Do you live around here?"

The little girl takes her ball in her hands as she giggles and runs into the woods.

"Hey! Please, don't run away!" Mew calls out, and chases after the girl.

The little girl continues to run through the woods as Mew and the others follow.

"Wait! We need directions!" Mew calls out.

Suddenly, Mew feels something off and sees the girl come to a stop. Mew and the other stop at the edge of the cliff, and luckily they haven't fallen over. Soon, the little girl disappears.

"Hey! What about that weird little girl? Where'd she run off to?" Misty wonders.

Mew looks around and says, "You're right. She's gone."

Then notices, "But take a look over there."

Mew points ahead to see a city that has bright lights on.

"Oh, wow! It's beautiful!" Misty comments.

"Saffron City," Brock says.

"Sabrina's the leader of the Saffron City gym who specializes in Psychic Type Pokemon. You defeat her, you win a Marsh badge," Brock says.

"I can't wait for my gym battle. Let's get to the Pokemon Center before it gets too dark," Mew says.

A short time later, Mew and her friends arrive in the city and are walking to the Pokemon Center.

"Now this is what I call a city!" Mew says.

"Yeah," Brock replies.

Misty then asks, "Hey Mew, are you sure you want to battle with the Saffron City Gym Leader?"

"I'm sure. Since Sabrina uses a Psychic Type, I got Haunter. I could also use Weedle and Cutiefly. Eevee can also use Shadow Ball which is a Ghost Type move," Mew says.

"Sounds like you got a good plan," Misty says.

Then asks, "But are you really sure? We could go to Celadon City instead."

"Why do you keep asking about battling Sabrina?" Mew asks.

"Now that Misty mentions it, I'm also a bit skeptical about you coming to this gym," Brock says.

"What are you guys talking about?" Mew asks.

"I keep hearing rumors about the Gym Leader being very brutal when it comes to her battles, and she is very tough to beat. In fact, many trainers stay away from this gym. Those who were able to defeat her have a Ghost Type Pokemon," Misty says.

"Yeah. Sabrina is a very brutal trainer and her Psychic Pokemon are very strong," Brock says.

"You guys are serious about this?" Mew asks.

"We are," Both gym leaders answer.

"I can tell you both are serious, but I don't know if I can't beat Sabrina if I don't try," Mew says.

Misty nods her head, "You're right. You should at least have a try."

"We'll come with you tomorrow and see what happens," Brock says.

"Thanks guys. Let's get to the Pokemon Center and get some sleep," Mew says.

Suddenly, Mew's bag begins to glow. Mew opens her bag to see her pink and white star Pokemon egg is flashing.

"My egg," Mew says.

Brock and Misty, even Pikachu and Eevee look in the bag to see it glow.

"The Egg you got from Mount Moon is going to hatch soon," Misty says.

"Let's hurry," Brock says.

The group then hurries to the Pokemon Center. Unknown to them, Team Rocket is once again spying on them.

"Look, it's the twerps, Pikachu, and Eevee," Meowth says.

"We knew they'd be coming to Saffron City. After all, there's a gym here," James says.

"Now we just need to swipe the Pikachu and Eevee while they're not looking. We need to come up with a good trap for them," Jessie says.

"Something that will catch them off guard and grab these Pokemon," James says.

Jessie stands up and says, "Let's go."

"And grab those Pokemon," James says.

Suddenly, Team Rocket feels strong and is suddenly petrified.

James panics, "I... I can't move! I'm f-f-frozen."

"S-s-so am I!" Jessie says, shocked.

Meowth says, shocked, "Wha-what's going on?"

"James, I can't move," Jessie panics.

"Me wither," James adds.

"Me-Meowth, I can't move my own tail," Meowth says.

Suddenly, they begin to hear giggling and the little girl that Mew and her friends have followed is standing in front of them.

"Wh-who is that?" Jessie asks.

"I don't know," James panics.

The little girl giggles and says, "Sorry, but I can't allow meanies in my town and to attack these trainers who want to come to my gym."

Suddenly, her body begins to glow and Team Rocket suddenly disappears.

"Bye bye," The little girl says, and giggles with a smile.

Meanwhile, Mew and her friends are able to get to the center, get themselves a room, and are ready for bed for the night. Soon, Misty and Brock are fast asleep. Mew has her Egg on the bed with Pikachu and Eevee curled up to it. Teddiursa, Axew, and little Ponyta are sleeping with her as well.

