Chapter 4: More Choas

Shauna: good luck to the both of us

Serena: Right!

Monsieur Pierre: Ladies and gentlemen! We are about to witness the best pokemon showcase in history as we begin with Our theme performance!

Ash: Hope that Serena and Shauna make it to the second round!

Pikachu: Pika!!!! (Yeah!)

Trevor: i wonder what the theme performance is gonna be?

Gou: who knows?

Monsieur Pierre: our theme performance is..... The Pokepuff Baking!

Chespin: *pops out of pokeball* Chespin che! (Yay pokepuffs!)

Bonnie: Alright Serena! You can do this!

Monsieur Pierre: and also today we have two special guests today! First is our own alohan champion  Ash Ketchum! And Our Kalos queen, Aria!

The Lights shine on Aria and Ash seperately

Ash: I didnt kinda expect them to notice me here... ._.'

Gou: even im jealous...

Monsieur Pierre: now we will begin with our first match-ups! Shauna, Lily, And Maria! Your time will now begin!

The Time counter started and the three girls rushed  to their kitchen but soon after in a cave

???: location of z-1 or z-2 are not near!

Xerosic: Copy that! Cyrus! We found a new way to end the world!

Cyrus: go on ahead! We'll send in our crew!

Giovanni: soon we will face a new order!

Cyrus: Saturn! Cassidy! Head towards Anastar City to take part of the energy fron the sundial. You will be going with team magma's crew.

Saturn: yes boss!

Cassidy: Dont try to slow us down!

The two admins left and went to the helicopter and left

Serena: Alright we made it to the first round now its the final round! Absol and Sylveon. Lets win this! *steps on the elevator

Monsieur Pierre: Let us watch Serena's performance!

Serena: Sylveon! Fairy wind! Absol, Psycho cut!

Absol: *uses pcyho cut*

Sylveon: *uses Fairy wind*

Serena and her pokemon danced around the twister of sparkles which impressed everyone

Serena: Use swift!

Sylveon: *uses swift in the air*

Serena: *twirls around* absol use night shade!

Absol: *uses night shade to spin around Serena*

Gou: Wow! Im putting this in my "amazing things to see list"!

Serena: And thats all!

The whole crowd cheers for Serena's performance as monsieur Pierre walks up to the stage

Monsieur Pierre: Ladies and gentlemen please bring out your glowcasters For who you choose to have the princess key. Ready! Now!

Ash Gou clemont and bonnie: Serena!

Trevor and Tierno: Shauna!

The lights head towards the keys of the performers

Monsieur Pierre: The winner is... Serena!

Serena: Alright we did it!

Pikachu: Pikapika! (Yay! She did it!)

Raboot: Raaaa...( Nice.)

Ash: She won and now she gets the princess key!

Monsieur Pierre: here is your princess key!

Serena received her princess key and then was happy then later on

Shauna: im disappointed that i didnt win but hey you won!

Serena: Yeah!

Shauna: im definitely gonna catch up to you no time!

Serena: And dont hold back next time we meet!

Shauna: alright well we should go now.

Trevor: bye guys!

Clemont: Bye!

The three went off to the road and ash, gou, bonnie, serena, and clemont was hanging around until a female meowstic appeared

Bonnie: huh? Its a meowstic.

Clemont: wait is that olympia's meowstic?

Ash: your right!

F. Meowstic: *shows ash the letter*

Ash: for me?

Gou: read it!

Ash: *reads* ash and company. This is an urgent message that i must tell you. Please head towards the gym tomorrow.

Clemont: i wonder what I could be?

Serena: well we will have to find out tomorrow!

The next day. They head towards the gym and encountered Olympia

Ash: hi Olympia.

Olympia: hello there. It is clear that you see my message.

Clemont: if i must ask. What is the urgent message you are gonna tell us about?

Olympia: there is a huge threat far greater than the kalos threat. It is proven that some of the team leaders from various regions may be grouping up to create a life-threatening chaos that shall be soon discovered. That said. I shall explain you the details of who those are. Team rocket, team magma, team aqua, Team Galactic, Team plasma, and team flare!

Ash: Wait... Those are the team leaders that tried to hurt the legendary pokemon and tried to take over the regions!

Gou: you have encountered them?

Ash: yeah lysandre was thrown to an unknown place, Cyrus went to another dimension, Giovanni is still in his base ghethes went to jail and maxie and archie was defeated. With all of them together they may be a threat.

Olympia: and also i can see a future for some of ash's pokemon and Serena's absol and mawile! They can mega evolve soon. That it all i can see in the future. But be prepared for the future. And also. Meowstic future sight!

The group was in Shock of what is happening to the future.

Ash: wait why did you-

Olympia: one of the team members are at the sundial at the near future. So do not be worry of it.

Ash: cmon guys we should hit the road too.

Gou: yeah your right.

They went off to the next city as the journey continues

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