chapter 6

No- one     

Today was the day ash is going get his pokemon clara already packed what she needed for her and her pokemon, especially cooking stuff knowing ash can't cook at all,

Clara was already up at 5:00am in the morning with her pokemon they trained for a while knowing that ash is a heavy sleeper, helped Layla make breakfast while Layla was crying saying how proud she is that Clara is going on a journey, Clara Comforted her as best as she could, some of the kids didn't want Clara to go so she comforted them too,

After Layla said they will meet in front of professors oak lab as Clara made a run for it towards Ash's house and saw ash running out in his pajamas "ash wait! And he's gone" said Clara running after him,

After she made it professors oaks lab saw Gary with a lots of fan girl Clara was disgusted,

Gary saw Clara walking up to ash from behind "look who's also late" said Gary smirking, Clara wasn't fazed by his tonting

"Look you hanging out with ash made you like him " said Gary but Clara was ignoring him,

"Clara your here" said ash, then Clara decided to talk "hmm and your still in your pajamas"

"Haha you know me" said ash

Gary was mad for being ignored "I got the best pokemon, and you don't"

"Really ,you got a pokemon?"Asked ash
" yea and it right here in this pokeball"said Gary as the fan girls cheers

"Excuse me but could you show me your pokemon?" Asked ash

"And why would I do tha-"before Gary could finish his words Clara interrupted "how about you go on your way Gary" said Clara with a blank stare

"Huh? fine" said Gary leaving in a car with his fangirls

As ash and Clara watched him go as professors oak came out "so you finally decided to came after all" said professors oak

"Professors where is my pokemon?" Asked ash
"Your pokemon?" Asked professors oak

"Ya I'm ready" said ash

"You look like your ready for bed not for pokemon training I hope your not going train in your pajamas "said professors oak

" oh no professors I got messed up this morning and I was a little late but believe me I'm ready for a pokemon "said ash as Clara stared at him amused

They head inside and where three pokeball were there in a glass container
As ash wanted to get squirtle only to see it was empty, then he wanted bulbasaur it was empty too, charmander pokeball was empty too,

Ash was disappointed " professors you got to have a pokemon left"asked ash

"Well there is one left-" before professors oak could finish him word ash interrupted "I'll take it" said ash

A pokeball appeared from the machine "I think I should warn you there is a problem with this last one"

"I have to have a pokemon" said ash as Clara was waiting for what at may be

"In that case" said professor oak as he handed ash the pokeball as it turned out to be a mouse type pokemon, it was a Pikachu, Clara saw them in the books


"It's name is Pikachu"

"Woah its so cute it's the best of all" said ash

"You'll see" said professors,

As ash pickes up the Pikachu "hi Pikachu " only for ash to get shocked by lightning

"It's also known as a electric mouse it's usually shy but sometimes can have an electrafing personality"explained professors

" I see what you mean"said ash after getting fried

"Shocking isn't it" said professors "now take these your pokedex and pokeballs"he added

Ash tried talking it only to be shocked again with professors oak,

After both getting fried professors oak looked at Clara who was on the side watching the show without saying anything

"I'm sorry but there's no more pokemons left" said professor sadly

"Oh it's ok professor I already have my own pokemon" said Clara

"Really!? Are you perhaps Clara? " said the professors

"Hmm yes professors you know me from my guardian Layla" Said Clara

"Ah yes Layla is a good friend of mine she wouldn't stop talking about you,will you be going with ash" said professor oak

"Really no wonder she always got so many pokeball she doesn't use and well yes ash and I will be going on a journey together" said Clara

"Ohh it's good to have companies on a journey, by the way what is your starter pokemon?" Asked professors

"Oh jewel is my starter pokemon, he's a Milotic, I had him since he was a feebas"
Said Clara

"Ohhh mind if I see him" said professors oak with stars in his eyes,

"Sure" said Clara as she took out jewel from his pokeball "laaaa~~~!" Said jewel looking around,

