Episode 14: Battle Aboard the St. Anne

As their Pokemon Journey continues, Mew has earned a Thunder Badge from the Vermilion City Gym from Lt. Surge. She is also another step closer to entering the Pokemon League. Mew and her friends are walking over the bridge as Mew admires her new badge. Soon, they notice something up ahead. They are amazed to see a large ship ahead.

"Wow!" Mew says, amazed.

So is Misty, "Beautiful!"

"I've never seen a ship before. I'd love to cross the ocean on a ship like this!" Mew happily says.

"Yeah, just think of all the Pokemon that we'd be able to see along the way," Brock says.

"Oh, for sure! Just imagine! Sunbathing on deck all day, just a nice, long, relaxing cruise," Misty says, and soon is daydreaming of relaxing on the ship,

However, Brock breaks her daydream by saying, "But think about it, we could never afford a cruise like that."

The girls soon realize that Brock is right. They can't go on the ship because it's very expensive.

"Reality can really bum you out," Misty says, disappointed,

The group then begins to leave the area.

Suddenly, two female voices say, "Congratulations!"

Just then, confetti pops open startling the group. They soon see two tanned girls wearing girl school uniforms.

The two cheerfully say, "You guys are so lucky! You can go on a super deluxe sea cruise!"

And chuckles with glee.

"A sea cruise?" The group says, confused.

The girl with the orange hair happily says, "Well, it's like, you know, we have these incredible, super cool tickets for you.

"Cool!" The blonde girl says.

"Cool, huh?" The red hair girl says.

"What?" Misty says, confused.

"These are tickets for the biggest party ever on board the St. Anne cruise liner!" The red haired girl adds.

"The famous St. Anne?" Mew says, confused.

The blonde girl happily says, "Cool!"

"The coolest ship on the sea!" The red hair girl says.

The five friends look confused as the girls seem excited.

The red hair girl says, "Everyone's going to be together and have, like, the coolest party!"

"Cool!" The blonde girl says.

Then red hair happily says, "And the party is for Pokemon trainers only."

"Cool!" The blonde girl says.

"Step this way!" The red hair girl says.

The blonde girl giggles.

The red haired girl says, "It'll be a radical party! All of the most radical Pokemon trainers will be there!"

"Do you know anybody who says radical anymore?" Brock asks, and Misty shakes her head in reply.

"Okay, here are your tickets!" The red haired girl says, giving Mew and the others the tickets.

"We'd love to go on the Pokemon trainer cruise, but we really don't have the money to pay for it," Brock says.

But the red haired girl says, "Oh, whoa! Like, you don't understand."

"Cool!" The blonde girl replies.

The red haired girl says, "They're totally free!"

Mew becomes confused.

Then the red haired girl repeats herself, "Totally free! To. ta. lly. Free!"

"For free? Why are you giving them away?" Mew asks, confused.

"Like, we have to go out with our boyfriends but we wanted to give our tickets to cool Pokemon fans," The red haired girl says.

"Cool!" The blonde girl happily says.

"We saw you and thought you looked really cool. Just take these, and have a really cool time," The red haired girl says, giving Hana the ticket.

Mew takes the ticket and says, "Thanks a lot!"

"No sweat!" The red haired girl says.

The blonde girl says, "Cool!"

"Have a nice day, for sure!" The red haired girl says.

Then the two girls hurry along their way.

"Alright! This really is cool, isn't it?" Mew says.

"Pikachu," (Tell me about it!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee," (Sounds like fun.) Eevee says.

With that, the group decides to go to St. Anne for the Pokemon party and to have fun.

"The St. Anne! Wow," Brock says, amazed.

"Yeah, and that Pokemon party," Mew happily says.

Mew looks around and wonders, "I wonder which one of these ships is the St. Anne."

Misty turns to her right and says, "I think that's it!"

The group looks to see a large white cruise ship.

"Wow. That's incredible," Brock says, amazed.

"It's huge!" Misty says.

"Pika!" (Giant!) Pikachu says, amazed.

Eevee is also amazed, "Eevee." (Really big.)

The group continues to look at the ship they're going to ride in. Unknown to them, the two girls who are actually Team Rocket in disguise, sees them doing to enter the ship.