Mew pats the Egg and says, "It won't be long now."

Then says, "Good night, Pikachu, Eevee, Ponyta, Axew, and Teddiursa. And good night little egg. I hope you'll hatch healthy."

Mew and her Pokemon are soon asleep for the night.

The next day, after getting ready, having breakfast, and checking on the Egg. The Egg still needs time to hatch, but it glows one in a while so it won't be long.

The next day, Mew and the others arrive at a large white building that is being cleared from the fog. There are multiple curves on the roof.

"So this is the Saffron City Gym," Mew replies.

"That's right. This is where you're going to have your battle," Misty says.

"Well then, it will be best we go inside and see what goes on," Mew says.

Suddenly, someone says, "Did I hear that you're going to battle in Sabrina's gym."

The group then turns to see a man wearing the green jacket and wears a yellow hat, and has a dark blue beard."

The man says, If you're trying to enter the Pokemon League, young man, this is one gym I suggest you stay away from."

Then the jogger heads into the city.

"Where's he going?" Mew wonders.

"Maybe he heard the rumors about Sabrina's gym too," Misty says.

"Anyway, I have gotta compete here. Without marsh badges, we can't enter the Pokemon League," Mew says.

The group enters the building to see large orange yellowish walls.

"Anyone here?" Mew calls out.

So far, no one seems to be here. Then Mew and her friend walk down the hall.

"That's weird. Everyone's gone! Hello?" Mew calls out.

Misty says, "There's something creepy about this place."

The group then stops to see a door. They decide to look through the window to see if anyone's there. To everyone's surprise, they see a bunch of people wearing lab coats and appear to be working on something. Two men are working with picture cards. At a different table, a woman is practicing bending spoons without using her hands.

"What kind of place is this?" Mew wonders.

Suddenly, someone walks over and asks, "What are you all doing here?"

The group turns their heads to see a man wearing a white lab coat and has a white face mask on. He has long brown hair with spiky bangs.

"We've come to ask for a Pokemon match, to earn a Marsh badge," Mew says.

"You wish to challenge the great Sabrina?" The man asks.

"Sure do," Mew answers.

"Excuse me, but what are all those people doing in that room?" Misty asks, pointing to the door.

The man firmly says, "Humph. You know so little and yet you wish to challenge the great Sabrina."

He then holds out a spoon leaving everyone confused. He then concentrates on the spoon so hard that his face turns red. Finally changes back when it finally bends.

"I'm guessing you were trying to use telekinesis," Mew says.

"That is correct, Miss. You can't control a psychic-type Pokemon completely without using telekinetic powers," The man says.

"Hmm, can I try," Mew asks.

"Hmm, I do not see why not," The man says.

"Are you sure? Psychic abilities are not easy," Misty says.

"I'm just curious. I see a few Psychic Pokemon do this many times. It's interesting that humans can do it," Mew says.

The man gives Mew a spoon, and Mew focuses her sight on the spoon. Mew concentrates as hard as she can. Suddenly, a strange blue aura appears around Mew, capturing everyone's attention in surprise. Soon, the spoon glows the same blue aura and it bends little by little. Once it's bent, Mew sighs in exhaustion and the strange aura disappears.

"Are you okay Mew?" Brock asks.

"I'm okay, just a little tired," Mew says.

The man thinks, "Hmm, what kind of energy is it? It doesn't seem like any Psychic ability I've seen, this girl is something else."

Mew then asks, "Excuse me, but is it alright if I could meet Sabrina and have my gym battle."

"As you both wish," The man says.

Soon, the man leads them to a pair of large doors and opens them as he says, "Here we are."

The group enters inside to see the place looks rather dark, and there are two bowls of fire in front. There are a few pillars.

"This is more like some kind of temple then a Pokemon gym," Brock says.

"Whatever it's like, I don't like it," Misty says, feeling concerned about the gym.

Mew gulps and says, "I have to agree. Something is not right about this place."

The man walks towards the other side of the gym and bows down, "Oh, great Sabrina! You have a trainer who wishes to challenge you."

Suddenly, little Sabrina appears as she sits on a chair that is holding a Pokeball in her hands. This leaves the trainers in shock.

Mew is especially shocked, "You're the little girl from last night!"

