chapter 38

"Scissor street? Why did we come here?" Asked ash

"You'll see" said brock
"There sure are a lot of Pokemon beauty parlor's" said misty

"Hmmm" said Clara looking at her tablet for good recommended shop for Pokemon treats

As brock looked around "is there any place you want to go brock" asked ash

"Wait a minute I just remembered scissors street is called breeders lein" said misty

"It's about time you figured it out" said Clara

"Ahh Clara you knew and didn't tell me" said ash whining as Clara petted his head "I just forget to tell you" she added

"Clara are do you also want see the breeding lein?"asked misty

"I'm actually here for Pokemon treats and some ingredients to make my Pokemon treats healthier"said Clara

" ohhh"said misty

"So that's why we're here brock always gotta see the latest breeders gear" said ash

"Some of the best breeders the shops here some pick up makeup place and salon too just for Pokemon" said brock

"Hey look this must be the new fashion how cute" said misty looking at the poster

"You think that's cute?" Said ash
Misty took his arm and want in"come on"

"I don't wanna go in there" said ash as Clara followed

They heard a voice from the mic from the shop"welcome to the salonroke"

"Did he just say salon ro ke?" Asked ash

"Why does that name sounds so familiar?" Asked misty

"It's very familiar" said Clara rising an eyebrow

"Woah is that supposed to be a Pokemon or a tree decoration" said brock looking at the poster with ekans in a dress and koffing in a pink ribbon

"I think I'm going to get in line" said misty

As Clara and ash looked at her with weirdly when brock found the place he was looking for "it's there  I've been looking all over for this place" said brock running to the shop

"This is the place your looking for?" Asked misty as brock was nervous to open it

Clara and ash pushed open the door "what are you so nervous about" said ash as they want in as brock freaked out and followed

"Hi can I help you"

They saw a girl massaging a chansey"just relax release all your tension"said the girl Clara was impressed

"Now you will have more energy"
As chansey hop off the table and looked at the mirror when it's owner came for it"chansey I'm here for you darling"

"Oh don't you look precious" said the owner

"Thank you for bringing chansey to my salon" said the girl

"See you soon susie" said the owner

"May I help the next customer" asked susie

"No we're just browsing around-" before ash could finish brock pushed him back making Clara catch him "ohh aahh"

When misty pushed him away "look isn't that vulpix the cutest thing" said misty

Clara also noticed it thinking if sunny would like a friend"awww don't you wanna hug it"said misty

"Don't you hug sunny" asked ash
"Hmmm sunny don't like being away from Clara so I never get to hug her for long" said misty with a pouting face

"I love it's hair I wish I had hair like vulpix that looks shiny and soft" said misty as she was going to touch it

"Don't touch it" yelled susie

When misty ignored it picking it up"your just about the cutest Pokemon besides sunny I ever seen "when vulpix launched flamethrower at misty's face making Clara smirk vulpix jumped down from misty's arm's and want to the chair again to sleep

Clara handed misty a napkin to clean her face " ahh thank you"said misty taking the napkin and falling down

"Please pardon vulpix it doesn't like to be picked up and held by strangers" said susie

"I wish I known that sooner" said misty

"My vulpix sunny also doesn't like being held by strangers" said Clara as she understood susie

"Oh you have a vulpix too!?" Asked susie

"Yes I named her sunny she a bit timid" said Clara taking out sunny

"Vull~~~" sunny looked around at the unfamiliar place and seeing susie bant down to look at sunny she got scared and his behind Clara's leg

"It is very timid, but it's fur is very beautiful and it looks very healthy" said susie seeing that sunny was being picked up by Clara in her arms

"Ahh susie!" Asked brock nervously


He straightened up"ah my name is brock nice to meet you susie I wanna be a breeder like you"said brock very nervous

"It's very nice to meet you brock I'm flattered you want to make me your rolemodel" said susie

"I'm flattered that your flattered I mean your vulpix is nice" said brock

"What I'm trying to say is that susie I'm begging you to accept me as your student" said brock shocking everyone

"You gotta be kidding brock" said ash

"Mind your own business ash I know what I'm doing please accept susie" said brock

"I don't have students brock breeding take's all my time"said susie

" what makes her such a great breeder anyway "asked ash as brock hit ash on the head " how dare you the sensational susie of scissor street has been awarded the trophy for excellence at the world Pokemon breeder contest for three consecutive years wait there's more in addition to that the Pokemon breeder fan magazine has named her the most popular breeder four years running and her hugely popular website records over ten thousand pic's for day"finished brock

"Now that's what I call a breeder" said misty

"You better believe it" said brock

"Ok OK brock we heard you clear and loud"said ash

" I wonder if this vulpix has ever won a competition "asked misty

" that's a fabulous question misty vulpix is the hot supermodel of the Pokemon world noticed the glowing tails made vulpix the cham plus-"he was stopped by ash

"We get the idea brock vulpix is great too" said ash holding brock to shut him up

