chapter 14

At this moment ash and misty were arguing again because they were busy yelling at each other they didn't see where they were going and got lost as brock and Clara had a headache

Clara's new pokemon sunny was in her arms because she didn't want to be in the pokeball

"If you two didn't keep arguing and looked where you were going we would have been in Vermilion city by now" said brock

"He's right we're already late" said Clara as sunny was taking a nap, and everywhere was mist

"Alright how about we take a break and drink tea" said brock going through his bag as Clara found a place to rest and ignore the others and started to read a book

Sometime later ash came and asked her if she wanted to go look for fire woods with him, Clara didn't refused and want with him

As they walked "where is firewood, do you guys see any firewood?" Asked ash

"Ash just by saying where is firewood doesn't mean it will appare without looking for it" said Clara

"I know, I know" said ask as they walked for a while suddenly they heard voices before Clara could understand what is happening ash ran to help whoever is in trouble, and Clara ran after him, seeing a boy being bullied by others

When ash ran over Clara was calmly walking as misty come from nowhere "you tell them ash!" Said misty


"You better stop Bullying that kid or you'll have to answer to us right ash and Clara" said misty as Clara nodded

"Misty you stay out of this leave it too me" said ash

"Your right ash there's no reason for both of us to get into a fight it's very Brave of you to take on all five by yourself" said misty

As the five kids mockingly look at ash
"I'll be here on the side line cheering you on waiting to drag your dead body away" said misty as Clara was ready to beat up anyone who would think about doing anything to ash

"We don't fight" said the first bully
"Fighting is for caveman this isn't the stone age you know" said the second bully

"And if we waste our time fighting little bug like you, it would make pokemon tech look very bad"said the third bully

" we'll you back at the tech Joe"said the first bully
"Ok " said the boy named Joe
"Hey maybe your afraid to fight someone like me" said ash

"If we were afraid about something it would be about how bad we would beat a punk like you" before he could walk away he felt chills down his spine and looked for where it came from and saw a white haired girl with small Vulpix in her arms glaring at him with hate, it promised pain,

He got freaked out and left with the others

"Who does those kids think they are?" Said ash

"So those are the infamous tech students" said brock whisking something in a bowl,

"Tech students?" Asked ash

"Pokemon tech I think it's short for Pokemon technical school for Pokemon trainer I know I have flyer somewhere" said misty checking her pocket and found it as brock took it "hmm let's see what it said here about this place 'Pokemon technical Institute a boarding school for serous Pokemon trainer preparation all students guarantee to enter Pokemon league up on graduating, Pokemon technical is the educational training fo-" at this point Clara didn't want to know anymore, because it said no badge collecting journey , this place is just for rich kids whose parents work hard to get their kids in this school

Clara just petted her sunny as brock finally finished

As ash was angry because it was just a business for the school "where is this place anyway" said ash

"It's right there" said Joe pointing at the front as the mist cleared it showed a school

Clara wasn't interested in this and just payed attention to her sunny who just wake up as sunny was happy to see her trainer, as Clara was feeding sunny snacks, she heard ash saying, that the girl in the picture wasn't good looking as Clara , she smiled but misty yelled at them because she will find that little miss rich and straighten her out and left toward the school shocking the others and scaring sunny who again hid in her arms showing just her butt

As they enter the school they go to the elevator and enter a room full of computer "even if you beat her in a fight it doesn't matter to her at the tech it's you skill as Pokemon trainer that counts in winning in one battle"said Joe

" that's what i'm hoping because I've got two badges"said ash showing his badges

Joe shrugged "but jeziel is the top beginner at the tech that's better than having three badges even though i'm at the bottom at my class I'm still more powerful than some of the two badges" said joe

"Hold on a second here I learned how to be Pokemon trainer at the Cerulean city gym can you beat me" said misty

"Ohhh Cerulean city water Pokemon"said Joe typing in the computer

" how did you know?"said misty

"I always beat them in the simulator see" said joe showing how he defeated a water pokemon in the simulator

"What is this! a simulator is one thing but it's real life let's battle" said misty

"Ok but you'll be sorry" said joe

"What do you two have to battle for?" Asked ash

"Butt out ash I have the Cerulean city gym reputation to defend and i'm gonna defend it " said misty as she called out starmie

"To bad your water pokemon won't be able to beat my plant" as he called out him pokemon weepinbell

"Alright starmie go" said misty as starmie launched a water gun defeating weepinbell

"But water type is weak against leaf type pokemon" said Joe seeing he lost in one attack

Suddenly there was another voice "true but they're one thing you didn't know your opponent is from the Cerulean city gym you should have known that your an embarrassment to whole school" said a girl with purples hair

As brock was blushing from seeing her ash on the other hand was comparing her with Clara seeing, that clara was more pretty

"I'm the top student in the beginning class of technical school it's sad that others aren't blessed with my beauty , my talent, my humble attitude people call me a star but i'm just jeziel"said jeziel doing a pose

" I want to continue to help my classmates be the very best they can be to teach each other respect each other to insure the pokemon of tomorrow but your a weakling you better get stronger fast or before you know it your fellow classmates with turn their backs on you for good "said jeziel

" hold on a second  a true friend won't walk away from those who need's there help you may look beautiful but you remind me of a saying how beautifuls only skin deep " said misty

