chapter 4
After adding eva in the family, nothing much changed besides having new family member to love and spoil,
Clara always tried to make more tasty pokemon treats for her pokemons that she want on strike making pokemon food maffin, pastry, tarts and other things, on the plus side the pokemon had great week on that strike,
She also made some for ash and his mom, Layla stole some when she was making them, she was chased by her flareon for a share,
So one year passed peaceful with out problems
"Clara your books filled your room again!" Said Layla seeing Clara cleaning out her room full of books, eva was helping her, jewel was cheering for them as it all he could do being in big Pool bucket,
"Yea I forgot to return some of the books back but then you said your going make all the rooms bigger I saw my room and remembered" said Clara rubbing her head
"Clara your a very organized person, but you have a problem with books, maybe don't bring to much, and have a schedule to return them" said Layla
"Hmm I'm sorry, I'll be careful from now on" said Clara guilty
"I know you will, how about I help you take care of these books" said Layla
"Yea, that would be great" said Clara
After some time they organized the books"I'll return them now"said Clara as eva jumped on her shoulder,
Clara took her bike and put all the books in the back of the bike that should be returned and left toward the library,
It took a few minutes to get there "Clara long time no see its seem you here to return all the books, your usually get them on time did something happen? " asked the library owner
"Hmm I was busy with my combat training these days, also training my pokemon so they could get out of messy situation" said Clara
"No wonder you have some wounds on your hands" said the owner taking all the books and putting them in the slaves
"Yea, by the way did any new books came?" Asked Clara
"Ah yes something jewel would enjoy very much did came" said the owner
"Hmm what is it?" Asked Clara
"It's a story book, it a type that jewel likes" said the owner happy to share his joy of books to his favorite customer,
Clara took the book and saw it was a book about feebas Clara smiled "I'll buy it, I'm sure he won't let it go if he saw it" said Clara with a smile
The owner laughed"haha yes I knew you were going to say that, that's why I kept it just for you"
Clara smiled "thank you again, let's go eva! " she called for her eevee who came out from under a pile of books with a book in her mouth"what you got there? "asked Clara
Clara picked it up and saw the book was about evoluation, Clara eyes widen as eva was excited to read the book asking her to buy it for her "we'll take this one too eva likes it" said Clara giving the books to the owner to rap up the books to go
Clara handed the money and left with eva on the way back eva didn't let go of the packet with the books
Once they returned jewel greeted them as he in the outdoor pool that Layla made for him, "hey jewel look what I got for you" said Clara showing him the book his eyes widen seeing it was book about feebas, he quickly asked to read it Clara opened the book as jewel began to read it with gusto, eva also want to see the book she got, Clara put the books for them to read and want to the kitchen to make lunch for them,
She made pancake pokemon food she learned how to make it not long ago eva liked it very much, she made herself a sandwich was about to walk out when she heard her pokemons calling, she quickly want out with the food wanting to know what's wrong "wha? What happened? Are you two ok?" Clara asked worried running out fast
Eva and jewel showed her the books which made them excited Clara realizing it was because they read something exciting that they wanted to share with her
So Clara calmly put lunch down to see what the excitement was about jewel was showing his evoluation form which was a Milotic "that's right you'll grow big when you evolve" said Clara as he was excitedly jumping on the pool wanting to evolve
Clara smiled "don't worry take your time, we're not in a hurry, even if you don't evolve I'll love you just as you are" Clara gently petted his head
Eva pawed to show Clara her evaluation "yes you have many evoluation forms I won't force you to evolve, you can evolve to what you want, and I'll still love my little Eva" said Clara also gently petting her head "eeve~~~~" said Eva pawing at the evaluation she wanted it was a Espeon
"Hmm you want to evolve into an espeon?" Asked Clara as Eva nodded
"Well you can, you can be anything you want" said Clara" from what I know about Espeon is that they evolve in day time, they used the Suns energy "she added eva was so excited that she jumped all over
Clara never saw an Espeon in Kanto, Clara wanted to know where the book is from and saw it was from johto, Clara looked through the book and saw more pokemon from this book not just eevee, she became interested, while, jewel was trying head to evolve, and Eva wanting to adsorb the sun energy the whole day after eating, Clara read the whole book until it was night
Jewel and Ava were disappointed and stayed in a corner,
Clara was trying to coaxe them to come and eat " don't worry about evolving, it takes time, when your both ready you'll evolve "
Layla came and saw this scene "what happened to them?"
