Episode 18: The Ghost of Maiden's Peak

One moonlit night, there is a tall cliff side, and on the cliff is a figure of a young woman that has a red flower in her stone hair. Suddenly, that same girl begins to appear outside of the statue in the form of a ghost.

Then the voice of a young woman calls out, "I've been waiting for you. Come back to me. Return to your beloved."

Suddenly, the voice changes to a male, "I'm waiting for you."

The ghost then changes form into a purple round ghost that begins laughing.

The very next day, a blow horn of a boat blows, and a ship is making its way to port to the next town. On it are Mew and her friends who have left Ports Vista and are heading to the mainland.

Suddenly, Misty spots a landmark, "Hey! Look over there!"

Pikachu, Eevee, and Mew join her.

Mew says, "Great! That must be Maiden's Peak, that's where we get off. We'll be landing soon!"

However, Brock sighs and says, "It wouldn't matter to me if I never saw land again. I just wasted another summer."

"But we had a whole summer of adventures," Mew replies confused.

"For you, summer means adventures and whatever that second thing you look forward to is. To kids, summer means playing on the beach, splashing around and having fun, but for me.." Brock says, depressed.

Then says, "Summer means, bathing suits and girls to wear them!"

He then falls to his knees, "Now bikini season's over and I'll have to wait another year to meet a girl!"

Meanwhile, not far behind, Team Rocket is still sitting in the barrel that is still tied to the stern of the ship. They are still moping about what happened back at Porta Vista.

"We're really at the end of our rope!" Meowth says.

James whines, "No room, no room service."

"Stop whining. We don't have a cent and at least this beats swimming," Jessie bluntly says.

Later, the faerie stops at the port and everyone leaves the ship, including Mew and her friends.

"Maiden's Peak welcomes the passengers arriving from Porta Vista! We invite you all to attend our annual Summer's End Festival, now in progress!" The announcer says.

"Cool! A festival!" Mew says, excited.

"It looks like fun! Let's check it out!" Misty says.

Brock continues to mope and says, "I'll ride the Ferris wheel all alone."

Suddenly, Brock notices something, "Huh? Who's that?"

Pikachu and Eevee look at the direction Brock is looking at. What he sees is a young woman that has long light purple hair, and wears a white dress, a blue rock necklace, and a flower on her head.

Soon, Brock has once again been struck by Cupid's bow and arrow.

He shouts, "Whoa! What a knockout!"

And in a second, Brock is trampled by the passengers of the ship. Pikachu and Eevee look confused towards Brock, and then turns to see the strange girl. Suddenly, she changes into some round ghost, and vanishes.

Brock soon notices she isn't at the spot anymore, "Hey. She's gone!"

"Pikachu?" (What was that?) Pikachu wonders.

"Eevee," (That was very strange.) Eevee replies.

Mew kneels to Brock and says, "Cheer up, Brock! We're at a festival!"

"Yeah! Let's have some fun," Misty says.

Mew and Misty then drag Brock to the festival as Pikachu and Eevee follow the humans to the festival.

"She was the most beautiful girl I ever seen," Brock says, depressed.

The girls and Pokemon look at Brock with confused expressions.

Suddenly, someone steps forward, "Hey, you there!"

Brock quickly turns his head with excitement, "Are you the.."

But instead of the young girl he has seen at the docks, it's an elderly woman with long white hair and wears a purple robe and carries a staff.

Brock screams in shock, "You're not the beautiful.."

"Who's not beautiful?" The old woman questions.

Then she holds out a magnifying glass and gets closer to Brock.

The old woman says, "Beware, not of an old beauty like me, but a beautiful young woman. Or you'll meet a cruel fate."

"That girl on the rock! I have to meet her!" Brock quickly says.

"I must be the beautiful girl she's talking about. But I'd never hurt Brock," Misty says.

But the old woman turns to Misty, "I was talking about an elegant young woman, not some scrawny little blabbermouth like you!"

"Scrawny?!" Misty says, shocked and displeased.

"And neither is your young friend. Although she is young and pretty, she will not lead your friend to a cruel fate," The old woman says.

Mew sighs, "That's good."

"Not for me! I don't have to stand around here and be insulted! Let's get out of here!" Misty angrily says.

