chapter 37
They came to a new city with lots of buildings again
"Jeezs sorta feels like these buildings are closing in on us" said ash
"Yeah and their all so tall I can hardly see any sky" said misty
"Where are we Brock?" Asked ash
"Ahh hop hop hop town?" Said Brock
"Hop, hop, hop?" Said ash and misty hopping as Clara was looking around
When they heard someone call"Arnold!"
The woman hugged ash calling him Arnold alarms want off on Clara's head
"Where have you been Arnold mothers been so worried" said the woman
"I'm sorry miss but you have the wrong person" said Clara quickly taking ash back
"My name is ash" said ash now in Clara's arms
"And my name is misty ma'am" said misty
Brock took misty away saying "she wasn't talking to you misty
" I guess not"said misty
The woman realized her mistake "ohh I'm so sorry but you look just like my Arnold"
"Huh?" Said ash
"What happened to him?" Asked misty
They found a place to sit down and talk
"I'm so upset because my son just disappeared he's been gone for three days I looked everywhere" said the women
"You haven't heard from him" asked Brock
"Not a word"
"Could he have gone off to become a pokemon trainer" asked ash
"He did likes pokemon of course but he never mentioned anything about becoming a trainer"
"Don't you think he would probably come home soon" asked misty
The women shook her head "my child isn't the only one missing"
"He's not!"said Brock
Women pointed at the wall with posters" see those posters"
"Those are the picture's of all the children that disappeared"
"That many"
"This must be pretty dangerous town" said ash
"My picture gonna be on a posters when I'm big famous star" said misty daydreaming making Clara, ash and Brock looked at her unsure
Misty looked at them"excuse me!"
"Maybe in horror movies" said ash rubbing Pikachu's head
"They were certainly were very nice children all of them disappearing one by one like that I just can't understand it hmm let's see where should I hang this one " said officer Janney
Ash want running to her "excuse me are you the cousin or second cousin of the Janney in Maiden's peak?" Asked ash
"Actually I'm her cousin's cousin"said Janney
" that figures "said ash
" I still can't believe how they could all look alike"said Clara
"This one's the most beautiful one yet" said Brock blushing
"They're all exactly alike" said misty annoyed
"Excuse me it must be terrible searching for all these lost children I would be very happy to help you on your search"said Brock holding Janney's hands
" what?"
"We can both work together hand in hand"he added
Janney took her hand away with a hmm " just don't get in the way"
Brock had to admit defeat about not getting a date Clara saw ash looking at the women sitting worried
"She reminds me of my mom ,she must be worried" said ash as Pikachu jumped on his head "you think so too huh" said ash to Pikachu
"Well in that case detective ash ketchum will solve this mystery" said ash
"Ash your no where near to being a detective you don't even want read about detectives" said Clara as ash had a sweat drop
"Did you have to ruin the fun" said ash
"I just told the truth" said Clara petting his back to cheer up
They followed officer Janney "all of the missing children disappeared three days ago"
"Three days ago?" Asked ash
"Besides that did the children had any thing else in common" asked Brock
"That's a brilliant guess the missing children must the something in common" said ash
"They don't have anything in common" said Janney
"Wouldn't other kids they played with know something" asked Clara
"Yes I also had that in mind " said Janney stopping in front of the pokemon center
"I see so we should ask the kids from the pokemon center if they know anything" said Brock
"That's it Brock brilliant introduction" said ash as Clara face palmed
They want the center to investigate Clara want to some kids to ask if they saw these kids "hello little ones did you play with these kids before?" Asked Clara showing the picture
"Yes ma'am but after three days ago we haven't heard from them" said some kids Clara nodded had handed them some candy as rewards they happily took the candy and want back to playing
Clara want to ash and misty who were talking to nurse joy
"I'd like to help you but right now I'm afraid I got my hands full with our own mystery" said nurse joy
"What do you mean what's the matter?" Asked misty
"All the pokemons here at the center are all behaving very strangely"said joy
Clara, ash and misty were dumbfounded
As nurse joy took them to take a look at the pokemons they looked exhausted and with zero energy
" just look at cubone and oddish even Magikarp is effected and it's usually full of life"said nurse joy
Clara checked all the pokemons and they didn't have anything wrong with them expect that they lost their will live
Misty looked at the Magikarp "it looks like the magic disappeared"
"Looks like it's ready for the daily counter" said ash Clara slapped his head for being rude to Magikarp
"The flame on this charmander could go out any minute" said nurse joy
The charmander's tail flame was very low
"And this one is just in terrible shape" said nurse joy showing a yellow buck who was holding its head
"Is that a psyduck?" Asked Clara
"Yes" nurse joy agreed
"Psyduck huh?" Said ash taking out his pokedax
"Psyduck a water pokemon use mysterious powers to perform various attacks"
"Mysterious powers?" Asked ash
"That's hard to believe" said misty
"It's very cute" said Clara gently petting it's head
"How can you find it cute?" Asked misty
"Because it is cute" said Clara turning to misty with a confused look asking 'if you don't find it cute then your blind'
