Episode 19: Bye Bye Butterfree

Once again, Mew continues her journey of being a Pokemon trainer. With her friends, Pikachu, Eevee, Brock, and Misty, Mew's next adventure is over the horizon. In fact, they are looking over the horizon of the cliff to see the ocean blue and rocks.

"Wow! Look at those rocks!" Mew says, amazed.

"Pi" (Whoa) Pikachu says, amazed.

"Eev," (Wow.) Eevee replies.

The wave crashes into the rocks below as the group look down in worry.

"That's a long drop!" Mew says, worried..

"Fall from here and the ball game's over!" Misty replies.

Brock looks at the map as he says, The map says that this ridge leads right to Lavender Town, and that will help get us to Saffron City."

"And to our next challenge at the Saffron Gym," Mew says.

Mew then turns her head to notice something over yonder, "What are those?"

"They look like Butterfree!" Misty says.

"The Butterfree are celebrating their season of love," Brock says.

"Love?" Misty says, confused.

"Yeah. The season of love is when Butterfree lay their eggs, the Butterfree find mates and then lay their eggs across the sea," Brock says.

"I remember the Butterfree at my home town told me about it. They do it once a year and it happens all over the world. It's very sweet, finding a mate you'll be with for life and start a family," Mew says.

"That's right," Brock says.

"How cute!" Misty comments.

Mew soon realizes, "You mean, my Butterfree'd go, too?"

"If you don't let it cross the sea, it will never have babies," Brock says.

Mew brings out her Pokeball that has her Butterfree in it, "Babies?"

Wanting to take part in the Butterfree's Season of Love, Mew and the others decide to check it out. Now, they are able to get a hot air balloon and plan to take to the sky.

"I'm surprised that there was a hot air balloon for rent out here," Misty says.

"We'll probably see lots of other balloons once we get up into the air," Brock says.

Soon, everyone is in the basket.

"Hold on, everyone!" Brock says, and pulls the lever.

Soon, the balloon begins to lift itself off the ground and gain altitude.

Amazed, Mew says, "What a view!"

Soon Pikachu notices something, "Chu! Chu!" (Look! Look!)

"Eevee Eevee." (Yeah, look over there!) Eevee adds.

Soon, the group sees the flock of Butterfree.

"Look, there they are!" Misty says.

"Let's go!" Brock says, and pulls the lever.

Soon, the group uses the balloon to get closer, and see the Butterfree are pairing up.

"Wow! All the Butterfree are pairing up into couples!" Misty says.

Brock turns to Mew, "Okay, Mew.

Mew brings out her Butterfree's Pokeball, "Oh, right!"

She throws her Pokeball and Butterfree comes out. Then flies off to the flock.

"Go out there and find your mate!" Mew calls out.

"Good luck, Butterfree!" Misty says.

Butterfree flies around to find his mate. However, he isn't able to find one, which makes everyone surprised.

"Maybe none of those Butterfree is its type," Brock says.

"What do you mean by 'it's type', Brock? The Butterfree all look the same to me," Misty says, confused.

"Actually, many of the Butterfree are kind of different. Wild Butterfree and those are raised by trainers are different in their way," Mew says.

"Right, when it comes to Butterfree, some of them must fly better than others, or maybe they have slightly different patterns, I guess," Brock says.

Soon, everyone hears sounds of Pokeballs opening, and turn to see a lot of hot air balloons.

"Look at all the balloons!" Misty says.

"They're all Butterfree trainers! They must come at this time every year to release their Butterfree," Brock says.

Just then a balloon with a female trainer close by holds out her Pokeball, "You just go find yourself a nice mate, Butterfree. Go!"

The trainer throws her Pokeball and her Butterfree is released. Seeing the trainer, Brock is entranced by her looks.

Misty groans at the sight of Brock, "Oh no, not this again."

Soon, Mew's Butterfree returns.

"Hey Butterfree, no luck yet?" Mew asks.

Butterfree lowers his head, a little disappointed.

"Don't worry, you'll find a mate sooner or later," Mew says.

Just then Brock rushes over to Butterfree, "Listen up, Butterfree! See that Butterfree that girl just released?"

