Episode 17: Tentacool and Tentacruel

On a bright sunny day on Porta Vista, Mew along with her friends are watching the ocean.

"Blue skies," Mew comments

"White clouds," Brock comments.

Then Misty comments, "And sea as far as you can see."

Mew notices a ship coming by, "I wish that ship could take us off this island."

Mew and her friends are still stuck on Porta Vista because they missed the boat, and it will be another three hours until the next faerie comes.

Suddenly, Pikachu notices something out at sea and calls out, "Pika! Chu! Chu!" (Hey! Look! Look!)

"Eevee Eevee," (There's something over there.) Eevee says, noticing it too.

Misty looks out and notices, "Oh, look! It's a Horsea! How cute!"

"Huh? Where?" Mew wonders, looking around.

Soon, the group notices the Pokemon out in the water. The Pokemon is a small blue color sea horse Pokemon with red eyes and a yellow underbelly and fins on the side.

"It is. And it's cute," Mew says.

She takes out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Horsea, the Dragon Pokemon. A Water Type. In this unique Pokemon species, thousands of eggs hatch every spring, and then the male raises them himself.

Suddenly, Brock notices, "It looks like it's injured!"

Mew and the others look to see the injured Horsea as well, it has a black eye.

"And there's no Pokemon Center around here," Misty says.

"Maybe we can get one of our water Pokemon to help it. My Ponyta knows Heal Pulse, and we can also give it first aid," Mew says.

Suddenly, Horsea squirts out some ink and makes two pictures.

"Hmm, it looks like it's trying to tell us something," Mew says.

"Well I have to treat it's wound first. I'll see if Vaporeon can bring it over," Misty says.

Suddenly an explosion occurs. Everyone quickly turns to sea to see one of the ships explode and is catching on fire.

"Oh no! The boat!" Brock panics.

All the sailors are abandoning ship, and jumping into the water.

"What just happened?" Mew asks.

"We gotta act fast! My water Pokemon can help those people! Staryu, Starmie, Goldeen, Vaporeon, Golduck, Magikarp, go!" Misty calls out, throwing her Pokeballs.

Mew brings out her Pokeballs, "Squirtle, Poliwhirl, Gyarados, you help out too.

With that, all the Water Pokemon are off to the rescue.

"Come on, let's go find a boat," Brock says.

"Right," The girls reply.

The Water Pokemon begin to rescue the sailors one by one. Soon, Mew and the others are on a boat so the sailors can be carried to safety.

Misty calls out, "This way! Carry them all to our boat!"

Soon enough, Mew and her friends and the Pokemon are able to rescue everyone. Horsea watches the whole thing and is worried what might happen next.

The sailor is petrified and says, "It's terrible! Terrible!"

"He looks like he's paralyzed," Brock says.

"I think it is. It's possible that he might have been attacked by a Pokemon if he's this paralyzed," Mew says.

Then Mew turns to the sailor and asks, "What happened to you out there?

"The boss! I gotta tell the boss what happened!" The sailor mutters.

The group becomes confused and decides to drive back to the mainland. Unknown to the group, multiple unknown Pokemon are appearing in the ocean.

Not long, Mew and her friends meet the boss, and it's a shocking sigh.

A woman's voice shouts, "I'm the boss! Nastina!"

Mew and her friends stand back in shock to see the woman in front of them looks like Brutella back at the beach. Only, she seems to be dressed more wealthy, and surrounded by servants.

"I understand that you helped save the men on my ship. Thank you very much!" Nastina says, and laughs.

"You're very welcome. My friends and I will get going," Mew says.

Nastina sternly says, "You don't think you're gonna get away that fast, do ya?!"

The group actually become scared to see the woman shouting at them.

Then the woman says, "No till you see my new resort!"

"Resort?" Mew says confused.

"It's not finished, but it'll be spectacular! The world's biggest luxury resort!" Nastina says, looking at a model and the real one outside her window.

"Is that it out on the ocean?" Misty asks.

"Yes, that's it! That's Nastina's Paradise! A super luxury hotel, the hotel to end all hotels! It'll have hundreds of luxurious suites, surrounded by the world's most beautiful coral reef!" Nastina says.