"So what's causing all this?" Asked Brock
"I have no idea" said nurse joy
"How long have they been like this?" Asked misty
"Since three days ago" said nurse joy
"Three days ago and that exactly that time the children disappeared isn't it" said brock
"I wonder maybe there's some kind of connecting between the children disappear and pokemon's lack of energy" said office Janney
"Hmmm one mystery leads to another one more mystery for the mind of ash Ketchum Master detective hmmm" said ash thinking
"Did you think of anything yet?" Asked misty
"Not a thing" said ash
As misty and brock sweat dropped
Clara thought for a moment and said what's in her mind "what if a hypnosis pokemon is involved in this because I read in some books that the signs that the Pokemon are showing could be from a hypnosis pokemon"
"Ah that could be a guess but we can't be sure" said officer Janney
"Good introduction clara" said ash
Suddenly officer Janney's radio started to ringing "is that your radio?" Asked misty
"It's picking up some thing"said officer Janney
" I bet I know what that is a handsome guy detector "said brock
Clara hit brock on the head with a hand chop as brock fell down Clara pulled brock away " please excuse him"said Clara in a apologetic tone
"It's ok now this is a sleep wave detector" said officer Janney
"A sleep wave detector!" Said brock getting up
"Lately I've been picking up sleep waves" said Janney
"What are they?" Said ash
"Wave links that detect sleep" explains Clara to ash
"Your friend is right" said Janney
"I'm sure there isn't any pokemon that makes wave like these in this center" said nurse joy
"It's form outside" said officer Janney
Suddenly Pikachu became's weak with lack of energy and falls down "pikachuuu~~~"
"Oh no even Pikachu is losing energy" said ash quickly taking Pikachu in his arms
"I wonder if those sleep waves and the conditions of the pokemon's are" said brock
"Yeah they maybe Connected " said officer Janney
"Hey Pikachu wake up pal" said ash
"Pika~~~" said Pikachu with zero energy
"I think we better find the source of these sleep waves" said officer Janney
They all nodded they followed the waves to a huge building "their coming from this building" said officer Janney
"Woah it's so tall" said ash
"They seem to be coming from the roof" said Janney
"Let's go" said brock
They ran into the building they got on an elevator to go up to the top "as we go up the waves became stronger" said Janney
They made it to the top they're was a door to the roof as they get closer the waves became stronger when officer Janney opened the door they were shocked
"What's that?" Asked ash
"A mansion on top of the skyscraper" said brock in shock
"It's coming from inside there" said officer Janney
"Alright" said ash going toward the house
"Wait ash" but ash didn't listen so they had to follow
"What's wrong?"brock asked
" someone's inside I'm going in"said ash as he and brock pushed in to see a party
"Huh what is this place what's going on here" asked ash
"Are you new members?" Asked a man
"Ah members?" Asked ash
"We been monitoring some sleep waves coming from here"said officer Janney
" sleep waves? Oh I see I know hypno must have been admitting them"said the man
"Hypno?" Said ash
"Hypno a hypnosis pokemon it Carrie's a device and perform hypnosis attack"
"And what's that next time it"asked misty
"Drowzee said to be a descendant of a dream eating tapper it was the first pokemon to use combination attack like hypnosis and dream eater"
"I think a hypno is evolved from of a drowzee isn't it?" Asked brock
"Yes that's correct our drowzee finally evolved into a hypno three days ago" said the man
"Three days ago!"
"I knew it, it's just when those children vanished and pokemon started to lose all their energy" said officer Janney
"We've been using the pokemon instead of sleeping medicine" said another person
"What do you mean we?" Asked misty
"The members of the pokemon's lovers club" said the man
"Pokemon lovers club?"
"Precisely you see all of our members absolutely adore pokemon and hyno has become our favorite pokemon" said pointing at hypno who was being hugged by Clara and hypno was hugging back
"Huh, Clara when did you go there?" Asked ash
"Huh don't mind me go back to talking while I have my moment" said Clara pulling drowzee to the hug
The gentle man's didn't mind at all and want back to talking "everyone's hard work paid of when drowzee finally evolved"
"Living our lives in the city has been very stressful and all the members suffer from insomnia so we come to rely on hypno us get to sleep at night"said the man
As hypno was out of Clara's hug and using hypnosis on a person, Clara was now hugging drowzee
"Hypno's sleep waves must have effected those pokemon by zapping their energy" said ash as misty opened his bag pack to take out Pikachu "take a look at my Pikachu"
"The same thing happened to all of the pokemon at the pokemon center"said misty
" it must be ahh-"
"A side effect"brock finished
" a side effect?"asked ash
"Hmm" brock nodded "hypno'a hypnotic power's are used only on other pokemon since waves was charged to effect humans it created a side effect for the pokemon" said brock
"Hmm some how we accident caused a terrible situation"
"You know what I bet that new wave link can even effect some kids who are sensitive to it too" said brock
Misty want to Clara who was hugging drowzee and put Pikachu in her arms "let's see" said misty
"Misty I wouldn't do tha-" before Clara could stop her misty was hypnotized
Misty started to clap her hands saying seal
"Misty what's the matter?" Asked ash
"Isn't it obvious she's been hypnotized" said Clara