The points to the girl trainer's Butterfree, "That one! That one right there, pick that one!"

"Freeh?" (But why?) Butterfree asks, confused.

"Don't you get it? If two Butterfree fall in love, their trainers can meet, and they can fall in love, too!" Brock shouts.

Misty then bonks Brock hard on the head, "Don't butt in to Pokemon love affairs!"

"That's true, but Misty, if Butterfree doesn't find a mate, it won't ever have babies," Mew says.

Butterfree nods his head.

"Go ahead, then," Misty says.

Then Butterfree flies to the swarm again.

"Go get 'em, Butterfree! The perfect mate for you's gotta be out there somewhere!" Misty calls out.

Butterfree looks around to find a mate. He looks around for this mate. He soon notices a Pink female Butterfree and falls instantly in love with her. Then flies over to her.

"It looks like Butterfree really found someone it likes!" Misty says.

"Yeah, love at first sight with that pink one," Brock says.

Soon, Butterfree begins to perform a strange dance.

"Hmm, looks like my Butterfree is performing the Courtship dance," Mew says.

"Courtship dance?!" Misty says, confused.

"It's Butterfree's way of saying 'I really like you. I wanna be your Butterfree.' Brock clarifies.

"Aw, that's so romantic," Misty says.

"If it's successful, the other Butterfree does a dance, too," Brock says.

"Like what humans do when they find a mate, I think Gary calls it a 'marriage proposal'" Mew replies.

"Exactly," Brock says.

"It's doing something," Misty says.

The pink Butterfree simply turns her head and flies upward. Mew's Butterfree flies after it. Mew and her friends are confused and well, concerned for Mew's Butterfree. When Butterfree comes close, the pink one slaps him with her wing, making Butterfree tear up, shocking everyone. Then she flies away.

"Poor Butterfree got shot down," Brock says.

"What?! That's so mean! That isn't fair!" Misty says.

"Poor Butterfree," Mew sadly says.

Feeling brokenhearted, Butterfree flies away.

"Butterfree! Where are you going?!" Mew calls out.

But Butterfree continues to fly down into the woods as Mew calls out to him, "Butterfree!"

"Shot down in its prime..." Brock sadly says.

"Pikachu.." (The poor guy..) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (You said it.) Eevee replies.

The group has the balloon land on the ground, and soon search for Butterfree.

Mew calls out, "Butterfree! Hey, Butterfree!"

"Butterfree!" Misty calls out.

"Pikachu!" (Butterfree!) Pikachu calls out.

"Eevee!" (Butterfree!) Eevee calls out.

The group continues to search until they find his wing being the tree.

"It's Butterfree!" Mew says, and everyone rushes over to him.

Mew kneels to Butterfree and asks, "Hey, there, Butterfree. Are you okay?"

Butterfree lowers his head in reply.

Mew understands the answer, "Not good, huh."

"It was rejected by someone it loved. That's a terrible shock. Believe me, it's a terrible feeling. I could write a book about the secrets of love and heartache!" Brock says.

"I guess that book would be your autobiography?" Misty says, shrugging her shoulders.

Pikachu walks over and says, "Pikachu." (Hey, tell me what happened.)

"Freeh," (She rejected me.) Butterfree sadly answers.

"Pika. Pika Chu Pika," (Bummer. At least you tried, just don't give up) Pikachu says.

"Eevee. Eev Eev Ve Eevee." (Yeah. You shouldn't give up.)

"Freeh," (I'm not good enough for her...) Butterfree sadly says.

Mew and the others watch as Pikachu and Eevee talk to him.

"I just don't understand it. My Butterfree's great. Why would any other Butterfree reject it?" Mew wonders.

Then Mew has an idea, "Hey Butterfree, maybe you just have to show off your strength and let the others see how great you are. Show how powerful your Tackle is, or how you can use Stun Spore!"

"That's right, Butterfree! You've got to be assertive!" Misty says.

Butterfree looks up.

Then Misty says, "Love is all about attacking your opponent first! Get in a quick punch and surprise them, then, while they're still weak, take the lead and you'll beat 'em, hands down! Trust me, I know! That's the best way to win!"