She grabs Brock and walks off in anger. Mew and her Pokemon quickly follow her.

Still daydreaming, Brock says, "The beautiful woman, a cruel fate. The cruelest fate, would be never to see her again."

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is trying to look for loose change on the ground. Yet, their search is very thin.

Jessie screams, "Nothing! There's no money anywhere at this festival!"

"Not a quarter, nickel, or dime! Not even a penny!" James adds with the same expression.

Meowth turns to them, and asks, "What kind of cheap festival is this? We gotta keep looking till we find something!"

Sure enough, James sees a penny on the ground and picks it up, "A penny!"

Suddenly, a voice of an old woman says, "Hold it right there!"

James turns his head to see the old woman Mew and her friends have seen earlier.

James says, "I dropped this."

"I've been watching you, you're up to know good! And there's no good in your future," The old woman says, holding a magnifying glass at James.

James leans forward and asks, "Who? The police? The sheriff? The FBI?"

"I see a young and beautiful woman who will lead you to a cruel fate," The old woman says.

"What does that mean?" Jessie asks, confused.

"Who knows?" Meowth replies.

Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "Good afternoon. I'm with the local police department and I know exactly what you all are doing."

They soon see Officer Jenny, and they begin to panic, due to their villainous career.

Jenny then walks to James and says, "I see you found some change that someone dropped. Whenever money's lost, even a penny, it must be reported to the authorities."

As she speaks, James then puts the penny in Jenny's hand.

Jenny stands and says, "Thanks for being such an observant citizen. Now, if you'll just follow me, we'll file a report at the station."

"The station?" James asks, panicking.

Jessie panics and says, "We don't want to get in your way, so why don't you go ahead and file it without us and keep the change?"

She picks up James and Meowth and leaves as she calls out, "Bye-bye!"

A little later, Mew and the others are at a shrine to see a priest talk about a maiden. Team Rocket is there as well.

The Priest says, "Welcome! To celebrate the Summer's End Festival, we will now display the Shrine of the Maiden's greatest treasure! For two-thousand years, this painting has hung within the Shrine of the Maiden. Once each year, it is removed from the shrine and displayed to the public during this festival. As I unveil the painting, please gaze with reverence."

The priest removes the cloak to unveil the painting. Soon, everyone in the audience is amazed.

Jessie asks, "Who's that?"

"She's cute," Meowth replies.

Everyone continues to see the painting of the Maiden.

James gasps, "It's her!"

"But, it can't be!" Brock says, shocked.

Brock and James can't believe their eyes, the girl in the painting is actually the same girl they have seen back at the docks.

Brock begins to walk forward to see the girl's painting, "She's so incredibly beautiful!"

"She's the girl of my dreams, don't wake me up!" James says, completely dazed.

James and Brock continue to walk forward to see the girl.

But the priest stopped them, "Stay back! The woman in this painting perished over two-thousand years ago.

"Two-thousand years?" Brock asks, still mesmerized.

Then the priest says, "She was in love with a brave and handsome young man, but he left her and sailed away to fight in a war. The maiden cries out, 'I'll wait for you forever! Come back to me! Farewell!' And she did wait for a very long time, hoping to see his ship on the horizon. But her true love never returned to that place again. Still, she waited and waited, never moving from that spot. Until, finally, her body was turned into stone, just like the cliff upon which she stood. To this day, she waits for her love to return."

Mew sadly says, "That's very sad.

Brock then asks the priest, "Just tell me, where's this rock?"

"Maiden's Rock is not far from this shrine," The priest answers.

Soon, Mew and the others decide to visit Maiden Rock to see the Maiden that has been turned to stone, waiting for her love to return.

"So that's Maiden Rock! It's the most beautiful rock I've ever seen!" Brock says.

On the other side of the shrine, James and the others have gone to see the same rock.

"I don't care if she's made of stone, I'm still in love with her!" James cries out.

"If she were my girlfriend, I'd make sure she was never out of my sight!" Brock says, determined.

James calls out, "No one would ever steal her from me! Not even Team Rocket! I'll fight them to keep her safe!"

As James screams, Jessie holds on to him with an annoyed expression on her face.

Jessie says, "James, you're insane! Why would we steal a thing like that?!"

