chapter 33
After smoke had his fill they headed for the saffron gym ash and Clara looked around to see Brock and misty were cheering for ash from far away
"Go get em ash"
"Ya tell us how it want"
Ash was stunned "hey stop guffing around aren't you guys coming in with me" asked ash
"Last time she wanted to play with us making us her bullingpins" said misty
"And she almost pulled a strike" said brock
"Now that I got smoke that wouldn't happen again" said ash
"Don't worry so much brock smoke is already high in his training he isn't going to lose" said Clara as smoke rubbed against her cheek and nodded
"If you say so" said brock
"Yep just believe in us that badge is as good as ours" said ash
They want in to the gym "Sabrina I come back here demanding for a rematch" said ash
"Another battle even after my kadabra beat up your Pikachu during the last match you don't have a chance" said the doll
"This time it's you won't have it so easy" said ash
"If you lose you have to play with me again" said the doll as Sabrina floated to the stadium
"Go kadabra" said Sabrina as kadabra poke ball launched
"And I choose my pokemon smoke" said ash
"So you captured a ghost pokemon didn't you" said Sabrina as smoke appeared in the arena "haaaa~~~"
"Hmmm such a strange name smoke" said Sabrina making smoke and clara angry
"Haaaaaa~~~~" yelled smoke
"The battle begins now" said Sabrina
"Kadabra teleport" said Sabrina as kadabra teleported behind smoke
"Kadabra psybeam" said Sabrina
As kadabra eyes glowed with different colors at smoke
"Smoke Dodge it" said ash
As smoke disappeared as the attack came
"Smoke use shadow claw" said ask
As smoke was now in front kadabra his claws became purple and scratched kadabra knocking it away but kadabra was able to stable his footing
"Kadabra use psychic" said Sabrina
As kadabra's eyes glowed blue and smoke begins to turn blue shocking smoke and ash"smoke get out of there"yelled ash
But smoke couldn't and was tossed around hitting walls
When smoke finally hit the ground he had difficulty getting up clara was worried
"Smoke shadow wipe" said ask
Smoke yelled and lot of shadow came out of his back and tuned into wipes the wipe launched at kadabra
"Kadabra confusion" said Sabrina
Kadabra's eyes turned red smoke became confused his wipes attacked randomly almost hitting ash "hey smoke snap out of it" said ash
"Kadabra teleport"
Kadabra came into of smoke punched smoke to the ground
"Smoke!!!" Yelled clara almost wanting to run towards him but brock stopped her
"Let ash and smoke handle this" said misty
As clara could only watch as smoke was in pain
Smoke felt eyes on him and looked towards it and saw clara very worried
He became in raged this battle is taking to long and making his family worried he couldn't tolerate it
Smoke screamed and started to glow white shocking everyone as smoke was evolving into gengar
"Gengarrr~~~~" yelled smoke
"Wow smoke evolved" said ash taking out his pokedax,
"Gengar the shadow pokemon the evolve form of haunter the details about this pokemon is unknown"
"Gengarrr~~~~" smoke was challenging kadabra head on launching towards kadabra smoke shadow punched kadabra knocking it away but smoke wasn't done he used hyper beam at kadabra the attack created a lot of dust the others couldn't see anything
When clara felt someone besides her she looked and it was that jogging guy from before
"It seems like you lend your pokemon to ash I see" said the guy
"Yes I did "
"You really care for you pokemon because it evolved seeing you in distress"
"I honestly don't care if any of my pokemon evolves or not my main concern is their well-being" said clara
"Hmm no wonder because of your care for him he was able evolve"
"Hey your the guy from earlier" said misty
"What are you doing here" asked Brock
"To see the battle of course" they all looked at the battle seeing gengar being brutal with kadabra
"I don't want him to fight like this" said clara
When kadabra was trying to get up from the beating it got from smoke and smoke didn't give it the chance he used shadow trap
Shadow from all over the room flew towards kadabra and formed a shadow dome
"Kadabra teleport" said Sabrina but nothing happened shocking Sabrina
"Kadabra won't be able to use teleport because that dome will sucks out all energy from kadabra" said clara shocking everyone
"Smoke that's enough" said ash as smoke looked at him and at clara seeing her worried face he broke the dome showing a knocked out kadabra
"Kadabra is unable to battle the smoke wins"
"Alright" yelled ash as he ran to hug smoke who didn't move away
"Thank you smoke" said ash
Smoke disappeared shocking ash he looked around and saw smoke in clara's arm's being clingy as clara was also not letting go "well done my baby you were great" said clara kissing smoke on his forehead
Sabrina saw clara smiling and hugging smoke
Clara and smoke noticed clara whispered something in smoke's ear and smoke grin and disappeared
"Hey where did smoke go" asked misty
"Over there" said clara pointing at Sabrina they all looked and saw smoke appeared upside down before Sabrina making funny faces,
"Huh what is he doing is it asking for another battle" asked the doll
"No he's just playing with you smoke is a great prankster" said clara
As they all saw smoke take out a boom for no where shocking ash and the guy when the boom exploded smoke and Sabrina were dirty smoke was laughing hard seeing Sabrina hair was a mess
Everyone thought she would be angry but Sabrina started to laugh with smoke making clara laugh too
"Huh is that Sabrina laughing" said ash shocked
"Ever since she started her telekinesis training as a little girl I never seen her laugh like this" said the guy in tears "i never seen her this happy in my entire life" he added
Clara put the two together and knew who he was to Sabrina and smile
"But if you knew Sabrina since she was little girl does that mean" asked ash
"So you figured it out"
"You must have her baby picture too" said ash as the guy fall down
"No ash he is her father" Clara explains
"Ohhhh I get it" said ash
"How dense can a person be " yelled the guy but composed himself "but i'm glad you came back to your friends gengar sure is something it helped her rediscover the human part of her heart"
"Of course I raised smoke since he was a gastly, he was abandoned in old house" said Clara with a smile
"I see it's very lucky to have you" said the guy
The doll saw Sabrina laughing and smiled and disappeared
Now that ash has the Marsh badge they all waved good bye to the Sabrina and her dad
After they were out of the gym smoke was so happy he didn't return to his poke ball instead he was comfy in clara's arm's
"I finally got a marsh badge and it's all thanks to you smoke" said ash looking at smoke who was being pampered by Clara
"Ash don't forget about the agreement you had with smoke" said Clara reminding him
"Yes yes I didn't forget " said ash
"With this badge it takes you one step closer to the pokemon league" said brock
"Yeah but do you guys think I deserve to get this marsh badge" asked ash
"Of course you do ash you earned it" said Clara
As they pass by a hole ash and Clara stopped after walking for a while "huh what's wrong you two?" Asked brock
"I thought I heard team rocket voice just now" said Clara
"Yeah me too" said ash
"No way" said brock
"We got more important stuff to think of like where we Are going" said misty
"Ok so where is the next closest gym?" Asked ash
"In celadon city" said misty
"Ok look out celadon city because ash ketchum is coming" said ash running ahead as Clara ran after him with brock and misty
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