She then angrily says, "But only if those Tentacool stop interfering with construction."

"The Tentacool?" Misty says.

"I get it! The Tentacool paralyzed your sailors," Brock says, realizing what really happened.

"Because of those Tentacool, all the tourists have been staying away from here! I don't know why such despicable creatures even exist!" Nastina angrily says.

This makes Misty angry, "Did you say despicable?!"

"They're disgusting! You can't even eat them! And they're hurting my profits!" Nastina angrily says.

She then stamps the cane on the ground. "I was hoping the lot of you might be able to help me take care of my little problem. Do you have the skills to handle a Tentacool extermination project?

Everyone becomes confused to hear it.

"Of course.. " Nastina says.

Her servants pull the curtains as she says, "I'll pay you well!"

It shows a table that reveals a large variety of luxury food.

"If you succeed, you'll get world class all you can eat luxury dinners for one year..." Nastina says.

Then the servants pull another pair of curtains to show a million dollar sign "One million dollars in cash, and vouchers for free stays at the hotel!"

Mew and her friends however grow a bit concerned about the fact that she is willing to give them all this stuff to get rid of Pokemon.

Nastina says, "First, you have to exterminate the Tentacool. Every last one! Then I'll pay the reward."

Mew sighs and says, "Sorry Nastina, but we're not going to help you exterminate the Tentacool. If they are attacking, then they must have a reason. They don't just attack because they want to, maybe you did something to upset them. And anyway, I refuse to help you because your method involves hurting them."

Then Mew leaves the room, without hesitation, "I'm out of here."

"Yeah. What you're doing is disgusting," Misty adds. Then follows her.

Brock, Pikachu, and Eevee follow.

Nastina growls in frustration, "There's a couple of girls who can't be bought!"

Soon, the three humans and two Pokemon are walking down the port and two of them are still steamed.

"Doesn't that old woman make you sick?" Misty angrily asks.

"Yeah. I can't believe she wants to destroy the Tentacool! I do not want to help that woman at all because she wants a silly resort build!" Mew agrees.

"Right. Besides, they're all so cute," Misty says.

"Cute you say," Mew says.

She then takes out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Tentacool, the jellyfish Pokemon. A Water and Poison Type. 99% of its body is made up of water."

"I think they're cool," Mew says.

"Still, if the Tentacool are attacking humans, then there must be a very good reason for it!" Misty says.

"I agree. They must have some reason for attacking the boat like that," Mew says.

"Of course! Tentacool are so squishy and nice when you hold them, and they call the pretty red spot on their head the ruby of the sea," Misty says, commenting on the jellyfish Pokemon.

"Who calls it that?" Brock asks.

"Well, I call it that. It's my name for it," Misty says.

"I think it's nice," Mew says.

Misty smiles and says, "Thank you, Mew."

"Water Pokemon are so beautiful and have such depth," Misty says.

She happily sighs and adds, "Like that Horsea we saw. It was a talented artist."

"Speaking of Horsea, I think Horsea may know something about it," Mew says.

"Why do you say that?" Brock asks.

"Well, I think one of the drawings it squirts out is really a Tentacool. I think Horsea might know why the Tentacool are attacking," Mew says.

Misty gasps, "You might be right. Horsea might know what's going on."

Somewhere in town, Pikachu and Eevee are playing in the pool with Horsea who is feeling a lot better.

Misty calls out, "Horsea!"

Little Horsea looks happily to see Misty again.

"How do you feel? Are you okay?" Misty asks.

"The Super Potion seems to be working," Brock says.

Misty picks up Horsea and says, "Thank goodness."

And hugs Horsea.

Misty then remembers and asks, "Horsea, you were trying to tell us something earlier. It was about the Tentacool right?"

Horsea answers, "Horsea Horsea." (Yes I was.)"

"Horsea says he was trying to tell us something," Mew says.

Horsea becomes confused.

Misty explains to Horsea, "Don't worry Horsea, the truth is Mew can understand Pokemon. If you can tell her what's going on with the Tentacool, she'll tell us what you have to say."

Horsea looks at Mew who is holding a smile. Horsea thinks that Mew can be trusted and decides to explain to her the whole story.