Clara looked at sunny who was shy "do you also want to be a cham"asked Clara to sunny

Sunny looked up and shook her head no " vulpix vull~~~"(i'm happy where I am)

Clara smiled and gently rubbed sunny's face making sunny happy for the attention

"So all four of you are traveling on a Pokemon journey together"said susie

"Vull~~" said sunny shyly as Pikachu and sunny were eating the food made by brock

"Your Pikachu has beautiful shiny coat are you the one preparing Pikachu and sunny's food brock" asked susie

"Ahh yes but Clara also helps me as well"said brock standing up

" and it's brock own recipe, Clara specializes in nutritious for the Pokemon"said misty

"My career also began when I first became interested in Pokemon nutrition"said susie

When vulpix want up the table where sunny and Pikachu were eating sunny freaked out and hid behind Pikachu picking out just a little to see what it wanted

" sorry sunny is the youngest she was abandoned by her mother as a egg when she hatched she was attacked by other big Pokemon so she a bit scared of unfamiliar Pokemon and she is pretty much spoiled by my other Pokemon and me"said Clara rubbing her face with her finger smiling nervously not to make her  offended by sunny's behavior

" poor thing it must have taken a lot of courage seeing how far she came "said susie

" yep she really did came very far from when we first saw her"said misty

Vulpix saw sunny hiding behind Pikachu it wanted to come forward but seeing her finch it stopped and smell's the food on the table Pikachu offered his shear of food to vulpix

Vulpix ate it and liked it making brock happy "I can't believe vulpix is eating the food I made" said brock

Pikachu picked one for himself to eat and another for sunny seeing she wasn't going to come out

"Brock this is very impressive vulpix has never ate food that I haven't made myself" said susie

"Vulpix is a fan of Brock's cooking" said ash

"Thank you vulpix" said brock bow but he hit himself with the table by accident "I'm not worthy"

"Susie we saw some super fancy looking Pokemon while we were walking down the street is that really the latest trend" asked misty

"By any chance did pass by a large salon on the way" asked susie

"You mean that really takey looking place" said ash

"Even since it opened some Pokemon trainers are trying make their Pokemon flashy as possible" said susie

"I will never understand those kind of people" said Clara shaking her head

"So that salon started the trend" said brock

"A good breeder is always trying to being out a Pokemon inner strength and personality but there's no worth in standing out and not what's inside" said susie

"I don't like it either it's pretty stupid to waste your time showing of right Clara" said ash as Clara nodded at his words

"But sometimes Pokemon likes to show off a little like the rest of us right Pikachu I see it now" said misty imaging Pikachu in a dress

Pikachu was confused "I think Pikachu is perfect the way it is" said ash as Clara nodded

"Yes every Pokemon is perfect the way they are" said Clara

"Yeah we don't need that goofy fashion it's what's in the inside that really counts" said ash

Making misty angry"I never said the inside wasn't important but outside is too"said misty

"Inside is what's matters" argued ash

"Outside too"
"Outside "

When they started to have a argument Clara grabbed both of their ears "ahh ow  Clara it hurts" both whines

"Shut up both of you it doesn't matter what counts but the Pokemon's mental and physical health" said Clara let both of them go as their ear were red

"Ow Clara that hurt" said ash with tears in his eyes

Clara was weak against this look so she comforted him and apologized making misty shock being treated differently

"Ahh Clara how could you treat us definitely" said misty

"Ash obviously is right though it doesn't matter what a Pokemon looks like it what's the inside that counts" said Clara

"You know Clara has a point" said brock

"If you think outside is very important why don't you take your psyduck to that salon" said ash

"That's a great idea" said misty taking out psyduck

"Hahah let's see who gets the last quck" said ash

"Anyway psyduck and I will look so cute with any fashion we wear" said misty proud of herself

"I'm sure psyduck will" said ash giving misty the side eyes

As misty looked back at ash with the same look as Clara used herself as shield for ash
"What do you know about fashion!!" Yelled misty

"Right psyduck" said misty looking at psyduck who was confused

"This might be a more of challenge then I thought it would be" said misty

"Better get going" said ash

"Ha you'll be jealous when we get back because psyduck will be cuter than Pikachu come on psyduck" said misty walking out

"Is it the outside that matter's or the inside's even since that salon opened I've been wondering about my method's" said susie

"Don't say things like that susie you got keep following the path you believe in" said brock

"We have to stick out for what's inside together right Pikachu and Clara" asked ash

Clara smiled "yes your right"


"That's very kind but how can we?" Asked susie

"If they want style over substances we'll give them substances with style" said brock

When they started to make more customers with their new plan susie was massaging Pikachu "there's still more sits left in the back of the room for our lecture on Pokemon care"said brock through the mic

"Each Pokemon needs your special care and attention when ever a Pokemon is injured in a battle it should be given a therapeutic massage"said susie as she massaged Pikachu

"This volunteer and his Pikachu will now demonstrate the techniques we learned in today's lecture" said susie

