Episode 15: Underwater Escape from the St. Anne
Situation has gone worse on the St. Ann. Just as a Pokemon pirating plan is prevented by Mew and her friends, a terrible storm hits, and the St. Anne is soon caught in it. The ship soon sank to the sea with Mew and her friends trapped inside. The St. Anne has landed on a large rocky pillar and it's upside down. Still unconscious inside the ship, Mew and her friends are laying on the ground.
Soon, Mew begins to groan and grunt to feel the pain on her head. Soon, she slowly opens her eyes.
Mew lifts herself up, feeling dizzy, "Wha-what happened?"
Soon, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, Eevee, and Gary are still unconscious on the floor.
"Ouch! I think I hit my head," Misty says.
"What happened?" Brock asks.
"I remember we were trying to get off the ship and..." Mew says.
But gasps in shock. She turns to the window to see water and different water Pokemon swimming in the water. Mew rushes to the window, the others hurry to the window as well.
"Water and Water Pokemon!" Misty says, shocked.
"Then that means," Brock says.
Mew concludes in shock "That the St. Anne has sunk!"
"With us trapped in it!" Gary concludes.
Soon, Mew and her friends decide to go explore to see if they can find the way out. From the position the lights, doors, and even the furniture attached, they can tell that the ship is upside down. They soon find a staircase and the bottom part is filled up with us.
"What are we supposed to do? The ship's leaking everywhere!" Mew asks, worried.
"We've got to keep calm! As long as there's air in here, it'll take time to fill up with water," Misty says.
"Sure, but we better not waste any time escaping," Brock says.
"Well, we can either go up or down from this point," Gary says.
"The deck is below us, and the ship's bottom is up above our heads," Misty says.
"Hmm, we could either climb up to the bottom of the ship or swim down to the deck. However, for all we know, the underwater entry could be blocked," Mew says.
"You're right. If we ended up coming across a dead end while underwater, we'll be done for," Brock says.
Misty then has an idea, "I know, we'll get our Water Pokemon, and they can check to see if they can find a way out."
"Good idea," Mew says.
Misy calls out Gloldeen, Vaporeon and Magikarp. Mew then calls out Squirtle and Poliwhirl. Gary does the same for Wartortle.
"Goldeen, Vaporeon, Magikap, Squirtle, Poliwhirl, and Wartortle dive down to the deck. If you find a way off the ship, bring something back from outside," Misty informs.
The Pokemon nod their heads and dive down into the water.
The Pokemon search around down the hall to find a way out of the ship. Sadly however, Goldeen and Magikarp have come across a dead end. Vaporeon and Poliwhirl try a different way, but the way out is blocked as well. Squirlte and Wartortle also try another way, but it's also blocked. The Pokemon continue to try to find any more clues to find an opening. Suddenly, the group noticed four Pokeballs, and four Eggubator, each has a Pokemon Egg inside. A few bags and suitcases. They decide to take the stuff with them.
Back at the staircase, the group wait anxiously for the Pokemon to return.
"I'm worried, I hope they're alright," Mew says.
"Maybe they couldn't find a way out," Misty says.
Soon, they notice something appearing under the water. Squirtle and Wartortle are the first to rise up with the four Eggubator. The Pokemon Egg. The Pokemon Egg is a purplish pink color with some white markings and white dot on the top center. The second one is red with peach dots on it. The third one is blue with orange polka dots on the bottom, some are larger than others. The last egg is yellow with black stripes on it. Vaporeon bringing out a small brown suitcase. Poliwhirl brings out a pink bag. Magikarp and Goldeen also rise up and each bring out two Pokeballs.
"Wow, they sure found a lot of stuff," Misty says.
"They even found Pokemon Eggs," Mew says, picking up one of the Eggubator with the egg inside.
Mew takes it out of the container and observes it, "It seems to be okay. Not even the Eggubator is broken or cracked."
"And it doesn't look like any of them are damage either," Gary says.
Misty looks in the suitcase and she is amazed, "Wow! There are many different Pokeballs."