Horsea explains, "Horsea Horsea Horsea Horse Horsea. Horse Horsea Hosea," (The tentacool are upset that the humans are destroying their homes. Their home is the Coral Reef and it's where the sailors are building this thing over it."

"Uh oh," Mew says, worried.

Brock asks, "What do you mean, 'uh oh'?"

"Horsea says that the Coral Reef where Nastina is building her hotel is actually where the Tentacool live, and she along with the sailors are destroying it. What's worse, they're very upset about their home being destroyed," Mew explains.

This shocked the group with Misty and Brock saying, "Oh no!"

Suddenly, Nastina appears on the speaker, "Citizens of Porta Vista, listen up!"

"Nastina!" Mew says, shocked.

On the speaker, Nastina says, "Effective immediately, I am recruiting volunteers to exterminate the Tentacool terrorizing our town."

"Exterminate!?" Misty exclaims in shock.

In her office no longer frozen, Nastina says, "I will award one million dollars to anyone who can exterminate the Tentacool. Isn't Nastina generous?"

"She'll do anything to destroy them!" Brock says.

Nastina continues, "Anyone who wants money, I mean, wants to help the development of our town, come to the yacht harbor immediately!"

"She expects to get people to destroy the Tentacool for money? Ridiculous!" Misty angrily says.

Suddenly, they hear rumbling sounds and turn their heads to see a stampede of people coming this way.

"It's not ridiculous to them!" Mew panics.

Mew and her friends quickly move out of the way before they are crushed. Once the crowd is out of the way, Mew and the others quickly follow. Back at the harbor, the humans are shouting and trying to get Nastina's attention on who is going to get rid of the Tentacool. Suddenly, a tank appears and Nastina comes out wearing an army uniform.

"Alright! Which one of you is going to win the one million dollar reward?" Nastina says.

Suddenly, a rose on a suction cup lands on the tank, making Nastina confused. Mew and the others emerge from the crowd to see a boat coming toward them.

Nastina asks, "Who is that?"

And those ones on the boat are Team Rocket.


Prepare for trouble.


Make it double.


To protect the world from devastation.


To unite all peoples within our nation.


To denounce the evils of truth and love.


To extend our reach to the stars above.






Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!


Surrender now, or prepare to fight.


Meowth! That's right!

Mew and her friends groan with annoyed expressions.

Pikachu and Eevee look very annoyed," Pikachu!/ Eevee" (Not them again!)

Natina says, "Hey! They got a lot of spunk!"

"That's a new definition of spunk," Brock bluntly says.

Jessie then notices Nastina, "Look at that hair!"

"Disaster!" James commented.

Then Nastina fires a bazooka at them.

"I don't need your beauty tips! I need to get rid of Tentacool!" Nastina shouts in rage.

Jessie quickly says, "It's a very distinctive style, just don't shoot!"

"You mean, di-stink-tive," Meowth comments.

Jessie and James stand up with weak smiles.

"We are terribly sorry," Jessie says.

And James says, "Yes, very sorry. Please, leave your little Tentacool extermination project to Team Rocket."

Nastina chuckles and says, "This crew might just pull it off."

"We sure will, Nastina," Jessie says.

"Sounds good. If you exterminate the Tentacool completely, the million bucks is yours! Isn't Nastina generous?" Nastina says.

"Yes, we heard you the first time," Jessie says.

"Just get the dough ready for us," Meowth says.

Then Team Rocket speeds off on their speed boat. Mew and her friends are left at dismay to see Team Rocket heading off to the Tentacool

"They're disrespecting the ocean," Mew says.

In the boat that is out in the ocean, Team Rocket is laughing with greed and eagerness.

Meowth cheers, "We're gonna make a million!"

"Just for getting rid of some jellyfish," Jessie says.

James says, "And it's going to be so easy with our..."

"Super secret Stun Sauce!" Team Rocket adds, showing a barrel that has a picture of a Tentacool with an X on it.

Jessie explains the plan, "We'll just pull it into the ocean and all over the Tentacool."

Then Meowth says, "Then we'll catch them, and open up a fish market!

"And we'll make even more money!" James adds.

