chapter 53
From the edge mountain clara could be seen falling from a cliff but her experience showed she was so done with everything with her arm crossed
( ̄‐ ̄)
Yep that's me, you all must be wondering how I got into this situation, let's start from the beginning shell we,
Clara finally made it to the edge mountain, she got of ember and looked at the Rocky Mountain
"No wonder they call it the edge mountain it's pretty edgy with lots of unstable cliffs" said Clara taking a good look
"Hiiiiii~~~~~" ember looked worried
"Even though it looks dangerous I would still cross it instead of going on a long ship ride," said Clara she really doesn't want to get on a ship where it will take a four days to make it to cinnabar island
"Taking this route we can make it to cinnabar island in two to four days it's a fair deal bonus no ship ride, cova or jewel could cross the sea for me behind this mountain"said Clara
Ember still nagged" hiiiiii~~~~"
"I know there will be many difficulties along the way but we can learn from each one right, we just have to be careful" said Clara petting embers neck trying to calm her down
Clara begins taking out hiking equipments she bought for this trip when she heard some talking and footsteps coming closer ember also became alert
two boys and two girls appeared they looked miserable, they had dirt on their clothes and their hairs had leaf and branches on them
They looked new to traveling seeing one of the girls was holding a bulbasaur, and the other one holding a oddish,
One of the boys was holding his pokemon, chermander it looked exhausted
The other one looked a little arrogant his pokemon was walking besides him, a squirtle
The boy who was holding his charmander was arguing with the other boy while the girls looked exhausted
"If you really were a know it all we wouldn't be here right now" yelled the boy holding the charmander
"Ha who asked you to follow me, I wanted to go on my own this mountain holds a lots of powerful pokemon" said the boy with a squirtle
"Just because you have a water type doesn't mean you can take them on" said the boy holding his charmander
" at least I have a chance unlike you who has a weak charmander" said the boy with a squirtle
"If we aren't related I would have ditched you by now and charmander isn't weak!!!"yelled the boy with a charmander
"Can't we just get out of here this place looks dangerous" said the girl with a oddish holding it tight
"If you want to go, then go mila but I will go ahead with my plans" said the boy with squirtle
"Lucas don't be mean to your sister she's only trying to help" said the girl holding her bulbasaur
Clara just looked at them arguing with a blank stare ( ̄‐ ̄) and want back to her work she doesn't want to deal with them at all, it's to troublesome but the trouble didn't leave her
The girl who was holding a bulbasaur looked over and saw Clara, if she didn't take a closer look she would have missed her "wha!! Hey there's someone there" said the girl with the bulbasaur getting the others attention
"Shoot "Clara yelled in her head because of being spotted
The girl ran over and she saw Clara holding two dagur and leaching them on her thighs, her hands moved faster wanting to get this over with
Ember was also on looking ahead when the girl came in front of her she noticed ember and her eyes sparkled " is that your pokemon?"asked the girl
"Yes indeed she is" Clara replied calmly wrapping a rope around her hip so it would be easier to get a hold of
"She so pretty, I've never seen this kind of blue mein before on a rapidash, my name is aria and this is my partner bulbasaur" said aria
"My name is Clara, and this is ember" said Clara taking her bag pack from embers back , her bag pack begans to move as a head popped out "pichu~~~~" said pichu very sleepy
"Sorry lemon did I wake you up, go back to sleep" said Clara patting lemon on the head gently to get her back to sleep
She decided to name the pichu lemon because it ate all the lemon short cakes she baked for her other pokemons, her other pokemons were heartbroken but they didn't blame lemon because it was still a kid and they were more older but they were still sad Clara had to comfort them by saying she will make more when they make it cinnabar island calming them down ,
Lemon still got a scolding for eating all the cake and giving herself a stomachache, so Clara give her the name lemon seeing she really liked Lemon and she also give ditter medicine to lemon making her very sleepy and sleeping in Clara's bag pack with the egg
Aria looked at the cute mouse pokemon and her eyes sparkled she took out her pokedax
"Pichu the tiny mouse pokemon the pre evolve form of Pikachu despite their size they release shock of electricity that can shock even humans however pichu are unskilled and can accidentally shock themselves"
"Wow that's something but still cute" said aria
"Pichu is still in her early stages so she is unskilled but with proper training it can become very strong, you just need to be patient and encouragements" said Clara taking ember back in her poke ball
"Wow, you really know a lot" said aria when her other travel companion caught up with her
"Aria you ran so fast" said mila taking deep breaths
"Sorry this is Clara and she is here for ahhh....... Sorry I didn't ask what are you doing here?" Asked aria
"As you can see I am equipped with necessary equipment for climbing this mountain" said Clara putting on her gloves so it could be easier to grab sharp edges
"Wait your climbing this mountain?" Asked the boy with the charmander
"Yes" said Clara
"Your also going to catch powerful pokemons huh!!" Said Luca with a smirk looking at the other two boys
"No, this mountain is a short cut to head for cinnabar island that's why I'm taking this route, but from the looks of your clothes, you guys are new to traveling " said Clara with blank stare
"We are" mila sighed "we just started our journey a week ago but Luca wanted to came to this mountain"
"A very idiotic choice for a beginner" said Clara looking at them
Lucas became angry "who are you calling an idiot!!"