"We did it! We got them!" Jessie says.

Still using his disguised voice, James says, "Like, wow! Don't I make, like, the coolest girl?"

Then Jessie smacks him with a mallet and scolds him, "Stop acting like an ignoramus!"

She then drags him away. Soon, the two Team Rocket members enter the lighthouse where they see Meowth in front of the screen.

Then Meowth says, "We got a call from the boss."

All of them get into possession and Meowth presses the button. It reveals a silhouette that looks like a man wearing an orange suit, and is sitting on a chair.

Meowth nervously says, "Greetings, sir."

"So the team is all there," The Team Rocket Leader says.

"Sir!" The three members reply.

Then a clear color panther Pokemon with a red gem on its forehead walks over and purrs against the leader's leg.

Much to Meowth's dismay, "Meow! What's with the Persian?"

Then the leader pets the Persian on the forehead.

"Hey, boss. What about Meowth? Ain't I your favorite anymore?" Meowth asks, shocked.

Then Team Rocket Leader says, "I'm totally disgusted watching you fail me when I expect total perfection! Purr-fection, like this beautiful Persian."

"But, Meowth," Meowth sadly says, placing his two claws together.

Then the Leader says, "If you want to make me happy, you can make sure our latest plan succeeds."

"Meowth!" Meowth replies with a smile.

Then the Leader asks, "Have you handed out all the tickets to the St. Anne cruise?"

"Yes. All of the Pokemon trainers were delighted to take them," Jessie says.

James asks, "Was it really alright for us to give out all those tickets for free?"

"A small price to pay for what I'll get in return," The Team Rocket Leader says.

The two human members gasp in surprise.

"My men have already secretly boarded the St. Anne. When I give them the signal, they will take the Pokemon from all the trainers we tricked into boarding the ship," The Team Rocket says.

"That's the boss for ya! A real genius!" Meowth comments.

"This time, failure is out of the question," The Leader says.

The two human members say, "Aye aye, sir!"

"We can do it!" Meowth happily says.

The Team Rocket leader chuckles as he makes a sinister smirk on his face.

Meanwhile, Mew and her friends are boarding the ship and are very excited for the party inside.

"What an awesome ship!" Mew says.

"If I remember you said this is your very first time on a ship," Brock says.

"Yeah. I've been living in the forest for a long time and I've only seen pictures of ships in books Gary and Professor Oak showed me. Getting to explore a ship is going to be cool," Mew says.

"You can say that again. As for me, I'd like to travel the whole world in this!" Misty happily says.

When they reach the top of the stairs, Mew shows the employee the tickets.

The employee bows his head and says, "Welcome aboard the St. Anne. This way."

Once inside, Mew becomes astonished, "Wow! Look at this!"

What they see is a very large area with different tables and such. They see different kinds of booths that sell toys, jewels, books, pads, pencils, Pokeballs, stones. Anything that has to do with Pokemon. As the group of friends begin to walk around, they see Pokemon not only in Kanto, but also from Johto, Hoeen, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, and even Galar, and all different kinds of trainers.

"It's like a giant Pokemon convention!" Brock says.

"It's like they have every Pokemon in the world here," Mew says.

"Everyone's a Pokemon trainer," Misty says.

"Speaking of which," Mew says, bringing out her two Pokeballs.

Then toss them in the air, "Scorbunny! Teddiursa!"

Soon, the two Pokemon come out. Teddiursa then jumps to Mew and the girl catches him in her arms. Then snuggles her cheek with glee.

Mew giggles, "It's great to see you too, Teddiursa."

"Good idea!" Misty says.

"Yeah," Brock says, and brings out his Pokeball.

Misty then tosses two of her Pokeballs and Vaporeon and Sobble comes out. Brock also brings out Grookey. Sobble soon looks around and becomes timed to see so many people in one room. Vaporeon walks to Sobble and snuggles him. That makes him feel a little better.

Misty then picks Sobble up, "Don't worry Sobble, you'll be just fine as long as you stick with us the whole time."

Sobble cheers up and answers, "Sob." (Okay.)