In the case are Pokeballs: Three Lure Balls. Two Fast Balls. Four Heavy Balls. Three Friend Balls, and Two Love Balls.
Brock takes the bag and says, "And take a look on what's in this bag."
The group looks in the bag to see a DeepSeaTooth and DeepSeaScale, A Dragon Scale, a Razor Claw. And two complete sets of Evolution Stones: A Fire Stone, Water Stone, Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone. There are also Four Heart Scales, Three Soothe Bells, a King's Rock, a Pearl String, a Shell Bell, and a Shoal Shell.
"That's a lot of stuff," Misty says.
"And let's not forget these," Mew says, picking up the four Pokeballs.
"Four more Pokeballs. It's possible that they might have Pokemon inside. I assume the Eggs and the Pokeballs are left behind by accident during the evacuation," Gary says.
"We better take them with us," Misty says.
"Yeah," Mew says.
Mew and her friends then put the items in their bags for safe keeping. Mew makes sure the Pokemon Eggs are safely in her bag.
Mew then turns to the Pokemon, "It's okay if you couldn't find a way out. We'll just have to find a way out."
The group then calls their Pokemon back in their Pokeballs.
"Now we gotta think of some way to escape," Mew says.
Just then, Misty says, "Leave it to me, I forgot to mention, I built my own St. Anne once."
"Really?" Mew asks, surprised.
"You did?" Gary asks.
"Well, it's a model, but that's how I learned all about the structure of the St. Anne. Since the way to the deck is blocked, we'll have to climb to the bottom of the ship. We can cut a hole in the hull. That's how we'll escape!" Misty says.
"I think it's a good idea, and it might be our only way out of the ship," Gary says.
Just then, Brock points ahead, "Over there!"
Then Brock brings out his Pokeball, "Onix, make a staircase!"
Onix is released from the Pokeball, and it makes a staircase for the theme to climb up.
"Let's hurry!" Brock says.
"Right!" Mew says.
"Got it," Gary says.
"Let's move it or lose it!" Misty says.
The group quickly climbed up the stairs to the other floor. They soon walk down the halls and it's very dark.
"The lights are out. I can't see a thing," Brock says.
"It's pitch black in here," Gary says.
Mew then has an idea, "I think I know. Charmander, I choose you!"
Mew releases Charmander and the tail flame acts as a light. Soon, the group continues forward.
"So, where does this hall lead to?" Mew asks.
"This corridor leads straight to the engine room, and that's where the hull is the thinnest. With a little luck, we should be able to cut our way through," Misty says.
The group soon enters the other room, but they soon find a fiery inferno down below and the staircase is broken.
"This is no good! It's impossible to get to the engine room!" Mew says, shocked.
"But we can't give up. there's gotta be some way to get off this ship!" Misty shouts.
Then Gary thinks, "There must be some angle we haven't thought of yet."
Mew thinks and then has an idea.
She brings out her Pokeball and calls out, "Bulbasaur! I choose you!"
Bulbasaur then comes out of the Pokeball.
Mew then asks, "Bulbasaur can you use your Vine Whip? We need you to extend your whips to the other side."
"Bulba," (Sure thing.) Bulbasaur says.
Bulbssaur then fires his Vine Whip and they latch to the door frame to make a tightrope.
"Bulbasaur!" (Locked on target!) Bulbasaur says.
"Good job!" Mew says.
"That was a great idea, Mew!" Misty says.
"Yeah, we can cross the vines to the other side!" Brock says.
"Let's get out of here!" Mew says.
Mew and her friends begin to walk on the Vine Whip like it's a tightrope. Luckily, they are able to reach the other side of the room and are now in the engine room.
"Phew, we finally made it to the engine room," Mew says.
"Now, we've gotta get off this ship, quick!" Misty says
"We'll have to cut the hole right here and swim out of here," Gary says.
Mew says, and calls out Charmander again, "Right. Charmander, I choose you!"
Charmander is now out of his Pokeball.
"Charmander, we need you to weld through the hull of the ship with your flame," Mew says.