"No jewel it's not lunch time yet, or reading time" said Clara

As professors fanning over her jewel "this Milotic look very healthy, and strong, he was raised well,he also looks wise" said professors

Jewel was weirded out by the professors being all over him as he backed away "professors your freaking him out" said Clara

"Ohh sorry I'll put Milotic in the pokedex" said professors embarrassed

"Oh then can you also do that for Eva too" said Clara

"Eva?" Asked professors

"My espeon eevee evolution" said Clara

professors oak was excited again few minutes later Clara also got her pokeball and pokedex, while jewel and Eva were traumatized, she apologized to them very much

After they were out of the lab ash and Clara saw the towns people outside cheering for them Layla was the loudest,
"That's my Clara, that's my girl!!!!! " as Clara didn't know where to hide from the attention it was so embarrassing

Deila ashs mom stepped forward with a bagpack ready "oh ash I'm so proud of you, your finally going start your dream and go on a pokemon journey with Clara besides you I'm not worried but I'm going to miss you so much oh my little boy" said deila as she proceeded to show him every thing he will need for the journey making him embarrassed

While Clara was being hugged to death by Layla

Deila saw his pokemon "that's your pokemon I thought all pokemon stayed inside its pokeball,why doesn't this one"

Ash then remembered "oh yeah right Pikachu get inside your pokeball" as ash tried to get Pikachu inside the pokeball only for it ignor him he tried to throw the pokeball at Pikachu only to have it thrown back

"Your playing catch, your friends already" said Delia smiling

"Ash it doesn't want stay in the pokeball" said Clara getting out of Layla's death grap

"Right Pikachu and I will be best pals" said ash holding Pikachu Clara knew it would use electrical move again and stepped away

"But it's a little weird" said Delia

"Weird?" Said ash only for all the people to be shocked by Pikachu

"Those rubber gloves your mom packed would come in handy" said professors oak hiding

As ash was being electrified he asked why

"Because electricity doesn't effect rubber" said professors

"Yay" said ash

As they all fell down after being fried,

So now ash was dragging Pikachu by a rope wearing rubber gloves as Clara followed from behind

"Ah ash I don't think the Pikachu is comfortable" said Clara seeing Pikachu's annoyed face

Ash stopped and sighed "Pikachu are you going to be like this the hole way" as Pikachu turned away from him

"Is it because you don't like me" asked ash

Pikachu nodded "well I like you lot"said ash as Pikachu was grooming itself

" since your the pokemon I'm training can't you be a little nicer "asked ash

"Can you open your mouth and tell me what's wrong" said ash as Pikachu opened its mouth "that's not what I meant, is your name all you can say" asked ash as Pikachu nodded

"Then you just like the other pokemons, then you should act like them and stay in your pokeball just like the pokedex said " said ash opening his pokedex as it explains that about pokemon brings inside their pokeball, and Pikachu pressed a button and the pokedex explain how some pokemon hates being inside

"Ash give it some time and you'll start to understand each other" said Clara as ash was not doing good bonding with Pikachu

"Ok your right, also I should get rid of these" said ash as took off the rope and gloves "how's this?"

Pikachu still wasn't Impressed "still not good enough" Pikachu nodded

They heard footsteps Clara and ash saw a pidgey

Clara wasn't interested and took out a book and sit down somewhere to read while ash asked Pikachu to fight it but he was ignored and Pikachu hopped on a tree, ash decided to catch it without weakening it, it obviously got out Pikachu laughed at his failure

So ash decided to fight it on his own only to fail, Clara was busy reading so she didn't notice that ash throws a rock at the field, then she heard the sound of a spearow she got shocked "what did ash do" she thought as she got up quickly to see ash being attacked by a spearow and it started to attack Pikachu and Pikachu shocked it

"Oh this is not good" said Clara knowing what will happen as the spearow makes a called and flock of spearow come at them "should we run?" Asked ash
"Do you even have to ask! let's get going" said Clara taking Ash's hand and ran for it ,being chased by flock of spearow is not fun