The little girl looks at the group of friends with her eyes glowing red. Suddenly, the man begins to writhe in pain as a blue aura glows around him. The group gasps in shock to see what she is doing. Soon enough, she stops. The man soon panics and leaves the room in terror.

"I told you there was something really strange about her!" Misty panics.

"Right, but who is she?" Brock wonders.

Mew then asks, "Are you really Sabrina? The Saffron City Gym Leader?"

The little girl giggles.

Mew takes a deep breath and says, "My name is Mew from Pallet Town, and I like to have an official Gym Match to compete for a Marsh Badge.

The little girl nods her head and says, "I'd like to have a match with you. But if you lose, you have to be friends and let me play with you, or at least part of your group.

"Um okay. I guess," Mew says.

Then walks to her friends, "Guys, I'm getting a strange feeling about this little girl."

"I agree. Something is off about her. Something scary," Misty says.

Suddenly, Brock becomes frightened, "I agree, and it's best to not let your guard down for even a second."

The group turns their heads to see the gate separating Sabrina and the others lifts. Then the light trunks on to reveal the young woman that resembles the little girl very well. Only wears a red outfit with black shoes.

The young woman says, "So, now. Time for us to play."

The group gasps in shock to see the young woman that has the little girl on her lap. Then hears the door slam shut.

"So, you're really Sabrina, the gym leader," Mew says, surprised.

Suddenly, Sabrina levitates herself from the throne and onto the battlefield. And then the lights turn on to light up the battlefield.

The grown Sabrina says, "One on one. An all out match. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Mew answers with a nod.

"Come on out, Kadabra," Sabrina says, and uses her psychic powers to throw her Pokeball.

On the battlefield is her Kadabra, which is a primarily yellow, humanoid Pokémon. It has two long, pointed ears on top of its head, a red star on its forehead, narrow, deep-set eyes, and wide cheeks leading down to a thin snout. Extending from each side of its snout are two mustache-like tufts of fur, it has a torso is segmented with bulky shoulders, a thick, brown chest, and a small abdomen marked by three red, wavy lines, abdomen is a large, thick tail encircled with a brown band near its base. Its arms are thin with brown elbows and end in three-fingered hands with white claws. Its legs have prominent knees and large, three-toed feet, also ending in white claws. Two of its toes face forward and one backward, and holds a silver spoon.

"Wow. So this is a Kadabra," Mew says, surprised.

She brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Kadabra, the Psi Pokemon. A Psychic Type. It possesses strong mental capabilities, but its psychic powers are halved when it's not holding a silver spoon. It is also the second evolutionary stage of Abra."

"Looks like a tough Kadabra to me, but I plan on winning this match," Mew says.

She then throws her Pokeball, "Haunter, I choose you!"

With that, Haunter comes out of his Pokeball.

With that, the battle is about to begin.

Sabrina says, "Kadabra, use Psybeam."

Kadabra then performs the attack.

Mew calls out, "Haunter, dodge."

Haunter quickly dodges the attack.

Then Mew calls out, "Alright Haunter, Night Shade!"

Haunter then performs the attack and is able to strike at Kadabra.

"Now Haunter, use Dark Pulse," Mew calls out.

Haunter then performs Dark Pulse, and they aim towards Kadabra.

"Confusion," Sabrina says.

Kadabra uses Confusion at Haunter. The Dark Pulse is soon controlled by the attack and aims right towards Haunter.

Mew shouts, "Haunter, look out!"

Haunter quickly dodge the attack.

Mew sighs, "That was close."

As the side of the field, Misty turns to Brock, "I never thought Confusion could be used like that."

"Sabrina must have trained that Kadabra very well," Brock says.

Sabrina then says, "Psybeam.

Kadabrqa then appears in front of Haunter and performs his Psybeam attack with full force.

"Haunter, don't give in. Try to use Shadow Ball on it," Mew calls out.

Struggling, Haunter then performs a Shadow Ball. With that, it's able to strike at Kadabra with full force, catching it and Sabrina by surprise. Kadabra hits the ground, but it's still up and ready to battle. Haunter is pushed back, but is still floating in the air.

"Are you okay, Haunter?" Mew asks.

"Haunter Haunt," (I'm okay, just a bit Psychic out.) Haunter says, and laughs at the joke.

