chapter 42
Right now ash and his friends are in the forest looking for the fuchsia gym
As ash looked over some bushes "alright so where is this famous fuchsia gym we're looking for any way?" Asked ash
Then Misty came out of the bushes like ash "I still can't believe there's gym in the middle of nowhere like this
When Brock, Pikachu and Clara came out of the bushes as well " Pikachu~~~"
"The reason for this is because this gym wants to make things difficult for the trainers" said Clara taking a leaf out of her hair
"Hmmm" said brock looking at the map
"I think it's that way" said all except Clara pointing in different directions
"We lost again aren't we Pikachu" asked Clara to Pikachu who nodded
They found a place to rest as Clara was taking off little reds bandages his wings now looks very good he also doesn't need Clara help anymore when eating
When ash got up "ok that enough rest let's get going, I gotta get to that fuchsia gym to get my next badge" said ash
"Wait a minute let's wait for psybuck" said misty seeing psybuck was drinking water when he was done he want back
"Psybuck cold water could make headaches worse" said misty as psybuck was confused
"Sometimes I look at that psybuck face and I get a headache" said misty
Clara only shook her head and want back to giving little red his wing massage
"What beautiful hair susie such a good breeder" said brock brushing vulpix's hair making misty jealous
"Hey brock how about a trade that vulpix's for my psybuck" said misty
Making Clara sigh
"No way," said brock refusing
"It would't take long to brush cause psybuck only has three hair's" said misty looking at the three hair on top of psybuck head as psybuck held his head
"Come on guys we better get going" said ash walking ahead
While walking they found a bridge while didn't have handles so ash was crawled on the bridge
Ash looked down and got frightened"hold on if we fall our pokemon journey is over"said ash with Pikachu on his back ash almost slipped but Clara quickly got a hold of his bag pack
Ash sighed in relief "thanks for the save Clara" making Clara smile
Then Ash whined to brock"are sure fuchsia gym is somewhere around here"
Pikachu found something and pointed at it "pika~~~"
"Hmm what's that? " they all looked at where Pikachu pointed at to see a big mansion in the middle of the forest
"That's weird a huge mansion right in the middle of nowhere" said misty
"I didn't know old House's like this still existed"said brock
" well at we will can ask somebody here to a way to the fuchsia gym"said ash walking in the mansion with the others
They slide the door open "hello is anybody here?" Asked ash
"Is anyone home?" Asked misty
"It seems desertered " said brock
"Hello!!" Ash said again when misty line on the wooden wall when it flipped around taking misty with it
Ash looked at misty and saw she was gone "huh misty?"
"What's wrong?where's misty" Asked brock
"She's gone" said ash
"This must be a door" said Clara pushing the wooden wall the wall flipped taking Clara, ash and brock with as well they saw misty sitting on the ground in pain
"So this is a secret door" said brock
"Brock what kind of place is this?" Asked misty
"It sure isn't your run in the mail mansion" said brock when Pikachu pointed at the corner showing a bug pokemon
"What's that?" Asked ash taking out his pokebex
"Venonet a bug type pokemon , it's eyes function as radar allowing it to see in the dark"
"Hey now that not a Run in the mail pokemon"said ash when venonet ran passed them
" hey wait up where is the owner of this place"said ash watching the venonet stopping looking at and calling him"venonet~~~~"
"Say what?" Asked misty
"Maybe it wants us to follow it ash" said misty
"Let's go see" said brock
"Yeah" said ash following it
When ash was going run after it Clara pulled him back making ash confused "Clara what's wrong?" Asked misty
Clara didn't say anything and took out a pebble and throws it at the hall way making an electric shock
Making the other dumbfounded "huh how?" Asked ash as Clara pointed at the ground showing a electric pokemon
"Huh what's that?it doesn't look friendly" Asked ash taking out his pokebex
"Voltorb the identity of this pokemon is unknown , it has a extrem personality, it uses electric attacks and at times self destructs"
"This is place just gets weirder and weirder" said ash they bypassed the voltorb and want up the stairs
"Where did venonet go?" Asked ash
"Look over there!" Said misty pointing at the end of the hall ash ran towards it only for him to be blocked by and invisible wall
"Ash what happened?" Asked misty
Clara already bent down to hold him
As brock looked carefully at the wall"it's an invisible wall"said brock
"An invisible wall" said misty
While Clara helped ash get up
"Brock this place really gives me the creeps" said misty
"Right we better get out of here while we still have the chance" said brock
"Yeah come on ash, Clara let's go" said misty only to be blocked by another wall Clara protected ash this time from getting hit
"It's another invisible wall I think we fallen into somebody's trap" said brock
"We can tell brock" said Clara
"I hope they didn't trap us to steal our pokemon because I don't want them to take away my vulpix" said brock with tears running down his face
"Come on we have to get out of here maybe there's an exit" said ash
But before ash could touch the window Clara pulled him away "huh what wrong Clara is it another trap" asked ash
"Yeah the oldest track in the book" said Clara kicking the window wall as it easily fall down
"Ahhh if Clara didn't pulled me away it would be me falling down there" said ash so scared that he did behind Clara
"This is a dangerous place if your not careful" said brock
They head a door sound and saw venonet "huh venonet it's you I'm going to teach you a lesson" said ash was about to run at venonet when Clara stopped him again