"As you may already know a Pikachu's electric sacks are located in its cheeks and they become very tense after a difficult battle"


"Ash would you please massage Pikachu's cheeks like I showed you earlier" said susie

"Ahh ok sure" said ash as he looked back at Clara and she give him a thumbs up

Pikachu layed down again as ash tried to do what susie did earlier Pikachu seems to enjoy it"dose that feel good Pikachu"asked ash

"Communication between Pokemon and trainer is essential these techniques bring out the trust in the Pokemon personality" said susie

"I think susie with agree with me that any techniques is only as good as the trainer or breeder who uses it" said brock

As the trainers looked at their colorful Pokemon and sighed

When suddenly psyduck came back calling the other Pikachu want down to talk to it and Pikachu freaked out

"What's the matter Pikachu?did something bad happened to misty" Asked ash

As Pikachu agreed as Pikachu want
out to the salon they followed Pikachngu and entered the salon to see misty tied up by team rocket

"It's team rocket" said ash
"Why am I not surprised I knew that voice was familiar" said Clara

"What took you guys so long" asked misty

Clara, ash and brock were weirded out by her face"what happened to her face"as ash and brock were holding their laughter Clara turned around so they don't see her face cracking up

As misty glared at them ash and brock shook out of it"let misty go right now"said ash

"Sorry you'll have to wait your turn we will be finished with her makeover until she looks like this" said Jessy making a face

"We're conducting important beauty research" said James

"Beauty research can't you understand that beauty inside that counts Pokemon is beautiful we just have to help them discover it" said susie

"What is she talking about" asked Jessy

"What does she knows about breeding Pokemon who cares about the inside the outside counts" said James

"What do you numbskull know about Pokemon breeding you don't remember it was supposed to be a scam" said meowth scratching both James and Jessy

"And it worked it was a brilliant plan part one think of some stupid Pokemon fashion and make pile of money from the trainers" said meowth

As everyone heard it"and part two whenever a trainer beings in a rare Pokemon first get trainer get distracted and steal the Pokemon on the spot"said meowth

"What?" Asked ash

"And our greatest masterpiece of all will be your Pikachu how about a tread this turpy girl for your Pikachu" said Jessy

"Your going steal Pikachu we're going to battle" said ash

"Count me in too" said brock
"Wait before this all starts James I have someone you will like to meet" said Clara with a smirk

Making James and the others confused


"Come my dear cova" said Clara taking out cova shocking James to see the Magikrap that evolved into a Gyarados

"Ghaaaaaa~~~" cova glared at James as James backed away

"That's not fair why do you have that gyarados" asked james

"His name is cova and he chose me as his trainer" said Clara with a smirk

"Guys why don't you leave this to me cova has been waiting for this moment" said Clara as cova glared at James

Ash and brock quickly backed away "you got it"

"Ekan, koffing" said James and Jessy they saw that they were hiding

"Hey what are you two doing get to batting" said meowth

"Ekan~~~" (battle it yourself)

"Koffing~~~" (yeah)

"Huh???" Said meowth as he slowly looked at gyarados who smirked at meowth making his fur stand up

"If you guys won't make the first move I will" said Clara

"Cova hydro pump" said Clara

Cova launched out a blast of water at team rocket

"Clara I'll help you" said Susie as vulpix stood next to cova

"Vulpix fire spin" said Susie

As vulpix launched flame it tuned into a fire tornado

"They don't fire spin me " said misty

With the hydro pump and fire spin team rocket blasted off again

"Now that's a great attack" said ash

"Cova great job my boy" said Clara as cova rubbed his head against Clara's face

Sunny jumped on cova's head "vull~~"
Sunny was congratulating him cova appreciated

"Did you see that a cute exterior hide inner strength that's the pokemon's true personality" said brock

And everyone started to remove the makeup after freeing misty they want back to Susie's shop

"Great with vulpix" said Susie

"Thanks to all of you I believe in what I'm doing again you helped me Regan conference in my belief's" she added

"It's not hard helping a great of a person as you are" said ash as Clara nodded

"And brock I was very impressed by how you handled the situation in a crisis like that" said Susie

"I have a lot more to learn about Pokemon even if I do have championship I'm still a student not a teacher looks like you and I both have journey's ahead of us"said Susie

" your leaving Susie what about your pokemon salon ?"asked ash

"There is only things I can learn in my leaf years I want you to continue your journey too brock from now on we're rival's"said Susie forward her hand for a shake

" ah sure"said brock shaking hands with her as vulpix want to his leg and rubbed it

"I will be grateful if you take care of vulpix for me" said Susie shocking brock

"Your the first person other than me vulpix has been friendly with right I believe you would do a better job at rising vulpix than I could" said Susie

"Thanks I don't know what to say" said brock shedding tears

"You don't have worry vulpix I promise I will take good care of you" said brock taking out his pokeball  capturing vulpix

"Alright I got vulpix" said brock making everyone smile

As ash and Clara looked at misty only to laugh making misty very angry

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