Since Mew can understand Haunter, she giggles a bit at the joke. Pikachu and Eevee simply giggle as well.

"Okay Haunter, we get the joke. Now it's time for us to battle," Mew says.

"Haunter," (You got it.) Haunter says.

Sabrina then calls out, "Kadabra, use Recover."

Kadabra then uses Recover and is in perfect condition.

"Hmm, so it knows Recover, too, I'll have to beat it before it can use that move," Mew says in thought.

Sabrina then says, "Kadabra, use Psybeam once more."

Kadabra then performs Psybeam agan.

Mew calls out, "Haunter dodge!"

Haunter quickly dodge the attack.

"Now use multiple Shadow Ball in every direction," Mew calls out.

Haunter then begins to launch out in different directions.

Sabrina then says, "Recover."

Kadabra then performs recovery and it heals again.

"You cannot beat me," Sabrina says.

"We'll see about that. Haunter, Sucker Punch," Mew calls out.

Sabrina and Kadabra become confused, and suddenly, Haunted toward Kadabra from the Shadow Balls and gives Kadabra a hard Sucker Punch on the stomach.

"Now, use Dark Pulse," Mew says.

Haunter then performs a powerful Dark Pulse and it ends up attacking Kadabra before it can do another attack.

"And now, use Shadow Ball," Mew calls out.

Haunter then creates a Shadow Ball and throws it at Kadabra.

Sabrina calls out, "Use Recover."

"Now let's finish it up. Use Sucker Punch," Mew calls out.

Haunter then performs Sucker Punch as Kadabra begins to use Recover. However, Haunter punches Kadabra hard so that it sends flying and crashes to the wall before it can perform another Recover attack. Soon, Kadabra falls to the ground, but it's still standing and struggles as it wants to continue the match.

"Kadabra is strong, but it's barely hanging on. I don't want to hurt Kadabra, but what can I do? Maybe I can have Haunter use Hypnosis and..." Mew says in thought.

Suddenly, Haunter flies towards Sabrina and the little Sabrina.

"Haunter?" Mew says, confused.

Haunter then floats around as he looks at Sabrina and the little version of her.

Little Sabrina asks, "What's Haunter doing? We're still in the middle of a match."

"Sorry Sabrina, Haunter is a little... well, mischievous. I think he wants to make you laugh or wants you to play," Mew says.

Then Haunter begins to make crazy faces to make Sabrina laugh or at least crack a smile. He then licks his face off and sticks it out of his tongue. Suddenly, Haunter brings out a bomb from his mouth. Sabrina and Mew along with the others are shocked to see Haunter holding a bomb and with the fuse on.

"Haunter wait!" Mew exclaims and runs over.

She reaches Sabrina and Haunter, "No, don't do..."

Mew then grabs the bomb, but it already exploded, covering Haunter, Sabrina, and Mew in dust and debris from the bomb. Haunter simply laughs with glee and Mew coughs out a little smoke from her mouth. And then the unexpected happens, Sabrina then begins to show a smile on her face. And soon enough, Sabrina begins to laugh. Since Kadabra is connected with telepathy, it begins to laugh too. Mew then begins to laugh as well. Misty, Brock, Pikachu, and Eevee begin laughing too. Haunter then begins to make funny faces making the four laugh even more. Little Sabrina begins to smile and suddenly disappears into thin air, dropping the Pokeball in the process.

"Well then, I will have to say that you and your Haunter are the winner of this gym match," A man's voice says.

Everyone turns their heads to see the jogger from before. He removes the hat to reveal the blue hair. Seeing the man surprises everyone, especially Sabrina. Soon the Gym Leader begins to shed tears.

She runs to the man as she cries out, "Daddy!"

The man and Sabrina then hug each other.

Tears fall from Sabrina's face as she says, "Oh daddy."

"Oh Sabrina," The man says.

"Daddy?" Mew says, confused.

"The jogger is Sabrina's father," Mew says, confused.

They all turn to see the two hugging each other.

"Oh, my little girl is back," The man says.

"Yes. She is," A woman's voice says.

Everyone turns their heads to see a woman that has brown hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a pink skirt, light green shirt and an orange blouse jacket.

The woman smiles and says, "Sabrina! Honey!"

"Mommy!" Sabrina cries out.

"Dear!" The man cries out as well.