"They saw their evoluation forms and wanted to evolve, but as you can see they didn't, now they are sulking in the corner" explained Clara sighing
Layla wanted to laugh but holds it in "evoluation its easy you know, you need train or be in a dangerous situation to activate your instincts to protect your loved ones to evolve" said Layla
Clara glared at Layla "don't put dangerous stuff in their heads, and they're fine just as they are, they will evolve in their own time"
"Ok, ok I was just trying to help" said Layla
"Well that's not helping" said Clara
While both were arguing jewel and Eva heard what Layla said and got they're hopes up,
"Eebay~~~" said Eva showing Clara she wanted to train with her, jewel also jumped up to show he wanted to join
"Look what you did!!" Said Clara pointing to show her excited pokemons
"Ok ok sorry but how about you take them to the forest to train with you it will make them stronger you will go on a journey with ash right" said Layla
"Hmmm fine but you two better not do dangerous stuff to evolve ok just use training" said Clara pointing at them both with a warning ,both nodded hurriedly
"Ok we will start training from tomorrow" said Clara as both jumped with excitement
"Now come and eat the food is getting cold" said Clara she wanted to finish eating before the other kids show up,
The next day before the sun rised up Clara pulled both her pokemon out of their sleep to feed them breakfast and made Eva run laps around the big pond she found, and made jewel swim around in the pond as Clara run besides them, then made them go through obstacle course she made for them,
By 8:am they stopped Eva and jewel were exhausted and were down for the count, "all right that was great work out, you two did so well, keep this up and the both of you will be strong in no time" said Clara she normally only teached the two get out of bad situation but doing this training they'll get stronger,
"Let's go back you two, we're going to have a second breakfast to relish our energy "said Clara picking both up and running back to the orphanage,
Layla saw Clara back with two exhausted pokemon in her arms and said with teasing smile " so how was it you two, feel any stronger?"only for her to get hit with water gun on the face by jewel,
Clara blankly looked at the soaked Layla and said "you deserved it for teasing them" Layla couldn't defend herself, and want to wash up,
After that day the three trained in the morning, Eva even learned, swift, and shadow ball, and double team,
Jewel learned water gun and ice beam
They felt very strong by training,
One day Clara decided to take a break from training to go on a picnic because they deserve to have a relaxing day besides just training, jewel and Eva were very happy to take a break from training, Clara actually felt bad for training them this hard so she wanted to reward them, she made all their favorites and want to have a picnic where she found jewel, jewel remembered the place where he met Clara, it was special place for them
Clara read them their favorite books and showed them tracks to make them happy, feed them their favorite snacks,
While they were having fun they didn't notice something big coming towards them in the water, Clara heard some noise coming from behind them, her eyes widen and quickly grabbed both jewel and Eva and dodged the upcoming attack, it was a big gyarados , jewel flinched seeing this gyarados,
Clara understood they have some history the gyarados launched fire from its mouth attacking them jewel quickly used ice beam to counter attack, a lot of steam came from the attack, it give Clara time to escape, before Clara could go out of attack range the gyarados was wildly moving its body and blindly attacking Clara saw the tail of the gyarado coming their way she didn't see any to escape so she used her body to protect both jewel and Eva,
She was launched into the water with the attack, jewel and Eva were shocked seeing Clara protecting them with her body and hearing her groan in pain they made anxious sounds in worry "I'm ok don't worry its nothing" said Clara even though she was in pain she didn't show it to her pokemons
The gyarados jumped into the water in rage towards them , Clara even with the pain quickly swimed away from the gyarado jewel also helping her speed up
The gyarados seeing them almost out of the water, used hydro pump towards them Clara quickly dived under water to avoid it but the attack was too powerful and pushed them towards the land seeing that they will hit a tree Clara Shield both of them again and took the impact Clara at this point, didn't know what to do she promised to protect them,
Seeing the gyarados coming Clara did the only thing she could put Eva on the ground and jewel on her back "run, you two, you guys can't beat it" said Clara in desperate voice, jewel and Eva didn't want to leave but Clara pushed them far dodging another fire blast Clara weakly stood up, Clara didn't give Eva a choice, so Eva ranned towards the orphanage hoping to get Layla, but she stopped would Clara still be there then they get back, jewel also had the same thought in his mind,
While Clara was dodging another attack from the gyarados she was getting exhausted, she didn't know how much she could take, this was supposed to be a fun outing not a life and death situation,
Suddenly the tree she was hiding behind was blown away and Clara saw the gyarados few meters away from her glaring at her, Clara know she couldn't escape so she accepted her fate with a smile "at least her jewel and Eva were safe" she thought,
Before the gyarados could attack some stars attacked the gyarados "that was swift" Clara thought and looked at the place the attack come from and saw jewel,Eva they were back, "what are you two doing? I told you two to run!" Said Clara
Eva and jewel ignored Clara and attacked,
Jewel used ice beam and Eva used double team, gyarados didn't know which eevee was the real one and attacked all at once, the real eevee came out from behind and used shadow ball at the gyarados face, making the gyarados angry and destroy some trees one in particular was the tree besides Clara, she dodged but her leg got stuck