Then Meowth says, "We could steal that other thing!"

"What thing?" Jessie asks.

"Pokemon are valuable, but so are works of art! Let's swipe the painting!" Meowth says.

Jessie unknowingly lets go of James and says, "If we grab that painting, we could make a bundle!"

Suddenly, James screams, "Jessie! Jessie! Before you grab it, grab hold of me!"

Jessie quickly grabs hold of James, but they both fall over the edge and fall into the water.

Meowth shakes his head, "Team Rocket is really slippin."

Later in the night, Pikachu and Eevee are getting very sleepy. Misty and Mew don't think they want to stay any longer.

"Brock, I don't think the rock is going to go anywhere," Mew says.

"Yeah, let's go back to the festival. This is boring!" Misty agrees.

"Why don't you all go back? I wanna stay here a little bit longer," Brock says

"You remember where we're staying tonight, right?" Mew replies.

Brock answers, "The Pokemon Center near the port, I'll make it back by curfew."

Mew picks up her backpack, but looks at Brock with a confused expression.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be okay," Brock.

Mew and the others decide to head back to the festival, but Mew can't help but feel concern about Brock. After their time at the festival, Mew and the others are now at the Pokemon Center, waiting for Brock. Just then, the clock strikes eleven and still no sign of Brock.

"I'm getting worried, Brock still isn't back yet," Misty says.

"Maybe we should go look for him. I'm worried," Mew says.

"I'm afraid we'll have to wait for tomorrow," Misty says.

Mew turns to see the Center is closing for the night.

"I guess you're right. We'll look first thing in the morning," Mew says.

Suddenly, the wind picks up fast making Meowth yelp. Suddenly, the doors to the shrine opens and a mysterious figure is inside and begins to leave.

Confused, Meowth asks, "What's that?"

What Meowth is seeing is a ghost that looks like the Maiden. Meowth screams in fright. Suddenly, the ghost uses some strange power to make Meowth sleepy.

Feeling tired, Meowth says, "Must be dreaming. Back to sleep. Meowth."

Then falls back to sleep.

The ghost floats to where Team Rocket is and calls out, "My love. I'm waiting for you."

And the voice soon wakes James up, "Who said that? Who are you?"

James looks down to see the Maiden smiling at him.

James surprisingly says, "It's you! So it really was you!"

On the other side of the shrine, Brock is still sitting where he is, watching the rock of the Maiden.

"Two-thousand years," Brock says.

Suddenly, Brock feels a presence behind him, and quickly turns around to see the ghost.

The Maiden says, "I've been waiting for you, for such a long time."

"It's you! It's really you!" Brock says.

The ghost nods her head.

The next day, Mew and the others make sure to wake up and hurry to the shrine, but Brock isn't at the spot where he's been sitting.

Mew calls out, "Brock?!"

"Brock?! Where are you?!" Misty calls out.

"Pikachu?!" (Where are you, Brock?!) Pikachu calls out.

"Eev!" (Brock!) Eevee calls out.

On the other side of the shrine, James and Meowth are looking for James who has also disappeared.

Jessie calls out, "James?! James?! If you're not here, at least come and tell us!"

"That's right!" Meowth calls out.

"Hey, Brock?!" Mew calls out.

Soon, the two parties meet and are shocked.

"Oh!" Jessie says, shocked.

"You again!" Mew angrily says.

The two parties are not pleased to see each other.

"Yuck!" Jessie angrily says.

"Double yuck!" Mew comments.

"I finally found you!" Jessie says.

Then remembers, "Oh, wait a minute! None of you are the one I'm looking for!"

Confused, Mew asks, "Hey, are you looking for somebody, too?"

Jessie clears her throat and does the Team Rocket motto.


Prepare for trouble

Jessie (Imitating James):

And make it double.

Then Jessie mutters, "Doing this by myself is a real drag."

Mew and the others become confused, of course, they come to realize who they're looking for.


To protect the world from devastation

Jessie (Imitating James):

To unite all peoples within our nation.


To denounce the evils of truth and love..

Suddenly, James' voice appears.


To extend our reach to the stars above.

Jessie stops to hear James' voice and begins to look around. Yet, she then continues with the motto.






Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!