"Char char," (You got it.) Charmander says.
Then begins to use its fire to weld the hull of the ship.
Misty then says, "Okay, listen up! Grab hold of a Water Pokemon and swim to the surface!"
"Yeah right," Brock says.
Then turns to Mew, "Got it, Mew."
"I'll be okay with my Squirtle and Poliwhirl," Mew says.
"I'll be good with Wartortle," Gary says.
Mew looks up and says, "It's almost burned through."
Soon, the hull is completely burned through and a rush of water comes pouring into the ship, filling the room up. Charmander begins to run away, not waiting for their tial to get burnt.
Mew calls out, "Return, Charmander!"
Soon, Charmander is returned to his Pokeball.
The three act fast and use the rope to tie themselves to the Pokemon. Misty uses Goldeen while Brock uses Misty's Starmie. Mew uses her Squirtle. Pikachu and Eevee are tied to Poliwhirl. Gary also does the same with Wartortle.
"Now, let's go, Squirtle! Poliwhirl" Mew says.
"Squirtle Squirt!" (Surf's up, everyone!) Squirtle says.
"Poliwhirl!" (Let's go!) Poliwhirl says.
Soon, the Water Pokemon pulls Mew and her friends through the watery entry way of the ship. Soon, Mew and her friends are now out of the ship. With the ship filling up with so much water, it cap sides again, and drifts farther into the sea and into the darkest parts to worlds unknown, never to be seen again.
Back out of the surface, it's still dark outside, but shows a little sign that the sun will rise soon. Just then, Mew and the others rise to the surface and take deep breaths from being underwater for so long.
"That was too close for comfort," Misty says.
"At least we made it out of the ship before it sank," Mew says.
"Pika," (No kidding.) Pikachu says, tiredly.
Eevee tiredly says, "Eevee." (That wasn't fun.)
A little later, Mew and her friends use the leftover wood and other materials still floating to make a raft for them.
"Now that we're out of the ship and build a raft, we just need to find land," Gary says.
Mew looks around, "Yeah. From the looks of it, there's nothing but ocean in every direction. It will be hard for us to tell which way to land."
Luckily, Gary has an idea, "I know. We can use a Flying Pokemon to find land. They can bring back a branch from their direction and we'll know which way we need to go."
"Good idea," Mew says.
Mew calls out, "Pidgeotto, go!"
"Go Fearow!" Gary calls out.
Pidgeotto comes out.
And Gary's Pokemon is a large, mostly brown avian Pokémon with a vulturine neck and broad, powerful wings. It has a long, pointed, pink beak and a decorative red coxcomb on top of its head. Its narrow eyes have very small pupils, shaggy feathers at the base of its neck and covers the upper portion of its wings, and feathers are cream-colored, as are the tips of its flight feathers. Its sharp-clawed talons are pink, with three toes pointing forward and one pointing backward.
Mew calls out, "Pidgeotto! Fearow! Please, bring back whatever you find!"
Pidgeotto and Fearow nod their heads and fly off in separate directions so they can cover some ground.
Mew worriedly says, "Please come back safely!"
Pidgeotto and Fearow fly in different directions and hope to find land so their trainers can reach safety. Back on the raft, The group waits patiently for the flying Pokemon to return.
"They sure are gone for a while," Misty says.
"We just need to wait a little longer. I'm sure they'll find something," Brock says.
"Yeah. Still, the sooner they find something, the sooner we can find land," Gary says.
"I know we will. Like Brock said, we do need to give them a little more time, I'm sure they'll find it," Mew says, but the group senses something off.
The group turns their heads to notice Mew cheeks are looking a bit red, and feeling a bit dizzy.
"Mew, are you feeling okay?" Gary asks.
"Maybe a little funny, my head feels a bit warm and feeling a bit dizzy," Mew answers.
Misty walks to Mew as the girl sits down and kneels down to her. Then uses her hand to touch her forehead.
She gasps, "Mew, you're developing a fever!"
"What?" Brock asks, shocked.