"She being controlled by the sleep waves" said brock
"We got to do something" said ash as misty ran off somewhere ash and the others want after her
While Clara still had drowzee and Pikachu in her arms she knew they would be back so she stayed
She comforted hypno "don't worry so much it wasn't your fault you didn't know" said Clara as hypno accepted the kindness
Some time later they came back with misty they sit her on a chair Clara put down drowzee and want to ash with Pikachu
"Alright drowzee focus your sleep waves on this girl"said the man
When drowzee used his sleep waves misty stopped clapping and want in a trance
" woah misty "
"She must be in a pretty deep trance" said brock
"Of course she would be" said Clara
When drowzee clapped misty woke up
"Huh hey where am i?" Asked misty
"Jeezs misty your looking kinda beat" said ash
When she yelled at ash"when I want your opinion I'll ask for it"
"Yep she's back" said Clara putting ash behind her
"Now we got us drowzee sleep waves on all those kids in the park" said officer Janney
"Ok now we gotta get those kids back to normal"said ash taking drowzee on his back to carry it
" you mean I thought I was a pokemon?"asked misty
"Yeah you completely turned into a seal" said ash
"I have a video" said Clara taking out her tablet to show her "seal seal"
Misty blushed "delete it Clara delete" yelled misty
"Ok I will but later" said Clara with a smirk
They saw something falling from the sky"what's that?"asked brock
"Whatever it is it's coming our way" said misty
"Oh no not them" said ash
"Yeah it them" said Clara
"Prepare for trouble"
"Make it double"
"To protect the world from devastation"
"To unite our people with in our nation"
"To denounce the evil from truth and love"
"To extend out reach to the stars above"
"Team rocket blast off at the speed of light"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight"
"Meowth that's right"
"Now to snoop down and swipe those hypnosis pokemon" said meowth
As they air glides from above them
"Team rocket is here take drowzee and hypno's" said Jessy
"Your dreaming" said ash
"Did ash made a joke" asked Clara
"Maybe he did" said brock
"Well we have to see who's dreaming after this" said Jessy as she took a mirror and put it in front of hypno
"If you have any pride in being a hypnosis pokemon you will do it" said Jessy
"Just don't hypnotize me" said James
As hypno was hypnotizing it's self
"You got to do something ash" said misty
"There is no time" said ash taking a flower pot and throwing at the mirror and breaking it
"And we thought so hard to come up with that strategie"said Jessy using a whip catch drowzee
And James caught hypno" we got em and let's fly out of here"said meowth
"I don't get it why didn't we used this in the first place" asked James
"Because we didn't have that much time" said Jessy
Clara took out Eva"Eva use psychic "said Clara as Eva's eyes turned blue and the whip around drowzee and hypno was unwrapped
When ash took out Pidgeotto " Pidgeotto go"
"Ok pidgeotto powerful gust" said ash
As pidgeotto flipped his wings to create a powerful wind
"Give em your dest blast" said ash as pidgeotto wind grow more powerful blowing team rocket away
"Come on guys let's go" said brock
They took drowzee to the park where all the other kids were drowzee was using his sleep waves
"They're all dreaming" said brock
"Pikachu too" said ash
When drowzee clapped all the kids woke up they all got up and want home
Pikachu also got up "Pikachu~~~"
"Pikachu sounds like your back to your old self" said ash
"Arnold!" Said the mother
"It's that mother we met" said misty as they saw the mother and son hug
"Ash we gotta help those pokemon in center too" said brock
"Right "
When they drought drowzee to the center they woke up all the pokemon
"The pokemon are all back to normal " said nurse joy
"Sometimes I wonder what the pokemon dream about" said misty
"I've loved to know that too" said ash
"They must have been dreaming about getting stronger and evolving" said brock
"Or for a understanding trainer" said Clara
"Well that's one more case solved by ash Ketchum Master detective" said ash
"Ash you never solved any case" said Clara as misty and brock joined in
"Yeah you didn't solved anything" said misty
"Are you joking" said brock
"Hahahaahhh-" as ash was dismissed
But nurse joy still looked worried "what's the matter a beautiful woman can't have two must to be sad about" said brock
"All of the pokemon's are better but this one is still holding its head" said nurse joy looking at psybuck
"Leave it to me care for pokemon is the sole purpose of my life "said brock
" then maybe you can help it"said nurse joy
So they had psybuck following them"well you were the one who said leave it to me brock "said ash
" take responsibility brock"said Clara
"But psybuck is water pokemon you better take it misty" said brock
"Why would I want such a boring pokemon Clara should take it since she thinks it's cute" said misty
"Alright " said Clara shocking ash and brock
As ash took out his pokedax "psybuck constantly suffers from a headache"
"You mean this thing always has a headache" yelled misty as she bumped into a rock and fall down "oh no my pokeball" said misty as the pokeball want to psybuck it picked it the pokeball became big and captured psybuck "I thought I was going to catch?" Clara asked ash as he shrugged
But they still congratulate's her"good work misty you got psybuck "said ash
" oh no now I got the headache "said misty
" congratulations misty"said Clara
"Don't congratulate me" yelled misty as their journey continues
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