Soon, the group of three are in a group hug. Mew and her friends simply smile to see the happy reunion, however, they still like to get some answers. After the battle and the happy reunion, Mew and her friends are with Sabrina and two two adults who are really Sabrina's parents.

Sabrina's father explains to them what happened, "You see, Sabrina was always born with Psychic abilities and had taken up Psychic training at a young age. Though she was very young, Sabrina became obsessed with her psychic training. She didn't want to make friends. All she wanted was to be left alone to develop her power. We tried to help, but Sabrina used her psychic powers to drive us away."

"That explains a lot. Sabrina's Psychic powers in a way, took her over," Brock says.

"That sounds so sad and lonely," Mew says.

"The conflict caused Sabrina to split into two girls. The strong Pokemon trainer who is always causing trouble, and the lonely little girl who desperately desires to make friends," Sabrina dad adds.

"So the little girl that we saw was actually a doll, and is really the little girl that Sabrina used to be," Misty says.

"Yes, before she rejected her own heart," Sabrina dad adds.

"So that's why you wanted us to be your friend if I lose, you're lonely," Mew says.

"Yes. I do apologize for scaring you like that," Sabrina says.

"It's okay. No harm done," Mew says.

"I'm very glad you decided to come here. You and Haunter helped Sabrina rediscover the human part of her heart," Sabrina's father says.

"By making all of us laugh and beating Kadabra," Mew says.

"I have to admit, Haunter really saved the day," Brock says

Sabrina then presents Mew a badge that is a two concentric golden circles, "As proof of defeating me and everything you and Haunter did for me and my family, I present you with the Marsh Badge."

Mew smiles and says, "Thanks Sabrina."

"Oh and before I forget, I suggest you look in your bag," Sabrina says.

"My bag?" Sabrina says, confused.

Mew looks inside her bag and is surprised to see her pink egg is glowing brighter than before.

"My egg," Mew says, amazed.

She takes it out of her bag and holds it in her arms. With that, the egg pops and the little Pokemon hatches. The little Pokemon is really a baby, Cleffa.

"Aww, it's a little Cleffa," Misty happily says.

Mew smiles at Cleff and says, "Hi Cleffa."

Cleffa looks at Mew and smiles.

Mew also brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Cleffa, the Star Shape Pokemon and the pre-evolved form of Clefairy. A Fairy Type. On nights with many shooting stars, Cleffa can be seen dancing in a ring. They dance through the night and stop only at the break of day, when these Pokémon quench their thirst with the morning dew."

Cleffa happily says, "Cleffa Cleffa." (Mommy mommy.)

Then snuggles her cheek against Mew's.

Sometime later, after saying goodbye to Sabrina and her parents, Mew and her friends head off to their next destination. They are soon walking down to the town to get to their next destination.

"I have to admit, making Sabrina laugh herself into defeat is an interesting strategy, even if you already defeated Kadabra," Misty says.

"Yeah. Haunter might end up becoming the most funniest Pokemon in history," Brock says.

"I think you're right," Mew says.

"Well then, now it's time to know where to go next," Misty says.

"You're right. I wonder where the nearest gym is at," Mew says.

"In Celadon City," Misty answers.

"Well then, let's go," Mew says.

Mew and her friends soon begin to make their way out of Saffron City and to their next destination of Saffron City. With Haunter's help, Mew is able to earn her Marsh Badge, and help Sabrina gain back her human self again. Will Mew be able to get her next badge? And what will happen on their next adventure?

Meanwhile, Team Rocket has been sent to the middle of the woods and is still petrified.

Meowth struggles, "Still can't move a muscle."

"We're paralyzed!" Jessie says.

"Now, I know how a statue feels like!" James says.

"This is a real drag," Meowth says.

Even though they're stuck like this now, it will be a matter of time before Sabrina's Psychic energy will wear off and they can move again. Until then, they're stuck as statues. As the Journey continues.

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Scorbunny (Female). Roserade (Female). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Squirtle (Male). Teddiursa (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Espurr (Male). Shellder (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Axew (Male). Haunter (Male). Cleffa (Female).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Arcanine (Male). Gyarados (Male). Flabébé (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Shaymin (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Krabby (Male)

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope

Pokeballs: 1 Moon Ball. 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). 1 Pokemon Egg.

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. 1 Pokemon Egg.

Item: 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

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