Gary and Brock hurry toward the girls to see that Mew isn't feeling well. Pikachu and Eevee soon grow worried.
"I'm... I'm okay... I just need a little rest," Mew says, feeling dizzy and on the verge of collapsing.
Gary catches Mew and then lays her down.
Misty panics, "Oh, you are not fine!"
"We need to get Mew to dry land, now," Brock says.
Pikachu then hurries to Mew's backpack. Then brings out Squirtle, Poliwhirl, and Magikar's Pokeballs. Then take out Vaporeon, Staryu, Starmie's and Goldduck's Pokeballs. Then taps on each of them and has the Pokemon come out.
Pikachu explains, "Pika Pikachu Pika Pika Pikachu. Pika Pika Pikachu Pika Pikachu Pikachu Pika Pikachu." (Listen everyone, Mew is getting a fever, and we need to get her some help! You need to swim everyone to shore as fast as you can!)
The Water Pokemon nod their heads in reply.
"I think Pikachu got the Pokemon to help us out," Brock says.
"Then let's hurry," Gary says.
The group then has the Pokemon tied on to the raft and then the Water Pokemon pull the raft as fast as they can. Just then, Pidgeotto and Fearow arrive on the scene. Pidgeotto is holding a branch while Fearow is holding a seashell.
"Looks like Fear and Pidgeotto found land," Misty says.
Eevee hurries to Pidgeotto and Fearow in concern, "Eevee Eevee. Eev Eevee Eevee Eevee." (Thank goodness you're back. Mew is sick and we need to get to shore fast."
Pidgeotto and Fearow fly in the air and point in the same direction they need to do.
Eevee turns to Misty and the others, "Eevee Eevee." (They said to head that way.)
"I think Eevee wants us to follow Pidgeotto and Fearow!" Brock says.
Misty calls out to them, "Okay, lead the way!"
The two flying Pokemon nod their heads and fly off to the direction of land. The Water Pokemon then follow the Flying Pokemon as fast as they can. Misty helps care of Mew while Gary and Brock help the Water Pokemon pick up some speed by roaring. Mew eyes slowly open and turns her head to see Misty as she pours water on a small towel, rings it, and places it on Mew's forehead. Pikachu and Eevee watch in concern as the boys and the Pokemon speed things up.
Magikarp turns his eyes a little to see Mew isn't feeling well and knows that she needs first aid, and quickly. After all, despite it's big size and a salesman tries to sell it, Mew saves it and wants to be his trainer. Magkarp decides to pick up the pace as fast as his large body can carry. Suddenly, Magikarp begins to glow bright as his body begins to enlarge. Misty, Brock, Gary, Pikachu, Eevee, and the Water Pokemon become surprised to see Magikarp is glowing.
"What's going on?" Gary asks, surprised.
Brock says, "Magikarp is evolving!"
Indeed Magikarp continues to evolve as it dives into the water. In the matter of minutes, the raft is lifted from the sea and the Pokemon are being lifted up. Gary, and Misty quickly call back their Pokemon while Brock calls back Mew's.
Magikarp is now a long bodied serpentine Pokémon, covered in slightly overlapping scales: mostly blue with a yellow underbelly, and it has a row of yellow spots down each side. Its mouth is very large and gaping, bearing four pointed teeth and yellow lips. It has one barbel and a small white fin on each side of its face. The barbels are white on a female and tan on a male. It has small, red eyes, a three-pointed, dark blue crest on its head, and four white, spiky dorsal fins. Finally it's tail fin is similar in structure to the crest on its head, except with a thin, white fin spread between the points.
"Woah! This Gyarados is two times the original size of a normal Gyarados!" Gary says, surprised.
"Well, Mew did say that the Magikarp she found was twice the size of a normal Magikarp," Brock says, surprised.
Gary takes out his Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Gyarados, the Atrocious Pokémon. A Water and Flying Type. This Pokémon has a vicious temperament, so use extreme caution. Its fangs can crush stones and its scales are harder than steel."
Gyarados roars and continues to follow Pidgeotto and Fearow to their destination.