Surrender now,

Suddenly, everyone turns to the shrine as the doors open and James flies out.


or prepare to fight!

James soon falls to the ground, and Jessie and Meowth are shocked.

"He looks awful!" Jessie exclaims.

"Worse than usual!" Meowth adds.

Soon, Brock falls out of the shrine.

"Brock, what happened?" Mew asks, shocked.

Misty kneels to Brock, "Pull yourself together!"

Suddenly, James grabs Jessie's leg

Jessie then grabs James by his shirt and shakes him, "What do you think you're doing?"

Suddenly, the old woman appears, "So, everything turned out just as I predicted."

Everyone turns their heads to see the old woman from the other day.

"It's the old woman," Mew says, surprised.

"Obviously, these two have both seen the ghost of the Maiden," The old woman says.

"Ghost of the Maiden?" The two parties say, shocked.

Suddenly, Brock and James keep saying that they love the Maiden's ghost. Then hug each other.

"They're possessed!" Mew panics.

Then calls out, "Pikachu!"

Pikachu then performs a Thunderbolt and gives them an electric shock.

Brock calmly says, "Uh, who am I? I am Brock."

"Brock's back!" Mew happily says.

"I'm James from Team Rocket," James says, getting up.

Then James begins to act weird.

"He's back," Jessie says.

"But not to normal," Meowth replies.

In the shrine, the old woman explains, "All men who pass this way fall under her spell. It's always the same story over and over, we find them here acting like zombies with the life sucked out of them, babbling like idiots. It's the work of that maiden's ghost! Still waiting for her young soldier to return! It's just as I warned you."

"So what? Who cares, as long as I can be with her," Brock says, still dazed.

Mew waves her hand in front of Brock, but he doesn't flinch.

Mew worriedly says, "He isn't cured!"

Soon, James panics, "I'm scared! You got to do something!"

"There's only one thing we can do," The old woman says.

Soon, everyone becomes confused.

"We have stickers," The woman says, holding stickers.

Then puts them on James and Brock's faces.

The old woman adds. These are anti-ghost stickers. However..."

"What's the catch?" Mew asks.

Suddenly, a cash register appears.

And the old woman says, "I can't just give these stickers away for free."

"Oh," Mew replies.

Soon, Mew and Misty begin to stick the shrine up with the Anti-Ghost stickers.

"Oh well, if it's the only thing that'll help," Mew says.

"We'll stick stickers all over the place!" Misty says.

In the house, Pikachu and Eevee are sticking stickers on Brock while Jessie and Meowth do the same for James.

"This'll really work, right?" James worriedly asks.

Jessie then puts the sticker on James' mouth, "Shut your mouth!"

Later in the night, Brock and James are sitting on a small platform while Mew and the others wait.

Jessie asks, "Will she come?"

"Oh, she'll come!" Meowth says.

"This better work!" Mew says.

"Let's hope," Misty says.

Outside the wind picks up again and it blows the stickers away.

The old woman turns her head, "She's here!"

The doors blow open and the ghost of the maiden appears.

"It's you!" Brock says, surprised.

The Maiden says, "I've been waiting for you."

"Yes, and I've been waiting, too," Brock calmly says.

James begins to scream, "I'm scared! Really really scared!"

"I wanted to meet you," The Maiden says.

"And I you," Brock says, hypnotized.

Soon, Brock and James are being levitated right towards the ghost.

"Brock!" Mew panics.

She along with Misty, and the Pokemon chase after him

James grabs the railing and screams, "Why?! Why aren't the stickers working?!"

"Maybe because.." Meowth admits.

"We got them.." Jessie says.

Then they both say, "For free."

"Free? What do you mean free?" James asks, shocked.

"A two-for-one deal. We got one set free for every set they bought. It was a real bargain," Jessie says.

"You used freebies?" James asks, shocked.

"Oops," Jessie replies.

James screams, "I can't believe you're letting that ghost get me just because both are so cheap!"

"You don't want to go?" Jessie asks.

James screams, "Of course I don't want to go! I don't want to go!

James lets go of the railing and begins to float away, "I don't want to go! I don't want to go!"

"Grab him!" Mew says and grabs Brock's leg.

Misty does the same, "Wait, Brock!"

"Pika!" (Brock!) Pikachu also grabs Brock with his paws.