"There's nothing like making money," Jessie says.

Suddenly, the boat stops and is starting to go reverse.

"What?" Jessie says, confused.

"Why are we going back?" Meowth asks.

James looks down to see the reason why.

James panics, "T.. T.. T.."

Then Team Rocket screams, "TENTACOOL!"

Indeed, the tentacool surrounds the ship. Back at the harbor, Mew and the others see what is happening as the people gather.

"All of those things are Tentacool?!" Mew asks, shocked.

"Yeah. And there seems to be an army of millions of Tentacool," Misty says.

Back at the boat, Meowth kicks Team Rocket screaming, "Dump the Stun Sauce! Dump the Stun Sauce!"

"We don't have enough of it!" Jessie panics.

"There must be ten thousand of them!" James adds.

Just then, a larger Tentacool fires a ray like beam at Team Rocket's boat, destroying it. That throws them off the boat, but the barrel with the stun sauce falls on top of it. And then the unexpected happens, it begins to evolve at a fast rate, and grows bigger and bigger.

Now Tentacool is a large, jellyfish-like Pokémon. It has a clear, light blue body that has two large, red orbs on either side and smaller orb in the center. Its eyes are visible in its round lower body, which is black. Extending from its lower body are two blue, beak like appendages and numerous grayish tentacles. The only problem is... that Tentacruel is like ten or twelve stories tall.

Mew and her friends begin to scream in shock, and soon Team Rocket is trapped in the Tentacruel's clutches.

Jessie screams, "We supersized it!"

The giant Pokemon, that is known as a Tentacruel begins to wrap its tentacles around the construction site.

"One of the Tentacool evolved into a giant sized Tentacruel!" Mew says, shocked.

"This is impossible! Even at its greatest height, Tentacruel shouldn't be more than seven feet tall!" Brock says.

Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Tentacruel, the jellyfish Pokemon, and the evolved form of Tentacool. A Water and Poison Type. It's numerous tentacles serve as a powerful weapon. It is known as the gangster of the sea."

"Then that one must be the gang leader," Mew says.

"Oh no! Tentacruel's in trouble!" Misty says.

"I don't think Tentacruel is going to be in trouble. It's going to cause trouble if Nastina makes it mad," Mew says, frightened.

Suddenly, they turn to see Nastina is furious now, "How dare that thing crush my hotel! Commence fire!"

She and her servants then fire the missiles at the Tentacruel. However, they bounce off its body. Tentacruel then turns to see the humans with anger.

Nastina growls and screams in rage, "Leave my hotel alone!"

Soon, the army of Tentacool begins to march on the shore and paralyze Nastina and her men.

"We gotta try to protect Tentacruel!" Misty says, frightened.

"But there's gonna be a tidal wave!" Brock says as he pulls Misty away.

The tidal wave comes into the town as everyone makes a run for it. The crowd are making their way to a tall tower where it's a high area. Mew and her friends hurry to follow the crowd to where a tower is and are able to get to higher ground for safety. Soon, Jessie and James find themselves on a pole.

Jessie says, tired, "Oh, thank badness, we survived!"

"We're high, and dry!" James replies.

Then Jessie says, "It's a good thing we grabbed on to this pole. It should be safe to climb down, now."

They look down to notice that they are on a huge skyscraper.

They both scream, "Help!"

Down below the Tentacool, and Tentacruel are still on a rampage. The Tentacruel even throws part of the construction at the amusement park and destroys it.

"Oh! It's a good thing I just got that insured!" Nastina says, noticing the mess.

Then brings out the guns and fires in the air, "That's the last straw, Tentacruel! I'm coming after ya!

Just then, the wave comes in and wipes Nastina and her servants out.

In the tower, Mew, Misty, Brock, Eevee, and Pikachu are shocked to see what is happening and worried about Mew.

"This is what Horsea is trying to warn us about," Brock says.

"The Tentacool and Tentacruel are very angry that their home has been destroyed because of the hotel's construction," Mew says.

"This is all Nastina's fault. Because of her greed and determination to build that hotel, the Tentacool and Tentacruel are on an invasion," Misty says.

"I guess having their home attacked one too many times must have upset them," Mew says.