"Well, this one isn't acting vicious," Misty says, surprised.
"I think Gyarados evolved so it can help Mew get to land faster," Brock says.
"I think you're right," Gary agrees.
Misty sighs in relief, "That's good. I guess it just showed that not all Gyarados' are vicious."
"Why do you say that?" Mew softly asks.
Misty turns her head to see Mew is still awake.
A little embarrassed, Misty says, "Well, it's a bit difficult to explain. Water Pokemon has always been my passion, but Gyarados is another story."
"What happened?" Gary asks.
"Well, I don't fully remember, but my sisters also told me what happened. When I was a baby, I crawled to a Gyarados while it was asleep and tried to crawl on it. But I woke it up, and I got swallowed by it. Luckily it spit me out, but I've been kind of scared of Gyarados ever since," Misty explains.
"Really? That's kind of surprising to hear it, since you and your sisters are Water Type gym leaders," Brock says.
"Yeah. I tried to face my fears, but I couldn't stop being scared," Misty says.
Mew turns to Misty, "I actually remember that I used to be scared of Gyarados."
"You were scared?" Misty asks, shocked.
Mew nods her head, "Yes, but when I got to know them, I've learned that Gyarados can actually be nice and gentle and I wasn't scared of them anymore."
"Well, I believe you, and your Gyarados is very nice, so I guess it shows that Gyarados can be good and loyal Pokemon, and friends," Misty says.
Gyarados roars with glee.
"I think Gyarados appreciates it," Gary says.
Time has gone by, and Pidgeotto and Fearow are able to lead Gyarados to dry land. They arrive at the docks where they see different boats and ships around the area. Gyarados arrives and lowers his head to let them climb off. Brock carries Mew on his back and climbs down.
Misty holds out Mew's Pokeballs, "Thank Gyarados, Pidgeotto, you both are a real help."
"Thanks Fearow," Gary says.
Then they both call back the Pokemon in their Pokeballs.
"Let's get to the Pokemon Center and get Mew some medical care," Brock says.
Suddenly, someone calls out, "Hey kids!"
The three kids turn their heads to see Officer Jenny with the Captain of the St. Anne hurrying towards them.
"It's Officer Jenny," Brock says.
"And the Captain of the St. Anne," Gary says.
Officer Jenny and The Captain arrive on the scene.
"We're glad to see you're okay," Officer Jenny says.
Then the Captain says, "When we saw that you four were missing, we feared the worst until we saw the Gyarados arrive at the docks."
"We're glad to see you all are alright," Jenny says.
"We are too, but our friend Mew is getting a fever," Misty says.
"Don't worry, we'll get your friend the medical care she needs," Jenny says.
Sometime later, the group arrive at the hospital and luckily, Mew only has a cold, and the others are okay, despite their experience under the sea and on the surface of the ocean. According to officer Jenny and the captain, the items that they found don't belong to anyone and that they're the prizes for the trainers. So, Officer Jenny and the Captain let them keep the items and share among themselves. They spend the entire afternoon and evening simply resting and making sure their Pokemon have some food, care, and rest from their St. Anne adventure.
The next day, Mew is feeling a little better, and the group decides to split the items among themselves to see which can keep what.
"I still can't believe the Captain is letting us keep all of this," Misty says.
"And there is so much stuff. Makes me wonder how we're going to decide," Brock says.
Misty turns to Mew and asks, "How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling a lot better now," Mew says.
Pikachu and Eevee snuggled Mew's cheeks, making her giggle with glee.
"Well, let's look at what he was so far," Gary says.
Soon, they place the items on the hospital bed Mew is on.
"Well, we have a Pokemon Egg with an Eggubator," Misty says.
Then Gary says, "DeepSeaTooth and DeepSeaScale, a Dragon Scale, a King's Rock, and a Razor Claw.
"There are also two sets of Evolution Stones," Mew adds.
Then Brock says, "There are also Four Heart Scales, Three Soothe Bells, a Pearl String, a Shell Bell, and a Shoal Shell."