"Haven't you learned your lesson yet don't run around a trap mansion like this" said Clara as ash remembered it was trapped mansion
"I'll go check it out" said Clara taking the lead and following venonet when she crossed the wall door some Shuriken came at her but Clara quickly pulled out a her kitchen knife and blocked all the Shurikens
"Clara that was awesome" said misty
"Thanks but my speed was slower than usual I guess I have to train more" said Clara
When they heard a laugh and a girl came "born in darkness , living in darkness such is the fate of the ninja I'm Aya ninja worrier" said the girl
"But don't you think that color is a little bright for a ninja" asked misty
"I don't need your fashion report but tell me didn't enjoy my little star treatment and nice reflect on the stars little girl you could be an excellent ninja" asked Aya
"Those are Shurikens by the way and I don't want to be a ninja" said Clara
"And you can't just throw a bunch of star-i mean Shurikens around it dangerous" said ash
"That's right we could have been hurt if Clara didn't block those Shurikens right brock" said misty looking at brock only to see he was in love again and want to her "I think electric pink suits you perfectly and you certainly look lovely" said brock as Aya slapped him down
"This is a training camp it was your fault for letting your guard down" said aya
"My guard down" said ash
"I won't let you leave this mansion without having a pokemon Battle with me first" said aya as venonet was behind her
"This venonet was the one to alert me that three stupid looking people entered the mansion" said Aya
"What do you mean three stupid looking" ash stopped then realized
Except Clara the others yelled "hey!!!" Offended
"And I except your challenge" said ash
They were ready for battle "one pokemon for each of us choose you'res now" said Aya
"Bulbasaur I choose you" said ash taking out bulbasaur
"I select venonet" said Aya
"Bulbasaur use tackle now"said ash
Bulbasaur ran at venonet but venonet jumped on bulbasaur back stomping on him
" venonet stun spore"said Aya as venonet use stun spor at bulbasaur
"Bulbasaur world wind" said ash as bulbasaur blowed the spore away
"Now vine wipe" said ash as bulbasaur used his vine wipe venonet was barely able to dodge it
"Psybeem now" said Aya as venonet launched rainbow colored been from its eyes at bulbasaur making him confused a little
"Bulbasaur hang in there" said ash as bulbasaur shook his head to get out of the confusion
"Now it's time to give it your leaf seed" said ash as bulbasaur launched at venonet when it used psybeem again but bulbasaur dodged this and send out a seed from his flower on his back it landed on venonet head the seed broke and a lot of leaf vine rapped around venonet shocking venonet sucking away venonet power
"Venonet!!" Said Aya
"Leaf seed is sucking away venonet power it's helpless" said ash bulbasaur cheered
"Venonet return" said aya returning veterans to it's pokeball
"A victory for me, thanks bulbasaur" said ash petting bulbasaur
When a voltorb came shocked everyone and it self destructed making smoke
When they heard another voice "you still have alot to learn Aya"showing a man
As Aya apologized" honored brother I have failed "
"Your aya's older brother, my name is brock you sure have very nice sister-" said brock but was interrupted by misty hitting him on the head "this is no time to kiss up brock"
"None of you will be promoted leave this mansion until you do battle with me" said the older brother of aya
"And who are you?" Asked ash
"I am koga the master of the fuchsia gym" said koga
"Oh so this is the fuchsia gym" said misty
As Clara took the map from brock and marked it down
"That is correct miss" said koga
"Well at least we're in the right place" said ash
"Well that's fine with me we were looking for fuchsia gym now I'll win one of your badges" said ash
"This soul badge will be yours if you defeat me of course" said koga showing ash the badge
"All right let's battle" said ash
"We shall have two on two battle young man"said koga
" that's fine with me"said ash
"I'll start with Pidgeotto" said ash taking out Pidgeotto
"Than I shall start with venonet" said koga
"Guess I'll have to beat this venonet too" said ash
"Hahaha this venonet has a great deal of more experience" said koga as venonet evolved into a venomoth
"Wow this is the first time I'm seeing a venomoth up close" said Clara
Ash took out his pokedex "venomoth, the evolve form of venonet tiny scale on its wings despurs various spore when they are flapped"
"Uh oh "said ash
" venomoth stunspore"said koga as venonet used stunspore
"Pidgeotto world wind" said ash Pidgeotto did as it was told it the spore was to much making Pidgeotto take the stunspore
"Venomoth use your sleep powder" said koga as venomoth used sleep powder making Pidgeotto go to sleep
"Pidgeotto return" said ash taking Pidgeotto back
"Charmander I choose you" said ash taking charmander out
"Venomoth stunspore" said koga
"Charmander use flame thrower" said ash as charmander used flame thrower against the stunspore making them vanish
"Great job charmander" said ash
Suddenly the ceiling began to crack down
"What's that?" Asked ash seeing a colorful blind in front of him
"Welcome to the show" said team rocket
"What's going on here" said ash
"Now let our ancient performance began
Prepare for trouble"
"Make it double"
"To protect the world from devastation"
"To reunite our people with in our nation"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love"
"To extend our reache to the stars above"
"Jessy "
"Team rocket blast of in the speed of light "
"Surrender now or prepare to fight"
"Meowth that's right"
"Now step aside so we could take all your pretty little poisons pokemon"said meowth
" forget it meowth "said ash
" why us and what's with their outfit "said Clara rubbing her forehead
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