Then says, "We need to do something fast."

"Eevee Eevee," (But that Tentacruel is big.) Eevee says.

Then Pikachu says, "Pika Pika Pikachu." (I don't think my Thunder Attacks are strong enough.)

"You're right. There's no way we can take on something that big," Mew says.

"Maybe there's a way we can talk to Tentacruel," Misty says.

But Brock points out, "Wait, up there!"

The girls and Pokemon look up to see Tentacruel has Meowth trapped in its grasp.

Jessie and James see them too.

"It's Meowth!" Jessie says.

"Meowth has abandoned us!" James says.

Then holds a rose, "Oh, it's a Tentacruel world."

"No time for drama, let's get out of here!" Jessie angrily says.

However, a wave knocks them off of the pole.

Meanwhile, a Tentacool latches onto Meowth's head and his eyes begin to glow red.

Talking through Meowth, Tentacool says, "We are Tentacool and Tentacruel. Hear us now. Humans have destroyed our ocean home, and now we will have our revenge."

The Tentacool continues to destroy the buildings in sight.

"Tentacruel is having a Tentacool use Meowth as a puppet!" Brock says, while the girls are shocked.

Tentacool says through Meowth, "Now we will begin to destroy your world, your home, as you have so cruelly tried to destroy ours. And not one of you has the right to complain about it."

"I was afraid of this. Their homes were where the hotel is being built," Mew says.

"That's right! The coral reef!" Brock says.

"Horse was trying to warn us about all this and the Tentacool's anger towards the humans because of what Nastina has done," Misty says, worried.

"And the attack on the boat was a warning from them," Mew says.

Suddenly, they hear people screaming and soon look to see Tentacruel's tentacle coming smashing through the window. Luckily, they quickly move out of the way.

In the water, Horsea cries out, "Horsea sea eeeeaa. Horsea seeeeea eeeeea Horsea!" (Tentacruel stops this! You can't do this!)

Through Meowth, Tentacool says, "It's too late, Horsea. No matter what you think, we cannot turn away. We must teach humans the pain of having homes destroyed.

Horsea shakes its head and begs, "Horsea eeea eeea!" (No, you can't do this!)

Tentacool continues, "A spineless attitude like yours will only allow humans to be more cruel and inconsiderate in the future."

Horsea angrily says, "Horsea!" (You're the spineless ones!)

That makes Tentacool angry, "So you say we're the spineless ones!? For that, you must be punished!"

Then Tentacruel smacks one of it's tentacles at the water where Horse is and sends it flying.

Misty cries out, "Horsea!"

Mew quickly takes out her Pokeball, "Pidgeotto, save Horsea!"

Pidgeotto comes out of its Pokeball and rescues Horsea by grabbing it by its talons. Pidgeotto carries the injured Horsea to Misty and drops it in her arms.

"Good work, Pidgeotto!" Mew says.

Misty is very sad to see Horsea has gotten hurt, "I'm sorry, Horsea. You gotten beaten up, and you did it all for us humans. Thank you."

Then Misty hugs it.

Weaken from the attack, Horsea answers, "Horsea, (You're welcome)

"Horsea..." Mew sadly says to see Mew has gotten hurt.

Suddenly, Pikachu jumps on Mew's head and shouts, "Pika! Pika! Pika!" (Let me at em! Let me at em! Let me at em!)

"You wanna try your luck?" Mew asks.

"Chu," (Yes.) Pikachu says.

Determined, Eevee says, "Eevee Eevee! Eevee Eevee Eevee!" (Let me go too! I'm not going to let that Tentacruel get away with hurting Horsea!)

Mew then says, "Alright, full power attack, now! Squirtle! Bulbasaur! Butterfree! Pidgeotto! Poliwhirl! Roserade! Bounsweet! Gyarados!"

Misty then calls out "Starmie! Staryu! Goldeen! Vaporeon! Surskit! Golduck! Snover!"

"Get ready, Zubat! Grooky! Hoppip! Sneasel!" Brock calls out.

With that, from the sky and the water, Pikachu and Eevee lead the assault team The Tentacool begin their attack as well. Pikachu then uses it's thunder attacks. Eevee then uses her swift attack.