"And there are different Pokeballs," Misty adds.
Mew says, "Three Lure Balls."
"Two Fast Balls," Gary says.
Then Brock says, "Four Heavy Balls."
"Three Friend Balls, and Two Love Balls," Misty says.
"And lastly two Pokeballs, and according to Nurse Joy, they both have Pokemon inside," Mew says.
"So how should we separate them?" Brock asks.
Misty suggests, "Well, I think Mew and Gary should get the Evolution Stones. They'll be catching more Pokemon that use them and I still plan on catching more Water Pokemon."
"You sure?" Mew asks.
"We're sure," Misty says.
Mew then picks up one Water Stone from her pile and another from her bag. Gary also takes the first set of Evolution Stones and puts them in his bag.
"Here you go, Misty. I already have a few Water Stones, and you might like to use them," Mew says.
"Really?" Misty asks, surprised.
Mew nods her head with a smile.
"Thank you Mew," Misty says, taking the stone.
"If I remember A DeepSeaTooth and a DeepSeaScale can be used for Clamperl to evolve since it has a Branch evolution," Mew says.
"That's right. A DeepSeaTooth can make Clamperl evolve into a Huntail and a DeepSeaScale will evolve Clamperl into Gorebyss," Brock says.
"A Dragon Scale like that can be used on Seadra and evolve it into a Kingdra," Mew says
"And the Razor Claw is used to evolve Sneasel into a Weavile," Brock adds.
Misty says, "I think you should have it Brock, you have a Sneasel after all," Misty says.
"Sure," Brock says and takes the Claw.
"And a King's Rock can be used to evolve Poliwhirl into a Politoed. And with a Slowpoke and Shellder it can evolve into a Slowking with it," Mew says.
"I'll take that in case Poliwhirl likes to evolve into Politoed," Mew says, and takes the rock.
"I'll take the Dragon Scale, I really like to catch a Horsea of my own someday and maybe it will evolve into Seadra," Misty says.
"I'll take the DeepSeaTooth and Mew, you can have the DeepSeaScale," Gary says, taking the DeepSeaTooth and passing the DeepSeaScale to Mew.
Mew then takes the Four Heart Scales and gives them to Misty. Mew says it's okay since she already has some. Then she gives each of her friends a Soothe Bell. Misty then takes the Shell Bell and the Pearl Strings while Mew takes the Shoal Shell. Then with the Pokeballs. Mew, Gary, and Misty each take a Lure Ball. All four each take a Heavy Ball. Mew Misty and Brock each take a Friend Ball. Misty and Brock each take a Fast Ball. Lastly Mew and Gary each take a Love Ball.
After that, Gary says, "Okay, now that we deal with all the items, what do we do with the four Pokeballs and four Pokemon Eggs."
"Well, since there are four of us, each of us can take the egg and the Pokeball with the Pokemon inside," Mew says.
"I agree. You can go first, Mew," Misty says.
"Okay," Mew says.
Then takes the Pokeball and Egg, "I'll take these."
"I'll take the Blue Pokemon Egg and this Pokeball," Misty says, taking the items.
"I'll have the red egg and this Pokeball," Brock says, taking the items.
"And that leaves the last ones for me," Gary says, taking the last egg and Pokeball.
Misty wonders, "Hmm, I wonder what kind of Pokemon are in these Pokeballs."
"One way to find out, let's let them out," Mew says.
"I'll go first," Gary says and tosses his Pokeball.
The Pokeball opens and a Pokemon comes out. Gary's Pokemon is a small, brown Pokémon that resembles an acorn. A beige, mask-like pattern covers its large black eyes, and it has two beige feet. It has a gray "cap" with a short stem on top of its head.
"Aww, what is that Pokemon?" Misty asks with a smile.
"I saw a picture of it before. It's a Seedot," Gary says, and takes out his Pokedex.
Dexter says, "Seedot, the Acorn Pokémon. A Grass Type. Seedot attaches itself to a tree branch using the top of its head. It sucks moisture from the tree while hanging off the branch. The more water it drinks, the glossier this Pokémon's body becomes."