"You of course, if you want to cut your journey short it's your choice not mine, but don't drag your friends into this" said Clara taking her bag pack on her back
" your going up that mountain too" said Luca
"As you can see I am well prepared and I have experience, I know what to do when I am in danger, and besides I am not going up there to disturb the peace of the pokemons but just passing by unlike you " said Clara giving him a side eye and than walking up the mountain leaving them behind
When Clara was walking up the mountain she felt someone was following her "sigh.. Why are you following me" said Clara making the ones hiding Flinch
"Hehe sorry for disturbing but we thought following you would be the safest option" said aria getting out of hiding
"This mountain is known as the edge mountain if you've done your research you would know how dangerous it is for beginner trainers, you four don't even have necessary equipment for coming here, this mountain has unstable ledges which will break down if you don't take careful steps and you will fall to your doom" said Clara crossing her arms she doesn't want to waste much time educating these four
"Can't we just follow you?" Asked cola who held a charmander
"No! I don't have time to show you around the mountain, my friends are waiting for me in cinnabar island,so I have get there as soon as possible" said Clara
"Tsk we don't need you guidance anyway, come on guys" said lucas walking the other way making the others sigh following him aria still waved bye to Clara
Clara also want on her way "if they're smart enough they would get down from this mountain" said Clara walking ahead
After some walking Clara finally stopped at her first obstacle a broken path
Clara felt the wind blowing up this mountain very strongly
Clara took out her dagurs and stabbed it on the wall she used it to cross over the broken path , she continued walking when she felt the ground she put her foot on was a bit weird
So she picked up a big rock and throwed it forward that's when the ground broke it was big ground pit "it must have been made by a pokemon" said Clara walked around the pit and continued walking so far her journey was smooth
After climbing up a ledge with the help of her rope she finally had some time to take a break
Clara could see the view from here as the wind blows her long white hair which she styled it to a ponytail so it could be easier to climb
She sit on a rock taking sips of water feeling peaceful when she felt the ground shaking "huh??"
Suddenly the ground bursts open Clara could hear screaming but she was shocked most about was this huge onix it seems mad
"Whaaaaaaa~~~~~~" the onix yelled in a deep voice trying to shake off the four on its back
"What the heck are you guys doing, don't make the onix angrier then it already is" yelled Clara
"We didn't mean to make it angry it was Lucas fault he wanted to catch it and we were bragged in with him" yelled aria
"Let it go already, your annoying it" said Clara
"Noo!!! This onix is mine" yelled Lucas holding on to the onix
The onix slammed its body to the ground realizing the danger aria and her two friends let go and fall to the ground only Lucas was holding on
"Let it go already Lucas this isn't a stable place to fight a onix" yelled Clara when she heard a crack sound
Clara looked down to see her side of the ground was breaking "uh oh"
Before Clara could take a step the ground broke and Clara was falling from the cliff she was so done with this
Flashback ends
As Clara was falling she sighed and took out her dagurs stabbing both dagurs in the wall to stop the fall once she was stabilised on the wall she took out a pokeball "red I need help "
The pokeball opened showing a white light as it formed into red "fearowww~~~~"
Red looked around and freaked out seeing Clara hanging for her life "red can you pull me up? " asked Clara as red grabbed both of her arms and flew up toward the cliff from where she fall
'Why didn't I do this in the first place' thought clara
When she finally saw what was happening up there, she saw Lucas was thrown off onix ,
The onix looked pretty pissed before the onix could attack Lucas his squirtle used water gun to save it's trainer
The water gun didn't do so much damage as the onix looked at squirtle making it flinch
"Squirtle run away!!!" Yelled Lucas as the onix slammed squirtle with its tail knocking down
"Squirtle!!!" Yelled Lucas
"Bulbasaur vine wipe"said aria as bulbasaur used its vines to hold the onix
" oddish stun spor"said Mila as oddish shook its leafs to release golden dust making the onix stop struggling with the vines
"Charmander flame thrower" said cola as charmander released flame from its mouth burning onix
Lucas on the other hand want to rescue his squirtle
They thought the fight was over when the dust cleared they saw onix was even angrier with one swing from its tail it broke free from the vines and was about to attack
"Red hyperbeam" said Clara as red launched a powerful hyperbeam from his beak at onix
The blast from the hyperbeam knocked the onix down with injurys
Red carefully placed Clara on the ground, once she was on the ground the first thing Clara did was hit all four of them in the head
"Ow!! What was that for?" Asked aria but when she saw Clara dark look she shut up
"Do you four have any idea what you have done!! Why would you annoy an onix, are you all out of your minds, I almost fall down from here because of your actions, and look at your pokemon's they look half dead, you're all beginners so why didn't you take my advice and go down the mountain!!" Yelled Clara making them all flinch
"It's all my fault! I shouldn't have been so cocky and picked a fight with a onix and dragged my friends with me" said Lucas no longer arrogant holding his injured squirtle looking remorseful
"Your not the only one to blame, you three should have done more to stop him inside of follow him somewhere dangerous knowing the danger, knock your friend down if you have to but never bite more than you can chew" said Clara crossing her arms
"Now hand over your pokemon's" said Clara making the four shocked "huh!!?"
"To heal them of course, what did you think I would steal them" said Clara as the four quickly shook their heads and handed their pokemon's for treatment
After an hour of treatment "they should be fine for now when you guys get off this mountain quickly go to a pokemon center" said Clara as the four were greatful they she took the time to heal their pokemon's
"Thank you so much Clara but one questions how do we get off this mountain?" asked aria making Clara realize they she had to help them down making Clara annoyed
As for the onix Clara let Lucas have it because she wasn't here to catch any pokemon
After two hours of helping them get down from the mountain and saying there goodbyes and promising to be careful from now on
Clara looked at the mountain again and said screw it , letting red carry her over the mountain "why did I even bother climbing the mountain when red could have just helped me cross it" thought Clara as she looked at the ocean
She then took out cova and got on his back to cross the ocean and meet ash in cinnabar island
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