"Alright everyone, let's go have some fun," Mew says.

Soon, the group of friends decide to walk around and have some fun. Soon, they stop in front of a Balloon Dart game. There are ten balloons that are the exact same rainbow colors.

The Vender calls out, "Try your luck in our Pokemon Dart Game. You get three tries, whichever balloon you hit you'll get whatever prize that will be shown on the piece of paper inside of it. Anything related from Pokeballs to Pokemon Evolution Stones. Pokemon Keychains and other accessories Our twenty lucky Prize winners will get their very own Pokemon Egg, and only five lucky winners get to choose the five doors of our mystery draws."

"That sounds like fun," Mew says.

Brock says, "I'm going to check out the booth over there. It has Pokemon Breeding Gear."

"Okay," Misty says.

Brock heads off to check on the Breeder gear while Mew and Misty check out the game booth.

"Hey Mew, maybe you can try. I bet you can win all three," Misty says.

"I don't know about that, but I'll give it a try," Mew says.

She steps forward and says, "I like to have a go."

"Okay Miss, you have three tries," The Vendor says, and hands Mew the darts.

"Okay then," Mew replies, holding the darts.

She holds one up and throws it. Soon, she pops one of the balloons and a piece of paper falls from it. She then hits the other balloon close to the middle and it pops. Another piece of paper comes out. Mew is soon able to pop the last balloon straight in the middle.

Mew cheers, "Alright!"

"You did it, Mew. You got three prizes," Misty happily says.

Pikachu, Eevee, Scorbunny, and Teddiursa cheers too. The Vendor looks at the three pieces of papers and simply smiles.

Then says, "Congratulations kid, you have won An Eeveelution Key chain Set, Three Water Stones, and a selection of one of our mystery doors."

Then shows Mew a small draw set, each door is a different color and has the numbers from one to five.

"Wow. You got the mystery door. So which one you're going to choose?" Misty says.

Mew looks at the five doors and tries to decide which one she wants to choose. She then points to the red one that has the number three.

"I choose that one," Mew says.

The vendor nods his head and walks to the third door. He opens it to reveal a Pokeball, a Great ball to be exact. On the Pokeball is a pink symbol that seems to have a star on it.

"And your mystery prize is a Mystery Fairy Type Pokemon with it's own Pokeball! The Vendor shouts and rings the bell.

"Cool, you got a new Pokemon. Wanna see what it is?" Misty says with a smile.

Mew smiles, "You know it."

Then throws her Pokeball, "Alright, come on out!"

The Pokeball opens and reveals the Pokemon. It's a small Pokémon with a white upper half and a green lower half. It has beady eyes, a pink blush mark on each cheek, long, notched ears, and a small, pointed nose. On top of its head are several spheres of pollen that form a crown. It has stubby arms and a tail, but no visible legs. It's floating as it holds a white flower that has three stamens. With a short green stem with three small leaves. It also wears a crown is made from flower's pollen.

"Flabé!" The Pokemon calls out.

Misty eyes sparkle, "Aww! It's so cute!"

"I remember reading it in a book. It's a Flabébé. And a white one is very rare to catch," Mew says.

She holds out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Flabébé, the Single Bloom Pokemon. A Fairy Type. When it finds a flower it likes, it dwells on that flower its whole life long. It floats in the wind's embrace with an untroubled heart."

"It's very nice to meet you, Flabébé. I hope we can be friends," Mew happily says, kneeling to the little Pokemon.

Flabébé happily says, "Flabé" (I like to.)

"Looks like you got a new friend," Misty says.

Pikachu, Eevee, Scorbunny, and Teddiursa happily cheer.

Sometime later, Mew and Misty are on the deck of the ship. There is a large pool and the trainers are having a Water Pokemon race. Mew enters the race with Squirtle while Misty enters the race with Vaporeon. The race is quick and exciting. At the end, Misty's Vaporeon is the victor of the race. Misty ends up winning a rare Mystic Water necklace. As for second place, Mew wins a cute Maril doll.

They soon meet up with Brock again and decide to explore the ship together. They soon play some games, win some prizes, and buy some clothes, supplies, and other things. Soon enough, Mew is having a double battle with a well dressed man who has a Squirtle and a Raticate.