"It sure is cute," Mew says.
"I'll go next," Misty says, and throws her Pokeball in the air.
The Pokeball opens and the Pokemon comes out. The Pokemon is a small, white Pokemon similar in appearance to a seagull. Its head makes up a large portion of its body, and it appears to lack a neck, thin, simplistic eyes, two triangular tufts on top of its head, and an orange beak with a hooked, black tip, three blue-tipped feathers give it a fan-like tail and its small, orange feet have two webbed toes, and long, flat wings with light blue stripes near the tips.
"Wow! It's a Wingull," Mew says.
She then shows her Pokedex at Wingull, Dexter says, "Wingull, the Seagull Pokemon. A Water and Flying Type. Wingull rides updrafts rising from the sea by extending its long and narrow wings to glide. This Pokémon's long beak is useful for catching prey.
Brock tosses his Pokeball, "My turns next."
Brock's new Pokemon is a small Pokemon that resembles a tan figurine made out of clay or mud. There are arching, red markings over its eyes, which usually appear closed. A red stripe encircles its body, and forms a ring on its belly. It has flat appendages that resemble arms. A spike protrudes from the top of its head and another, smaller spike under its body.
"I got a Baltoy," Brock says.
Dexter says, "Baltoy the Claydoll Pokemon, a Ground and Psychic Type. It was discovered in ancient ruins. While moving, it constantly spins. It stands on one foot even when asleep.
"Now it's my turn. Time to see the last one," Mew says, and tosses her Pokeball.
Her Pokeball opens and the Pokemon is now sitting on the bed. Seeing the Pokemon leave the group surprised, for different reasons. The Pokemon is a small, white hedgehog-like Pokémon. It has green grass-like fur on its back and a pink flower with two leaves on each side of its head. Its legs are short and its underside is plump.
"I... I don't believe it!" Gary says, shocked.
"That's a Shaymin!" Brock says, surprised.
"Shaymin?" Misty says, confused.
Mew says, "I think I remember Professor Oak reading it to me. Shaymin is a rare Mythical Pokemon."
Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Shaymin, the Gratitude Pokémon. A Grass Type. It can dissolve toxins in the air to instantly transform ruined land into a lush field of flowers. Shaymin to change into its Sky Form from its Land Form. Shaymin also have a tendency to migrate."
Mew picks up Shaymin, "He's so cute."
"Shay?" Shaymin says, looking at Mew.
Then happily says, "Shaymin."
Shaymin then licks Mew on the cheek. Mew giggles to see Shaymin licking her cheeks with glee.
Mee giggles, "Stop, that tickles!"
Shaymin then stops and happily says, "Min."
"I think Shaymin really likes you," Misty says.
"I like him too. It's nice to meet you, Shaymin," Mew says.
Pikachu and Eevee walk to Shaymin to say their hellos.
Pikachu says, "Pika." (Hello.)
"Eev." (Hi.) Eevee says.
Shaymin says, "Shaymin." (Hello.)
"It looks like we got new friends and now we got a Pokemon Egg," Misty says.
"Yeah. It feels like our family has just gotten bigger, right guys," Mew says, turning to her Pokemon.
Pikachu, Eevee, and Shaymin smile in reply. Mew and her friends have new Pokemon, Shaymin, Wingull, and Baltoy, and Mew's Magikarp has evolved into Gyarados, and they received another Pokemon Egg. Gary also received a Seedot. Looks like the group of friends will be having a bigger addition to their group and will have more adventures to come. As the Journey continues.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Butterfree (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Scorbunny (Female). Roserade (Female). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Squirtle (Male). Teddiursa (Male). Flabébé (Female). Gyarados (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Shaymin (Male). 2 Pokemon Eggs.
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Shellder (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Arcanine (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Espurr (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod.
Pokeballs: 1 Moon Ball. 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball
Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 2 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.
Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). 1 Pokemon Egg
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale
Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. 1 Pokemon Egg.
Item: 1 Soothe Bell.
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball
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