"You mean it?" Brock says, confused.

"Sure do! That's love!" Misty says.

Brock ruffles his head in frustration and shouts, "I wish I had known that sooner!"

"Let's give it another try!" Mew says.

But Brock says, "Hold it!"

"What's up, Brock?" Mew asks.

Brock rushes to Butterfree and says, "A new look might help!"

Brock soon ties a yellow scarf around Butterfree's neck.

"Freeh," (Cool.) Butterfree replies.

"Yeah, that looks great!" Misty says.

"Now you're ready to give it another go," Mew says.

Butterfree feels confident about his new look and his friends support. The group rushes to the sky.

Having her binoculars, Mew looks around, "We gotta find it! Where did that pink Butterfree go?"

"This is important to you, isn't it?" Misty says.

"Because it's important to Butterfree. He loves her and so I'm going to help him win her heart. I raised Butterfree and I'm going to help him show her that he's good enough," Mew says.

"It looks like the trainer is just as passionate as the Butteree," Misty says.

Soon, Mew spots the Pink Butterfree, "Alright! There it is! Now, Butterfree. This time just have confidence in yourself! Go!"

"Pika!" (Go!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee." (You can do it.) Eevee says.

Butterfree then flies towards the Pink Butterfree.

Mew calls out, "Butterfree! Show it your Whirlwind attack!"

Butterfree uses his Whirlwind attack, but the pink one isn't impressed.

Seeing the result, Mew then says, "Now use your Tackle! That should do the trick!"

Butterfree then zooms back and forth with his Tackle attack, but again, the Pink one isn't giving Butterfree a second look.

Mew sadly sighs, "Shot down again."

"Eevee..." (Poor Butterfree...) Eevee sadly says.

"Pika chu" (Not again.) Pikachu replies.

Suddenly, a helicopter hearing the Team Rocket logo flies into the scene. Mew and the others soon notice it.

"What's that?!" Mew asks, shocked.

Suddenly, the Team Rocket motto is being broadcast from the helicopter and it actually has a banner with the logo and Team Rocket's faces.


Prepare for trouble!


Make it double!


To protect the world from devastation.


To unite all peoples within our nation.


To denounce the evils of truth and love.


To extend our reach to the stars above.






Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!


Surrender now, or prepare to fight!


Meowth! That's right!

When the motto is over, Meowth is standing on the pole and down the pole it looks like a pokeball, but there's more to it.

Jessie laughs and says, "Look at all the Butterfree!"

"All ours for the taking," James says.

The pokeball pops to reveal a giant sized butterfly net, more like a Butterfree net.

"Let's do some net-working!" Meowth says with laughter.

The helicopter begins to fly to the Butterfree mating season and snatches the Butterfree.

"Look! They're stealing the Butterfree!" Misty exclaims.

James is the first to notice them, "It's those little twerps again. No matter where we go, those kids are always in our way."

"But this time, they can't do a thing to stop us!" Jessie says as Meowth laugh in triumphantly

Mew shouts in anger, "Hey, knock it off!"

"Stop, or you're gonna disrupt their whole egg-laying season!" Brock says.

Misty screams, "Can't you see these Butterfree are in love?!"

Hearing them, Jessie laughs and says, "We're in love, too, little girl. With all the pretty little Pokemon!"

"Those Butterfree are free no more," James adds.

Mew growls in anger, "We've gotta stop them!"

As Team Rocket catches the Butterfree, Mew and her friends cry out in anger to tell them to leave them alone and let them continue with their season of love. However, Team Rocket is ignoring them.

Jessie laughs, "We're having quite a spree!"

"We're swiping all the Butterfree!" Meowth sings.

James adds, "There's never been a happier me."

"Can't we speed this thing up and catch em?" Mew asks.

"I'm trying, Mew, but their chopper's a lot faster," Brock says.

Soon, Team Rocket is going after the Butterfree and the pink one is among them. Meanwhile, Mew's Butterfree is going after them.

James laughs and says, "Nothing but net!"