"Eev!" (Brock!) Eevee also grabs Brock's pants with her teeth.

Brock looks down and shouts, "Hey! Let me go!"

James continues to be carried away as he screams, "I don't want to go!"

Suddenly, something fires at the Maiden and makes her drop James into the water. Turns out it's really Jessie with a bazooka.

Jessie shouts in anger, "Hey, girl! You can't take him! You haven't got a ghost of a chance!"

Soon, they hear a sound and look to see James climbing on the rocks after he splash into the water.

James happily says, "You really do care!"

But Jessie says, "It's not cause of you. Girls like her disgust me. Always waiting around for her man as if she were his faithful pet. She can't stand the thought of losing him. She cries. But I'd say 'see ya later!' There are plenty more fish in the sea."

"I could sure go for some fish," Meowth says.

Suddenly, the Maiden says, "I've been waiting! You cannot interfere!"

Suddenly, the ghost begins to create a strong wind, and multiple skull-like ghosts appear and attack them. Everyone panics and stays close together.

"What is that?!" Misty panics.

"Not any Pokemon I know," Mew says, and takes out her Pokedex.

But Dexter says, "No Pokemon entry found."

"And of course they're not Pokemon," Mew says.

Soon, the ghosts begin to fly all over the place. Mew looks around to see the old woman isn't around.

Suddenly, she then hears Dexter says, "Still searching..."

Mew quickly looks around with her Pokedex to find the source. To her surprise, she points at the Maiden's Ghost.

Dexter says, "Pokemon entry found. Gastly, the Gas Pokemon. A Ghost and Poison Type. It is usually invisible. It's specialty is hypnosis."

"Gastly?!" Misty says, confused.

"Then that means, the Ghost of the Maiden is really a Pokemon," Mew says, surprised.

Suddenly, the Maiden says, "So you finally figured it out. Sometimes I'm the ghost of the two-thousand year old maiden.."

Then changes to the old woman, "And sometimes I'm the mysterious old woman! But, no matter what the disguise, I'll always be..."

The old woman swirls around and gathers the skulls. Then changes to it's true Pokemon form.

"Awfully Ghastly," Ghastly says.

Understanding what's really going on, Mew isn't going to stand for this trick, "Well, Gastly, time for a battle! Pikachu! Eevee!"

Pikachu and Eevee nod their heads and are ready to fight.

Gastly responds, "My hypnotic powers can work on other Pokemon, too. Including little rodents and foxes!"

"Pika." (Really.) Pikachu comments.

"Eevee," (Fox.) Eevee replies.

"Stop a rodent and a fox..." Gastly says.

Then transform into a mousetrap and a cage, "With a couple of traps!"

Pikachu and Eevee quickly run for their lives.

Then Meowth decies to attack, "Mouse traps won't hurt Meowth!"

"So, Meowth, you want to play games with me?" Gastly comments as Meowth charges.

"Here's a cat toy I think you'll enjoy!" Gastly adds.

Then makes a yarn ball appear. Since cat Pokemon like Meowth love to play with toys..

Jessie calls out, "Go, Ekans!" and Ekans charges.

"A snake's natural enemy is a mongoose!" Gastly says.

He transforms himself into a mongoose and says, "Dinner time!"

Ekans runs away in fear after coiling around Gastly.

Jessie tags James and says, "Your turn!"

Reluctant, James says, "Um. Uh, Kogging! Poison Gas Attack."

Koffing then begins to spray his gas.

"Smoking is prohibited!" Gastly says as he transforms into a mongoose wearing a gas mask and stomps on Koffing.

My turn now! Charmander, Scorbunny, I choose you!" Mew says.

Then Charmander and Scorbunny make the scene.

Well, now.." Gastly says.

Then turns into a fire extinguisher, "Here's something for a couple of squirts!"

Then begins to spray, causing the two fire Pokemon to run away in fright.

Then Gastly changes back, "Now who shall I defeat?"

Mew is getting annoyed and calls out, "Squirtle, Bulbasaur! Attack together!"

"Ha! What a bunch of nuisances! This should be easy," Gastly says.

Then makes a giant Venusaur and Blastoise appear, freaking the two Pokemon.