"This is not good" said Clara
As she saw her pokemon working together to attack the gyarados jewel used tackle on the gyarados face, when the gyarados wanted to hit jewel Eva used quick attack to take jewel away from the hit,
Clara was amazed by their team work it looks like her training wasn't in vain,
Gyarados seeing that he couldn't attack them and set his eyes on Clara who was stuck, jewel and Eva noticed, the gyarados was going to attack Clara but jewel jumped in front of the attack taking full impact "jewel nooo!!" Yelled Clara in horror , frustrated Clara pulled her leg very hard even if it hurt her she was able to get her foot out and limped towards jewel who was on the ground
"Jewel? Jewel! , please be ok" yelled Clara in tears as she hugged jewel in her arms, seeing Eva distracting the gyarados,
Suddenly jewel started to glow white, changing from small to big, jewel was evolving as the gyarados and Eva stopped fighting seeing the glow,
The light on jewels body vanished after he fully evolved into Milotic "laaaaaaah" yelled jewel
"Jewel?.. You evolved.. " said Clara as tears started to fall from her eyes jewel rubbed Clara face with love, licking her tears, jewel than turned towards gyarado his tail flowed with water and hit gyarados in the face, it was aqua tail,
Then water ring formed around jewel and launched at gyarado pushing the gyarado away, it was aqua ring
Gyarado weakly stood up and was about attack when with swing of jewel's tail a water twister appeared and launched gyarado far away in the water the gyarado seeing it couldn't win decided to flee,
"Eebay eeve~~~~" Eva excitedly want to jewel and hugged his face as jewel welcomed the hug, Clara seeing the the battle was over limpingly moved towards jewel and Eva,, they both saw Clara didn't look so well and quickly helped her, jewel put Clara on his back and ran out of the forest, when they made it out of the forest and see the sun Eva in Clara's lap also started to glow shocking Clara, two evolution at the same day, this is the first as her Eva evolved to what she wanted to evolve into Espeon "espeee~~~" said Eva seeing herself into a Espeon she was so happy, that she jumped on Clara making her groan in pain, making Eva stop jumping in worry "espee~~?" Said Eva worried
"I'm fine just a little hurt, but I should be very sorry" said Clara with guilt making both jewel and Eva look at her in confusion
"It was my idea to have the picnic and I almost put you two in danger, I'm sorry I just wanted you two to relax today and have fun but in the end it became a life and death situation" said Clara her head was down
She felt jewel and Eva hugged her and licked her face her to comfort her as they were saying it wasn't your fault,
Clara felt her body give out to exhaustion and she fell a sleep
When she wake up she was in her bed with her body bandaged, she looked around and saw Eve and jewel sleeping on her bed they were cramped in the small bed but she felt very safe,
Jewel felt movement and woke up thinking it was Eva wanting something to eat , he saw Clara lovingly stroking his scale he was shocked and happy to see her wake "laaaaaa!!! " yelled jewel completely embracing her in a hug waking Eva up"espe~~~?"ask Eva in confusion then she saw Clara wake and jewel rapped around her in a hug, and she also excitedly joined the hug,
"Jewel, Eva I'm happy to see you too" said Clara hugging both happily
Suddenly they heard rushing footsteps and door barged open it was Layla and her friends Sophie, "Clara!!!! " both yelled at the same time
"Your wake and your ok, when jewel and Eva brought you back with injury all over your body I was scared to death, what happened in the forest, it was supposed to be a small picnic, jewel and Eva tried to explain what happened but I couldn't understand them as you were injured oh and what happened for them to evolve at the same day" yelled Layla with tears in her eyes as she spoke none stop
"Layla, stop, your freaking yourself out, I'm fine now it was just some small wounds" said Clara
"Small wound, SMALL WOUND! You had one broken rib,dislocated shoulder, a bad scare on your back, and your leg was in a horrible shape, you call that small" yelled Sophie as Clara sink into the bed in fear "ok it was a big wound"
"And you were out for two days" said Layla as her face was buried in the blanket
"Two days!!?" Asked a shocked Clara
"Why are you shocked, you body shut itself down so you can heal faster, it a good thing you have a strong body otherwise anyone your age could have died, now to the important part what attacked you?" Asked Sophie
"A big gyarados" said Clara sighing
"What?" Both asked at the same time
"Gyarados don't usually come to these ponds that are in the forest besides us" asked Sophie
"That's what I thought too, but it attacked us out of nowhere and it's target was jewel, they had some history, that gyarados must have tracked him here" said Clara
"That could be a high possibility, feebas also don't stay in these places, if it wasn't chased here, it looks like we don't have to worry about it any more seeing jewel must have given it a good beating" said Sophie
Jewel nodded, "you must have protected them using your body as a shield, until they evolved right that explains the wounds" said Layla wiping her tears with her hands
"Yes,but in the end they worked together to get me out of danger, I couldn't be more proud to know that my jewel and Eva are a great tag team" said Clara petting both on the head "on the other hand after I heal I should increase my training" she added
"Before that you might want to inform your friend ash that you woke up and feeling fine" said Layla
"Huh how did he know I was injured" asked Clara
"Well we tried to keep low key but ash called us not seeing you coming to the place you two usually hang out on Monday so I had say the truth, he wanted to come visit but I told him to wait until you wake up" said Layla
"Give me the phone I'll give him a call and explain everything to him" said Clara rushing Layla to hand her the phone as she called ash to say she was fine
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