chapter 44
Early in the morning Clara was up with her pokemons getting ready for the day while ash, brock and misty were still asleep
Clara already brushed her teeths and now she was brushing buddy's teeths because he got a dental problem
Because he would run around eating anything he thought was edible
So he got a damaged tooth Making him cry in misery
Of course Clara was distressed for buddy and had to get him to nurse joy to get it checked
Nurse joy told her to brush his teeth everyday and to watch what he is eating
So from that day on buddy had to get his teeth brushed even though he hated it at first but after countless failed escape attempts
He give up and accepted his fate
"Just a little bit more buddy and your good to go" said Clara holding buddy in her lap using one hand to brush and the other to keep his mouth open
Her other pokemon were watching and were ready if buddy tried to escape again
Once she was done buddy ran to the pond to rinse off
Clara sighed as she watched buddy run off when smoke came to her with her tablet in his hand
"Gen gen~~~~" called smoke
"What's the matter smoke?" Asked Clara as smoke handed her the tablet
She saw someone was calling her she answered "Clara!!! I'm in big trouble" yelled Layla after Clara answered the call
Startling Clara and smoke who was besides her
"Wha? Layla what's wrong?" Asked Clara getting all her pokemon's attention
"You do remember every three years we get new kids to come to our orphanage" said Layla in tears
"Yeah and stop crying I'm sure you get this covered" said Clara
"I thought so too until I saw how many kids were going to transfer to our orphanage" said Layla
"Is it that bad?" Asked Clara
"25 kids Clara!!" Said Layla
"Whaaat! That too much normally there would be six to seven kids!! " said Clara
"Yeah but this time many kids will come because the orphanage they were staying in was going to be shut down and our orphanage was in very healthy environment location that why our orphanage was chosen for the kids transfer into and I'm don't have enough hands" said Layla
"Are you asking me to come back to help?" Asked Clara
"Yes only until everything comes down I bearly got any sleep for the last three days and look at my baby flareon she is exhausted" said Layla moving the screen to show flareon laying on her bed with wet cloth on it's head making Clara feel sorry for poor flareon"
"sophie is already handling the paper works and she didn't have any time to rest and her eyebags are really dark"said Layla who also looked awful
" how long do you think it will take for the kids to come?"asked Clara
"About half a month or so" said Layla
"Hmmm I'll talk with ash and the others and get back to you" said Clara Making Layla nod and the call cut
Clara sighed looking at her pokemons who were looking back at her "well it looks like we have to go back to pallet town town"said Clara as spring came toward her and patted her foot
" squirtle squirtle~~~~"
"Aww thanks for comforting me spring" said Clara hugging him making spring blush with a embarrassed smile but hugged back
When she looked up she saw all her pokemons were expecting a hug with bright eyes making Clara smile "come on get in here" making all her pokemons run to her to give her a tight hug making Clara laugh
After all the fun Clara decided to make breakfast first before talking about her situation she made a light meal
Cream stew with toasted bread
(Cream stew not my work by the way)
(Toasted bread also not my work)
When she was preparing the pokemons food she decided to top it of with a little stew in the food making all her pokemons drool
"Ok guys it time to wake them up" said Clara and her pokemons want to work
Smoke decided to wake up Brock, spring decided to wake up misty, little red decided to wake ash
Smoke scared the life out of Brock, spring woke up misty with water gun to the face, and little red woke up ash and Pikachu by picking them on the face with its beak
"We're up, we're up!" Yelled ash so little red would stop
"Smoke don't scare me like that I almost had a heart attack!" Said Brock
"Aw now my clothes are all wet" said misty
"Good morning sleepy heads breakfast is ready" said Clara pointing towards the bowls with cream stew and bread
Pikachu was excited seeing his food and ran towards the other pokemons to eat
Ash was also excited to eat breakfast "wow my favorite cream stew, thanks Clara" said ash taking the bowl and started eating with the others
Clara also sit down to eat with them after eating Brock want to wash the dishes
Clara looked at ash seriously "ash we need to talk"
Ash looked at Clara scared and sit down hesitantly "calm down, you didn't do anything wrong this time" said Clara making ash relieved
"Layla called me today because of emergency back at the orphanage" said Clara making ash become serious as well
"So she told me to come back to pallet town to help" said Clara
"For how long?!" Asked ash
"What's the emergency anyway?" Asked misty
"Well normal after three years new kids will arrive at the orphanage to stay but this time 25 kids will show up because their orphanage is closing down" said Clara
"It's that bad!" Asked ash making Clara nod
"Yeah Layla and sophie are exhausted they're recruiting more people but it will take time seeing it was short notice and the orphanage is being renovated to accommodate the children"said Clara
" oh that's a lot of kids it will be hard so that's why they're calling you back "said Brock who was done washing the dish
Clara nodded " but we were supposed to go on this pokemon journey together!"said ash
"Ash, she'll be back before you even know it" said Brock
"Yes ash maybe you can be even better trainer when I'm back" said Clara
"I doubt that" said misty making ash look at her with a angry face
"It won't be that long right?" said ash making Clara nod
"We are headed for the Laramie ranch and there's a bus stop headed for pallet town a few roads from here" said Brock looking at the map
"Yeah I plan to take that bus back to pallet town" said Clara
Ash was in gloomy mood as Pikachu comforted him
Clara smiled as they all packed their stuff to head for the road
Clara saw Brock and misty were packing so she want to ash who was also packing with a pouting face
'Ahh he's so cute' thought Clara kissing ash on the cheek shocking ash
"Ahh Clara what was that for?" Said ash with a blush
"Haha you looked so cute pouting like that and I couldn't resist, and would I need a reason to kiss my poor pouting baby ash" said Clara with a teasing smile making ash so embarrassed his face was red like a tomato
Misty and Brock saw Clara teasing ash so much that steam was coming out of his ears Brock was so jealous
"Hey Brock what is Clara and Ash's relationship anyway?" Asked misty
"I don't know but from the way they behave with each other they're like a couple" said Brock
So misty want to them and asked "hey guys I never really asked what is your relationship is it just childhood friend or something?"
Clara and ash looked at misty and than at each other and smiled "I have feelings for ash and ash has feelings for me but we didn't confessed yet and I wanted ash to focus on his pokemon journey first" said Clara making ash blush but he nodded
"What!? So you guys are a couple? And why haven't you told us!" Yelled misty and Brock
"But We didn't confessed so are we a couple? " asked Clara to ash who shrugged
"Look we're not good at this but we do know we like each other and that's that I guess" said Clara scratching her head
Brock and misty facepalmed at their stupidity "no wonder their so close"said misty
" and I thought Clara was the smart one "said Brock watching as Clara helped ash with his packing
In just a few hours they made it the bus stop ash didn't want Clara to go but Clara comforted him until her bus came
" I'm sorry Brock for leaving you with all the cooking and shopping "said Clara
" don't worry so much Clara I can handle it so have a safe trip "said Brock
Clara give Misty a hug " don't give ash to much of a hard time "said Clara with a smile
" no promises "said misty
Clara handed Pikachu his treats two whole bag of it and rub on the head "make sure to take are of yourself and ash ok Pikachu" said Clara
When it was Ash's turn he got a kiss on the forehead and a tight hug "take of yourself until I come back and don't push yourself to hard alright" said Clara
"I know Clara I will miss you" said ash
"I know I will too" said Clara as she let him go and walked up the bus the door closed as ash and the others watched the bus going out of their sight
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