Soon, the chopper snatches the pink one, and leaves Mew's behind. Mew's Butterfree zooms in to see the pink one trapped.

Butterfree says, "Freee free free!" (Don't worry, I'll get you out!)

Then Butterfree begins to attack the chopper with his tackle attack.

Mew calls out, "Yeah! That's it, Butterfree! Use your Tackle attack!"

Butterfree continues to use the tackle attack, but to no avail.

"Ha. That pathetic little insect thinks it can stop us," Jessie says, mocking Butterfree.

Mew then calls out, "Butterfree, Stun Spore, now!"

Butterfree then uses Stun Spore, but it ends up being blown away by the rotor blades of the chopper.

James laughs in triumphant, "That was a stunning failure!"

"We need to come up with something else,"

"Now let's hit the sky way!" Meowth says.

The chopper begins to leave as Jessie says through the speaker, "Our thanks to all of you who came to see Team Rocket's latest triumph! We hope to see you again..."

"Next time we steal the show!" James says.

"Hey! Come back!" Mew shouts.

Then Butterfree zooms after them.

"Butterfree!" Mew calls out.

Then turns to Brock, "After it!"

"Here goes!" Brock says.

Soon, the group follow Butterfree as Butterfree follows the chopper and the girl Butterfree.

Misty looks around and says, "I don't see Butterfree, or Team Rocket."

"Butterfree was flying as fast as it could, most likely to save that pink Butterfree it likes," Mew says.

"I bet it's gonna follow that pink Butterfree no matter where they take it!" Brock says.

Mew calls out, "Butterfree, where are you?!"

"Pika!" (Butterfree!) Pikachu calls out.

Eevee calls out as well, "Eevee!" (Butterfree!)

"Please, Butterfree!" Misty calls out.

Mew calls out, "Hey, Butterfree!"

The group continues to search through the canyon, until they hear Butterfree.

Mew looks ahead, "Oh, Butterfree!"

Butterfree flaps to the others and reaches them.

"What happened?" Mew asks.

"Freeh! Freeh!" (They went that way!) Butterfree says.

"Chu chu!" (Nice work!) Pikachu says.

"The Pink one is over there?" Mew asks.

Butterfree nods his head.

"Don't worry! Show us the way, Butterfree!" Mew says.

At a different side of the canyon, Team Rocket is inside a warehouse with the captured Butterfree in some kind of net.

Meowth counts them, "Ninety-eight, Meowth! Ninety-nine, Meowth! One-hundred, Meowth!"

Then laughs.

"A very nice catch," Jessie says.

Then James says, "Just between us, isn't it nice to have one of our nefarious schemes actually work for once?"

"Feels great!" Meowth says.

"We're at our best when we're at our worst. We finally got it back!" Jessie says.

"Yeah. When the boss hears about this, I'll be top cat again," Meowth says.

Then fantasize Meowth getting the attention from the Team Rocket Boss. Then Meowth laughs with glee.

Suddenly, the window burst open from the outside.

"Hey! Somebody's bustin' in!" Meowth exclaims.

"Who is it?!" Jessie asks.

Suddenly, Mew and her friends begin to imitate Team Rocket's motto.


Prepare for trouble.


And you can make that triple!


To protect the world from devastation!

Mew and Misty:

To unite all peoples within our nation!

Team Rocket soon stares at the deadpan expression.

Jessie says, "This was just..."

Then James, "Too good..."

"To last," Meowth concludes.

"You better believe it!" Mew says.

"Pika/Eev." (That's right) Pikachu and Eevee say

"Like I said, we're defending the beauty of truth and love!" Misty says.

"Let's do it!" Brock says.

Meowth screams, "We gotta stop them!"

"Today's the one day.." Jessie says, bringing out a sledge hammer.

James brings out a grabber and says, "You won't win!"

Mew calls out, "Butterfree, go!"

Butterfree charges and rams at them. Then flies past them at top speed.

Misty throws her Pokeball, "Go, Starmie!"

Starmie then comes out.

Misty calls out, "Starmie, Tackle attack!"