"Here are Bulbasaur's and Squirtle's evolved forms, Venasaur and Blastoise. And just for fun, I'll combine them into one super Pokemon! To make Venustoise!" Gastly says.

Then combine the two together, and they fuse together to make a mutated Pokemon.

"Try that on for size!" Gasyly mocks.

Seeing the fused Pokemon, Squirtle and Bulbasaur freak out and run away in fear.

"We lose! Gastly is too strong for us!" Mew says.

Suddenly, Misty appears holding a cross, "Then how about this?"

"What's that?" Gastly asks.

"It's a cross!" Misty answers.

Then brings out other items, "I've also got garlic, a stake, and a hammer!"

"What do I look like? A vampire or something?" Gastly questions, dumbfounded.

Suddenly, the church bells begin to run, and something is starting to happen to Gastly, like it's nervous or something.

Confused, Mew wonders, "Huh? What's happening?"

"I may not be a vampire, but I hate sunlight! It's time for me to go until the next festival!" Gastly says as he fades away.

Gastly adds, "Don't forget the ghost of the Maiden! She and the old lady will return next year, too!"

In a matter of seconds, Gastly has fully faded away as the sun begins to rise into the sky.

"That really was ghastly," Misty comments.

"Right?" Mew replies, confused.

"Pika," (Sure was.) Pikachu says.

"Eev," (Yeah.) Eevee replies.

Meowth then points out, "Hey, look! The sun!"

Everyone watches as the sun begins to rise into the sky.

Later that day, it's night time, the citizens of the town and Mew and her friends set boats with lanterns on them out to sea.

Officer Jenny says, "At the end of every summer, the visitors send out these tiny boats. Each one with a candle to help light the way for any wandering spirits who can't find their way back home."

On one of the boats in the form of the maiden. Then changes to the elderly woman.

"This summer is over, but your legend will continue to live on," Gastly says.

Then the real Ghost of the Maiden appears, "Thank you, Gastly."

"My pleasure," Gastly says.

Then changes back to its original form, "I enjoy keeping alive all the old legends that people have forgotten over the years. And if I do a good job of it, I make a few bucks as well.

"I'll see you again next festival. I'll be waiting until that day when my true love returns to me, at last," The maiden says.

"Well, I am a ghost Pokemon. Perhaps, one day, I'll meet the young man you love. And if I do, I'll remind him that his maiden still longs for him to return," Gastly says.

"Thank you, and goodbye!" The Maiden says in gratitude and fades away.

Meanwhile, Brocks looks at Maiden's rock one last time.

"If only you were two-thousand years younger," Brock says.

He sighs and says, "Maybe next year."

Meanwhile, everyone is celebrating on the very last day of the summer festival. Jessie and James are playing with the drums

"I think I'm doing a bang-up job!" James says.

"Let's drum up some fun!" Jessie says.

Meowth is playing with the flute, "Do de do de do de do.."

Close by, wearing an ocean green color kimono with rainbow color flowers on it.

She looks at the Pokedex and says, "A ghost Pokemon. Gastly."

"Pikachu," (Pretty spooky.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (Sounds scary.) Eevee replies.

Suddenly, Misty arrives, "Sorry we're late."

Mew looks up to see the Misty in her pink kimono.

"Come on, Mew! Let's dance!" Misty says, and takes Mew's hand.

"Uh, sure!" Mew replies.

"You too, Pikachu! Eevee!" Misty says.

"Pika!" (Okay!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee! (Sure!) Eevee says.

With that, Mew, Misty, Pikachu, and Eevee begin to dance with everyone else at the festival while Brock continues to watch the Maiden's rock one more time before leaving. Now that the summer festival has drawn to a close. Autumn will soon be in the air, and another series of adventures will take place for Mew and her friends, and will continue. As the journey continues.

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Butterfree (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Scorbunny (Female). Roserade (Female). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Squirtle (Male). Teddiursa (Male). Flabébé (Female). Gyarados (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Shaymin (Male). 2 Pokemon Eggs.

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Shellder (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Arcanine (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Espurr (Male). Krabby (Male)

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod.

Pokeballs: 1 Moon Ball. 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male). 1 Pokemon Egg

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale

Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. 1 Pokemon Egg.

Item: 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

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