chapter 18
They were again heading for Vermilion city ash singing as he walked forward with misty, brock and Clara behind him
Suddenly ash stepped on a hole it was pitfall they all fall down
"No not another hole" said misty
"Ahh this is the second time" yelled Clara
"Ouch I landed on my head" said brock
As ash rubbed his back "it must be prank" said brock
"Someone has a bad sense of humor" said misty
As Clara was shaking her head to get the dirt of her hair
"Who would play such a rotten trick" said ash
"Team rocket of course" said Clara
"Besides them!" Said ash
As they heard squirtle sound they looked up to see squirtles as they laughed
"Who are you" said brock
"They're squirtles of course" said Clara
"What's so funny we could have been seriously hurt" said misty
As they got up from the hole "dangerous jokes are nothing to laugh about" said ash as he takes his pokedax out
"Squirtle this small pokemon draws it's long Neck into it's shell to launch incredible water attacks with amazing rage and accuracy and the glass..... Can be quite powerful"said pokedax
Ash smile " with my very own squirtle Gary will never beat me! go Pikachu! "said ash
" never say never "said Clara shaking her head
As Pikachu ran toward the squirtle and launched a thunder attack at squirtle as another squirtle pushed the middle one away to take the attack it was knocked out as squirtle and Pikachu had a staring contest
Suddenly the squirtle retreated confusing the others
"Hm that was sure weird" said ash
As a police bike came with officer jenny
"Are you guys alright has anyone been hurt here?" Asked officer Jenny
"Officer Jenny!" Said ash
"Huh? Have we meet before?your face doesn't look familiar " Asked officer Jenny
"We meet in viridian city remember" said ash
"Oh you must have meet my cousin"said officer Jenny
" huh? Cousin?"
"My cousin's are all police officers all of us look identical that's why we're all named Jenny" said officer Jenny showing them the picture of all the officer Jenny's
"Doesn't that confuses things" asked clara
"It does doesn't it" said officer Jenny
"Talk about family resembles" said ash
"At least we remember all their names" said misty
As they want to officer Jenny office "the Pokemon calls themselves the squirtle squad"
"Squirtle squad?" Asked ash
"I never heard of a pokemon gang" said misty
"They're all squirtle who were abandoned by their trainers" said officer Jenny
As Clara was very angry why abandoned pokemon like that,
"Abandoned" said ash a bit sad
"They don't have a trainer so they run wild and play tricks on the hole town" said officer Jenny
"It's really kinda sad if they really had someone to care about them they wouldn't have turned out to be as bad as they are it a real shame" said officer Jenny after that they waved bye to officer Jenny
They took a break by a lakeside misty was fishing , Clara reading a book with sunny on top of her head as ash and brock relax
Suddenly Misty's hook caught something "huh? I caught something" said misty
As ash got to see only for them to be splashed with water Clara quickly blocked sunny from getting wet it was the squirtle again
"I'm socked" said misty
"Me too" said ash
As Pikachu launched a thunder attack Clara quickly want out of the way from getting hit the others weren't so lucky
As ash had enough "I had enough of your pranks squirtle Pikachu get out of the water now" said ash
Pikachu ran toward squirtle only for it hid In its shell and attack Pikachu with the shell making Pikachu fall into the river a golden showed up
"It's a golden watch out for its horn" said misty
"Swim to shore Pikachu" said ash as Pikachu swimmed as fast as he could
As the golden rushed toward Pikachu
"Faster, faster"
As the golden attacked Pikachu in the stomach sending Pikachu to shore
Pikachu fall down ash was about to help Pikachu when ropes came out of nowhere and caught them "they got us" said ash
As clara was struggling hard to get out of the ropes as sunny fall down
They heard a laugh "haha your not gonna squirtle out of this one" said meowth
"It's meowth"said misty
As Clara struggled even harder sunny was trying to bit the ropes to help Clara out
Clara got almost got out but sunny was taken in a cage" sunny!!"said Clara
"Vulpix vul~~~~" yelled sunny for Clara as the squirtle put her in a cage
They were taken in a cave being held hostage
"I'm the pokemon in charge, just wait until my human pets come back" said meowth as he was teasing ash with his tail and ash bit his tail Making meowth scream in pain
"Don't believe him squirtle, meowth's a big lier those humans aren't meowth's pets team rocket is trying to trick you into doing their dirty work" said ash
"Quite human" yelled meowth as he scratched ashs face
"Who are you gonna believ-" he didn't get to say what he want as Clara was giving meowth the death glare making meowth nervous with the squirtles
"One I get out of these ropes I'll make sure to pull out all your Wesker from your face" said Clara in a dark voice
Scaring not only meowth but misty and brock too, brock looked at Pikachu who was in bad shape
"Ash Pikachu's in bad shape" said brock
"We have to do something" said misty
"We got to give Pikachu a super potion before its to late" said brock
"But we don't have any super potion, what do we do?" Asked ash
"Don't worry I already have some ready in case something like this ever happens" said Clara as the three breath a sigh of relief
"Buttt I left my bag at the river" said Clara as their hopes were domed
"Squirtle please you have to let me out if I don't get Pikachu medicine he will be in a lot of trouble" said ash
As squirtle shaked its head no "he said he knows you humans lie" said meowth
"Please I promise I'll come back after getting the medicine" said ash
As squirtle still refused "he said your promises are cheap"
"Please I'm bagging you" said ash as tears started to fall down his face
Squirtle then agreed and let ash go to get the medicine "ash I hid my bag behind some bushes by the river" said Clara as ash nodded and ran off
"Good luck" said misty
Clara stepped on meowth's tail making him scream again meowth wanted to scratch her face only to be headbutted by Clara they, waited until night and Pikachu wasn't looking to great
"Hey squirtle let me go or I will get out of this myself Pikachu isn't looking to good I need get some herbs for him" said Clara getting squirtles attention
"Squirtle, squirtle~~~"
"It said he won't"
"If you want you one of the squirtle could follow to keep an eye on me"said Clara
As the squirtle thought for a bit and agreed as squirtle let her go and Clara took one of the squirtle with her
She want to the forest and looked all over for the right herb the squirtle got tired following her so she carried him on her arm with the herbs
Squirtle looked at her "squirtle~~~?"