Soon, Misty's Starmie begins to chase Team Rocket as Butterfree arrives at the big net. Butterfree begins to charge at the net with bravery and determination to free all the Butterfree, especially the Pink one he has fallen in love with. The Pink Butterfree feels amazed that Mew' Butterfree is the one who is going to save her. The Pink Butterfree comes to realize that this Butterfree is her destined mate. Finally with the final blow, the net breaks apart. Then all the Butterfree begin to fly free, catching Team Rocket's attention.

"The Butterfree is getting away! Do something!" Meowth screams.

"Take this!" Jessie says, and uses the sledgehammer on Starmie, sending it to the wall.

Misty quickly arrives with a water sprayer, "Hang in there, Starmie!"

Then spray Starmie with it, and is soon rejuvenated.

Brock quickly opens the door and calls out, "Hurry up! Fly away!"

The Butterfree leaves through the door and are flying out to their freedom. Team Rocket tries frantically to capture them, but aren't able to catch one. Butterfree is breathing tiredly from how much strength he uses.

"Are you alright, Butterfree?" Mew asks.

The Pink Butterfree then flies up to Mew's Butterfree.

Suddenly, James appears behind her, "I'll catch you!"

Mew's Butterfre soon tackles James and knocks him back, causing the Pink one to blush over his act of bravery.

In the helicopter Team Rocket hurry inside as Meowth says, "We won't let them get away!"

The chopper soon takes off as our heroes exit the warehouse.

"STOP! Come back!" Brock calls out.

"Wait!" Misty calls out.

Team Rocket's chopper races off to capture the Butterfree.

"We're gonna get every one of them back!" Meowth says.

Mew and the others along including the pink one are chasing after them.

"Hurry! Faster!" Misty calls out.

Soon Mew sees their chopper, "There's Team Rocket! Over there!"

Sure enough, Team Rocket is seen pursuing the Butterfree flock.

"The flock of Butterfree!" Misty panics.

Team Rocket activates their giant net again.

"No! They're doing it again!" Mew says, shocked.

Pikachu turns to Butterfree, "Pikachu!" (Give me a lift!)

"Freeh"! (Right!) Butterfree says.

Mew turns to her Pokemon, "Pikachu? What are you two gonna do?"

"Pika!" (Attack!) Pikachu says.

Butterfree charges into the air to catch up with Team Rocket. The Pink Butterfree begins to worry for Pikachu, and Mew's Butterfree, especially the Butterfree. Butterfree flies past Team Rocket at top speed then turns back to fly towards the chopper.

"What's that? Jessie asks.

Butterfree and Pikachu continue to charge to the chopper.

Pikachu jumps off and shouts, "Pika!" (Bombs away!)

Pikachu drops until it lands on the front window of Team Rocket's chopper.

With a grin Pikachu says, "ka!" (Bye!)

Then begins to zap his cheeks preparing for a thunderbolt.

"It's gonna zap us!" Team Rocket begins to panic over and over as Pikachu begins to release a thunderbolt.

Soon, Pkachu uses Thunderbolt that causes the entire chopper to explode. Pikachu flies off, but Butterfree catches him in the nick of time. Team Rocket however, is falling into the canyon.

"We were so close this time! But now we're..." Meowth screams.

Then Jessie and James scream, "Team Rocket's blasting off again!"

Soon, the three fall into the darkness of the canyon, and hope they won't have to see them in a while. At the balloon, Mew and the others see Butterfree and Pikachu return.

"We did it!" Mew shouts in victory.

"That'll teach 'em not to play around with a Pokemon romance!" Misty says.

Soon the Pokemon return and Pikachu jump on the basket.

"You did it, Pikachu! Great work!" Mew says.

"Pi Pikachu!" (Oh, it was nothing!) Piakchu says.

Suddenly, the Pink Butterfree approaches Mew's Butterfree

The Pink Butterfree says to Mew's Butterfree, "Freeh" (You saved me.)

Then the Pink Butterfree begins to dance, making Butterfree very happy.

Mew notices, "Hey, look!"

Brock chuckles and says, "Now the pink Butterfree is doing the courtship dance for your Butterfree!"