"Jealousy isn't very pretty either is it"said jeziel

" I better do something "said ash
" you shouldn't bother ash"said Clara
"Yea a wise pokemon trainer stay away from cat fight" said brock

"Against you water pokemon I'll use graveler goo"said jeziel

" graveler but rock pokemon are weak against water pokemon"said brock

"My pokemon are in a such advance level they can beat water pokemon" said jeziel

As graveler jumped up at starmie as starmie dodged it but graveler rolled up when starmie used watergun but graveler rolled though the water and hit starmie breaking its crystal, shocking Clara Making her angry

As they want outside to the pool there starmie fall and got him back

As jezial was mocking misty Clara couldn't take it anymore "is it ok if I battle you with a water pokemon?" Asked Clara making everyone now notice her jeziel was shocked by Clara White hair and she is very beautiful even then her

But she put on a smirk "alright but results will be the same"

Clara nodded as she looked at misty and starmie before petting her on the shoulder giving sunny to Brock, sunny didn't want to go but seeing Clara's gentle eyes sunny sit comfortably on Brock's arm

As Clara took out her pokeball "jewel I need your help" said Clara as jewel reveled his form in all his glory shocking  jeziel and the others "what kind of pokemon is that?" Said Joe

"I never seen a pokemon like that before" said a red head

Jezial was shocked but took out graveler, jewel wasn't impressed by this place as graveler launched at jewel, he dodged it with no problem, "jewel iron tail"said Clara as Jewel's tail turned iron and smacked graveler knocking it out the battle was over, jeziel was shocked by being defeated by just one attack

"I now hope you know that pokemon training is better than calculating levels" said Clara as jewel returned back to his pokeball

"Great job Clara" said ash

"Huh who are you?" Asked jeziel

"I'm ash from pallet town and I already got two badges" said ash

"Ohh in other word your a beginner and how long have you been trying to become a pokemon trainer" said jeziel

"About two months I guess" said ash

As jeziel grasped "two whole months and you let your Pikachu walk free you haven't been able to tame it yet Maybe your pokemon are training you" said jeziel

"I don't want to train Pikachu, he's my friend, so are butterfree and Pidgeotto"said ash

" is that all you have that funny even new pokemon trainer has six pokemon and you got two badges with only three  he sure was lucky wasn't he"said jeziel

"Every one of my pokemon's has the power of two" said ash

"I wonder with two months of pokemon experience your Pikachu should be at least level 25 but it's probably not there yet is it" said jeziel making Pikachu angry "I suppose you didn't know much about pokemon because you choose Pikachu as your first one, Pikachu are hard to handle it's says so in any beginning manual" she added making ash angry, Clara was thinking how much did she had to pay to punch this girl in the face

"You really didn't know and you still got two badges how funny Pikachu evolve into electric pokemon called raichu it gets to be 2feet 7inch toll Pikachu can shock you other wise it's pretty cute don't you think so if you don't let them evolve they make great pet especially for girl but i'm sure you knew that didn't you really you didn't you have two badges"said jeziel laughing

As Clara was at her limit and ash asked for a battle with Pikachu " well this should be enough for you goo cubone"

As they battle cubone was attack with electricity but nothing happened to it and cubone used mean look, at Pikachu but ash told Pikachu us a face of his own

Cubone hit Pikachu with the bone pushing Pikachu away as jeziel mocked ash,

Ash told Pikachu to get and give it every thing he got , he turned cubone's bonehead around and bit cubone in its tail and scratched cubone's back making it cry "yay we did it" said ash

"It's ok cubone you did your best, now don't cry" said jeziel as she put cubone back inside it's pokeball "you'll be ok now none of the text book said anything about Pikachu wining with anything other than electricity"

"That was once in a life time battle" said Joe "but I still want to know about that water Pokemon" he added

"You mean jewel, he's a Mirotic from hoenn region" said Clara as she petted Pikachu for his victory

Suddenly Smock came out of nowhere "oh no it's not" said ash

"Allow us to introduce ourselves to protect the world from devastation to reunite our people with in our nation
To Denouce the evil of truth and love
To reach our hands to the stars above Jassy, James Team rocket blast of in the speed of light, Sourrnder now or prepare to fight, meowth that's right" as they finished a flamethrower hit them in the face shocking them as Clara's Vulpix was the one who attacked "good job baby" said Clara

"Hey that hurt don't you know" said Jassy

"Well at least she didn't interpret us" said james

"I heard about team rocket you team got the worst score in the entrance exam how about a battle you team vs our team" said jeziel

As team rocket freaked out "the two of us against all of them" said Jassy

"But the rules says one on one" said James

"Bad guys don't play by the rules"
As they all throws pokeball at team rocket making them retreat

After that jeziel and Joe made up

"See why can't you and I be like that misty"said ash

" I'll tell you exactly why because he doesn't owe her a bike "said misty as Clara shook her head at their argument

" so we'll battle again someday "said jeziel

" I sure hope so"said misty
"Me too" said ash

"And I want to battle you again the most" said jeziel pointing at Clara who looked up from petting sunny "huh? You mean me?" Said Clara

"Yes you! your a very strong trainer who cares for her pokemon so when we met again I'll like to battle you again" said jeziel as Clara just nodded as they again headed to Vermilion city

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