"I won't leave you behind and escape that's not who I am, my sunny is also waiting for me who is very young and weak right now she needs love to grow up stronger," said Clara with a smile
As the squirtle looked at her surprised "I despise people who abandoned their pokemon that's very disgusting I love my pokemon even if they're weak or strong, if they protect me I'll protect them" said Clara as the squirtle looked at her as Clara had a warm smile on her face
They made it back to the cave "Clara your back" said misty relieved
"Hmm I'll work on the medicine now"as Sunny's stomach growled
" sunny your hungry oh no how could I forget to feed you, someone hit me for my mistake "said Clara as they all had a sweat drop
" you can feed sunny a bit later right now Pikachu needs help "said brock
As sunny nodded and Clara got to work to make the medicine once it was ready " I'll get Pikachu from the cage"said Clara as meowth was going to object the squirtle that want with Clara stopped meowth
"Huh? Hey what are you doing" said meowth as Clara took Pikachu out from the cage and get him the medicine with water "there Pikachu will be alright for now but ash better hurry" said Clara
As she took sunny out as well to feed her the snacks for emergency,
Squirtle also came forward Clara also feed him he ate with happiness as the other squirtle watched Clara called the other squirtle to eat too
They hesitated but seeing one of their friend eating they also joined as Clara knew they were prankster but not cold hearted after eating they let misty and brock go they decided to wait for ash outside
Ask came from the cave not long after "hey I told you I've be back, what did you do to my friends" said ash
"Ash where right here" said misty
"Hahaha nice timing ash" said Clara
"Oh what?"
"Ash the super potion" said Clara as ash hurriedly give it to brock who sprayed it on Pikachu
"Misty your hair isn't purple" said ash
"Yep still a red head" said misty
"You mean orange the squirtle called their bluff they may not be geniuses but they're not stupid" said Clara
Suddenly team rocket balloon came "prepare for trouble, make i-" as always Clara asked sunny for a flamethrower at the team rocket "ahhh why you know what meowth just come up with Pikachu" yelled Jassy
As meowth took Pikachu from brock and got on the balloon as James and Jassy throws bombs at them "squirtle squad will pay for humiliating us"said Jassy
" take this "said James throwing more bombs at them
" quick take cover head for the cave"said ash as they ran toward the cave
But ash saw the leader squirtle couldn't get up as a bomb was being dripped down as ash shield squirtle from the blast "ashhhh!!" Yelled Clara
As more were being thrown "squirtle save yourself ran for it " said ash as squirtle was in tears and suddenly squirtle lifted ash and ran toward the cave
Clara caught both ash and squirtle in both of her arms
"No more squirtle squad the town will give us a medal for this and we will be heros"said Jassy
" not so fast"said ash with squirtle
As Clara was not far behind with smoke , sunny and another squirtle
"What the?"
"Didn't they!"
"How did they?"
"Squirtle water gun attack now" said ash
"Sunny ember"
"Smoke shadow ball"
"Spring water gun also " said Clara
As all the power combine blasted team rocket away they dropped Pikachu as ash ran down to catch Pikachu and he did
" looks like Team rocket is blasting off again" said team rocket
They left a forest fire "a fire the blast must have set it off" said brock
As officer Jenny arrived "if it keeps burning the whole town will go up in smoke" said Jenny
"Don't worry officer Jenny I've got an idea" said ash "listen if you squirtle use your water power together and combine it together you can take out the fire" he added
The squirtles nodded and did what they were told they took out the fire
Because of their skill and bravery they were given a certificate from town fire fighters
As ash,Clara,misty and brock are headed for Vermillion city again
"Hmm hey ash there are two squirtle following us" said misty
As they turned to see squirtle and spring "would you like to come along with us you two" asked ash as both squirtle took off their glasses spring ran toward Clara and jumped in her arms as sunny made room for it "welcome to the group spring" said Clara
As ash squirtle also hugged him "Clara it looks like we caught a new pokemon" said ash
As Clara smiled at him "caught? what do you mean caught" yelled misty
"Oh what's the difference his on our side now" said ash as Clara took out her pokeball and spring want in and they are of to their journey,
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