Mew calls out, "Alright Butterfree, use Tackle!"

"Raticate, use tackle as well!" The man says.

With that, both Pokemon begin to tackle each other.

The man calls out, "Squirtle, use Rapid Spin on Eevee!"

Squirtle then performs Rapid Spin.

"Eevee, use Iron Tail!" Mew calls out.

Mew then performs Iron Tail and whacks Squirtle in its Rapid Spin.

Then Mew calls out, "Butterfree, use Whirlwind on Raticate!"

Butterfree then performs Whirlwind and blows it away. Soon, both Pokemon are knocked out. The sign over mew glows and has the word 'Win' on it.

"Alright!" Mew happily shouts.

Pikachu, Misty, Brock, and the other Pokemon cheer for Mew's victory.

Mew kneels to Butterfree and Eevee, "You both did great!"

"Eevee!" (That was a great battle.) Eevee says.

"Free Free!" (Thank you.) Butterfree says.

The man walks over to Mew and says, "That was a great battle you performed. It's clear you raised your Pokemon well."

"Thank you," Mew says with a smile.

After the battle and a little more exploring, Mew and her friends are having lunch and the food is great.

"This is delicious," Mew says.

"Yeah. And eating it on a cruise ship is making it even more good," Misty says.

Brock then asks, "So what do you think we should do next?"

"Not sure," Mew says.

Suddenly, Mew notices something that catches her attention. Mew sees a rather large Magikarp that is in a large fish bowl on one of the stands. The vendor who is there is also calling out to see if anyone wants to buy it. Mew however is not very pleased.

"What's wrong, Mew asks?" Misty asks.

Mew doesn't say a word and decides to walk over to the Vendor. The Vendor continues to call out to anyone who wants to buy the Magikarp.

He then notices the girl and says, "Hey kid, come over here."

Mew decides to walk over.

"Take a lot at this Magikarp that is two times its size. I'll tell you a secret this Magikap lays golden eggs," The Vendor says.

"What do you mean this Magikapr lays golden eggs?" Mew says, confused.

"Why not buy them and find out," The man says.

Mew crosses her arms with a firm expression on her face, "Hey, you do know that selling Pokemon is illegal right?"

"Well uh, I, uh," The man nervously says.

Then Mew turns her head and calls out, "Excuse me sir, there's a man who is trying to sell Pokemon!"

Not long the salesman has been arrested by the security on the ship and taken away.

The employee says to the two trainers, "Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Officer Jenny informed us that he was in Vermilion City."

"It's no trouble at all," Mew says.

Mew then walks to Magikarp and asks, "Hey Magikarp, how would you like to come with me? We'll have lots of fun and adventures and I can help you become strong."

Magikarp happily says, "Magikarp." (Okay.)

Then jumps out and Mew catches it in her arms.

Mew smiles and says, "I'll take that as a yes."

Mew is able to return to Brock, Misty, and the others, after having Magikarp in his Pokeball.

"Really? A man was trying to sell a giant Magikarp?" Misty asks, shocked.

"That's right. I told one of the employees about it and they arrested him, apparently, he's also known as a con artist too," Mew says.

"Pokemon are not to be bought and sold. Don't people know that," Brock says.

"At least Mew has a new Pokemon and Magikarp has a new trainer," Misty happily says.

Suddenly, they hear the announcer say, "Will all trainers please go to the main ballroom for the official ticket drawing thank you!"

"Ticket drawing?" Misty says, confused.

Brock looks at the pamphlet of the ship and says, "According to the pamphlet, they have a drawing once every year for ship attendees that comes with their entry tickets, there will be five grand winners."

"Wow! I wonder if we'll win a prize," Misty says.

"Let's go to the raffle and see," Mew says.

The group then heads to the Main ballroom to see so many trainers. They soon see a woman who looks like Lilian, but she's wearing a red dress with white gloves.

The woman says, "Alight Pokemon trainers, it's time for the monthly ticket drawing! My name is Vivian, some of you may know me from the Hoenn Region Pokemon Contest MC."

"Wow! The Hoenn Region. I like to go there someday," Mew says.