"Don't worry Pikachu I'll protect you" said ash as Pikachu ran ahead

"Don't run ahead I said I'll protect you, ouch" said ash as fall down because of a small rock

"Ash are you all right?" Asked Clara

"No it's Pikachu I'm worried about" said ash

Clara saw Pikachu being attacked and Clara quickly took out her smoke bombs and throws it toward the spearows "ash you go on ahead with Pikachu protect him, I'll take care of those behind us" said Clara as ash hesitant "don't worry I'll catch up, now go Pikachu is more important" said Clara

"Right" as ash took Pikachu in his arms and ran

Clara took out Eva from her pokeball "Eva want to have a battle?" Asked Clara as Eva nodded ready "ok Eva use swift" as Eva launched out a lots of stars at the spearow making them stop "alright we got their attention now us confusion" Eva's eye turned red and all the spearow begin to fight each other "now finish this with zap cannon" said Clara as Eva opened her mouth and green election ball was formed firing at the confused spearow knocking them out

"Great job eva" said Clara as Eva jumped on her shoulder also happy to win against all those spearows suddenly it started to rain,

"Let's go catch up with ash before he gets in more danger some spearow slipped by us" said Clara as she ran the ash did only to come across a cliff edge "ash must have jumped down into the water" said Clara suddenly saw a thunder so big it could be seen from a far "we better hurry" said Clara

"Jewel I need a little help" said Clara taking out jewel from his pokeball

"Laaaa~~~" jewel saw the edge and knew what to do Clara got on jewels back as jewel jumped down and into the water when the rain stopped

They crossed the river with out problem, "thanks a lot boy " said Clara hugging jewel and feeding him some treat and returning him back into the pokeball and ran toward the city where ash could be

Once she finally made it she was stopped by officer Jenny "hold it, why is your pokemon out of it pokeball?"

"Oh Eva doesn't usually like to be inside that much" said Clara "miss can you tell me if a boy with black hair and a injured Pikachu came here" asked Clara

"Oh you must be his companion right your also from pallet town right?why aren't you not with him?" Asked officer Jenny

"We got separate by a flock of spearow" said Clara

"Ok but can I see ur ID?" Said officer Jenny

"Sure" said Clara as she took out her pokedex

"Ok your good to go your friend is in the pokemon center I'll take you there" said officer Jenny as Clara hopped on her bick goes to the pokemon senter only to see it blow up "ah oh it looks like we were to late but not for he fireworks"

"Forget about that is everyone on  the senter going to be ok?" Asked Clara worried

"Yea no worries they'll be fine" said officer Jenny

"Clara!!" Suddenly Clara heard Ash's voice she saw ash waving at her Clara quickly got of the bick and ran toward ash and hugged him making him blush

She let's him go looked around and found he was fine "thank goodness your ok, you had me worried" said Clara as she saw Pikachu jumping on his shoulder

"Pikachu~~~" said Pikachu

"Thank goodness your fine too Pikachu" said Clara looking at Pikachu and petting him on the head, Clara suddenly remember something Ash's 10th birthday gift she forgot to give it to him

"Ah how could I forget silly me" said Clara and face palmed confusing ash "what's wrong Clara" said ash

"In all this mess I forgot to give you your gift" said Clara

"Gift?" Asked ash suddenly he remembered about it too

"Ya me to I also forgot about it" said ash

Suddenly Clara give him a pokeball as ash looked at the pokeball with Pikachu,

"See what I got" said Clara smiling

Ash nodded "pokeball I choose you"

Suddenly a eevee came out "eevee~~~~"

"Woah it's an eevee you got me an eevee!?" Asked ash as the eevee saw ash and greeted him and jumped on his left shoulder he also greeted Pikachu, and Pikachu greeted back

"Yep happy birthday" said Clara smiling

"It looks like you two finally became friends" said Clara

"Yeah we're great friends" said ash as Clara took out a treat for Pikachu who gladly took it of course espeon always gets her shear,

What Clara is wearing for the journey

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