"Hey, Pikachu! Evee! Don't let the Tentacool get any closer to us! Send them back to the sea!" Mew calls out.

Along with Pikachu and Eevee, the other Pokemon perform their own attack. From water attacks, Grass attacks, and even ice attacks.

Brock turns to Misty and Mew, "Misty. Mew. You both need to get to Tentacruel. I know it's a long shot, but you both might be able to convince it to stop."

"We'll try," Mew says.

"It's the only way," Misty says.

Mew nods her head and the girls hurry to leave the tower.

Through Meowth the Tentacool calls out, "You are all Pokemon! Why are you battling to save the destructive humans?"

Tentacruel soon begins to swat away the Pokemon who dare to come close. Meanwhile, Mew and Misty are climbing up the building as fast as they can. Soon, many of the Pokemon are starting to get clobbered by the Tentacruel.

Tentacool says through Meowth, "Though you are all Pokemon, if you take the humans' side, you are our enemy!"

Just then, Pidgeotto flies Pikachu and Eevee to Tentacruel's view.

Pikachu calls out, "Pika! Pika Pikachu! Pikachu! Pika! (Please, stop! That is enough! Please listen to us for reason! Please believe us!)

Tentacruel turns to see the Pokemon.

Seeing what is happening, Pikachu says, "Pikachu and Eevee are trying to reason with it? I just hope they can do something!"

Pikachu calls out, "Pika Pika! Chu! Pikachu! (I feel your pain! But destroying our home isn't going to bring yours back! Believe me!)

Then Eevee says, "Eevee evee Eevee! Eevee Eevee Eevee Eevee!" (Tentacruel, I want to discuss negotiations with you! Yes, there are humans who are bad — but there are humans who are also good, too!)

The humans are surprised to see the two small Pokemon are standing up to the larger ones.

"Pikachu! Pika!" (Please stop destroying our homes! I promise we won't destroy yours anymore!) Pikachu continues.

"Eev! Eev! Eevee! Eevee!" (We understand! Look around you! Your rampage has caused a lot of destruction and endangered our lives! Especially those who weren't involved with this!)

Tentacuel doesn't plan on listening and plans to attack them.

Suddenly, Mew's voice calls out, "Please, stop, Tentacruel!"

Tentacruel, along with Pikachu, Eevee, Brock, and the people turn to see Mew and Misty standing on the top of the building

"Please! Take them all back to the ocean!" Misty begs.

"Misty. Mew," Brock says, showing concern.

"Vee? Eevee?" (Mew? Misty?) Eevee says, surprised.

"Pikachu." (I can't believe it.) Pikachu says, surprised.

"Please, listen, Tentacruel! This is enough! We humans understand that we hurt you!" Misty calls out.

"Horsea told us everything! He told us about your home being destroyed because of the hotel's construction, but what you're doing isn't the way. If you continue these destructive actions, you'll be no better than Nastina, the one who destroyed your home," Mew adds.

Tentacruel looks down to see the frightened people below and in the ocean view tower.

"We won't destroy your homes anymore!" Misty says.

"We're really sorry for all that you've been through, and we'll be sure that your home is never disturbed again! Believe us!" Mew says.

"Please, stop," Misty adds.

Tentacruel remains silent for a second.

But he holds out Meowth and speaks through him, "If this happens again or if you, we will not stop. Remember this well. Tentacruel then tosses Meowth away and he hits the Ferris wheel that falls over. Meowth soon wakes up and doesn't remember a thing.

He quickly asks, "Meowth. Where am I?"

Jessie lifts her head with a groan, "For the moment..."

"We've got our feet on the ground," James says.

Then they both flop their heads to the ground.

Meanwhile the Tentacools begin to head back home and his comrades follow.

Suddenly, Nastina comes out of the debris, and is more angry than ever, "You think you can get away that easy, do ya? Take this!"

She then fire the Bazooka at it, getting Tentacruel's attention

Nastina angrily says, "You think you can get away that easy do ya? Take this?"

She then fires another missile at Tentacruel, but it bounces off. Tentacruel turns its head to see Nastina.

"I'll capture ya, and throw ya in a tank and charge admission!" Nastina angrily says.