"Alright, now it's time to give prizes to our five winners. Our first place winner goes to... Steve from Goldenrod City" Vivian calls out.

Everyone claps their hands as a young man wears glasses, a brown vest and a white button up shirt walks on the stage.

Then Vivian says, "Our Fourth place winner is... Sabrina from Hearthome City."

The audience clap as an elegant girl wearing a blue dress and braided brown hair walks on to the stage.

"Our Third place winner is.... Anthony from Opelucid City," Vivian continues.

Another male trainer that has purple and green color hair, wears sunglasses and has an electric guitar walk on the stage.

"And our second place winner goes to... Gary Oak from Pallet Town," Vivian says.

That catches Mew by surprise, "Wait, did she say Gary Oak?"

"Is he a your friend?" Misty asks.

"Yes. I didn't know he's here," Mew says.

There on the stage is Gary Oak, Mew's friend who is walking on the stage with the others.

"And... finally our first place winner and grand prize winner is..." Vivian announces.

All the trainers wait patiently for the winner of the first place prize.

Then Vivian announces, "Mew of Pallet Town!"

The crowd goes wild as they clap and cheer.

"Wait, did she just say my name?" Mew asks.

Misty happily says, "Mew, you won the grand prize."

"Yeah. Go on and get your prize," Brock says.

The Pokemon happily answers Mew. Mew simply giggles and walks on the stage. Soon, she is standing next to Gary.

Mew turns to Gary, "Hey Gary, it's funny meeting you here."

"Yeah. Been a while since we left Pallet Town," Gary says.

Just then, five employees walk over with the prizes, one set for each prize winner.

"Alright trainers, now that we have our winners, it's time to give them their prizes," Vivian says.

Then says, "Our fifth place winner, your prize is... a Complete set of Wings! Congratulations Steve!"

The employee gives Steve a box that is full of wings.

Steve happily says, "Thank you."

The next employee walks over with two boxes and presents them to Sabrina.

"For our fourth place winner, we have a complete set of Vitamins and a dozen MooMoo Milk! Congratulations Sabrina!" Vivian says.

"Thank you very much. I adore MooMoo Milk," Sabrina says.

Then the other employee is holding an Eggubator with a Pokemon Egg inside along with a red pouch.

"Our third place winner, we have... a complete set of apricorn made Pokeballs and a Pokemon Egg found in Sinnoh Region. Congrats Anthony," Vivan says.

"Sounds cool. Thanks," Anthony says.

Then the employees walk with two boxes for Gary

Then Vivian says, "For our second place winner, we have..."

They open the boxes to reveal the prizes.

Five Different Pokeballs: A Luxray Ball, a Dive Ball, a Dusk Ball, a Fast Ball, and a Net Ball, Three Evolution Items: A Deep Sea Scale, A Deep Sea Tooth, and a Dragon Scale, and a Mystery Pokemon from the Unova Region," Vivian announces.

"Thanks," Gary says, and takes his prizes.

Vivian then says, "Well Gary, would you like to open the Pokeball up now and show the audience, or wait til later."

Gary says, "I'll open my Pokeball now."

"Come on out," And tosses his Pokeball in the air.

The mystery Pokemon comes out and is presented on stage. The mystery Pokemon is a yellow, bipedal, mustelid-like Pokémon, with round ears, red eyes, and a pink nose with a whisker on each side. Its red arms look similar to flared sleeves, and the paws are yellow. On its chest has a small red band, and its pelt piles around its thighs resembling a tunic or robe. Its legs are red, and its yellow tail is also tipped red.

"Wow. It's a Mienfoo," Gary says.

He brings out his Pokedex, and Dexter says, "Mienfoo, the Martial Arts Pokémon. A Fighting Type. In fights, they dominate with onslaughts of flowing, continuous attacks. With their sharp claws, they cut enemies."

Mew says, "What a cool Pokemon."

"Yeah," Gary says.

Mienfoo smiles and performs fighting poses, wowing the crowd.

"And now it's time for our first place winner, we have..." Vivian says.

Then the employees give Mew so much stuff.