"Alright! Good for you, Butterfree!" Mew says.

"Chu," (Yeah.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee." (Go Butterfree.) Eevee says.

Soon, Mew's Butterfree begins to join the dance together. The two Butterfree are happily in love.

Later, as the sun begins to set, Mew and her friends are on land once more. Now, it is time to say goodbye to Butterfree and his mate.

Mew steps forward, "Well, I guess you have to leave now, don't you?"

Butterfree nods his head.

"They have to cross the ocean, to start their new family," Brock says

"We'll miss you, Butterfree," Misty says.

Brock turns to Mew, "It's time."

Mew nods her head, knowing that it's time to say goodbye to her friend.

Mew kneels to the Butterfree and turns to the Pink one, "This is a great Butterfree, so take care of it for me."

"Freeh Freeh," (I promise.) Pink Butterfree says.

"You're babies are gonna be beautiful," Misty says.

"I guess you better get going," Brock says.

Butterfree soon becomes sad.

Mew then hugs her Butterfree, "I'll miss you Butterfree, promise that you and your mate will be happy and have a great family together."

Butterfree snuggles Mew's cheek with sadness and yet happy. When the two let go, Butterfree takes to the sky, but he's also sad.

"Don't worry. I'll just tell the other Pokemon that you're on a trip, and you'll come back someday, maybe," Mew says.

Butterfree nods his head and hears his mate calling him.

Mew steps back as she says, "Goodbye, Butterfree."

Misty waves goodbye, "Bye bye, Butterfree!"

"Good luck to both of you!" Brock says.

In tears, Pikachu calls out, "Pikachu!" (So long, pal!)

"Eevee!" (Goodbye, Buttefree!) Eevee says, crying as well.

Mew looks up in the sky to see Butterfree fly off into the sunset with her mate. Mew remembers first catching it when it's just a Caterpie. Then when it evolves into a Metapod. Finally, evolving into a Butterfree. She also remembers the adventures they had together and fun memories.

Mew begins to shed tears, "Butterfree."

Misty looks over the horizon, "Hey, Mew. Butterfree is almost out of sight."

Seeing that this is her last chance, Mew dashes to the edge of the cliff and waves goodbye, "Take care, Butterfree! Good luck, buddy!"

In tears, Butterfree turns his head to see his trainer one last time, "Freeh." (Mew.)

"Goodbye, Butterfree! I'll always remember you! Thank you for everything! Goodbye, Butterfree!" Mew calls out.

In tears and saying goodbye, Butterfree and his mate continue to fly off as they disappear into the sunset with the rest of the Butterfree flock.

"Have a good trip, Butterfree! Take care of yourself! Goodbye, Butterfree! "Mew calls out.

Soon, Butterfree is out of sight and is leaving with the flock and his mate.

Mew sighs with a smile, "Be happy, old friend."

Brock places his hand on Mew's shoulder and says, "You know, Mew. You raised Butterfree to have a lot of courage, and I think, you just proved you have a lot of courage, too."

"Thank you, Brock," Mew says.

Pikachu climbs on Mew's shoulder, "Pikachu." (I'm proud, too.)

"Eevee." (Me three.) Eeve says.

Misty looks out and says, "Isn't that beautiful?"

"It sure is!" Mew says.

Mew and her friends watch the glittering of the Butterfees' wings as they leave to travel across the ocean. It shows that good friendship will always last forever, even though friends don't always stay together. Helping Butterfree grow, Mew just might have grown a little herself. Even though it's hard, Mew knows that her Butterfree will be happy with his mate, and will start a family. As they leave, Mew hears Butterfree cry one last time. As the journey continues

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Scorbunny (Female). Roserade (Female). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Squirtle (Male). Teddiursa (Male). Flabébé (Female). Gyarados (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Shaymin (Male). 2 Pokemon Eggs.

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Shellder (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Arcanine (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Espurr (Male). Krabby (Male)

Released: Butterfree (Male)

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod.

Pokeballs: 1 Moon Ball. 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). 1 Pokemon Egg.

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. 1 Pokemon Egg.

Item: 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

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