Then she fires her guns. "Eat lead, squidling!"

Seeing from the view tower, Brock says, "That woman doesn't get the message. We gotta do something."

Meanwhile, Nastina continues to fire her guns,"Come on, you big jellyfish! I'll show ya.."

Suddenly, ink squirts all over her face.

She looks at the mirror and says, "Overgrown squirt!"

Turns out the one who squirts Nastina is little Horsea sticking out from Misty's backpack.

Misty angrily scolds, "What's wrong with you, Nastina!? Don't you understand?! What you're trying to do is wrong for everybody because it hurts Pokemon and humans!"

"Horsea!" (And how!) Horsea agrees.

Mew sternly says, "She's right. Your selfish actions are what lead to Porta Vista's destruction. We're trying to make peace with the Pokemon and you dare try to attack them! If you don't stop, you'll be making a lot of humans and Pokemon very angry and take action against you!"

"You stuck-up little brats!" Nastina angrily says.

Suddenly, Tentacruel overshadows her.

"Tentacruel?" Misty says, confused.

"Horsea." (Not good.) Horsea replies.

Nastina laughs eagerly and says, "Well, Tentacruel, glad to see you're wising up and coming over to my way of thinking! Now, why don't you and me go into business together?"

Not having it, Tentacruel whacks Nastina with its tentacle and sends her far from here. Brock and the Pokemon arrive to see Nastina sent flying.

Mew waves her goodbye, "So long!"

Misty sticks her tongue out at her after being sent flying. Just then, she along with Mew and Horsea notice the Tentacruel and Tentacool are returning to their ocean home.

"Goodbye, Tentacruel," Misty says.

And Mew says, "We'll remember."

"Horsea!" (Sure will!) Horsea says.

Meanwhile, back at Porta Vista Beach, Brutella is busy at work reconstructing her restaurant after Team Rocket has destroyed it. Suddenly, she noticed something from the sky, and it's Nastina. Before Brutella can run away, Nastina crashes into her, and the restaurant has been destroyed all over again. Soon, the two look alike lift their heads toward each other.

Brutella says, "You shouldn't drop in on me like this!"

"I thought that's what cousins are for," Nastina says.

Then both flop their heads to the wood.

Later in the evening, Mew and her friends are finally on the faerie boat that will take them back to the mainland.

"It's kinda weird, but Tentacruel turned out to be okay, " Brock says.

"You're right. Tentacruel proves to be alright. I;m glad that the Mayor of Porta Vista and the people were able to stop the construction of Nastina's hotel, and that they're going to clean up the Tentacool's home. Now they'll never be disturbed again," Mew says.

Misty says, "Well, I think Tentacool are still cute."

"Sure, but I think Tentacool and Tentacrul are actually cool," Mew says.

Misty then holds a Pokeball, "But right now, Horsea's the cutest Pokemon of all! Come on, Horsea!"

Misty tosses her Pokeball in the air and Horsea comes out.

Horsea happily says, "Horsea!" (Here I am!)"

"Horsea.." Misty happily says, and catches in her arms.

Then happily says, "You're my Pokemon."

Mew happily says, "Well Misty, it looks like you got a new friend on your team."

"And Horsea really likes you," Brock says.

"Yep. And I love Horsea," Misty says.

"Horsea Horsea." ( And I love you too, Misty.) Horsea happily says, and kisses Misty on the cheek.

Soon, Misty, Mew, Brock, Pikachu, and Eevee laugh with smiles on their they leave Porta Vista, they see that the ocean is peaceful again and they are going to continue their journey to the next Pokemon Gym and the next part of their adventure. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is sitting inside a barrel that is tied on the stern, and not looking happy.

They grumble, "We'll get them next time."

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Butterfree (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Scorbunny (Female). Roserade (Female). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Squirtle (Male). Teddiursa (Male). Flabébé (Female). Gyarados (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Shaymin (Male). 2 Pokemon Eggs.

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Shellder (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Arcanine (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Espurr (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod.

Pokeballs: 1 Moon Ball. 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Horsea (Male) 1 Pokemon Egg

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale

Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. 1 Pokemon Egg.

Item: 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

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