Vivian says. "A Pokemon Grooming Kit, a Pokemon Medical Kit, A Pokeblock base, a Poffin Case, a Super Rod, A Complete Set of Evolution Stones. And finally, a mystery Pokemon! Talk about an amazing prize!"

Mew is amazed to win so many prizes. She then takes out her Pokeball.

She then happily says, "Thank you so much. Now to see what Pokemon I caught.

"Go Pokeball!" Mew says, throwing her Pokeball.

Mew's Mystery Pokemon comes out and reveals to be a tiny Pokémon with a pair of comparatively large wings. It has a pale yellow body with a white face and tail. It has large eyes with spots resembling pixels in them, a long brown proboscis, and two tiny transparent tufts on its head resembling antennae. It has wide, flat white wings with a brown loop marking toward the bottom. In-between its wings is a white tuft of fuzz. It has four spindly legs with round feet.

"Aww, it's a Cutiefly," Mew says.

She brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Cutiefly, the Bee Fly Pokémon. A Bug and Fairy Type. It feeds on the nectar and pollen of flowers. Because it's able to sense auras, it can identify which flowers are about to bloom."

"Aww, it looks so cute," Mew says.

Brock says, "Wow. A Cutefly is rare from around these parts."

"Yeah, but I don't get why it has to be a bug type. Even though I have a Surskit," Misty says, sounding a little nervous.

"That's true," Brock says.

After the raffle, Mew brings Gary to introduce him to some of his Pokemon and his friends.

"Gary these are my finds Misty, and I suspect that you know Brock," Mew says.

"Yeah. It's great to see you again, Brock. Are you here for some training?" Gary says.

"Well, I'm training to be the best Pokemon Breeder," Brock says.

"A Breeder, huh. Never expected that, so then who's watching the gym?" Gary replies.

"My father is," Brock says.

"So Gary, how many badges did you have so far?" Mew asks.

"Three badges," Gary says.

"Me too. I just defeated Lt. Surge's Raichu," Mew says.

"Great," Gary says.

Then looks to see Scorbunny and Teddiursa, "I'm guessing this is Scorbunny, and your new Teddiursa that just hatched."

"Yeah. Teddiursa just hatched from the egg I found, and Scorbunny is the one I got from its former trainer," Mew says.

"Same with Sobble, Vaporeon, Grookey, and all of the other Pokemon that Damian once owned," Misty says.

"Yeah. Grandpa told me about what happened to Charmander and the other Pokemon that was owned by him. But glad to see that they're in great hands, even a couple of Gym Leaders," Gary says.

"Me too," Mew says.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Kanto, Team Rocket's leader has secret cameras turned on as he watches the trainers having a good time. Unknown of what is truly amiss.

He chuckles and says, "It won't be long, now."

The Persian lets out a yowl. Back on the ship, the doors and curtains come to a close, Soon, Mew and her friends sense something is going on.

"What the?" Mew wonders.

Just then, the employees closes shredded up to reveal men and women wearing dark close with a red 'R' on their uniforms, and has some strange vacuum on their backs. The people are starting to get scared.

Misty gasps, "It's Team Rocket!"

"What are they doing here?" Mew wonders.

Suddenly, the lights turn off for a second. Then the lights appear to reveal Jessie and James holding the same strange vacuum machines on their backs.


To protect the world from devastation!


To unite all peoples within our nation.


To denounce the evils of truth and love.


To extend our reach to the stars above.






Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!


Surrender now or prepare to fight.


Meowth! That's right!

Jessie says, "Team Rocket will now take possession of your Pokemon!"

The passengers are confused and shocked to hear what they're talking about. Suddenly, Team Rocket begins to use their machines to suck up the Pokeballs.

One of the Rocket Grunts comes up to Misty and demands, "Give me your Pokemon!"

"No way!" Misty denies, hugging Sobble.

Another Rocket Grunt comes to Mew and says, "Don't make me take em!"

Mew then shouts, "Pikachu!"

Pikachu charges and shocks the Grunt.

"If they're going to try to rob our Pokemon, we might as well make it a battle!" Mew

One of the male trainers agrees, "Yeah! We can't just surrender!"

Another trainer says, "Let's fight back!"

All the trainers agree and call out their Pokeballs. Team Rocket continues to suck up the Pokeballs.

Jessie calls out, "Suck them up! Suck them up! Suck them all up!"

Then Pokemon from all over the world are being released from their Pokeballs.

Meowth cheers, "That a way to go guys, keep suckin' em up. Make sure you get every last one!"

The man Mew has battled "Raticate, Squirtle, go!"

Then both his Pokemon come out.

"We gotta fight them together!" Brock says.

Mew then calls out, "Pikachu, Eevee, go!"

Pikachu and Eevee charge into action. Both Pikachus and Eevee get on top of the Pikachu and Eevee Pyramid. Eevees perform Swift while the Pikachus perform Thunderbolt on the Rocket Grunts.

Mew then tosses her Pokeball, "Charmander, I chose you!"

Then Charmander comes out. All the Charmanders combine their Flamethrower and attack the Team Rocket forces.

Brock then throws his Pokeball as he calls out, "Geodude, go!"

Brock's Geodude comes out and unites with the other Geodudes on the ship. They take each other's hand to make a ring and bashes the Rocket Grunts. Mew and Gary call out their Bulbasaur and join with the others to Vine Whip the Grunts. Mew also calls out her Butterfree to join the others using Stun Spore. Mew also calls out Roserade and Bounsweet to perform their Razor Leaf attack, Misty calls out Vaporeon, Staryu, and Golduck. Mew calls out Squirtle and Poliwhirl. Gary also calls out Wartortle that has evolved from Squirtle. Together they perform a powerful Water Gun attack.

Mew then calls out, "Pidgeotto, I choose you!"

Pidgeotto then comes out of its Pokeball.

Mew then calls out, "Pidgeotto, group Gust!"

The Pidgeottos gather around and perform a group Gust, sending them flying Team Rocket members flying.

Mew calls out, "Pikachu, Eevee Altogether! Thunderbolt!" Shadow Ball!"

Mew's Pikachu and Eevee join together with the other Pikachus and Eevee to perform a powerful Thunderbolt and Shadow Ball. With that, it causes a big blast that sends Team Rocket flying, including Jessie, James, and Meowth.

Team Rocket screams, "We're blasting off again!"

All the trainers cheer for their victory in protecting their Pokemon. They all congratulate them for doing a great job and place them in their Pokeballs so they can rest, then take back their Pokeballs as well. However, their celebration is cut short when the boat begins to move and shake. Outside, the waves begin to move it back and forth.

"Whoa! You guys feel that?!" Gary asks.

"Yeah. And it's not good," Mew says.

Misty looks out the window and worriedly says, "Oh no! It's a big storm!"

"It'll be tough to get back with waves like this!" Brock says.

"What?!" Misty asks, shocked.

"We gotta get out of this ship, now," Mew says.

The captain soon announces, "Everyone, due to the storm we are unable to return to shore. We all must evacuate from the ship and head back to port. Everyone to the lifeboats! Women and Children first!"

Hearing that, all the trainers hurry to the Lifeboats to get off the ship. Of course, they make sure to call back their Pokemon in their Pokeballs and carry any Pokeball with Pokemon inside and Pokemon eggs to safety.

Misty panic, "Come on, we gotta go. The ship is going to sink!"

Mew and her friends, including Gary hurry towards the ship, but the crowd of people is not making it easy. In fact, they end up being pushed to the side and into one of the rooms. Because of the rocking of the ship, they are thrown into the other room and slammed to the wall, falling unconscious. Outside of the ship, everyone is able to escape into the lifeboats and are forced to watch as the ship capsizes and sinks into the ocean. Unknown to them, Mew, Misty, Brock, Gary, and their Pokemon are trapped inside the ship unconscious, and the ship sinks deeper into the sea.

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Butterfree (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Scorbunny (Female). Roserade (Female). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Squirtle (Male). Teddiursa (Male). Flabébé (Female). Magikarp (Male). Cutiefly (Female). 1 Pokemon Eggs.

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Shellder (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Arcanine (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Espurr (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Moon Stone. Moon Ball. Thunder Stone. 3 Water Stones. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace.

Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male).

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